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WotBS WotBS (3.5) Adventure Log


First Post
I've enjoyed DMing this, recently resumed play at the start of Chapter 4 and having a great time so far. We did lose a couple of characters in the last 2 chapters... but there is a core group of 3 that have survived from level 1 to maintain continuity. A good adventure log has definitely helped to keep the party on track, especially with switching campaigns and DM's a few times each year as we do.

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Chapter 4, Episode 3 (December 22, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 8
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 6, Force Missile Mage 2
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 8
Robin; Strongheart Halfling Rogue 5, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Tentalus; Human Psychic Warrior 3, Barbarian 2, Psion 1, Erudite 1

Begin Log (Chess 1, 1370DR)

Day 62:

The aftermath of the battle...

As the group gathers up the bodies, horses and gear Nemis and his Familiar use Commune to deduce some information regarding Castle Steppengard prison. They learn that their is an entrance to the prison from outside the city walls, and that it's located on the north side of the city and somehow associated with the sewers. Their questions regarding the murder of family Steppengard comeback as 'unclear,' with something seemingly blocking their attempts.

The group decides on a course of action.

We tell Balan to wait here with the horses as we go back and sneak into the prison to try and rescue Proxy Jinnis.

We head back and look for the 'entrance' located on the outside of the city walls...

We get to within a mile of the city and we think it will be too dangerous to approach any closer.

We decide that Nemis will try and find the entrance and then return to inform the group. The group returns to Balan's position and hides with the horses.

Nemis locates a small tributary from the river, which he follows to a cemetery just north of the city wall.

He sees an entrance to a tunnel below the city walls. Nemis decides this is likely the entrance and returns to the group.

The group hunkers down until after dark...

Darkness falls and we make our way back as a group, leaving Balan to await our return...

We move into the cemetery and make our way towards a sewer entrance. As we're approaching the entrance we notice a hidden looking mausoleum.

We make our way into the mausoleum and discover Tentalus bound and gagged.

We untie him.

Tentalus tells us that he was told by Simeon about the news of King Steppengard's family, and was ordered to travel after the group. But upon getting to Bresk, he was arrested on site, due to his appearance. He remembers being taken to the dungeon.

Tentalus confirm that there were two other people in the prison with him, two humans.

Jinnis also told him that Nina is responsible, or perhaps the Ragesians, or perhaps both in concert.

We also find a note on the table:

"Leave this one here, leave him alive, the Rags will pick him up tonight."

As we're discussing a course of action we hear screaming coming from the sewer exit which forces our hand and we rush over to get into the sewers.

After a bit of fire and a lot of pulling from Tentalus we break the grate closing the entrance and we move into the tunnel.

As Grittil enters he notices that every 5-foot square of the cave floor is full of undead limbs sticking out of the frozen cave floor.

Grittil turns some of them but realizes it is pretty ineffectual. We decide to hack our way through...

We hear a vaguely familiar voice saying 'I don't know anything'

Eventually the screaming stops and we fear the worst.

We make it to a grate in the ceiling, we begin trying to force our way in.

After several moments of trying Nemis gets his familiar to move, in toad form, into one of the sewer pipes. Grizzazzilfax reports that there are prison cells on the other side with 2 human prisoners.

After more trying to no effect Nemis sends Grizzazzilfax through the grate, again as a toad. Grizzazzilfax reports seeing a torture chamber with Torrax the Ragesian inquisitor in the room apparently waiting for us to make an appearance.

Finally, after much effort we get the grate open and Torrax attacks us....

When we finally get up into the room, we see Balan's corpse splayed on the torture table...

Tentalus moves up into the room but is forced back down after taking a lot of damage and noticing and undead creature in a small room off to the side.

Grittil heals Tentalus up and moves to the opening in an attempt to turn the undead creature.

But before he can call down his God's power he is hit by the beasts tongue and paralysed.

Tentalus moves up and attacks Torrax who now stands side by side with the undead, Tentalus pulls Torrax down and grapples him.

After a few rounds the group manages to kill Torrax but now faces Jutras.

Tentalus manages to pull Jutras down and begins grappling, but before long Jutras paralyses Tentalus and moves on to Grymtoe.

Grymtoe quickly gets grappled by Jutras, but not before hitting it with a Thunderlance.

After a long miraculous struggle, with Robin healing Grymtoe, Nemis firing at both of them on the ground with his Grave Strike wand luckily missing Grymtoe with every shot, and Grymtoe valiantly resisting the paralization, Grymtoe manages to free his Magic Missile wand and start delivering some offence.

Shortly thereafter Grittil finally shakes his paralyzation and helps to bring down the creature with some offensive healing spells.

