• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

WotC WotC will do what you say for 5 years. What are your instructions?


Chris Perkins talked about this in a panel a few years ago, I got the numbers wrong:

"A great bulk of D&D players (55%) play homebrew, but about 50% of those homebrewers pillage from other settings for their own world. About 35% play in the Forgotten Realms, and then everything else takes up 10%. Very few people are running Dark Sun, Hollow World or Mystara campaigns. Greyhawk may be 5%."

I doubt that this has changed overly much, given the popularity of homebrewers like Matt Coleville or Matt Mercer out there.
thank you, that's what I was asking for

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1. Commit to 3 distinctly different settings and support all 3 fully. Since I get to pick, Eberron, an old Classic Fantasy setting OTHER THAN Forgotten Realms, and look at the unused IP from the setting contest that Eberron won and pick one to make a 5e based new setting.

2. ePublish setting updates for ALL the old settings. Mystara, Dark Sun, Spelljammer, Greyhawk, DragonLance, Blackmoor, all the others I can't remember. Ideally, within the first 2-3 years. Basically set the current state of the setting, detail any necessary races, subraces, classes, and subclasses. Available as PDF and also POD softcover. Graphically, make the covers harken back to the 2nd ed AD&D HR campaign books with the green covers.

3. Open all the epublished settings from #2 for 3rd party and dmguild development.

4. Support for Adventurer's League increasing to above where it was three-four years ago before they cut it back. Incentivise DMs to run AL events.

4.5 Each AL Season supporting all 3 core game lines.

5. Pawn sets like the ones Paizo does for Pathfinder. Nice high quality art on cardboard chit standees.

6. And this last one is just purely personal, but a minor adjustment to the release schedules so that the late fall release comes out a few weeks BEFORE my local gamecon instead of consistently THE TUESDAY AFTER IT ENDS. EVERY FREAKING TIME! Guess when my local con is this year? I'll give you a hit, the Eberron 5e book comes out November 19th. : )))))
(so we'll be playing the like 3 eberron adventures available nov 14-17th without rules for any of the eberron races or for dragonmarks... :mad:)


I wasn't even thinking about non-D&D stuff.

M:tG - Turn it into a "Living Card Game" system. I.E., all sets go into perpetual production. You buy a box it has the following. 4 of each common, 2 of each Uncommon, 1 of each Rare and Ultra-rare. Decks now also have the card limits based on rarity (com-4, unc-2, rar/UR-1).
Continue pumping out new sets 2 per year.
Bring back Manaburn and Banding.

Roborally - Bring it back, publish new version, bring back and republish all the expansions, publish a premium master edition with pre-painted minis and all the classic expansions all in one box.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Step 1: Diversify, but don't cannibalize D&D. The best way to do this is a rerelease of the old FASERIP Marvel Superheroes System. Go digital if you're feeling risk-averse but it would work in print as well. This isn't even game design just IP negotiation.

"Just IP negotiation". With Disney at this point. When they are riding high on a decade of superhero movies that have made billions.

Yeah, sure. "Just IP negotations".
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"Just IP negotiation". With Disney at this point. When they are riding high on a decade of superhero movies that have made billions.

Yeah, sure. "Just IP negotations".
Well, Disney licensed Marvel properties for action figures and costume accessories to Hasbro. Also Monopoly. So it seems like a reasonable ask. All Disney needs to put in is some publicity or production stills to fulfill the art needs for the book and sign the license agreement.
Admittedly the money from the license is trivial by Disney standards, but it's purtnear free trivial money.


1) Create a Core D&D with a little more crunch ala HERO. Medium crunch, not as number heavy. This would be the foundation.
1a) Publish the SRD of the Core online and free basic no-frills PDF so designers can make new things for D&D that are easily measured against one another. This should be the basis of DM's Guild rules offerings.
2) Build out all the spells, abilities (class, race), powers and feats with this system.
2a) Start with publishing Basic D&D, with the basic modules for fast easy play. Boxed set of course.
3) Create the core set of D&D. Show optional modules (like feats) and how to incorporate them. These would be the "common" modules the average D&D group wants/needs.
4) Create Advanced D&D, a set of books that adds a delicious menu of options for Players and GMs (and Monsters). This is where you stretch the Core game out to do all kinds of things people like to houserule in. More tactical combat, mana point system, custom classes, custom races, etc.
5) Focus on settings and the cool adventure hardbacks (as they are currently doing. This is a brilliant approach).

There will be multiple teams. One focused on Core and rules, and one or two teams focused on supplements.

Year 1 would be quietly laying the foundation for the Core system. Year 2, Q1 would be Basic and core D&D, Q3 Advanced D&D. Year 3 would see the release of the Genre Guides (GG!), so you can run 6e in any genre or mix genres at your pleasure. These would be added to the SRD and based on Core. Year 4 and 5 would be based on customer feedback. More options books? More adventures? More campaigns? More monsters? New settings?

Throughout this plan there would be regular releases of settings, campaigns, adventure anthologies, monster manuals (foes, villains, NPCs) and other guides based on customer feedback.

Voidrunner's Codex

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