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Whispers in the Night

Living PF Judge

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Whispers in the Night

While the Mystic Pearl has cornered the market on average magical items, there exists a shop in Venza that caters to the winds of chaos, harnessing them to bind souls into items, creating the most precious things in the world, magic that thinks for itself.

People in the know, even in whispers, only refer to it as 'that place'. For it is known that the owner can regularly do what a mage might only be able to once in their lifetime, breath life and sentience into something which had none before.
Rules: While there are mechanics to intelligent item construction, this is the one part of LPF where the mechanics are hidden from the players, characters and even judges. Gold is not the only currency bartered within these walls. Even the binder, with her extensive power is not able to guarantee a result. This is because friendship cannot be bought, it must be earned. Personalities are as fickle as the dice of fate.
Nobody really remembers when, but rumors tell that the shop simply appeared one night. Anyone looking at the massive sixty by eighty foot, four story, stone structure easily dismisses the tale as idle gossip. The massive oak double doors, twenty feet tall, are large enough that one assumes even a fire giant would be comfortable entering this place. A raised wooden porch, extending from the building twenty feet in every direction marks a territory few dare to tread. Although the building is set off from, and higher than its neighbors, it seems to be cloaked in shadows. The walls are polished gray stone and contain no windows.

If you approach the door, a pair of knockers greet you.
"Good evening. And your name is?".......... "Do you have an appointment?"

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Living PF Judge

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Interior main room description, unfinished, but sufficient for the moment.

Inside the door, the main showroom is two stories high, with open stair cases on the left and right walls, leading to a balcony and floor above the back half of the building. The main floor is spacious, with few obstructions. The mithral suit of armor at the door, with a greatsword ready, stands motionless but, considering the reputation of this place, you can assume it is ready for service.

Shelf after shelf of books line the walls above and below the staircases. A few books are propped open in stands or on podiums around the room. A small demonesque creature waves you in and motions for you to sit in one of the two luxurious chairs at the far side of the room, near what looks like a more customary sales counter.
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Living PF Judge

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[sblock=Current Inventory]none currently[/sblock][sblock=Items who own characters]Soon Hafísbíta will accept the service of Kalinn Ari[/sblock]


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Anaerion heard tales of the powerful binder when he was shopping in the Mystic Pearl. He had tried himself several times to bind and upgrade the amulet that his father given him so many years ago. However, every time he tried to do so, he was unable to bring sentience to it.

After his experience at the Crypt, Anaerion knew that even as strong as a wizard he was becoming, someone or something is always stronger. In order to stimulate his growth, Anaerion needed a mentor. And what better mentor is the very item his father used as his own bonded item?

He was prepared to knock on the door when it spoke to him, when he was startled by the knockers themselves. He quickly composed himself, saying "My name is Anaerion, and unfortunately I do not have an appointment. However, I have been told that this was the place a very powerful binder lived. I look for his assistance."

Once being allowed in, a 2' flying demonesque creature waved him in, pointing to a seat cushion that looked fairly comfortable. Sitting down, Anaerion quickly wraps his brain around what this creature is.

Satin Knights

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While standing at the door, Anaerion feels a powerful wave of magic flow over and affect him, as if the entire house was examining him. Immediately following that a second spell, this time coming from the right knocker, tries to invade his soul. This second spell, Anaerion is able to shrug off. The knocker smiles. "You are worthy to pass Anaerion. It is our job to send away the weak ones."


After the servant has seated Anaerion, there is a bit of a pause while waiting for the mistress of the house. Looking around, there are three things that stands prominently. Thousands of books line ornate wooden shelves upon the walls. Rose vines seem to wind through the shelves, some growing from the shelves themselves. All colors that mortal man has ever looked upon seem to be represented in the roses. No two roses on an individual vine are the same color. Um, copper, a copper rose shouldn't exist, but in here it does. Third, in the murals and paintings upon the walls, in several relief carvings, there are dragons. Again, vibrant colors that mortals do not expect are common around this library and home.

From behind a curtain which likely leads to a back hallway, a beautiful elven woman, in her prime, comes out the greet her guest. With mithral colored hair and lavender eyes, this elven maiden is dressed in luxurious silks and walks with courtly refinement. She approaches and lounges comfortably in the other chair. The only items she seems to be wearing are a headband, necklace with an amulet and a few rings.

"So, Anaerion, you have come to test your destiny. What is it you are looking for?"

[sblock=Kn Arcana or Planes DC 13]The servant is a homunculus. A construct servant that, while it does not speak, can communicate via telepathy to its master. This one looks stronger than normal.[/sblock][sblock=Perception DC 15]Maybe to pay a little respect to her neighbors in the city, red and white roses are conspicuously missing.
As you talk, her hair and eye colors seem to drift and shift across the rainbow.[/sblock]


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Anaerion stares all around, wondering how much all of this cost. Clearly, you can clearly see how unique this place is. He observed the paintings of the dragons, partly hoping they would spring to life, and partly imagining how impressive it would be to fight against such a fearsome creature as a dragon.

