• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

WotBS WotBS (3.5) Adventure Log


Chapter 3, Episode 10(July 13, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 7
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 7
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 7
Robyn; Strongheart Halfling Rogue 4, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Orgath Underfang; Orc, Monk 7

Begin Log: Day 44 Alturiak 13, 1370DR

We discover an Orc captive off in a side chamber. Nemis deduces that he has 'the taint', so he refuses to release him, but the group decides otherwise and frees him and lets him join the group.

We press on deeper into the cave.

We discover the main force of bad-guys including Ogatar the Toad...

After a long drawn out fight we manage to defeat Ogatar causing his remaining minions to surrender.

End Log

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Chapter 3, Episode 11(July 21, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 7
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 7
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 7
Strongheart Halfling Rogue 4, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Orgath Underfang Orc, Monk 7 RIP

Begin Log: Day 44 (Alturiak 13, 1370DR)

We just finished the fight in the Goblin grotto and are looting the bodies.

We realize the Ogatar has been stockpiling food and has many months supply stashed away.

When we go to leave the entrance to the cave is still blocked off with plant Growth.

We eventually free ourselves from the plant blockade.

We negotiate with Hesselin and convince her that if the Goblins help us carry back all of the food we found in the cave, we will negotiate on their behalf with Sequen for their continued existence.

We make camp...

Day 45: (Alturiak 14, 1370DR)

We wake and head into town...

We try and locate L'Aurelbec and give her the food and freed slaves.

We thank the Goblins and send them back to the swamp.

We purchase two pearls for identifying the decanter and a cloak.

A decanter of Endless Water and a Cloak of Charisma +2

L'Aurelbec asks us to negotiate with the high priests of the various religions in town. We give L;Aurelbec the Decanter also to help in her negotiations...

3 days from now we're to attend to the play so we use those 3 days to sell and purchase provisions and items.

Day 48: (Alturiak 17, 1370DR)

Were to head to the play today.

We're taken to the theatre, which is a large Galleon moored in the harbour.`

We offered magical drying as we're ushered inside.

Sheena doesn't question us too much considering we're not the original 5 people who received the tickets.

There are no windows in the theatre.

The play begins, just before noon. The spectacular Trial to Toteth Topec....

The play is a heavy handed allusion to how the nations should work together to stop Ragesia.

Just as act 3 is about to start we notice Giorgio, the flamboyant man who was at the war council meeting a few weeks ago. We see him sneak up onto the main deck, and he appears to be wiping blood from his hands.

We roll initiative...

We make our way up to the deck where we see Giorgio enter a room at the back of the ship.

As we're about to pursue we're jumped by two enlarged, and hasted Half-Orcs who begin attacking us..

Then a hidden rogue emerges from hiding and attacks as well.

Orgath the Orc gets cut in twain by an enlarged Half-Orc. RIP Orgath

The fight rages on...

End Log.


Chapter 3, Episode 12 (July 26, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 7
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 7
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 7
Robin; Strongheart Halfling Rogue 4, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Tentalus; Human Psychic Warrior 3, Barbarian 2, Psion 1, Erudite 1

Begin Log: Day 48 (Alturiak 17, 1370DR)

The fight rages on...

Eventually, we manage to start taking opponents down. Nemis follows Giorgio into a back room where his familiar begins attacking, eventually flushing him out and forcing him to 'teleport' away.

We notice a new human combatant climb up the side of the ship and we're not sure what to make of it, he introduces himself as Tentalus.

We eventually hunt down Giorgio and drop him from poison...

We gather up the bodies and search them...

We deduce the plot, it looks like Giorgio was attempting to teleport the ship and kill everyone on board, including the town leaders.

After that we also find a partially burned ship near by with 6 burned Elven corpses on board.

We eventually remove the barrier holding the hull closed.

Simeon gets some info from Giorgio, we learn that the Elf corpses were a trick, they were a decoy to make it look like the Elves caused the whole thing. Lee Sidoneth orchestrated the whole thing.

Simeon says he'll look into this further immediately.

He asks us to go to Kiernan and immediately go look for Lee.

We remember that the two half-orcs who attack attacked us here were the same two we saw at Lee's home.

We get to Lee's but it's abandoned... The town guard says they have not seen him.

The Lyceum mages say that Lee is hidden from any divination they can muster.

The storm seems to be growing increasingly stronger, as we search.

We also figure out that those with indomitability's boon seem unaffected by the wind of the Storm.

People throughout the town begin to take shelter from the storm...

