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in alphabetical order...(need more! see babombs post at end)

David Argall

First Post

The party really pissed off that lich, who got them with a mass curse of polymorph into sahuagins. However, if they say they are sorry and beg for its forgiveness, it will likely remove the curse.

Did I mention there is a nation fo tritons between party and lich?

Did I mention tritons don't like sahuagins, except in tiny pieces?

Did I mention the tritons are not going to believe this stupid pissed-off lich story?

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First Post
A string of bizarre killings has the small town of Palin in an uproar. Several bodies with vicious claw and bite marks have been found. What's more, they are covered in the most sickening stench imaginable. A few villagers have noticed that the rash of murders began shorly after the arrival of a mysterious stranger, speculating that he may be the cause.

The poor fellow behind these murders is the stranger, a half-troglodyte who looks very nearly human. He was an outcast in the near troglodyte tribe, and fled to a human town to try to fit in (and to avoid the troglodytes who wanted to find out if he tasted as much like a human as he looked). But poor Galak (that's his name) doesn't understand human society very well. He gets confused, and when he gets confused, his first instinct is to attack. (Or, rather, his <i>second</i> instinct is to attack; his first is to release that awful stench.) If the PCs choose to help him, can they sneak him out of the village before the villagers have him hanged?

Alternatively, he could actually be spying for the troglodytes (and lying to the PCs about his motives), or he may even be a normal troglodyte with a <i>polymorph</i> or <i>alter self</i> spell cast on him. Additionally, his arrival could have been about the same time as that of the PCs', causing the townsfolk to suspect one or all of the PCs instead. The PCs may find themselves trying to clear their names while protecting their new half-troglodyte friend.

Next up: Troll
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Magic Slim

First Post

A paladin has just lost his powers. Is it because he killed all those kobold babies? Is it because he recently discovered that he was gay? Is it because he put a very sick, old, black, communist jew out of his wretched misery? Is it because he keeps telling everyone at the local tavern that rangers suck? It's up to the PC's to find out.

Meanwhile, trolls have captured the very attractive, chain-mail-bikini-clad, nymphomaniac mayor's daughter and are sending him one of his daughter's fingers every day until he pays the ransom. The party arrives in town on the 9th day, so time is of the essence, because who knows what those sick bastards will do to the poor girl. The trolls haven't yet understood why the fingers haven't grown back.

I'm so friggin' funny


Next up: Umber Hulk


Umber Hulk

An umber hulk suddenly bursts from the ground in the middle of a military camp filled with 1st-level warriors, while PCs just happen to be around for some reason. The hulk's gaze quickly confuses great many of the warriors, and the party has to do battle with the behemoth while trying to keep the warriors from killing each other off or wandering off the nearby cliff, or getting killed by the hulk... Oh, joy!

Next: Unicorn


Inventor of Super-Toast

A glabrezu moved into Unicorn Woods several years ago, and has a plan for gaining power in the Abyss by creating an army of half-fiends, himself being the father, of course.

The first phase of the plan involves, naturally, unicorns. The half-fiend are physically identical to normal unicorns. The counties surrounding Unicorn Woods are home to a sect of female druids, whose coming-of-age rituals involve following a unicorn for three days without distrubing it. The glabrezu intends to make these druids the mothers of the next generation of half-demons, and is using the unicorns to lure the druids to him.

Once a group of druids-in-training disappear after following the unicorns, can the PCs track them down and save them from an awful fate? And how will they know which unicorns are a threat?

Next up, vampire


A mysterious white worm disease is going through the upper class neighborhoods of the city. The patients are first afflicted with a loss of energy and then slowly they begin to become paler and eventually die or go mad.

World famous Dr. Nedremus has been attending to some of the latest cases and has declared them White Worm's disease. An affliction spread outdoors during the summer and picked up from a parasite that relishes hot, bright summer days.

The true answer is the doctor is under the influence of ancient vampire who's lair is deep beneath the city in some ancient ruins. Employing gaseous form the vampire cruises through even the smallest of sewer openings that serve the city's richest districts.

The PCs must discover the answer while the rich take the good doctor's advice and stay in dark secluded places to avoid White Worm's disease.

Do not have my book here - can someone help me out on what is next?
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Vampire Spawn


The PCs are called home for a special reunion with a long lost Uncle. The party goes smashingly and the PCs leave content that all is well at home. A few levels go by doing some adventuring and the PCs forget all about the happy episode.

They receive a message that the church in their home village has been destroyed. The church asks them to check it out.

The PCs immediately figure out something is very wrong in the village. Cattle are not being tended to, the fields are a mess, and the graveyard has been disturbed as well. That night they are assaulted by a group of lesser Undead.

What's going on?
The long lost Uncle was in fact a Vampire (thus he was long, long lost). Further he has not left the village, but instead has taken up residence under the graveyard in some ancient crypts. The Vampire has converted many of the villagers into spawn and created several undead to serve him. He mostly hunts in other locations these days, but he realizes the rapidly deteriating village and destroyed church will soon call attention to the situation.

If/When the PCs destroy the Vampire Spawn, the Vampire will move on rapidly. Perhaps remaining a BBEG in an ongoing campaign - preying on isolated villages until it gets too hot and he moves on.

OK - lil' help - What's next?

Voidrunner's Codex

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