Anaerrion also was tempted to pull down a book and start reading it. He was going to buy research materials back at the Pearl, to supplement his knowledge of fascinating creatures that exist in the world. He was most impressed, however, with the roses. Very few of the colors where recognizable, and he impressed by all the different colors. He considered trying to determine what type of magic is used to create such a majestic display when the elven woman entered

Startled the woman knew his name, Anaerion was going to ask her how she knew it before he realized it was the doorknockers out front who informed her. Reevaluating how he was going to approach this, Anaerion says "While you know my name, I am afraid I do not know yours. And as for what I am looking for, I have an answer for that."

Standing up straighter in his chair and leaning forward, Anaerion continues with "Magic, is by its very nature, impossible to under stand fully. People dedicate years to study, and only scrape the tip of what one is able to do. Others are able to wield it with such force that only armies can stop them. However, there is magic that can heal, mend, and recover what was once lost. It is both a great gift from the gods, and a deadly power that others wield for their own satisfactions. What I look for, is the answer to the question 'How should Anaerion use magic to help those in great need.'"
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Satin Knights

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"In my work, a name has power. The power to bind. The power to control. Power you probably would never be able to wield, but power I choose not to relinquish. I will tell you this, my name has not been spoken aloud since before your father was born."

"Heed this well; I desire to only be spoken to, never spoken of."

After a long dramatic pause to let that sink in...

"It is sounding like you are struggling in your mystic talents. Your heart sounds good and just though. Are you by chance considering joining the priesthood?"

She can only stifle a giggle for about thirty seconds before she busts out laughing at her guest's flustered face.

After regathering some composure, "Why have you come?"
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Anaerion nods meekly after this womans's explanation of why she refused to give him her name. While it made sense, it imparted on him just how powerful this woman is. And indeed, Anaerion grew even more flustered after she suggested going into the priesthood. Growing more embarresed by the second, he was very glad that none of his other companions were allowed to know about this...

After being asked, in what Anaerion felt was a more direct manner, for some reason it clicked. He looked into this mysterious woman's eyes, and he said with out hesitation "A partner. That is what I seek. Someone who will help me grow, as a magician, but also the understanding of myself."

Satin Knights

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The hostess continues to stare into Anaerion's eyes as if reading a book. "Interesting choices there... Hand of the Mage." Being too impatient to wait for the timid guest to spell things out. "Well, I have never done that form before, but I can accomplish that." She looks around the room. "I have to start making preparations. Sit here." She rises from her chair and floats to one of the upper bookshelves to retrieve a couple books. After a bit of searching, she finds two that are perfect.

Returning to her seat. She takes off one of a matched pair of rings and places it on his ring finger. She then hands him a small book. "Turn to page forty seven. Memorize the ritual chant on that page, syllable for syllable, for you shall need to perform it perfectly in an hour or two from now. After you are absolutely certain, you shall read aloud from this other book. The bardic tales inside will clear your mind and help draw a compatible soul that share the interests you seek."

"What we are about to do takes unflinching strength of will. Your tests will be painful to endure. But if we are successful, you will have a unique bond that cannot be broken by even the likes of me."

"If you are ready?" holding her hand out, "Give me your father's amulet. I will start the cleansing and reshaping in the back while you study your ritual."

After Anaerion hands over his amulet, "Seal the doors!" and a heavy thud and clank of a lock is heard from the entry.

"Do not move from this chair.
Do not perform any magic
for it shall disturb the balance
of my home and the ritual."

Pointing to the first book, "Now begin." After Anaerion starts reading, she stands and walks to the back, behind the curtain.

[sblock=Books]The first is in draconic, but it is an ancient dialect. While all the lettering is the same, some of the words do not make sense in the modern form.

The second book is in elven. It contains several bardic tales and songs, one of which you heard as a child.[/sblock]


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Anaerion looks a little confused at the sudden request, but quickly realizing this person knew best he took of his father's amulet and handed it over. He felt a little... off without it hanging around his neck.

When the woman sealed the doors, Anaerion knew that whatever he was getting into, was very complicated and potentially dangerous magic. He then spent the next half hour reciting the strange Draconian ritual. He understood about 75% of it, but the few words that he did not recognize where enough to miss the full meaning of the ritual.

Once he was able to recall every part of the ritual perfectly, he looked over the 2nd book given to him. Most of them he had at least heard of, but there was one in the middle that seemed to recall a fond childhood memory. The Traveler. It was a story about an elf bard who traveled the world, and the experiences that he saw. The nation of Heth when the lizardfolk ran it. The nation of Jirago and beyond. The city that was before Venza. It spoke to him while he was younger, but even more so now that Anaerion had started his own journey. He smiled faintly, caught up in the memory of so long ago, and started reading it to himself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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