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Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter 216, “The remaining numbers“, Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 11:00 A.M.

Chester told the gang "I guess my duel with Mr. Tomlinson will have to wait for some other day. I'll tell the Marshall that I'm going to look into something about I found out about the Cowboy Gang. I hope he buys my excuse. It's the truth, just not the whole truth. Eduardo is back on his feet, so him, Helen, and Mitch should be able to handle things. It's a shame the hand cannon is still broken. That was a nice piece of work. But Jeff is the only one who can get it fixed and Sheriff Hunter has been following him whenever he leaves town." Chester heads for the office.

Kate says, "They're his initials. John Peters Ringo." Except for clearing up that confusion, Kate was quiet as the others made plans. Since she wouldn't be there, perhaps it was best that way. No one had questioned the need for someone to imitate her, but eventually she would have to explain why she wasn't going.

The others scattered and Kate was left with no one to escort her. She blew out the candle and considered. It was fairly unlikely that Ringo would harm her before the deadline. She was probably the safest person in the room. Still, Jake would have fits if she went out alone. She checked in the kitchen and found Jeff there helping Maria put away groceries. He agreed to escort her on a couple errands and they hurried over to Conrad Booth's house where she rapped loudly on the door.

Kate hears Conrad voice boom out "I'll be right there." He opens the door a few minutes later while adjusting his tie. "Sorry, I was resting," he says to Kate. He then notices Jeff standing a short distance off and watching them. "What is going on?" he asks her softly. Kate says, "I'm sorry to wake you, I know you needed the rest. I need to know, have you gotten a special delivery letter today?" He says, "Ah, no, I haven't. Katherine, what is going on?"

"Thank heaven," Kate said, expelling a long breath. "Others have. I got this," she said, checking to be sure anyone’s view would be blocked by the door or her body before handing him the note from Ringo. "And others have received cards with only a number on it. Jake, Dorita, Miss Florencia, I don't know who else." He reads it over and says, "Kate, these books that he mentions. Is that why he was after us on Monday?"

Kate answers, "Partially, but not all. This isn't something to be discussed on a doorstep, and I don't have much time. I have to check on Ginnie. Can I come inside for a moment to explain?" Conrad says, "Actually, let's both go see to the safety of your little girl before we do anything else."

"Thank you," she said, moving back so he could come outside and slipping the note out of his hand and back into her pocket at the same time. "She should be with Mary Kelley getting ready for the festival." Kate and Conrad hurried over to the dressmaker's shop looking for Ginnie. Kate finds Ginnie bundling lace for sale and setting up a basket of sewing notions for onsite mending and repairs for when the festival starts

"Ginnie," Kate cried, hurrying over and hugging the girl whether she liked it or not. She let go after a moment and asked, "Honey, have you received a letter today, something that looked like this?" Kate held out the envelope without removing the note. Ginnie stiffens then relaxes into the hug she is given. “Hello Mr. Booth Ginnie says with a smile.”

She turns to Kate and says, "I haven't gotten any mail but Mrs. Kelly did get a strange letter today it just said FIVE in it why?” The girl looks at Kate's face and the stress that she is trying to hide.
"Ok tell me what's wrong and don't leave ANYTHING out" Ginnie says with a glare as she pulls the two of them into the back storage room

"Yes, you should know, but first..." Kate hugged her again. Then she took the note out of the envelope and handed it to Ginnie to read. She kept her voice down even though the room was private. "Conrad, the books he means are the ones I got from the rustlers caves. I told you about them. It turns out they were Ringo's personal library, and about half of them are books about Magic. It's the reason he wants them back so badly, and the reason we have tried to keep them from him. With that much knowledge who knows what kind of destruction he could cause.

A couple weeks ago he sent Jake a message, saying that his group must choose a side in Ringo's war with the Earps. He made it clear we would not be allowed to stand aside. Obviously, we didn't choose Ringo's side. Lately Ringo has been erratic. He is now a priest of Ares, and I suspect his mind is slipping. He is obsessed with this town.

There is not much more to tell you, Ginnie," she said, turning to the girl. "I'm trying to find out who else got the notes with the numbers. He is going after anyone I know it seems. I don't know what to say to Mrs. Kelley, if anything at all. The others are making plans to take Ringo out, today. There's no solid plan yet. Just a thought of taking a wagonload of books out and trying to draw Ringo into the open. We suspect he has men all over town."

Ginnie replies, “I figured when you showed me the books that they had to be from somewhere so I've been binding blanks and copying the magic ones. There is quite a pile of forgeries that I've amassed along with the blanks. Let me check with my network and see if anyone has seen Ringo between my lunch customers and the kids that I know I can usually find out what I need to fairly quickly. I'll stay as safe as I can but if Ringo is out to hurt you it's going to be a messy festival.”

Kate says, "Ginnie, I know you can take care of yourself, but I don't like this...." She knelt down in front of her. "You're right, it could be very messy for anyone who was foolish enough to befriend me. Do you realize how absolutely irresponsible of me it would be to let you do this? I... I don't know Ginnie..." Kate was quiet for a long minute. "We do need information. Badly. Conrad, you haven't said a word. What are you thinking?"

Conrad replies, "That the three of us should be on the next stagecoach out of town." He pauses, "But of course we couldn't do that...the lives of six of your friends are in danger. We'll have to give him those books, there is no other choice." Kate took his hand and squeezed it. "Or at least make him think he's getting them. Ginnie, would you be hampered by someone keeping an eye on you as you go? I know how hard it is not to be able to help, and you can help, but I can't just let you run around alone right now."

Ginnie replies, “Ok I need you to tell me everything you can about the people that are involved with Ringo or that you think might be involved. I'm going to set the Kelly kids on the trail of anything that might be happening along with some of the other street kids I know of. I think the best place for me right now is here so that they can bring the information that they find. I need to be somewhere they can get to and not have it unusual and this is the best place for that.

Give me until 1:30 to get what I can together that way I can hit my lunch run and find out what I can from the workmen too. In the meantime I have a few tricks up my sleeve that should help to keep me safe and it would be suspicious if I disappeared right now. If you and Mr. Booth could go back to the cantina and let Dorita know I'll need to speak to Ricardo when I pick up the lunch run that would help a lot and if Mr. Gonzalas is there let him know that I might be needing some help from him or Sonoma, that would help too. oh and try not to get dead in the next few hours, after all that would just ruin the festival wouldn't it?”

Ginnie smiles and proudly states, “Ruby couldn‘t catch me when I didn't want caught. You know of anyone who might be able to keep up with me if I decide I need to get away? If you can find someone who will stay out of the way when I need them to and keep I'll consider thinking about taking them with me but I don't know anyone in town who isn't busy at the moment that can possibly do that do you?”

Kate replies, "I do, and he's right outside. Jeff Mills knows how to keep you in sight and keep himself out of sight. He wouldn't be right with you, just nearby to help if something goes wrong.
Of course, you could make him carry the beer buckets for you," she grinned at the girl. "I would feel a lot better about this knowing you had help nearby."

Ginnie stops and seems to be weighing the pros and cons of Jeff following her around Kate and Conrad can actually see her mind racing. “Okay I'll talk to him but he has to understand that I need to be able to do what I need to do without intervention unless something happens that I can't handle and that's my call.” Ginnie cocks her head and waits for Kate to answer her.

Kate replies, "Alright, Ginnie. You're right about it being suspicious if you suddenly change your routine. Although I'm sure I've already been plenty suspicious today. Let's go talk to Jeff." They went back into the front room and Kate whispered to Conrad. "Buy something, anything to give us another excuse to have been here. We're going to go talk to Jeff." Kate and Ginnie went outside and waved in a friendly way to Jeff, as if they had just seen him. She spoke very quietly, saying that Ginnie had some extra work today and Kate would feel better if she had some discreet protection. She looked at Ginnie and said, "Why don't you two discuss it a bit?"

Ginnie looks at Jeff and decides that she is going to be up front with him. "It is likely that Ringo or one of his buddies is going to try to kill a lot of people today during the festival. I have a fairly extensive information net at my disposal but I need to put it in motion without getting myself killed. The best way for me to do that is to run my normal routes and talk to the people I need to but getting dead is not a great way for me to make future profit so Ma'am Kate thinks that you will be able to follow me without getting in the way of me doing what I need to and at the same time keeping me from getting dead. What do you think, you want in?"

He smiles says, "I can help to keep you safe. I won't underestimate you either because of you age. I served in the Army as a soldier during the Civil War when I was younger than you are now. Let's work out a number of hand signals. I should be able to keep from twenty to one-hundred feet from you at all times unless you signal that you are in trouble."

Ginnie pauses for a second then looks at Kate "OK works for me give me until 1:30 If I find out something important before that I'll send Ricardo to the cantina with the info people are used to seeing us together anyway. you need to get safe." Kate watches as the girl's grey eyes turn to steel "It's time for me to really go to work. Mr. Mills come back to the shop with me I can get that button on in two shakes" With that she turns and heads back to the store hand signals and lists of people running through her head at high speeds

Kate went back inside and casually kissed Ginnie's cheek. "I love you, honey. Be careful," she whispered. Before Kate leaves Ginnie grills her on every piece of information she can remember about the cowboy gang members that Ginnie doesn't know about. She pulls bits and pieces from Kate like a police officer working a murder case, after all if she doesn't get the information she needs someone else might be investigating her own murder. Ginnie questions Kate for details down to the tones of the voices and the cadence of the speech that she has heard and the color of their boots. Ginnie knows that the only way she might find one of these men is because of something they don't think is important enough to hide.

Kate gave Ginnie every bit of information she remembered, and a few she didn't know she had remembered until Ginnie's questioning brought it out. She then said goodbye and thanked Jeff for helping out. Kate stepped back over to Conrad. "Are you ready to go? I need to go home and talk to a few people." "Yes, let's go." he says.

It is now 11:45 A.M. and the town is getting very crowded. The usual population of 300 has at least doubled if not tripled. The Emporium north of town is mobbed as are most of the General Stores and specialty shops. Most taverns and saloons are filling up as well as people spread out in search of their mid-day meals. She and Conrad walked back to the El Parador. It was crowded and noisy inside. "Thank you. You don't have to stay, I know you're tired. I need to see my teacher."

Chester arrives Berg is there checking the gun rack. "Morning Marshall. I found out something about the Cowboy Gang, so I'm going to take a look. Is that alright?" Mitchell Berg looks up from his desk and says, "What have you heard?" While he asks that Chester notices an open envelope on the Marshall's desk that looks to be the same size and color as those which Jake and Minerva had.

Mitchell Berg looks up from his desk and says, "What have you heard?" While he asks that Chester notices an open envelope on the Marshall's desk that looks to be the same size and color as those which Jake and Minerva had. Chester stops in the middle of his turn towards the door. "Mitch, that envelope on the desk. The note had a number on it?" Berg looks surprised. "How did you know that? I just received it a couple hours ago. It had a word actually, but it spelled out the number One."

Chester takes a deep breath. "A bunch of other people have gotten letters like that. They're threats from Johnny Ringo. He believes that Katherine Kale has some property of his and he'll do anything to get it back. Including killing all those who got that." Chester points to the envelope. "That's what I was going to look into. Since you got one of those you must be very careful. Ringo could show up anywhere today. Have you heard from Eduardo or Helen? I'm worried that they got notes like yours." Berg replies, “I saw Helen a half-hour ago. She's watching things over at that traveling retail group. She didn't say anything. Eduardo is over by the stage area watching things from there."

Ruby heads out to the Post Office with Jake following a distance behind her. She discovers that, being a Saturday, the Post Office is closed. Finding it closed Ruby heads over to the gun shop. She looks for Pierre. "Hello Miss West, How can I help you today?" Pierre asks. "Good morning. I have a favor to ask of you. I know you have no real reason to do me any favors but..." She glances around the shop, "Can we speak in private?" He replies, "Oui. I am alone now. Just latch the door if you don't want any interruptions."

Ruby looks out the door and finds Jake, nodding her head to him before latching it shut. She quickly walks back to him and un-slings her pack from her back. "I have this item," she pulls the rod out of her bag. "And I need it hidden or at least less conspicuous. I thought maybe you had a spell or some other way of helping." She sighs, "There is a dire need for this almost immediately. It looks like the ammunition that was stolen from you is about to be put to use."

He examines the rod commenting "A Mexican Fire Cannon! I've heard of these but have never seen one. They used to mount these on ships! These haven't been used in decades." He looks it over some more and says, "I'm sorry but I'm afraid that I can't help you much with instructions on how to use these. You'd probably have to find a Mexican sailor from one of those ships."

Ruby gives a little laugh. "No, I already know how to use it. What I need is to be able to take it out without certain people who know about these things immediately knowing what it is. I'd prefer them to know when they see the big ball of flame come shooting towards them." He states, "Oh, well that is something I can help you with. Follow me." He leads her into the back room where there are literally hundreds of firearm pieces. He takes out some tools and measure the length and width of the rod. He then compares it to a number of shotgun barrels. "Similar to a Loomis single-barrel" he comments.

He then heads over to a workbench and pulls out a wooden box on the bottom, which is filled with wooden stocks for rifles. He sort through until he finds one from a pre-Civil War Loomis shotgun and holds the rod against it. He says "Give me an hour and I can get it attached and try a little camouflage, nothing that'll impact the magic functioning though. Most folks around here haven't seen a Loomis single-barrel before, heck, they stopped making them after they came up with the double-barreled model back in '59. So it should hold up to the casual observer."

She states, "That is perfect! Thank you SO much. I will return in an hour's time. Just let me know whatever the expense is, obviously I'll cover it.” He replies, "We can work that out later. I'll walk you out and then give this my undivided attention." He then says aloud, more to himself than Ruby, "A Mexican Fire Cannon! Amazing!"

She then asks, “By the way, do you know where I can find Eddie Palmer, the Postman?" Pierre says, "He's usually at his place, a room in the back of the Post Office building. He usually eats an early lunch though so you might try the Promise City Hotel and Restaurant." She replies, "Thank you again!"

Ruby walks back outside and makes eye contact with Jake, who nods in return. Then she heads for the Promise City Hotel to look for Palmer. It is now early afternoon and the lunch crowds are beginning to wander in. She spots Palmer sitting alone at one of the smaller tables, finishing up his lunch. She smiles and heads over to him. "Good morning Mr. Palmer. May I have a seat for a moment?"

Eddie Palmer looks up at Ruby, appearing to be annoyed that his meal was interrupted. "If you must..." he states. "Oh," Ruby replies innocently, "I though you were finished with your lunch. I can come back if you prefer?" He replies, "No, what is done is done. What is it that is of such importance?"

Ruby sits at his table and places her elbows on the table leaning forward, accentuating her cleavage. “Mr. Cook got a special delivery today, delivered by you. You see, there is something important about the festival in those letters and it would help to have some information about it. I’m wondering,” she says, leaning even more forward, and giving a dazzling smile, “Who else got special deliveries, if you might so kind to share?”

He attempts to make eye contact with Ruby but his eyes keep wandering lower. He says, "I...um...I'm afraid that I cannot say who got those letters. It is a Postmaster's duty to keep the mail confidential." "I realize that you aren't supposed to share but it is actually really important to me," she leans just a tiny bit closer to him and whispers, "And I would be very grateful..." "Mierda!" Jake says to himself out of the blue and leaves Ruby with Eddie Palmer.

Ruby notices perspiration on his forehead. He says, "I...um...you say that the letter was about the Festival? That makes sense, why else would eight Special Delivery letters need to go out on a Saturday. I...well...no, I don't think I can tell you who they were for.....it would be wrong."

"A few people have already shared that information with me," she continues in a sultry voice, "Mr. Palmer, and I'm sure the others will soon follow suit. Could you maybe give me a hint... it's so important to me..." Palmer says, "Well...I suppose I could tell you my delivery route this morning. That wouldn't necessarily tell you who I delivered mail to, just where."

Ruby nearly giggles inside remembering what Jake said to her, "Mr. Palmer you ARE so smart! You are a public servant and your work habits should be public knowledge. You could tell me that without breaking any rules," she says and then leans in and continues in a quieter and more sensual voice, "or breaking your sacred trust. After all, I'm a taxpayer right?" She giggles ever so slightly, "It's almost like you work for me. Isn't that silly?" She bats her eyes.

He says, "Well, umm...err, I started my deliveries at the Marshall's Office on Fremont, then went to the El Parador Hotel and Cantina at Fremont and South, then to the Comstock House on South, then over to the Long Branch Saloon on Main and across the street to the Lucky Lady, then over to the Tailor Shop at Front and Sierra, on to the Palace at Sierra and Fremont and then back to the El Parador."

"Mr. Palmer, I mean Eddie... can I call you Eddie? You are an absolute angel, some people might even call you a life saver." Ruby stands and takes a lace hanky out of her bosom to wipe his forehead. She then leans over and leave a large lipstick kiss there. "I have to run now, thank you ever so much!" With that she bounces to the door and looks for Jake.

Jake had rushed back to Pierre's gun shop with a worried look in his eyes. He walks right up to Pierre and in a quiet voice says, "Those rounds that can trace someone, the seekers or whatever you called them.... What in Hades is the range on those things?"

Pierre replies, "The ones that draw themselves to warm-blooded individuals? Those were 45-calibur bullets, useable in either a Smith and Wesson Schofield revolver or a Colt Peacemaker. You use one of those guns Mr. Cooke so should know the range, it's the same for most magical as regular. Thankfully there wasn't a full box of those, only six shells. The full box of twelve 45-caliburs that was stolen were the ones that prevent magical healing.”

Jake asks, "How much can they turn?" Jake stammers and then says, " I know this is going to sound strange, but have you ever seen them modified to perhaps look for someone by name?"
The gunsmith replies, "Oh no, nothing strange about that at all, that's one of the properties of those types of shells. But it would take a mage a while with the skill and ability to do that to them. The ones I had would have just gone to the nearest warm body unless somebody has modified them further.

If you believe rumors, that Confederate weapon-smith Bailey had modified that specific type of shell for John Wilkes Booth to use against Lincoln. The advantage of those is that the targeted person just has to be in the general vicinity to be hit, the magic will actually turn the bullets up to a targeted person up to 45-degree angle." Jake exclaims, "Mierda.”

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Silver Moon

Chapter 217, “Preparations“, Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 12:00 P.M.

Jake says, “Pierre my friend I have reason to believe my name is on one of those shells. Wish me luck. Unless you can do better than that." Jake only pauses there a moment with Pierre before he runs to the Comique. He asks around to see if anyone knows where Van Horne is staying. "I want to make it clear just how welcome he is at the Lucky Lady."

Al Brower assumes Jake is being sarcastic by that comment and says, "He indicated to my dealer, Rolf Larsen, that he was staying at the Palace again. Took us for over $ 500 last night. I'm sure that guy is cheating, we just can't figure out how." Jake states, "Hard to believe anyone is that good. Ya, I want to lay down the law to that guy before he does the same at the Lady. Thanks."

Jake runs back to Ruby who is standing outside the restaurant looking for him. "I know where the letters were delivered," she says quietly yet beams with pride. "Good." Jake says but doesn't seem happy. "Then we know who's names are on the bullets. Literally." Ruby starts to question him but he says, "No time, I can't say it twice. Where to next?"

"Uh, the Judge. Jake, what's wrong baby-" She doesn't finish because he is pulling her along towards Isby's residence at the old Trail Dust Saloon. Once close, Jake once again fades into the background. "Damn," she says quietly to herself, "he is starting to get good at that." She knocks on the door. Ruby knocks again on the door to the Trail Dust and calls out, "Hello? Judge Isby, Kevin?"

Isby answers the door, letting Ruby in and locking the door behind him. Kevin's fencing outfit is sitting out on the table alongside two foils. Isby says, "Your friend Mr. Kane brought these back from Wilcox. Kevin believes he will be able to fence much better with them. But I'm sure you're not here about the fencing tournament."

She says, "No I'm not. Although I have to say, I have enjoyed our time together and will actually be sad for it to come to an end." Ruby walks over to the outfit and runs her fingers over it before turning back to the Judge. "Ringo is in town. He has threatened my friends and other associates of my friends. He plans on murdering us today during the festival." The Judge spends the next ten minutes listening to whatever details Ruby wishes to tell him about what she knows.

Ruby is totally upfront with the letters that have circulated and possible plans that her and her friends will take by burning the books to draw him out. "I just wanted to let you know," she sighs, "We are going to try to keep Ringo out of town but he probably has Cowboys everywhere. It could be a tragedy and the law is going to be busy today."

