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Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter 236, “Climax Battle”, Sunday, April 2nd , 1882, 5:00 AM

Maska grips Jakes hand a little firmer with her teeth and then moves it until it is pointing to a sport around fifteen feet in front of the cave mouth. Jake pats the wolfs head a couple of times and looks to see if he can see foot prints of someone standing there. Ruby continues silently and stays to the left. She also tries to watch Jake's footprints and listen for the sound of him. Ruby continues to move silently, staying to the left. She keeps her dagger readied and will get to the rock wall, then slowly move towards the mouth.

Jake moves a little bit closer. There is a slight breeze so he watches closely to see if there is anywhere that the dust doesn't go, soon deducing where one of the invisible person's boot's is. It also occurs to him that with this breeze he and Ruby have the same invulnerability to a keen eyed observer. Jake makes a note of where the person is in relation to some object on the ground. He then looks around for the other guards and gauges if he can get behind his target on the right. If he can, he'll do so silently. Ruby tries to keep her eyes and ears open for Jake and anything else of note.

Ruby reaches the cave mouth and sees the man and woman inside. The woman is seated on a chair-sized rock, a rifle leaning against the rock beside her. The man has a gun belt with two revolvers in it. Both are talking softly to each other. Ruby listens in. Based upon the conversation they are having about "Brother Bobby" she concludes that they are siblings. ake enters the cave from the other side and moves in behind the man.

Jake looks and listens for the Ruby. He especially looks for the tell tale wind and sand around the boots. He has his dagger ready and quietly unbuttons his duster to prepare his sawed off shotgun. Ruby enters the cave, silently moving behind the woman. Once in place she will put her hand over the woman's mouth and try to slit her throat, while kicking the gun aside. Ruby successfully slits the woman's throat, becoming visible. Ruby ducks behind the rock as quickly as she can, grabbing the woman's gun. As soon as there is noise Nanuet silently commands Maska to attack any nearby invisible foe.

The man reaches for his guns. One of the less noble things Red taught Jake was how to open a mans kidneys with a knife from behind. When the man moves, Jake quickly stabs him in the lower back and twists. Jake then lets go of the knife and pulls out the double barrel shotgun He begins making his way closer and shoots both barrels at the invisible cowboy, he then reaches and moves at a hustle with his rifle ready.

Chester keeps a watch on the cave mouth. At the sound of the shotgun blast, Chester raises his rifle and looks for cowboys outside the cave. Jake's foe dies and he fires off both shots from the shotgun out the door. The first brushes the man for a light wound but the second is right on, striking both the man and the wolf Maska who had dived up on him. Both fall the ground, apparently dead. Eighty feet away Nanuet sees his faithful companion fall from the shotgun blast inside of the cave. He senses that the wolf is mortally wounded but still clinging to life. Further back, Minerva follows behind Kate as they make their way down. she has her rifle drawn and has cast magic weapon on it.

"Crap," Ruby whispers. "Nanuet will take care of the wolf. They know we're here now so let's go." Nanuet stifles a cry as he sees Maska get wounded. He changes his direction so that he is headed directly towards her. He kneels down beside her trying to comfort her with Apache words as he begins a prayer. He summons the most powerful healing words he knows and lays his hand on Maska as a single tear rolls down his face.

The cave goes a short distance on a curve and then reaches a "T" intersection. "Mierda." Jake whispers. He drops his roll of rifles and takes out the full length shotgun. "There is no light in there Ruby. Let's go in a little ways out of the twilight, so they can't see us but we won't be able to see anyone hiding in the dark." "You want a light spell lover?" She asks, dusting dirt and blood off herself. She picks up the now deceased woman's rifle and checks the ammunition. Jake says, "We may need that, but not with us. If we hear somebody ahead maybe put it behind them so we can see them and they can't see us. Keep moving but let's defend the T so the others can get with us."

Seeing only his friends rushing further into the cave Chester follows. Minerva and Kate get closer and see the green glow in the distance from Nanuet's necklace and hands as he tries to heal his companion. "Someone is injured. That is the glow of Nanuet's Necklace." Minerva moves faster toward the cave. When he is done Maska's wounds are healed but she appears to still be in pain and lets out a low whimpering sound. Minerva whispers to Katherine " You should not be here get behind me. I will shield you" "I would have stayed in the tent but a couple people went running off," she said and let the Priestess get in front of her as they continued down.

Ruby and Jake reach the T intersection. Ruby states, "Jake, we shouldn't wait for them. Let's go now while we still might have some surprise. Come on, you know the way. There is probably some light in there." Ruby starts edging up while sticking to the wall. She listens intently for any noise coming from ahead. They see two people coming quickly from the corridor to the right.

Ruby takes aim with the cowgirls rifle and shoots at the one on the left. Jake quickly swings his shotgun around the corner and fires rapidly at one and then the other before pulling back around the corner. Ruby's shot is on target and it turns out to be one of the pyrotechnic shells as the man's chest explodes as the fireball engulfs him. The man's companion dives to the ground to avoid the fireball, which is the only thing that saves him from Jake's shot.

Ruby uses a second shot at the guy who dove to the ground. Jake drops his shotgun and fast draws his Colt, he reaches around the corner and fires twice quickly at the man who ducked. Another fireball erupts as Ruby's shot connects. The second burst of fire in the same area causes an already damaged and rotting wooden support timber to break and the tunnel roof collapses onto the two bodies, filling the corridor with a cloud of dust that washes over Jake and Ruby.

Outside, Nanuet says some more soothing words in Apache to Maska and tells her "Go now and be safe girl. Get some rest, you have done your duty." He pets her lightly and then makes his way over to the cave mouth. He thinks "I have no idea what Jake and Ruby are doing, but I might as well use this powder for something. Maybe they will get chased out and it will be useful then.

Nanuet begins shaking out the powder in the area in front of the cave mouth covering the whole width of the entrance and as far in front of the cave as he can go before the powder wears off. He then begins wetting the area with his waterskin making the powder moist as Kajika instructed. Nanuet then takes his position outside the cave and readies his rifle to shoot any enemy that enters the area he made with the powder.

Kate stayed behind Minerva as they arrived at the cave entrance. There are two bodies just inside the mouth of the cave, and a partially invisible dead corpse over near Maska before the cave. "They got past here at least," she whispered. "Twelve more, if the count was right." Minerva checks the bodies quickly for anything useful and she and Katherine make their way into the cave. The crashing sounds are heard from deeper in the cave and cloud of dust then washes over them. Minerva and Katherine silently make their way forward.

Back inside the caves, Coughing, Ruby waves her hand in front of her face. "I guess we go left." She checks the rifle for how many shells are left. As Ruby stands there waiting she says to Jake, "By the way, Judge Isby gave me bullets for my gun, my baby Colt. They paralyze and they're loaded in my gun." She then sees Chester down the hall. "Hey, nice of you to join us. Get ready..." Chester slings the Spencer on his back and draws his six-gun. "Let's go. How many are left?" "How many?" Jake says while reloading, "If I heard correctly fifteen take away three that aren't here. We just dropped five so that leaves seven."

Jake now hears movement from the other corridor that sounds like horses galloping. "They are going to try and ride us down." Jake whispers. "Make a mess Ruby dear when you see them." Chester whispers back, "In here?" He switches back to the rifle and tries to take cover. Jake drops back to retrieve and reload his shotgun and holster his Colt. Ruby nods to Jake and readies the rifle. She will shoot at the riders as she can and continue to shoot as fast as she can. If the horses get close she'll get against the wall.

Jake and Ruby start to see horses ahead. The first three horses come into view, with a rider on the center one and a horse on either side tied to it. Collectively the horses fill the entire corridor and are riding as fast as the tight quarters allow. Other horses are moving further back behind them although Ruby and Jake can't make out how many due to the front three blocking their view. The man has a revolver in hand that Jake recognizes as a Colt Thunderer.

"Um, start running! Get out!" Ruby screams. She takes a shot directly at the man then turns to start running out. Kate hears Ruby's shout from somewhere in the darkness and immediately goes back out into the night, carefully staying out of Nanuet's powder and hiding against the cliff next to the cave mouth. Minerva runs out the door with Kate and moves to the side of the cave

The man takes a shot at Ruby and Jake, the bullet deflecting off of Jake's long-coat as the horses now close to twenty-five feet, still at a swift pace. "Jake!" Ruby screams again and holds her breath until she sees that he is ok. "Move that cute butt of yours!" Jake opens his saddle bags and shakes out the six sticks of dynamite to the floor and runs like crazy. The others are in front of him. As the horses make the turn Jake stops and fires both barrels at the floor, hoping to take out the center horses legs and possibly ignite some dynamite.

Chester starts running for the exit muttering, “Never been on the other end of a cavalry charge before. That's scary.” Minerva and Kate have reached exited the caves when they hear the sound of rapidly approaching horses. They see Ruby and Jake charging through the now clearing dust towards them from twenty feet away with a trio of horses, one with a pistol-wielding cowboy, a mere ten feet behind them.

Kate recognizes one of the rider-less horses as being Johnny Ringo's. Kate whistled the command to stop that she had taught the horse when it had been at her ranch, hoping to slow the trio and perhaps make the man talk so she could hear his voice. The scrolls left were precious, and she didn't want to waste it finding out if this man was Ringo in disguise. Still, she got it out, just in case. Nanuet sees his friends who entered are now exiting. I hope they see the wet ground and remember the plan he thinks. Minerva turns and fires her rifle at the first man she sees on the horse.

In response to Kate's command the horse comes to an abrupt halt, causing the other two horses to stop and preventing the man from firing again at Ruby and Jake, who now start to put some distance between themselves and the animals. The man tugs at the horse to go but it won't budge. Meanwhile, four mounted riders in two side-by-side pairs behind the horse trio also have to stop.

Jake doesn't hear any explosions behind him. He hears two more shots get fired and feels the bullets striking the back of his coat but none penetrate. Once Ruby gets outside the cave she moves to the right side, outside the powder, and pulls out the fireball rod. Breathing hard she also pulls out the scroll, then puts her back against the wall. She waits for Jake and will grab him when he comes out. Chester sees Ruby go left out of the cave. He goes right to avoid bumping into her. He readies his rifle to fire, keeping it pointed away from any of his friends.

"Let them come out!" Ruby calls out. When they don't come out Ruby goes back towards the entrance and looks in. "Damn it," Kate said, and whistled the command to move the horse forward, then watched for it to come out, ready to tell it to turn right when it cleared the cave mouth. Nanuet waits patiently for a target to appear. He is surprised when nobody follows his fleeing friends. He remains focused though and continues to aim at the cave mouth waiting for a target, hoping the powder will do it's job.

Jake drops his shotgun after firing it and draws his long barreled Colt while running. He stops to fire two incendiary rounds at the rider of the center horse. Both of Jake's shots are good, one striking the man and the other the roof above him, showering down rocks and breaking a beam, but not enough to cause a roof collapse. The man and his horse are engulfed in the fireballs and both die. The horses on either side are injured and the blast is enough to spur both of them onward. The two riders immediately behind begin firing their guns at the cave mouth. "Mierda!" Jake zig-zags for the cave mouth and dives outside attempting to tumble out of the way.