With the creature finally vanquished Grymtoe begins searching the bodies, while Nemis scouts up ahead invisibly, and Tentalus shakes off the effects of the paralyzation.

After discovering a notebook on Balan's corpse and two 'storage rooms' Nemis hears a conversation behind a third door and returns to the group to report what he's found.

End Log (Day 62: Chess 1, 1370DR)


Chapter 4, Episode 4 (December 29, 2011):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 8
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 6, Force Missile Mage 2
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 8
Robin; Strongheart Halfling Rogue 5, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Tentalus; Human Psychic Warrior 3, Barbarian 2, Psion 1, Erudite 1

Begin Log (Chess 1, 1370DR)

...we continue to explore the prison...

We prepare ourselves for a fight and open the door to 2 large wolves, 3 guards and a prelate...

Nemis moves into the room invisibly, scouting. One of the wolves detects Nemis' familiar by scent and takes a swat at it.

Tentalus quickly grapples and dispatches one wolf while Nemis' familiar retreats.

Grittil gives Tentalus Bull's strength as the cramped confines of the hall make it hard to get everyone into the fray.

The Prelate casts invisibility purge, trapping Nemis in the room in a delicate position.

Tentalus begins grappling the second wolf.

The prelate puts the room and hallway into silence, but not before Nemis gets a spell off on the Prelate.

Nemis cowers in a corner keeping himself alive with potions as the group battles into the room.

The group eventually pushes into the room and defeats the guards.

The Prelate eventually succumbs to Nemis' spell and begins to flee, but the group drops her quickly after.

We move into the prison area and discover Proxy Jinnis and a the man who gave us the cryptic warning before we left town.

We quickly realize that the man called Hrumbrand seems to be quite mad, we're forced to subdue him and bind him for easy transport.

Proxy tells us that he was accused of being involved in the plot on the King's family.

We give Proxy the letter from his son, he takes a moment to himself and then returns ready to continue our plan.

We do a quick search of the area, then get ourselves out of there as quickly as possible.

In one of the 'storage' rooms we find Balan and Jinnis' gear.

We beat a hasty retreat out the tunnel we came in, bringing Balan's corpse with us.

On our way Jinnis tells us that Hrumbrand was at one time the King's Minstrel.

We gather our horses and head back to where we were the evening before and we make camp.

We set a double watch and rest for the evening so we can gather our strength for our journey north.

Day 63 (Chess 2, 1370DR)

We wake and begin traveling north... It is a cold day with a moderate wind.

We travel all day without issue...

We make camp with the Pitchwood looming to the west. We post a double watch and rest.

Day 64 (Chess 3, 1370)

We wake and begin traveling.

We travel all day... just before we're about to make camp, we see a party riding out towards us...

They are carrying a blue flag, which Jinnis identifies for us as the flag of Gallo.

We await them... they arrive and we parlay.

Jinnis introduces us to Commander Hertiage. A sturdy looking Dwarf who looks like he's fought many a battle.

Jinnis quickly relays our tale to commander Hertiage.

The soldiers join us and we set up camp for the evening.

Cmdr. Hertiage tells us that we should reach Gallo's Fend in another day and half or so.

It become quite clear that Cmd. Hertiage is a long-time associate of Gallo's and the consensus is that the Ragesian's need to be stopped at all costs.

We rest.

Day 65 (Chess 4, 1370DR) (High -4, 7mph west)

We wake and we head out...

We travel all day.

We make camp and rest.

Day 66 (Chess 5, 1370DR)

We wake and begin traveling again.

Just before sunset we reach Gallo's Fend. A small city with a population of about 7,000.

The city is walled with the Nasham river to one side.

The defences here are much more substantial then in Bresk as this is the most likely invasion route for the Ragesians.

Gallo's Fend has defended the Alydi gap for generations.

As we approach, we are met by Duke Gallo himself as we enter the city.

He nods, steps forward to shake our hands.

He introduces himself and welcomes us to his city.

We follow him into the castle, offering us a cigarette as we enter.

He tells us that news has arrived that Steppengard is marching an army north to attack Gallo.

He speaks of Leska the leader of the Ragesian's, says the Ragesian's are here for Dassen as well as Sequen.

He leads us to a dining hall and we speak of our travels..

After dinner he says he'll send for us in the morning.

Gallo assigns us a manservant named Roger, who can attend to our needs.

Roger takes us to a manor house down by the docks. Tells us we're welcome to stay as long as we need.

We get Roger to sell our mundane loot for us and ask him to find us some pearls.

Nemis and Robin head into the city to locate some magical items.

We return to the manor house and rest for the evening.

