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Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above

So, I'm currently running a High Cosmic campaign, and I've made quite a few ideas to add depth and flavor to my multiverse. In addition to demiurges, nehaschemic dragons, and anomalies for my PCs to fight, I've also made many mortal factions with mechs and ships, both good and evil, and I made extremely advanced beings using the "spiritual growth" table on page 17 of Ascension, I call Hyperboreans.

I also have some new ideas for distance and a few interesting limiting factors for the Pleroma to add a bit of challenge. I'll start with that, then give a couple of stat blocks for a spaceship, and a hyperborean.

It's been theorized that the distance of the universe is somewhere in the neighborhood of 46 billion lightyears in radius, round that up to 50 billion lightyears in radius, and that is how far I allow things like Omnipresent or Cosmic Conciousness to work. It's also how far I allow a being's actual total reach to not exceed. I do, however, allow beings to see further than this, but in more of as astronomers vice astronauts. They cannot affect it without first reaching it.

In my version of the Pleroma, the hardest obstacle to overcome is the distance. There are these absurdly huge distances that take even Time Lords and the like at least 3d20 days to traverse, because of this, I have devised 2 systems of travel throughout the Pleroma: Starflight, and Rails.

Rails are like Pleromic Wormholes, they allow fast travel to certain points throughout the Pleroma. It is also called the Slipstream. This also allows for cultural centers, and points of interest. So it's helpful from a DM pov.

Essentially, it is akin to a huge magnetic tramway, through an artificially created wormhole that connects huge portions of the Pleroma. It looks like three giant, seamlessly smooth metal tracks, 2 below the craft, and 1 above, all evenly spaced with similar looking metal rings around the perimeter at regular intervals. This track runs in a circuit throughout condensed space and branches out an infinite amount of times, to an infinite amount of places.

There are older Rails too, many of which are reminants from past civilizations. If the PCs can get to them, they'd still be operational, but who knows where they lead...

Starflight is an Extraordinary Ability that I swiped from the Shantak in Pathfinder's Beastiary 2. It is the ability to traverse the multiverse by collapsing space, it takes 3d20 days to get to any point. In conjunction with Inner Eye, that means 3 days. I make this a standard ability for all Sidereals and above, though it is limited to their parent universe until they become Demiurges.

Now on to the fun part, monsters. First I'll talk about the mortal factions. One thing that always intrigued me was the idea of advanced civilizations that would somehow be able to breach the barrier between the Pleroma and their universe, if they did what would they find on the other side, and what kind of tech would they bring with them to the Pleroma?

One story I've worked on is the idea of people from our actual Earth, thousands of years from now, would pull this off and reach the Pleroma. However, they'd bring the worst traits of our civilization, greed, conquest, and a pro-human agenda to the Pleroma.

The Terrans, as they're called, have a Star Wars Empire approach to Multiversal conquest. They subdue and enslave Demiurges, imprisoning them and using their essence to power Dyson Sphere like power generators. They are powerful and resourceful, but come from a universe entirely devoid of magic, giving them a distinct disadvantage. The advantage they do have however, is that none of their special abilities are considered Supernatural Abilities or lower, all abilities are Extraordinary.

Terrans are all technologically enhanced, and are bred to be Paragons; these are called Transhumans. Their movers and shakers however are called Posthumans, these are the big dogs, the planners, and the richest most and powerful of men. Shorthand, you could do a double Paragon, or even an Amidah with no magical abilities. I also give any and all Progress Level 9 or above Technology to these guys for flavor. For anyone who's familiar.

Here is the "Luna Class" Fighter ship, it's weak, but made to attack in groups. Forgive the messy formating doing this on my phone, lol.


Luna Class Starfighter,
CR: 250
H. Construct
Init: +500. Speed: Superluminal

HD:250d100+10,000+125,000 Shields (160,000hp)
AC:750 (250 Nat, 250 Dex, 250 Insight)

Str: 150 (+75)
Dex: 500 (+250)
Wis: 500 (+250)
Cha: 1

Fort: 125
Ref: 375
Will: 125
DR: 1,500/--
SR: Immune to Magic

-Hypercannon: +750 Ranged Touch, Always Hits, 1 Light Day long range.
-Light Grenade: +750 Ranged, 2.5 mile splash, 25,000 mile range
-Ram: +575 Melee

-Hypercannon: 250d20x2 (5 attacks)
-Light Grenade: 250d100 (1 attack plus splash)
-Ram: 120d20 +75

Special Abilities:

Blast Wave (Ex): 100 ft wide, 25,000 mile long wave, deals 250d100 Transcendental Damage, Fort DC 375 for 1/2 damage

Power Stream (Ex): 1 Light Day long line, 250d100, Fort DC 375 for 1/2 damage.

Shield (Ex): 125,000 hp barrier surrounds the craft, damage done to the ship is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 2,500 health per round.

Luminal Celerity (Ex): Always Hasted, Improved Evasion, and Superluminal. For 1 round every 1d4+1 rounds, can make a double action just as if they had the Time Dilation cosmic ability.

Inertial Dampeners (Ex): Perfect Maneuverability, can make an immediate move action after an attacker misses or doesn't break through the shield.