We're taken into Lyceum's lecture hall as the safest area. Simeon tells us, we're they're only hope as we're the only ones who can venture out in the storm.

To guide us, Simeon comes up with an idea... Old stories of the Pyromancer's Tomb wards against divination, and therefore that must be where he has to be if he's close to Sequin.

After casting a few lesser divinations Simeon learns that the magic controlling the storm seems to be centered over the eastern coast of the peninsula where the tomb is located.

Laurelbec may be able to give us access to a freedom of movement spell.

We head out, we leave Bruce the bat, and tie Tentalus off to Grittil, with Tentalus carrying Robin.

We find Laurelbec. There are 8 other high ranking officials standing in a circle with her.

She waves us over.

With some convincing the high priest of Dessani casts Freedom of Movement on Tentalus and we quickly head towards the eastern end of the peninsula.

End Log:


Chapter 3, Episode 13 (August 2, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 7
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 7
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 7
Robin; Strongheart Halfling Rogue 4, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Tentalus; Human Psychic Warrior 3, Barbarian 2, Psion 1, Erudite 1

Begin Log:

Day 48 (Alturiak 17, 1370DR)

We arrive at a building with a rusty gate at the end of the peninsula...

Text above the gate reads Kartur Tevinson... which is the ancient name for Tevin Prison...

We make our way to a doorway into the prison. The water is about knee deep in the entrance way of the prison...

We proceed inside...

As we move inside, two Tojanida's attack us.

We move into another room and encounter a Mimic...

We defeat the mimic... We find some liquor in the room.

We keep moving forward and set off two spear traps.

We pass the area where the traps are and enter into a prison area, where we observe several skeletal remains...

The skeletons rise and attack us.

Grittil makes quick work of them with his turn undead ability.

Robin grants Nemis blindsight then he begins scouting...

We find some stairs down and a door leading out

We go down into a submerged room where we eventually find a tunnel leading down.

We find a trap on it with a Thunderstone.

We rig up the pulley system and lower Nemis down.

As he's lowered down I the water eventually turns into steam and there is no more water in the room.

There is a large room with a bridge over a river of lava. Nemis goes back up and reports that to the group.

We deduce that this is the Pyromancer's tomb.

We lower ourselves down and proceed across the bridge.

We enter into a room, where we find some Ragesian soldiers.

We attack them and kill most of them driving the survivors deeper into the complex.

We follow and eventually track them to a torture chamber where an Elf woman is strapped to a torture table.

The fleeing Ragesian is in there along with a Ragesian Inquisitor.

After a long extended battle in which our melee characters got trapped in the room the back liner's were forced to take him down in a prolonged battle of attrition.

We look into helping the prisoners.

End Log.


Chapter 3, Episode 14 (August 9, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 8
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 6, Force Missile Mage 2
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 8
Strongheart Halfling Rogue 4, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Tentalus; Human Psychic Warrior 3, Barbarian 2, Psion 1, Erudite 1

Begin Log:

Day 48 (Alturiak 17, 1370DR)

We just finished the fight against Damius the Inquisitor.

We discover 2 prisoners within the cells.

Nemis searches the doors and frees a human wizard. He says his name is Tamor, tells us they were teleporting to Sequen, instead of teleporting to Sequen they were teleported to the white pillar in the next cell.

He says it seems to be a teleportation anchor.

We ask him if he saw a bald man, he says, yes, he was here but a few hours ago.

Did you overhear him say anything.

"He said he was taking the control rod in case he had to change the weather in a hurry."

He seemed to be in a rush.

We move to the last room we haven't gone into yet.

We open the door and see a bedroom. With a bed, bookshelf, and a desk. On the desk is a glass sphere which we assume is an orb of storms.

Grymtoe deduces that this is the source of the huricane, but we need a control rod in order to stop the storm.

We decide whether or not we're searching the tanks of green goo.

Nemis finds a bottle of air on the shelf.

Robin provides blindsight for Nemis who searches the impenetrable darkness.

Nemis finds a short hallway with a door at the end. We deduce that the door is arcane locked, and trapped.

We debate our course of action.

We decide to head to Lee's house.

We start winching ourselves back up the tunnel.

We figure that Grittil and Tymor can both use the bottle of air.

We get back up to the prison.

We are leaving the prison.

We get ambushed by Lee Sidoneth and his Giant Squid companion.

After a long battle ensues in which we must reach the roof of the prison and we're pressed to defeat him, 6 gargoyles and his squid companion.

Afterwards, we grab the control wand and quickly end the storm.

