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Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above

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I should have the Spraug posted today. And I'm hoping to have their Kill Cruiser and the Lumanian up within the next few days as well. I'll try to have the Kill Cruiser up today, but it's pretty nasty threat so though I have the basics down on paper, I would still need to make a final version for actually publishing it for you guys.

I'll also post my other alien races, the ones who aren't quite Sidereal or above threats generally but still are quite active throughout my campaign settings.

I also wanted to put down my rules for starship combat. It really levels the playing field between Immortals and men, but eventually the equipment just mechanically and structurally can't keep up, but it's fun none the less and can even get to planet buster levels. I'll try to get this all posted in the next few days.
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I should have the Spraug posted today. And I'm hoping to have their Kill Cruiser and the Lumanian up within the next few days as well. I'll try to have the Kill Cruiser up today as well, but it's pretty nasty threat.

I'll also post my other alien races, the ones who aren't quite Sidereal or above threats generally but still are quite active throughout my campaign settings.

I also wanted to put down my rules for starship combat. It really levels the playing field between Immortals and men, but eventually the equipment just mechanically and structurally can't keep up, but it's fun none the less and can even get to planet buster levels. I'll try to get this all posted in the next few days.
I REALLY want to see the starship rules!

Spraug Warrior, CR 17

This bipedal reptilian humanoid is dark green in color and covered in thick crocodilian scales a tri crested head and darker brown areas on it’s forehead, it has red markings upon its face, clan markings, it wears space age armor and wields a short bladed like a sword or whip made of segmented blades, yet it holds the weapon like a rifle, and another rifle like weapon with 5 rings of green lights down the length of it's barrel hangs at the ready a 4th green light lights up.

His eyes are red and his human like face is twisted into a sneer as the weapon flares to life, cackling with blood red lightning .

LE Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Init +6
Senses: Perception +17, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision, Scent

Hit Dice: 10d10, +40 Con, +10 Toughness (104 hp)
AC: 43 ( +2 Dex, +8 Armor (Ceramic Scalemail +4), +10 Natural, +9 Dodge/ Psychoactive Armor, +2 Deflection/ Telekinetic Shield, +2 Shield/ Blackhole Singularity Shield, Touch: 23, Flat Footed: 32
Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +9
Defensive Abilities: Grav Shield (Damage Reduction 5/-), Black Hole Singularity Shield

Speed 40ft, Swim 30, Fly 80 ft/ Perfect (Hoverpack)

2 Claws 1d4+5 Slashing/ Piercing x2 Crit, (+15/+15 Melee) and Bite 1d6+5 Piercing x2 Crit (+15 Melee)

-Tail Slap 1d6+2 Bludgeoning, (+7 Melee), Reach

-Heat Lightning Chain Sword +4(melee mode) 2d8+9 Slashing and 4d6 Plasma 18-20/x3 Crit (+20/+15), can switch between a whip or sword form freely granting it the reach ability increasing its effective range to 10 feet and granting it the trip ability

-Vibro Dagger 1d8+9 (+19/+14) 19-20/x2 Crit

-Telluric Rifle +4 32d10 Plasma x4 Crit (+14 Ranged Touch) 300 ft range, 20/x4 Crit, must be charged for 1d2 rounds between uses

-Heat Lightning Chain Sword (lightning cannon mode) 4d6 Plasma 3d8 Fire and 3d8 Electricity + Stun 1d2 Rounds Fort DC16 (+14/+14/+11 Ranged Touch, ignores half of fire and electricity resistance) 100ft range
Special Attacks: Hellgel (4d10 fire damage for 4d3 rounds, ignores 10 hardness), Induction Inverter Beam, Sanguinizer Field, Nausea Field

Str 20 +5
Dex 15 +2
Con 18 +4
Int 14 +2
Wis 15 +2
Cha 16 +3

Base attack+10; CMB +15; CMD 27

Feats: *Toughness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus Spraug Chain Sword, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Quickdraw
*bonus feat