Adaption (Ex): Can become immune to a single form of attack an attacker uses, can be changed as a free action 1/round, can only adapt to 1 enemy at a time.
Additionally, this allows for the ship to exist in most forms of natural environment without damage, with the exception of the most harsh of conditions such as the inside of a star or a black hole, it also grants it 3 Anyfeat slots, and allows the ship to not be undermined by temporal means.

Phalanx Missiles (Ex): As an immediate action, can fire a barrage of missiles made of light. This ability works like the magic missile spell, but there is no limit to the number of missiles fired (125), these have a 25,000 mile long range, are not subject to spell resistance or shield spells, and deal 1d100+100 damage each. These can be used defensively or offensively, and the missiles can target different opponents.

Probability Matrix (Ex): By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, the Terrans can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability, and allows the ship to apply it's Wisdom bonus as Insight to AC, Attack, and Initiative.

Starflight (Ex): Can compress space to reach any point in the multiverse in 3d20 days.


I have another stronger Terran Ship, and a Hyperborean to put on here, but I got to get ready for work. Before I go, a bit more about the Hyperboreans, they'd be like what Goku is. Not a god, but able to hang with them through sheer brutal will and dedication. Tell me what you guys think. :)
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Here are the primary non-demiurge, non-Time Lord factions in my Pleroma. There are a few mortal factions and other ideas. Enjoy.

Mortal Factions:

Many Mortal societies have learned the true nature of the multiverse, Time Lords, and the like, some of the most powerful have learned how to bend the laws of existence and have actually entered the Pleroma.

Though most of the time such excursions end in the total annihilation of the curious race, this is not always the case. Sometimes, societies not only have the capability of fending off such a threat, but actually are able to drive the Pleromic beings back.

Many such societies exist within the Pleroma, the most powerful of these groups are the Terran Star Empire, Hyperborea, the Lumanian Ascendancy, The Lurgese Trade Federation, the Mordites, the Awakened, and the Star Demon Hoarde. The most powerful however, is the Communion of Multiversal Bodies an altruistic group with members all across the Pleroma, kind of like a far less retarded UN.

-Terran Star Empire:
The aftermath of the private sector exploring and colonizing space faster than governments or morals could keep up. Terrans are from our universe, they represent mankind after over a thousand years of unmitigated growth. They have extraordinary technological achievements, but almost no magic. They are powerful and dominate huge swathes of the Pleroma.
The Terran Star Empire is business driven and blunt in their approach to their goal of a human centric, and human dominated multiverse. They value efficiency and ruthlessness above all else except when it comes to Humanity. They are somewhat like the Nazi party, or Neo Cons. Lol.

An admixture group that values strength of body and soul without deification. They see Deification as something that can be taken away, and thusly it is a crutch, and a weakness. They are essentially Spiritual Growth extremists. Through a mixture of brutality, high mortality rates, and excruciating, unfathomable training, they have learned not just how to survive in the pleroma, but thrive.
They are an incredibly powerful force, and only the strongest of beings are ever even considered for acceptance. Refusal of their offer often ends in the destruction of the refusing party.
Hyperboreans are extreme eugenisists. They are seen mainly as misguided psychos and terrorists by the multiverse at large, and that's the way they like it. Hyperboreans live by a strict and taxing moral, physical, and ethical code. The Code is simple and easy to follow, however, deviations from the code end in death. With few exceptions, they view divinity as crutch and not real power, just the ghost of power. They instead prefer power through massive amounts of Practice and deliberately stay away from Quintessense. They aim to eventually depose the Supreme Being, and remake the multiverse. They are essentially Nietzche's Uubermench, or DBZ characters.

-The Communion of Multiversal Bodies
The Communion is a group focusing of altruism, enlightenment, exploration, and friendship. The Communion works as a friend to most other groups within the Pleroma. They are the first to offer aid, and the last to leave. They aren't without their enemies however, most notably the Terran Star Empire, and Hyperborea.
The Communion has over a trillion colonized worlds, and inhabit over 1000 Universes. They have all kinds and types in their group, not just men, but dragons, abominations, gods, and even a few Time Lords. The Communion boasts the most powerful fleet of all the mortal factions, and utilize powerful mechanized suits to combat Hyperborean Soldiers even in melee.
The Communion's most driving goal is exploration without exploitation, and attempt to maintain the unique heritage of all beings. They are the builders and operators of the current Rail system. They regulate it with a vengeance and only allied beings can use it without consequence. They are always on the lookout for those that would attempt to tear the universe asunder, dragons, and anomalies. Their technology is as elegant as it is powerful. Though it is never used for conquest or unprovoked hostile action. Unlike many groups, the Communion accepts all races, groups, or societies wishing to join, however, they try to understand a culture as much as possible before attempting contact. Only groups who have similar ultimate objectives will be allowed to actually join the Communion, however they almost always will keep the group on friendly terms and will open trade, non aggression pacts, and alliances if possible. They are much akin to the Federation from Star Trek, or the Commonwealth from Andromeda.

-The Spraug
A technological powerhouse on the verge of breaking through to the Pleroma. They are relentless expansionists, and far more powerful than they should be. The Spraug developed their tech from reverse engineering ancient Lumanian Ruins, and captured Leshay technology. Their Telluric Accellerators, and powerful Dreadnoughts have made them extremely formidible even without breaking through to the Pleroma yet. They are Psionic, Reptillian, and slightly tougher than the average being. Spraug Telluric Accelerators are essentially manifold Telluric Effect generators starting with a relatively weak baseline attack and expandning upon itself in one round through 10 uses of the Telluric Effect all stacked into one attack. No bueno.