As we're recovering, Laurelbec' Giant Eagle companion flies up to us, and presents us with Laurelbec's Ranseur.

He tells us of the aftermath of the battle, and then tells us he now goes to die.

He bids us farewell.

Sequen is devastated, but it is unified. DM reads a long epilogue.

End Log (Alturiak 17, 1370DR)


Chapter 4, Episode 1 (December 08, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 8
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 6, Force Missile Mage 2
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 8
Strongheart Halfling Rogue 4, Fighter 2, Druid 1

Begin Log (Alturiak 17, 1370)

Day 48:

We have 7 days of rest in between adventures. Mostly spent in crafting or buying and selling magic items.

Day 56 (Alturiak 25, 1370)

The adventure begins...

Since the storm has passed, we've noticed that it's gotten noticeably colder each and every day, which we're told is somewhat unusual, as this far south Winter is usually subsiding.

We've gained a lot of notoriety in the town for our efforts in saving it.

We receive a note from a message from Lyceum. The note invites to an audience with Simeon immediately to discuss our next mission.

We head straight to Lyceum.

On our way through the campus we notice a skinny apprentice paying extra attention to us as we pass.

We're led to the main tower to the 5th floor of the tower.

We're led into Simeon's office. The office fills a quarter of the towers floor, set up to serve as a conference area.

In the room is Simeon, standing next to him is Kiernan Steckart. On another couch is a Katrina. And finally seated closes to us is a person we've never met.

The stranger introduces himself as Balan Bostom, a half-elf.

Balam casts a wan smile in our direction... I suppose you're wondering what this is about.

The Ragesian's have dispatched an army to attack Sequen. As soon as the mountain passes thaw they'll march.

Normally it will be simple matter of asking King Steppengard of Dassen for help. But, the Ragesians have gone and made a non-aggression pack with the King. Leska promised not to attack Dassen if they can pass through and attack Sequen.

Simeon has asked Balam to journey to Besk to speak with the King and ask if they will change their mind.

If we play to the King's ego and offer assistance we may convince him.

Simeon says we're not to give away the taxes....

Balam says we're not really sovereign and we need the help of someone.

Balam then asks if we can go as his body guards on the journey.

Balam will handle most of the negotiations, but we're basically going as bodyguards as the journey. And then with him to the audience.

They want us to leave immediately... Travel has become more difficult with the snow-fall as of late, the roads have been blocked by deep snow.

It's about a 2 day journey out of the swamp by Sequen, and then we should be able to purchase a sleigh or dogsled to take us along the frozen Nasham river, which will likely be quicker then traveling by horse.

The show us some maps of Dassen.... Alydi gap is where the Ragesian army will be marching through...

Each of the regions within the kingdom represents an area undership the lordship of a single noble family.

Each of the settlements are basically simple fortresses, with not many 'big cities.'

Its a highly militarised nation with a sizable army....

Katrina also tells us of Gate Pass, Ragesia controls several districts, but the Elves of Shahalesti are aiding gate pass.

Simeon also gives us a scroll of sending and tells us to keep in touch. "Good news can wait, bad news cant.

Shahalesti and Ragesia are also battling in Northern Shahalesti.

Ragesian naval fleet is blockading the Capital of Sindair (another country) also news that Ostalin my invade Sindair from the south.

As we're about to leave, we're approached by the skinny kid who was watching us. He gives us a letter and says his dad is proxy Jinnis and says he's Lord Gallo's proxy in Dassen. We take the letter and agree to give it to his father. This kid tells us his name Jinneer.

We travel for a full day and make a rest.

Day 57

We travel all day.

Day 58

After half a days travel we reach Vidor and enter the town to the sound of dogs barking.

We get Bastom to purchase us dogsleds...

It quickly become apparent that travel by horseback will not be effective.

It's an even trade for horses and dogsled...

We transfer over to dogsleds and continue on...

We travel for another 4 hours... Just when it seems like we should be setting up camp, when we can make a listen and spot check, one each...

We hear screaming up ahead... we rush ahead to investigate.

We approach a valley and see a frozen river ahead... The screams seem close enough to see, but the blinding snow is making it too hard to see.

We see several fleeing refugees, there seems to be something chasing them as they seem quite terrified... but we still can't see what is terrifying them.

We finally see a Remorhaz terrifying the refugees We engage!!

We quickly dispatch the 2 Remorazh...

We ask Balan to talk to the Refugees...

The refugees are mostly common folk who are just trying to get down to Sequen. Say they've lost over a dozen people to the two Remorhaz.

