D&D 5E You find a magical _____, it does _____

This is my favorite thread, I love when people bring it back.

Next, a mummified housecat with a noose around its neck.

The Grim Mouser

Detects as strong necromancy magic.

This rather grotesque magic item is the ultimate magic pest control system. To use it, one must hang it, by the noose, from the doorway of building. The entire building is them protected from all Vermin. Vermin will not willingly enter, and if vermin are forcibly placed inside the protected building, summoned in, or otherwise pass the threshold or walls to be "Inside" the protected space, the Grim Mouser conjours a Greater Spectral Shadow Cat each round until all the vermin are dead or fled beyond the limits of the building. The Shadow Cats attack the vermin relentlessly as long as any remain. If no vermin remain, the Shadow Cats act as moderately unfriendly house cats (Hissing at people, light biting/claw swiping, peeing on things). Each summoned cat persists for 9 hours.

Use of this item is considered a crime against sentients in all lawful kingdoms.

Greater Spectral Shadow Cat
Start with the base cat, make it undead and incorporeal, vulnerable to bright light, and buff it's stats to CR 15.

Next Item: A dried lemon preserved in salt

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The Cursed Lemon of Obsolescence

This powerful cursed talisman is kept in a warded box, packed in salt to contain its fell influence. It is used as a form of sabotage - when hidden inside a building or vehicle crumbles into dust and curses the location or vehicle with fragility and ill-luck. Stone crack, thatching rots, tiles loosen and fall off, axles and wheels break. It starts gradually, but soon the vehicle or building is in need of constant repair or it will literally fall to pieces. Once destroyed, a lemon tree will grow out of the remains in a single night, and bear a single lemon as fruit. When the lemon is picked, the tree dies and withers away.

If the lemon is not immediately packed in salt and warded, it curses the next vehicle or building it comes near.

Next Item: A blank scroll

Next Item: A blank scroll

Shalmanezer's Scroll of Subterfuge

This single use blank scroll can be placed over any spellbook, to instantly steal one of the highest level spells from the book. The stolen spell is automatically inscribed on the scroll, and vanishes from the spellbook. Once the scroll has stolen a spell, it becomes an ordinary spell scroll.


A mystical jeweled chakram.

Shalmanezer's Scroll of Subterfuge

This single use blank scroll can be placed over any spellbook, to instantly steal one of the highest level spells from the book. The stolen spell is automatically inscribed on the scroll, and vanishes from the spellbook. Once the scroll has stolen a spell, it becomes an ordinary spell scroll.


A mystical jeweled chakram.

Chakram of Etrenal Imprisonment
Weapon(chakram), Legendary (requires attunement)

This chakram constructed of gold and mythril had two large gems implanted in its handle, which can be removed and replaced.

The chakram has two charges. When an attuned creature hits with an attack using it, they may expend a charge to cast the Imprisonment spell (DC 15) upon the target, instead of dealing damage. The spell is automatically set to the crystal prison, using one of the gems in the handle, and dies not require material components beyond the jewels. The chakram regain 1d2 charges every week, and the spell can used as long as it has charges and at least one empty gem worth at least 2000 gold in value placed in its hilt.

Next. A hollow, solid gold isocahedron about twice the size of a marble

Next. A hollow, solid gold isocahedron about twice the size of a marble

The Gods Chime

This small gold 20 sided charm is hollow, with a small x shaped hole in one face. If one looks very closely into the hole, you can see it contains a small black pearl. If shaken, it chimes like a bell, with a pure clean sound.

Once per day, the chime may be sounded by it's possessor to command the very gods themselves to alter fate.

When the DM rolls a d20 check, after the roll but before declaring it a success or failure, you change the die to it's complimentary result. I.E. take the die result and subtract it from 21. A 1 becomes a 20, a 15 becomes a 6, etc.

Next Item: a folding camp table

Next Item: a folding camp table

Sorry for the length. Sane DMs may want to split this into two separate items, or reserve the HAWKER function for NPCs.

Charlatan's Counter (wondrous, legendary, attunement required)

To the inexpert eye, this is a simple wooden 3 foot square folding table which, in fact, is exquisitely crafted (DC 16 Intelligence or woodworking check). It takes a full round to open and set up or close and stow.
If you are not attuned to this table, you will fall off if you try to stand on it without assistance from someone who is attuned to it (no DEX saving throw or skill check permitted), and nothing special happens if you place items on it. Once attuned to it, you may activate in one of two ways, with different effects:

Stand on the table (takes your movement for the round)
The table becomes fixed in place, even on water (as if it were an anchored boat). You cannot be involuntarily moved off the table while you are conscious. You have advantage on all Charisma-related skill checks.
While standing on the table, you may cast 10 levels of the following spells per long rest:
- Bane, Bless, Command, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Vicious Mockery (1)
- Calm Emotions, Enthrall, Suggestion (2)
- Compulsion (4)
- Mass Suggestion, Otto's Irresistible Dance (6)
- Antipathy/Sympathy (8)
If desired, spells may be cast at a higher level than indicated, but that increases the casting "cost" in levels. Any saving throw DCs are based on your total character level.

Position a single item or creature (lure) on the table (takes your action for the round)
Within 1 minute of placing a lure on the table, you attract the attention of the person who most wants it (buyer). The buyer might not be the original or previous owner. You may remove the lure from the table at any time before you accept payment for it. If the lure is removed from the table, the encounter ends.