-The Lumanian Ascendancy
An ancient and powerful empire that stretched from one end of the multiverse to the other at it's hight. They seeded the universe with technology and ideals to eventually make servant races. Their ships and technology are tremendously powerful, technorganic and sapient. Their ships are alive and look like mile long Orichalcum dragons. The Lumanians believed that they could transcend existence entirely, and eventually succeeded, resulting in over 90% of the race transforming into photons and disappearing. Their ancient enemies, the Star Demons, attacked during their weakened state and within a few millenia the greatest empire the stars had seen crumbled into a few scattered pockets in backwater universes, long forgotten. This is where they are today. Spraug Technology is based loosely on Lumanian ideas, though their weapons are a pale shadow... Lumanians are basically human, though they have pale clammy looking skin, jet black eyes, greasy stringy hair, and wirey muscle. They also live alongside a birdlike race much like the Tengu, though featherless. Both are considered Lumanian.

-Lurgese Trade Federation:
The Lurgese Trade Federation is the most powerful single trade organization in all of existence. In appearance and demeanor the Lurgese are disgusting. They are roughly seven feet tall, and ooze like, like Pizza the Hut made of mucous, vegetation, tentacles, and feces. They tend to come off as apathetic, slow to respond, lethargic, superior, and cruel. Their trade routes, ships, and caravans are heavily protected.
The Lurgese are naturally LE in alignment, so they tend towards the most pragmatic approach in any given situation without regards to who it hurts as long as th cost is worth the gain. This is their general approach both as a culture, a business empire, and personally. Their apathy has led to the extinction of thousands of races.
Lurgese ships are big, ugly, rugged, and beat up looking. The Lurgese favor cargo room, a lot of armor, a lot of cheap but effective weapons, and using any and all ships for as long as possible. These tend to be frustrating for most beings to destroy. They use gravitic spatial charges that deal % damage, and surround themselves in a cloud of a form of high energy radiation that can affect even Eternals.
As horrid as they are, they are the most effective means of purchasing or selling rare artifacts and transferring goods discreetly or securely as their empire spans as farther than even the Communion. Attempts to create competition result in endless attacks, both business wise via undercutting and slander, and physically to both business and owner, and have the power to back it up.

Horribly scary race of beings seemingly made of black enamel and cracked molten lava. They are throwbacks to the previous multiverse, they through unknown reasons even to Time Lords, are immune to divine energy, and simply survived the last multiverse's destruction.
Unfortunately they are entirely unable, or unwilling to communicate with anything from our existence, and are incredibly hostile. Communication attempts immediately seem to signal their ships to attack, like pissing off a swarm of bees, with annihilation forthcoming.
The Mordites motives are unknown. They are entirely isolationist and keep to themselves, most of the time...
When a Mordite is killed, its remains become an ultrahard substance known as Mordite. (Thank you Dresden Files) This substance instantly destroys anything weaker than a Time Lord that comes in contact with it, living, nonliving, or otherwise. They have a powerful Navy of lacquer black ships, all made of mordite as well, with a Rail system equivalent. They are very tough to kill.
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For the Hyperboreans, and Spiritual Growth based beings, I made a few modifications to the chart for progression/ challenge's sake. Here is the chart I use, hopefully some of you might find it useful or fun. In most regards it is the same as the chart on page 17 of the IH: Ascension book. Unlike that chart however, this is an actual template, vice just a growth system for outsiders, and it is heavily expanded upon to make it interesting for even Mid- High Cosmic campaigns.



Beings with Spiritual Strength are powerful mortals and outsiders who through perfection, discipline and enlightenment, have gained power nearing with the gods themselves. Also known as Hyperboreans, they are essentially the mortal equivalent of the Adamic Dragons.

Gained: Hyperborean is a template that can be applied to any being hereafter referred to as the "base creature". The creature's type and size remain unchanged, however it gains the "Augmented" subtype.

-Hit Dice: The base creature gain max Hit Points, at 30 HD their base Hit Dice become d20s, at 120 HD their Hit Dice change to d100s, at 200 HD and every 100 HD thereafter their hit point multiplier increases by +1 (ie: a being with 200 HD of Spiritual Strength would have x2 health, 300 HD would have x3, and so on..), at 480 HD their base HD increases to d1000s. At 1000 HD, their hit point Multiplier increases from +1 per 100HD, to +10 per 100 HD (1000 HD being would have x100 hp) this is retroactive. Finally at 2000 HD their hit point multiplier increases to +1/4 their total hit dice (2000 HD would have x500 hp).

-Speed: At 30 HD the base creature's speed increases by x3, at 120 HD speed increases by x10 and they gain standard Starflight with a speed of 3d20 days to reach any point in the Kosmos, at 480 HD they become Superluminal, at 2000 HD their Starflight increases to 1d3 minutes, on par with a Time Lord.

Armor Class
-Deflection or Insight
: The base creature gains a Deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma Modifier, or an Insight bonus equal to their Wisdom Modifier.

-Perfection Bonus: They also gain a +1 Perfection bonus to their AC for every 5 HD.

