• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

in alphabetical order...(need more! see babombs post at end)



The Set-up
An evil king from a neighboring nation has just died. His son through an envoy has made a peace gesture and invited the PCs' patron to the funeral. The PCs' patron is highly suspicious of this diplomatic move and portents delivered by his clergy have not been favorable. The Patron is intensely curious and does not want to miss an opportunity for peace.

The Patron calls on the PC to go to the funeral in his stead. One of the PCs (preferably a rogue or bard) should go disguised as the Patron. Few others, if any at the funeral would recognize him. The PCs are authorized to speak as the Patron and told to bring any formal peace initiatives back home. They will be rewarded accordingly.

The Real Deal
The evil king has died, but was assassinated by his chief priest of (insert evil deity of your choice). The Evil Priest has now taken on the persona of the King's son and wishes to wage war on the PCs' Patron. The funeral invitation is an attempt to sever the head of the PCs' Patron's nation before launching a surprise attack.

The PCs will arrive at a funeral wake feast for the departed king. The King's son (actually the evil cleric) invites the PCs to view the body with him and pray. He goes totally unarmed to show his good will. The casket is kept in a back room. When the casket lid is removed 10 Vargouilles fly out to attack the PCs. The cleric casts hold person on various PCs to allow the Vargouilles to use their kiss attack. The cleric then flees out a back secret entrance forcing the PCs to deal with the monsters.

If the PCs survive, they learn evidence of what has happened and that the evil kingdom is planning a massive invasion of their Patron's lands. They must race back to warn their patron and help prepare the defenses (Have your new Miniatures Handbook ready ;) ) Part of the evil Cleric's attack plan should involve sending in flocks of Vargouilles!

I believe Wight is next.

BTW Babomb - thanks for your help!

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Inventor of Super-Toast

In the middle of the worst winter the province has ever seen, bodies keep turning up cold and blackened. The problem is two-fold: first, the odies have large bruises and breakages not capable of being made by any animal in the region and second, these bodies get back up soon after they are found. Although within the city gates the archers and guardsmen can easily overwhelm these wights one at a time, the villages surrounding the city are being slowly depleated. And for every body found there are two or three more missing persons...

The wights have summoned the snowstorms with a powerful artifact of weather control, and they are planning on creating a kingdom of ice and doom. The city is merely the launching point for a potential army of wights. Can the PCs stop the wight horde before it builds enough numbers to be practically unstoppable?

Demiurge out.



William and Sandra, the fairest young couple from the village, have gone missing. They were last seen going to the lover's glen, near the swamp, late last night. Their parents hope they have eloped, but fear something sinister has taken them.

An investigation by the PCs leads to an encounter with Will-O-Wisps trying to lure them into quick sand. Whether they young lovers fell for this trap is up to the DM.

Next is Winter Wolf


Winter Wolf

Deep in the rain forests the PCs are trying to find their way to a lost city. Hacking through the undergrowth they are attacked by a half dozen Winter Wolves. The Winter Wolves use a coordinated attack employing trips and their breath weapon to good effect. If the PCs kill a couple of the wolves the remainder flee. The question for the PCs is: Why is a Winter Wolf pack in 95 degree heat in the jungle?

Following the pack leads the PCs to an ancient city. The lost city the PCs were originally seeking - that is now covered in frost and ice...

The reason for the ice in the jungle is left to the individual DMs.

Next up is Worg.
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*With thanks to BLACKDIRGE*

A fiendish Worg named Crackjaw has led his brethern Worgs in a revolution. The immense pack has managed to destroy most of the goblins of the Northern forest. The pack has destroyed most of the food supply and is coming south. A contingent of lizard folk arrive in the city and seek help, describing the destruction wrought by the Worgs. A united front may save the human settlements, but can the humans trust the lizard folk before it is too late.

Check out the awesome stats and description of BLACKDIRGE's Crackjaw!

Next up Wraith.


Inventor of Super-Toast
100 years ago, a gruesome and prolonged war with the Kobold Empire ended with the kobold's defeat. The grand general of the victorious army turned the land of the conquered kobolds into his kingdom, Haraekan.

As the centennial approaches, more and more mysterious phenomena plague the kingdom, all of them seemingly orbiting the capital city (built on the site of the final battle). Old spirits die hard, and the wraiths of the slain kobolds are out for revenge...

Next is wyvern, right?
Demiurge out.


First Post
An Evil Wizard has put the kings son to sleep forever. The King promises land grants, wealth, fame, military titles, anything, to whomever can free his son. The heros [thats the players, they dont get to be the evil wizard],have discovered the way to heal the son. It requires the blood of the princes one true love [insert random princess type in here], a balors tooth, an Astral Devas tears, and the brain of the Paragon Wyvern.

Next up is Xill.


That's Latin for "cool"
A paladin, her lover having died in a sensless accident battling an orcish sorceror, has sworn to end the cycle of violence against the orcs forever ... no mater what the cost. She abandoned her own divine sponsor as she felt it had abandoned her when her love died and quested for a scroll that would summon forth an army that will demolish all in its path. She believes this will be for the "greater" good. In reality, the summoned creatuers will be Xill and once they are on the Prime they will not leave and very likely they will be much worse than orcs!

By the time the party catches up with her, she will have completed the first stage of the ritual and there will be Xill guardians surrounding the area she has chosen for the ritual (a tower that has long been in ruins). The Xill will fight the party no matter what the cost to themselves. They want the paladin to complete the ritual and become a blackgaurd. Once that occurs, she will lead the Xill army to dominate the world under an iron fist.

When the party reaches her, they may attempt a Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate check (she has 8 ranks in Sense Motive) to parlay. If the party uses Bluff or Intimidate and fails, she will complete the last stage of the ritual which will summon four Xill heralds who will open the gate to allow in an army of 1,000 more Xill. If the party defeats the heralds the doorway will not open. If they don't ... they had better run. If the party fails with Diplomacy they will get one extra chance to prevent her from finishing the ritual without further violence.

If the party at any time make a Knowledge (Local) check of DC 12 they will know of the paladin's loss. Should they mention that in any capacity they will receive a +4 bonus in their Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate attempt.

Next: Xorn

Voidrunner's Codex

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