The Judge thanks her for the information and tells her to be careful. He adds, "Kevin and I were both going to be armed anyway today but this calls for some special measures. Exactly what type of gun do you use Miss West?" "Uh, this kind?" She pulls the gun out of the band of her skirt. It's a six-shot double action pistol. She shrugs, "Jake is the one who knows about the gun stuff. Why?" Isby examines it and says, "Ah, a Colt Lightning, the Peacemaker's younger sibling. Weighs one-third less than it's mightier brother. A good reliable weapon, this was what Pat Garret used. Pat's killer died less than 200 feet from where we are right now."

Isby goes over to a locked wooded cabinet which he unlocks with a key. He then removes an iron strong box from it which has both a key lock built into it and a padlock on a chain around it. He unlocks both and opens it. He says, "A Colt Lightning uses a thirty-eight caliber shell. Here we go." He takes out a cloth pouch where the number '38" is written in ink on the pouch.

He removes five bullets from the pouch placing them on the table and then replaces the pouch into the box. He then opens the chamber on Ruby's gun, unloads the shells, and replaces them with the five on the table. He closes the chamber, making sure that it set on the empty chamber. He then wraps her original ammunition in a handkerchief and hands her back the gun as well as the handkerchief.

"Thank you?" She says questioningly. "What is it, I mean what are they?" She puts her old ammunition in her pocket. He says, "Well, officially you didn't get those from me. As a lawman I can't support the use of what the Federal Government has declared is illegal ammunition. As a practical matter, I'm not one to throw away useful things that I confiscate in the course of doing my job."

He moves a little closer and lowers his voice to a whisper. "Those shells will cause paralysis to the limb struck, slows down the circulation of blood in the immediate area. It will work even if it is only a grazing shot. To disarm a man strike him anywhere on his gun arm. A leg shot will cause a man to lose his footing. Most effective would be a shot in the torso to stop the heart or anywhere above the shoulders to stop all brain activity."

Ruby nods. "I understand and I thank you very much. I'm sure these will help and we both know how much they have to use against us," Ruby shudders. "Alright, I should be going, take care." She stops, then turns back to the Judge and kisses his cheek. She heads to the door. "And please tell Mr. Tomlinson that I think his fencing match with Chester will have to wait for another day."

Isby replies, "I understand, the lawmen have their hands full. No time for foolishness like sword fighting. I'll tell Kevin that Mr. Martin will take a rain check. Be careful Miss. West." Once the door is open and literally dozens of folks are looking their way the Judge makes a point of giving her a warm embrace goodbye and kissing her hand. Ruby smiles, then walks out the door heading in the direction of the El Parador

Kate had just told Conrad he didn’t have to stay with her any longer. He laughs and say. "Ah, but I do have to stay. You forget, this is when and where I dine every day. Pedro has even saved me a space at my favorite table." "Just don't fall asleep in your soup," Kate said with an attempt at a smile. "I'll be back down in a bit, the others are meeting here."

She then went quickly up the stairs and into her teacher's rooms. "Professeur amie," she said, walking into the library and beginning to help separate the volumes. "Ginnie is safe, Jeff Mills is keeping watch over her. She didn't get a note. Mary Kelley did." He replies, "Really? That's odd. You don't know her that well, why would Ringo threaten her?" Kate replies, "Because he knows me too well. He knows I can't tolerate him murdering innocent people. If he only included my friends, we would be likely to band together and fight back. Which we are likely to do anyway."

"The others will be here to make plans soon. We all went to gather what information we could. It sounded earlier like you wanted to be involved. Do you want me to let you know when they're here so you can plan with them?"

He replies, "Dorita and I still need to get these books together. It looks as though we can spare over half of the Greek and Latin ones, which should help with the deception if that is what you wish to do. I still have mixed feelings, although in truth I can always bring Dorita and her family elsewhere if necessary. Just keep me informed of the plans and how you think I can help." Kate answers, "I hope it won't be necessary. I think the others want to know if you were planning on going with them. Ginnie also said she might need your help or Sonoma's this afternoon."

Ruby heads inside the El Parador and finds Kate and Conrad, with Jake walking in behind her. Jake spots Pedro and tells Ruby, "I'll be out in a moment." Jake takes Pedro into the kitchen. "Listen Amigo, you must keep your wife where ever they are hiding her." Jake grabs Pedro’s arms just below the shoulders. "Her life is in danger. There is bad magic on a bullet that will be after her if she shows her face. Once we get that Johnny Ringo character and take his gun, then it is safe. If she shows her face you put it back where it was hiding." Jake shakes him once. "Understand? This is not the time for her to be the boss."

"I need you to do two things for me. No one must know these notes are from me. Get someone to the Palace and deliver this short one to Mr. Van Horne." He hands him a short note that says in red ink - Parador Porch "When he shows up outside on the porch, have someone sneak him the second one. Maybe Ricardo, the boy is good with his hands, or maybe Ginnie if she is around."

The second note says in black ink: am in trouble. Johnny Ringo and the Cowboy Gang have it in for me and lots of folks around town. Gone to somewhere near the Last Ditch Mine, three miles northwest of Promise City to try and give him a sucker punch first. He's after some books. His favorite trick is to have his men invisible. They have loads of SPECIALLY ENHANCED rounds. Including one with my name on it. I hope to see you when I get back. I'll buy the bourbon if we can work it out. This one is bad my friend. Wish me luck. Pedro agrees and Jake returns out to wait for the others.

Ruby quietly waits for Jake to return. She takes his hand while they wait for the others to arrive and at one point she leans to him and whispers in his ear, "We need to see Pierre again to pick up an item I left there, before we leave town." Jake nods in understanding.

Nanuet and Minerva head upstairs in the Lucky Lady to his room. He gathers his bow and arrows, rifle, pistol, both knives, the magical powder from Kajika and all his ammunition. Nanuet then escorts Minerva to the Comstock house so that she may get whatever he needs. They then spend a few minutes walking the streets of the town looking for anything suspicious before returning to the El Parador. Minerva and Nanuet arrive, with Chester behind them.

"Everybody is here?" He looks around and smiles. "Katherine, I am afraid we need you do prepare a candle again." She nods solemnly and prepares the candle. Jake begins, "Did we figure out the numbers? I'll let Ruby tell you what she learned in a minute. I figured out what Ringo meant. We weren't taking him literally enough. He really does have bullets with names on them. Six bullets, stolen from Pierre that can hunt down the warm body whose name is on it."

Jake’s smile doesn't waver as he relates what Pierre told him. "Nanuet my friend, to your earlier comment about Mr. Ringo. One doesn't go to all that trouble making ammunition like that and not use at least some of it. Books or not." He looks to Ruby. "Go ahead, tell them where the letters were delivered."

Ruby's mouth drops open and stays that way. No words come out of her mouth for a long moment as she realizes what Jake is saying. Suddenly her head spins to Jake and she blurts out, "You're not coming with us... you have to stay here... even better we have to have Mr. Gonzales take you or us away! You can't, you have to stay away from him and anyone else who got a letter too." Ruby's chest rises and falls rapidly with the excited words that pour from her mouth. "No way Jake, you're not doing it."

"Ruby honey," Jake says in soothing voice, "no decisions have been made yet." He says that and yet knows that he and his friends all around the room have made decisions of one kind or another in this matter already. "We all need to hear what you learned. Please, tell them what you know."

Ruby's face shows her obvious concern and anxiety. She starts biting her lip and pulling on her hair as she speaks. She takes a big breath in, "Well, I, uh, spoke to Eddie and he gave me the uh, route he took this morning to deliver the other letters. He started at the Marshall's Office, then came here for Dorita's I guess, then to the Comstock House for Minerva's, then the Long Branch," she glances at Conrad, "Then to Jake at the Lucky Lady. After that over to the Tailor Shop, then the Palace where he gave one to Jane then finally back here again for Kate's." She looks back at Jake practically pained and looks to speak but says nothing.

While Ruby is talking, the impact of what Jake said penetrates the little group. To Jake Chester seems angry, but not as angry as Nanuet. Minerva is unreadable to him. Katherine seems to teeter from anger to fear, but when Ruby says that a letter has been delivered to the Long Branch Saloon Katherine's hand went to her mouth and gasped. Jake had also been watching Conrad Booth pretend to eat his lunch while watching their table. When Katherine reacted, Booth nearly leapt from his seat and was halfway to their table in one stride.

"Katherine, does Conrad know about the letters in detail?" Jake asks. Her hand still on her mouth, she nods yes as Conrad arrives at her side. "Katherine, what is wrong?" Conrad Booth looks up to Jake angrily. Jake meets his stair with a cool stare of his own, "We all just learned that one of the special delivery letters went to the Long Branch Saloon this morning. Did you know that?"

Conrad is momentarily speechless, but quickly recovers. "No I did not. I should go and see about it." He looks down at Katherine and looks uncertain. "I think you should." Jake says simply. "Please make it quick, we will wait for you. Chester can you go with him? Tell him about the names on the bullets on the way back." Conrad looks to Katherine, who just nods yes. He and Chester leave quickly.

Jake says, "I'm going to ask Pedro for something we can eat, it will be a long day and we will need our strength." I can't let them know just how afraid I really am, he thinks, I hope I can really eat something. Conrad returns a short while later and says, "The letter was for Kate Higgins. It was a card that had written on it only the word Six." Jake has a confused look on his face. "How does that add up?"

Ruby shakes her head. "I don't know how it adds up. There is something we don't know or more likely Ringo doesn't want to tell us." She wrenches her hands together under the table but stops that to pull on her hair. "What's the plan? Are we sending Nanuet out to scout?"

Jake seems to be thinking out loud. "Mitchell Berg, Jake Cook, Dorita Figueres, Minerva Florencia, Mary Kelly and Kate Higgins; what do they have in common? Do they have anything in common besides terrorizing the town? I wonder if Fisk has a hand in this too..."

Ruby suggests, "Maybe each of those letters is really not meant for who got it, but one of us. Ringo's way of saying after the fact, ha... that was my plan and I succeeded." Ruby shudders before continuing. "Dorita's is for Sonoma, Berg's is for Chester, Higgins’s is for Conrad, Mary's is for Ginnie, Minerva's is for Nanuet and yours is for..." Ruby doesn't finish her thought. "It's the only other thing I can think of."

Kate says, "That could be it. The only thought I had was that he might be trying to convince me by not only threatening people I care about, but the people they care about as well. And in doing that he threatens me with being completely alone. The Kelley's, the people here in the El Parador, those at the Long Branch, Ruby and Nanuet... those left behind would likely abandon me. I think Ringo's been watching me enough to know that I couldn't bear that. But Ruby's thought makes more sense. He must have known I'd come running to all of you, and it hurts all of very personally."

Jake starts talking fast. "Do we know who owns the Last Ditch Mine? Maybe they can tell us the layout. His note says it should be deserted, so he's not sure. I wonder if some of us could go looking like miners making a Saturday delivery of equipment or something. How else do we get there? Nanuet is probably right he should scout ahead but we need to get everyone there right behind him. Damn I wish we could do something about his invisible folks. Is there a way that Gonzalez could get us there?"

Jake stops for a breath, "We are not even sure that Ringo will be there, he is likely to be in town and just have lackeys there. But we need to know that, stop them and find out how Ringo would know whether he got the books or not. Maybe he doesn't even care if he gets them or not for what he has planned for tonight. We don't have much time and if we go, we need to not give them time to react." Jake looks down at his feet for only a second before looking back up. "I think we should go anyway. What do you think and who is coming?" While Jake listens to his friends respond, a little part of him is quietly whispering, If you can get back from the mine in one piece Ringo will be waiting in Promise City for you.

Ruby turns and forgetting the others, she stares Jake in the eyes, "Baby, you already know whatever fool plan we come up with, I'm going with you. Don't go where the other can't follow, right?" She gives him a small scared smile.

Nanuet states, "Well do all the people who received the actual letters understand what we think is going on? They all deserve to know. We have to decide if we are going to try and deliver fake books and then ambush the ambush so to speak or if we are going to try and burn the books and draw him out. I still think scouting with Maska is a worthy idea. Also it is not a bad idea to check out the layout of the mine if we can find the owners, but we have little time so if we do that is has to be quick.

Do we think the numbers have anything to do with the order that Ringo wishes to go after people? If so, who got one and two? Let’s make sure they are as safe as possible. I know nobody is truly safe right now but we can minimize their risk. So what do we think? Burn the books and try and draw him out or deliver the books in an ambush?"

Kate interjects, "I didn't say anything to Mary Kelley. Conrad, did you tell Kate Higgins?” He replies, "No, I wanted to get back here. She has a curious nature though so I'm sure she will ask me when she sees me next. I'll need to know what to tell her." Despite the others at the table, Kate reached over and took his hand. "I know. I wish I knew what it was. Do you think she can handle knowing what's really going on?"

"To tell anyone the whole truth reveals secrets that could cost folks here their lives. Tell anyone outside this circle with a number simply that the Cowboy Gang is blackmailing the town and they are at risk of being killed." Jake looks at Chester, "That is all Berg knows right?" "Chester looks a bit uneasy. "That's all he knows. I didn't say who else got them, just that others have.”

Kate then says, “Number one is Mitchell Berg, and number two is Jake. Neither of whom is in a particularly safe position, nor are they likely to agree to hide. Jake we might be able to find out where exactly Ringo is. My teacher used a spell once to locate someone, he might able to do it for Ringo."

Jake looks stunned. "If that was true Katherine, why didn't we hunt down Ringo a week ago? You can ask him, I'm still going to make plans assuming that is not possible." She replies, "We didn't hunt him down because it's not that specific. I meant only that we can get an idea if he is in town or not. Also, we needed something of his. I've had the books to long for them to count, but these notes have been in his hands probably within the last twenty-four hours. They might work."

Minerva has been quiet up to this point, too angry to trust her voice. She was not afraid of catching a bullet with her name on it if dying would keep her friends safe and rid this town of such an evil bully as Johnny Ringo and his gang. But as suggestions were tossed on the table, her fear that her friends would act on their emotions and come to harm grew.

She would speak up even though she new that it might draw their anger. "It is not wise to run off on our own Nanuet and as Ruby has pointed out we should not go where others cannot follow, because they will. I will. I would not have you captured again or risk the lose of your life if there is another way. Must you accompany Maska on this scouting mission? Can she not communicate with you from a distance also? I will send Luna to the Mine. Although I do not know if I can speak to her from such a distance, she can fly and will return swiftly with information.

Chester says, “I'm not too keen on keeping back to the Marshall who else got these notes. But I realize that telling others about out special talents is no good either." "Well, tell him who got them but don't let slip about what is special about the books." Jake sighs. "Maybe get him to see who follows us? Whatever you do, make it quick."

"Nanuet," Jakes says, "to answer your question I think we plan on both. We try to ambush the ambushers and if that does not work we attract attention. Katherine or somebody who they will believe is Katherine takes the books to outside the mine. If she goes alone, the trunks are too heavy for her to unload. She can't return without the wagon so it needs to be unloaded. People could hide in the wagon, crates or invisible. The books are loaded with dynamite, and maybe some alcohol to make starting the fuses easier. I'll leave that to our demolition expert. That Katherine will have to play it by ear and draw them out if we can't or don't assault the mine.

Nanuet takes Maska and someone else who can be reasonably quiet with him and attempts to get there and scout it out before the wagon arrives. That could be me or Ruby, but she might need to be somewhere else. I don't know if anyone else can be stealthy enough. The wagon is a distraction. Nanuet can then spring an ambush or support the wagon folks. If we don't see anyone we'll need to examine the mine. If nothing is there then we can just trap the books and come back, hoping that Ringo didn't fool me into doing this for his own purposes." Jake looks around again at his friends. "Now, each one of you can help me improve that plan, or tell me I am a lunatic and abandon it. Who can we count on?"

Booth interjects "Hold on, am I missing something? This man has threatened the life of the Marshall? Why don't we just letting him take charge of this situation? That is what the town pays him for." Jake says, "We could wait until five O'clock and watch the results of bullet number one. Unfortunately, that would be the Marshall, and even more unfortunately I am number two." Jake shrugs. "I have no confidence that the law can handle this by themselves or that we'll all be alive when they do. I'm either fighting the Cowboys or leaving town. You don't have to involve yourself Conrad, I only want volunteers."

Conrad says, "I'm no hero. I put my life on the line last Monday to save Katherine's and wouldn't hesitate to do so again. But I don't plan to go looking for trouble either. How brave, Ruby thinks. She interjects, "You may not want trouble, Conrad, but trouble's coming to you whether you wish it or not."

Conrad says, “Hold on, I may be able to help you though. You referenced the Last Ditch Mine. Several of that mine's dwarven miners have dined here before. Why don't I go grab Pedro and Estaban, we could try to locate one or more of them for you. We'll start with crowds at that group of traveling merchants." Jake says, "Good, hurry."

Ruby says, "I'll go as Kate, take the wagon full of books. Don't put anyone on the wagon, that's too dangerous. But people can find the best spots they can around the area. Jake and Nanuet go, possibly invisible. If Katherine insists on going she will be invisible too." She adds, "Let's just get this over with." Whatever it may be... Jake says, "Inside the wagon may be the safest way to get them there. If they are hidden or invisible they can get off just before stopping. Who else besides Nanuet, you or me could be quiet enough or hide well enough? Unless they can arrive out of thin air."

Ruby states, "There are going to be eyes on that wagon from the minute it leaves here. Even you or I would have hard time jumping off unseen. No, invisible people maybe, the others have to ride far behind or if you're hinting at a trip on the Gonzales express you'll have to ask him. But I'd HATE to use that up, it's our only way of getting out of here if things get too crazy."

"Chester has a potion that can make him invisible. What does the potion that our invisible dynamite friend donate do? Maybe the same? Perhaps Gonzalez can make whoever else we need invisible that way, so you can save your, um, special abilities?" Jake turns to Kate and says, "Katherine you need to coach me on this, uh, stuff. In the future, if you have tools and need things for them to work tell me. Sometimes I can be very clever with mundane things. See what you can do quickly."

Silver Moon

Chapter 218, “The Dwarven Miners “, Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 12:30 P.M.

Jake looks at his pocket watch. "Nanuet and I are going to have to leave soon. It will take us longer to get there. Also, the books need to get loaded. We should have Jeff Mills and whoever else is left behind watch and see if we are followed. Maybe even send some law folks after whoever follows us."

Chester speaks up, "You forget, scouting used to be my job. I'm better at not being heard than keeping out of sight, though." And so is Nanuet, thinks Jake. Damn. "All right Chester, maybe it is better if you and Nanuet are the scouts." Jake turns to Nanuet. "After wearing those white man suits, you still remember how to use your bow, Indian? I hope so, it might get us a Cowboy quiet like." "Just like riding a horse, once you learn you never forget. I have these also" Nanuet says, pointing to the pair of knives "they come in handy too."

Regarding the potion Ruby says, "I have no idea. Why do you keep asking me like I know something? I tried pouring a drop on the newspaper, nothing happened. But there was that dagger... I, or someone, should hold onto that. And yes, Gonzales can do that if he has it memorized, that's a good idea." Jake says, "Keep the knife for yourself if you'll use it, otherwise give it to Nanuet. It was pretty big I thought."

Upstairs, Kate found Mr. Gonzales and Dorita piling up books. "I'm sorry to disturb you again, but I just thought of something that might be able to help us. That spell you used to find President de Sucre. Could we use that to find Ringo?” He says "I could try, but am at a disadvantage having never actually seen Ringo before. With Sucre we at least had a photograph." Kate suggests, "I know what he looks like. Could you see him the way you saw my home in Boston? Look into my thoughts and pull the picture out of them?"

"I can try" Gonzales states. Kate gives him the notes to examine and use as part of the spell. He then casts the Detect Thoughts spell telling her to focus only upon Ringo. Gonzales He gets the reflecting pool ready and casts the spells. Nothing is apparent after several minutes. Gonzales stops the attempt and says, "I'm sorry, it is not working."

"It's alright. Thank you for trying. They're downstairs now trying to work out what to do. You may be called on for some invisibility." Kate paused. "Is Ruby right? Is it too risky for me to go with them? If we're using those scrolls, I could be caught in a place where magic won't work, and the baby would be vulnerable. And of course, no amount of protection will help him if I... If I don't come back."