Day 67 (Chess 6, 1370DR)

We wake...

We are summoned by Duke Gallo back to the castle bright and early.

We're led to Duke Gallo's war room, where he formally thanks and gives us a promissory note for 4,000 gp for saving his proxy, Jinnis.

He suggests that we use some of those funds to prepare for our next mission, which, he says, will benefit all involved.

"Steppengard is marching an army of 10,000, taking the frozen river north."

He continues that Steppengard can't take the city with a force of that number, but he can weaken our defences against the Ragesians.

We need to resolve this quickly and hope to win a decisive victory. We can then force him to seek terms and agree to face the Ragesians together.

Steppengard will be here in 7 days. So we have to act quickly.

Gallo says that we must win the battle, because if Steppengard wins, he will likely not defend the gap, letting the Ragesians walk in.

We need to convince Dashgobin and Timor to join our side. But we need proof of Ragesia's intentions.

The Ragesians will be coming through the Alydi gap. If there is a sign of Ragesia's intentions, that's where we'll find it.

We're to ride up the gap and check in with the watch towers located there.

We need proof for both lord Timor and Dashgoban.

We'll be provided with horses and wands of healing to help us push the horses faster.

We must leave immediately, servants can purchase anything we need for the trip.

He asks us to take along commander Hertiage.

There are 6 outposts, spaced out every 5 miles... if we rush, we should be able to reach them all in 1 day, and come back the next.

We agree and say we'll set out immediately...

End Log (Day 67, Chess 6, 1370DR)


Chapter 4, Episode 5 (January 3, 2012):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 8
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 6, Force Missile Mage 3
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 9
Robin; Strongheart Halfling Rogue 5, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Tentalus; Human Psychic Warrior 4, Barbarian 2, Psion 1, Erudite 1

Begin Log (Chess 6, 1370DR)

Day 67...

We leave... as we leave a snow storm breaks over the area...

We set out across the frozen Nasham river just to the north of Gallo's fend. The mountain pass will be difficult terrain.

We plan on heading straight to the farthest outpost.

We hustle the horses...

We travel for about an hour....

After another 15 minutes or so we manage to spot the first outpost...

We decide to change our tactics and check in with each outpost as we go.

We ride up to the tower...

There is a single iron door which opens, to a pair of dwarves.

They lead us inside.

They bring out some rations, we tell them to send an all-clear message back to Gallo and we head north.

We ride another 45 minutes.

We use the provided wands to heal our mounts as they begin to fatigue from the journey...

We make it to the second tower.

We decide we're going to approach it.

We get the all clear on this tower as well...

We continue...

We make it to the third outpost...

We approach in unison.

We have a brief encounter before the all-clear is given and we tell them to send a message as well.

After 5 hours. we arrive at the 4th outpost...

We ride up together...

We get the all-clear yet again and set out for the fifth outpost.

We have to heal the mounts repeatedly to keep them going.

We see the fifth tower...

We ride up together...

We have a similar exchange at this outpost and head for the sixth...

We make it to a spot so far up in the mountains that the snow cover begins to turn to bare stone, which is quite slippery, windy, and barren...

The tower is situated on a rocky peak, with several steep switchbacks leading up to it.

We see a row of torches planted into the ground along path as we approach. Hertiage says that that's not normal...

As we're moving Robin scouts ahead towards the roof.

Unfortunately Robin is surprised at the roof-line by a charging Wyvern.

Robin is grabbed off his mount by the flying Wyvern.

Bruce the bat is quickly knocked unconscious as some infiltrator's jump out from hiding and sneak attack him.

The group tries to reach the roof, but not before Robin is dropped from the parapet, and Bruce is left bleeding on the roof.

Grizzazzilfax makes it up to the roof just in time to bandage Bruce as the rest of the group flies or levitates up to the roofline.

Eventually Grittil and Grymtoe begin mounting some offence at the roof's edge.

The wyvern and his rider drop a bomb on Commander Heritage and Robin as they regroup on the ground.

Grymtoe unleashes a fireball which kills the Wyvern Knight and one of the infiltrator's and forces the Wyvern to retreat.

Nemis finishes levitating Tentalus to the roof and takes off after the wyvern.

Tentalus and Grittil proceed down one set of stairs, encountering several more soldiers, infiltrators, an Inquisitor named Cora, and an Infiltrator leader named Jass.

Grittil and Tentalus get hung up on one side so Grymtoe goes invisible and heads in the other stairwell.

However he encounters the Wyvern from above who promply sniffs him out and begins grappling him.

The Inquisitor further aggravates Grymtoe's situation by dropping silence on the area.

