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The Thorns of Winter -(updated 8/1/2023)


Lizard folk in disguise

Breaking Out in Good Faith - 11/5/2020​

Paron d’Sivis poured himself some hot coffee just as First Bell rang. He sighed, mornings were usually quiet, as most of Khorvaire was west of Krona Peak and messages inbound would only pick up about half way to Second Bell. Still, the quiet in the Message Room allowed him to take care of small things. As a scion of the house, he was rarely involved matters that didn’t require the Mark, giving him some latitude on how he could allocate his time. As long as he was around for his assigned time by the Message Stone, he could do what he wanted.

He was about to consider exactly what he was going to do before Second Bell, when a gnome clerk approached him; “Pardon, but there is a visitor who is insistent in talking to you. A Vernan Galandrak?”

Paron looked up in surprise, “Show him in.” He sat himself at a nearby table and waited, for the clerk to escort the Inquisitive inside. Vernan looked much like he always did, with his duster and a smile behind his beard.

“What brings you here now? Aren’t we going to spend enough time together with that stupid interrogation?” Paron said resigned as he looked at the dwarf.

“Yes, a waste of time,” Vernan said. “I need your help though, and this has everything to do with the interrogation.”

“Really…and what is that?” and Paron started to drink his coffee.

“Can you get the billing documents for Soldorak, Mroranon, and Kundarak?”

Paron sputtered hot coffee everywhere and looked at the dwarf as if he had grown a symbiont from his head. “Do you have any idea how many rules I would be breaking? And the sheer number of documents we are talking about? What on Eberron requires that?”

“Because I think our friend is pocketing a bit of gold—”

“—On what proof?” Paron said, his eyes hard. “I can’t just take your word on it.”

“The proof on this requires all three sets of papers, I can order Kundarak’s—”

“—But not Mroranon or Soldorak’s Those are private—”

“—We really don’t have time—”

“Certainly, we do; the papers aren’t going anywhere. If you have a suspicion, we can file a request with my leadership and have a House team look—”

“—Paron, I am telling you we need to do this fast.” Vernan said fuming.

“What am I missing here?” Paron said putting down his mug and raising his hands mystified.

“That woman is going to be crated off to the Dreadhold, unless we do this now!”

Paron looked puzzled at Vernan, “This isn’t like you to get so…attached.”

“I’m not attached, but…my gut is telling me something big is on the line.”

“Your…gut?” Paron said slowly, his tone in disbelief.

“And I was asked to.”

“By whom?”

Vernan, looked around and leaned forward, “Melisandre d’Med—”

“Are you insane?” Paron leaned forward, his voice lowered to a near whisper. “Who are you working for again? Her or Kundarak? How do you know she isn’t playing her own game?"

"You know the answer to that! And think about this; both Kundarak and Sivis’ reputation is on the line here.”


“If Kundark and Sivis are party…sorry victim, to what I suspect, it will be a black mark against both houses. Some might think…they were complicit.” Vernan hissed quietly.

“Does the Medani know about this?”

Vernan shook his head, “No…her interest was on the woman, and I didn’t know what I know now.”

“Flinders.” Paron cursed. He drained the rest of his coffee from the mug, before speaking to Vernan again. “You had better be right about this. I can pull a favor and get Benfiq to do some digging. If you are right, he is the right gnome to pull it all together.”

“I am. Just trust me.”

“I was afraid you would say that,” Paron said glumly. “Now, what are we looking for?”

The position on my knees was familiar, and yet no more comfortable. My arms ached still, but at least I wasn’t fed more serum so my stomach wasn’t on the edge of spilling its contents again. But this time it was different.

“Ask her again,” the dwarf called Rior asked in the trade language.

“She’s not changing her answer why are we—?” the other dwarf Vernan I thought, started to say.

“—Do it!” Rior then barked,

Vernan then sighed and then said to me in Elvish, “So who hired you to come here and spy?”

So different didn’t mean better. But having a stronger grounding in the trade tongue let me get a clearer picture on the dynamic. The gnome was only there to document me repeating myself. Vernan and Rior really didn’t like each other, although the gnome seemed to like Vernan.