Those outside see bullets fly from the cave mouth, some igniting in fireballs where they eventually land. The horse that Kate commands to come forward makes its way out from the cave. When it crosses over the powder nothing is visible. Ruby gets out of the powder again. She tucks the scroll back into her bodice and keeps the cowgirls rifle ready with the rod easily reachable. Jake scrambles to the side away from the cave mouth and draws his fast draw Colt so he has a gun in each hand.

Nanuet see the horse come out of the cave and holds his breath for a moment, then exhales when there is no rider revealed. He watches the horse though and attempts to see if it moves as if bearing a rider before refocusing on the cave mouth. Kate whistled for the horse again, this time to come to her and stand. Between the horse and the wall she would be fairly well protected. She pulled out her pistol with the wand tucked against it and peeked into the caves, sticking her hand inside and activating the wand to hit the head of whatever man she could see. The shooting stops from inside the cave mouth. Nobody exits.

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Silver Moon

Chapter 237, “Ringo‘s Arrival and Departure”, Sunday, April 2nd , 1882, 5:15 AM

As the first light of dawn makes its way over the horizon Nanuet and Chester now see Deputy Eduardo Rodriguez approaching them from alongside the cliff wall 100 feet away. He is holding a rifle and has a revolver on his belt. The Deputy gets closer to Chet and Nanuet and asks "What's the status?" Chester asks Nanuet, "What's he doing here?”

To the Deputy Chester says, “ I'm glad for the help, but we're lawmen only within city limits." He then adds, “Glad you could make it. The cowboys are trying to make a break for it on horseback." Minerva suspiciously watches the Deputy while loading a magical shell into her rifle and mutters to herself. "How did he know we were here?"

Ruby calls to Jake, "You want me to light it up in there?" Jake grins, "You are music to my ears." At the same time Kate fired the pistol, with no thought of actually hitting, just to make the noise. Kate's bullet and wand beam both enter the cave, but it is uncertain whether anybody is hit. The action causes Ruby to now notices Kate and screams "Katherine! Get away from there or I will shoot you myself! What the hell are you thinking?"

Turning back to the cave Ruby took a big breath in. To use the wand in the area she would have to make herself a target. As she runs she calls out, "Everyone get out of the way!" She makes sure she is not standing in the thirty-foot radius of the powder, moving towards the cave area, makes sure none of her friends are in the way, then fires a shot into the cave, aiming for a little behind where she assumes the riders to now be.

Kate clucked her tongue to the horse to follow and moved back from the cave mouth, using the horse as cover. She waited for anyone to come out. Chester yells to Jake, "Is there another way out of the cave?" Jake now sees Rodriguez and approaches him quickly, "Deputy I found something valuable I think Ringo dropped. Take it before he comes out." Jake holsters his long barrel Colt and secretly draws his dagger. As Jake nears the deputy his hunch is confirmed… Rodriguez has Johnny Ringo's eyes!

"Fighting Cowboys is thirsty work." Jake says. He tries to read Ringo's thoughts as an aid to pushing the man's gun aside. Ruby runs out with the Fireball Rod to point it at the cave. Deputy Rodriguez advances the chamber of his gun and starts to raise the weapon as Ruby fires into the cave. Jake grabs for the gun with one hand and stabs the fake Rodriguez with his magic dagger and then yells, "Katherine, cast it here!"

Kate looked down at the scroll still in her left hand and began quickly casting, centering the spell right on the Deputy where Jake was stabbing with his dagger. When Nanuet sees the deputy raise his gun and realizes that only his friends are present other than him. He targets Rodriguez's head and fires. Chester says, "Jake, what are you doing?" He then realizes that Eduardo is using a gun, not a knife, and he's aiming it at Ruby. He's too close for a rifle shot, so he swings the butt end at Eduardo's head.

Jake grabs the gun but the shot still fires. Jake has managed to deflect the bullet but it is the special targeted one that curves in midair and strikes Ruby in the chest, puncturing her lungs, and she falls. Ruby falls to the ground and doesn't even have time to cry out in surprise or pain. She weakly coughs up a little bit of blood before her eyes roll back in her head and she passes out, the blood stain growing quickly. However, she had managed to get the shot off with the Fireball rod which flies directly into the cave and strikes the lead horse. The entire front room of the cave erupts with an explosion equal to a dozen sticks of dynamite, amplified by the close quarters, instantly killing everybody inside. The blast out of the cave mouth also covers or blows away most of Nanuet's powder.

Jake's dagger jabs at Rodriguez but fails to cut. Nanuet's bullet strikes the Deputy in the head and it just bounces off. After he fires his shot, Nanuet rushes forward and disregarding any battle begins tending to Ruby. He calls out for Minerva to help him and takes a stone of his necklace. Minerva runs to Nanuet and the two pray, using the necklace to heal her. "Please Goddess, do not let her die. Come on Ruby, wake up!"

"You lose Cook" Ringo states as he points the gun in Nanuet's general direction. Jake picks up from the medallion that next targeted bullet has Nanuet's name is next. Jake grabs Ringo's arm with both hands and attempts to drive the gun point to the ground. The Deputy is just pulling the trigger when the Dispel Magic hits where he is standing and he is revealed to everyone present to be Johnny Ringo. As the bullet is still within the dispel it looses its magical properties and continues on its normal path rather than curving towards the fixed target, missing Nanuet by a good six feet.

When the bullet flies past Nanuet, Minerva turns and sees Ringo. She rises up shoots her rife with the magic bullet at Johnny Ringo. Preoccupied with Ruby's fate, Minerva's shot doesn't even come close. Nanuet removes a four-inch stone from the necklace he places it over Ruby's wound and says the command word and hopes for the best. Ruby continues to lay lifeless, as the blood drips out her mouth and the blood spot on her chest grows larger.

Kate kept herself sheltered behind Ringo's horse as she cast a Magic Missile spell at him herself instead of using the wand, aiming for his gun hand. Kate's missiles all strike Ringo's hand. He had not expected it, assuming that his magical protections were still on, and screams out in pain but retains the weapon. Jake's medallion tells him Ringo's thoughts, indicating that the next three chambers have Pyrotechnic shells followed by the one with Chester's name on it.

Seeing Ringo's actual face and the realization that he may have just murdered Ruby causes Jake’s mind to snap into overdrive as he slaps the man's gun aside and fast draws his Colt, rapidly emptying the gun into him. Minerva aims more carefully prays for a Devine Favor and fires at Ringo again. Chester's rifle butt bounces off of Ringo with no effect. He drops the weapon and draws his Remington. At point-blank range, he lets loose with a regular bullet followed by the two enhanced with the Magic Weapon spell. Kate cast using her own spell again, this time aiming for Ringo's head.

Nanuet's necklace, hands and face glow bright green. The colors flow into Ruby as the healing magic begins to work. Nanuet continues to focus on the magic of the necklace. He tries to remember everything that Kajika taught him about shamanistic healing. He recites his own healing prayers pouring his thoughts and soul into the spell combining his magic with that of the necklace. His voice grows louder as he prays to heal his friend.

Minerva and Chester both manage to strike Ringo's gun arm, causing him to drop his Colt. The weapon goes off as it hits the ground, the bullet striking the side of the cliff forty feet away for another explosion. Jake empties the first three bullets of his gun at Ringo's chest, two of which deflect off of his magical coat but the third punctures a hole in the coat near the heart. Ringo remains standing with a shocked look on his face and mutters "How..."

Kate's magic missiles then strike Ringo's head. His eyes roll back and he collapses dead onto the ground. Kate let out an explosive breath and ran to Ruby, watching the light of Nanuet's healing wash over her. In anguish, Jake snatches his dropped dagger from the ground, jumps on Ringo's chest, pulls open his duster and begins to stab him repeatedly. “Live so I can kill you again you bastard“, burns through Jake's mind.

After a few moments she looked up at Jake and said, "Jake! He's not going to get any deader!"
Jake barely hears Katherine but her voice brings him back. With one last and forceful overhead swing he buries his dagger in the dead outlaws chest and leaves it standing there. For a moment the hilt reminds him of a grave marker. He mutters “Ruby, I'm sorry, I didn't stop him in time. I should have taken that... “ Katherine exclaims “Jake!” He turns and sees them all huddled around Ruby on the ground.

Jake slowly gets up to join them, feeling helpless and too afraid to use the amulet to see if she is alive. Ruby's breathing had slowed to almost nothing but as Nanuet's magic starts working he can see her chest rise and fall, slightly stronger than before. She coughs a bit of blood again and moves her head but does not open her eyes.

Chester rushes to Ruby's side and asks, "Nanuet, is she going to make it?" Nanuet continues to work the spell, adding one of his own to it. The bullet finally exits the body and seals over the would. Nanuet senses the spell is still busy internally, removing the blood from the lungs and resealing the internal damage. It takes another ten minutes for the spell to fully accomplish its task. Ruby is unconscious but still breathing and Nanuet looks like he can use a long nap.

Minerva casts one more of spells onto Ruby, bringing her back to consciousness. She looks as though she will need the rest of the day to recover. Jake had been standing beside this this whole time and finally begins to relax. Maska is still alive as well, although some debris had struck her from the tunnel explosion, requiring Nanuet to use another spell on her. This helps the wolf but Nanuet has overtaxed himself and falls unconscious, requiring Minerva's last healing spell to wake him up again.

Chester wraps his arm around Jake's shoulder. She's going to live. You know Nanuet and Minerva will do everything in their power to bring her back from the edge. I'm going to pray for her, will you join me?" "Um, thank you Chet. Er, ya, I'd do anything to help her." Jake thinks to himself, “I'd sooner carry her on my back from Hades barefoot over broken glass.”

Once Chester is done the prayer and while the healing spell is going on Chester had followed Ringo's tracks some 150 feet back, finding a tunnel into the mountain that had been used by the outlaw to escape the caves. He quickly discovers exactly why Ringo had chosen Eduardo to transform into, as the tunnel is very small, too narrow and low for a full-sized human to have squeezed into and would have even been difficult for the smaller wood elf form.

Minerva sends Luna into the opening, which they discover leads to a side passage near the rear stable room that Jake and Nanuet had been to before. Five horses remain in that room. Luna checks out the remainder of the caves finding no people inside up to the points of the two cave-ins. Until the front cave in is cleared, which will probably take some time with even a crew of experienced miners, there will be no way to get the horses out. Fortunately there is enough food and water to sustain the animals. Luna does not see any of the books. Jake and Nanuet surmise they are in the bunkhouse room, the passage way to that room now being blocked by the smaller of the two collapsed roofs.

It is now 5:45 AM light of the new day begins to shine in from over the mountains. Ruby, Nanuet and Maska all do not appear to be in any condition to travel. Qualtaqa and Costas have already left the region and would be well on their way back to town. Minerva tends to Ruby, Maska and Nanuet using cloaks and blankets from the horses to try and make them as comfortable as possible. Minerva suggests that they write out a note and have Luna fly it to the priest and the centaur. She calls to Luna and sends her off with a brief letter which states, "We have finished our business here but members of our party are unable to ride and require your assistance."

Ruby's eyes start to peek open ever so slightly, and she weakly coughs up a little bit of blood. She looks at the faces around her but everything is blurry and gets more so as her chest starts to burn. "Uuuuhhhh," she moans softly, "What happened?" Jake kneels very close to Ruby and tries to put on a cheerful smile. "You didn't duck, you told me you would duck." He holds her hand and whispers, "I'm sorry, I thought I could stop him." She turns her head towards him and blinks a few times bringing Jake into focus. "But we can't get married..."