Skills: Acrobatics +10, Bluff +18, Climb +13, Diplomacy +18, Fly +15, Intimidate +18, Knowledge Nature (Space) +10, Knowledge Planes +10, Perception +17, Pilot +15, Profession Starship Officer +10, Repair +10, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +10, Swim +18, and Use Magic Device +11

Racial: +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate, +2 Perception, +2 Sense Motive, +10 Swim

Languages: Common, Spraug, Orcish, Lurgeese, Polyglot
Special Qualities: Tenacity, Water Breathing, Scent, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision, Psycho Surgery Kit, Autoport, Absorptive Weave, BodyComp, Extranet Access, Breather Mask

Environment: Space, or any Urban
Organization: Solitary, Pair, 1d4+2 Element, 3d4+3 Squad, 6d4+6 Murder, 5d10+25 Battalion

Treasure: NPC Gear, Autoport, Singularity Shield, Telekinetic Shield, Grav Shield, Psycho Surgery Kit, Hoverpack, Ceramic Scale Armor +4, Spraug Outfit with Absorptive Weave and BodyComp, Breather Mask, Hellgel Disperser(10 uses), Induction Inverter, Sanguinizer, Compliance Projector, Telluric Rifle +4, Spraug Heat Lightning Chain Sword +4, +4 Adamantine Vibro Dagger, Universal Translator, Zero Point Energy Battery

Special Abilities:

Tenacity (Ex): Spraug are extremely tough, they automatically stabilize when critically wounded and must be brough to their Con Score -10 to die.

Grav Shield (Ex): Spraug have personal gravity inversion emitters that slow down incoming attacks. This gives the Spraug a Damage Reduction of 5/- that also spreads to all adjacent allies.

Autoport (Ex): Spraug use an embedded device to travel vast distances quickly. This allows the Spraug to Dimension Door as the spell up to 1000 feet as an Immediate Action, but must charge for 5 minutes before it can be used again. This can be used as a full round action during it’s charging phase but deals 1d2 temporary constitution damage if used in this fashion.

Black Hole Singularity Shield (Ex): The Spraug use a device that generates miniature black holes to swallow up incoming attacks. As a move action the Spraug can prime the shield. For the next 10 rounds the Spraug may make an opposed attack roll against any incoming attack, if successful the attack is swallowed up and the Spraug takes no damage. This can be used on any ability that requires an attack roll; melee, ranged, ranged touch and melee touch attacks. After 10 attacks are swallowed up the shield requires 1d10 rounds to recharge before it can be used again. At all times it also provides a +2 Shield bonus to AC.

Telekinetic Shield (Ex): a small series of disks folded up on the Spraug’s arm unfold and intercept incoming attacks. As a free action this item provides a +2 Deflection bonus to AC until stowed (a move action)

Psychoactive Armor (Ex): A series of small neuronite spheres no more than a half inch in diameter hover around the Spraug lazily. These spheres are telekinetically attuned to the wearer, allowing for much quicker reaction time by assisting in reflexive motions. This provides a +8 Dodge bonus to AC.

Psycho Surgery Kit (Ex): A psionically charged AI that automatically detects different forms of trauma and heals the Spraug accordingly until it’s energy is spent. It has 20 Power Points which recover after 24 hours of use. These are not part of the Spraug’s actions and happen as an Immediate Action following a source of trauma it’s abilities are as follows:
-First Aid: Restore 1d4 HP (3 Power Points)
-Surgery: Removes Bleed, and ongoing damaging effects and heals 1d6 HP (4 Power Points)
-Provide Long Term Care (4 Power Points)
-Cure Greivous Wound: Heals 1d3 Vile Damage or Permanent Damage, restores ability damage and ability drain, restores lost levels (4 Power Points)
-Remove Dazed or Stunned Condition (3 Power Points)
-Stabilize Dying Character or Remove Unconscious Condition (3 Power Points)
-Treat Poison or Disease (3 Power Points)
-Treat Magical Sickness: Grants saving throw against Magical Illness or poison, Dispels Curses, Compulsions, Mental Control or Domination or other enchantments (4 Power Points)
These work as the Heal Skill check unless otherwise noted, Treating Poison or Disease grants an immediate additional saving throw with a +5 Circumstance bonus to the save and all other saves made that day.