In essence, you will become a "wandering merchant" encounter for the the buyer. Due to the unique properties of the table, you appear as a natural part of the buyer's environment, but you will not have actually traveled anywhere. Therefore, you will each have a different perception of your immediate surroundings. You may not interact with the buyer in any way other than simple speech, since they are not actually in front of you. They can see and hear you, and vice-versa, but no one else can break the veil on either side. Even though they are visible, they are not a potential spell target. However, spells that target Self, such as Glibness, will work as intended.

You may haggle with the buyer for as long as the buyer will tolerate. If they move more than 5 feet away from the table, the encounter ends.

The buyer may offer you anything (payment) within their power for the lure. To make the offer, they must tell you what the offer is, and place it on the table. If they are not truthful about the offer, it is considered invalid and it will fall through the table.

Validated offers (payment) will remain visible and accessible to the buyer (on the table), but will vanish from the view of anyone else near the buyer's native surroundings.

You may not interact with the payment until you release the lure. And only you have the ability to release the lure from the table to the buyer's care.

When you release the lure, they buyer may no longer interact with payment, and you may not interact with the lure. The encounter ends when you remove payment from the table. If the released lure has not already been picked up by the buyer, it will drop from the vanishing table at the buyer's location.

Once an encounter ends, the table cannot be used in this way again until after a week.

You may not place yourself on the table as a lure. If you stand on the table, you activate the DEMAGOGUE function.

Next: A cork stopper, as might be used on a keg, bottle, or waterskin

Sorry for the length. Sane DMs may want to split this into two separate items, or reserve the HAWKER function for NPCs.

Charlatan's Counter (wondrous, legendary, attunement required)

To the inexpert eye, this is a simple wooden 3 foot square folding table which, in fact, is exquisitely crafted (DC 16 Intelligence or woodworking check). It takes a full round to open and set up or close and stow.
If you are not attuned to this table, you will fall off if you try to stand on it without assistance from someone who is attuned to it (no DEX saving throw or skill check permitted), and nothing special happens if you place items on it. Once attuned to it, you may activate in one of two ways, with different effects:

Stand on the table (takes your movement for the round)
The table becomes fixed in place, even on water (as if it were an anchored boat). You cannot be involuntarily moved off the table while you are conscious. You have advantage on all Charisma-related skill checks.
While standing on the table, you may cast 10 levels of the following spells per long rest:
- Bane, Bless, Command, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Vicious Mockery (1)
- Calm Emotions, Enthrall, Suggestion (2)
- Compulsion (4)
- Mass Suggestion, Otto's Irresistible Dance (6)
- Antipathy/Sympathy (8)
If desired, spells may be cast at a higher level than indicated, but that increases the casting "cost" in levels. Any saving throw DCs are based on your total character level.

Position a single item or creature (lure) on the table (takes your action for the round)
Within 1 minute of placing a lure on the table, you attract the attention of the person who most wants it (buyer). The buyer might not be the original or previous owner. You may remove the lure from the table at any time before you accept payment for it. If the lure is removed from the table, the encounter ends.

In essence, you will become a "wandering merchant" encounter for the the buyer. Due to the unique properties of the table, you appear as a natural part of the buyer's environment, but you will not have actually traveled anywhere. Therefore, you will each have a different perception of your immediate surroundings. You may not interact with the buyer in any way other than simple speech, since they are not actually in front of you. They can see and hear you, and vice-versa, but no one else can break the veil on either side. Even though they are visible, they are not a potential spell target. However, spells that target Self, such as Glibness, will work as intended.

You may haggle with the buyer for as long as the buyer will tolerate. If they move more than 5 feet away from the table, the encounter ends.

The buyer may offer you anything (payment) within their power for the lure. To make the offer, they must tell you what the offer is, and place it on the table. If they are not truthful about the offer, it is considered invalid and it will fall through the table.

Validated offers (payment) will remain visible and accessible to the buyer (on the table), but will vanish from the view of anyone else near the buyer's native surroundings.

You may not interact with the payment until you release the lure. And only you have the ability to release the lure from the table to the buyer's care.

When you release the lure, they buyer may no longer interact with payment, and you may not interact with the lure. The encounter ends when you remove payment from the table. If the released lure has not already been picked up by the buyer, it will drop from the vanishing table at the buyer's location.

Once an encounter ends, the table cannot be used in this way again until after a week.

You may not place yourself on the table as a lure. If you stand on the table, you activate the DEMAGOGUE function.

Next: A cork stopper, as might be used on a keg, bottle, or waterskin

Cork of Firing

This otherwise plane cork is emblazoned on one end with the symbol for transmutation magic.

When the cork is placed into the cork hole of a container, whether it be a bottle, water skin, keg, etc. A creature may use an action while holding said container to fire the cork like a projectile. This action counts as part of an attack action.

The creature must make a ranged weapon attack roll, treating the container as a +1 heavy crossbow for proficiency calculation and damage. The cork can be replaced into the cork hole as a bonus action when retrieved.

Next. A red tie with the letters "DK" printed in bold and yellow on it.

A red tie with the letters "DK" printed in bold and yellow on it.

This infamous tie belonged to the bard Biafra, when wearing it one can conjure a group of dead troubadours known as the Kennedys to sing and play alongside you. Though at a cost, any fresh fruit within the area is transformed into rotting vegetables.

Next: A shadowy lined dress.

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