Jake tilts his head slightly to one side and looks mightily confused. "Of course you are right," he replies with furrowed eyebrows. "Don't worry though, you are going to be fine." She says, "...If I'm dead...we can't get married, like my dream." With those words Ruby's eyes start to close. "It's ok, you stopped him and saved me." Ruby rests her face against Jake's hand then falls back asleep.

Katherine wanted to go to Ruby, but she and Jake had pulled that curtain of privacy around themselves that shut out all others. It was probably just as well, Ruby was angry with her again and getting her upset wouldn't help her. But Katherine has somehow known she had to be here, had even broken her promise to come. Perhaps it was just her imagination, maybe she wanted an excuse for having come, but if she hadn't been here.....

[DM’s Note: That concludes the final combat encounter of the module. Five remaining chapters will follow covering this character day from morning to early evening, with several more interesting encounters and wrapping up the various loose ends of the module as well as providing foreshadowing for the next two modules.]

Silver Moon

Chapter 238, "The Morning After" Sunday, April 2, 1881, 6:45 A.M.

Unsure when help might arrive, Kate spent the next half hour checking everyone for minor cuts and scrapes that she could take care of with her non-magical knowledge of healing. Once everyone was seen to, she followed their tracks back to where they left the horses and brought them down.

She also looked over Ringo's horse to see if he had been taking good care of it. All the while she fought a numbness inside her. Ringo was dead, his body lying on the ground covered by a horse blanket, grossly mutilated in the chest from Jake's repeated stabbings. He would not haunt them any further. From here on out her friends would be safe, she could move into her own home, life would stop marching in a circle and could move forward. It was hard to fathom.

At 7:15 A.M. a small caravan of two wagons and the stagecoach arrive from Morand Cartage Company, with the centaur Qualtaqa alongside. The first one off a cart is Deputy Eduardo Rodriguez, and it is a comfort to all to see that he isn't wearing any guns. Along with Eduardo are Zach Morand and his employees Liam Murphy, Doug Manson, Julio O'Grady and Bud Newkirk. Also with the group are Neil Cassidy, Ashley King and Emery Shaw. The other one with this group is Conrad Booth, who heads directly over to Kate just as fast as his feet will carry him.

"Gentlemen, we're grateful to see you," Kate said smiling. A moment later she saw Conrad come rushing to her. She stood with her mouth open for a moment before she recovered herself. "Conrad, I... You should still be asleep. How did you know to come?" Conrad replies, "Eduardo arrested me earlier this morning for assault. I had managed to convince him that I acted in self defense and was about to head home when Qualtaqa came by the Marshall's Office with the message. Kate, are you alright?"

She replies, "Yes, I'm fine. Not a scratch on me. I seem to have a talent for escaping these things unscathed. Which is not to say I want to try it again. Ruby wasn't so lucky," she said quietly looking toward her friend. "She's angry with me for coming, but I had to be here. We needed more than one person who could make Ringo vulnerable." She shivered. "That's him, under the blanket."

Conrad looks over at the blanket, and also the blanket covering the man who Jake shot that was invisible. "Well then, it's over now Kate. You can stop worrying. Time for you to move on with your life, to become that rancher and school teacher that you were planning to be."

She nodded. "I can finally move Tom from Tombstone to the ranch like he wanted. It will be odd, to be able to walk down the street alone and not look over my shoulder all the time. To go back and forth to the ranch as I please, to start my school. I've been putting that off you know. I didn't want to endanger the children, or give any hints that the building was mine. It's the only reason I haven't moved in yet. The future seems very open now. I'm afraid I'm a little overwhelmed by it all." She reached out and laid her hand on his arm. "I'm glad you came."

He answers, "I was worried. You are right, your future is now open. And I will play whatever part in that future that you wish of me." She replies, "Thank you for not pushing me, and for not yelling at me for coming here. I haven't had time to reconsider.... I'm not sure what your role is to be, only that you're sure to have one," she said with a warm smile. Conrad smiles back, with just the slightest look of disappointment on his face. Kate reached out and took his hands. "I do have a few ideas you might help me with," she said and lifted her face to kiss him. "Courting is too much fun to skip."

Zack Morand tells Minerva "You need to be heading back if you're going to run that worship service at nine." Eduardo and two of the Cartage company employees agree to remain on site along with the centaur. Jake and the others decide to head back to town. They had already searched the two now covered bodies and the other nine dead Cowboy Gang members were totally buried.

The unconscious Ruby, Nanuet and Maska are all helped into the stagecoach, the floorboards of which have been repaired since Ruby's last outing in it. The others climb up on top or into the second wagon, leaving the third wagon behind with the others. On the ride back to town Jake has a nice chat with Emery Shaw, thanking him for the rifle.

They reach Promise City at around 8:00 AM. Marshall Berg is waiting for them at the Lucky Lady. Chester fills the Marshall in on what transpired while the others help Ruby and Nanuet into the Lucky Lady. Before heading upstairs to bed Maria insists upon cooking them all up a big breakfast.

As Chester, Conrad, Jake, Kate, Minerva, Nanuet and a now barely conscious Ruby sit down to eat Berg tells them about his rescue of the real Samuel Clemens in Tombstone. One Cowboy Gang member was killed and two were arrested and are in Virgil Earp's jail. Twain has decided not to tell people what actually happened, as it would just be seen as a publicity stunt given the dual-identity nature of his new book. He will carry on today as though he was the one who had made the speech the previous night.

Berg then tells them that since Chester had led the mission out to the cave he will consider their group to have been a lawfully authorized posse to go after the attempted murderers and horse thieves. Mighty nice of him, thinks Jake, to not hang us for saving his bloody town.

It was hard for Katherine to see the disappointment in Conrad's eyes throughout the morning. She kept hold of his hand when she could, trying to reassure him. Once they had a moment after talking to Berg Kate said to Conrad. "He's here, the real Twain! You should go see him, I know it's what you wanted."

"Will you come with me?" Conrad asks. Up until this point he had been a man of great confidence, but now he had the expression of a terrified little boy. She replies, "Of course I will. Would you like a grand lady, rather than this girl in riding leathers?" He says, "Why don't you change."

Conrad tells the others that he and Kate are going to go visit Mr. Twain. Minerva says, "Oh good, he will like that. In his letter he mentioned wanting to see where Billy the Kid had died." Conrad's mood suddenly changes. As they leave he says, "Kate, this is wonderful. He wants to see me, not just the other way around." She replies, "And you were so downcast last night. It will work out well."

Ruby wearily makes her way to the stairs, past a crying Maria and the other concerned members of the Saloon who had heard about their little adventure. Jake holds up his hand to keep them away, indicating not now. Upstairs he helps Ruby gently pull off her clothes, revealing the tender purple bruise already forming on her chest. Ruby looks away in disgust while Jake helps clean her up. He selects the cleanest of his shirts off the floor for her and she crawls into bed. She takes his hand in hers and holds it tightly. It isn't long before her eyes close and she is asleep.

After Ruby is asleep and Berg leaves Jakes sees Nanuet and approaches him with a broad smile on his face and a glass of whiskey in each hand. "How are you today, Nanuet? I feel like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders and the sun is shining again." Nanuet suspects the smile may be a bit forced. Jake tries to put the glass in the Indian's hand.

The smile disappears from Jake's face and in a more quiet voice he says, "Actually, no it hasn't. I have been concerned. First you seemed distant and upset with me, and then.... and then I shot Maska. You know I didn't mean for that to happen. I had no idea she was going to leap just when I shot. Nanuet, I... the thing is... Hades! Nanuet, I am sorry. Has she recovered properly? I feel terrible."

Nanuet looks Jake up and down for a moment. The wheels in is mind are definitely spinning. Should I try and play him at his own game? It was really an accident and she is fine, but this could be funny... He replies, "No worries white man, the wolf will live. She might not take to kindly to you the next time she sees you, but you have my forgiveness." Jake suddenly remembers the feel of the she wolf's teeth on his hand.

Nanuet claps Jake on the back and slams the whiskey back. "As for me, just a lot on my mind is all. I think things will be much better now, I don't feel as though I have to look over my shoulder everywhere I turn. I'm sure you know what I mean." "Yes, I do," he says somewhat distracted. "I am pleased this has not harmed our friendship." Pause. "So does Maska wander around the town on her own?"

Nanuet chuckles softly and heads to the bar to fill his glass. "Only when she's hungry and can't find food in the hills. She finds easier picking’s around town, livestock and the like. Fat handfed chickens tend to move a bit slower than wild hares." Jake imagines himself having to carry around a live hen at night to bribe Maska and shakes his head. He follows Nanuet to the bar. "You think I could make it up to her? I mean it works with people, but they are a greedy lot."

Nanuet scratches his head and puts on his best face for pondering, taping his index finger on his chin. He gulps down his second whiskey and places the glass back on the bar. Before he turns and leaves he says "She's a fickle one, like most ladies I know. Maybe just tell her you're sorry and we can go from there." Nanuet goes up stairs and leaves Jake to consider his words. Jake watches Nanuet retire to his room and mutters, "Yes, but when I say that a woman is going to bite my head off, I don't usually mean it literally."

The morning includes the Worship Service. Minerva has returned to the town hall in time for the sermon. Her exhaustion is well hidden as she smiles radiantly to the congregation, noticing that many faces in the crowd appear rather green about the gills this morning, especially among the men.

Before the service begins Marshall Berg gives a slightly-sanitized summary of events for all assembled. He says that the Cowboy Gang had wanted to disrupt the festival to the gods by attempting to assassinate Arch-Bishop Dimitrios Tsaldaris who had come to lead the service and also Ruby West who was leading the dance to Aphrodite the previous night. He says that both were seriously wounded but through the grace of the gods as well as fast-thinking priests and doctors will both survive and are now recovering.

He then says that two different posses, led by himself and Deputy Martin, managed to track and find the culprits. He states that three Cowboy Gang members are now behind bars and another twelve were killed, including the Gang's leader Johnny Ringo. He says that the festival can now continue without further interruption.

Not having had time to prepare a sermon she prays to the goddess for the words and keeps it short, giving thanks to Dionysus for what is surly to be a bountiful season for the farmers and ranchers after such a successful Festival. She turns the podium over to the Bishop.

Bishop Costas Papandraus begins by stating his credentials as Deputy Administrator of the Church in the Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming and Utah Territories and that his being granted full authority over local matters by his superior. He declares his full support for Priestess Florencia, Promise City's permanent pastor. She is startled out of her exhaustion when she hears Bishop Costas Papandraus announcement.

The congregation stands and applauds in overwhelming support. She notices that Mrs. King and other Vigilance Committee members take longer to stand and are not smiling as they half heartedly clap their hands.” She beams a cheshire cat grin in their direction as she returns to the podium. "I want to thank you all for making me feel so welcome in my new home. In my new town. The festival has proven that we are a great family and like a family we are able to work through our differences, able to work together regardless of race or sex or religious preferences to accomplish great things for Promise City. May the gods continue to guide our hearts and hands and may we continue to do Their work!"