Absorptive Weave (Ex): Gain energy resistance 10 to all elemental energy, once 10 points of damage have been absorbed this way you gain a +1 bonus to your strength score, this can be stacked up to 4 times and lasts for 10 minutes, any additional energy damage received renews the effect.

BodyComp (Ex) A full body suit that incorporates all standard computer hardware into tactile and olfactory feedback, this allows the Spraug to hack and otherwise sift though information from alien computers and other incompatible technology. It also features a modem, communication, and extranet capabilities allowing the Spraug to use a limited form of Omnicompetence and Maven, allowing him after 2 minutes of effort to attempt any skill check with a +3 bonus as if it were a class skill for that roll for the next minute and allowing him to use the Message as the spell but instantly and without a range limit to any other Spraug

Breather Mask (Ex): A mask and rudimentary shielding allowing the Spraug to function in the vacuum of space and in harsh conditions without penalty. This provides breathable air and treats the user as if they have a constant Endure Elements cast and radiation resistance of 5

Hoverpack (Ex): The Spraug Hoverpack is a modification to their Grav Shielding allowing the Spraug to control their immediate gravitational field granting an 80/ Perfect flight speed for 12 hours a day before it needs to recharge

Induction Inverter (Ex): a small handheld beam weapon used as a secondary weapon by the Spraug, this weapon, fired as a standard action as a ranged touch attack, requires any powered being or powered or magic item to make a DC 15 Reflex save or immediately be sapped of all charges or energy rendering the item inert if applicable until it’s next charging cycle or in the case of powered beings it makes the being inert. If successful the item loses half it’s charges and powered beings are slowed for 2d4 rounds and dazed for 1 round.

Sanguinizer (Ex): This powerful item is mainly used by the Spraug to induce compliance in newly conquered races, as a move action the Spraug may activate the Sanguinizer which creates an invisible field of force out to 15 feet around the Spraug dealing constitution damage and bleed damage to all foes within range. The range may be reduced to a single square within range at the user’s behest as a Free Action. This deals 1d4 Constitution damage and 1d6 points of stacking bleed damage every round, if one stays in the field there is no save against this effect damage being dealt automatically every round. If the opponent attempts to flee they must make a DC 13 Fort save to negate the con damage and reduce the bleed to 1 point of bleed damage. Bleed damage can only be healed with a DC 13 Heal check or 1 point of magic healing or fast healing or regeneration. The Spraug have an inhibitor embedded in their bodies that negate the effect upon themselves or other Spraug.

Hellgel (Ex): A spraygun like secondary weapon of the Spraug sprays an inert plasma over a 15ft cone as a Standard Action, this Hellgel, as it’s called, can be either immediately ignited or ignited as a free action at the user’s behest dealing 4d10 fire damage for 4d3 rounds, ignoring up to 10 hardness. This gel is sticky and deals automatic damage to anyone who fails a DC 24 Reflex Save to both the opponent and all their exposed items and automatically sets the opponent on fire for 1d6 additional damage every round until the effect ends. This gel also reduces the effectiveness of Fire Resistance by 10 points for the duration of the effect as well. A successful save reduces the damage by half and negates the immolation effect but remains burning for the duration of the effect dealing damage every round as usual. This can also be used in a more controlled fashion to burn through doors and for any other application a Thermite like product might be used for. The gel may be partially removed if not active as a DC 24 Reflex Save, but will only reduce the effect as if you had made the save against the burning effect.

Nausea Field (Ex): The Pacifier as it’s called is another Spraug weapon of compliance. This non lethal device will render a crowd out to 60 feet of the nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds if they fail a DC 15 Fortitude Save. Used as a means of quelling protests and stymieing rebellions, the Pacifier can be activated or turned off as a move action. Those who make their saving throws are sickened for 1 round instead and remain so until they make their save. Spraug have an inhibitor embedded in their bodies negating the effect on themselves.

