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(OT) - Buffy (spoilers at least in first post)


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(OT) - Buffy

Hey guys I noticed it had been a while since someone put up a review of an episode of Buffy, so I decided to take the initiative on this one.

Anyone else extremely disappointed – yet somehow not surprised in the least – by Xander’s decision to skip out on the wedding?

What was up with all the domesticated and entirely too human looking Demons? Sitting around in a CHURCH no less? Is nothing sacred? Did none of the Harris’ notice that baby eyes were being served at the bar? Ugh.

I got a kick out of the reformed demon marrying a scoobie. It kind of mirrors our own Paladin and succubus story nicely.

All in all a pretty disappointing episode in my eyes. Next week doesn’t look any better; the idea that Buffy was imagining the whole thing from a lunatic asylum is amusing but not altogether original – wasn’t there a whole plot arc in Star Trek DS9 along those lines? Besides I am far too interested in weather or not Anna goes back to being a demon to be distracted.

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To me the whole season has been a disappointment. There is very little that keeps this season together. Last year we had this great plot arc that went from styart to finish, this year there is nothing like that. The wedding episode was okay, I knew going in the marriage was not going to happen. I'd like to have learned more on what that Demon was getting revenge on Anya for. Spike should have come to the Wedding with someone/thing that resembled Buffy. I was hoping for that. Next week's should be good. THe reson for the halluciations is cool, but I won't spoil it for those who don't want to know.

I just hope that Spike loses theat darn chip. I'm sick of him not being truely evil. He was much better that way.


Angel has been much better than Buffy this season. I never liked Anya to begin with so I am not surprised the wedding didn't take place. However, the ending leaves me to wondering if Xander is going to be offed soon. I like Xander & I am glad the character has grown but his luck with women could be much better.

I thought the fact that the demons were "circus freaks" was kind of cool...


Moderator Emeritus
Well, Anya is definitely my favorite character as she is ironically the most "human" of all of them. .

But I was happy that the wedding did not go off - if anything it took a lot of guts on the part of Xander to call it off - with all his doubts, and his not being ready (as someone who nearly got married in the not too distant past perhaps I just relate).

If anything, Xander seeing the seemingly endless cycle of abuse in his family (his shrew of a mother, his aggressive alcoholic father) - when we see our parents in ourselves or unconsciosuly seeking out the very things that seem to have made our parents miserable (and they did have a argumentative relationship) it is a very sobering realization.

There have been some weak episodes this season (the Double Meat Palace in particular), but some were amazing ones as well("Tabula Rasa", "One More With Feeling" and "All the Way").

The plot does not seem to be arcing like the last couple of seasons - but that is okay - it does not need to do so - and there *IS* a recurring villian (the trio of nerds) and the possibility that either Anya or Willow could be the Big Bad this season.

Next episode looked pretty cool to me. . .perhaps it is not the most original idea - but I trust Buffy's writers to approach it in a fresh way - if anything that is what the show is about - dealing with a lot of common things in stories (vampires, magic, wishes, love, etc. .) and dealing with them in new ways and taking real life problems and dressing them up in the costumes of a super-hero-y/fantasty setting.


First Post
I think this season has gone straight down hill ever since the musical episode. First, there is the whole addiction thing for Willow. I think alot of people wanted to see her take a fall into the darkness, bigtime, but instead it became, "Don't do drugs, kids." I thought magic was supposed to be addictive because of the power it brings, not because it makes you high.

Next, this wedding episode was pretty pathetic. I figured it had be at least decent, since things had been building up to it for quite a while, and there should be more story action than these recent filler episodes, but it turned out pretty lame, and they didn't even get married.

Its not too late for this season to redeem itself in the last few episodes, but its getting close. You'd think with a wedding, and with Riley coming back, there would have been at least a couple good episodes.

At least Angel kicks ass this season.

AHHHH Spoilers!!!!!

Hey warn a guy before you talk about things like that. I am in Japan and behind by about half of a season and now I have to burn the memory of the text "Xander skipping out of the wedding" out of my brain.

Damn you.....

well, not really, I mean if I damn you, then noone will talk to me and I won't get anymore visitors to my site...

Damn Spoliers!@!!!!!#!@$@#!~$!~@#%$!@#$%!


Re: (OT) - Buffy

Methinkus said:
Hey guys I noticed it had been a while since someone put up a review of an episode of Buffy, so I decided to take the initiative on this one.

Anyone else extremely disappointed – yet somehow not surprised in the least – by Xander’s decision to skip out on the wedding?

I'm just starting to get into Buffy, but last nights episode was damn depressing. So was every episode I've seen of this season. (Which isn't all of them) Do the writers enjoy making the character's miserable? Or, more likely, do the fans enjoy seeing the character's BE miserable?

Axiomatic Unicorn

First Post
I'll chime in with a general agreement that this season has not lived up to the previous seasons.

They have had some cool ideas, but they keep failing to really produce the cool story.

Buffy/Spike had a LOT more potential, 4 seasons of build up is worth more than a couple broken furniture jokes. And a reformed vampire who still does not have a soul has TONS of potential.

The Dark Willow thing was a total bust. If they were going to mess up a major part of the character, at least they could do more than the lame, unoriginal drug analogy. Blah

Which one does not belong:
The Master
Evil Soul-less Angel
The Mayor
The Three Nerds

hmmm, I wonder.

Oh well, has Josh been writing less?


First Post
Face it. They are in the grown up world now. Everyone is struggling and yes Joss has been writing less i believe.

And i would like to know whats going on next week. My money is on Johnathen since he did do that alternate reality once before (Superstar)


First Post
Yes, none of the characters can ever be truely happy. The writers have come out and said this. But the show is very good, especially the first five seasons.

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