"But the festival is not ended yet." She reminds them. "So let us continue the Celebration! I will see you all at the picnic." she concludes. Worried about Ruby and Nanuet, she tries to make a quick exit but is hampered by the many people who wish to congratulate her and offer their support. She spends what seems like an eternity smiling and hugging people before she is able to make her escape to the Lucky Lady.

Kate and Conrad chatted on the short walk back to the Lucky Lady. She changed quickly, doing up her hair and putting on the red dress that she had originally intended to wear on Saturday. After last night's gown, this ones tendency to make her look fuller in the bust seemed nothing at all. She hurried back downstairs and they walked to the hotel where Mr. Twain was staying.

Conrad and Kate spend the next five hours in the company of Mr. Twain. Following the tour of Conrad's second floor, with running narration of by Conrad of what transpired they head over to the El Pardor. They stay at a table for the entire afternoon. When members of Arcade's Gang stop by for a bite Conrad introduces them to the author.

Kate mentions her family in Boston and of her father being friends with Ralph Waldo Emerson and John Greenleaf Whittier. Twain is well acquainted with both men and makes no bones about the fact that he and Whittier disagree on most subjects, including what makes a good poem.

Twain tells them about his harrowing experience in Tombstone and listens intently when they describe for him Johnny Ringo's impersonation of him. Twain says that his biggest regret to the whole incident is that Ringo stole his favorite three-piece tailored suit.

The conversation eventually gets around to Booth's father, and it is Twain who brings the subject up due to the strong resemblance. Conrad tells his story, leaving no parts out, including his disastrous reunion many years earlier. Twain says, "Let me see what I can do when I reach New York. That may not be for some time though, as I plan to cruise the Mississippi River first as research for my next book."

Kate states, "You're very kind. Anything you can do would be appreciated. The cruise down the Mississippi sounds fascinating." They continued to talk for a short while longer, until Conrad finally found his head drooping with fatigue. After Kate and Conrad left Manuel Gonzales sits down at the El Parador table to chat with the famous author.

Jake notices an extremely large bouquet of colorful cut flowers comes bouncing into the Lucky Lady. The small boy carrying them struggles to heave them onto the bar, almost spilling them over. Niles looks down over the counter at the boy. He grins and says, "For Miss Ruby West," and he skips out. Niles shakes his head as this bouquet filled the last available spot on the bar, the entire thing covered in get well flowers for Ruby. Niles says to Jake, "I guess her dance last night affected a lot of people."

Jake seems lost in thought but recovers... "Ah, yes I suppose it did. I wonder if she even suspects what she may have done." He says that more to himself than Niles. "There is no middle ground with that woman." Jake peruses the flowers curious who sent them.

Minerva enters the Lucky Lady and notices Jake and Niles talking amongst what is beginning to be a garden of flowers on the bar. She walks over and picks a flower out of the pile and raises it to her nose. "The Bar certainly looks beautiful decorated this way but does this not get in the way of serving drinks t the customers? She pulls a tag off of one of the bouquets. "It looks like you have some competition." she teases Jake. " How is Ruby? And do you know where Nanuet is?"

Jake replies, "I always have competition for Ruby, that will not likely change. She is well but tired. She is resting between interruptions from well wishers. As for Nanuet, he is around someplace, though I have not seen in for a little while."

I'm here." Nanuet says, looking a little more refreshed after his rest. "How did your sermon go, I must apologize for missing it, I certainly did not have that intention." Nanuet walks quicker down the rest of the stairs to join Minerva.

Minerva smiles in relief and quickens her pace when she sees that Nanuet is his old self. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him soundly on the lips. "You should have been there, Mi Amor. You are now looking at the Permanent Pastor of the Church of Olympus!" she says and twirls around in her excitement. "Oh! it was grand! you should have seen the look on Senora King's face when the Bishop made the announcement. She looked like she'd just been force-fed a mouthful of Dorita's tea!" she chortled in delight at the thought. "Oh, and I got a standing ovation! I have to go to the picnic so that the congregation can congratulate me. Will you escort me?"

Nanuet smiles at Minerva's celebratory mood. "Of course I will escort you. Just let me wash up a bit and I will be right there. A picnic you say? That's our specialty." Nanuet leaves for a few minutes and returns tidied up and ready to go. "I hope there is food at this picnic, I could eat a horse right about now." he says as he offers Minerva his arm. Minerva takes his arm. "With your appetite I'm sure you could but I do not think that horse will be part of the offerings." She chuckles. The make light banter as stroll arm in arm to the picnic.

Silver Moon

Chapter 239, "Picnics and Flowers" Sunday, April 2, 1881, 12:00 P.M.

The picnic is a heart warming event. Children are running around playing tag while parents mingle and catch up on the latest gossip. An informal band with fiddlers have set up on the grass and the young adults are dancing. Nanuet’s eyes widen and a huge grin spreads across his face as he espies the mountain of food There are four burly men struggling to remove a huge pig with an apple stuffed into it's mouth from a spit that has been dug into the ground. row after row of tables are laden with every imaginable food, including casseroles, pies and deserts.

Several of the towns folk rush over and gather around the young priestess to congratulate her and offer their support and suggestions, assuring her that she will have a 'real' church to preach in in no time at all. When everyone has settled down and gone on to the festivities, Minerva and Nanuet spread out a blanket where they can watch the children play and the young folks dance. Nanuet grabs her arm and drags her over to the food tables where he immediately starts heaping several plates to overflowing with food.

They fill their plates and head back to the blanket, enjoying the food and the surroundings. Nanuet smiles as some children run by chasing a wayward toy ball giggling as they go. After a few minutes of hearty eating Nanuet starts the conversation. "So, it is done. Your festival has brought everyone together and earned you the job as the town's preacher. I am so proud of you, although I never doubted you could do it."

"Gracias," she sighs. "I must admit I was not sure if I was going to get through this with my skin intact." she says rubbing her arms and giving him a crooked grin. "So much adversity in this town. It really is a miracle that they all managed to work together. but it is the gods will...." she shrugs her shoulders. He says, "Yes, the Gods will, amazing. I need some more lemonade, I will be right back."

Nanuet fetches more drinks for himself and Minerva. He hands her the glass before continuing the conversation. "So this morning, before the battle started, you asked me a question. A question about being shown the ways of love. I am sorry if my response offended you or hurt your feelings. In no way did I mean to reject you, I just couldn't think about it at that time. I would be honored to share the physical bond of love with you, when you are ready."

"I know that I should have more faith in the gods" she says looking down at her hands in her lap. "But their will is not always my own and I was terrified that I would lose you before I could tell you what was in my heart." she says with anguish in her eyes. "I know that it was not the right time but the words just came out." She looks up into his eyes smiling sheepishly. "I did mean what I said though. I do not believe in coincidence. I know we are fated to be together, but I love you so much and it is this love that we have for one another that will truly bind us, Mi Amor. I love you with my heart and my soul and I am ready to love you with my body as well if you will show me how."

Nanuet lifts Minerva's chin slightly so that he can look into her eyes. "Do not lower your head my love. I am honored. Gods willing, tonight I shall show you the ways of love as you say. We will complete the union the Gods started that fateful day on the streets of this town when you saved my life." He leans forward and kisses her lightly on the lips, holding that position for a moment before speaking again. "But for now we feast and enjoy the festivities!"

Minerva and Nanuet spend a light hearted afternoon enjoying the town picnic and accepting congratulations for Minerva's new appointment as preacher. They are invited to join in several games including a tug of war and a potato sack race and actually win the three legged race when Nanuet pulls her up and half carries, half drags her across the finish line with him. There is much cheering and some good natured arguing as to whether or not their new preacher and her companion have won this competition honestly, but they are awarded a pie for their efforts anyway which Nanuet promptly devours

During the final two hours of the festival there are a number of cooking competitions. Hudson's bakery wins most but for none of the cookie baking contents, where Stanley Barker has a clean sweep of the blue ribbons.

Following the competition the Barkers stop by the Lucky Lady to see Ruby and Jake. Helen takes Jake aside and gives him a firm handshake. She says, "The Marshall told us that it was your bullet that took Ringo down. Good work Jake. The Merchant's Association made a mistake in January when they took your badge away." Jake replies, "That is mighty kind Mrs. Barker, but I didn't really want the job anyway. I'll do my part now and then. It all works out for the best you know, somebody better at it got the job. I hope she likes the job better than I did."

She answers, "Actually Jake, it's starting to get mighty comfortable. Besides, we need somebody around here who knows how to shoot a gun. I've taken Mitch out shooting five or six times now. Don't spread it around, but he'd have a hard time hitting a barn door from twenty feet away." Jake replies, "Heh. Well don't spread this around either but if it gets to the point that Mitchell needs to draw his gun, give me a holler. Just keep me away from Isby's hanging tree and I'll help keep this town together." Jake looks across the room at Ruby. "All I really want is here. I can relax in my own place, play some poker and have mighty good company. Thanks for coming by."

Stanley tells Ruby how worried he was when he heard that she was shot. He presents her with all of the extra cookies that he had baked for the competition, a full four-dozen comprised of six different kinds. He wishes her a speedy recovery. Ruby is surprised at Stanley's seemingly genuine concern and extremely appreciative of the cookies. "You know, I am glad you decided to return here to the Lucky Lady, it's been nice having you here to play... and to bring cookies," she smiles.

Not long after the Barkers leave Ruby has another visitor, Jane Boag. Once Jake has left the room and they are alone Jane insists upon checking Ruby's wound to make sure that the healing spells were properly applied. She then tells Ruby, "I don't know what to say. They shot you, but had planned to kill me. Oh Ruby, I am so ashamed of everything that I've done." Ruby offers her a seat and a drink and says in a kind tone, "I'll be alright. But why don't you tell me what it is you think you've done?"

Jane exclaims, "Oh Ruby, it's what I almost did. Those rumors that you heard, they're all true. I thought that the ends justified the means, that I was to bring Love to the town whether the people wanted it or not. I now know why my thinking was skewed, it was the Palace. I had been there too long. Adair sees the world not as people but as power, schemes and opportunities. I had adopted his way of thinking without even realizing it, I was corrupted by his evil. I used the draw of the boxing matches to then keep the audience spellbound and to do Aphrodite's bidding, but that was wrong, I see it now.

The Arch-Bishop, Dimitrios Tsaldaris, I thought he was my enemy, sent here to stop me from the worship of Aphrodite. The opposite is true, he was sent here as my savior. The Goddess spoke to me last night, told me to go to the priest and do what I can to help. When I arrived Doctor Eaton was in his third consecutive hour of surgery and was loosing the patient. My timely arrival and some healing spells gave the Doctor the reprieve he needed and together we saved the man.

I stayed with Dimitrios until he awakened. He already knew who I was and what I had done. He even suspected that he was a target of the assassin prior to being shot, but was willing to sacrifice his own life if it would save mine. We spent the morning together, him giving me long overdue counsel, and I now know my future is one of Love. Ruby, I am happy for the first time since my mother died."

Ruby smiles and places her hand over Jane's. "It was fairly obvious you were hiding something from me. After my dance I was going to keep a close eye on you to make sure you weren't doing anything to hurt others, or yourself. I was prepared to do what I had to. Of course, then the bullets started flying." Ruby shrugs. "Jane, this is good news that you will continue to work for the goddess and the priest has guided you to the right path for you. But you have to find a new place of employment, obviously. Did you have any ideas? What other skills might you be willing to use?"