Gonzales says, "I do not know. It might be riskier for you to stay in town today. You might actually be safe as long as you give him what he wants. He has threatened your friends and not you yourself." She replies, "I'm afraid we're past the point where Ringo gets what he wants. We'll take books to the mine, but Ringo won't live to enjoy them."

Gonzales and Dorita move the books from his mansion into the bed in his El Parador bedroom. He says, "Send up Pedro and Estaban and we'll get this pile of Greek and Latin texts downstairs to put on top. Let me know what else I can do to help." "I will." Kate walked over and hugged her teacher tight. "Thank you for everything," she said simply before she turned and left the room.

Downstairs she found Pedro and asked him to make sure Ricardo saw Ginnie when she came in for her lunch route, sent he and Estaban upstairs, then rejoined the others at the table. She gave Conrad a small smile and turned her attention to the conversation.

Katherine comes back down stairs. "It didn't work. My teacher hasn't seen Ringo himself, so he had only my memories to go by, and I suspect Ringo might be using something to prevent magical location. I know you're in a hurry to go, but give me a little time. Jeff is with Ginnie and she is trying to find out what the children around town and the people on her lunch route have seen. She may find out something that can help us. She wanted me to give her until 1:30." Jake sighs heavily and nods. "All right, but we need to get everything finished by 1:30. We are cutting this way too close."

Conrad and Estaban return ten minutes after they had left (noonish) accompanied by a pair of dwarves. One dwarf is wearing denim overalls, a plaid work shirt and boots. The other is older and wearing on old suit jacket over a cotton shirt with wool pants and boots.

Conrad tells Jake "Mr. Cook, I would like to introduce you to Vidkan Gerhardsen (gesturing to the older man) and Bjorn Kviteseid. Vidkan is the Last Ditch Mine's co-owner and work foreman. He knows it best but only speaks Norwegian, German and Dwarven, so I brought his worker Bjorn along as well as he is also fluent in English."

Jake stands and shakes hands with both men. "Thanks Conrad, and gentlemen, pleasure to meet you." He gestures for them to have a seat at the crowded table. "So, what can you tell us about your mine? Any information, especially about the layout and the land surrounding would be appreciated."

Vidkan talks while Bjorn translates. The Last Ditch mine is along the eastern slope of the tallest of a series of hills three-and-one-quarter miles northwest of Promise City. Vidkan and his partner own a jagged hill that rises nearly straight up for 200 feet and is approximately 300 to 500 feet in diameter. It is surrounded by several smaller hills that are roughly 100 to 200 feet in diameter and vary from 50 to 150 feet in height.

The mine itself has two tunnels dug into the hill which connect further in. There are four working shafts going down to different tunnel levels below at depths of approximately 40, 80, 120 and 160 feet below the surface. They had also drilled a fifth shaft planned for a depth of 200 feet but struck water at 185 feet down instead.

The mine has rails and handcars, plus one steam powered boring drill used to dig the initial tunnels and shafts. He says that his crew of eight have been digging for fourteen months now and only recently had extracted enough silver and a smattering of gold to recoup their investment to date in labor and equipment.

Ruby asks, "Is there anyone at the mine today?" Bjorn replies, "No, we closed the mine up at noontime yesterday so that everybody could come to town and enjoy the festival. We're all staying in a large cabin tent on the hills just east of town. We're a protective bunch. We locked the doors to both tunnels and the tool shed nice and tight to keep any intruders out."

"That's good to hear. We certainly appreciate you sharing your information with us. Is there anything else you think we need to know?" Ruby gives them a dazzling smile and leans forward on the table just a tiny bit. Bjorn translates. Vidkan says something quickly and loudly which the younger dwarf translates as "He wants to know who is trespassing at our mine and when we can go get our crew to stop them."

Jake grins. "They are known as the Cowboy Gang. They are murderers, thieves and worse. We are hoping to surprise them but I don't know. I wish I could get you and your folks there secretly. We have our own score to settle with them, involving blackmail and attempted murder. There is certainly going to be gunfire today, and likely a lot of blood will flow. We are hoping it is theirs. I don't think they are after your mine, but I don't know." Jake pauses. "I can't keep you off your property. We'll be leaving around 1:30 or so...."

"I am going also" Minerva says. "I can shoot a gun and heal if necessary. Tell me what you wish me to do and I shall do it." Nanuet exclaims, "You have to stay safe! I know you want to help, but I can't do my job and worry about your safety as well. What about the festival, aren't you needed for that too?" Nanuet begins jabbering nonsense, talking over himself as he paces excitedly back and forth. "But then again if you are in town... safety in numbers... just started to believe in love again... that bastard!"

Jake listens to Nanuet arguing with himself about Minerva. Do I sound like that? He watches for Van Horne out front. I didn't think I'd be here this long, maybe I'll be able to catch him. Jake tries to keep an eye on Ruby and keep her relaxed. "We'll be alright. Looks like Chet wants to go with Nanuet, so you are stuck with me. If we can get Sonoma or Gonzalez to make us invisible, Minerva and I can ride in the wagon in back and drop out near the mine. Then you are the show darling. Be helpless Katherine and see what happens. We'll play it by ear and the last resort is to threaten to burn the books. If we think we can take whoever we see, then we'll act. Though it will probably be Chet and the Indian who act first. Otherwise we'll follow your lead." Jake smiles. "I'll be right there."

"Thanks baby." Ruby smiles back but is only comforted slightly. "You do know this is a setup, right? Probably just to get us out of town. And you do realize that if gunfire erupts poor little Katherine and her books are going to be the first one they shoot at." "That is possible." He smirks at her. "Why don't I play Katherine and drink one of Dorita's teas for the voice trick. Won't they be surprised when a real gun slinger fires back. Besides, it's my turn to get shot."
Ruby doesn't smile back at Jake. "No, I couldn't watch you get shot. You have to be somewhere close so if they shoot at me you can shoot them back."

"So when do Chester and I get to go out there and get this thing started? The quicker we act the better. Just standing around is going to give them more time to prepare for us. Ringo and his magic could be listening in on us right now for all we know." Jake points to the candle still burning on the table they are at and shrugs. Jake then replies, "I know, I'm antsy too. Katherine thinks that Ginnie may be learning something useful. As soon as she is back or at 1:30 you two are out of here."

Nanuet looks over at Chester. "You ready? You still got a potion of invisibility? That will certainly be useful. So do we go now or do we help you load the books? What kinds of signals do we use to let you know we are in trouble or that everything is OK? Should we scout and then meet up with you or just stay in position there? The latter I am guessing."

Jake states, "Someone else will take care of the books. If Chet is going to talk to Berg, he should do it right now. You two are the scouts, you tell us the signals. If we hear gunfire we'll know things aren't OK." Jake grins at him. "Learn what you can and get in the best position to ambush the ambushers as you said. We might start something at the wagon, but it will likely be you two who start the assault. I am hoping they will be focused on the wagon and you can have some surprise. I don't know what in Hades to make of those dwarves, but we are not in a position to refuse help."

Nanuet says, "I agree the Dwarves help could prove invaluable. We will wait for Ginnie to return. Chester, if you want company going to talk to Berg I will accompany you. As far as the signals go, gunfire will be a sure sign of trouble as we will try to dispatch as many of the enemy as we can silently. If you hear my war cry then you will know it is time to start the action, but not necessarily that things have gone bad. I will send Maska to you if you need to leave the area and I am unable to get to you."

"Agreed." Jake says to Nanuet. Chester nods in agreement at the signals. "Sounds good to me. If Ringo thinks there's an Apache war party after him, that's good too. Let's go see Berg. If this is a feint to get us out of town, then the other Marshals need to stay here. Jake, what should I tell him? I don't like leaving him in the dark, especially since his life is on the line, too."

Minerva argues with Nanuet. " I am going. We need as much firepower as we can get if we are to subdue the cowboys. You need me there. If someone is gravely injured it will take the two of us to use your necklace to save them. We are in this together mi amor" she says placing her hand on the side of his face and looking into his eyes. She turns to the rest of the group "Opening Ceremonies begin at 1:00. I should be on hand to avert suspicion but I'll make my part short and be back here before 1:30. I'll go back to my room to be sure that I have everything that I need for this. I do have two rounds of that special pistol ammunition as well as 2 rounds of it for my rifle I hope that is enough. I may be able to use this today after all" she laughs mirthlessly and pats her parasol which disguises her rapier. "It could come in handy if we need to quiet someone." Nanuet says, "I can not argue with you as your name is on one of those letters. Someone must go with you though to the ceremony, you can't go alone."

Ruby states, "I have to pick up a couple more things before we leave. Anything else I need to know right now?" Ruby excuses herself then runs back to the Lucky Lady with her pack.

Kate says, "I won't be able to take care of the children's games this afternoon, obviously. But I had a couple people ready to help me. I'll send some notes and hope they won't be angry that I am leaving them to do this for me." Kate went upstairs and dashed off one not to Meghan O'Hara, and another Sandra Wainwright. She said only that she had a personal emergency, and that she would make it up to them somehow. She still wasn't sure if she should go with the others or not. For the moment, she left the riding clothes in the closet and went back downstairs.

Ginnie arrives back at the El Parador a few minutes later looking for Kate. Kate let out a relieved breath and hurried over to her girl. "Has everything gone alright?" Ginnie replies, "Yes. Ringo was seen in Tombstone last night while several of his Galeyville Associates were here in Promise City last night at the Billiard Hall. Their horses were at the Papago Cash Store's corral this morning but are gone now."

Kate replies, "So they may have gone to the mine. Thank you Ginnie. I want you to be careful this afternoon. I'd feel much better if you'd just stay here, but if you insist on being out, be in and upstairs with Mr. Gonzales before five. Is there anything else you learned?" Ginnie looks up at her and says, "Yes Ma'am Kate, but that ring will solve that other problem that's been bothering you. When your body starts to...change...you will just need to wear this new 'Kate' ring while in public as people will see you as you are now."

Kate says, "Why, I.... I had never thought of such a thing. It might work. But then I would have to explain the new addition to our family somehow. Thank you, Ginnie. I'll think on it." She gave Ginnie a genuine smile, glad to hear her say "Ma'am Kate," again instead of calling her Mrs. Kale.

Ruby picks up every potion she has and delicately wraps them in a shawl and puts them in her bag. She slips the scroll inside her bodice. She takes the magical dagger and slips it between her skin and the leather strap that holds her gun on.

After her gear is all gathered she heads to Pierre to get the rod. Pierre has the rod ready, disguised to resemble the old-style shotgun. He tells Ruby "This should hold up to close inspection to folks unless you happen to be around an old-timer who had a single-shot Loomis before. Of course, you'll have to still grip the rod with both hands to use it, so that'll give away the secret, but they'd figure that out soon enough when the shot was fired anyway."

"Thank you Pierre!" Ruby can't resist the only good news of the day so far, so she plants a wet kiss on his cheek. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She uses the strap and slings the "gun" over her shoulder. She heads back to the Cantina.

Once there she helps move the books set aside by Gonzales and Dorita. They place them in the cart over the dummy books Jake had acquired. She apologizes to Gonzales, "I am sorry about earlier, with the whole spell thing. I'm just so nervous something will happen to one of my friends, or Jake. I just couldn't bare something terrible happening to one of them."

Gonzales says, "I understand and while I haven't had a chance to teach you that spell yet during the last half-hour I was able to transcribe one onto a scroll for you. You could cast it upon either yourself or somebody else and you or they would be able to detect any invisible people or objects for up to the next three-quarters of an hour."

Ruby hugs Gonzales tightly. "Thank you," she whispers into ear before letting go. Then she pulls away. "I don't want to admit how scared I am to any of them. I'm not used to feeling scared of losing something. I'm going to need you to turn me into Kate when we're ready. Plus if you could, I think we need some people turned invisible or possibly even teleported there. Can you help with any of that?"

Gonzales has Ruby accompany him into his workshop where he gets the "Tex" ring. He says, "I have the ability to add clothing to the illusion but it would probably be better this time if I don't, as you may need to also be her later today when different clothing could be required. You'll be able to borrow whatever you need to wear from her anyway. You may want to get the clothing before using the ring, as your attire will not exactly fit her frame. Now, think of some phrases to use as the change incantations on and off. Something easy to remember but that you won't say accidentally in conversation."

She suggests, "How about 'I hate bourbon' and 'I love Johnny Ringo,' " Ruby snickers. "You never hear me say either of those things. Unless you want something anyone wouldn't say but then how am I supposed to know what that is?" He answers, "The 'I hate bourbon' would work, but it is best not to include Ringo's name as part of it, his name tends to attract attention. How about 'I love Milk', that strikes me as about as likely." A smile comes to Ruby's face. "That's fine, it works."

Gonzales adds, "I only studied one Invisibility today but could provide that. As for the teleportation, I only have two, enough to get somewhere and back. I'd rather hold off on using those if I could as we may need them later for an emergency." She replies, "Good thinking. We might need to escape later. I'll go find Kate and get some clothes from her." Ruby hurries out of the room and checks downstairs to find Kate.

Silver Moon

Chapter 219, “Off to the Last Ditch Mine“, Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 1:00 P.M.

Chester and Nanuet reach the Marshall's Office. Berg is talking to Eduardo, making sure he's OK for duty. Chester says, "We're heading out now. You all should keep your eyes peeled for strange activity. I heard the Cowboys can hide almost in plain sight. If I don't make it back, let me say now that it's been an honor." Nanuet looks to Chester, "You about ready? You and I have some hunting to do."

Ruby finds Kate talking with Ginnie. Kate turned around and gave her a half smile, then filled her in on what Ginnie had just told her. Ruby nods with the information from the girl before tussling Ginnie's hair. "What an ingenious kid," she smiles. She turns to Kate, "I need some clothes. Preferably your leather getup so I have some movement."

"I might.... Ah, alright Ruby. I suppose that does make sense. Ringo probably knows what I'd wear when I might be expecting trouble. I suppose I could wear my old riding clothes, although they won't hide the spells effect." Kate took Ruby upstairs and pulled the leather clothing out of the closet. "It will be strange to be able to stare at myself. You'll have to watch the way you walk," she said, trying for light. "I could never get my hips going quite the way you do."

"As for you Kate, you don't need these clothes because unless you're going to insist on being completely foolish you're not coming." Ruby says while looking at the leathers. "Unless..." she ponders for a moment, "You can't be seen. You're invisible. That could work. As for the hips, well, you'll just have to watch and learn," Ruby laughs.

Kate says, "That's the only way I would consider going, Ruby. I would need to be invisible, and I couldn't do anything that would be an attack. But I think I can help. I can do the dispel, and there are some spells that can cause trouble without being physically harmful." Ruby replies, "Yes, you can help but even being invisible you can get hurt. Don't forget they have heat seeking bullets. I think you're crazy for even thinking about it." Kate replies, "I think I've been crazy for a long time now."

Ruby picks up the outfit. "I'm going to bring this upstairs. It's almost time to get going. I'll meet you downstairs" She drops the outfit off in Mr. Gonzales room then goes back to the main room, waiting for everyone to meet up so they can get going. After Ruby left Kate dressed in her old, eastern riding clothes and went back downstairs to wait for the others. Minerva rushes back to the Comstock House to pick up any weapons that she owns and returns to the El Parador.

Nanuet and Chester make their way back to the El Parador. "We're going to be off. Good hunting to all," Nanuet says. Minerva wraps her arms around Nanuet. "Be careful mi amor. May the gods watch over you" she says to Nanuet before he heads out the door with Chester. Ruby motions them outside.

Once out in the stables they check to make sure they are alone. Ruby kisses each of them on the cheek. "I don't need to tell both of you to be careful." Ruby starts her incantation as Chester quaffs his potion. Chester and Nanuet both fade at the same time. "Good luck," she says, not knowing if they are still there to hear her or not.

"You know us." Chester smiles reassuringly. The smile fades. "I don't need to tell you either, but I will. Be careful. This is a very risky deal. OK?" Before he drinks his potion, Chester checks to make sure his rifle has one normal round, the two hold person rounds, and then 4 normal rounds loaded. His Remington has the two magic bullets loaded as the second and third rounds in the cylinder along with 4 normal bullets. His Colt is fully loaded this time. Nanuet mentally calls to Maska to meet him outside town. The two men travel across the land as quickly as they can, using the best route given by the dwarves, towards the Mine.

Minerva says, "Senor Jake could you accompany me to the opening Ceremony? I promise it will be Very brief." "Let's go" Jake says tipping his hat and motioning to the door. The two head over to the stage where the Ceremony is to be held. Before Ruby could even speak to Jake he was out the door. "Where the hell is he going?" Ruby returns and says to Kate. Kate replies, "She has to make an appearance at the festival. Probably he's going with her to make sure she isn't alone. We can go as soon as they're back.

She sighs and looks around the room. "Ok, that candle is still going, good. It's getting crowded in here." She motions Kate closer anyway. "Mr. G. has one invisibility. Chester has a potion for himself. I can do two. That leaves you, Minerva, Nanuet and Jake, we're one short. Jake will be with me on the wagon, I guess. You should stay with Minerva. I'm not sure who should be invisible. We need to figure it out fast." Kate says, We're one invisibility short.... It would make the most sense to have Jake with "Katherine" but one of those special rounds is waiting for him. I think Minerva should get one and Nanuet, they are healers and we need them up."

The two dwarves who visited earlier arrive accompanied by six others - three humans and three more dwarves. They each have either a handgun or rifle. Bjorn says, "We're all set to help you." Kate says, "Glad to have you. We're going to need a lot of help. Nanuet and Deputy Martin have already set out." Ruby looks up, startled. "That's great. Have a seat, we'll tell you the plan." She describes how they are going to try to ambush their ambushers with the wagon as a distraction. "Perhaps our priestess can accompany you. You come a little after the wagon. The wagon is sure to be followed. If you could find out if anyone is following that would be great."

Kate smiled suddenly. "They are going to have plenty to worry about without trying to find me. I think it will be alright. I'll stay as out of the way as possible. As soon as Jake and Miss Florencia are back, we go."

As Minerva and Jake head towards the town stage a stagecoach pulls up alongside it. The driver opens up the door and four middle-aged male Priests of the Roman/Greek church step out accompanied by Mrs. Rebecca King. Based upon their attire it appears that one is an Arch-Bishop and another is a Bishop, the other two probably being an assistant to each of them. The men move towards the stage. "Meirde" Minerva hisses. She plasters a smile on her face and strides toward the stage. "Buenas Dias your Excellency’s" She says with a curtsy.

Mrs. King says, "Gentlemen, this is the Priestess Minerva Florencia who I've told you about." The one in the fanciest robe introduces himself as Arch-Bishop Dimitrios Tsaldaris of the Philadelphia Church. The other one introduces himself as Bishop Costas Papandraus, Deputy Administrator of the Church in the Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming and Utah Territories.

"Buenas Dias, Senora King." she nods and turns back to the Bishops. "I am honored that you are able to join us as we pay tribute to Dionysus your Excellency’s.. I would be honored to meet with you tomorrow." she smiles. But you must excuse me as we are running a bit late and I must begin the opening Ceremony. It would not do to anger the god." she says and moves toward the podium. As Minerva runs off Jake tips his hat to the two clergy, "Pleased to meet you. I used to listen to your sermons back home in Philadelphia as a youngster before I came west. Enjoy yourself." Jake follows after Minerva.

Minerva says to the assembled crowd, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of the gods and all good People of Promise City and guests who have joined us this day, I bid you WELCOME and much Prosperity. It is spring a time of new beginnings a time to celebrate the god Dionysus so that he may make our crops bountiful and make our livestock multiply. I will not require you to spend hours in prayer giving him praise, as Dionysus is a god of action who would much prefer that we show him our thanks. All that is required of you this day is to have a great time and give him thanks in doing so! Let the Festival Begin!"

The crowd cheers loudly and Minerva rushes into the crowd to find Jake. Once Minerva leaves the stage the priests climb up to it and begin to make speeches as well, praising the Gods and the town's devotion to them. "Minerva, over here." Jake says. "Let's go."

They arrive at El Parador and Jake finds Jeff Mills. "Be careful, but see if you can watch who follows us. Or maybe even stop them. These guys have loads of nasty special rounds, don't get shot at. I'll see you later." Ruby says, "Jake gets one, and you." She shakes her head. "I already told you what I think about you coming," Ruby says with an edge in her voice. "Minerva will have to be seen. You ride with her on her horse with the dwarves. Go get ready," she says in a bossy tone. "I'm going to get ready too. We can't be seen together and I need to leave first with the wagon."

