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ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist re-mixed


formerly roadtoad
I just posted about my post-Zeitgeist game here. Additionally, I am running a new group through Zeitgeist. As this will be my third time through the first several adventures, I am mixing things up and doing things out of order as it entertains me best. I'm treating this game as an alternate timeline / parallel universe of my other Zeitgeist game, in case any crossover between the games happens.

If you're interested in seeing either how flexible Zeitgeist is, or how much we can screw up this latest incarnation, I encourage you to stick around. We're barely three sessions in and already a constable has died and the city is about to riot. I'm not sure these folks are cut out to be cops...

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formerly roadtoad
The Constables:

first, the two who follow directions and provide backstories:

Dr. Aubrey de Gascoigne (human wizard Skyseer)
Though of an ancient Danorian name, de Gascoigne, the good doctor's family came to Risur more than a century ago, and stayed. He spent his youth studying astronomy at Pardwright and Mitchell University, receiving his doctorate 12 years ago. His dissertation: "On the Orderly Arrangement of the Beautiful: Cosmos as the Source of Arcane Knowledge" was published and got him a prized admission into the Royal Society of Astronomy. He's worked with the Royal Constabulary as an unofficial consultant in the past. There's a rumor that he can set his orreries spinning and divine the future from them, but people are always making up stories about things they don't understand...

A pasty modern Celt, Aubrey dresses professionally in a coat and vest, with a top hat, a pocket watch, and an ornate cane. He wears a gold signet ring and always has a small satchel or two under his jacket, filled with various odds and ends, including a small book in which he constantly writes. He carries a knife on his belt, hidden under his coat, and he has been known to carry a shotgun on expeditions, strapped to his pack.

He lives alone, but for an small brown and white barn owl he cares for. No one knows where the owl came from, but Aubrey has been known to bring it with him around town, securing his reputation as something of an eccentric.

Joe Actual (half-orc barbarian Martial Scientist)
Joe Actual was born in Ber (somewhere along the border) to a human mother who was married off to an orc as a gift to end a small border conflict.

The mother fled this arrangement first to Bole, then on to Flint. She begged for money and shelter and briefly held a few jobs at local bars and as a maid until she fell on even harder times and was forced into the oldest profession. She was killed by one of her customers when Joe Actual was 7. He was briefly a ward of the state, but promptly ran away to live on the street, destined it would seem to live a life of crime amongst the street urchins. And he was well-received in the streets owing to his size, his intimidating look, and an easy way with a club. As he grew, so did his reputation as a protector of the street children who all still know his name. It was in his defense of a child being beaten by a sadistic shop-owner, that he caught the unhappy eye of a recruiter for the gladiators.

Joe trained tirelessly and had an easy time learning fighting styles and understanding tactics. He was naturally talented in the art of fighting. Where he struggled, was as an entertainer. He fought hard and fiercely and well, but he won too quickly and with little flare. He rose through the ranks despite this, and developed a small but rabid following. It was this that almost cost him his life. Though he lacked the sort of seat-filling broad appeal sought after in the circuit, it would be impossible to just get rid of him both due to his loyal followers and due to the fact that his stern benefactor thought of him as a son and wouldn’t be easily persuaded to retire him early. So, a plan was made at the upper levels to have Joe Actual fight his last battles. The idea was to have a short crescendo of more and more difficult battles ending (inevitably) in Mr. Actual’s demise.

And that would have been the end if not for a fortuitous matchup fight with a dragonborn (Zamfir).

The Battalion:
reported PSAT score of 1580
Thesis: An Ethical Case for the Use of Deadly Force in Non-urgent, High-reward Negotiations

next up we have the others:

Zamfir (dragonborn fighter Martial Scientist)
Played by the brother of Joe Actual's player. He helped write Joe Actual's backstory and then didn't follow up with one of his own.

Glim Glim "One-Shoe" Timbers (gnome rogue Gunsmith)
no back story. Just some bloke.

Rian Rhionnan (human bard Vekeshi Mystic)
the wife of the Glim Glim player. No backstory and has been AWOL for the first four sessions.