Jane replies, "Oh but I have already found that. Last night the Goddess brought a new man into my life, my future is with him." "A man?" Ruby raises an eyebrow. "Is it wise to trust your future to a man?" Ruby realizes the old her is creeping out and she stuffs her instincts back down. "I mean, tell me about him. What would you be doing?"

Jane says, "I ran into him last night at the ball. He was a good friend of my mother, from back in Kansas City. He recognized me and told me how saddened he was to hear of her tragic death in the fire. We spoke for around ten minutes about her and how we both miss her dearly. I then ran into him today, during lunch over at the Silver Dollar. We spoke at length about happier times back in Missouri. I told him of my decision to leave the Palace. He was surprised but gladdened to hear that, saying that my singing talents were wasted there.

He then offered me a job. He owns a saloon in Tucson. He says that it is rather run down but that he now has money to reinvest into it. He has offered me the opportunity to turn it into a place my mother would be proud of, where Aphrodite can be properly worshipped as a true Deity, not just a god whose name is mentioned in brothels but don't truly believe in. Ruby, I believe this man, my mother trusted him, how can I do any less."

Ruby smiles widely, "That sounds wonderful! I didn't know you could sing. Does this savior of yours have a name?" Jane answers, "Michael....I'm afraid I can't tell you his last name, he told me but asked me not to share it. He...had some trouble with the law back so has been living under aliases. His tavern in fact is listed under the name of his business partner, Mr. Van Horne."

Ruby replies, "Mister Van Horne, huh? He's the card shark hanging around Promise City. Introduced me to Kentucky Bourbon, actually. I didn't think he was so bad. I think Jake warned him to stay out of our poker games though." Ruby scrunches her nose, "But that means you'll be leaving! We've just met." A small pout comes to her face. "I wish you didn't have to leave but I understand." Ruby stands and hugs her friend, although keeps a little distance for her injury. "Are you going to keep in touch with me?"

Jane answers, "Yes, oh yes. You and Jake will have to come and visit us when we have the grand reopening of the saloon, like the one you had here. I'm sure that Michael won't mind." Ruby replies, "You can absolutely count on us being there," she smiles knowingly. "When are you leaving?" She replies, "Michael has already left, he said that he would meet me there. Mr. Van Horne is leaving tomorrow morning and has agreed to be my traveling companion." Ruby says, "Tomorrow is so soon! Alright sweetie, take care of yourself." Ruby hugs her again then says, "Take care of yourself, sister." After Jane leaves Ruby lays down for a well needed nap.

Conrad escorted Kate back to the Lucky Lady so she could check on Ruby and Nanuet. They said good afternoon quietly, aware of the very public porch. "It will all be well, you'll see," Kate assured him, before letting him go to his work. Kate went inside the Lucky Lady to spend some quiet time with her friends but is informed that Nanuet left with Minerva and that Ruby is sleeping.

Before Kate can decide what to do next she is summoned to meet with the Arch-Bishop at the Promise City Hotel. He is recovering in his bed and tells her "The Goddess Diana came to me in a dream. She wanted me to tell you that your son will be safe." Katherine sat very quietly. The summons had frightened her. As much as personally she found herself liking the Arch-Bishop, her trust had extended only so far as their interests coincided.

She replies, "Of course he will be. Now that the Cowboys are gone, there's no reason to be afraid. You... know the circumstances of my son's conception?" The Arch-Bishop nodded. "I do. But the end of Johnny Ringo is not what makes your son safe. He is under Diana's protection, and as long as he is within you, that extends to his mother as well." Despite the relief of this day, or perhaps because of it, Kate broke down and cried.

After being on duty since before dawn Chester is finally relieved mid-afternoon when Helen takes over. The town is still very crowded, with most visitors staying around until Monday. Chester walks into the Lucky Lady where several strangers offer to buy him drinks, having heard that he led the posse that got Ringo. Chester takes a couple of people up on their offer. He tells an abridged version of the story to the gathered crowd, leaving out any mention of the supernatural

Jake decides to select some flower to bring up to Ruby to liven up the bedroom. He looks back though the flowers, finding most from friends and customers. Among them, Laurie Gilson, the gang at the El Parador, Neil Cassidy, the Kelley's, Al Brower (with extra thanks for the business he had from the festival), Chumbley and Judge Isby. He notes that the largest bouquet has Miss Ruby West written in fancy script on the outer envelope. He can't resist the urge to peek at what's written inside. The note reads:

Miss West~

I was overcome to hear that you were injured last night. I hope these flowers can help cheer your mood while you recover. Your dance last evening was absolutely inspiring and quite enjoyable. I also look forward to hearing your angelic voice once you feel better.

Do not forget my offer, I long to take you away from here and can give you what no other man can.


He leaves the large bouquet there and takes the two smaller bouquets up to their room.

Shortly thereafter Marshal Berg enters the Lucky Lady. Berg nods to Thom as he walks past him. He heads over to the bar and refuses a drink offered by Niles. He speaks to Niles in hushed tones and appears a bit unnerved. Thom strains an ear a bit to try and overhear the conversation. Niles asks, "You want me to get Chester now? Maybe Jake?" Berg replies, "No, just tell them to come see me when they get a chance, I want to know if they saw anything. Keep your eyes open." With that, Berg exits the Lucky Lady quickly.

Silver Moon

Chapter 240, "Ruby’s Visitors" Sunday, April 2, 1881, 3:30 P.M.

Ruby wakes slowly when she hears the door open. She stretches but goes a little too far, moaning as her injury reminds her of its presence. She looks to Jake, flowers in his hand. "You brought me flowers? You're so sweet darling and they're beautiful." She sits up in bed, taking a moment to let the haze of sleep fall away.

He replies, "I should take credit, but these are from your friends in town. I'll have Maria bring the rest up later." He places one her nightstand and one across the room in her view. "The rest?" Ruby says with a yawn. Then she smiles. "Oh so people were worried about me, huh?" He replies, "You DO have many friends and admirers. I'll let you sort out which is which."

Ruby smiles. "Friends... admirers, they're all the same to me." Slowly, the smile drops off her face. She looks at Jake from the bed before deciding to continue. She says, "So, are you going to tell me what happened? Who shot me?"

Jake looks a little surprised. "You really don't know?" The surprised look changes to something else briefly, one that Ruby doesn't recognize before his face settles back to a more neutral look. "Ringo was impersonating Eduardo. You were shot by Johnny Ringo with the bullet that had your name on it."

"What was that face about?" She ask curiously. He says, "Ah, I was just surprised. I thought you knew." Why don't you just let this go? She says, "No, I didn't know what happened. I didn't see Rodriquez, well, I guess Ringo. I was trying to use the wand then I just felt the bullet. What happened after that? Who killed him?"

Jake says, "He was hit in the hand by a couple of shots, I'm not even sure who fired them because I was wrestling with him, um, trying to get the gun away. Once Katherine cast the scroll and his disguise faded, I drew and shot at him several times at close range. One of them went near his heart. Something struck him in the head and he toppled over. After that....after that I just made sure he was dead. Berg is going around saying my shot killed him." Jake forces a smile on his face, "It matters not a whit, so long as he is dead."

Ruby closes her eyes and ponders what Jake told her for a few minutes. She opens her eyes and looks back to Jake. "You're right, it doesn't matter. We should celebrate the fact that he's dead." Ruby looks at Jake with admiration in her eyes, "How did you know Rodriquez was really Ringo? I don't think I would have known even if I did see him."

Jake says, "Rodriguez never carries a gun and he didn't even know we were going to be there. The pistol he pulled looked just like the one that Ringo pulled out when he was pretending to be Clemens." Jake pauses and looks like he is thinking. "Even when folks use an enchantment to change their looks, there is something about the eyes that does not seem to change. I can't explain it because I don't understand it. I was pretty sure it was him even before I saw his eyes."

Ruby nods and smiles. "You're so smart, you saved my life. Because if you didn't recognize him and you didn't shoot him he probably would have continued to shoot me." Jake says, "No Nanuet saved your life, I failed to stop him from shooting you. I knew what he was thinking, it was awful. I just kept at it to keep him from shooting Nanuet who was your only chance. I thought you were dead. Jake doesn't respond and keeps his face neutral.

Ruby doesn't continue to think on the topic. "Hey, I have something interesting to tell you. I met Red at the ball, he danced with me. Actually he..." The thought occurs to Ruby to just tell Jake about how relieved she was for Red to find her but she doesn't want to make Jake feel bad, so she drops it for the moment. "Well, we danced. He's really nice"

"He's a worse scoundrel than me, it that is possible. He's the best." Jake's smile is faint and genuine. She replies, "Scoundrel? No, he was very gentlemanly and actually... he was there at a very good time. I couldn't find you, I was getting nervous, this man..." Ruby's voice trails off.

"What man?" Jake snaps alert. Ruby states, "He's a customer here, a business man with money. He came by a few months back then left. But now he's back again. He's..." Ruby tries to carefully choose he next words. "He makes me feel..." I can't say what I really feel... "Uncomfortable."

"You point him out to me next time he is in. I will make it CLEAR to him that he is to leave you alone." Jake says with some finality. "Don't be worrying about that right now. Just rest and get better." Ruby is filled with emotion over Jake's protection of her. "I am, resting I mean. And I will show you, although I am kind of hoping he doesn't come back. He said..." she looks at Jake
then looks away, "Well, never mind like you said."

Ruby lies back down in the bed and snuggles herself into the pillows. "Something else. I wanted to see Red again before he left. And guess what? He's taking Jane with him! He offered her a job at his saloon in Tucson... as someone named Michael? But his business partner Mr. Van Horne is escorting her back tomorrow.""

Jake says, "Michael, huh? Maybe that is just a name he used when not in disguise. He has Van Horne and another. Well, had another, I actually have one of his disguises. I've been holding onto it in case I feel like killing Adair." Ruby looks for the usual I'm joking smirk on Jake's face but does not find it. He continues, "Red always was an opportunist and had an eye for the ladies as well. With all the time we spent in Kansas City you'd have thought we'd have met Jane."

The words come out of his mouth before he realizes the implications, he recovers with, "but it is a big city. Still seems like a coincidence...." "Are you saying you slept with Jane?" Ruby asks bluntly. The tension is apparent even though Ruby is trying to keep it hidden.

He exclaims, "No, I am NOT saying I slept with Jane. Hermes! I said I don't remember ever meeting her." Jake puts his hands on his hips. "Ruby, what are you going to do when some day you meet some poor woman who claims to have slept with Silver Jake Cook? Is her last memory going to be you standing over her with blood dripping from a knife?" Jake shakes his head.

"You may just think I don't trust anything, but I don't believe in coincidences and Red wouldn't bring just any woman into his saloon and safe house. There is more to this story....." Jake goes to scratch his beard and again finds it missing. "Blast, I'm growing this back right away." An inkling of an idea creeps into his head and he laughs. "Anyway, let's wait and see if that old lecher O'Brien takes a romantic interest in your friend Jane, or a more paternal

Ruby blinks at Jake yelling at her before snipping back, "I told you I was jealous, damn it. I know you had a life before me, am I supposed to be happy about it? Just say, I'm so happy that there were others who had your attentions? I seem to remember you not taking kindly when my past showed up at the door Mr. Jealousy." Ruby turns her head and crosses her arms even though she is laying down.