Ruby heads upstairs to Mr. Gonzales room. Jake just catches a glimpse of Ruby running up the stairs. Once upstairs in Gonzales room Ruby takes care to take off her hair clip, and all her magical items and backpack. She asks, "What do I have to do?" He replies, "Just put on the ring and say the incantation, you'll become a perfect Kate. Then you'll have to change clothes." "Alright. I think they'll need you downstairs to make Kate invisible, after I leave." Ruby puts the ring on her finger and says, "I hate bourbon."

And Ruby becomes Kate's twin. Gonzales has spent so much time with Kate that the image placed upon the ring is perfect. She looks rather strange though wearing Ruby's clothing. After turning into Kate she quickly holds her own dress up so it doesn't fall off. "Ugh, I feel like a midget," she laughs. She trips as she makes her way over to Kate's leather outfit. She takes it into a private room and changes.

Emerging as Kate she quickly hurries over to her belongings. She tucks the scrolls into back of her pants and places the dagger in her boot. She carefully pins her hair up with her own 'hairclip'. "There." She sighs, "Wish me luck professor amie," and kisses his cheek before heading down the stairs. She sticks close to the wall and times her exit to the outside when the least amount of people are looking in her direction. She waits in the stables for Jake to show up.

Kate sighed. She hated the idea of Ruby thinking less of her, but there were no good choices here. Something told her it would be alright. She went upstairs and clipped her hair back with the jeweled clip that made her turn into Madeline. If the invisibility failed for some reason, she could change her identity. She made sure she had the scroll tucked in a book in her pocked, and Tom's pistol with twelve extra bullets. She also had the slim want of Magic Missiles in her hand.

Back downstairs she found Ricardo and asked him to take the bag of equipment and notes to Mrs. O'Hara. After he ran off, she stopped by where Conrad had sat down after he brought in the Dwarves. "I expect to see you at the Ball tonight, good luck with the fencing," she said quietly.

"Minerva," Jake calls and flips her a coin, "my first donation to your church." In her hand is a shiny silver dollar. "Wish me luck, Senorita, from the gods." "May Hermes continue to show you his favor Senor." Minerva says solemnly and tucks the coin in her pocket. When Jake and Minerva came in, Kate walked up to them and said, "I have to go back upstairs, we can't have two Kate's down here. I'll go with the dwarves. Come upstairs and get me when you're ready." "Good Luck Senorita, you and Katherine have the dwarven reserves. Not to close, not to far back. Godspeed, to you ladies."

Kate says, "Alright, I'm going to go disappear. I'll be back down in a minute. I'll touch your shoulder when I'm here and go with you." She went upstairs to see her teacher. "I need to be invisible, Professeur amie." Mr. Gonzales made quick work of the spell, Kate thanked him and went back downstairs to touch Miss Florencia's shoulder. "Ready whenever you are."

Minerva startles when invisible Kate touches her shoulder. "By the gods, Katherine, that’s some trick!" she whispers. Minerva leads the way and introduces herself to the dwarves, not mentioning that Katherine is with her. "Buenas Dias Senores, Your assistance is most appreciated. Please be careful these are dangerous men. It is almost time to be on our way." She tells them to get ready steps outside to pack her horse.

Jake tips his hat and takes the back way to the barn. Jake notices Cornelius Van Horne walking up to the porch of the El Parador. Ricardo heads out to pass him the note. Jake waits for him to read the note and then walks out to the street and glares at Van Horne. "Excuse me sir, I need a word with you." Jake then says, "You don't need to be a MIND READER to know how I feel about what you do at the saloons here in town. Do you understand me?" Jake points menacingly at his chest and waits for some reaction from him.

Van Horne nods and says in his Georgian accent "Sir, the owner of this establishment has made it clear that I am not welcome inside. I never go places where I am not welcome." "Just so we are clear," Jake says slowly and menacingly. Meanwhile Jake thinks all the details of what is happening as succinctly as he can. He ends by thinking “I don't have any more time. Luck be with you, friend. Wish me the same..” Jake then says aloud, "Well then, Enjoy the rest of your stay in Promise City, sir."

Van Horne replies, "And you too Mr. Cooke, and a lucky day to you. Perhaps our paths will cross again later this day. I will look for you in my travels. Oh, and could you do me one favor sir?" Jake asks, "What favor would that be sir?"

He replies, "I picked up a piece of jewelry for that young lady I had a drink with last time, Ruby West, I believe she works at your saloon. It may be a while until I can get by there so I would appreciate it if you would give this to her when you see her. Hold it carefully until then, it is rather valuable." He reaches behind his neck and unfastens a gold chain with a gold silver-dollar sized coin attached and in the center of the coin in a green stone that appears to be an emerald.
As he hands it to Jake he whispers "Say 'Thirsty' to turn it on, three charges left today." "You are mighty generous with the ladies, sir. I'm sure she'll appreciate the gesture." Jake nods to him and heads off quickly.

When Jake arrives at the barn he finds ‘Kate‘, biting her lip and pulling on her hair. "Even as Katherine you are Ruby." Jake laughs. "Ready?" "I am? I have no idea how that could be... I feel like stuffing some napkins in here," she says while adjusting the chest area of her leather bodice. "Anyway, are you ready to not be seen..." Jake closes his eyes and quickly touches all his weapons. "Yes. Your sure this change is temporary? I mean, I'd still love you but it would be a shame to do without all that talent."

"Don't worry, I still have all my talents..." she says and squeezes Jake's butt. "Yes, it's temporary. If not this will be one pissed off red head. "You know," Jakes voice sounds in front of her as Ruby feels some hands on her hips, "Katherine seems a lot more boney than my lovely Miss West." She feels the hands move up to her waist and ribs. "Definitely a lack of proper curves here..."

Ruby smiles and reaches her hands out, feeling for Jake, "I guess that's why you love me and not her then, huh?" Suddenly she pulls herself back. "Don't make me have to yell at you for feeling up Katherine Kale!" She no longer feels the hands on her Katherine form. The she hears Jake chuckling before he whispers, "I was just curious. Go ahead and tell me YOU didn't, ahem, feel for the differences." He chuckles some more. "I'll wait for my Ruby to come back..."

Ruby giggles. "Yes, I did. It's too weird. Katherine's pretty enough but...I happen to like my red hair and my long legs and my breasts and my curves." "I'm rather fond of them myself. I'll look forward to them returning." Ruby smiles again, "Well, I guess now would be a good time to get all your urges to kiss Kate out of your system..." He chuckles again. "I had no urges to kiss Katherine. I have to admit it feels strange kissing you with her lips."

Ruby giggles again. "Alright, that was your last chance. Come on, let's get going now..." Ruby casts the invisibility spell on Jake. "One more thing. I have a scroll from Mr. Gonzales. To make someone, you or I, be able to see things that can't be seen for almost an hour. I think better on you, what do you think?" Jake says, "Let's wait to the last minute to decide if we can. If shooting is required, then me. If other means are required then you. But you are right, we probably won't be able to decide that in the middle of shooting." Ruby replies, "I'll do it to you when we get closer. Don't resist it. Now get in that wagon and let's be off and get this over with."

Jake climbs up and says, "I'm on." Once there he puts on the chain that Red gave him and tucks it under his shirt. When they clear town he tells her he spoke to Red. "It was him, I can tell by looking at his eyes it was him. He gave me his medallion that allows him to detect thoughts." Jake is quiet for a minute. "I tried to get him to read my mind first, I think he did. I tried to tell him everything. I don't know what he can do but never underestimate him."

"Oh, and another thing before I forget. We should have a signal for when we see Ringo if he is in some disguise. Rub your little finger closest to the palm like you would if you had an itch under a ring. We should tell the others that too. One more thing, when we get closer I'll move to the back, but in the mean time sit in the middle of the bench like you are alone."

"But I am alone," she whispers, shifting into the middle of the seat. "Don't forget the potions are in my bag." She reaches down into her pack and keeps one of the potions of voice modulations near her feet. Ruby places the rod on the floor near her feet and she picks up the reins, riding slowly and surely out of town. "That's great about Red. I'm sure he'll try to do something to help. He looked out for you before. It's nice to have someone have your back."

Kate stuck close to Minerva, pulling herself up on the horses back. "I'm on," she whispered close to the Priestess' ear. "We'll leave a few minutes after Ruby and Jake." Before Minerva steps out of the saloon she pulls the hood of her cloak up in an attempt to conceal her identity. Kate and Minerva waited for ten excruciating minutes before they and the dwarves followed Jake and Ruby out of town toward the mine.

Ruby continues towards the mine at a quicker pace. Once she guesses she is about five minutes away she briefly stops the wagon and pulls out the scroll. She says loudly, "What were those directions again?" Jake comes up closer to the front with Ruby's words. Then in a much softer tone she recites the spell off the scroll, using some misdirection to 'pretend' to look for something in the back while touching him to pass the spell.

Jake looks at his own hand to see what his vision might be like. He lays down in the back of the wagon and just peers out with his head while they approach. He takes his shotgun of his back and keeps it in his hands. Ruby gives a good look around the area, looking for anything that may appear out of place as she continues her way to the mine.

"Psst, Ruby." Jake whispers. "Did you put the dynamite in the books?" "No." She whispers back through clenched lips. "Mierda." Jake says under his breath. He spends the next few minutes putting four sticks of dynamite that he brought into the containers of books. He quietly tells Ruby where the fuses are located.

Once Nanuet and Chester get near the area they slow, looking for signs of unusual tracks or noises. It takes Nanuet, Chester and Maska around a half-hour at a rather fast pace to reach the general vicinity where the mine is ahead. They have been following four sets of fresh horse tracks for most of the ride. They then reach a spot before the hills where the horses had stopped. From there three sets of footprints continue to the northwest while the four horse tracks turn and head off more to the north. Nanuet quietly whispers to Chester, "Let's follow the footprints first." They head in a northwest direction.

Chester nods, realizes that Nanuet can't see him and whispers back, "OK. So three on foot and probably one taking the horses to the mine. Let's look for a place where we would set up an ambush and look for them there." They follow for a while, realizing that the three on foot went towards the mine. When Nanuet and Chester are within 100 feet of the mine they can see that one of the doors to the two mine tunnels has been opened. The other appears to still be locked. The storage shed door is shut but the chain and padlock are hanging from the doorknob rather than fastening the door shut.

Nanuet whispers to Chester, "Lock them in or get them now?" He mentally commands Maska to track the other set of tracks if she can, and let him know where they are and how many. "Not yet. I want to know if anyone is still outside. We don't want anyone to see the door moving on its own. "The door is shut, let's lock them in then." Nanuet silently makes his way over to the door and locks the padlock over the door.

Maska approaches the mine. She sniffs all around the entrance and the shed area. She communicates to Nanuet that none of them men are still there. Chester says, "What's she saying?" Nanuet replies, "She doesn't smell anyone else in the area. Hopefully they're all inside now. I hope Ringo is there with them, but I doubt it. Let's take a look in the shed before locking that too."

Nanuet whispers to Chester, "Look, Maska doesn't think there are humans in this area. I say we lock the door to the cave, or jam it closed with something so that they can't get out. Let the dwarves deal with them if there is anybody inside, or at least keep them out of the fight for now. Then we go back to the area where the trail split and follow the horse tracks? Sound like a plan?" Chester states, "I'm with you. We better hurry. no telling when someone will come to that door."

Chester and Nanuet approach the tunnel. The door is opened and a lantern appears to have been lit further down the tunnel as there is light in the distance. The tracks head inside although Maska does not sense that anybody is there at all. Chester suggests, "Let's close the door. We can go in when everyone else gets here."

Nanuet listens carefully first. He does not hear anything and then looks for the lock for the door to the mines. Not seeing a lock he finds a rock that he can jam in it's place. He carefully tries to close the door as quietly as possible and then jam it. As soon as the door begins to move Nanuet and Chester both see a flash and spark from behind the door. They then hear a hissing sound of something burning in the immediate area.

Nanuet pushes Chester in the direction of the nearest source of cover and then runs as fast as possible in that direction as well. Chester looks for a large rock to duck behind. Seeing one, he moves towards it. A massive explosion follows, blowing the door to smithereens and causing the cave entrance to collapse. Rocks and wood fly in all directions as a huge cloud of dust, dirty and gravel cloud the area.

Silver Moon

Chapter 220, “Shooting at the Mine“, Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 2:30 P.M.

Maska has managed to run far away that she only gets struck by a minimum of flying debris. Nanuet has also found partial cover behind a rock but is still knocked to the ground and then pelted by flying rocks. Chester fares the worst, being caught in the brunt of the blast. Only his magical coat prevents pieces of the door from penetrating his torso although his legs are badly struck, the right leg breaking in the process.

A half mile away, Jake and Ruby hear the sound of the explosion. "What the Hades was that?" Ruby says, reaching down for the rod and slinging it over her shoulder. She pulls out her gun and drives the wagon faster towards the mine.

The others are a mile away and also hear the explosion, "Faster, Miss Florencia. We need to find out what that was." Even as Kate spoke the dwarves started putting on all the speed they could. The group moved together at top speed toward the explosion. Katherine hears words coming out of Minerva that she is pretty sure are not very preacher like "Hold on!" Minerva hisses to Kate and spurs her horse on.

Nanuet grits his teeth through the pain. He is wounded, but will live for the moment. "Chester? Where are you? Are you OK buddy? Let me know you're alive. I know it hurts, but I can heal you. Just let me know where you are." Nanuet also focuses on Maska, he realizes that she is OK. He commands her to go find the others. Chester screams loudly from the pain. He grabs his leg, which is bent at an odd angle.

As she drives the wagon Ruby says, "You know, we're burning these books. Actually, we should probably turn around and get back to Promise City. I have a really bad feeling, I know this whole thing is a setup. If our friends weren't there..." "You can tell me I've been fooled later, let's get there." Jake says. "I'm going damn it."

Minerva and the miners have the wagon in sight as Maska darts out from around a hill from the direction of the mine. Ruby and those in the wagon are rounding the bend and just see the now settling dust could ahead of them. "Maska! Minerva yells. "Where is Nanuet!"

Ruby and Jake arrive at the site and see debris everywhere. Ruby stops the wagon and looks around. Jake leaps out of the wagon with his shotgun in his hands. He also looks around carefully for foes and listens.

Chester screams loudly from the pain. He grabs his leg, which is bent at an odd angle.
Nanuet makes his way towards the screams trying to locate his friend. Ruby hears the scream and reconizes it as Chester. She disregards a blown cover and yells out "Hello..." she calls out in a Kate like voice, "Is someone hurt?" as she glances around nervously, knowing Chester is invisible.

Maska leads Minerva directly to Nanuet. "Nanuet, where are you? are you hurt?" she leaps off her horse and runs toward the sound of his voice. "Where is Senor Chester?" Kate stayed on Minerva's horse, her eyes watching the surrounding area, looking for any members of the Cowboy Gang.

Nanuet says, "Seems like Chester is hurt worse than I am. Look, we all can't stay here, we are sitting ducks. I think this is him over here. I know you can't see me and I am not ready to lose that advantage yet. Help me get him to the wagon." Nanuet takes a hold of Minerva and guides her to Chester. Kate kept control of Minerva's horse, trying to make it look as if the animal was just following along while using it to block as much clear view of Minerva as she can.

"Damn it!" Ruby hisses under her breath. "Oh well for the plan. Come out and get your damn books," Ruby call out loudly, knowing the plan has now been completely blow to pieces. Ruby straps on her backpack. She hops off the wagon and starts unhitching the horses. "All of a sudden not interested in the books? she yells out again.

Once the initial shock wears off, Chester manages to regain some control. "Hades take those cowboys. Nanuet! Where are you?" He tries to pull himself behind the rock to get it between him and the cave entrance. As Minerva and Nanuet attempt to locate and begin to move the invisible Chester they inadvertantly induce more pain causing him to cry out further in pain. Jake alone can see that Chester's leg is mangled.

Nanuet hears Chester's cries. He does his best to remain calm. "Ok, this isn't going to work, he is too badly hurt to move right now. Just stop here. Chester hang in there I am going to heal you now. Minerva hang on a second I have to heal him. Chester how badly are you hurt?" The only response is a cry of pain. Nanuet decides to use the necklace to cast a cure critical wounds on Chester.

Jake, not seeing any opponents, runs over to help them. He speaks in a whisper. "Senorita, I am not a healer but I could straighten his leg and you could help him. Or else he needs to become visible, you'll never move him like this. Chester, Senorita, what should I do?" Jake's moving Chester's leg helps to prevent the bone from being set in the totally wrong position by Nanuet's spell, but not being an experienced healer it is less than perfect. Chester feels immesurabely better but the leg appears to still be broken. Minerva holds Chester and talks to him in a soothing voice "Hold on Senor Chet You will feel better soon."

A shot rings out from the top of a hill to the southwest, missing Ruby by mere inches. "You missed you bastard!" she says and as moves to the opposite side of the wagon. "And here I thought there was no one here to greet us," Kate muttered under her breath as her head swiveled around, looking for where the shot came from. Ruby continues to unhitch the other horse while watching with one eye to see where the shot comes from.

Nanuet hears the shot ring out as he is healing Chester. He finishes his prayer and says

"That should help him. Can you two get him back out of the way? I want to go after where that shot came from. I am still invisible and if I remember correctly since they shot they are not." Jake says, "Sorry Chet, gotta run." Jake heads off in the direction of the shot that was fired and looks for the source.

Chester says, "Thanks Nanuet. I owe you. I think the leg's still broken. We need to get behind cover now. Where's my rifle?" Minerva finds it for him. "Thank you for finding it for me, Minerva. Where are they? When I get my hands on them... The jacket shielded me from the worst of it. How are you and Maska doing, Nanuet?"

Nanuet replies, “We'll be OK Chet. If it's still broken you can't walk or ride. We have to get you to a safe spot." Nanuet and Minerva help Chester up and has him lean on her as she quickly moves to the nearest cover. Nanuet stops for a minute and surveys the scene. With people scattering he does not want to leave the books unattended.

They now hear the sound of a horse galloping off, the sound coming from the southwest. Ruby hops on the unhitched horse and takes off after the sound. Kate took the horse and started it running southwest, hoping to get a look at the shooter. "Mierde!" Jake cries as the horses ride off without him. He asks, "Nanuet, did you track any? How many were there?" The Indian replies, "I followed the tracks of 3 men up here. They went into the mines I think, there was a lantern in there too."

"If they are in the mine it doesn't look like we have to worry about them much." Jake remarks.
"Minerva, have the dwarves unload the books. There are four sticks of dynamite in them to be removed. Also have them go in the other door way and see if anyone is in the mine. Have them watch for traps." Jake thinks a moment. "Might as well burn those books. "Nanuet, track back with Maska. I don't believe the others are in the mine. I'll follow you."

Chester says, "I should have looked for a trap. We almost got killed there. We should figure out where the other three went." Nanuet takes Maska and begins to head back the direction they came. He looks for any tracks that branch off. He will do this all the way back to where the horse and foot tracks branched off from one another. Chester sits on the ground against a wagon wheel, rifle in hand. He scans the area in front of him.

Maska and Nanuet follow the tracks. They find where the men joined up with the one who had taken the horses. Three of the horses then rode off from there back over an hour earlier in the direction of Promise City while avoiding the road to the mine. The remaining horse tracks go to the southwest hill. They follow that to the top of the hill finding an envelope similar to those previously sent stuck into a cactus plant with a Bowie knife. The envelope has "Katherine Kale" written on it. Nanuet kneels down and examines the site around the note. After he believes it is safe he will approach and remove the knife and the note, making sure to keep the knife in his hand as he returns. Jake makes sure it is not trapped before removing it.

Ruby has surprisingly good horsemanship given that she is riding a saddle-less draft animal rather than a riding horse. She manages to round the hill and pick up the trail of the man riding off, soon joined by Kate whose horse begins to overtake Ruby. They are maybe a quarter mile from the mine when they see the rider 250 feet ahead. It is hard to be totally sure from the back but it appears to be Ringo, although the horse the man is riding is not the speckled gray that Kate associates with him.

Kate pushed the horse faster while she pulled the book she had secreted her scroll in out of her pocket. If she could make sure it was him and knock down his magic, she and Ruby could unload on him with the Magic Missle wand and the rod. But first she had to get close enough.