But as our time together progressed, I got the sense that Rior wasn’t really interested that I answer the question. The more he barked, it sounded like he was killing time and that he had something better to do than make me suffer on my knees. Now, considering things, this was not pain and suffering by a long shot. The position I was in made me helpless, and probably would make a lot of people feel vulnerable. I just happened to have perspective on how much worse it could be. It didn’t mean I liked it. But it did mean I could deal with it and pay attention now I didn’t have poison coursing through me. And as I sat there, head bowed I heard something interesting.

In the trade language, the gnome spoke up, “You know for as much as you are paying Sivis on this, we could have just used an Eye of Aureon.”

Eye of Aureon?

“Are you saying I can’t interrogate a prisoner?” Rior spat back angrily.

“Not at all. But we would be done with this waste of time. I do have other work I need to do for Soldorak after all.” The gnome said wearily. As he finished, somewhere in the distance I heard three chimes of a large bell.

“Paron, that’s very nice, but the Eye is simply not needed,” Rior said his voice condescending. “Assuming what she said of her origins is true, she isn’t a citizen of old Galifar or one of the Five Nations. She has no standing here in Mror, and therefore no privileges to stand in a house of law. But I agree, this is a waste of time. Guards! Take her back to her cell. We’ll just send her off in two days.”

Sodding Baator. I thought as two dwarves grasped and released me from the t-block on the floor. As I stood, I noticed that Vernan was watching me expectantly. Like something was supposed to happen. I didn’t pay it any mind at first, but as the dwarves escorted me back to the cell block, I realized he was following me.

After passing through the halls, we entered a square room that was the entry point to my cell block. in the center of three walls were locked iron doors with bars at dwarf eye height. A single table was in the center of the room with three pitchers and four mugs on top of it, and two dwarves sitting bored around it on chairs. One of the seated dwarves, stood up and walked past me. They grabbed a metal key on a hook that was on the wall near the passageway leading back to where I was questioned. As he passed, I saw something on the floor. My heart quickened a bit, and I made my play.

“Vernan,” I said in Elvish. “Can you convince the dwarves to loan me a bucket, water and cloth. I haven’t had a bath in days.” I turned to look at him pleadingly and was surprised.

I was expecting any number of reactions, but not this. I saw him think a moment, and he looked around in…desperation. Like a compulsion had washed over him. Looking around he stammered.

“I don’t exactly see a bucket or anything.”

“That would do,” I nodded at a brass pot on the floor next to the table.

“That’s a spittoon you realize?”

I nodded, “And they don’t use it I notice.” Turning back to Vernan I said. “Please…it doesn’t sound like I have a lot of time left here.”

His eyes narrowed for a moment and then he nodded and spoke in Dwarvish. The two room guards and my escort started to laugh, and I watched as the seated dwarf poured half a pitcher of water into the brass pot and then tossed a rag on the table into it. He looked dubiously at the contents and said something in dwarvish.

The other dwarf had opened the door to the cell block and had already opened the door to my cell. One of the escorts grabbed the spittoon, and then they together pushed me down the hallway. Once they reached my cell, they then spun me around to release me from my manacles, while thrusting the spittoon into my arms and pushing me inside my familiar cell, locking it behind me. And in no time, the threesome left the cellblock, as I heard the block door slam shut and lock once again.

I stood there head bowed in my cell and looked at my prize. The spittoon’s contents were now mixing with the water, turning it a vile color of brown.

“So much for a bath,” I said.

I then hear across the way coughing and then “Myrai…back again!”

“Yes, probably for the last time. Sounds like they are done with me.” I said recalling what I heard. “Hey, do you know what an Eye of Aureon is?”

“Yeah I do. It’s a big magical plate in the ground, that prevents you from telling lies. Tricky business with them. You can evade as much as you like, but most judges would see ‘dodging the question’ as guilty.”

“And there is one somewhere in this place…thanks,” I said.

“Well…I’m sorry about the new accommodations,” Iryn said. “I heard they nail you shut in a box with a small hole for food for the trip over. Course that might be an ugly rumor. Won’t be joining you though as my times about up.”

I blinked and put down the spittoon and moved to the cell door, “Iryn…what did you do?”

“Well…not all the weed was pipeweed. One of them had a bit of poison. Safe to smoke, but not so much to eat. I’ll be dead before First Bell.”

“Iryn…it…it can’t be that bad.” I said concerned, my plans of the moment forgotten.