We decide to camp for the evening here and tend to the wounded.

We make up a camp and try and take care of the refugees for the evening.

We tell the refugees the way Sequen and they tell us they'll give word to Lyceum of our progress.

We rest.

We make it through the night...

Day 59

The refugees begin heading south, and we head north...

as we travel the sleigh comes to an abrupt stop and we find that a runner has been hooked by an ornate loop of leather.

We get out and discover 3 frozen bodies in the frozen river.

We hack them out.

We discover that all bodies have the same symbol, the device of Lady Dene's people.

We notice that the ice where the bodies are does not match the rest of the river and it appears that the ice was melted by fire.

We discover that each body appears to have been shot down on the run with a crossbow.

Grizzazzilfax finds the tracks of 5 horses trudging through the snow.... It also tells us that the tracks left about an hour.

We follow the tracks to a nearby tree where we find a fourth corpse hanging... the corpse has the same symbol on him.

We cut the corpse down and try and follow the tracks.

It's time to rest, we decide what to do.

We set up camp and set up a double watch....

We rest...

Day 60

We can't find the tracks but we figure they're heading along the road.

We also notice that the road seems to be cleared here meaning we're getting close to Bresk...

After another 20 miles or so upstream we spot up on the banks that there is a caravan that has been stopped by 5 humans riding Warhorses... They're all wearing a Sphinx surrounded by 8 small triangles symbol.

The men are rifling through the wagons. We notice they're Halflings...

We ride to the rescue....

Balan tells us these are Steppengard's soldiers.

The commander pulls out a blond human woman from one of the wagons and appears to be ready to strike her down if we approach.

The guards say these Halflings are wanted for treason and are implicated in the death of the King's family.

The confrontation degenerates into combat.

The commander smashes one of the caravan goers with his flail, who later dies,

We eventually kill all of them except the commander who is unconscious.

The Halflings describe the situation in Bresk.

The kings soldiers have started attacking everyone who was suspicious.

We find out that the King's wife and 18 children were murdered recently.

We search the bodies.

We should probably use the scroll of Sending.

End Log: Day 60 (Alturiak 29, 1370 DR)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I gotta admit, I love hearing about folks playing through our little* adventure path.

*When I say little, I mean BIGGEST IN THE WORLD, BABY!

It is great to read. Though I think you must have the highest attrition rate of any party I've heard of going through the campaign. How many people have died (and how often have they come back)?

Are you gaming tonight?


It is great to read. Though I think you must have the highest attrition rate of any party I've heard of going through the campaign. How many people have died (and how often have they come back)?

Are you gaming tonight?

Yeah we did play last night, it was awesome, I'll try and get it up tonight or tomorrow.

Sorry if they read a little 'point-form', but I'm usually trying to keep up.

As for attrition I think it's a combination of a couple things, the first being we play in-person, but we're all logged-in to Fantasy Grounds (which I cant say enough good things about) and the DM's rolls are all right there. So when a 30-35 point greataxe critical lands, it lands. That, and the players who die are just generally more aggressive then the rest of us. It also doesn't help that the Spellthief is practically a non-combatant unless there is a spallcaster present.

As for coming back, I'm lucky enough to play with the same 6 guys for the las 20 years or so, so everybody keeps coming back for more.
Last edited:


Chapter 4, Episode 2 (December 15, 2011):

Chapter 4, Episode 2 (December 15, 2011):

Nemis Figstone;Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 8
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 6, Force Missile Mage 2
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 8
Robin; Strongheart Halfling Rogue 5, Fighter 2, Druid 1

Begin Log (Alturiak 29, 1370DR)

Day 60:

We just finished the battle with the Steppengard soldiers. We have their commander bound and unconscious, we're deciding how to proceed.

Nemis takes a few of the soldier's uniforms that are not too scorched or bloodstained.

We decide on a course of action with the commander.

Its decided that we're going to end his life, Nemis stays behind to 'talk some sense' into him and slits his throats.

We bury the soldiers in a nearby snowbank and make haste towards Bresk.

That evening, as the sun is setting, we see in the distance the walled city of Bresk. With a castle perched on a 'great hill' the city overlooks the river we've been following.

We think we can make the city this evening so we press on.

Balan tells us the city is generally unfriendly to outsiders, says he's a little concerned about how we're to get in. Tells us he hopes the papers he carries will get us in.

We approach the gate...

We see that there is a long line of people attempting to enter the city. It's evident that security has been tightened.