Ruby sees a rider-less horse match her pace. "Kate! The scroll, cast it!" she calls out. "Don't get too close!" Ruby does not hesitate to pull the rod around. She grips the horse as tight as she can with her thighs, she grabs the rod, places her fingers and lets a ball of fire loose, judging the distance based on him riding, placing it to hit Ringo.

Kate closes to 150 feet of the rider, who still appears to be Ringo. He turns and looks back, then spurs his horse on faster. Through many long hours in the saddle, Kate controlled her horse without thought, instead putting her concentration on casting the Dispel on the man on the horse. She read the scroll clearly and hoped it took effect. If it wasn't Ringo, and she suspected it wasn't, this should show them.

The beam of light exits the rod in Ruby’s hand and flies through the air, quickly covering the distance between her and the rider. Maybe the gods are looking out for her as the shot falls upon him. A massive fireball erupts as the man and his mount are ripped to shreds, body parts flying in all directions. Kate’s spell struck a moment too late, which in hindsight was probably for the best as it would have negated the weapon that Ruby used.

As the fireball lets loose Ruby has to grab on the poor horses mane to keep herself on the horse. She continues riding to the carnage. Once there she gets a grossed out look on her face as she jumps off the horse and searching for any clue as to who the charred remains are. Kate kept riding forward to the carnage that had once been a man on a horse, hoping to get a clue as to who he was before she had to look away.

The head and part of the shoulder is found. Kate's spell apparently did work, as the burnt face no longer bears any resemblance at all to Johnny Ringo, the man looking younger, with a rounder face and an orange mustache. "Ugh." Ruby shudders then gets back on the horse. "Ok, not Ringo. That's really very gross though." she says to the rider-less horse. "And YOU, what the hell do you think you're doing riding off alone? Damn It! This is why you should have stayed back in Promise City! Let's get back."

Kate says, "I wasn't alone, I was with you. And I rode because most of us do not have horses. I didn't go visible and no one shot at me." "You weren't with me when you started off. Did I mention earlier they have HEAT SEEKING bullets? And they could have been aiming for me and hit you too with one of those balls of fire like I just threw. Doesn't matter if you are invisible or not. I'm sorry Kate but it's careless, no matter what the excuse." Ruby pushes her black hair off her face. "We'll have to argue about it later." Kate didn't answer. They were going to fight about it anyway, and likely Ruby was going to win. But there was no time for second guessing in a fight. That much she had learned. Hesitation is what gets you killed.

They ride their horses back to the wagon, Ruby oohhhing with every thump. "What's going on?" she calls out. She sees Minerva sitting by the wall. "Where is everyone?" Kate asked, "Who's here? Is Chester alright?" Minerva looks up. "We're going to have a book burning. The dwarves are just finishing unloading the wagon. I don't know where everyone ran off too. "

"Jake, where are you?" Ruby calls out, trying not to panic. What if he went off and I can't find him because he is invisible? After hopping off her horse she asks Minerva again, "Where is everyone? Where is Chester? How hurt is he?" "They are okay Ruby. Chester has a broken leg but he will be alright and Jake and Nanuet went to follow some tracks." "Crap." Ruby starts wandering around. She listens for movement and searches the landscape for footprints. "Jake? Nanuet?" Chester waves from his place by the wagon. "I'm here. Leg's broken, though. Did you find the cowboys?"

The miners open the other tunnel entrance as well as the shed. They conclude that nobody else is around. Nanuet and Jake climb down from the hill and see that Ruby and Kate are back. Nanuet says, "Found another envelope up there. Jake say's it's for Kate, I can't read it. Looks like some tracks went back towards town, though not by the road. Other tracks went up the hill there. This is all we found up there though. Everybody OK? Anyone need healing?" Minerva hears Jake and Nanuets voices. "Kate's right here, she's fine."

Jake says from nowhere. "We are back. Nanuet has a letter for Katherine." Jake goes over to stand by faux Katherine. "Glad you are fine." Ruby jumps as Jake's voice rings in her ear. She reaches out and grabs him. She finds his face and, placing both hands on it, kisses him. When the kiss is done Jake says, "The last time I kissed Mrs. Kale you were angry with me." Ruby can't see
the expression on his face but can imagine it.

"Oh! I forgot!" Ruby pulls herself away from Jake and smacks him. "You let me kiss you like that? EEeewww." She then says, "I shot a ball of fire at the guy riding away. He's charred but we saw he's not Ringo. What's this about a letter? What does it say?"

Kate took the letter and opened it. The letter is in the same fancy script. It reads:
Mrs. Kale,

My war is not with you but the Earps. I need what is rightfully mine to fight them. Your continued insolence and greed is trying my patience. This if your final opportunity to comply with my wishes.

Tonight when the orator begins his speech, and the town is focused upon him, a wagon will ride south down Fremont Street. It will stop at the intersection of Main, load the items on there. If it is allowed to depart the town unhindered our business will be concluded and we need not meet again.

However, if you choose otherwise then the six closest to you, the employees and loved ones of those who I contacted, will each suffer my wrath just as I have promised.

Last edited:

Silver Moon

Chapter 221, “Returning to Town“, Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 2:45 P.M.

Kate held the note away from herself. "We might as well go back to town. Mr. Ringo has a new idea." She passed the note to whomever would try to take it. "Apparently I have one last chance." Ruby grabs the floating note from the air and as she reads it she feels Jake's breath on her neck, reading over her shoulder. "Why bring us out here and try to kill us? What if he had succeeded, then he would never get the books."

Nanuet suggests, "Maybe he thought we would bring the books here with us. Maybe he realizes those are not the actual books he wants or maybe he figured he could get them with us dead or alive once he saw the books on the wagon. Too many things to think about."

Minerva says, "He can't be very far if he knew that these were not his books. He must have a way of recognizing that magic books are in the pile. After all we did have some of his books in the wagon and he still knew they weren't the ones he wanted. I wonder what would happen if we put just one magic book in the pile. Do you think that would fool him? Minerva says turning to Ruby.

She turns to Nanuet "Give him his books back?" she says her eyes growing wide. "We are not going to give him the power of those books. It does not matter that they were his. He is an evil man! Would you give evil the means to murder and destroy that which is good? The fact that he has given Katherine another chance tells me just how important those books are to his success. Once those books are in his hands we will have lost. I will die before I see those books in his hands, Nanuet.

She begins to pace as she talks” I am tired of being held ransom. We have the upper hand with these books let us number them and make demands of our own. Let him surrender." I do not know why he has led us out of town. It is probable that this was just a ploy to get us out of town. We must hurry back immediately." She brushes the dust from her riding skirt, and with a grim expression strides toward her horse and prepares to ride.

Kate says, "That a wagon will pass through town tonight while Mr. Twain speaks. If I load it with the books he will go away and leave us alone. And if I don't, he starts killing. He says he needs them to fight his war with the Earps, and that I am insolent and greedy. I'd be glad to be rid of the damn things by now! But to give him that kind of advantage...."

Ruby exclaims, "You believe this liar? What if Chester and Nanuet died? Would it still be a question to give him what he wants?" Kate replies, "Or he somehow found out what we planned. I don't know. Like Ruby said, he must realize if he kills us he'll never get them, unless he intents to raze the town to find them. I don't know what I believe Ruby. It doesn't really matter, I'm sure it would be wrong."

"You know, you're the one who did this to yourself, Don't get mad at me," Ruby huffs. "You don't want us to care? Fine, we won't. Let us know when you figure out what to do to get us out of this mess." Kate exclaims, "Where in Hades did you get that idea? You know, every time I don't react to something the exact same way you do, you assume I don't care. Of course I care, and I want you to as well! But I'm tired of being made to feel like an uncaring, cruel, idiot child every time I don't agree with you! The way I feel is never right for you. Well, I'm sorry I don't have years of experience to fall back on. I'm doing the best I can. My apologies if it isn't good enough." Kate tried to hide the sounds of her sniffling for a few moments.

Ruby has no idea where Kate is, but she keeps talking anyway. "I was referring to your 'I'm sure I'm wrong' comment," she piles more books in the cart, hoping she's not aiming for Chester, "You're right, everyone here has more experience than you in this. I was asking a simple question and you got all defensive. But that's besides the point that I am mad at you for coming out here at all. I already told you how I felt. You should know by now how fast the dead bodies pile up."

The books are done being piled into the cart and Ruby hops up on the bench, taking the reins. "I'm not supposed to care about finding your dead body around here, especially in your condition? You ARE being uncaring by making the rest of us risk our lives even more than we already are to protect you and the damn baby!"

Kate says, “We can talk on the way back. Chester needs help. Let's get him in the cart and get moving." Ruby says, "Good idea. Does anyone know how long this invisibility potion he took lasts for?" They all help load him gently into the cart. Ruby and Jake rehitch the horses and they all crowd into the cart. Kate took advantage of the fact that she was invisible to slip off the horse and move away from where Ruby was.

Ruby asks, "Are we taking these books back with us? We might need to return them tonight?" Nanuet responds, "We should give him the books, all the books. They belong to him and we stole them. He's says he'll leave us alone if we return them, let's do that." Nanuet looks to the dwarves. "Sorry. I'll move them back onto the cart." Nanuet first says a prayer to his ancestor, healing his wounds, then begins putting the books back into the cart. Ruby rolls her eyes but helps him.

Chester asks, "What happens if Ringo wins his war with the Earps. Does he come after us next?" Kate says, "I don't know Chester. Things would certainly be a lot clearer if we did. I don't know what reason he would have for coming after us anymore, except spite." Nanuet stops loading the books and looks into the cart in the direction of his invisible friend. "Look, if he stole something from us, we'd be trying to get it back. He says he'll leave us alone, we listen to everything else he says, why don't we believe this too?" Chester says, "Maybe I believe it. I just don't like giving in to bullies." With that Ruby sets the horses in motion.

Kate prayed the others were ignoring the argument and had missed what Ruby just said, and in front of strangers. If the miners had been paying attention, there would be no hiding it now. She didn't bother to argue anymore. There was no point. Ruby would never see how loaded a question she had asked. What would she think of Nanuet and Chester had died? If she said to give Ringo what he wanted, she could be accused of being uncaring for not wanting revenge, and if she said not to give him what he wanted, she would be uncaring for risking them further when she could stop it. The only thing she knew for certain now was that she would not share another secret with Ruby.

The group continue to talk during the three mile ride back to town. As they near Promise City the potion in Chester's system begins to wear off, making him appear rather odd as only parts of him have become visible. During the way back after a long silence a voice recognizable as

Jake's speaks. "I'm sorry for dragging you all to a trap. Especially you Chet. The first note I got from Ringo said that staying neutral was not an option. Has he changed his mind? As you say Nanuet, his books were stolen. If our property was stolen, would we threaten and kill innocents to get it back? Giving him his books back is no guarantee that he won't try to kill us anyway. Even if he goes away to fight the Earps, he'll be back. Do we all run away from here?"

"As some of you have already said, this trap made no sense. Did he know we would react that way without a shadow of a doubt? Seems unlikely. Seems more likely he learned that we were going to react that way. Perhaps his mean were watching and we were too obvious. Maybe somebody was standing invisible nearby, or he can read thoughts somehow. It is possible that we told him or one of his men directly."

"Look at all the masquerading going on here, why couldn't Ringo or one of his men be masquerading as someone we trust? Someone who heard enough of the plan to figure it out, or heard the whole plan. Think about it people, think hard about it. No more big planning meetings. No more big plans. We pass information quickly and quietly. Tonight, try and stay nearby when ever possible, and try to keep others in sight."

When they reach the town the festival is in high gear. The Polaski brothers are still playing their Polka music on the main stage. They appear to have recently bathed are attired in traditional Polish garb. A very large crowd is gathered in the fields north of town where the Fencing competition is still going on. Meagan O'Hara, assisted by Doctor James Eaton and his wife Beth, are helping to organize the hoop rolling competitions for the children.

Kate says, "Not to think that I didn't just hear you say no planning, but there is one basic thing we all need to know. Do we intend on loading up that wagon tonight? There is no good choice, only two bad ones." Kate then says, "I have to go run the children's activities. I should be fine surrounded by others."

Again from the air she hears Jake's voice. "You know how I feel about it. However, I have tried my best to stop him and failed several times. I have nearly got some of you killed in the process. Follow your heart, Katherine, I won't stop you." It was disconcerting not to be able to see his expression. After another pause he adds, "If the festival is successful maybe we can get a good price for the Lucky Lady. Ruby and I have both wanted to see San Francisco." Ruby starts to say something and feels but does not see a pair of fingers on her lips.

Ruby nods her head slightly but doesn't continue her train of thought. "No books," is all Ruby comments. After the wagon stops the fake Katherine helps Minerva bring Chester to Valdez's church for healing. Valdez tells them he needs time to look Chester over so Ruby heads back to the Lucky Lady.

Back in Gonzales room she removes all her items as before then strips off Katherine's leathers. She states,” I love milk," and turns back into herself. She runs her hands over her own body with an "AAHhhh..." before dressing in her own clothes. She explains to Gonzales about the trap and what happened, also about the new letter.

Ruby heads back over to the Lucky Lady. Back in her room she throws a fit, stomping around and even throwing an empty perfume bottle at the wall. It shatters and scares the puppies, who had been chasing Ruby back and forth as she paced. The crash reminds her of them so she kneels on the floor to clean up the glass. She stops and pets them, trying to calm herself down.

"Nanuet, stay invisible and come talk to me," says Jake's voice from thin air. When the others go off with Chester, Jake continues. "I want to talk to you and Ruby, let's follow her when she's done back to the Lucky Lady." They follow the others to the church and wait outside. Then they follow Ruby to the El Parador, again waiting outside. Each time Jake gets close and listens in on as many conversations in the street that he can while waiting. He is especially interested in anyone speaking quietly. Finally they follow Ruby to the Lucky Lady, letting her go inside first and waiting for there to be no one in the way of them getting inside. "Let's go," Jake tells him.

Minerva stays with Chester until she is sure that he is doing well. She stops at the Comstock House to change and re-hides her weapons in the secret pockets of her skirt before leaving the house with her parasol. She makes her way to the Lucky Lady looking like she doesn't have a care in the world, watching the sights and greeting people by name as she watches for trouble.

When Jake and Nanuet arrive upstairs they encounter a strong smell of perfume and see Ruby on the floor with the puppies. Lucky starts to wag her tail. "Ruby, it's Nanuet and me." Jake looks at the glass on the floor but does not comment on it. "I'm going to stay invisible until just before I need to entertain. I think I'll wander around but pay special attention to the Papago store. If you are able to Nanuet, I'd like you to see what you can learn as well. Think about the other places that the gang has been using."

Nanuet says, "OK, I will head over to the Billiards Hall and the saloon where they slept after that night at the Palace. I just hope this invisibility doesn't wear off at a bad time. When should we meet back here? And about the books, I know Ringo is a bad apple, and I don't want him to have the tools needed to do more bad things, I was just trying to make a point that we listen to everything else he says. Anyways, I'll be off then."

Jake says, "It is nothing new that I am suspicious. We need to figure out if Ringo or one of his guys is impersonating somebody who we are giving our plans. Seems ridiculous to say this, but we need to make sure Conrad Booth is really Conrad Booth. Think about who else we have told about our plans. "I lied to Katherine. I don't want her to give the books to Ringo. Ruby, make sure that Gonzalez knows that. If Katherine believes she is giving them to him maybe that will fool Ringo, how ever he is finding out. That may buy us some time." There is a short snort of a laugh. "Either that or California sounds pretty good."

"We should be relatively safe until Clemens speaks, if Ringo believes Katherine is going to give up the books. If we can't figure out what Ringo is planning then all we can do is be ready for the worst." Ruby replies, "Yes, I will make sure he knows." Ruby is still huffing from her fit, but continues to pet the puppies as Jake talks. Her mind spins with all these new and unwanted emotions. "What else should I do?"

Jake replies, "I don't know." There is a silence. "I'm going to do what I do best, trust to my luck and act fast." Another silence. "Be careful and be Ruby. I'll be on the north side of town checking out the Papago, the Palace and the alleys if you need me. Otherwise I'll meet you back here before it is time for me to be on stage."

"Wait! Don't go yet..." Ruby says quickly and almost frantically, "Where are you?" She turns towards the spot where Jake's voice was coming from. "I want to talk to you before you leave." Her eyes dart around, mostly watching the floor for movement until she guesses to where Jake is. "I'm here." She hears his voice and then a faint tapping of his boot on the floor until she can touch him. She reaches out her arms until she feels the warmth of his body. She turns and looks around the room, not knowing where Nanuet is but seeing Mischief pouncing around something. She grabs onto Jake's arm but stands quietly waiting for the other business to be done.

Jake says, "I'll be back about quarter to five. I need to be on stage at quarter past five. I think you have the idea, those seem like good choices. I can't deal with the books anymore. I've said my peace too many times already. I'm going to see that Ringo dies one way or another. If not, we can't stay."

"I understand," Nanuet replies, "Although I don't like being chased out of town. I'm going to do what I can to help you and make sure that doesn't happen. I'll be off now. Good luck." Ruby waits until their door opens and closes before turning her body to where she thinks Jake is.

"Jake... I realized something earlier." She doesn't know just where Jake is so her eyes and head wander as she speaks. "I know it's a bad time to be having issues but... I just can't worry about Katherine anymore, I can't do it. She thinks she's helping when she's really just being selfish, coming along with us. I asked her not to come, but she came anyway. I can't..." Ruby is visibly upset and tears starts welling in her eyes. "I can't worry about having to look at her dead body, especially knowing she's carrying a baby." She looks down to the ground. "I'm already so worried about you, and her, then everyone else, I'm not even on my own list anymore."

She can feel that Jake is close and then feels his embrace. "Then put yourself on your list for me. I can't have my partner behaving suicideally. That will doom us both." She can feel his hand stroking her hair. "I do not know what to do differently, girl. I am here for you." She snuggles closer into Jake's embrace. "That is my point. I can't do the right thing for us if I have to worry about her. And I'm scared to death for her."

Ruby sighs,” You and I are the same, we've haven't had to think of things like this before. And Jake," she picks her head up, wishing she could look into his eyes, "I can't lose you, I don't know what I would do." A small tear runs down her cheek. "I can't just be Ruby anymore. It's Jake and Ruby now." She feels the small tear wiped away. She feels his lips on hers and he says in a whisper, "I will be back in a little while. I'll be careful. You do the same." She feels her hands taken by his and he kisses them too before letting them go. "I'll be back soon." He says again from somewhere near the door way.

Ruby blinks back a few more tears as Jake quickly leaves. She feels alone and scared and she knows she has no time to sort her feelings out. Jake was gone before she had a chance to protest. He hadn't really heard what she said. She looks down at the puppies, who are sitting loyally at her feet. "Caring about people only makes you weak," she tells them, "Don't let anyone tell you any differently."

She finishes cleaning the glass up and has a seat in a comfy chair for a bit while enjoying a couple glasses of bourbon. It relaxes her a bit and she knows it's time to continue with the day. She chooses her cream colored gown with the peach flowers on it, fixes her hair and heads out. She checks on Niles, who is extremely busy but in heaven, letting Ruby know they are doing great business.

On his way out Jake sees Minerva. He comes up near her and whispers, "We should talk. Perhaps the back of the saloon again?" There is a faint chuckle from nowhere. "If you think I can restrain myself I'll follow you. Act like you are fixing your dress or something." Minerva looks down and pretends to adjust her skirt in an effort to hide her smirk. "Si, I have been looking for you." she says and walks to the back of the saloon.

"Senor Jake I do not know what you are thinking but we CANNOT return the books to Johnny Ringo." "I lied to Katherine." The thin air sounding like Jake replies. "We don't seem able to fool Ringo and I thought that he was somehow monitoring her. I asked Ruby to tell Gonzalez not to let the real books out." "Gracias," she says in relief. "I meant what I said back at the mine. I will defend those books with my life. Senor Ringo CANNOT have them under any circumstances.
I also wanted to let you know what happened when I went to the Palace yesterday. I met a Senorita Kitty Trent and tried to get her to deliver a message to the Aphrodite Priestess that we needed her help in this war. The girl lied to me and told me that there was no Priestess at the Palace. The fact that they refuse to talk to another Priestess of the Roman/Greek church confirms that are doing something that they should not, like using charms and spells on the people to take control of the town.

