• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Whispers in the Night

Satin Knights

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Programmed illusions and silent teleports are a lovely thing. It lets her leave behind this mortal so she can prepare her work ahead. Fabricating a copy of Winterbite is not a problem, for she helped forge the original. Rollifilo has done some research. Apparently some primitive cultures lick toads to "enjoy" the mind altering toxins their bodies create that would kill lesser beasts. "This can be useful."

Calling up a servant, a hound archon arrives ready for battle. "Fetch me some euphoria mushrooms." Pausing, perplexed, the hound takes the trivial assignment, puts its sword away and obeys.

Having meticulously planned for days, she feels the time is ready for the rescue attempt. A few silent invisibility spells and she should be able to swap the fake for the real Winterbite while the people ride their horses. She brings along her own copy of herself as well. They are sheathed out of direct focus of the woman. No one notices as one blade goes invisible in its sheath, only to return a minute later, then the other.

The greater task, rescuing the slumbering soul from its planar prison also goes off without a noticeable hitch. Destroying the prison punted the two of them across the planes but once their travels stopped, the hostile environment was not an issue. With a bit more planar travel, she return home.

And now the trap. The blade still slumbers. With all the binder's power, this is the spell she cannot cast. She has to risk the secret of secrets, a thousand years of preparation are on the line. But she only trusts him to cast this spell. If she were to do it, a reflection could doom her to the same slumbering fate. Well, if he is going to visit, might as well let him enjoy the visit to the fullest.

Knowing the road and their destination, it does not take her long to find the party again. Tis night and they are setting up camp. Time to put these mushrooms to use.

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Satin Knights

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Having slipped the mushrooms in with the others that were gathered by the huntsman, she slips away and starts her preparations while they take affect.

Even though she is working in the dark, a great distance from the disciple and her friends, she is meticulous in her preparations. Switching forms, she grows to her full might and power. With an ancient breath, she builds a clouded wall between her and the others. Then, checking one last time that nothing living or dead is looking upon her, she invokes the power of her staff. The greatest staff she has ever built. Calling forth into the heavens a gateway forms. Calling forth a name no mortal has heard in centuries, an old friend arrives. Smiling, "It has been a long time." "Well, time is relative."

After informing the visitor of her plans, they argue over the details. Apparently secrecy and honor have conflicting agendas in this endeavor. After the argument starts circling, she puts her foot down. "I will modify the plans slightly, but if it means losing the blade for another century, I will not have anyone, not even you interfere with my mission. Is that understood?"

"Yes mother."

Since the plans have changed, she uses the staff to call forth a second visitor. This one is a little more dainty.

Satin Knights

First Post
After breaking Winterbite free from his prison, she returns her friends to their homes, and then rests.
A long and needed rest, for the magics she unleashes took their toll.
A new ally is on the field of battle, and the unseen war rages on.


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It seemed like forever ago when he last walked these steps, but the path was still familar to him. Anaerion continues walking, looking for the place where he first found Malkovian. Malkovian, somehow observing the changes in the path as Anaerion gets closer, speaks up with an eager voice:

"Are we off to see Mother? It's been forever since I saw her!"

"I feel like you worked hard trying to defeat that monster, and I know your...Mother...would be pleased to hear about it."

"This will be fun!"

Fun...is a way to put it. Anaerion thinks to himself as they get closer to the door with the double knockers. Reaching into his backpack, Anaerion takes out the multicolored rose that he first recieved from the binder, and pins it back on his chest. Those who saw the flower immidiatly shy away, but Anaerion was still focused on finding the place that he really did not pay attention to it.

Once again finding the knockers, he approches the door. Ready for the knockers to ask the question, Anaerion opens his mouth. However, Malkovian was quicker to form his words.

"Good day! I am here to see Mother with Anaerion! Let me in, I have wonderful stories to tell her!"

Satin Knights

First Post
The knockers acknowledge you, "Impetuous little one, isn't he? Well, give him a hundred years and he will settle down." "Or one scolding from Mother." in a frightful undertone. "At least the boy is respectful. Just a moment, we will check to see if she will receive you."

A moment passes, and another, and another. They roll their eyes a bit, still waiting for an answer you don't think you can here. "Don't even say it. If she hears you, you'll be spending the next hundred years as the inside handle a the troll's outhouse." After about five minutes, "She is ready to see the two of you now."

The doors open. The room looks pretty much the same as last time. An empty suit of armor stands guard at the door. The silent little demonesque creature flutters about on small wings and waives you in. The lady is sitting in the chair she used last time, reading a book. The chair you used before is sitting across from her.

After you pass through the doorway, you hear a chuckle from behind you. "A second time without bringing a gift? Lets see how many fingers he leaves with this time."


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How can I present a gift to someone who seems to read my mind? Woudn't that invalidate the purpose of it being a gift? Anaerion shakes his head, but thankfully did have a gift ready. At least, he thought it appropiate...

When the creature waves him in, Anaerion looks around in curiosity, but upon seeing the binder sitting in the chair she used last time, swiftly put a finger up to his lips for Malkovian to patiently stay quiet until being acknoledged. He can feel Malkovian's intense happiness at seeing his "Mother", but knows better than to interupt her reading.

Striding forward as quietly as he can, Anaerion sits down in the chair, and pulls out from his haversack the book from his last job that he found, still untranslated but mostly read at this point.

Satin Knights

First Post
After a moment, the lady raises her head. "Welcome back Anaerion and Malkovian. It is good to see that you are well. To answer your question, there is a difference between a gift and a surprise." she says smiling.

Taking the offered gift, "Where and how did you come across this?" looking at the large, ominous looking tome.


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Anaerion opend his mouth to start expaning the origin of the tome, but Malkovian beat him to the punch.

"Mother! How are you doing! We found it together on our jouney to Heth! Nastly place that, good thing Anaerion didnt get sick off the plague there. Awkward that would have been. We got wrapped up in a murder mystery most foul, caused by some sort of weird looking tentcale monster! Turns out these 5 crazy guys used this book to summon this invisble monster thing, which Anaerion was able to figure out by reading it aloud to both of us! They we went around, killing the last 3 crazy guys before the monster did, because other wise the monster would have remained in this realm to devour all of the city! Well, we didn't. The group we were with did. And those crazy guys would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for us pesky kids. And that little Kitty too."

At this point Anerion leans forward and continues "The book itself is a very unique find. It details the summoning of this monster quite well. While I would never dream of summoning something like what it does, it did provide a signficiant insight in how conjuration works on different planes, which I have been able to use in my own understanding of teleportation. I would not have been able to work out the harder parts without Malkovian's aid. I feel that someone with your ability might be able to use this book in a similar way."

Satin Knights

First Post
She leafs through the first few pages of the book. "Oh, them again. It is amazing how predictable chaos can be." Closing the book, "This is a door best left closed. You would be wise to never practice anything you learned from this book, for deception and corruption are its keys." Handing the book off to her homunculus servant, "Set this aside to be locked away in the vault."

"Well, it seems you have made the world a little safer. What brings you here today?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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