Even though she isn't looking at Jake, she continues speaking. Oh, I forgot.... she said that he said he knew her mother. Her mother was a priestess of Aphrodite too. She worked there with Jane." Ruby keeps her arms crossed but turns her head back to Jake. "Perhaps I can be happy with the fact you met and slept with her?"

Jake comments, "Red knew her mother.... hmmm. What? You think I slept with Jane's mother? I don't even know who these people are?" An exasperated sigh escapes his lips. "Ruby, darling, don't have this dominate your thoughts.. We BOTH had lives before, so we both have pasts that will appear from time to time. Until I met you there was no woman I wanted to stay with, and no woman who wanted me for who I really was. There is no woman in my past with whom I wish to go back. Isn't that enough?" A wicked smirk grows on his face, "Besides, I thought I behaved rather well with Eastman all things considered. He was alive when he left Tombstone....."

Ruby finally cracks a smile. "You're not going to let me be even a little bit jealous, are you? Not even a tiny bit? I suppose all your old lovers will be forgotten in comparison to me anyway," she giggles. He replies, "You may be a tiny bit jealous if any of those women from my past, NONE of whom stirred me in the ways you do, have the temerity to show up.

"As for George, he was run off by Helen before you could really get your hands on him. If he had stuck around... who knows." Ruby stretches her arms over her head, "Perhaps I'd be grieving girlfriend right now, after Helen came to shoot you that is," she teases. "I DO look good in black you know."

He replies, "You look marvelous in any color, but under those circumstances I find black my least favorite color." Jake walks over to her, kisses her on the forehead and puts his hand over her eyes in an attempt to close them. "Now, no more worrying today. Rest." "Yes baby," Ruby replies, already half asleep. Jake starts walking out but Ruby calls after him, "Jake! Wait!" She waits for him to turn back to face her. "Kiss me again before you leave." She continues quietly, "Please." He comes back and kisses her again. "Thank you...," her voice tails off and she is asleep. Jake heads downstairs.

In the early evening Kate changed had changed into the dress she had worn for the grand opening of the Lucky Lady, and tucked a purple velvet bag into her pocket. She then headed unescorted over to the Lady to see Ruby. The inside of the saloon was packed with flowers to the point where the air was thick with the scent. Apparently the news of Miss West's injuries had flown rapidly. Although a few could possibly be for Chester.

Kate looked around the room, finally spying Jake. "Do you think Ruby's up to a visitor?" she asked once she made her way through the crowd. "Or that she'll even want to see me? I know she's angry, and I don't want to upset her when she's recovering." Jake indicates that it would probably be good for Kate to head upstairs for a visit.

Kate rapped lightly on the door, then opened it a crack. "Are you up to another visitor? I think you must have every flower in town in this saloon." Ruby hears the familiar voice of her friend and smiles. "Of course, Kate, come in. I just got up from a nap that Jake insisted I have." After Kate enters Ruby asks, "Do you want a drink?" as she pours herself one. She glances over at her friend and laughs lightly, "No, of course you don't." She sits in the padded chair near the window and sighs, "What a crazy thing, huh? It feels strange to be over."

Kate says, "Hmmm... strange doesn't begin to describe it. I didn't realize how much of our lives revolved around it until it was suddenly gone. I haven't known quite what to do with myself today, just that I could do it an not be afraid." Kate looked over at the drink and shook her head a little. "I still have to be careful with drinks. Nothing stronger than wine for me now. You associate drinks with fun, they only make me think of.... well, things that hurt."

"I know our lives completely revolved around it, always wondering when the next bullet was going to come." Ruby laughs again, "I guess I got my answer to that question." She shakes the thought out of her head, "Besides, I'm not sure drinking is good for the baby. You might get drunk and actually decide to marry Conrad to give that baby a father or something foolish like that." Ruby's tone is teasing but Kate picks up a hint of truth in her words.

Kate sat down in a chair next to Ruby and smiled wryly. "This baby is going to have more fathers than he knows what to do with. I seem to know a great many protective men. I already gave Conrad his answer, and it was no. What other people think matters less than what I think of myself. I couldn't marry again, not yet. But it's hard to tell someone that when you see how much it's hurting them." She paused. "Love can pull us in a lot of different directions, Foolishness being one of them."

"I can see that you think you're not ready to get married but to everyone else it's fairly obvious that you love him." Ruby takes a sip of her drink then laughs. "You don't need to tell me about foolish, I have become the queen of foolishness when it comes to Jake and love. I have never been so foolish in my life."

Kate replies, That's the other side of love. It makes us lose our heads a bit. I don't know if I love Conrad. It might just be the idea of him. I miss Tom. His humor, his voice, his touch. But I also miss the feeling of support, of someone always with me, that soft place to fall. You know what I mean, that closeness you feel to Jake, far beyond the love you have for any of the rest of us.

Until I'm sure I'm not just in love with that feeling, that it's the man himself I want, I can't marry him. There is one thing I'm sure of, how much I love all of you." Kate pulled the velvet bag from her pocket. One silver ring already glittered on her right hand. "I haven't seen Ginnie yet since I found it. What's this about?" she asked gently.

Ruby smiles. "Oh, it's a gift. I saw it when I was shopping and thought you would like it." She shrugs, "Something to remember me by." Her smile fades slightly, "I had a feeling...no actually I knew I was going to get shot. What I didn't know was if I would still be sitting here today."

Kate answers, "Which is why I had to go, to make sure you would be. Only you and I could make Ringo vulnerable so the others could take him down. And if something happened to you and I wasn't there.... Well, there might not have been a chance to heal you. And you had to be healed. How would I get along without you?"

Ruby's general good mood faded quickly. "No matter what happened I'm not going to be happy about what you did. I am surprised and disappointed in your choice but it was yours to make. And I'm not going to say I wasn't grateful you were there because you were needed. But that isn't the point at all. What if you had been the one to get shot? And couldn't be healed? That's two lives lost, not one. And sticking your head into a cave that had bullets flying out of it when you promised to stay behind? You couldn't have been more careless." Ruby takes her cup and instead of sipping as she had been she throws the rest of her drink down in one shot.

Kate replies, I'm not asking you to be happy about it, I'm just happy you're still here. I'll admit I wasn't at my brightest last night. I had intended to stay in that tent, but I stopped thinking clearly when some people I love took off toward that cave mouth. Can you explain something to me, Ruby? Do you really think me having a baby is such a bad thing? You're awfully protective."

Ruby exclaims, "And you're awfully naive about this whole thing. You think Diana, who had granted you this gift, is up there watching happily as you risk this child's life? You're practically slapping her in the face. Perhaps you're proving to her that you're not ready. You think you're the only one who cares about others feelings? It's awfully selfish of you to put the rest of us in even more danger, knowing that you're with child and one of us might try to protect what you're so willing to put in harm's way?

No, you having a baby is a great thing for you, since it is what you wanted. But to me you're not acting like things are any different. Even if you weren't pregnant I wouldn't be happy with you sticking your head into that cave. It's just not your life, it's not the life you've lived in the past and not the one you should live in the future." Ruby is obviously riled up at this point.

Tears shimmered in Kate's eyes as she answered, "Let's just agree I'm stupid and naive then for thinking the best way to protect him was to make the danger stop. And if Ringo had gotten past all of you, how safe would I have been? And no, Diana is not "watching happily." She is protecting us which is something the Arch-Bishop confirmed for me today. You don't think she already knew what was going on in my life and that I might need some extra help?

But never mind all that. You know what I really hate hearing you say? That for some reason you seem to think I deserve a better life than you do. You want to take all the risks for me because I shouldn't have to. So I'm supposed to live with it when one of those risks finally kills you because I'm too good to take care of myself? Or least help take care of myself? You deserve just as wonderful a life as I do."

She stood up and gathered her things. "It was a mistake to come. I should have just let us keep smiling and nodding at each other and pretending no one was upset. You need rest, not this." She hurried to the door. "I'm sorry."

"Katherine Kale, don't you be getting me all riled up then run out the door." Ruby waits for Kate to hesitantly stop in the door before she continues. "I know you think you're helping. And even though you may not think so, my life right now is as wonderful as it can be. I finally have a man that I believe truly loves me, friends who care about me and a place to call home. I don't want to die but if I did I would be glad that I had this even if for a short time."

"You, on the other hand, have Ginnie who needs you, a baby on the way, and a family at home who loves you. They all NEED you. I am not needed like you are needed, that's just the facts. And... this is not the life you have lived. You don't know about guns and shooting people and you shouldn't. I wish I didn't but I've had to. So why would I knowingly stand by and let this become of you? Who is going to take care of Ginnie if we came back and said you didn't make it? You don't seem to understand that if I saw a bullet coming for you I would have no choice but to take it, because too many people need you. And if I have to be worrying about you than I can't worry about myself and fixing the problem.

I know you don't want to stay behind. And you being there with us was helpful. But you promised me you would stay in the tent and you didn't. And when I saw you there with bullets flying by your head, I didn't think, I just reacted. I wanted to make sure that no one else came out of that cave. To the point where I didn't even SEE Ringo was there or taking aim to shoot me. So unfortunately, I proved my own point."

"You are an adult and can make your own decisions. I'm not going to tell you what to do or what I think you should do or would like you to do. You have to make your own decisions to protect your family." Ruby wearily sits back in her chair. She runs her fingers though her hair. "I'm sorry about all this too. But I worry because I care about it. It doesn't only go one way. But now that Ringo is gone I plan to going back to not worrying as much as I can."

Kate stepped back over to Ruby and kissed her forehead. "Do you realize just how much you've changed? The girl I rode into Promise City with wouldn't have said any of that. I'll try to understand what you've said if you'll try to understand this. My family includes you. And since I need you, all those people who need me need you too. And you really should rest now."

"Alright, Mom," Ruby teased. "One adopted mother is enough, especially when that mother is Dorita. But you're right, I should rest. As for changing, what can I say? It's been a busy three months." Ruby sighs, "I'm tired of getting full of bullet holes, I'm going to have to do something about that." She gently runs her hands across her upper belly. "It's tender and needless to say going to scar." Ruby looks back up to Kate, "I know, back to worrying about the important stuff," she laughs again.

Ruby is quiet and beings to look out the window again, but speaks suddenly, "Kate? What happened after I got shot? I mean, what did Jake do?" Kate pauses and the says, "Well, he had grabbed onto Ringo. He had actually got the gun pointing away from you, but the bullet... well you know. Jake put his gun to Ringo's chest and unloaded it. One of the bullets made it through his protective jacket and seriously wounded Ringo. Then I cast magic missile and hit Ringo in the head and he went down.

Jake went a little crazy then. He took his knife and began stabbing Ringo in the chest. Over and over. I was a little afraid for him. I finally yelled to him the Ringo wasn't going to get any more dead, and he seemed to wake up." Ruby eyes widen, only slightly at hearing about Jake and the stabbings. She ponders then continues, "Jake forgot to mention the stabbing part," she gives a small smile. I would have down the same or even worse. But I meant after that."