Apparently that is what those Priests that we saw earlier are in town about.. They are here to chastise me. It seems that someone sent word to the European Officials that I am the one using magic to control the minds exert un due influence the People of Promise City. If I cannot set them straight, they may just tar and feather me and hang me from the town square! So until this is over and I can exonerate myself. I need to avoid them." Jake says, "Kitty is Adair's creature. They only do what is good for them. She may not have even told the woman there about you." "Well she was gone quite some time. I believe that she did speak to them and then returned to lie to me. It was obvious in her expression."

She hears Jake whisper "No, I would be sure she spoke to Adair. She would do nothing without his consent. You have seen enough to know that Ringo could be disguised as anyone. Anyone. I will feel better when I know that Conrad is Conrad." Minerva taps her foot in thought. "If Nanuet used a bit of that powder that he has would not that reveal the truth? Hmm It would probably be easier to have Katherine just ask him a personal question that only the two of them know the answer to. I will keep my eyes open but with all the invisible people around here and people masquerading as others, I'm not sure what good it will do."

"I had the same thought about a personal question. Have a care though on the outside chance that I am correct. I did not share THAT particular fear with Katherine. I was not sure how she would take it, and if it were to be true then it might be more useful if she did NOT know the truth for a while. That is a dangerous plan, though. Let us clear my suspicions about Booth so that we can continue to trust in his assistance and protection of Katherine."

"If he is impersonating Conrad, how long do you think that he has been doing so? I know of some very private conversations that she has had with him recently. Based on his response to her, I do not think that she had those conversations with John Ringo. Perhaps I should draw the conversation around to the topic in question and see if he knows what I am referring too." He replies, "I don't know, you are a clever woman. Trust your instincts. I need to go. Nanuet is also staying hidden for some time. We are going to meet here just before five." There is a silence and then. "Don't be afraid to continue to trust Ruby."

Minerva looks through Jake and begins to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. To anyone who walks by, it would appear that she is talking to herself and laughing at the wall. "It is nearly impossible to decide who is who anymore." she says gesturing wildly. "invisible people, people looking like other people. I can no longer trust my eyes. If I question Conrad on personal knowledge and there are two Conrad's the only way I will know that he is Johnny Ringo is if he doesn't know what I am talking about and If he does understand my conversation all that proves is that I am either talking to the real Conrad or that Katherine spoke to the wrong one but it doesn't prove or disprove that there are two Conrad’s. On top of that This priestess of Aphrodite is affecting peoples emotions and actions. For all I know RUBY is Johnny Ringo or at the very least she is under the influence of this renegade priestess! You think I should trust Ruby? Senor, right now I do not trust anyone. I do not even trust myself." She says shaking her head as she walks away.

Kate went up to her room and changed into a plain, blue dress. Mr. Gonzales had told her how to end the invisibility, so she was able to manage that without having to go see him. Right now she wasn't ready to see anyone. She would go help with the children for a while and let herself calm down, then come back and work out what to do. The laughter of children greeted her as Kate arrived at the field. Despite the other feelings going on inside her, she was able to smile. "Mrs. O'Hara, thank you so much. I'm sorry to have left this to you alone. But I'm here now and ready to go.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 222, “Festival Afternoon” , Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 3:30 P.M.

Jake spends the rest of the afternoon watching people and listening to conversations. He takes special care to walk quietly. He spends the most time at the Papago store and corral. He walks along the north side of town from there to walk around the outside of the Palace Saloon front and back. He continues along the north side of town looking down alleyways and houses before going back and doing it again. In an awkward moment he goes to look at his watch and realizes that he can't and laughs. He uses clocks in buildings to monitor the time, and at one point even asks the time using a Texas accent while in a crowd of people. Several men take out their watches and tell each other the time.

Ruby squeezes through the crowds to get back to the El Parador. She makes her way upstairs to Gonzales room. Once inside she double checks to make sure Katherine isn't there. "Mr. Gonzales, I need to tell you about the plans. We think Katherine is being monitored or someone is reading her thoughts or something. Ringo knew the books weren't the ones he wanted before we even got there. Jake is checking out Conrad to make sure it isn't him. It may be in all of our best interests for Kate to think we are giving up the books to Ringo. None of the rest of us have any intention of doing that though. Ringo can't get those books or all of us will be dead."

Gonzales says, "Well, that may not be entirely true. You and Katherine both gave me a summary of what happened. How can you be so sure that he knew the books weren't the ones that he wanted?" "He left a note saying that we needed to bring the real books tonight, that's why. I'm not sure but I doubt he was there." Ruby sighs, "What do you think we should do?" He replies, "My fear is what he will do unless you comply with his wishes. Now that note he left, what exactly did it say about the targeted people?"

Ruby scrunches her nose, trying to remember. "He said something like the six people closest to you, being Kate, and the employees and loved ones of those who he contacted will suffer his wrath." "Is it really possible that he could do all that in the middle of this festival and get away with it? It seems unlikely, but people, including innocents will definitely get hurt. Maybe we should leave a note for him in the wagon instead of the books. Tell him for every person he injures or murders we will burn one of his precious books, and they will be gone forever. He may argue we would be dead, but then again, he wouldn't have what he wants."

He replies, "So the people who go the numbers....they aren't the actual targets?" She says, "We don't know for sure. But my guess was no. How could we really know?" Ruby shakes her head. "This whole thing has been a mess since the beginning, him forcing us to choose sides." She sighs. "No, I think the numbers were sent to people but meant for someone else, like Jake's was for me. Number 2." Gonzales says, "Then Dorita is safe. But that means....."

Ruby answers, "My guess is Sonoma isn't." He replies, "Possibly not. She owns the ranch with Sonoma, so that could be why. But Sonoma isn't the only one close to Dorita in Kate's life. It could just as easily be me." Ruby gives him a small smile. "I was waiting for you to guess that on your own." She shrugs. "At this point there are no answers, only questions. And it seems my number is next."

Ruby pulls on her hair. "Like I said, that is only my guess and maybe not a very wise one. I haven't been known for my wisdom in the past. I think Berg, which would be Chester, is number one. He was injured and almost killed. Does that count? If my theory is right that means I'm next? I didn't push the issue with the others, it would mean more of us are targets. Plus if I said that to Jake, that I thought it was me and not him... he might do something foolish."

"I'm not going to spend my time hiding. I will help Jake for the show and go to the ball tonight as planned. If Ringo wants me, he'll find me no matter what I do. As for you, you have to decide what you want to do. If it is you he is after, then this whole place may not be safe.” Mr. Gonzales seems deep in thought and does not answer.

Ruby heads towards the door. "As I said earlier, please keep the books safe. We don't intend for Ringo to get them, that would just be bad for everyone involved. Katherine, well, she has good intentions we all know that. But in the end they are not hers, or yours, to do with as you wish. They belong to those of us who were there that day and we all take responsibility for taking them out." Ruby then heads out to the festival. She stays out in the street, wandering around the festival. The tents are set up from all the Saloons not on Main Street. She mindlessly wanders, guessing she is being watched but not caring. She watches some of the entertainment paying particular attention to Jane's girls.

The festival continues to progress. The Polaski brothers leave the stage and the Festival Singers and Dancers arrive. Jane had followed Ruby's advice and does not make an appearance, leaving the Gay Lady's professional singers Julia Barbeau and Fifi LaFarge to lead the group of singers and dancers, accompanied on the piano by the Gay Lady's pianist Pepe Diderot.

At the northern end of town the Fencing competition runs long. There had been a surprisingly large number of competitors who entered, cut off after sixteen, resulting in a number of preliminary matches to narrow it down to eight and then four. The losers of the semi-final match, El Parador resident Hans Schmidt and Fort Huachuca's Sergeant Ball, then have a match to determine third and forth place, with Hans taking third.

The two finalist are Kevin Tomlinson squaring off against the El Parador's musician Estaban Fuente. The wood elf had keep the fact that he was a skilled swordsman to himself up until the time of the competition. He and his sister Maria, the Lucky Lady's cook, had made bets where-ever they could that Tomlinson would lose the match. Given how impressive Tomlinson's fencing had been during the week they found over one-hundred people willing to take that bet. Combined they had all of their savings invested in Estaban, over $ 1,000, which at the end turned out to be a very wise investment as he defeated Tomlinson by two hits in the final match.

Minerva arrives at the fencing just as it ends. She scans the crowd for Conrad. Conrad is there, wearing his fencing attire. "Buenas Tardes, Senor Booth. How was the fencing competition?" He replies, "I didn't do very well, but my mind was elsewhere." She makes small talk for a few minutes. I was wondering if we could speak privately for a moment?" He replies, "Yes, of course."

Minerva begins. "Katherine has told me of your generous offer and that you have given her until the festival to come to a decision. But with Johnny Ringo and this war…,” she says holding her hands out, “Well there is just so much going on right now I am concerned how everything will affect her and her condition. Is there a reason that you feel that she must decide so quickly?"

Conrad says, "Well yes, we would have to do so now. Otherwise the baby would appear to have been born too early and her reputation would still be tainted. We cannot let that happen. Please Priestess, help me to convince Katherine that this is best for both her and the baby."

Minerva exclaims, "But I am not sure that it IS the best plan, Senor. And in the end it is for Katherine to decide. But why do you think it's the best thing for her? I do not know what her feelings are for you, perhaps she does not wish to marry for love? Or perhaps she is afraid of trapping you."

Conrad says, "It doesn't have to be anything other than what she wants. I realize that she is not yet ready. I am willing to wait....and if she later decides this is wrong she can file for divorce. My reputation in this town is mixed at best, a proper schoolteacher deciding to divorce a gambler would seem natural. The key is that we be married NOW, so that in December the baby will be seen as legitimate."

Minerva replies, "Well, perhaps she thinks that marrying a gambler is as much a hurt to her reputation as having a child with no father. I honestly do not know how she feels but your offer is certainly admirable that you would offer to take on this duty. You are more honorable than most people think." He replies, "Thank you Priestess. The offer is in part due to my own background. My parents were not married and I had to grow up with that stigma. I will talk to her later at the ball. Perhaps we can still have the ceremony tomorrow."

"You're welcome Senor. I did not know of your background but I can see more clearly why you feel as you do. Try to stay safe today there are many evils about. I am confident Katherine will make the right decision for all of you. You are a good friend to her." Minerva bids Conrad farewell. She spends time socializing with her congregation and visitors to the town. She attends the races and enjoys the mutton busting. She then heads to the Lucky Lady to meet up with everyone.

Chester sits in the church's sickroom as Valdez looks over Chester's leg. "Is there anything you can do to fix this leg, Mr. Valdez? I can't wait around while the others are still in danger." "Don't worry, Deputy. I'll see what I can do," Valdez says. "Your jacket is in surprisingly good condition for being in a dynamite blast." Chester replies, "I got my body behind a bush in time. My legs, however..."

Valdez says that the real problem with the leg is that it wasn't properly repositioned for the broken bones to line up exactly prior to being reset with the magical healing. Valdez knows the reason for this as he had seen that Chet was still partially invisible when he had been brought in. He warns Chet in the future not to be healed unless the person treating him can actually see what he is doing with the wound.

Unfortunately the only solution is for Valdez to actually break the leg again and reset it properly. He gives Chet a large quantity of whiskey and also has Chet bite down on a bullet while he carefully and skillfully uses a wooden brace and sledgehammer to again separate the bones. He then uses some very powerful magic to reset the wound. Chet is able to then move the leg, and comments "This is great, I'll be able to dance tonight." Valdez says, "You might, but that may also be the whiskey talking."

Chester thanks Valdez and limps to his room to put away his rifle. His right leg still itches the healing magic, but soon he can put his full weight on it. The deputy wads up his ruined clothes and changes into some fresh ones. He checks his six-guns and finds that the Colt's barrel was bent by the blast. Chester sighs at his misfortune. "I guess the Fates have decided I can't have any more guns. I'll bring this to Pierre next time I see him. Better find Mitch to tell him I can work now."

Chester stops by the office, but no one is there. He searches around until he finds the marshal. "Any sign of the cowboys?" Berg says, "None at all. Did you find anything out?" "Except for finding out that the cowboys like dynamite, no. Although one cowboy has crossed the River Styx. Ringo wasn't there. So he's probably nearby."

Back at the main stage, the singers and dancers complete their singing and are followed by Clarisse Townsend and her pianist Warren Watson. She barely arrives in time, having been watching Tomlinson fence. In the children's area the hoop rolling is finishing up and the foot races are soon scheduled to begin. Over half of the children however wish to go watch the horse races, where Cathleen and Colleen O'Hare are competing. Meagan agrees to bring the children who wish to go watch the races while the Eatons agree to stay and run the foot races.
The fencing ends and they begin to set up the field for the horse race.

Ruby heads over to the area of the horse racing, looking around curiously to see if she knows anyone who is entering. The horses begin to gather at the start of the racing track. A mile-long oval track has been laid out north of the town. The track starts on the main road and then turns west, running parallel to Sierra Street north of the Emporium, where the crowd had gathered to watch the fencing competition. It then turns north for four-tenths of a mile, east back to the road, with the final one-third mile being on the main road, the finish line just north of the town. Twenty-five horses have entered.

Colleen and Cathleen O'Hara are jumpy and nervous about the race as they have never raced against this many competitors and in front of this large a crowd. Places along the starting line are randomly determined with Cathleen on Meribel in the nineteenth position. Colleen has a better place along the track in the 7th slot. Emporium owner Sterling's race horse is favored to win, with his female halfling employee as the jockey.

The race begins with Judge Isby firing off the starting gun. Cathleen and Colleen both begin at a fast pace, with Cathleen having her horse charge as fast as possible. Meribel gets ahead of most of the pack and is the third horse to make the right hand turn north towards the long straightaway.
On the straightaway two Fort Huachuca soldiers take the lead, with Cathleen immediately behind them, leaving the remaining horses between two and four lengths back. Colleen keeps herself in the middle of the pack.

Cathleen pulls ahead of the soldiers on the next curve and commands her horse onward, giving every ounce of strength that the animal has. The soldiers both force their animals on as well to keep up. Three more horses also join the front pack on the curve, one being Sterling's, one ridden by Ashley King of the Bar-W ranch and the other being ridden by Ellen Shaw of the Lazy-S Ranch. Colleen then begins to move forward Several members of the audience are amazed that the four female riders in the race are among the front seven horses.

On the next curve and onto the main road Colleen passes Ashley King but does not try to get further than sixth position while Cathleen pours everything that Meribel can muster into a final sprint that both soldiers, Sterling's horse and Ashley King all try to match. All of the front animals appear to be starting to tire as one-quarter mile of the race remains. Cathleen then begins to slow as does one of the soldiers. King and the other soldier keep the lead until the final eighth of a mile, when both Colleen and Sterling's horse both begin their final sprints. Neither King or the soldier had anticipated a par of horses charging past them, one on either side, and are unable to catch up. They are then passed by hardware shop owner Sam Slade, whose horse had been well back in the pack, as he urges his horse onward.

Colleen and the halfling are neck-in-neck as they urge their horse down the final 100 yards with Sam Slade barreling down on them. Ashley King also makes a final attempt to pull ahead with the soldier right behind him. Sam Slade's horse continues to make up for lost ground and soon passes both women. They urge their horses forward but do not reach him as the finish line is found. Sterling's horse beats Colleen's by a nose. Trophies and prize money are then awarded. Colleen gets the smallest of the three trophies and $ 25.00 in cash for the third place finish.

The horse race is considerably quicker than the fencing was, allowing the festival to get back on schedule. Targets are then set up for the Marksmanship competition. Over 200 people have signed up compete, including three dozen soldiers on leave from Fort Huachuca. Across town, Clarisse complete her singing and is replaced on the Main Stage by Stanley Barker. She asks him "Aren't you going to miss your wife's contest?" He replies, "She can show me her trophy later. She'll win, she always wins."

It is almost 5pm. Minerva searches for Nanuet so that they can watch the mutton busting together. Kate was rather uncomfortable for a while after Mrs. O'Hara left with her girls, remembering the last time she had seen Doc Eaton. His opinion of her had been made fairly clear. Today though he seemed to be enjoying himself, not worrying over her presence. She found his wife much more pleasant to work with.

Miss Florencia was proved right about the sheep riding. The children who participated laughed their way through it, taking their tumbles off the confused animals with good humor. The afternoon with the children helped pull her spirits back up. She was by no means happy, but the world did not seem so wholly dark. The sheep were allowed to go back to their grazing. Kate excused herself to Mrs. O'Hara, thanking her for her help and saying that she had to check on the situation that had made her late. Then she went back to the El Parador and into her teacher's rooms.

She met his eyes with a sad glance of her own and handed him the latest note from Johnny Ringo.
"I just spent a few hours with the children. If we let Ringo have those books, he will be in control of the world they live in. We have to find a way to protect the people he's threatened without giving in. Do you think it's possible? There are soldiers in town for the marksmanship competition, perhaps we could get some help... although I doubt a running battle in the streets is what we want."

He says, "What do I think he will do if he had the books? I do not know. But he has made it clear what he will do if he doesn't get them." She says, "I can't read the books, you can, and have. Some of them at least. Are they really that dangerous? In the short term, I mean? The others seem to believe the books are magical in and of themselves, but they aren't, are they? They only contain magical knowledge. In other words, if I give him these books, it's not immediate power. I'm sorry I'm so question-some, but the others have left this choice on my shoulders. Very likely right where it belongs, but I'm still terrified of making the wrong one."

He replies, "The problem is that he has owned those books before and appears desperate to want them. I have a question for you. Let's say that you hadn't shared the information from his note with your friends and you had gone out alone with the wagon full of books. When you arrived at the mine what would you have done then?" She replies, "I'm not sure, I hadn't thought about it.
I think, I would have taken the dispel scroll with me, my pistol, and the wand of magic missile.

I would have unhitched the horse and left the wagon there. And if Ringo had shown his face I'd have done my best to kill him. But that was never an option, going alone. I have no illusions about who would win in any kind of fight between us, and if he kills me... he kills two."

He replies, "So you would have brought the wagon and left the books there. He had left just one man behind, disguised as him. If he had actually meant to ambush you and your friends wouldn't he have just left more? He had obviously written out that note in advance, but it wasn't left for you at the mine. It seems that it was placed there for you to find only after it became obvious that you were planning something. Maybe he wasn't out to get all of you after all. He may have just wanted the books."

She replies, "I don't doubt that, Professeur amie. The books are the only reason he has to trouble us. Well, Jake's jacket too but I think he's gotten over that. I just fear what he'll do with that knowledge. But I can't worry about everyone in the world, can I? I can't protect everyone in Cochise County. I can only protect the people here. I don't have a choice, do I? Gods, I hate this!"

Kate sat down on the edge of the fountain and pulled her knees up to her chest. "Ruby will despise me after this, but I can live with that if it makes her safe. I'll have to." She stopped and wiped her eyes. "I feel as if I were four years old again. I wish I could go crying to my Papa and have it all fixed with a hug and a few comforting words. We'll need to get the books down to where I can move them easily."

Gonzales suggests "Why don't we bring them over to the Town Hall building. Minerva can use getting it set up for tomorrow's service as an excuse to need the key and get in there. That way they'll already be at the intersection of Main and Fremont and you'll just need to have somebody nearby to help load them onto the wagon."

Kate replies, "That's a good idea, but I'm not sure Miss Florencia would agree. She is dead-set against giving Ringo the books. And I don't think there will be anyone to help me. I don't want to involve Conrad anymore than I already have, and the others... well, I'm sure whoever is driving the wagon will give me a hand. I can probably just use the cart we were using earlier and drive it to the intersection."

Kate says, "Professeur, is there any way I could warn Wyatt Earp that Ringo is about to get a lot tougher? A magical means to contact him perhaps? Or the location spell so I might discover where to send him a message?" He says, "Yes but I had only studied one of the scrying spells today which we have already used. I could try it tomorrow. Another thought, I have those magical levitation devices that you obtained in January, the ones that Dodge used to move his cannon. You could use those to transport the books without needing help from anybody else."

Kate says, "Thank you, that should do. Wyatt will just have to wait until tomorrow. Well, I have a couple hours now, and I don't know what to do with them. I wish this could just be all over."
Kate sat in quiet thought for a few minutes. "Jake said he wouldn't stop me, but the others have some pretty decided opinions. Maybe I should tell them?"