-Natural Armor Bonus: The base creature gains an amount of Natural Armor bonus that varies depending on how naturally tough they are. If the base creature has little or no natural armor normally, they gain 1/4th their HD in Nat AC. If the base being is naturally scaly or tough, they gain 1/2 their HD in Nat AC. If the base creature naturally has heavy armor plating or is incredibly tough to hurt, they gain Nat AC equal to their Hit Dice.

Special Attacks:
-Integrated Class Features: You gain class features equal to 1/2 your HD.

-Spell Like Abilities: The base creature gains spell like abilities based on it's portfolios, if any. At 30th level, they gain Limited Wish 1/day, at 120th level, they gain Wish 1/round, CL=Hit Dice

-Prana Blast (Su): Treated as an "Effect" power, the base creature begins to be able to manipulate it's own life force to assault it's foes. The base creature radiates an aura of bright light (color of your choice) that can be extinguished at will. Initially it deals d3 divine damage, though it does not destroy magic barriers, and dazzles targets that fail a DC 10+1/2 HD+ their Perfection bonus save for 1 round, and manifests as a single Effect type power of the Hyperborean choosing (ray, blast, strike, touch, etc), every 10 HD he gains an additional attack form and it grows in strength as per the Effect list in the Ascension handbook. At 30 HD, the damage dice is increased from d3's to d10's and it is treated as an Uncanny Effect with the Hyperborean gaining access to all Effect type attack forms and dazzles targets for a number of rounds equal to the dice damage done and the -1 to attack rolls and sight based perception is replaced with a minus equal to the Hyperborean's Perfection modifier (and any Divine bonus they may also have) and also affects the armor class of an opponent reducing dodge and Dex based AC equal to the Perfection and Divine Bonus of the Hyperborean to a maximum of the opponent's total dodge and dex based armor bonus, at 120 HD, this increases to Uncanny Cosmic Effect dealing d20 damage though still does not destroy magic barriers, at 480 HD the increases to Uncanny Transcendental Effect, at 2000 HD this damage is increased to d1000s, or 'Uncanny Omnific Effect' if you prefer. (Treat the range increment as if they were an equal leveled Diety)

Special Abilities:
-Damage Reduction: Equal to 1/2 their HD. At 30 HD this increases to =to their HD. At 120 HD DR is increased 10x, at 1000 HD this increases by x100 again. (1,000,000 at 1000 HD)

-Perfection: The base creature gains a Perfection Bonus equal to 1/5th their hit dice on AC, Attack Rolls, all Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and SR. At 480 HD the Hyperborean gains a single ability chosen by the DM, Elusion, Invincibility or Sophism based on their character concept as they learn to tap into the higher reality of true Perfection.

-Spell Resistance: Gain an SR equal to 10+ HD+ Their Perfection Bonus. At 2000 HD they become immune to non-epic magic.

-Adaption (Ex): At 120 HD the base creature's form has grown tough enough to survive the test of space and time. They gain limited immortality if they did not possess it before and no longer die by aging or natural causes. They take no damage from any natural effect though are still effected by other non damaging effects (ie. They wouldn't be burned by a star they were standing on, but unless they were strong enough to stand up themselves, and had the ability to survive without breath, they'd be pinned by the star's massive gravity and be suffocated.). Though with time and effort, they can fully adapt to any environment. At 480 HD they are considered immune to most if not all environments and environmental effects.

-Divine Power: The base creature gains 1 Divine Ability for every 5 HD it has.

-Multifaceted: At 30 HD a Hyperborian is considered to have effectively mastered mortal and epic techniques and gains Mutifaceted as a bonus Divine Ability

-Cosmic Power: Once the base creature has used Spiritual Strength for 120 HD, they gain a single Cosmic Ability of their choice.

-Transcendent Power: At 480 HD, they gain a single Transcendental Ability of their choice.

-Omnific Power: At 2000 HD, they gain a single Omnific Power of their choice.

-Saves: The base creature adds it's Perfection bonus to all Saving Throws.

-Abilities: Add +2 to all ability scores for every 5 HD the base creature possesses.

-Skills: The base creature gains it's Perfection bonus to all Skills

-Challenge Rating: Equal to 2/3rd's it's ECL

-Effective Class Level: Equal to double it's total Hit Dice.


Spiritual Strength offers few advantages to Divine Ascendency, but since it is done via the person's own grit and badassery vice Quintessence, it is not subject to QP drain, or effects dependent on QP. All of their levels are gained the old fashioned way as well; there are no magical shortcuts, or Worshipper Points, just Exp. Also, as the Hyperborean tends to be far weaker than it's divine counterpart, this is more meant for NPCs, though if done correctly it might be a viable option for PCs looking for a challenge.

The Hyperborean Soldier I'll be posting next should give you guys a good estimate at what it looks like on paper.

If divine PCs wish to take levels of Spiritual Strength, I allow them to do so. It is just treated as a separate template, though the Perfection bonuses and the bonus Cosmic, Transcendental, and Omnific powers are gained relative to how many levels the being has actually had the template for, so it is not retroactive, (If a 240 hit dice First One takes Spiritual Strength for the first time, they'd gain the power as if they were only level 1) though I realize this is somewhat clunky, it's simply a balancing mechanism to avoid exploitation and loophole gestalting, and it works, for the most part.

The only exception I make to this rule is for high level vanilla mortals who take it, or non-deific outsiders. The abilites become fully retroactive, and they are able to fully enjoy the template's power, as it is more intended as a substitute to Divinity, vice another level of it.