“I was dying when I came here; my lungs shot. But I let myself get caught to let my kin get away. In exchange, my share goes to my wife and son.” And Iryn began to cough again, quietly.

“Why? They certainly need—”

“—Look I said I was a Boromar. I tried to leave. Tried to have a family away from the Clan. Thing is you can’t leave it. It wasn’t a big deal until my son was born. I want him to grow up with out the name and without the baggage. This…This was the price. I just wish I could have told her.”

I have heard this type of story before; a parent paying it forward in desperation. A better life for your kids than what you had. I couldn’t argue its seductiveness and while the cost in this case couldn’t be higher, I could no more judge his life, as much as I couldn’t judge his death.

But I wasn’t done with him.

“Iryn, you didn’t smoke all of the weed did you?”

“Hah! I would be green to my ears if I did that. Thought I was pacing myself for more time, until the Dreadhold came up. Why?”

“Well…if you aren’t going to use it—”


I blinked in surprise, and I probably sounded desperate. “I need it!”

“I am saving you from yourself. This is a nasty habit. Can’t have that on my conscience now.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “No…I need it. But I’m not going to smoke it.”

“So…wait. You want it…but not smoke it? You can’t chew it…it’s still got poison in it!”

“No, I don’t want to consume it either. I just need to burn it.”

Iryn’s cell was silent for a long moment and I was about to speak up again. “Well…as long as you promise you don’t imbibe it either way. Let’s see if my arm is any good. Catch!”

Quickly, I stretched out my arms past the bars ready to blindly catch something. I felt it bounce off of my fingers on my left hand, and I continued to bobble it from hand to hand. Finally, my fingers on my right hand closed on a corner of cloth, keeping it from dropping on the ground. I slowly pulled my hand backwards and used my left hand to press the bundle against the door, and let my right get a better grip. Gaining that I pulled it into my cell.

I moved over to my sleeping platform and opened it. There inside were three pouches of pipeweed, and a smaller bundle of wooden sticks. Each stick had a bulb of some type of rough material. I looked at these in confusion when Iryn read my mind.

“The sticks are matches, just draw it across the stone and it will catch aflame. New invention making the rounds from Zilargo.”

I nodded to myself and said, “Thank you Iryn. Thank you.” I had everything I needed.

I moved to the door and listened, and I could hear the dwarves muttering down the hallway. They were always loud. Loud enough that I doubt they would hear me.

I moved the spittoon and then all the bundles of weed and the matches to the sewer hole. Laying down I reached inside and pulled out The Apocrypha. And lay it against my left thigh. I then took the rag and squeezed out the foul water into the hole, leaving it damp but not soaking. Setting it aside, I poured the water and filth out of the spittoon, and down the sewer, emptying it. Once done I took the cloth from the bundle and wiped dry the interior. Then I set the spittoon into the hole, and wedged it so it wouldn’t slip any farther down.

I then took all three of the pipeweed bundles and emptied their contents into the bottom of the brass spittoon, spreading it evenly along the bottom. I took the damp rag and wrapped it around my face, covering my mouth and nose, all the while trying to forget where it had been. I then took the bundle of cloth and covered my head with it, and spread it out so to cover the sewer hole, and with my head and arms inside.

I lay there, with a match in my right hand and I looked at it gulping.

“Please Kelemvor…let this work…Please just help your servant this once.” And I struck the match.

It flared to life, startling me. I knew I could do something like this with a pull on a strand, but I did marvel at the concept, that anyone could do this magic. No, that wasn’t right; it wasn’t magic. This was something else.

The match was half way down when I refocused on what I was doing. I then dropped the match on the pipeweed in the brass spittoon. Quickly it began to smoke and smolder just as I hoped. Closing my eyes, I started to whisper to myself. They weren’t words, just sounds of particular pitches and tones. I breathed slowly and began to weave.

The light and dark strands danced in my mind, as I slowly wove it into a circular pattern. I pulled the threads thin, and wove and knotted them, slowly and carefully. This was nothing to be rushed, it was delicate work to create a trap of sorts. I breathed deeply the air, filtered partially by the rag and the water within. My eyes teared as the fumes filled the cavity of the spittoon. It prevented the weed from flaring into a sudden fire as my makeshift brazier let the material smoke, and not turn to ash all at once.