"After? He came over to you and stayed there, watching Nanuet heal you. Chester said he was going to pray for you and asked Jake if he wanted to join him. Jake agreed, although I don't know that he thought praying would do much good. You woke up very soon after. You only seemed to want Jake then, so I went away. I can't tell you anything past that."

Ruby's eyes widen more, "Praying? MY Jake? You sure?" She falls silent and goes back to pondering. "Uh, thanks Kate. Take care of yourself today, you had a rough day too. And thanks. I DO know you were a big help this morning." Kate answers, "As I said, I don't know if he really prayed, but he didn't say no."

Kate kissed her forehead again. "I'm going to go spend some time with my Ginnie. I guess I'll be leaving the El Parador in the next few days. I want to enjoy it while I'm there. Get some sleep Ruby." "Oh, where are you going?" Ruby stands and walks over to the bed, pulling the blankets back.

Kate answers, "To my house in town. I bought furniture for the school, and Ginnie and I will live upstairs during the week, and probably out at the ranch on the days when I don't teach. I put off having the furniture moved in, I didn't want Ringo to know, and I couldn't go live there, just Ginnie and I. I love the El Parador, but we need a little more room."

"Yes," Ruby yawns and climbs into bed, "It's time for you and all of us to move on." She lays back on the bed, settling into the puffy blankets. "A house is a good thing to raise a family." Ruby looks at Kate with sleepy eyes. "I hope you won't forget about us, you're going to be so busy." A small smile comes to Ruby's lip, "Good busy, but busy. Don't forget if you need anything, we'll be here." Her eyes start to close, "You were right, I am more tired then I thought..." "I won't forget you." Kate waited there for a few minutes until Ruby's breathing was quiet and regular, then slipped out the door.

Silver Moon

Chapter 241, "Foreshadowing" Sunday, April 2, 1881, 4:00 P.M.

Jake makes a trip over to talk with Marshal Berg. He then returns to the Lucky Lady makes a couple of quiet trips loaded with flowers to their room, careful not to wake Ruby. After arranging them around the room he pulls his boots off and settles into a stuffed chair. Arms crossed and hat leaning forward over his face, it is not long before he is sleeping.

The afternoon moves into evening and the two love birds of Nanuet and Minerva stroll towards to the Lucky Lady, laughing and flushed with happiness and good wine, to share their joy and celebrate the fact that their friends and the folks of what they now consider their town are finally safe.

Minerva looks up at Nanuet with a brilliant smile as they walk with their arms around one another. "We are so blessed Nanuet. Not only have we found one another, but I feel like the whole town is our family now. They have made us feel so much a part of their lives today! Did you not feel the love of our neighbors as they played and celebrated life? I was always the outcast back in Spain and have never felt the warmth of acceptance before. It is such a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by so much love and support. It is surely a miracle that the gods have led us here. To one another..., to our new friends and this new life. This really is the Promised City."

He replies, "I agree it is an aptly named place. I would hope after all we have done to help the people of this town that they would accept us. Just being a non-human makes me an outcast in most towns but I too have found a home here and a new life. I came here originally to close a chapter of my life and never planned on starting a new one. I am very glad I did." "Me too." she says giving him a little squeeze.

They arrive at the Lucky Lady where Nanuet holds the door for Minerva. "After you Miss Town Priestess" Nanuet says as he sweeps his arm and bows. "Now, don't start calling me that again! Although I do like the feeling of royalty so you may continue the bowing part!" She teases and gives him a kiss as they enter the saloon arm in arm. They are greeted by the usual sounds of music and the clinking of glasses as they make their way through the crowd to an empty table.

Nanuet asks, "So, should I announce the news of your position to everyone know or should we wait until all of our friends are here? I wouldn't want anyone to feel slighted if they missed the announcement." Minerva replies, "Perhaps it would be best to wait until everyone is together. We could all use some happy news and it would be simpler than explaining over and over again." He answers, "Fair enough. I'll get us some drinks." For once Nanuet wasn't thinking about food since he gorged himself at the picnic. He got a bottle from the bar and two glasses. He settled down at a table with Minerva making idle conversation waiting to see if the others would stop by.

The days were becoming warmer as the summer was starting to creep upon the residents of Promise City. Jake had opened the windows of the room for Ruby, who liked it cooler. The sun was beginning its descent in the sky, turning the blue into pinks and purples. It gave their room an ethereal quality, the heavy air with the sheer white window and bed curtains lazily floating through the air on the breeze, the pastel colors reflecting though the room like a rainbow. Jake's light snoring could be heard announcing he was enjoying a nap. Ruby slept deeply, the busy day, the injury, the many visitors, the healing that was still working inside her all had exhausted her.

As Ruby and Jake sleep a very soft rustling noise is heard by the puppies. Their ears prick up and they start to growl but strangely they both suddenly put their heads down and fall back asleep without incident. The bed curtains part on the breeze.

Ruby starts getting restless and sighing softly in her sleep. She stretches her long arms and legs as she moves, the sheet falling off her and to the floor. Her sighs get louder and she turns her head back and forth like she is trying to escape something. She faintly mutters the word "No..." over and over as her movements get more violent. Ruby suddenly screams at the top of her lungs, sitting straight up in the bed.

Instantly awake, Jake leaps out of the chair with his hat flying off and landing behind him. Shaking her head and breathing hard Ruby rocks back and forth in the bed, trying to wake herself up. Jake crosses the room in two steps and is by her bedside. "Ruby! Ruby! Hey girl what is wrong?" "I don't want to die!" Ruby screams hysterically at the top of her lungs, still rocking. As she states that the window in the far corner of the room slams shut.

Downstairs, Nanuet's words "We could all use some happy news" were barely out of Minerva's mouth when Ruby's blood curdling scream pierces the music. Minerva and Nanuet leap out of their chairs, knocking them to the floor as Minerva races up the stairs taking them two at a time, with Nanuet on her heels. She pounds on Jake and Ruby's door yelling, "Ruby! Ruby what's going on?" Nanuet backs up and prepares to break the door down with his shoulder. They then hear Ruby yell from inside "I don't want to die!"

Jake recognizes the Spanish accent and says loudly, "It's not locked, come in." Minerva opens the door before the response is out of Jake's mouth. "By the Goddess! Is she alright?" She says rushing to Ruby's side. Nanuet is initially hesitant after the last time he had come knocking at the couple's door but after hearing Ruby screaming about not wanting to die he was quickly at her bedside also trying to ascertain the situation. He hears the window slam and knows that the others are taking care of Ruby so he heads to the window for a look.

"Shh, shh It's o.k." Minerva says kneeling before Ruby and stroking her hair. "You are not going to die. Tell me what happened." She motions for Jake to pour a drink for Ruby as she continues to sooth her. "It was a dream. No one is going to harm you." Ruby squirms away from Minerva's touch and pulls her knees tightly to her chest. Still rocking she puts her head to her knees, her long hair covering her face. Her voice trembling she says softly, "It wasn't a dream. I almost died."

Nanuet gasps as he looks out the window. "What in blue blazes is that?" he says pointing. Jake was going to the table with the liquor decanters, and instead goes to see what Nanuet is pointing towards. Jake looks out the window but sees nothing, apparently he was too late.

Minerva hears Nanuet gasp but continues to talk softly to Ruby. "You are safe now. I am here to help. Ruby, Tell me what happened. How did you almost die?" Ruby squeezes her eyes shut tightly, "J-Jake was there... there was piercing..." Ruby places her hand over her chest there the bullet entered her. "And it burned and there was blood...so much until there wasn't anymore..." She shakes her head wildly and screams, "Wake me up!"

Minerva places her hands on Ruby and prays for the Goddess to remove her fear so that she can calm her down enough to find out what has happened. "It's alright Ruby. You have nothing to be afraid of now. We are here with you. Focus on my voice. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. We are here to protect you." Ruby's breathing slows and she looks up at everyone with wide eyes. She can still feel her heart pounding in her chest but it's slowing. "W-what happened?"

"I don't know. you were screaming like the furies of hell were after you." Minerva says. She stands up and walks over to the dresser where Jake left the drink. She pours one for herself as well and brings a glass over to Ruby. "Here drink this and tell us what you remember." She downs her own drink in one swallow to try and calm her own nerves.

Ruby's hand is still trembling but she takes the drink in her hand anyway. She stretches her legs out, extending well past the bottom of Jake's shirt. "Uh... I don't know," she hangs her head. "I remember standing in front of the cave and aiming the wand in there and then my chest burned and I fell."

"Ah, you poor bambina" the priestess says pushing the hair from Ruby's face. "It is no wonder that you are having nightmares after such a traumatic experience. But you did not and will not die. You are safe now." Ruby drank her bourbon slowly, trying to take comfort in it, and Minerva's words. But cold chills still ran up and down her spine. Finally she looks up. "What are you two doing over there?"

Nanuet states, "I saw something that looked like a cloud, but it was right here and moving. Moving pretty fast, except there is no wind that I can feel" Nanuet replies. "What is going on?" Ruby’s insists before she takes another gulp from her glass. Jake looks back to Ruby who is asking insistently about what they are doing. He responds with a shrug, "I didn't see anything."

He walks over to Ruby and sits on the bed next to her. "Nanuet, do you and your people have a tradition of spirits or your ancestors moving around in clouds or something?" Jake says and wonders if Nanuet is imagining things. Ruby buries her head against Jake's neck and hugs him tightly.

Nanuet answers, "Well, my people do worship the Sun, and with that the clouds and all things in the sky. I am not very familiar with any particular belief of spirits in the clouds though. This was not a real cloud, but a mist or a gas I guess, a small mass of it and yes, it moved and it actually moved down and towards the back of the building. I am going to go check." Nanuet turns and leaves and heads to the first floor and out the back door of the saloon where he begins searching.

Jake says, "I think we all need a holiday. Folks have been under the weight of a colossal mound of tension and stress over the Cowboy war." She mutters, "Yes, a holiday. Can we plan one, please? Please? Maybe go back to Tombstone?" He strokes Ruby's hair. Jake says, "She's having nightmares about it and Nanuet is off chasing mist that went behind the saloon for its turn at the outhouse. I cannot even guess what Katherine is imagining." He turns to Minerva. "How about you Senorita, are you well?"

"I, Senor Jake, am absolutely wonderful." She beams. "In addition to the relief that Johnny Ringo is now burning in Hades and my friends are all safe. "she says smiling gently at Ruby. "I have also been informed that not only am I not under suspicion from the church but I have been appointed permanent Pastor of Promise City's Roman Church of Olympus!"

Ruby exclaims, "That's great Minerva. You must be so thrilled." She seems genuinely happy but still seems a bit off. Ruby finishes her bourbon in one gulp. "Can we eat? I'm hungry." They all decide to head downstairs to get some food. Ruby stays upstairs to get dressed. Once she is ready she begins to head downstairs but she pauses, reopens the window, then goes downstairs.

While downstairs enjoying some leftover food and drinks Jake sees Mr. Van Horne walk down the street. Jake asks Ruby to wait downstairs while he goes to talk to Red. With some hand signals and the use of the amulet, Jake manages to get some quiet and unobserved time with Mr. Van Horne.

