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Tokiwong's Story Hour... aka Big trouble in little Cormyr

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First Post
Updates in the work...

Long time no write I know, been caught up working on my webpage and retooling my Oriental Adventures game, which will now be a Rokugan game starting on the 10th. Anyways update this weekend, most likely 2 updates, been needing to get the story going again. Thanks Rune, I thought I had been forgotten.


Once A Fool
Re: Updates in the work...

Tokiwong said:
Long time no write I know, been caught up working on my webpage and retooling my Oriental Adventures game, which will now be a Rokugan game starting on the 10th. Anyways update this weekend, most likely 2 updates, been needing to get the story going again. Thanks Rune, I thought I had been forgotten.

Aw, nuts! I really liked your homebrew setting!


First Post
New Post done just editing...

A new story is coming, been too long out of the saddle... But I am coming back, a post a week I swear!


First Post
NEW POST!!!!!!!!!!!

The Outworld, over the waters of the Eastern Sea:

The Honin Tau glided through the twilight sky with ease, as the ship was reflected below in the silent black waters of the Eastern Sea. The coast long gone behind them, the party rested and prepared for the unknown, for surely they were traveling into unknown territory, far outside the realm of anything they had faced in their lives. Things were, at least, were moving along smoothly, nothing strange of note had happened in hours. Thev stood quietly on the deck watching the sea pass by. Aust tended to Blak-Fang with loving care as Talindra sat and cared for her magical blades. Rhea rested, still thinking of how she could save Tom, or K’thellis as he now called himself. Kyoko continued to guide the ship through the air as Xenon rested in his room plotting and studying his arcane lore.

Thev sighed and went down below to grab something to eat and Aust followed, more out of boredom then anything else. Thev settled down in the kitchen of the ship and Thev ate some salted jerky while Aust had some fruit.

Thev glanced to Aust, “All is well so far, let us hope it stays that way.”

Aust nodded, “I agree, though this lack of action, might lull us into a false sense of security, it may dull our edge.”

Thev sighed, “That I do not worry about, the Code is strict in that happenstance, the edge is always kept keen. The Code of the Black Horn demands it; even if I am the last of my order; I will not falter.”

Aust nodded, “How is that you came by the order, friend?”

Thev nodded and paused, thinking, then continued, “The order came to me, actually; well, Sir Lanholm, my mentor and sword brother, found me when I was just a young lad. I had tried to steal from him, though not out of maliciousness, I was simply trying to help my mother. She had fallen ill and none in our village would aid the mother of the demon-child. Needless to say I was not successful, and Sir Lanholm was quite surprised at my appearance and behavior. But once he heard my story he came to see my mother…”

Aust nodded, “Even with your mother ill, the villagers did not aid you?”

Thev gritted his teeth, “No, many still remembered the night I was born, the screams of pain my mother wrought as I but a child ripped my way through her belly. It must have been painful; luckily a healer had taken pity upon my mother and helped her through the ordeal.”

Aust visibly winced, “That it must have been.”

“But my mother, she persevered, and we lived and survived off of what she could farm in our garden and when I was of age, I took over many of the duties. But when she fell ill I tried to help her, and I took to stealing to make the money we needed. Luckily Sir Lanholm saved me from such a life and took pity upon me,” Thev glanced to Aust, “he went to my mother and was able to heal her and asked for nothing in return. There was a nobility there that I admired and still do to this day, he stayed with us for some time to help my mother to good health and even taught me some of the rudimentary skills of swordplay.”

“He sounds like a good man,” Aust replied.

“That he was, and he even took me under his tutelage; the rest of the Order was quite surprised that he had brought a tiefling to learn the Code, but in time I proved myself to my brethren. I have not failed the code, and I shall not fail it,” Thev spoke, his eyes flaring for just a moment. The two of them then returned to the main deck, their bellies full. Aust wanted to press the issue, but it seemed that Thev was through with the tale for the moment.

In a bright flash, everything changed, the sky blazed with color taking on a healthy blue hue with clouds lazily passing by overhead; the red moon was nowhere in sight. The sight was blinding, and for a few moments the crew was disoriented, but it soon dawned upon the party at least that they were standing in daylight. The rest of the native crew scrambled about proclaiming that the word was burning; they had never seen daylight. In the sky blazed a brilliant sun, bright and yellow. The party looked confused but took the change of events in stride, until Kyoko shouted that she could not keep control of the ship, the Honin Tau slowly glided down towards the waters with a splash as it dipped into the waters slowly.