Hope you guys enjoy. :)
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Hyperborean Soldier

"The Warriors of the Stars, The Universal Legions, The Neitzschian Supermen"


A small star of vibrant sapphire light sits on the event horizon of a black hole, about to be sucked into the inky void within. Suddenly you see it do something odd, it seems to literally tear itself violently from the edge of the singularity with visible strain and break free, suddenly it shoots towards the black hole again and again stops at it’s event horizon. As you take a closer look, you realize it’s not a star, but a shining aura; in it's center you see an extremely muscled herculean man of indeterminate race. His body and skin look leathery, as if it’s been toughened by forces of the cosmos itself, and he appears to be flying against the gravitational pull of the Black hole deliberately. You realize suddenly that whoever, or whatever this being is, he seems to be using one of the most powerful forces in the universe as exercise equipment...

Large Augmented Humanoid

Hit Dice:
500d1000+ 200,000 x4 (2,800,000 hp)
Initiative: Always First
Speed: Superluminal
Armor Class: Infinite/ 1200 (+500 natural, +600 Deflection, +100 Perfection)
Base Attack/Grapple: 500/ 1200
Attack: Always Hits: (+2100 Melee) +300 Triple Strike Neutronium Star Scythe of Transcendent Flames: 8000d100 +1600 +300d100 Transcendental Fire, +125d100x4 Prana Strike x16 (14,100,000 damage)
Always Hits: (+1600 Ranged Touch) Prana Ray: 500d100 x24 (1,200,000 x Telluric Effect damage)
Full Attack: 12 attacks, + 1 Ray (x2 Time Dilation)
Special Attacks: Prana Blast. Wish
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5,000/-, SR 610, Adaption, Immunity to Cold and Fire, Starflight
Saves: Fort +1950, Ref +1650, Will +1700
Abilities: Str 1200, Dex 200, Con 800, Int 300, Wis 300, Cha 1200
Skills: All skills are at 600+ relevant ability modifier.
Feats: Anyfeat x10
Epic Feats: Combat Mastery, Haleness, Inedia, Insomnious
Divine Abilities: Third Eye, Anyfeat x10, Enlarge Aura x10, Quantum Effect, Soldier of Fortune, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Regeneration, X-Ray Vision, Perfect Initiative, Telluric Effect, Telelocation, Heavenly Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, Chaotic Mind, Chaotic Soul, Chaotic Spirit, Heavy Handed
Cosmic Abilities: Slipstream, Abrogate, Cosmic Consciousness, Assimilate, Oblique Strike, Learned Ability Immunity, Inner Eye, Elusion, Perfect Critical Multiplier, Time Dilation, Unearthly Weapon Focus, Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Unearthly Reach, Unearthly Effect
Transcendental Abilities: Legendary Strength, Legendary Charisma, Perfect Defense, Ultimate Weapon Focus
Environment: The Ivory Infinity of the Pleroma
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Squad (1d4+1)
Challenge Rating: (official CR 667)
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Effective Class Level: 1000

Combat: Hyperboreans tactics are simple: Take advantage of their Superlluminal speed if they can,and simply stay out of an enemy's reach and soften them up from extreme distances with their Prana Blast ability. They take full advantage of their Third Eye, Inner Eye, Quantum Effect, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Perfect Critical Multiplier and Unearthly Effect abilities. Allowing them to deal x6 damage with each hit, and x4 again after that.

After a sufficient amount of time bombarding foes from a distance, they almost always attempt to pull opponents into melee, where their Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Unearthly Reach, Elusion, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Anyfeat, Perfect Defense and other defensive and offensive capabilities abilities allow them to dispatch all but the most serious of threats, including massive armies arrayed against them, in seconds. Even powerful Eternals may find that a small group of them in the right conditions, is a scenario no one would want to be in.

Prana Blast (Su): Treated as the Uncanny Transcendental Effect however unlike the standard Transcendental Damage, it does not instantly destroy shields or defenses. It does, however dazzle foes for 250 rounds and reduce Attack rolls, sight based Perception (or Spot) checks, and Dex and Dodge based AC by 100 (to a maximum of the opponent's Dex or Dodge bonus to AC) on a failed Fort save of 2060.

Beam (Ray) 500d100x 24 (6 Unearthly Weapon Spec x4 Quantum Effect) (1,200,000) Line of Sight range

Blast 250d100x4 (100,000) 16700 mile range./ 1275ft. Standard action DC 2060/half

Blood 125d100x4 (50,000) Melee Free action DC 2060/half

Breath* 500d100x4 (200,000) 16700 mile range (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 2060/half

Hand 750d100x24 (1,800,000) Melee Touch

Immolation 750d100x4 (300,000) 16700 mile range. radius Free 2060/half

Storm 133d100x4 (50,000) 16700 mile range. radius Free -

Strike 133d100x24 (300,000) Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 250d100x4 (100,000) 16700 mile range, Both 2060/none

Unearthly Reach (Ex): Your reach is equal to the range of your divine aura,

Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of your divine aura. Lines and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight. This coupled with Cosmic Consciousness gives effect power ray and lines Infinite range.

Starflight(Sp): Can reach any place in the multiverse in 3d20 days.

Adaption (Ex): Immune to damaging natural effects and you can no longer die from natural aging, however he is affected normally by non damaging effects. With enough time, he can adapt to any environment.