I worked the strands, forming a pattern that I had made once before months ago. The strands to my mind looked like a web of sorts, but not one for a spider. This one had was like patterns of diamonds and with bits of strand loose at the knots to be toyed with. Finally complete, in my mind I moved it through the weave, like a net in water. I was slow at first, and then I moved it with greater speed. I kept chanting phrases and focused on the knots, tightening some, and loosening others.

Then I felt it, a tug. I waited a moment, and I felt the tug again, but this time less tentative, surer. Finally, I felt the strands being pulled away from me. I then pushed forward with the weaving and enveloped something. It didn’t fight like it did before months ago; it clutched and grasped desperately to the woven strands. I then pulled with my mind on all the strands that I wove, and forced them into my world.

I opened my eyes and blinked. There I could see the physical manifestation of the strands, now an ashen web. The web covered a black furred form, supine in the bottom of the spittoon. I watched as it shifted and I saw along the soft fur, wings covered in black feathers flex slightly as the creature took in a new breath. My eyes teared up in joy as I saw the slitted yellow feline eyes regard me with interest. And then finally heard in my head, words that were sorely missed.

--Well it took you long enough!


I lifted out my familiar and clutched him to my breast in a embrace, crying in joy. The Tressym shifted awkwardly in my arms, half trying to escape, and half trying to find a measure of comfort.

--Look now, I do need to breathe.

Sorry…It’s been a trying couple of days.

--I am sure it was now…hold it. What happened? Why was I in a stinky pot?

You don’t remember?

--Remember what?

You being consumed in fire?!?

--Of course, I remember that, and then you summoned me…back…wait…no. You didn’t do that. I then…oh.

I had to recreate you…or find you again. Needless to say, I need you.

--So, the Duergar caught you then. Could be worse.

It is worse. I’m somewhere else. I know it is called Eberron, but that’s it.

--This looks like a cell.

It IS a cell. The dwarves here, who aren’t duergar, think I’m a spy and murderer…oh and I didn’t pay a healer, I think.

--You? A spy? What did Iesa say about that?

He…he’s not here.

--What? He and that silly monkey what…’wound up biting the dead book?’

No…we were separated.

--“We” who is here with you and I?

That’s it. Just us…now.

--So you don’t know where we are exactly, we have no friends, and you want to what break out of this cell without a plan?

So, yes, not quite, and dead wrong. That’s why you’re here Gos.

--Well…what’s the plan?

I need you to get a key; its beyond a couple of doors, both with bar slots like the door in here. It’s hanging on a hook. There were two dwarves in the room, so you are going to need to be careful getting it.

--Well this should be simple, all you need to do is use the weave to--

That’s a problem. I can only use the strands if my head is in the…sewer there.

--Sewer…wait, you summoned me in a sewer pipe?!?


--That’s disgusting.

I’ve been laying with my face in it, you don’t need to tell ME!

--Ah…right…sorry. Can you look through my eyes?

I looked at the Tressym and concentrated, and then my sight shifted, to me. My hair was matted, and it like my face was covered in dirt or worse. The skin around my mirrored eyes red and puffy from crying and dealing with smoke, and my nose running. I quickly shifted my vision back.

Sodding Baator, I look like I was at the bottom of that pipe.

--Might be a bit strong. Not as bad as you smell though.

Bath…need a bath…later. But yes, I can point out the key.

--But I can’t use it. I’m not that good.

Just get it. I have a plan for the next part.

I lay down by the sewer and pulled out the spittoon while Gossamer squeezed his lithe body between the window bars of my cell, and was quickly out of sight. I moved the spittoon aside, and after taking a deep breath, lowered my head inside and waited.

--Is this it?

I quickly shifted and looked through Gossamer’s eyes again, and saw he was staring straight at the key.

Yes, turn so I see the guards.

Gos turned his head, and I saw the guards sitting at the table, their backs to the door to my cell block. They had now a small keg in front of them and they were certainly deep in their cups.

They look near gone. I can’t help you here; you need to get the key and get back to my cell door. Take your time.

--Got it.

I lay and waited. Time of course crawled as I lay there, with a head full of sewer fumes. Anxiously, I was tapping my foot when finally Gossamer spoke up.

--That was close. Here.


