The Divine Records of Exalted Deeds and Vile Darkness

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Do u guys write your own storys here? I was thinking maby some of us could get together and write a story together, like we each make our own characters then start writing chapters about that character, and sooner or later they can meet, do some stuff together , go on an adventure and when its all over we have ourselves a story. anybody whos in tell me!

Deuce Traveler

DM for my v3.5 homebrew campaign, Last Stand of the Dorinthians
OOC//Chapter 1- Homeless (Closed)//Chapter 2- Illusions (Closed)//Chapter 3 - The Imperials (Open)//Rogue's Gallery

Basically, the heroes are from the nation of Dorinth, which has been invaded by the Tallione Empire (based off of Rome) and destroyed. Therefore, there is no longer a kingdom to save. Instead, they must help protect the few thousand survivors from threats surrounding their new home and eventually help establish a new kingdom. Of course, others won't be happy about having the start of a new Dorinthian kingdom on their borders. As the Tallione Empire, elven kingdom, gnomish chiefs, dwarven peopele, and orc tribes all consider what to do about the refugees the heroes will have to navigate through both politics and adventure in order to guide their people to a new age. They will eventually take their quest to the heart of the Tallione Empire and even lead the remnants of the Dorinthian army into one Last Stand against those that seek to destroy the Dorinthians once and for all... and may even plan the same against the whole human race.

Deuce Traveler

wiplash said:
Do u guys write your own storys here? I was thinking maby some of us could get together and write a story together, like we each make our own characters then start writing chapters about that character, and sooner or later they can meet, do some stuff together , go on an adventure and when its all over we have ourselves a story. anybody whos in tell me!

Unfortunately, running the adventure seems to take a lot of my free time for writing. :(


First Post
The Invasion of Mori is a 14th-level 3.5 PbP campaign. Characters must all be things that could conceivably come out of the abyss, even if not born there (whether actual fiends, tieflings, half-fiends, yugoloth mercenaries, undead, or something else.) Characters nominally serve a demon lord who forbids his followers to use his actual name (Derwydden) and has not attained princehood. With the opening of a permanent portal to a prime world, Derwydden hopes to seize the chance to subjugate an entire prime world and attain power over mortals that surpasses even that of some princes.

Each character is, for whatever reason, committed to the success of the fiendish invasion of some prime world called Mori, where the denizens have been foolish enough to open a permanent portal to your layer of the Abyss. Though the characters may have some small authority and respect from run-of-the mill lesser fiends, they will still be subject to the arbitrary whims of capricous balors and meddling mariliths who think they know how to run the Blood War. With your abyssal heritage comes great power, but also great danger - unlike a standard adventure, safety is not guaranteed in most towns, and enemies far beyond your ken may come to stamp you out, requiring you to flee.

Links: OOC IC RG


Games I'm Co-DMing with [MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION]:

1. 3.5E: "Constables of the 14th Ward":

This game was my introduction to ENWorld! Scotley and I created the world together, centered upon the city of Lauralie Summerhome, and Scotley decided that we had to run a game in it here. He got the game started, and then I followed.

Games I'm running solo:


2. Started 3.5 D&D, currently Pathfinder: "Whirtlestaff's Wizard's Academy"

The PCs all studied wizardry at Whirtlestaff's Wizards' Academy. Yes, all PCs are wizards, though some of them began play with levels in another class as well (Druid, Rogue, Bard) and one has now added another class since play began (Sorcerer). The game has been going on for a number of years now, and they are finally almost within sight of the end of the first module - "The Vault of Larin Karr."

3. AD&D [1E] Retro Game # 1: "Hold of the Sea Princes"

Your basic dungeon-crawl-fest in indirect homage to E.G.G., using his World of Greyhawk AND another favorite - City State of the Invincible Overlord, which I have located on an island in the Hold of the Sea Princes.

4. AD&D [1E] Retro Game # 2: "Pomarj"

My second E.G.G. homage -- another dungeon-crawl extravaganza, this time set in that jewel of the Flanaess, The Pomarj.


5. AD&D [1E], Level 4, Retro Game #3: "Duchy of Urnst"


6. Pathfinder L10, Greyhawk, Veluna

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