"It is good to see you, old friend, even for a short while." Jake tells the southerner. "Same here, Jacob me boy." Mr. Van Horne replies in a very un-southern voice. "Is there a chance you can get back to Tucson again, lad?" "I was going to ask you the same thing. What if I bring Ruby, we can make it a regular celebration?" Jake asks with a gleam in his eye. "Watching you and Ruby has made me jealous," Red confides in him. "I did hear tell of Michael making a proposition to a woman who was working at the Palace," the younger man replies with only a hint of sarcasm.

Ignoring the jibe, O'Brien's voice in the southerner's body continues, "I want some of what you two have. This seems like a good way of getting it." Red explains how he and Jane Boag's mother were very close. He says "All the while I was at the Palace I wanted to offer her my condolences but Van Horne had never been to Kansas City so it would have blown me cover. It is high time I get her away from Adair, Jane's mother would not have approved of that man in her daughter's life. I not be looking for a romantic relationship with Jane herself." But he adds "I am turning my social life over to her and her Goddess. I have a hunch that by letting a Priestess of Love run my life a romantic relationship will be soon to follow."

Jake listens carefully, and nods but secretly wonders if there is more to the story. Still, he will respect his friends privacy in the matter, at least for now. Jake gives back the Medallion and the Alistair chain, "You may need these things setting up a new place." "Jacob," Red is quick to reply, "should you ever be needing to borrow either again, just ask and they are yours. Give me a little time to settle things in Tucson, and then we be expecting you and your wife." The big man winks.

Jake rolls his eyes, "Just wait, you old Irishman, your time will come and it will be Silver Jake making the marriage jokes." They part, agreeing to contact each other and get together soon in Tucson. Jake makes his way quickly back to the Lucky Lady.

Minerva walks downstairs with Ruby and tries to keep the conversation light, telling her of the reaction of the Vigilance Committee when the bishop announced her appointment to the church. She settles Ruby in a chair and motions for Niles to take care of Ruby. "I will be right back. I am going to run out back and see what is taking Nanuet so long." She takes her parasol which disguises her rapier with her and moves around to the back of the building.

Minerva finds Nanuet out back, carefully searching around. When he looks up and sees Minerva he comments, "I haven't found anything suspicious out here. If you want to search around we can keep looking but I doubt we'll find anything now."

Silver Moon

Chapter 242, "Epilogue" Sunday, April 2, 1881, 5:00 P.M.

Chester and Clarisse come into the Lucky Lady for dinner. "Evening folks. Everyone enjoying the festival?" Clarisse adds, "I hope you all had fun at the ball, except for that unpleasantness with the cowboys." Chester pulls out Clarisse's chair for her, then sits down next to her.

Kate had returned to the El Parador and spent some time down in the Cantina with Ginnie. It had taken some time to explain what had happened, and that Mr. Gonzales would make her a new scroll to replace the one Kate had used. The girls ate their dinner quietly together, after which Ginnie insisted on going over to the Lucky Lady to see everyone was alright for herself.

It was nice to be able to walk there without fear, and without an escort. They entered the Lucky Lady to see the others all sitting down to dinner, to which they were quickly invited. "I just had dinner, thank you." Several skeptical looks later Kate insisted, "Do you really think Dorita would let me leave without it? Now how is everyone feeling?" she asked, taking a seat.

Nanuet returned to the Lucky Lady still insisting that he saw something out the window. He was glad that all his friends were together. "I am doing great Miss Kate, glad that we can finally be without fear at least for the present time. I didn't find anything outside, but you know me" he says looking in Jake's direction "I don't lie, I know I saw something out that window, just not sure what."

Minerva didn't want to upset Ruby so she kept her thoughts to herself. But after all the strange things that had occurred recently and knowing that Nanuet was not one to fantasize she was feeling a bit uneasy. "If he says he saw something than there must have been something to see. Perhaps there is a logical explanation. Like a whisp of smoke that had drifted towards the window from somewhere."

Ruby smiles and looks at Nanuet, "Of course you don't lie." She continues cheerfully, "But you probably just saw a cloud, that's all. It's a nice day out." She shrugs and continues to eat, keeping her happy mood. "You know, Stanley left me a TON of cookies, we should have them for dessert later. They really are quite good. Actually..." she taps her lip, "Maybe we can pay him to make them for the Lucky Lady. That's not a bad idea..."

Nanuet sits next to Minerva and continues to enjoy the company of his friends. For once they weren't together to plan out some act of violence or how to save their hides. There were just together for dinner. Nanuet sits back and observes the conversation amongst his friends.

Minerva makes small talk with the others while she eats and then excuses herself. "I am going to run back home and freshen up. I am quite dirty from Nanuet dragging me across the finish line in the three legged race this afternoon," She laughs and brushes at her skirt. "I will be back shortly. In time for those cookies of yours Ruby. So be sure and save some for me. "She gives Nanuet a pointed look. "What? Why are you looking at me? I won't eat all the cookies,” Nanuet grins.
Minerva gives him a kiss. “Don't worry," Ruby calls back after Minerva, "He can't eat all the cookies, there are six dozen!"

Minerva returns to the Comstock House to change into something a bit more special for the evening. Once she is gone Ruby asks, "So, Kate, you going to the Long Branch to see Conrad tonight? It is Sunday night after all..." she winks. "And now Nanuet, you can start really getting to work on the addition. With the festival over the wood will be ready to go."

The man Kate and Ruby know as Colin Turner enters the Lucky Lady. He scans the crowd apparently looking for something or someone and then finds an empty table. Maria is serving some food but is quickly drawn to that table and appears to quickly become involved in a deep conversation with the man.

DM’s Note: The saga of Chester, Jake, Kate, Minerva, Nanuet and Ruby continues directly from this point in the Campaign’s third module “Here there be Vampires” which had Nanuet’s player Dire Wolf as the Dungeonmaster.

Regarding the loose ends from the module around Promise City I made following post:


During the next few days work continued at what would become known as Outlaw's Cavern. Jake's business partners from the Fisk Mountain Mine, several workers from the Seawell-Morand Mining Company, and the owners and employees of Dover's Livery continued to work on removing the fallen rocks, timbers and debris from the main tunnel entrance in order to rescue the five trapped horses. While this was going on Kate's business partner Flint Greymountain more discretely worked on the inner collapsed tunnel, assisted by some of the elves from the El Parador.

By Wednesday, April 5th the inside tunnel was cleared and the vast majority of the Greek, Latin and Atlantean library were recovered from the inside barracks room. Only three of the texts were missing and two of those were ones that Ginnie had managed to successfully copy. Under Manuel Gonzales's watchful eyes the library was returned to his home at night without the other miners being aware.

On Thursday, April 6th, the main tunnel was cleared enough for the horses to be removed. Three of the five were among those that the Cowboy Gang had stolen for Ringo's escape from town as Twain of which two belonged to visitors in town that had boarded their horses there and one to Drover's. Of the six dead horses found in the cavern two had been other horses stolen from Drover's. Austin Blake was offered both of the other now ownerless horses from inside the cavern, of which he agreed to take one and left Kate’s ranch with the other. Combined with Ringo's horse that gave her ranch two new animals.

All nine bodies found inside the cavern were thoroughly searched, with Pierre Jacquet working out an arrangement to split the special ammunition. The prisoner John Bell was fully cooperating with Judge Isby in return for a sentence of a cell instead of a rope and identified all nine of them by name prior to them being buried in a single grave near the cavern. Roger Fly photographed the deceased before burial and at a later date when Jake Cook is shown the photographs he notices a clear resemblance between George Otis Grosvenor and members of the Philadelphia family of the same name.

The Cavalry rode to Galeyville and arrested Ringo's other gang members who had ridden the wagon, both of whom Judge Isby sentenced to hang as accomplices to robbery and attempted murder. The Tombstone judge did the same for the men being held there. All members of Johnny Ringo's faction of the Cowboy Gang were accounted for except for Stephen Murdock, the man who had finished second in the rifle competition. John Bell confirmed that Murdock's name and appearance were false, that he was really a wizard by the name of Vaughn Palmer who had been the Second-in-command of Billy Claiborne’s faction of the Cowboy Gang. The change in appearance was to hide the burns and severe scaring that he suffered after he had been shot and left behind for dead in the burning farmhouse which that faction had used for a headquarters.

News continues to pour in of Wyatt Earp's continued war against the members of the remaining faction of the Cowboy Gang. John Bell confirms that the gang was financially supported by the Clanton Ranch and Phineas Clanton in particular. Clanton is arrested by the Arizona Rangers and
taken to Prescott, Arizona somewhat voluntarily as it puts him outside of the reach of Wyatt Earp.

The emotions of Promise City's residents calm down following the departure of Jane Boag, although sufficient evidence of Aphrodite's influence remains behind. Many new couples are seen around town and over half of the town's married couples will soon discover themselves to be with child. Reverend Thorinsohn of the Norse Church soon returns with his new bride, who he will no longer allow to work at the Long Branch. Judge Lacey begins to formally court Laurie Gilson. Derek Avery, Head Teller at the First National Bank and also a member of the Vigilance Committee is now courting Liza Brown, daughter of the Ice House Owner. Also resulting from the
festival is the unlikely pairing of Julia Barbeau from the Gay Lady to the elderly Colonel Seawell, Patrick's father and Operations Manager of the Seawell-Morand Mining Company. Chumbley also tries to talk the female halfling with the Emporium to stay, but she moves on with her group.

The Festival was deemed a complete success by nearly all. Enough money was raised to complete the construction of the church and also purchase a fire wagon for the town. Jeff Mills volunteers to be the Promise City Fire Marshall and receives the appointment after a very close vote of the Merchant's Association. The only negative aspect to come from the festival was a renewed call for a 'Dress Code' by the Promise City Vigilance Committee, primarily due to the attire of Miss. Ruby West's final dance.

A retired German General and industrialist named Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin soon arrives in town to discuss the moving his balloon manufacturing operations from Chihuahua, Mexico to Promise City, Arizona. He meets with Arcade's Gang to make formal arrangements for using the valley between the Fisk Mountain Mine and Bowie Mountain which they have recently purchased and where their dirigible is currently parked.

Prior to Judge Isby's departure a simultaneous meeting is held with both the Promise City Merchant's Association and Promise City Vigilance Committee regarding incorporation of the town. It is agreed that Judge Isby will present to the Arizona Territorial Governor a formal petition for Incorporation. A total of seven elected positions will be part of this incorporation, namely a Mayor, Marshall and five City Councilors.

Agreement could not be immediately reached regarding exactly who would be allowed to vote and what the exact boundaries of the new town will be. Rather than having the whole idea shelved due to these disagreements Berg called for a loosely worded agreement to be drafted, stating that all of those other details would be decided upon well in advance of any elections. They specifically wrote into the Petition that Judge Nathan Isby would supervise the entire Incorporation and Election process, so it was felt that the Governor would probably still approve it without having all so the specifics, given Isby's reputation for honesty and fairness. Kevin Tomlinson departs town along with Judge Isby, leaving Chester without a rival for Clarisse Townsend's heart.

Reader's Comments are welcomed and appreciated.


Queen of Everything
I'd *love* to see some reader comments. Someone out there has to have something to say about our crazy adventures!

Silver Moon

This is the 2nd module in the four-module "Wild West" PBP Campaign. Referenced in the current posted chapter of the follow-up "AGELESS" Campaign so bumped for easier finding.

Voidrunner's Codex

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