--The pair on the table, are light sleepers. But I got it. Now what?

Put the key down, and then when you see it move, look at the lock.

I then put my head in the hole again and focused and using a white and black strand, formed a glove and imagined my hand inside of it. Looking up from the hole, I saw the hand floating there. I concentrated and moved the hand between the bars and then looked through Gossamer’s eyes.

It was strange but it worked. I quickly picked up the key and manipulated it in my ghostly hand, and then moved it up to the lock. As Gossamer watched, I slowly and carefully to avoid making noise, I threaded the key into the keyhole, and turned it, retracting the bolt.

Sighing to myself, I grabbed a pair of bags that held the pipeweed and stuck my head into the sewer again. I flexed and felt the rush on my back, and I placed a dim warm yellow light on one bag, and then I quickly stuffed it into the second, blocking the light from escaping. I then grabbed the Apocrypha and stood up, ducking to avoid hitting my head, and moved to the door. I took a deep breath and pulled it open slowly, trying not to let the hinges creak. Fortunately, the hinges made no noise, and I was relieved to see Gossamer sitting patiently on the floor.

I smiled at him and I pulled the door closed and then locked again. Taking the key, I then looked at the cell door across from mine; Iryn’s.

“One thing at a time,” I said to myself, and I put the key in the lock and unlocked it.

--Myr? What are you doing?

Keep an eye out. This has to be done.

I pushed the door slowly, again trying to prevent it creaking. I slowly opened it until it was just wide enough for me to slip through, and I entered Iryn’s cell.

He was laying on the stone platform that passed for a bed. To my eyes, his head was once shaven close, but now had a stubble of growth around the pate, as the top of his head would never grow any hair. His skin was loose around him, as the lack of food had taken its toll. He was struggling to sit up as his eyes searched the darkness.

“What do you want now?” he growled. And I instinctively put my finger to my lips and made a shushing sound, causing his face to contort in confusion. “What?” he whispered. “Who’s there?”

“Your neighbor has come to say…goodbye.” I said, and I stepped over and sat down on the platform next to him, placing a hand on his.

“You…you’re free?” he stammered his hand touching mine, and following up the length of my arm.

“Told you I wasn’t going to smoke it,” I smiled at the blind halfling.

“Damn it…you could have—”

“I still can…if you want. If you want to see your wife and son again.”

He blinked in the darkness and his body sagged, “Its too late for that…the poison.”

“I…can cure it. I’m a priestess of a…far away god. You aren’t beyond me yet.”

“If only I could see...”

I pressed the bag into his hands. “Inside this is a light that will shine. Open it carefully; its not bright, but it should suffice.”

I watched him pull on the draw strings, and he pulled out the second bag, now appearing almost like a yellow flame in his hands. His eyes squinted as they adjusted and he then looked into my face and I saw his expression soften into rapture.

“You…you…are…an angel…those eyes…”

“Part angel…my father was one, “ I said stroking his head with my fingers.

“I’ve seen one in Sharn…I would be pressed to tell the difference; except they were a little taller I think.” Iryn said reverently.

“Sharn has angels?” I said quietly. “I might have to visit I suppose. But let’s talk about you. What do you want?”

“You mean…save me?”

“Or let you choose your death.”

His brows furrowed in confusion. “Choose my death? I thought you were a priestess?”

I nodded, “I am. My god is…far away I suppose, but he is a god of death. As his servant one of my duties is to help those, with their life…or their death. You can’t really separate them. But while you don’t choose the first; you should be able to choose when you want to face the second.”

“So, If I chose to let the poison take me you would?”

“Yes,” I said softly. “And if you couldn’t end it on your own, I would…assist.”

His eyes grew wide, “By the Sovereign…is that allowed?”

“It is by my god…but it should be in accordance with what you believe. It isn’t for me to tell you what is right. I only intervene if asked, if needed, if warranted. And so, I can also cure you, and perhaps you will escape. Or I will sit with you until you pass beyond.”

“Why would you—?”

“Because no one should die alone…in the dark.” I said stroking his cheek.

He nodded and thought. After awhile he looked at me again and touched my own cheek. “If it is all the same, living means my son would…no. I can’t do that. But if you could, tell my wife that I love her.”

“What’s her name and how do I—?”