Grittil and Tentalus continue to battle at one end of the tower, while Nemis and Robin get Bruce the bat back into the fight and prepare themselves with blindsight.

Inspite of all efforts Grymtoe succumbs to the relentless attacks of the wyvern. RIP Grymtoe

Eventually the tide begins to turn and Grittil and Grymtoe begin to fell opponents, Grittil's freeze armor immobilizing many of the soldiers.

Finally, with Tentalus grappling and killing the Wyvern, Grittil mowing down the soldiers, and Nemis knocking one unconscious with a spell the group prevails.

End Log (Day 67 Chess 6, 1370DR)

Edit: After posting this we remembered Indomitable's boon which saved Grymtoe and left him at -9 on the floor. I guess we'll discover that next week.
Last edited:


Chapter 4, Episode 6 (January 12, 2012):

Nemis Figstone; Srongheart Halfling, Spellthief 9
Grymtoe Stronghand; Dwarf, Evoker 6, Force Missile Mage 3
Grittil Rockstaff; Dwarf, Cleric 9
Robin, Strongheart Halfling Rogue 6, Fighter 2, Druid 1
Tentalus; Human Psychic Warrior 4, Barbarian 2, Psion 1, Erudite 1

Begin Log (Chess 6, 1370DR)

Day 67 Continues...

We set to rounding up the bodies and searching the area.

In one room we find a book of propaganda detailing Ragesia's greatness.

In a barracks we find a note dictating a plan to take the first stronghold and receive supply drops every other night.

“Take the first outpost, then stay put, receiving supply drops every other day. When we learn of the success or failure of Madness, our weather mage associates will break the winter over the Alydi Gap. When the thaw begins, prepare to take additional outposts.”

We take the note and mount up for our trip home...

We decide against pushing our mounts further that night is too much of a risk so we rest in the outpost for the evening.
Nemis Crafts Eversmoking Bottle. Robin -2700gp, -540 Craft Points. Nemis -270 Craft Points, -216 XP

Day 68.

The storm breaks up but it is cold with light winds today.

We set out for the ride home...

We ride to the first outpost and get them to send a message to Gallo asking what she would do.

Gallo replies that we're to head back immediately....

We push our mounts hard and ride all the way back to Gallo's fend.

When we arrive we're immediately escorted into Gallo's chamber.

We wait patiently for the discussion to wrap up.

They are debating ways to slow Steppengard's army..

One theory is to use some pitch to melt the ice on the river to slow their advance.

Gallo turns to us and asks what our news is.

We provide the letter, the book and our one prisoner.

With that news Gallo says it's time to activate his mutual defense pact with Lords Dashgoban and Timor to join in his cause.

We're to escort Jinnis to speak with both of these lords and return. If we have time we're to stop in Pitchwood and try and convince them to join our cause.

He needs us as we're capable.

He informs us that we have 6 days before the army arrives...

We plan to leave early the next morning...

Nemis goes and locates a Wind Walk scroll for the morning.

We rest

Day 69

It's another cold day with a light wind.

Jinis, Grittil, and Grymtoe Wind Walk to Dashgoban's lands while Nemis, Tentalus and Robin use Phantom Steeds and travel towards Pitchwood Burg.

Grittil, Grymtoe and Jinnis are quickly ushered into the presence of Lord Dashgoban who seems very receptive to our plight, once we show the evidence he promises military assistance which will be sent the next morning.

After a quick meeting the group departs...

At about the same times as the Phantom steeds arrive in Pitchwood Burg, the Windwalker's arrive as there as well.

The town lies squeezed between the forest and the river.

They harvest pitch from the forest for livelyhood.

We begin looking fro some authorities.

We determine that Father Al is the head of the town and he can be located at the chapel.

We head to the chapel.

Father Al welcomes us to the small town.

The group pledges financial assistance for the town to spend their year's harvest of pitch in order to burn the ice off the river.

Although we seem to change Fahter Al's attitude it isn't enough to convince him. However, he asks us to travel into the Pitchwood and convince the fey Pitchlings there to stop harassing the people of Pitcwhood. If we do this he'll agree to our terms.

We agree and head into the Pitchwood. A dense pine forest heavily bogged down with deep snow.

After a short journey into the forest we're ambushed by hidden 'Pitchlings' who fire flaming arrows at us from cover.

After a frustrating fight with plenty of entanglement, and little mobility due to the deep snow, we kill 2 of them and drive the rest off into the forest.

After giving a brief chase we give up and return to the town to speak to Father Al.

After speaking with Father Al he agrees with our plan to have the towns-folk burn their harvest of pitch on the ice.

End Log (Day 69 Chess 8, 1370DR)

Voidrunner's Codex

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