The waves crashed all around them; in the distance the party could spy a school of leaping dolphins the scene was peaceful if not for the urgency of their mission. Kyoko looked around sullenly then spied in the distance a Tower jutting out from the ocean, a pristine white tower, which gleamed in the sunlight.

Kyoko pointed to it, “What is that?”

Aust replied, “Looks like a tower to me, maybe we can find a clue there to where the lost isle is?”

Thev looked skeptical, “That is possible, a very distinct possibility,” he turned to Kyoko, “so why did you land the ship in the water?”

Kyoko nodded, “I lost control of the ship, something is interfering with the magic in the ship, but I am not sure what…”

Aust looked skeptical, “Interfering with the magic, that is not good…”

Before Aust could finish his sentence, a blast of water rose up out of the sea and landed square on the ship. The crew was immediately up in arms as it took shape and attacked with a fury. The beast slammed into Aust as he swung Blak-Fang into it, but the blade had lost much of its magical properties. Rhea drew Dancer and tried to ignite the crystalline bastard sword, but to no avail, as she attacked with a fury. Talindra grimaced and prepared an arrow of flame. Xenon came up on deck to see the water elemental pounding into Aust as he retaliated as best he could, doing only minimal damage with each of his swings. Thev tried to assist but could not overcome the magical resistance of the creature. The creature slammed Aust hard, sending him flying to the deck bruised and unconscious, Talindra screamed and unleashed a flaming arrow into the creature, which surprisingly harmed it. Xenon had the other natives prepare flaming arrows and as he prepared one for himself. The elemental creature slammed into Thev with a fury, cracking ribs as Xenon and the native sailors unleashed a volley of arrows at it. The creature retreated from their attacks and yielded cringing at the bow of the ship, as it whimpered.

The watery creature gurgled, “Spare me, followers of the Shadowed Man, spare me, for you have broken me…”

Rhea rushed to Aust’s side and was able to stabilize him, but could do precious little else without her magic, as she spoke, “Why did you attack us?”

“We believed you to be servants of the shadowed man, is this not true?” it gurgled speaking in the tongue of the natives.

“We are not allied with any such creature or thing,” Xenon spoke up, lowering his bow with a sly grin, “but we are dangerous nonetheless; speak quickly, and we may spare you.”

Rhea hissed to Xenon and then spoke, “We do not wish to continue violence, we seek to find this shadowed man and stop him if able… do you know of where he may have gone?”

The creature nodded, gurgling, “We are aware of such things, you do not have the look of the shadowed ones, we shall trust you for now… the shadowed man took flight with wings of shadow and went for the tower. To show our apology for such an unwarranted attack, we can guide you to the tower.”

Rhea nodded, muttering, “Tom… what evil have you wrought…” she glanced to the creature, “thank you for your assistance, I hope that we may stay as friends.”

The creature slowly rose up to its full height and flowed over the edge of the ship into the waters. A few moments passed before the ship lurched forward as the water elemental-like creatures pushed them forward towards the tower in the sea.

Xenon smirked, quite pleased with himself, and turned to go to his room only to come face to face with Talindra who stared at him with eyes alight with fire of anger and rage. She spoke slowly, “I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

Xenon blinked surprised, “Why, I am not sure what you are talking about… Oh, the spell book? As I said before, Lucas has no need of it, and I can put it to quite a good use, Talindra, so where is the harm in that?”

She raised her blade, “You stole it from a dead man, Xenon, and you have no right to it.”

Thev moved between them, “Talindra, calm yourself, this is Xenon, we do not have need of such in fighting, that only weakens us for the true threat,” his eyes flared bright red, glowing.

Talindra shook her head no, “He took Lucas’ spell book from his dead hands without so much as a glimmer of respect for the man’s wishes, and if he does not return it to me, I will take it back by force.”

Thev turned to Xenon, “Is this true?”

Xenon sighed and waved his hands and muttered an incantation and then flew up into the air forty feet overhead, “The truth is that I saw an opportunity to expand my magical power, which I believe we will need if we are to face fallen gods or beings of power that this K’thellis, or is it Tom, seems to be.”

Thev looked up enraged, “Do you not have any respect for the dead… Xenon!”

Rhea glanced upwards, “Xenon, you have gone too far, even for you!”

Kyoko nodded slyly, “So you finally showed your true colors, I knew you were trouble from the start…”

Xenon sighed and tossed the book downward to the deck, “Fine, take it then, I can see that sense is in small supply among you…” he landed lightly behind the group and walked to his room.

Talindra quickly picked up the tome and glanced to Xenon, pain and rage in her eyes, she was about to speak when Thev placed a hand on her shoulder, “I apologize Talindra, he will learn in time that there are some things that are just not done. Somewhere inside that callous soul is a semblance of humanity, we have only to find it.”