“—She works in an inn called ‘The Three Black Dogsin Sharn…her name is Peris…have a message brought to her there.

“I will do so when I am able Iryn.”

“Thank you,” and he gave out a sigh of relief. “It feels easier now…is that normal?”

“When you aren’t fighting for life, it is easier to let go. If you don’t mind, I will say a prayer for you.” I said quietly, still stroking his head.

“That’s…that’s…fine,” he said softly.

I placed a hand on his breast, and felt his heartbeat slowing, and I whispered to him:

“No one should be alone, in life or death,

Death is part of life, not an ending but a beginning

Death is without deceit and has meaning,

All should strive to help those to live,

So, they can die at their appointed time,

I will honor those who have died before me,

For it is their lives and deeds that give us the world today,

Bless this soul at his chosen, appointed time,

So, his deeds will live forever,

So be the will of my Lord, and my desire in faith

May Death grant you peace.”

I leaned forward and gave Iryn a final kiss on the lips, and I felt his heart slow to a stop, as his soul slipped free from his mortal coil.

I tucked the light bag, back within the first, and placed it in his hands on his chest. And quietly I stepped out of the cell, to see the judging eyes of my familiar.


--You have time for that?

It is a responsibility.

--At a time like this? I don’t want to be blasted into another ball of smoke.

Trust me…I don’t want that either. You stunk.

--I should…wait I did?

Burnt fur is bad. And you had a lot of it. Or did. Let’s move on.

I looked the hallway up and down. I could see six or so paces away the cell block door, and the passage of the cell block went farther at least three doors or perhaps twenty paces. Looking down the hall I saw more cages that could have held the strange purple veined crystal, but they were empty.

“Perfect,” I said. Speaking aloud, “Gos, go to the block door and warm me if someone is coming, but stay there otherwise.” and I walked down to the end of the hallway and sat down. I then pulled a tab from the Apocrypha and started to chant quietly, looking at the door.

I pulled and created a lattice of dark strands and a single thread of light and wove it so the edge of the lattice covered the cell block door, and extended deeper into the hallway, close to where I sat. After some focus, I looked up and pulled the lattice strands taut, and I let the field manifest.

--Hey, I can’t hear them.

And they can’t hear you either.

--Oh…I see what …or hear what you…or not hear what you…never mind.

Go slip through the bars and stare at the lock, I need to unlock it with the key again. Let me know if the dwarves are awake of course.

--Nah dead asleep. I am looking at it now.

I quickly created another glove out of the strands and placed the key in it and jogged down the corridor. I first stopped at Iryn’s door, and pulled it shut and locked it. I then jogged to the cell block door and moved the key outside the barred window with the ghostly hand. Shifting my sight to Gossamer, I quickly unlocked it. Gossamer turned to look at the guards fast asleep, and I quickly and noiselessly opened the door. I quickly shut it and relocked it, while still in the field of silence.

Without thinking or saying a word I motioned to Gossamer. I first hung the key back on its hook, and then moved into the hall that led toward where I had been questioned. I padded quietly in my bare feet, feeling almost naked with a tunic almost too short to be modest. But no one was in the halls to see me. On the walls I saw plaques inset into the stone in script I couldn’t understand. Frowning we continued until we got to a four-way intersection. Twisting around all of them looked the same. I stood there and had an idea.

Gos, can you smell anything? Anything like food or smoke?

Gossamer smelled the air a moment and then blinked at me.

--Yes, left of here I smell smoke and I think meat…I’ll bound ahead.

I nodded. It was a good idea, as he was far quieter than I. He stayed on the floor against the wall and trotted forward. As I followed, I saw him come to a doorway and he peeked inside. He then quickly darted into the room. I followed and my mouth watered at what I saw.

This was a side storage room, with wheels of cheese, and small kegs of ale or beer. There was also an assortment of cured meats on a side board. On it was a lit candle, utensils and a couple of small bowls, containing white crystals.

Without a thought I grabbed a whole round of cheese and bit into it. The nutty smoked flavor was almost enough to make me forget the horrid food from the prison, and from the Lathander islands. Pirates were lousy cooks it turned out.

--You are going to share right?

I need this, you don’t. But sure…in a bit. Watch the door, I need some time.

--To eat?

No…to understand.