He says, "Well, I'm going to go downstairs and make sure that the wagon with those books from earlier is secured. The centaur Qualtaqa is in the shed and not planning to mingle much at the Festival so I can ask him to guard them." Kate stayed upstairs in her teacher's room for a few minutes. Tomorrow they would find a way to warn Wyatt Earp, find a way to track the wagon, and take the books back. Or destroy them, if that was what was necessary. There was nothing to do until 7:30, and sitting and waiting was intolerable.

Silver Moon

Chapter 223, “Jake and Ruby’s Entertainment” , Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 5:00 P.M.

Kate wandered down into the Cantina and found Ginnie eating in her usual hurried manner. "After you finish that, let's go out and walk around the fair. I can't sit here, and I haven't had a chance to do any shopping yet. Plus there is music to be heard, and that always cheers me up."

Ginnie looks around the cantina to make sure that they aren't being heard and then speaks in a whisper “I have been thinking the books that Ringo wants so badly aren't really his at all they belong to the person he took them from originally and so he really has no more claim on them than anyone else. It also seems that he knows that he can't get his hands on them and wants you to give them to him freely is it possible that he can't touch them unless they are a gift freely given that might be why he hasn't been able to access the information before you took the books but can't read them and gave them as a gift freely to Mr. Gonzalez who was able to read them and then you gave me the chance to read them and I could but I wasn't around when you took them to begin with.

Gods are know for their curses along with their blessings. Also why don't we go to the big priests guys and let them know at least some of what might be happening this is a religious war you have battle captains wandering around town why not let them do their job and keep the gods from tuning this whole town into an ash pit?

"The Priests have arrived? I would be very interested in talking to them, although I'm not sure how much we can tell them. I had thought of the soldiers, but I wasn't sure how to approach them. When Ringo visited me here, he showed me that he had purchased the books, so I have assumed they did belong to him. Perhaps that was a lie, I don't know. I don't want to give them to him, but I hadn't seen any other choice. Maybe we can save this yet. I want to enjoy the ball tonight, and I know I won't if I give in."

Ginnie replies, “It just seems to me that you fight fire with fire you fight religion with religion. just because he showed you a piece of paper doesn't mean the books are actually his I can make you a piece of paper that proves that Minerva herself came down and presented you with the books and told you to protect them and that they were yours alone. And the last time I checked Magical information was not something you write a receipt for. for the most part it's kinda illegal. but your now battling with a person who is blessed by the god of war bent on destroying a festival to the god of wine while the goddess of love is playing with everyone's feelings making what I see as a major mess. We have the religious big guns prancing around town lets go talk to them and at least give them a little idea of the mess that is Promise City at the moment.

Oh and you really need to decide when you going to give up pretending that you don't love Mr. Booth every time you two are together you glow and it's not just your situation or the fact that people are trying to kill you when your together either. Get it over with so that you can think about what is going on after all maybe he can cook better than you can.”

"You're right about talking to the Priest, we just have to avoid mentioning we know magic ourselves. He has attacked us enough times that we know he has magic and can easily explain about the books. You'll have to point them out to me, I don't know what they look like. Although heavy robes in Arizona will probably give them away. Let's go."

Kate and Ginnie hurried out into the streets and through the crowded festival, looking for the newly arrived Priests. "And about Mr. Booth," she said quietly as they walked, "It is certainly not proper for me to be considering any man so soon. He confuses me a great deal, I know I have feelings for him, but I can't be certain of anything. And I doubt he cooks. What would have given you the idea I'd in a position to find out? Has someone said something to you?"

Ginnie replies, “Ma'am Kate do you think I'm blind? You've blushed when he comes around and he's the only person other than the people at the Lucky Lady that you get shot with. You've each tried to take the other out for romantic meals which have been ruined by being shot at or some massive thing happening and your still on speaking terms. You've told a gambler, who can take you for everything you have if he wanted to about your "special issue", he believes you and still comes around without you worrying that he's going to make extra money by blackmailing you. This is a small town you get a long really well. Who else is there? And if your worrying about timing you should have thought about that the night that your ‘issue‘ happened.”

Kate says, “"I told him because everyone in this town is going to think it's his fault, but it was early enough that if he started staying away he might have avoided it, and I thought he should have that chance. I have certainly not tried to take him out on a romantic outing. And I really wasn't aware of what was going to come of 'that night' until afterward. Really Ginnie, for five years I never had a baby, why would I think that would change now?"

The marksmanship competitions continues in the field north of town with separate competitions for pistols and rifles. Pierre Jaquet and Al Brower have donated a new Smith & Wesson Schofield revolver as a prize and the Emporium's gunsmith Bradley Jacobs has donated a new Spencer Carbine rifle as a prize. Consequently, those three men act as the judges for the event.

In the pistol competitions, Deputy Helen Barker is very disappointed in her second-place showing, despite the fact that the Fort Huachuca soldier who beat her, Corporal Daniel Briggs, has a reputation for being the Army's best shot west of the Mississippi River. Third place in pistols went to Travis Calhoun of the Gunsight Brickyard, Fourth went to Arcade Gang's 'Sureshot Sam', and Fifth went to another Forth Huachuca soldier, Private Matthew Carlsen.

Rancher Emery Shaw wins the rifle competition, although he acknowledges that he wouldn't have stood a chance if Wells Fargo employee Newton Gilly had been competing instead of out on a stagecoach run. Second place goes to a stranger in town by the name of Stephen Murdock. Murdock appears to be friends with Ike Sherman of the Papago Cash Store. Third place goes to Daniel Briggs who had won the pistol competition. Fourth goes to Drover's hotel and livery owner Austin Blake. Fifth place goes to the Breakheart Mine's stamping mill foreman Boston Harker.

Judge Isby's clerk Kevin Tomlinson placed in the top ten for both pistol and rifle. Isby comments that Kevin normally does better but that his confidence wasn't quite there after loosing the fencing. Hank Hill of Arcade's Gang, another top ten finisher in both pistol and rifle, comments that "Sam and I would have done better if that had been armed men we were shooting at instead of paper targets."

After Nanuet left Ruby and Jake's room he headed to the Indian Head Saloon and then the billiards hall looking for any information that he can find out. He watched the sun to keep track of the time. He then heads back to the Lucky Lady to meet the others.

Jake, Ruby, Minerva and Nanuet all meet up at the Lucky Lady Saloon at 4:30. They all go up to Jake and Ruby's room, as Nanuet and Jake are still invisible. They go over what they've been up to and what they learned, which isn't much. "What about the books?" Jake asks. Ruby shrugs, "I told Mr. Gonzales not to give up the books. Is he going to listen? I have no idea. What about Kate?"

Jake rubs the back of his neck, "I think she'll be fine. Ringo doesn't want her, just the rest of us and the damn books. She hasn't come to anyone asking to help give them up, has she?" They all nod no. "Alright, then I guess we're ignoring the book situation." Minerva starts to protest again, "We can't let him have to books!" Ruby says, "The books belong to all of us, not just Kate. She can't just give away something that belongs to all of us without talking to us about it. She wouldn't do that."

Nanuet repeats, "I don't see why we don't give him the books." Minerva starts to protest when Jake cuts in. "I have to get to the main stage now. Let's just be prepared for him to come after us. Forget the book." Nanuet decides to stay invisible and him and Minerva leave.

Alone in their room, Ruby feels hot breath in her ear, "How do I become visible again?" "You say 'I love Ruby West' 5 times and mean it," she giggles. "Do I repeat that or is that the instructions?" She feels her behind pinched and lets out a tiny squeal. "I love Ruby West and I mean it. Now if you want a kiss you have to be able to find my lips." Says the air sounding like Jake.

"I didn't hear you say the magic words!" Without waiting for a response she quietly recites the word to dispel the magic and Jake slowly becomes visible again. She smiles when she sees him and then she kisses him. Jake collects up his bag of entertainment tools and goes with Ruby to the main stage area.

Jake wanders over to the children’s entertainment area. There are a number of children milling about and more standing back a little ways with their mothers who look disapprovingly at Jake. He smirks and places his bag down. He removes his gunbelts and wraps them with his duster and places it next to Ruby, who is watching from a dozen or so feet away. Lastly he sits on the ground and removes his boots. Out of the corner of his eye he notices the questioning looks from the distant mothers.

Without a word he takes the hat off the top of his head and starts to balance it by the brim on the backs of his finger tips. Ruby has seen him do this many times when his is bored or uninterested in what is going on. "Anybody can wear a hat on their head." Jake says to the small group of children. "Well you have to have a hat first I supposed." He rolls it back and forth across the back of his fingers and flips it over once catching it by the brim again and rolling it some more. Some of the children are watching, but he is losing the interest of the others. "I see that you are not impressed by someone who wears his hat on his hand. I should put it back on my head then," with that he flips the hat into the air and catches it balanced on the bridge of his nose. Two girls giggle. Jake grins and pops the hat backwards to his head, it settles upside down on the top of his head. The two girls giggle again. With a quick motion he tosses his hat to Ruby, who though startled, catches it easily.

He unties his bag and removes two balls. He throws one to the nearest boy, Ricardo, who bobbles it before dropping it. Jake starts tossing the other ball up and down in his left hand. "Don't just stand there looking at it," Jakes tells the boy with a smile, "throw it back." Ricardo picks up the ball and throws it to Jake, who catches it in his left hand and is now juggling two balls with one hand. Jake glances around at the crowd of children who are looking around confused. "Have you children never seen entertainment before?" He asks them. "When you like what you see you need to respond." Jake puts the balls down and continues, "You could do this," and he does a front hand spring, "or you could simply applaud," he says landing back on his feet and clapping his hands. The closest children giggle.

Jake goes to his bag and retrieves two more balls. "Who wants to help me?" The closest children squeal and wave their hands and the ones farther away tug at their mother’s arms. He throws the four balls to each of the four closest children. "Let's have some fun...."

Soon the children that are farther away have dragged their reluctant mothers to the edge of the crowd. Soon after those mothers tire of gripping the hands of their charges who wear them down with squirming and pulling. Begrudgingly they allow the children to gather around Jake Cook, known gambler and rumored trouble maker. The children don't seem to care.

Jake keeps their attention for the next twenty-five frantic minutes. He juggles balls, interspersed with front and back hand springs, front and back summersaults, and jokes with them all the while. Next he makes brightly colored neckerchiefs appear and disappear. He makes silver dollars fly invisibly from one hand to a child’s mouth and back to his other hand. He does some tricks with a short piece of rope, cutting it, knotting it and mystically reassembling it before their bulging eyes.
By the end of his performance even the reluctant mothers are sneaking smiles at his antics and comical banter. He finishes up with a short lived one handed hand stand while juggling two balls with the other hand before he loses his balance and falls over. Sweating and laughing he enjoys the giggles and squeals of delight from the children. "That's all for today kids, hope you enjoyed the show. I'll bet Miss West is ready to sing some songs with you at the piano."

Laughing, they all run away to be the first to the piano. Ricardo retrieves the ball Jake dropped and hesitantly hands them to him. "Gracias, amigo." Jake says with a smile and shakes his small hand. "I'll teach you to juggle if you want. But for now don't miss the show." Jake leans in close and whispers, "I think Ruby might like you best after me." Ricardo's smile grows so big that Jake thinks the boy's head will split in two. Little Ricardo bolts after the others to push his way near Ruby. Jake wipes the sweat off himself with some of the neckerchiefs before pulling his boots back on. Ruby is already starting the second song with the children when Jake manages to collect himself and his gear and get over to accompany her on the piano.

Ruby had watched Jake entertain the children with such ease and confidence, not caring for a moment that he was being silly. It was so endearing to her, just as the moment when Jake danced with Ginnie had been. A warm and adoring smile comes to her and she can’t take her eyes off Jake as she laughs with the children, a brief moment of respite in this crazy day.

Finally Jake was done and the children ran over to her and the piano.

“Now I know you all know this one,” Ruby smiles as she launches into the song accapella. It isn’t long before a chorus of children are singing along with her. As they sing Ricardo smiles up at Ruby and she takes his hand in hers. She says, “I will sing The Bird Song by Lesley Nelson-Burns

Hi! says the blackbird, sitting on a chair,
Once I courted a lady fair;
She proved fickle and turned her back,
And ever since then I'm dressed in black.

Hi! says the blue-jay as she flew,
If I was a young man I'd have two;
If one proved fickle and chanced for to go,
I'd have a new string to my bow.

Hi! says the little leather winged bat,
I will tell you the reason that,
The reason that I fly in the night
Is because I lost my heart's delight.

Hi! says the little mourning dove,
I'll tell you how to gain her love;
Court her night and court her day,
Never give her time to say "0 nay."

Hi! said the woodpecker sitting on a fence,
Once I courted a handsome wench;
She proved fickle and from me fled,
And ever since then my head's been red.

Hi! says the owl with my eyes so big,
If I had a hen I'd feed like a pig;
But here I sit on a frozen stake,
Which causes my poor heart to ache.

Hi! says the swallow, sitting in a barn,
Courting, I think, is no harm.
I pick my wings and sit up straight
And hope every young man will choose him a mate.

Hi! says the hawk unto the crow,
If you ain't black then I don't know.
Ever since old Adam was born,
You've been accused of stealing corn.

Hi! says the crow unto the hawk,
I understand your great, big talk;
You'd like to pounce and catch a hen,
But I hope the farmer will shoot you then.

Hi! says the robin, with a little squirm,
I wish I had a great, big worm;
I would fly away into my nest;
I have a wife I think is the best.

Ruby continues to sing and Jake continues to play, filling up the rest of the allotted time. Jake doesn’t seem to know many of the children’s songs but he is creative with the piano and no one notices.

Silver Moon

Chapter 224, “Audience with the Bishops” , Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 5:45 P.M.

The Lucky Lady's entertainment section of the program ends at 6:00 PM and the Festival Singers and Dancers return for another performance. As planned, their costumes are a tad less conservative and more kicking and leg is involved with the dances, but the performance continues to be rather family-friendly.

Jake decides to head off and look for Conrad Booth, locating him at the Sterling's jewelry cart up at the Emporium. Jake indicates that he wishes to talk to the two of them head off for a private conversation. Conrad asks, "Is everything OK?" Jake replies, "We are keeping our eyes open."

Jake says, "I am worried about the ladies, I'm sure you are worried about Katherine. Isn't it funny that when you meet a woman you just know. I knew that Ruby and I were destined as soon as I saw her. Do you remember what you told me about Mrs. Kale? The day the I was temporarily a deputy, it was the same for you wasn't it. Didn't you tell me you knew you wanted to marry her?"
Conrad replies, "Marriage? No, at that time I was only interested in a relationship with her. But she wasn't ready so I was willing to wait. I am still willing to wait." That was the answer Jake was fishing for and a quick check of the eyes confirm that he is indeed speaking to the real Conrad Booth. Jake then shares his concern that Ringo is figuring out what they are doing either "because we are sloppy or his is using magic or subterfuge or both." Jake encourages Conrad to look for such a problem to help protect Katherine. Conrad says he will do so. The two then depart, heading separate ways.

Ruby sticks around for the Festival Dancers but can barely concentrate so instead she fights her way back to the Lucky Lady. A few different people who had seen her sing with the children were trying to talk to her and it felt like every step she took someone else was grabbing her. On top of all that the strange feeling that had been in the air all week seemed amplified somehow, emotions were running high, evident all over.

Back in her room at the Lucky Lady Ruby takes a drink of bourbon. As she tries to relax she spots the small black velvet package wrapped with a bow sitting on her vanity. Instinctively she grabs it and walks over to the El Parador. Once inside she squeezes her way to the bar and orders a whiskey from Pedro. While she waits she notices a couple of dwarves from earlier in the day whispering and pointing at her. She overhears only a tiny bit of conversation but they mention the word baby. They must think I was the invisible, pregnant one, she shakes her head. I suppose it makes sense since Katherine is the one they saw talking about it and they didn't see me. She smiles back at them but doesn't attempt to speak with them. After her drink she heads up the stairs to Katherine's room and knocks. There was no answer at Kate's door when Ruby knocked. She quickly glances up and down the hallway and, seeing no one there, she reaches down her bodice then picks the lock with her new lockpicks. Carefully entering the room, she double checks to make sure no one is there. She leaves the velvet bag on Kate's pillow, making sure it's clearly visible. She takes one final glance around the room before leaving and relocking the door. Ruby again wanders to the main area, the Festival Dancers still on stage.

It does not take long for Kate and Ginnie to locate the Priests, finishing up their dinner at the Promise City Hotel and Cafe. There are four Priests who all look to be of Greek descent. One has on the robes of an Arch-Bishop, another the robes of a Bishop and the other two in regular robes. The four are each now eating a piece of Melissa Smith's excellent apple crumb pie so should be finished soon with the meal.

Kate says, "Alright, here we go." Kate and Ginnie walked over to the table where the Priests were just finishing their pie. "I'm sorry to interrupt your Excellencies," Kate said, making a deep curtsy. "I am Mrs. Katherine Kale, and this is my ward Ginnie. I wonder if we might speak privately?" The men talk amongst themselves in Greek. Ginnie follows along with the conversation but does not make it obvious that she is comprehending what they are saying. The Bishop says, "Yes, I believe that I have heard of you. You are the one who is planning on becoming a school teacher here?" Ginnie stands by watching the priests and listening to their conversations that are in Greek. They see her as a small child for in a sense she is however they are underestimating her and will pay for any slight they may give Ma'am Kate because of "that woman".

Kate states, "I hope to. There are many children here and they all deserve an education. I can provide at least the basics, and a few extras. Of course if the town should start a school of it's own, I would gladly step aside or continue on under their guidance, as they see fit. I was surprised to learn a public school was being prevented by... well, it would not do to speak ill of another. Might you have a few moments for us?"

The Bishop says, "I would ask that two chairs be brought over, but there do not appear to be any empty ones left. Perhaps we should all depart and allow others to dine here now." One of the priests opens a coin bag and leaves enough money on the table to pay the bill with a generous tip. The four men head outside accompanied by Katherine and Ginnie.

They head over to the Town Hall building and Kate is surprised to see that one of the priests has a key to the building. They head inside. Preparations have already been made for the following day's worship service, the decorations being far more conservative than those which Minerva usually sets out.

Ginnie notes the Greek inscriptions on the altar and wall hangings. Similar inscriptions are also on the candelabras, goblets and books that the priests appear to have brought with them and had apparently arranged in this room earlier. Two velvet covered chairs have been arranged on the stage near the alter. The six head up there and the two senior priests sit in the chair. The two other priests offer Kate and Ginnie wooden crates to sit upon while they themselves each stand behind the man they are assigned to.

Ginnie remains standing reading the inscriptions trying to identify the slant these individuals will take while seeming to just gaze around the room. These men have built and bought power and would not be in Promise City unless they realized that this was and is a battleground. The real question is who do they truly wish this town to worshiped and how much support can a "non-religious schoolteacher" expect.

The Bishop asks "What is it Mrs. Kale that you wanted to see us about?" Katherine took a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves enough so they would at least appear to be no more than any person should feel facing such an assembly. She had been alright in the restaurant, they had seemed only men then. Here, in their place of power, she felt like the child who had cowered behind her brother. She pushed those thoughts away. This time Priests could be her salvation. Kate curtsied again.

"There are two issues, Your Excellencies. One I think you already know, There is a Priestess of Aphrodite who works at the Palace Saloon. She seeks to make our town Aphrodite's and no others. She has not given a choice to the people of this town, some of whom feel a special bond with others of the gods. I would welcome the influence of the goddess of Love, but not at the expense of the other gods. Worship and reverence, like love should be given freely and willingly.
The second involves a Priest of Ares. He has launched a war against the Earps, brothers who were the Marshals in Promise City and Tombstone. This priest, namely Johnny Ringo, wants to become the leader of a group called the Cowboy Gang, and the Earps have been working to eradicate them.

Last January I came into possession of a great many books that were in a Cowboy Gang hideout which was raided. Mr. Ringo wants these books back very badly. He has threatened the lives of many people I love in order to force me to turn them over to him, including that of Miss Minerva Florencia, the Priestess who organized this festival to Dionysus. As much as I love books, I would gladly sacrifice them, except for one fact. There is dangerous knowledge in these books, which he claims he needs to win his war against the Earps. Should he get his hands on these volumes, it is possible that the Earps could not stop him. Perhaps even an army could not stop him.

He has promised that we will leave me in peace if I acquiesce to his wishes, but I fear that he will play out the enmity between Ares and Aphrodite and use Promise City as his battleground. He has attacked myself and my associates several times using unnatural means. This town could not stand up to him if he has the power of Ares as well as unnatural powers behind him.

