D&D 1E Which NEW class from a Dragon Magazine did you play or allow ?

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I liked the concept of Jester (stealth + arcane), battle dancer (capoeira martial-artist, now it would be a monk subclass) and the urban druid (perfect if your monster ally is a construct).

We had a samurai and an anti-paladin in our 1e games. We're using the variant monk in our 2e game now. I seem to recall using one of the bard variants too.


One of my players used the Fiend Slayer prestige class from Dragon #287. I believe it was written by Monte Cook. I ran that campaign at an after school club and it lasted all four years of high school. That character was a Ranger/Rogue/Fiend Slayer, and made it all the way to level 20, one of only 3 characters that made it. This was the early 00's, when Legolas from the LotR films was the peak of hotness, and this character was basically a grimdark version of him. Good times!

I had a player try out the Jester class. It was fun enough - the taunting ability was a good one when paired with a high, er, low AC.

Not an NPC class, but I wish I had known about the Bard alternate version back in the day. Would've used that in a heartbeat. Would've saved me the long ordeal my one character had to go through to become a bard.


The EN World kitten
After all, there's not much point giving XP progressions for classes reserved for NPC's.

I need to brush up on my AD&D 1E/2E-isms, but wasn't that a thing for NPCs though? I seem to recall that, when they participated in battle alongside PCs, they were supposed to receive a cut of the XP also, gaining levels periodically, etc. It wasn't something the DM was just supposed to hand-wave, once they were part of the party, at least according to the rulebooks, and that's why those NPC classes had their own XP tables.

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