So, as you can see, we have some folks putting more into it than others. This will show in the session reports.
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formerly roadtoad
1st of Summer, year 500: Constable Joe Actual, together with RHC consultant Dr. Aubrey de Gascoigne, apprehended five subjects of Crisillyiri heritage in the process of planning a transfer of a shipment of stolen magical wands from Crisillyir. Under interrogation, the subjects divulged that a meeting is planned for the following night in the Ayres near a specific uninhabited island. One small ship will sail from a small dock in Pine Island to meet the merchant ship, Li Grifoni Grinyandi, at midnight, at which point a transfer of goods will take place. As it seems likely that these wands will make it into the hands of more Family Bravuras in an escalation of the violence caused by their turf war with Kell's thieves, it is in the interest of the Kingdom to disrupt this trafficking. Delft will confer with his constables tomorrow to form a plan of action.

(I set up a warm-up fight for the two people who actually showed for the first session, but I tied a little bit of story to it)


formerly roadtoad
2nd of Summer: Constables Joe Actual, Zamfir, and Glim-Glim Timbers, together with RHC consultant Dr. Aubrey de Gascoigne, intercepted a supply of Crisillyiri wands being smuggled into the country. The constables intercepted the maritime vessels Silvo and Li Grifoni Grinyandi south of Ilha do Sol in the Ayres. Li Grifoni escaped, but the constables were able to ram the Silvo and apprehend eight subjects, including Deorn Feldman, captain of the Silvo, and recover six crates of illicit wands.

The crew of the Silvo resisted arrest and unfortunately one of them perished in the fighting to a gunshot. One turned invisible and got away. The Crisillyiri Consulate has already sent a message thanking the RHC for apprehending the "pirates" who stole their legitimate cargo bound for Ber and requesting the return of the stolen property at our earliest convenience.

Glim Glim starting stuffing wands in his pockets during the cleanup. Zamfir confronted him about it and he stopped, but not before pocketing four wands. Zamfir told him that the incident would go in his report. Glim Glim later forged Zamfir's report, replacing it in Delft's office, and then hid the wands in Zamfir's desk in case anyone came looking.


formerly roadtoad
And then all hell broke loose:

3rd of Summer, year 500: Delft’s B Team followed up on a lead from informant Nilasa Hume regarding her employer, Heward Sechim, of Sechim Alkahest & Engravings. Nilasa told the team that Mr. Sechim had been threatened by two different groups of men who wanted to illegally acquire the powerful etching solvent Alkahest. Alkahest is in high demand for the new field of arcanoscientific technology, combining the technology of Danor with the magic of Risur for even more powerful machines. Nilasa thought the event might be related to the recent rash of factory fires in Parity Lake and hoped the constables would help.

After meeting with Nilasa at The Thinking Man Tavern, the team staked out Mr. Sechim’s factory. Around 10pm, constable Glim Glim ambushed a carriage horse pulling a wagon on the road in front of the factory, apparently on a hunch. That wagon happened to be carrying firedust and firegems. Constable Zamfir attempted to apprehend Glim Glim for the unprovoked attack on a horse, but the gnome kept evading him, even after the four thugs in the wagon stabbed him many times.

Meanwhile, Dr. Aubrey successfully surveilled two red Dragonborn emerging from Parity Lake (the body of water). These two seemed like the proper suspects, and Dr. Aubrey apprehended one of them without a fight (Suggestion spell on Valando after Eberardo ran past the illusion concealing Dr. Aubrey). The other engaged the RHC constables during their own altercation and successfully ignited the explosive wagon before escaping back into the lake. Constable Glim Glim perished in the explosion, which also caught three buildings on fire, including Sechim’s.

Zamfir heroically toppled the water tower atop Sechim’s to control the blaze on that side of the street, but the Pemberton Firearms, Explosives, and More warehouse across the street could not be saved. The resulting inferno ripped through several city blocks leading to hundreds of deaths as workers locked in their factories could not escape.

Security forces in the city of Flint are on high alert as the civil unrest threatens to rip over into full-on riots. The Kell Guild street gang is successfully spreading rumors that the RHC set the fire intentionally after murdering a horse. Public opinion of the Royal Homeland Constabulary is at an all-time low.

On the bright side, maybe the arrested Dragonborn will tell us what he was up to and who hired him before his lawyer makes us release him since Dr. Aubrey apparently arrested him for swimming.