Legendary Strength: Str is doubled

Legendary Cha: Cha is doubled.

Perfect Defense: Infinite AC

Elusion: Ref save to avoid any damage

Ultimate Weapon Focus: Infinite Attack Bonus

Oblique Strike: Can foil an opponent's defenses by hitting something else.

Time Dialtion: Double actions every round

Inner Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls

Quantum Effect: Variable damage with attacks. (x4 permanently with Inner Eye)

Unearthly Weapon Focus: Only need to roll touch to hit with melee.

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: Damage multiplied by crit multiplier.

Perfect Critical Multiplier: +4 crit multiplier steps

-Wish: at will, Caster Level equal to 20+ HD+ Perfection Bonus


New Divine Abilities:

-Chaotic Mind/ Body/ Soul/ Spirit:

Mad Certainty drives your every action
Prequisites: Chaotic Neutral (or Insane) Alignment
Benefit: Cha luck to respective stats, Divine Bonus luck to AC.

New Cosmic Abilities:

Unearthly Reach:

Your reach extends into the heavens themselves.
Prequisites: Dex 70 or Above
Benefit: Your reach equals your divine Aura.

Unearthly Effect:
Your Effect Powers can stretch the span of space.
Prequisites: Divine Aura (or equivalent), 70 Dex or Above, Uncanny "____" Effect
Benefit: Your Effect power ranges are equal to your Divine Aura. Line and Ray attacks have a range equal to your line of sight.
Special: With Cosmic Consciousness, it will allow Ray and Line Effect powers to reach across the universe.
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So, I'm currently running a High Cosmic campaign, and I've made quite a few ideas to add depth and flavor to my multiverse. In addition to demiurges, nehaschemic dragons, and anomalies for my PCs to fight, I've also made many mortal factions with mechs and ships, both good and evil, and I made extremely advanced beings using the "spiritual growth" table on page 17 of Ascension, I call Hyperboreans.

I also have some new ideas for distance and a few interesting limiting factors for the Pleroma to add a bit of challenge. I'll start with that, then give a couple of stat blocks for a spaceship, and a hyperborean.

It's been theorized that the distance of the universe is somewhere in the neighborhood of 46 billion lightyears in radius, round that up to 50 billion lightyears in radius, and that is how far I allow things like Omnipresent or Cosmic Conciousness to work. It's also how far I allow a being's actual total reach to not exceed. I do, however, allow beings to see further than this, but in more of as astronomers vice astronauts. They cannot affect it without first reaching it.

In my version of the Pleroma, the hardest obstacle to overcome is the distance. There are these absurdly huge distances that take even Time Lords and the like at least 3d20 days to traverse, because of this, I have devised 2 systems of travel throughout the Pleroma: Starflight, and Rails.

Rails are like Pleromic Wormholes, they allow fast travel to certain points throughout the Pleroma. It is also called the Slipstream. This also allows for cultural centers, and points of interest. So it's helpful from a DM pov.

Essentially, it is akin to a huge magnetic tramway, through an artificially created wormhole that connects huge portions of the Pleroma. It looks like three giant, seamlessly smooth metal tracks, 2 below the craft, and 1 above, all evenly spaced with similar looking metal rings around the perimeter at regular intervals. This track runs in a circuit throughout condensed space and branches out an infinite amount of times, to an infinite amount of places.

There are older Rails too, many of which are reminants from past civilizations. If the PCs can get to them, they'd still be operational, but who knows where they lead...

Starflight is an Extraordinary Ability that I swiped from the Shantak in Pathfinder's Beastiary 2. It is the ability to traverse the multiverse by collapsing space, it takes 3d20 days to get to any point. In conjunction with Inner Eye, that means 3 days. I make this a standard ability for all Sidereals and above, though it is limited to their parent universe until they become Demiurges.

Now on to the fun part, monsters. First I'll talk about the mortal factions. One thing that always intrigued me was the idea of advanced civilizations that would somehow be able to breach the barrier between the Pleroma and their universe, if they did what would they find on the other side, and what kind of tech would they bring with them to the Pleroma?

One story I've worked on is the idea of people from our actual Earth, thousands of years from now, would pull this off and reach the Pleroma. However, they'd bring the worst traits of our civilization, greed, conquest, and a pro-human agenda to the Pleroma.

The Terrans, as they're called, have a Star Wars Empire approach to Multiversal conquest. They subdue and enslave Demiurges, imprisoning them and using their essence to power Dyson Sphere like power generators. They are powerful and resourceful, but come from a universe entirely devoid of magic, giving them a distinct disadvantage. The advantage they do have however, is that none of their special abilities are considered Supernatural Abilities or lower, all abilities are Extraordinary.

Terrans are all technologically enhanced, and are bred to be Paragons; these are called Transhumans. Their movers and shakers however are called Posthumans, these are the big dogs, the planners, and the richest most and powerful of men. Shorthand, you could do a double Paragon, or even an Amidah with no magical abilities. I also give any and all Progress Level 9 or above Technology to these guys for flavor. For anyone who's familiar.

Here is the "Luna Class" Fighter ship, it's weak, but made to attack in groups. Forgive the messy formating doing this on my phone, lol.