I am left with a choice of protecting those I care for and endangering many others, or keeping such power from him and having the blood of my loved ones on my hands. I come to you seeking help. I am required by the Priest of Ares to deliver these books to him at 7:30 tonight. If the wagon leaves town unmolested, he will not harm my friends. If it does not, he will kill them. I do not know if it will be him who drives the wagon into town tonight, or one of his men. But he will be close by."

The Arch-Bishop stands and approaches Kate. He takes her hand by the wrist and examines the metal bracelet with the Greek writings on it. He also makes a point in noticing that Ginnie wears a similar bracelet. He states, "My name is Dimitrios Tsaldaris of the Philadelphia Church. I am the highest ranking Church official in the United States of Greek descent. By those bracelets I gather that one of my colleagues has already been in contact with you. And that our arrival here would therefore not be unexpected to you, which is why you had sought us out."

The Bishop then also makes a formal introduction. "I am Bishop Costas Papandraus, Deputy Administrator of the Church in the Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming and Utah Territories. Your town's Mrs. Mrs. Rebecca King corresponds frequently with my superior, the Italian Bishop Marko Frocheppi, who is the Administrator in charge of the Church in these territories. He was happy to delegate this situation to me rather than having to deal directly with her himself, so I have the full authority to enforce the Church's position in these matters."

Kate replies, "Yes, I have had contact with one of you colleagues. It was our concern about the situation with the Priestess of Aphrodite that lead us to seek help. We were given these bracelets to protect us from undue influence."

She turned to Bishop Papandraus and said with a wry smile, "I understand Mrs. King has some very definite ideas of how the church in Promise City should be run, and by whom. I am sure her intentions are good. Your arrival was not unexpected, although I did not learn of it until perhaps a half-hour ago. I would not presume to know the thoughts of the gods, but your arriving at this time is providential. What is the Church's position in these matters Bishop Papandraus, if I may be so bold to ask?"

The Arch-Bishop speaks up first. He says, "Your Mrs. King would like a traditional Priest to be assigned to this congregation. She fails to understand that such a man would not work well in these territories. A man and his family who are comfortable within the cities would not necessarily work in a fast-paced mining town, where the spiritual needs of a congregation are quite different."

Bishop Papandraus then says, "That was why I was selected for this post and why I brought my friend Trius with me", as he gestures to his aide. "The Bishop Frocheppi was appointed to this region primarily due to his family connection rather than his temperament. He does well with the Administrative matters and is content to remain at Church's main cathedral for these four Territories, in Cheyenne. The only traveling that interests him is visits to his counterpart in nearby Denver, Colorado.

I however, am quite comfortable on a saddle and dealing with situations that are unconventional and somewhat unorthodox. Your Mrs. King has misconstrued our explanation for this visit to mean that we will reprimand and remove your Priestess Florencia. That is not our intent, we came because of the other Priestess, who Mrs. King remains unaware of and we have opted to keep it that way until we can better assess the situation."

Kate says, "Yes, life in the West cannot be lived as life in the East. I learned that very quickly once I came here. With the death of my husband I had to take care of myself and do things that would never be acceptable back home. And since you have heard of me before and my desire to be a schoolteacher, I am sure she expressed her displeasure with my choices. I'm sure she believes I am unfit to teach.

I am relieved to hear that you will not remove Miss Florencia. She is an enthusiastic representative of the gods, one who understands the kind of place she is living in. She had hoped this festival would help bring the town together. I wish I could tell you who the Aphrodite Priestess if, but I have not discovered that myself. Unfortunately, I know the Pries of Ares all to well. I will assist you in any way I can, although I admit with my current situation my mind is not focused on the trouble with the Priestess."

Ginnie whispers to Kate "Isn't there suppose to be something at the main stage right after midnight being run by the women from the palace? I thought I saw it on the schedule in the paper. they may want to be around for that if they can't find and deal with the priestess before that." Kate laid her hand on Ginnie's shoulder. "The festival schedules indicates that dancers will be performing at midnight. Officially that would be on Sunday, the holy day. I wouldn't be surprised if the Priestess was among them."

The Arch-Bishop states, "This festival is a wonderful thing. Your Priestess has done well to use it to unite the people and worship the gods. Mrs. King is a prohibitionist, one who wishes that alcohol be banned. She fails to understand that Dionysus is one of our greater deities and that when used in moderation wine is a blessing and not an evil.

I plan to lead the worship service here in this building tomorrow. I hope to make it clear to Mrs. King and her Vigilance Committee that Priestess Florencia is here with our blessing and support. She however is young and inexperienced, so we would expect her to also be open to suggestions from Bishop Papandraus going forward.

As for the immediate situation at hand. There will be time later this evening to address the situation with the Priestess. Midnight is a long time off still. But it is already after 6:00 PM and the time of 7:30 is rapidly approaching. It is imperative that Ares not be allowed to disrupt this Festival. My suggestion is that you give him what he wants. However, giving them and allowing him to keep it are two different matters entirely. I can cast spells upon them to prevent any Evil person from being able to use them, which should allow sufficient time for us to then retrieve these items."

Silver Moon

Chapter 225, “Getting into Trouble” , Saturday, April 1st , 1882, 6:30 P.M.

As Ruby is watching the dancers she suddenly feels breath on her neck. “You're a much better dancer than they are," Jake comments before wrapping his arms around Ruby from behind. She smiles and places her arms over his as he kisses her neck. Then Jake whispers in her ear. "I talked to Conrad. I'm sure it's him. I'm not sure someone isn't using other means to figure out what people are thinking though."

Ruby nods. They stay a bit longer to watch the dancers before they agree to go back to the Lucky Lady. "I wonder what everyone else is doing," Ruby comments. "Getting into trouble I'm sure," Jake replies with a chuckle. They help out with the huge crowd at the Saloon and they also make sure to tell Niles about their plans to attend the ball so he will know where they are in case of trouble.

Nanuet returned to the Lucky Lady after his scouting of the Billiards Hall and Indian Saloon which turned up nothing. He made himself visible and began helping around. As evening rapidly approached he began getting nervous about the upcoming ball and looking like a fool. Well maybe the Cowboys have other plans anyways he thinks. He continues helping around the Lucky Lady, serving, cleaning, bouncing, and doing everything he can to contribute.

Eventually Minerva shows up and makes her way over to the industrious elf. "Decided to show yourself finally?" she quipped. He says, "Well I didn't find anything out so I figured I might as well come here and help out. Not sure what else we can do about the situation." She replies,
"I have been through the crowd, tending to my congregation, making appearances and keeping an eye on things. I too have not found out any useful information. The ball is almost here though and even with this going on I cannot help myself from getting excited. Soon, I must go get ready." He answers, "I suppose I do as well, but first let me tend to these folks here, can I get you anything while your here?"

Nanuet returns to serving while Minerva works the room introducing herself and handling public relations. Soon, Nanuet notices Kate walking in. He makes his way over to her and speaks. "So, any idea what we are doing at this point? Time is wasting." She says, "Yes, actually. And I need to speak to you especially about it. There is hope, Nanuet. We need to go somewhere private."

Inside the crowded saloon, Kate finally caught a flash of red hair. She and Ginnie hurried over. Kate suddenly hesitated. Their last words had been angry, but this was too important to worry about that now. They finished crossing the room and Kate said quietly to Ruby, "Can we talk?" Ruby nods, "Yes, of course. Do you want to stay here or go upstairs?" Kate replies, "Upstairs, the three of us. Anyone else who wants as well, although Jake did want us to avoid looking as if we were planning."

Nanuet says, "Let's get out of the crowd. Upstairs is better." Nanuet fetches Minerva and joins Ruby, Kate and Ginnie who are standing at the bottom of the stairs. The five head up to the office where they can talk amongst themselves and not fight the crowd to be heard. Before heading upstairs Ruby gives Jake a little nod of the head. He arrives up there a couple of minutes after the rest of them. "What's up?" Ruby asks.

Kate lit a candle and gave them some privacy. "Just in case. I just spoke with the priests that were sent to look into the heavy influence of Aphrodite here in town..." Kate began with a shiver, then quickly sketched in their conversation, emphasizing that they had no idea any of them used magic themselves. "I presented it as a religious problem, and they are very anxious Ares not be allowed to interrupt this festival.

The idea is this. One of the priests will put a spell on the books so that anyone with evil intent cannot use them. I will then turn them over, and two of the priests will follow the wagon out of town so we will know where they are taken. He will have the books in his possession, but they will do him no good. The priests would like an experienced tracker to go with them, and that's where you come in, Nanuet. I don't believe they intend any confrontations, only to make sure we know where to go to take them back. There are soldiers aplenty here for the festival. I think tomorrow after services with Priests help, and perhaps that of the soldiers, we can finish Ringo. What do you think?"

"What's considered evil?" Ruby notices the stares she gets from everyone. "Well, how do you really know he's 'evil' in the sense of whatever the spell will be. I mean, if he was really evil he would have kidnapped all of us and tortured us until someone told him where to books were." Nanuet states, "OK, it shouldn't be too hard to track a wagonload full of books. I don't see that I have a choice in this. I am sure Minerva can find another escort to the ball. You will have to introduce me to these men so we know each other before this gets interesting."

Minerva starts to immediately protest but Ruby cuts her off. "No, Nanuet, it shouldn't be you. The Cowboys know who you are. They'll have to find someone else." Kate says, "I'm not certain. But I can ask the Priest when he comes to cast the spell. Perhaps it is some kind of injunction against servants of Ares? Ruby you're welcome to come to the El Parador and ask them yourself. Nanuet, I don't think it will take so long that you will miss the entire ball. I'm sure you will be back with plenty of time for dancing."

Nanuet states, “How do you have any idea how far out of town they are going? They could travel all night for what we know. This is more important than any ball and you all know it. Besides, I am a lousy dancer." Ginnie asks, “Okay I'm a little confused. Your worried about dancing when we're all getting ready to die? I'll never understand adults.” Ruby states, "I agree with you Ginnie. The ball has already been ruined for me, as has this entire festival. There has been too much worry and drama. I‘m not excited about it at all, because in case the rest of you haven't thought about it I'm sure Johnny Ringo will show up in costume to cause trouble and we won't know who he is."

Nanuet turns to Ruby. "We will be tracking them from a distance is my guess, won't matter if they know me or not. We don't have time to go around and find a tracker, make sure he is legit, tell him what is going on and convince him to help us track a dangerous man and his gang. I am going."

Kate looked over at Miss Florencia. "I may even come to church tomorrow. It seems Mrs. King is going to be very disappointed when they throw their full support behind you." Ruby states, "Ugh, what do I care for priests? I'm just mentioning it, that it might not work. I'd rather throw a ball of fire on the wagon after it gets out of town, but I know that's not going to be allowed. I don't want to think about it anymore."

Kate bit her tongue, then answered calmly, "I don't think burning it after it leaves would count as allowing it to leave unmolested. The idea is to fool him tonight, and take him tomorrow. You're right Nanuet, I don't know how far they will take it. I was thinking that it would go to Ringo, and he can't be far away if he intends to carry out his threat. It may go somewhere else."

Jake sits quietly scratching his beard until he finally speaks. "This could work, especially with the help of our new friends. I'm not convinced that Ringo will leave us alone but it's worth a shot." Kate says, "To be honest Jake, I'm not convinced either. But it's the best option I've heard. And if he doesn't leave us alone, we have help.”

Kate then asks, "Do we know any other experienced trackers that we can trust?" Ginnie interjects, “Wouldn't it be better if the animals tracked with the priests? after all they should have some way to communicate with them priests can talk with animals can't they.” Kate says, "That would be better. Nanuet, Priestess, can such a thing be done?" Minerva points out that an owl at night has better vision than anything else on the planet. She could stay aloft and unseen and track the wagon for as long as necessary.

Nanuet says, "Well I know little of priests, if you remember I am only recently educated in the ways of shamanism. I imagine there are spells that will allow animals and people to communicate, but what use would a priest of civilized people have to learn that spell or even pray for it today? Besides, I would never send Maska anywhere I wasn't willing to go myself."

Ginnie states, “Nanuet you can't go. There is a bullet with your name on it. He doesn't even have to be a good shot, and we know he is, to kill you.” “Ginnie, how do you know this?" Ruby asks with a raised eyebrow, "As Nanuet has NOT received a letter." Ginnie replies, “No and neither did I or Chester. However Chester's boss did get one and Chester got blown up by invisible dynamite. My employer got a letter so I'm assuming that there is a bullet labeled for me along with lots of other people. If I was Ringo and had shot Nanuet before and he didn't die I'd put him near the top of my hit list. We also discussed the fact that Ringo had threatened people that were close to Ma'am Kate with the priests. process of elimination.”

Ruby does not look at Jake but continues softly, "Yes, that is my theory also. Which means if that is correct, the next bullet is for me. Ginnie, you should be staying at the El Parador until we can take care of this problem." Kate states, "Indeed she should. You are one person we can keep safe Ginnie. You've helped a great deal today, now is the time to keep yourself safe so you are still around to help again another day."

Ginnie ignores the suggestion and then says, “What about the centaur in the horse barn at the Cantina? Maybe he can help?” Kate says, "He is a friend of Mr. Gonzales, so he might be convinced. And the Cowboy Gang have never known us to go about with a Centaur. Nanuet, would consider being held in reserve?" "That's a good idea," Ruby comments. "Mr. Gonzales trusts him and isn't he an Apache go to guy or something? If they go out into those lands he can get the Indians involved."

Nanuet states, "First of all, I did not get any letters and unless you know something that we don't. We can only guess on who's name is on the bullets if anyone’s name is actually on the bullets. He threatened to kidnap Ginnie before and it was just a threat. As far as bringing the centaur into it, I prefer to leave others out of this who are not already involved. Too late for the priests obviously, but why put more people at risk. And once again if I understand the plan correctly we are just to track them and see where they go. There should be no battle. I also have a spell that can prevent people from even firing a gun at me."

Minerva puts her hand on Nanuet's arm, "Mi amor, I think what our friends are saying is that we would prefer you to stay here and watch and protect over us. I for one would be much happier keeping you in my sights." Ruby says, "The owl can only speak with Minerva. Let the Centaur go, that's my vote." She notices Nanuet seems to be insisting on going. "Haven't you met the Centaur Nanuet?"

The Indian replies, "Yes, I met him. All the more reason why I would not want him to go in my stead. He is a good, kind being and would probably accept readily, but I can't ask him to go in my place. I was part of the group who took those books from the cave, he was not. I still feel I should go, but if I am outvoted then so be it." Nanuet turns and stomps off to the corner of the room unhappy with the situation and unsure of what actions to take.

Kate was quiet for a minute. "You're right about that. I know as Nanuet said, that we'd like to avoid involving others, but at this point without outside help we are stuck. Ringo doesn't expect us to have others. Why don't we ask the Centaur, and send Luna as well? Then Luna can carry any urgent messages to us." Minerva says, "Nanuet, You served as the Apache Ambassador in his place when he went away. It strikes me that he owes you a favor in return. And you can make it his choice if you wish."

Nanuet states, "Fine, do as you wish. Fetch the centaur, send the owl. I will not argue with you as we do not have the time. If anything happens to this creature I will never forgive myself. Ginnie, the next person who touched that door would have gotten hit by the dynamite blast. It could have been a possum looking for a hole to climb in to, that had nothing to do with any numbers, it was just chance." Kate says, "Thank you for saying that. I believe Ruby and Ginnie are right about the notes and names, but the dynamite was chance."

Ruby exclaims, "Nanuet, you obviously want to go. No one is going to stop you if you feel that strongly. So you should go prepare yourself." Nanuet exclaims, "What? Make up your minds? Kate, Ginnie, Minerva, and I thought you didn't want me to go. Now you have changed your mind, still we are out voted. This is starting to drive me crazy!"

Ruby states, "There is no voting going on here and no one can tell you what to do. Just because we might not want you to go doesn't mean you can't make up your own mind to do what you think is right. If you are going to seriously blame yourself if the Centaur gets hurt then you should go. That doesn't mean I want you to go."

Jake cuts in, "Everyone calm down. Nanuet, you should stay here with us, easier if we keep folks together. But Ruby is right, no one here is telling you what to do. You decide for yourself, I'll leave it up to you to either go or ask the Centaur." "Now," Jake continues, "We have to get the books on the wagon and get the wagon over there. Katherine where are you supposed to meet these priests so they can en-spell the book?"

Kate states, "In the Cantina, and in only about fifteen more minutes, so I must leave soon. One of Ringo's men will bring the wagon down Freemont Street, and then I have to load it up. I'll just drive the cart to the intersection. Mr. Gonzales reminded me of those things Beauregard Dodge used to hold his canon in mid-air. I can use those to move the books from the cart to the wagon without any help. Considering what happened earlier today, they will likely believe me being alone more readily than me having help."

"You can bring someone along who isn't involved to help you. You shouldn't be moving all those books around alone. Maybe Grant Keebler?" Jake says. "I'm sure Grant would be glad to help. Thank you for the thought, truth be told, I don't really want to be alone out there," she said with a little laugh. "It just seemed to make the most sense. "Alright, Nanuet you go," Jake continues. "But just you. That way they will see we aren't all ganging up on them. The rest of us should go about our business as best we can but be prepared for the worst anyway."

Nanuet looks over to Minerva and for a moment locks gazes with her. He can read the concern in her eyes. His eyes drop for a moment and then he looks back at her. "Kate, lets go over there then and get this done with. I will ask the centaur to track the wagon, but if I don't return it is because he refused." Kate says, "Alright, Nanuet. I'm as anxious as you are to have this done."

Ruby approaches Kate as they are about to leave. "I'm not sure if you've been back to your room. I left something there for you, I just wanted you to know now." Ruby looks a bit weary and the worry is apparent on her face, especially because it's not something seen there frequently. "Alright Ruby," Kate tentatively hugged her. "And when tomorrow comes, I will stay behind."

"Good. Because I couldn't bare to see something bad happen to you." Ruby furrows her brows. "What's tomorrow?" "If everything goes as we wish tonight, tomorrow is making sure our friend JPR doesn't spend another day above ground." Kate sighed. "I love you, Ruby. Be so very careful." "I will be careful and you be careful too." Ruby hugged Kate in return and says softly, "I love you too Kate and that is why I worry about you so."

She lets her grip on Kate go. "There might not be a tomorrow. I just know Johnny Ringo is coming tonight, I have a feeling." Kate replies, "You might be right, but we will deal with that when it comes. We've done everything we possibly can to do by right by everyone we can. That's all we can do."

Nanuet kisses Minerva and tells her to get ready for the ball and that he will meet her there. "Besides we have our bet on whether or not I can find you." Kate, Ginnie and Nanuet head over towards the El Parador. When they arrive Nanuet heads out the stables to speak with Qualtaqua.
"Noble Centaur, our paths cross again. I must call upon you for a favor, I need your aid."

Nanuet tells the story to the Centaur, explaining where they got the books, who Ringo is, what he has done and what their plan is. He replies, "I accept this task and you should have no burden upon you. I owe you a favor for being the voice of the Apache in my absence and have no qualms about repaying that deed. I will prepare now and will do as you ask." After his meeting with the Centaur, Nanuet heads inside and looks for Kate.

Kate waves Nanuet over to where she is sitting, managing for the first time since breakfast to put a little food into her. Ginnie's appetite is healthy, as always. "I am just waiting for my new friends," she said quietly when he arrived. "How did it go?" "I explained to him what was going on and he accepted without hesitation. He is a noble creature and will meet our needs well. He mentioned that he has the ability to speak with animals and also that he can change form to a wood elf and has a magical tent that he can hide within if necessary. I think we have made a wise choice. Should I stay with you or return to the others now?"

"I have kept to myself too much lately, but as much as I'd like you to stay, I think you should go. It is not long until the ball, and it would makes sense that you would be preparing for it." Kate looked at him and spoke quietly. "I know how frustrating it is to want to act and not be able to, and I have learned lately that feeling of responsibility for the safety of others. This is not easy. But the last thing I have learned today is that in many cases, the right choice is the hard one."

"You speak with much wisdom Miss Kate. I have found that many things in life are much harder than one would initially believe. I will go now, but take confidence that you have done all you could do in this situation and that things will work out as we hope." With that Nanuet leaves the El Parador and heads back to the Lucky Lady.

Voidrunner's Codex

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