Zero Point Energy Battery: This power source allows the Spraug to continuously replenish their items charges each day and if destroyed their Psycho Surgery Kit, Telluric Rifle and Hoverpack cannot be replenished until they gain a new one.

Telluric Rifle: This is one of the Spraugs most notorious and powerful weapons. It takes a moment to charge the attack, but once charged releases a powerful particle concussion beam that deals tremendous damage. 5 telluric amplifiers generate a feedback loop transforming the particle gun’s base 1d10 plasma damage to a devastating 32d10 damage. Once fired, the gun requires 1d2 rounds to recharge. It can be fired, if needed during the charging phase but deals only 2d10 damage. This weapon can be used as part of a full attack action and is considered a 1 handed weapon to use.

Spraug Heat Lighting Chain Sword: This is another notorious Spraug weapon. This strange weapon looks like a sword, acts like a whip, and is fired like a gun. The so called ‘red lightning gun’ fires as one might expect a continuous bolt of red lighting at foes. This weapon deals 4d6 plasma damage and an additional 3d8 fire and 3d8 electricity damage and stuns foes for 1d2 rounds who fail a DC 16 Fort save.

This weapon can alter it’s form as a free action transforming from melee to ranged form again effortlessly. In melee form it appears as a two edged sword with a gunblade like handle and modular blades connected by plasma creating a sort of whip of blades. This allows the blade to act like a sword amd whip simultaneously and it gains the reach and trip qualities. In ranged mode the weapon ironically looks more like a traditional gunblade with it’s blades connected to make a solid “barrel”, in this form the plasma is fires from the tip of the blade dealing devastating damage and stunning those blasted. This is considered a one handed light weapon.

Adamantine Vibro Blade: A standard Spraug Dagger, vibrates with ultrasonic energy dealing damage as if it were 2 dice size higher dealing a d8 of base damage.


The Spraug are tactical and superior in combat attempting to persuade foes after a significant show of force. They’re happy to unleash devastation upon their foes enjoying the horror their telluric rifles deal upon their enemies.

They rely on their Heat Lightning Swords in most situations but will always use their Telluric Rifle whenever the weapon charges. They make judicious use of their secondary weapons when needed spraying down crowds with Hellgel, using their inversion beams on spellcaster’s items, and using their Pacifier and Sanguinizer on crowds of foes or within enclosed spaces.

In open spaces they use their hoverpack to control the skies and fight from the air and ground simultaneously. If forced into melee they rely on their swords, or if disarmed they make use of their large strength scores, claws, teeth and heavy tails to rip foes apart.

If injured badly they will use their Autoport to attempt to escape and regroup, allowing their Psycho Surgery Kit to heal them to some degree before coming back for a second pass. Defensively they rely heavily on their Singularity Shields, High Natural AC and relatively high level of skill to keep themselves safe.

They usually keep a decent stockpile of healing potions, and various salves and other magic items on their person unique to each individual, but it can be assumed that each Spraug has at least 3 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds 4d8+15 and all +4 gear (factored above)
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Very nice if it were not for a very small detail ...

How, a CR 13 can do 64d10 damage. Possibly increased with Vital Strike to 128d10. With a x4 critic practically secured with a Cyclop Helm Cyclops Helm – d20PFSRD.
Yep, that's storyline wise their deal. They're a race on the verge of breaking out of the cocoon of our reality into the pleroma. I actually outlined this weapon in their intro post like 10 years ago.

"-The Spraug
A technological powerhouse on the verge of breaking through to the Pleroma. They are relentless expansionists, and far more powerful than they should be. The Spraug developed their tech from reverse engineering ancient Lumanian Ruins, and captured Leshay technology. Their Telluric Accellerators, and powerful Dreadnoughts have made them extremely formidible even without breaking through to the Pleroma yet. They are Psionic, Reptillian, and slightly tougher than the average being. Spraug Telluric Accelerators are essentially manifold Telluric Effect generators starting with a relatively weak baseline attack and expandning upon itself in one round through 10 uses of the Telluric Effect all stacked into one attack. No bueno."

Wait till you see the ship lol

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