We use the sending scroll Simeon sent with us and advise him of the situation.

Simeon responds that they'll try and divine the cause of the murders from there end, but tells us to proceed and to try and convince the King that the Ragesian's are behind this.

Nemis says he'll get himself in, the remainder of the group lines up and waits for their turn to enter the city.

Balan says if we get separated we're to meet him at the Golden Griffon, an Inn on the great hill.

We notice there is a smaller line of people attempting to get out of the city as well.

Balan gets the group into the city with only a few questions.

We make it to the Golden Griffon.

Balan says we should get some rest, but we do have some serious preparations to make. We cannot afford any missteps as the situation is now.

Balan says we should try to play more to the nobles then the King. He says the audience will involve the entire council of 8, but we should try and learn as much as we can before we're set to go.

Balan says he's going out to try and make some contacts, asks us to gather some information about the situation...

Tells us that the King's primary advisor is a Gnome named Nina Glibglammer, he believes it would be good to get her on our side.

Says the nobles will probably only be represented by proxies so we should try and learn what we can about them.

We figure we have about 4 hours tonight and 4 hours tomorrow to investigate.

We begin asking around at the taverns and such, Nemis acts as the face of the group.

We learn the following.

Gallo, Dashgoban and Timor are not fond of the non-aggression pact with Ragesia, Lord Iz and Lady Dene are unsure, but loyal to the King. Megadon, Namen and Rigo are hostile to Sequen.

We also learn that Nina Glibglammer was an ally of Sequen, but as of late has begun to view Sequen as a threat. We should not rely on her support as that would not be a good idea.

Lastly, we learn that the normal bloodline succession is detailed in a book, called the book of 8 lands, according to that book Lord Megadon is next in line. However, there are rumors that Lady Namin wants to marry the King and become queen. Mostly everyone is nervous that another civil war will erupt. We figure Balan should at least mention this situation.

We return to our room after our gathering.

Grymtoe sets an Alarm spell, also Balan sets a stone of alarm on the door knob to the room.

Before we retire Balan tells us a bit of information about the various nobles; Steppengard is an old experienced warrior who prefers negotiation over combat. However, in light of recent events he has ordered his police force to arrest any suspicious individuals. Also says the Ragesians have an ambassador attending tomorrows audience. The reasons for the different opinions of the nobles is partly due to which lands the Ragesians would have to travel through. Gallo's lands are where the Ragesians would travel through first.

We inform Balan what we found, and tell him he can do the talking.

We set a single watch and bed down for the night.

The night passes.

Day 61 (Alturiak 30 1370DR)

By the time we're up, we have about 4 hours.

Grittil and Robin head out and sell our mundane loot, Grymtoe identifies our two magical items and Nemis heads out and purchases a couple magic scrolls.

We reconvene and head to the audience.

Nemis waits outside invisibly with Robin's bat Bruce.

The rest of the group enters into the throne room in time to see the end of a trial. A crowd of dozens of people all linger in the shadows watching the spectacle.

The group is sent to the right side of the room beside the entourage of lady Namin, the only noble there in person.

Two thrones are there, one empty with a black shroud covering it.o The other has the King.

In front of the thrones are a trial where a Gnome woman harangues a thin man in shackles.

The Gnome is interrogating the man.

During the trial we spot a man dressed in rich Ragesian red guarded by an inquisitor.

The suspect seems confused at times, as we're watching Balan explains the Gnome is Nina.

Also tells us the man in the manacles is Relder, a clerk for Lord Gallo's proxy, a man named Jinnis, whom we have a letter for.

The questions continue for several minutes, all revolving around how Gallo was involved in the King's family's murder.

People in the audience mutter that perhaps the defendant is being mind controlled.

Nina: I'm convinced, this man has been charmed and his memory altered.

The King then speaks, orders the man taken back to the prison, but will not pass sentence on him.

The King says he'll take audiences now.

The group is summoned forward in order to give our arguments...

Balan gives his speech, inturn addressing each of the groups of nobles, the hostile, indifferent and pro groups.

After Balan presents our case, Steppengard leans low to hear the advice of Nina.

He points at Grittil and says, You, how many friends and family have you lost in this war. Grittil stammers out an answer.

The King says he's lost more then enough. "None shall offer assistance to these nest of serpents." He then gives us 3 days in his city. 'Maybe we can convince the Ragesians to spare us.'

We're quickly escorted out of the room.

We head back to the Inn to plot our next course of action...

We deduce that perhaps the Ragesians are behind the effort to 'frame' lord Gallo as he's opposing their marching through his lands.