Luna Class Starfighter,
CR: 250
H. Construct
Init: +500. Speed: Superluminal

HD:250d100+10,000+125,000 Shields (160,000hp)
AC:750 (250 Nat, 250 Dex, 250 Insight)

Str: 150 (+75)
Dex: 500 (+250)
Wis: 500 (+250)
Cha: 1

Fort: 125
Ref: 375
Will: 125
DR: 1,500/--
SR: Immune to Magic

-Hypercannon: +750 Ranged Touch, Always Hits, 1 Light Day long range.
-Light Grenade: +750 Ranged, 2.5 mile splash, 25,000 mile range
-Ram: +575 Melee

-Hypercannon: 250d20x2 (5 attacks)
-Light Grenade: 250d100 (1 attack plus splash)
-Ram: 120d20 +75

Special Abilities:

Blast Wave (Ex): 100 ft wide, 25,000 mile long wave, deals 250d100 Transcendental Damage, Fort DC 375 for 1/2 damage

Power Stream (Ex): 1 Light Day long line, 250d100, Fort DC 375 for 1/2 damage.

Shield (Ex): 125,000 hp barrier surrounds the craft, damage done to the ship is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 2,500 health per round.

Luminal Celerity (Ex): Always Hasted, Improved Evasion, and Superluminal. For 1 round every 1d4+1 rounds, can make a double action just as if they had the Time Dilation cosmic ability.

Inertial Dampeners (Ex): Perfect Maneuverability, can make an immediate move action after an attacker misses or doesn't break through the shield.

Adaption (Ex): Can become immune to a single form of attack an attacker uses, can be changed as a free action 1/round, can only adapt to 1 enemy at a time.
Additionally, this allows for the ship to exist in most forms of natural environment without damage, with the exception of the most harsh of conditions such as the inside of a star or a black hole, it also grants it 3 Anyfeat slots, and allows the ship to not be undermined by temporal means.

Phalanx Missiles (Ex): As an immediate action, can fire a barrage of missiles made of light. This ability works like the magic missile spell, but there is no limit to the number of missiles fired (125), these have a 25,000 mile long range, are not subject to spell resistance or shield spells, and deal 1d100+100 damage each. These can be used defensively or offensively, and the missiles can target different opponents.

Probability Matrix (Ex): By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, the Terrans can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability, and allows the ship to apply it's Wisdom bonus as Insight to AC, Attack, and Initiative.

Starflight (Ex): Can compress space to reach any point in the multiverse in 3d20 days.


I have another stronger Terran Ship, and a Hyperborean to put on here, but I got to get ready for work. Before I go, a bit more about the Hyperboreans, they'd be like what Goku is. Not a god, but able to hang with them through sheer brutal will and dedication. Tell me what you guys think. :)

Very cool stuff. :cool:

I am curious to know what sort of Tech Level these Terrans are? Are they like Gallifreyans (tech-wise) with Goku's physical attributes?

Just wondering how you ended up with the weapon damage?

Also would the Post-humans look like a 'builders' from Prometheus?

Very cool stuff. :cool:

I am curious to know what sort of Tech Level these Terrans are? Are they like Gallifreyans (tech-wise) with Goku's physical attributes?

Just wondering how you ended up with the weapon damage?

Also would the Post-humans look like a 'builders' from Prometheus?

I envision the Terrans being viable threats to Demiuges, thusly I put them at PL 10. They'd be on par with the Daleks from Dr. Who, or Species 8472 from Voyager, tech wise, possibly far more powerful. I gave each and every Posthuman, a full complement of PL 9 tech from the D20: Future manual, they can heal themselves, deal extra damage in melee, can teleport, and have the experience of thousands of people at their disposal, in addition to a plethora of other powers. Transhumans are considered Paragon humans with appropriate technology and are around level 20-30, Posthumans are considered Amidah humans, sans the 'wish' power and with appropriate tech, and are also level 80-100.

They are supposed to be tough to beat, able to destroy or subvert worlds even without ships given enough time, but are not supposed to be a match for even low level Sidereals without heavily relying on their ships and tech.

I got their weapon damage through entirely ad-hoc means. I worked with my primary PC to create alot of my stuff, we play tested it, and decided that for an attacker that can essentially pound anything less than a demiurge to dust in seconds, but is supposed to attack in swarms, that d100s for it's base attack damage was a bit much, so we downsized it to d20s x2, and gave it a splash attack that deals 250d100. I chose splash attacks due to it not having any kind of associated saving throw, but requires precision on the attacker's part. I tried to give it abilities that really made it threatening, but not invincible, such as it's Luminal Celerity, and Probability Matrix abilities.

Looks wise the Engineers would be a great template to work with just not gigantic, big but not huge, I imagine them as all looking like absolutely perfected human beings. The men looking like ideal specimens of masculine ideals, and the women looking like fitness models, with a third sex of androgyne perfection, slim but fit, beautiful and lithe but not feminine. All undesirable traits were bred out of the species thousands of years before, though undesirable traits is a broad spectrum. All Posthumans, and Transhumans are constantly linked together with a sort of internet like hive mind. They are able to connect to this and find answers to any question, and access to almost any needed information at any time, either via databases, or by linking thoughts with others. Terrans have no privacy as you might guess, and those who see this as a problem are looked at with suspicion.
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Sure, Will have to make from scratch but those will be my next projects. I'll put one of the Lurgese trash vessels and a mordite 'Axe' ship down in addition to the races themselves. :)

Mordite Axe

A terrifying ship shaped like a massive geometric battle axe made of the blackest material warps into sight, it moves ‘handle’ end first which ends in a spear like diamond shaped head, it’s surface is cracked like freshly cooled lava and ominous red energy emanates from the fissures.