Talindra nodded to him grimly and then went with Rhea to assist in placing Aust on a bed to rest. There was precious little else that could be done. The crew began to settle down as the ship glided through the waters effortlessly towards the tower. Talindra and Rhea watched over Aust, precious little they could do to help him. Xenon had decided to return to the main deck, to watch the approach of the tower and to clear his head. Kyoko was up on deck as well, keeping the natives at work, trying to allay their fears.

Thev came up and approached Xenon with a stern glare, “I have a question, Xenon.”

Xenon glanced at him casually, “Yes?”

“I simply want to know if you care anything for our group or our quest?” he asked plainly.

Xenon sighed with a smile, “”You are asking me if I care? Well, the short answer is no. I am here to complete a mission; I am here to pursue my own goals and aims. This is only a means to an end, I admit I do not share your zealousness in righting wrongs.”

Thev blinked, “What do you mean?”

Xenon folded his arms, “You presume that this is simply about good and evil, maybe it black and white for you, but I tend to make a business of reading between the lines. I make it a point to know just exactly where everything stands. Friendship is overrated.”

Thev growled, “How can you say thus after all we have been through?”

Xenon sighed, “You seem to be laboring under a misunderstanding, let me educate you. I simply wish to gain enough power to bring about my own goals, would you care to understand what that may be?”

Thev nodded blankly.

Xenon smiled, “This world… well, our world, is rife with governments that seem to perpetuate a state of monarchy where the people have little if any say in the way things are done. Chessentia is one among these that continues this antiquated existence; I simply wish to bring about a move to a more democratic state, where the law of the people is respected and enforced. Now follow along, this may get complicated… You may fight for an abstract notion of what good is; I work to bring about a concrete ideal to the people. The ends shall justify my means…”

Kyoko glanced over, “So you say that you will bring this about despite the cost?”

Xenon nodded, “Correct, the cost will be outweighed by the rewards gained by the majority. The Shadis Masin could serve a purpose in this new order if they can drive the people to believe something for the greater good of society.”

Thev seethed, “The Shadis Masin is evil!”

Kyoko agreed, “You cannot believe that this would help!”

Xenon shrugged, “I do not believe such, but I can see that there needs to be a uniting factor for the people. Simple things rule the vulgar, and if it will tie them to a common purpose then the quicker I can realize my plans. Though do not construe that I shall go out of my way to do such, this is only an avenue that has been presented to me.”

Thev grabbed Xenon roughly by his collar, “I don’t understand you, but I do not like what you are saying…” he pushed him roughly back towards the railing, “Evil is evil, it does not serve an end, it must be eradicated!”

Kyoko simply watched, “He isn’t worth the effort Thev, the Shadis Masin have their hooks into him.”

Xenon blinked; “Please, you misconstrue my words…” he never finished as Thev through Xenon overboard into the waters below and stalked away. He was angry, not just with Xenon, but with his own actions.

Talindra and Rhea returned to the main deck just as Thev had cast Xenon overboard. Talindra blinked, surprised no one had gone to rescue the wayward mage. She dove overboard and went to retrieve Xenon while Rhea assisted in getting them both back to safety. After a few harrowing minutes, everyone was back on the ship, though Xenon and Talindra were soaked to the bone.

To Be Continued...

The rest of the story in the exciting yet chilling conclusion as the heroes enter the tower and face many horrors... and perhaps a return to the Faerun we all know and love... Finally the appearance of Rydia as well... much to the joy of her player...

Black Omega

First Post
Re: Updates in the work...

Tokiwong said:
Long time no write I know, been caught up working on my webpage and retooling my Oriental Adventures game, which will now be a Rokugan game starting on the 10th. Anyways update this weekend, most likely 2 updates, been needing to get the story going again. Thanks Rune, I thought I had been forgotten.

And I expect you'll have a storyhour for this game as well.;)


First Post
Re: Re: Updates in the work...

Black Omega said:

And I expect you'll have a storyhour for this game as well.;)

Yeah you bet man, we start this week on Sunday I am excited ran some solos so I can probably post that... looks like it is going to be sweet... :D

Black Omega

First Post
Re: Re: Re: Updates in the work...

Tokiwong said:

Yeah you bet man, we start this week on Sunday I am excited ran some solos so I can probably post that... looks like it is going to be sweet... :D

I'm looking forward to it then. It'll be interesting to see how the party is put together. Part of the reason I didnRokugan/FR was to make it a little easier on people not into L5R.

How do you use solos? To set up the characters getting together or what?

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