This was a complete mess. Glim Glim surprise sneak-attacked a carriage horse for no reason other than we were on a combat map. Zamfir's player went deep into roleplay and was just offended that this dude murdered a horse. The four arsonists dropped Glim Glim in three straight attacks thanks to 3 crits (with advantage). No one else was close enough to make a melee attack, so Zamfir tried Persuade to convince the arsonists he was just there to arrest Glim Glim. The gnome did not cooperate, and ended up unconscious adjacent to the cart when Eberardo breathed on it. It exploded the next round, killing Glim Glim.

There was still the small remnants of a peaceful protest at one of the neighboring factories, and Glim Glim did his equicide right in the middle of the road. All four arsonists escaped after Eberardo pulled all the aggro.

This weekend's event (after a dressing down by both Delft and Saxby) will be dealing with a protest being put on by Thames Grimsley. He and some dockers (the docker encounter from adventure one) have taken over a market square and will be putting on a parody of RHC policies, with a line of horses being led to the gallows. The first horse is two guys in a horse costume, but the other five are real. There are about two dozen bystanders just watching the show, including Rock Rackus and his entourage. We'll see if they can defuse the situation or just start murdering civilians (with a new constable to replace Glim Glim, and, I'm told, an actual appearance by the bard).


formerly roadtoad
4th of Summer: Delft interviewed Valando while Dr. Aubrey "observed" from behind the one-way glass. Unfortunately, the dragonborn resisted both Delft's and Dr. Aubrey's attempts to get information out of him. He claimed to be on his way to a late-night magical reagent market and that he had certain personal enemies in the neighborhood whom he was avoiding by swimming ashore instead of using the roads. The most information we got out of the interview occurred when his lawyer arrived. Quentin Augst has a reputation of representing members of Kell's gang when they run afoul of the law. While we need to release Valando within 24 hours, learning that he's represented by Kell's lawyer is probably enough to know who he works for.

Constable Zamfir was given a formal warning on suspicion of disrupting the chain of evidence in regards to the Crissilyiri wand snuggling operation.

Constable Joe Actual was given a promotion to Sergeant and put in charge of his squad, which currently consists of himself and Zamfir, with the consultant Dr. Aubrey de Gascoigne available to assist as needed. Delft hopes to have some more manpower available to the squad in the coming days.

Constables Joe Actual and Zamfir, along with two junior constables, investigated a report of a missing research team from Pardwright University. They met with young professor of archaeology Dr. Xambria Meredith at the university. She told them of her graduate student Ignatius Vren, who had gone missing while researching an old abandoned Clergy church in the Nettles. The research team was exploring the possibility of stable planar gateways being possible at old holy sites. The constables tracked the team to the church and then to an abandoned street in the Nettles, where Ignatius was leading a cult ritual that seemed to be opening up portals to the Bleak Gate. Ignatius's followers were knee-deep in wells filled with a strange oil-like substance which included bright motes of light that seemed to move of their own accord.

Ignatius was grappled and cuffed, but his followers dove head-first into the 2-foot-deep wells. Two of the three seemed to return as creatures made of shadow, while the third seemed to die in the attempt. The senior constables hurried to meet this threat, and Joe Virtual found the university students being held captive. Unfortunately, during this time, Ignatius managed to slip his bonds by using a spell to control Zamfir. Ignatius made a run for it, but was killed by Joe Actual before he could flee the scene.

The constables noted after the fact that the two wells were encircled by rusted iron chains with arcane sigils stamped into them. They also recovered a magical tome from Ignatius entitled The Application of Oxidized Ferrous Metals in the Creation of Interplanar Gateways, and the Repercussions Thereof by Friedrich Liutbert.


We once again had short attendance, so I scrambled to make an adventure out of an encounter in the Roll20 Tactical Maps Adventure Atlas, which has 22 WotC maps, each with 4 one-night encounter/adventures.

I managed to squeeze in an early meeting with Xambria, a reference to rusted-iron Bleak Gate portals, the ruined church in the Nettles, witchoil, and Kell's attorney from Cauldron Born. So far, we are basically just puttering around Flint waiting for something big to happen (probably Nilasa's death, probably after I've had another opportunity to roleplay her while alive)

going over the 5e death rules, I realize I've been doing them quite wrong. Oh well, something to fix for the future!
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