The council votes, but the King's vote counts as three. We would need 6 of the 7 votes of those present.

It is just after noon as we're discussing this.

Balan says he's going to get some 'air' and see if he can't get some more information.

Nemis and Robin head out and try and learn where the Ragesians stay, in the castle or elsewhere. When we return to the castle we see they're still in the throne room.

Grittil and Grymtoe stay behind.

Nemis and Robin return to the throne room and observe the Ragesians...

Eventually things are dismissed and we see everyone begin leaving.

We try to follow the Ragesians to see where they head. iThe Ragesians leave the castle and we follow them to a tavern, where they grab a table.

After asking the staff of the tavern we learn that they don't stay here, they just get drinks.

We decide that Robin will get the rest of the group while Nemis watches to see if they leave.

We converge on the Inn and decide on a course of actions. The group is split between busting in there and killing them dead, or taking a wait-and-see approach.

We decide it's best just to watch them to see if we can't find where they stay for the evening while the rest of the group heads back to the tavern.

Nemis waits... after a while they just head back to the castle compound.

Nemis returns and reports to the group.

Balan returns, and asks what we've learned.We ask if he learned anything, he says nothing. Still thinking on our options are.

Balan says Jinis is in prison, so we'll need to find away to get him his letter. We ask Balan where the prison is, he tells us it's in the basement of the castle.

We head downstairs for a bite to eat while we mull this over.

As we're eating our dinner we see a tall gangly man approach us, who looks over his shoulder nervously... He says we must leave, 'you're in danger'.

I can't be seen with you, there are people trying to kill you.

The King's insane, he's sworn out an arrest warrent on you, which amounts to an execution order in these times.

If we leave tonight he'll have someone at the North gate waiting to let us out...

Nemis follows him, however it's not very far as he heads straight to the castle and surrenders himself. Whence upon we lose sight of him.

Nemis returns and informs the group of what we witnessed.

By this time it's getting pretty late, we decide on our course of action.

Balan doesn't really know where we should go if we leave.

We decide to head to the North Gate, its a dark overcast night with snow falling.

The group hangs back and Nemis moves in, invisible, to see what the situation is at the North Gate.

At the north gate we watch for a couple hours, around 10pm the gates is fully closed an it looks like the normal situation, and not set up for us to leave easily as the 'warning' let on.

We watch for another hour, just as we're ready to give up, suddenly the guards all move away from the gate and leave it seemingly unguarded. A human walks up to the gate with 5 horses. The man looks to be a sergeant.

We debate our course of action.

We decide that the group is going to take the horses and head out of town. Nemis is going to stay behind and observe our rooms.

The gate guard says, you don't know me, I don't know you. Then walks away.

We quickly note that the horses have been provided with cleeted shoes in order to walk along the river.

The group moves up the river 3 miles and makes camp for the evening.

Nemis takes up a position where he can watch the street and the Inn room.

As Nemis watches, around Midnight a black clad individual climbs up onto balcony and does something at one of the door.

Nemis just continues to watch. After a brief period the Assassin leaves and Nemis makes his way up towards the group on the River.

He makes it there and tells them of what happened...

The group decides to rest and figure things out in the morning.

We rest...

Day 62 (Ches 1, 1370DR)

We wake.

As we're prepping for the day Grittil spots a cluster of riders coming our way...

We deduce that this is not a good spot for an ambush.

At this point we also notice a flying creature with the riders.

We decide to wait and prepare for a fight...

We wait for the patrol, we deduce as they get closer, that they have a Sphinx with them.

As the close they launch some very long range arrows at us and continue to close.

Most of the group waits while Nemis and Grymtoe fly out invisibly.

As they approach they continue to pepper Robin and Grittil with arrows, with very little effect.

Eventually they start to land some blows on Bruce and Robin is forced to put up a cloud of mist.

Grymtoe unleashes a fireball downing all but three of them and the Criosphinx.

Eventually the Sphinx closes with Grittil in melee and they have a brief duel.

Grittil and Robin make quick work of the sphinx and it begins to withdraw.

The soldiers and the commander continue to advance shooting arrows, the commander leading his allies drinking potions as he moves to heal himself.

Eventually Grymtoe's magic kills him.

The Sphinx tries to make a break for it, but Robin's darts take him down.

The last soldier makes a break for it, after a brief chase Grymtoe manages to take him down with a magic missile.

We round up their bodies and gear.

We decide what our next course of action should be.

End Log:
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