CR: 700
Macro Diminutive Construct
Init: +1,150 (700 circumstance, 250 Wis, 200 dex). Speed: Superluminal, Rail Access

HD:700d1000+70,000, +700,000 Shield (1,470,000hp)
AC:1400 (250 Nat, 200 Dex, 250 Insight, 700 Deflection)
DR:--/-- (immune to standard damage)

Str: 400 (+200)
Dex: 400 (+200)
Wis: 500 (+250)
Cha: 1

-Ram: +950 Melee

-Red Lightning Cannon: 700d100 +70,000 + annihilation, : 30ft wide and 1 Lightday long Line DC 1,400 Ref ½ and negates aniihilation
-Black Energy Space Charge: 350d1000 (1 attack plus splash) 1 Lightround range, 700 mile radius blast, DC 1,400 Fort save for ½, negates most forms of damage immunity and concealment
-Rain of Black Stars: 700d20+7,000 damage to all enemies targeted with no save, damage is unavoidable, range is out to edges of the current dimensional plane it inhabits
-Ram: 350d20 +250+ annihilation

Special Abilities:

Red Lightning Cannon:
A Terrifying beam of alien Red Lighning dealing 700d100 +70,000 and annihilating all foes struck (See Annihilation) : 30ft wide and 1 Lightday long Line DC 1,400 Ref ½ and negates aniihilation but not the consequent antimatter explosion

Black Energy Space Charge: 350d1000 (1 attack plus splash) 1 Lightround range, 700 mile radius blast, DC 1,400 Fort save for ½, negates most forms of damage immunity and concealment (works as the Oblique Strike ability)

Shield (Ex): 700,000 hp barrier surrounds the craft, damage done to the ship is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 14,000 health per round.

Luminal Celerity (Ex): Always Hasted, Improved Evasion, and Superluminal. For 1 round every 1d4+1 rounds, can make a double action just as if they had the Time Dilation cosmic ability.

Inertial Dampeners (Ex): Perfect Maneuverability, can make an immediate move action after an attacker misses or doesn't break through the shield.

Immunity (Ex): Immune to all natural and magical effects, standard forms of damage, environmental effects and all abilities requiring a save. Can be undermined via Abrogate and abilities that either return damage to an attacker or things that bypass standard damage immunity and deal direct damage such as Oblique Strike.

Annihilation (Ex): All forms of energy or matter that touch the Mordites are annihilated and converted into an antimatter explosion. When it touches a foe or for any ability that has the ‘Annihilation’ ability attached to it instantly destroys any being that touches it with a reflex save of 1,400 that is lower than Time Lord status (or of 1000 HD) a successful Reflex save still deals an amount of damage equal to the being in question’s HD in d100s. If a being is annihilated an explosion with a radius of miles equal to the being annihilated’s HD bursts out of the doomed creature damaging all non Mordite beings with a Reflex save of 1,400 and dealing an amount of damage equal to the being in question’s HD in d100s. Energy Attacks similarly explode dealing d100’s equal to the number of damage dice of the attack negated.
(70HD being being struck would explode in a 70d100 explosion out to a radius of 70 miles, a 10d6 fireball cast at a Mordite vessel would be negated and converted into antimatter dealing 10d100 to a radius of 10 miles)

Adaption (Ex): Allows for the ship to exist in most forms of natural environment without damage, it also grants it 10 Anyfeat slots, and allows the ship to not be undermined by temporal means.

Rain of Black Stars (Ex): A barrage of black and purple pinpoints of energy not unlike a barrage of tiny stars, deals 700d20+7,000 damage to all enemies targeted with no save, damage is unavoidable, range is out to edges of the current dimensional plane it inhabits

Probability Matrix (Ex): By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, the Mordites can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation whilst simultaneously allowing for the least favorable outcome for all enemies. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability, and the “Evil Eye” Transcendent Ability, and allows the ship to apply it's Wisdom bonus as Insight to AC, Attack, and Initiative.

Starflight (Ex):
Can compress space to reach any point in the multiverse in 3d20 days.

Rail Access (Ex): The Ancient Mordite Rail system is still very active though unable to be accessed by non Mordite beings. This system is as sophisticated or perhaps moreso that that of the Communion, allowing them to reach any area of the Multiverse nearly instantaneously.

Distress Signal (Ex):
If a Mordite vessel is damaged invariably a swarm of Mordite vessels warp in within 1d3+1 rounds, these vessels seem to appear in portals of black and purple energy and no sign of their coming vice the inevitability of their coming.

Unearthly Construction (Ex):
Made by the hands of beings lost to time itself, beings made by the previous Supreme Being, all mordite vessels have d1000’s HD and gain an additional 100 hp per hit dice.

Mordite Construction (Ex):
Both the Mordites themselves an all of their items and vessels are made of the ultrahard substance ‘Mordite’ which is utterly unbreakable and deals the same vicious annihilation ability as it’s living counterparts when handled in any way by anything less than Time Lord or similar being’s hands making it a favorite material of those unimaginable beings.
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