D&D 2E What's a Good 2e Low Level Adventure?


The Sword of the Dales was fun, Its the first in the Randal Morn Trilogy. The second is The Secret of Spiderhaunt and the third is the Return of Randal Morn. Its set in the Shadowdale, Daggerdale area of the Realms and are low level. The first can be played as a stand alone but they make for great mini campaign if played together.

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I recommend checking Dungeon Mag from this era, which had better adventures than anything 2E published as a stand alone.
Yeah I'd second this. Whilst I sadly can't remember specific adventures, the quality of adventures in Dungeon, especially low-level ones, tended to be pretty high. I'd say about 30% of them were not great, but they disproportionately tended to be mid and high level ones, for whatever reason. Pretty sure there's a legal archive of it out there too, if one Googles.

I mean, if the kids don't have any experience with past D&D settings, it is hard to go wrong with White Plume Mountain. It is also very easy to modify; shorten some of the fluff to create a shorter experience.


Pretty sure there's a legal archive of it out there too, if one Googles.
If there is I would be very interested if anyone has a link. I am not aware of any though. Paizo has a lot of the 3e era ones for sale and a CD with Dungeon #1 on it, but that's as much as I have seen.


The EN World kitten
I was fortunate enough to purchase a couple of late-2E issues of Dungeon from an online seller a few weeks ago. At the time, I hadn't researched what was in those issues, only wanting to fill a gap in my collection. It was only after I started reading them that I realized they were the issues with the Mere of Dead Men series, including #70 with the spectacular "Kingdom of the Ghouls" adventure. Needless to say, I was very pleased. :)


Golden Procrastinator
If there is I would be very interested if anyone has a link. I am not aware of any though. Paizo has a lot of the 3e era ones for sale and a CD with Dungeon #1 on it, but that's as much as I have seen.
There's plenty of "archives" to be found, but none of them are legal, sadly.


Moderator Emeritus
I don't think anyone should feel any qualms downloading out of print material published by a company that doesn't exist anymore.

Night of the Walking Dead is a solid and spooky adventure, definitely. And a striking cover.

Nothing wrong with Ravenloft here. :)

I particularly liked Night of the Walking Dead (levels 1-3). Also Howls in the Night (levels 3-5).

I have a soft spot for the Nightwatch in the Living City module. It's easily set in any city on a coast, and fairly free-form for the PCs to do what they want. The one thing it lacks that keeps it from being great is a strong ending. But I think you could easily work something into it.


Even though this is for forgotten realms, i have always enjoyed running Haunted Halls of Eveningstar , It's for levels 1 to 3 set within the Kingdom of Cormyr.

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