Keeping the wheel of cheese under my arm, with The Apocrypha, I grabbed the small bowl of crystals, and I pulled it to my face and I stuck my tongue in it. I smiled again. My suspicion was correct, it was salt. Putting it down, I then looked at the candle and with a quick thought doused it. I then took it and crumbled the top of the wick. The soot fell into the bowl of salt. I returned the candle and with a whipping of a white strand relit it.

I then moved into the corner of the room, and set the bowl on the ground, while I pulled another tab on the Apocrypha and focused, pulling strands of white around my mind. Then I formed small webs and let them orbit with the strand, letting them catch what they needed. After a bit of time, I pulled the strand hard to start it spinning around my mind and I then grabbed the bowl and stood up. Gossamer followed in confusion, as I returned to the intersection where we started.

Once there, I looked at the plaques. What was once unintelligible dwarven script…was still that. But looking at the plaques I could understand their intent.

--Ah I see. So which way is out?

Out? I don’t want to get out.

--What? I thought we were getting free?

We are. But the exit isn’t what I am looking for.

--You might need some more cheese…you seem to be, what I don’t know, out of your mind!?!

Ignoring the Tressym’s rebuke, I read one of the plaques and turned what was the opposite direction of the pantry we found. Moving quickly, we came to another intersection. Reading them again, I smiled, and continued forward. I was so excited, that I almost didn’t hear the clank of armor as I approached a room.

Panicking, I pressed myself against the wall. I peeked in and saw a pair of armored dwarves talking. The room itself was rectangular, with a desk in front of an ornate door, and two other side passages leading left and right. The room itself had some murals on the walls, and a pair of suits of armor flanking the passages leading off. Next to the door was a plaque made of a shiny copper metal, with greenish lettering. And it was the plaque I was looking for:

‘Urkiel Mroranon’

The dwarven guards seemed to be not at attention, but were rather paused on a patrol talking:

“I hear that they need more troops below.”

“Yeah, I heard that. I also heard that Kaelin Skolhanker is still hiring for his push to take back the Sieve. I heard it pays better.

“You want to fight for someone else’s gold mine?”

“Nah. I just rather stick an axe in a Jhorash’tar than the stuff creeping below.”

Frustrated, I leaned against the wall, out of sight and thought a moment. I snuck my head and looked past the dwarves at one of the suits of armor. The armor was mounted on some type of rack, but it held some type polearm. I grinned, and quickly created a glove and I sent it along the floor to the suit of armor. I focused a moment and slapped the polearm shaft so the shaft would hit the armor, and then released the strand holding the glove together, causing it to vanish.

What I was hoping was for some noise as a distraction. But what happened was even better than I hoped. The polearm, hit the armor, and then clattered on the floor, attracting both of the guard’s full attention.

“Cripes! What in the Five was that?

“The poleaxe slipped, it seems, help me put it back so it doesn’t fall again.”

Once their backs were turned, I dashed across the room, and grabbed the door handle to Urkiel’s office, and quickly opened it and slid inside.

The room probably was dark, based on I saw no shadows and no light. After Gossamer trotted inside, I closed the door to look around. It was well appointed, with a large tapestry on one wall, and a cold fireplace on the other wall, flanked by bookshelves. A desk was centered against the wall opposite the door, and behind it were an array of windows, looking outside.

I pressed my ear to the door, and heard the dwarves replace the polearm, and then they walked off, still talking to themselves. I hung my head down and gave a sigh of relief. I moved toward the desk and put down the bowl, the Apocrypha, while I bit into the cheese again. I also tore off a small piece and placed the nugget on the desk, where Gossamer jumped onto and started to nibble on it.

--The cheese is pretty good.

I looked out the windows to see the first sight of this new world. It was night, and the sky overhead was partly cloudy. My vantage point placed me on the side of a mountain valley, and I could see the opposite side clearly. The face of it was almost shear, as if an axe had cut a furrow in the mountainside. As my eyes travelled down the mountain, I realized that there were levels of streets on the outside of buildings carved into the face of the rock. The streets crisscrossed haphazardly ascending and descending at different points on the shear wall. Lights illuminated the streets below, and in the bottom of the valley, there was a broad avenue. Larger than many carts across, and lined with smaller sets of buildings as one got closer to the mountain. In the middle of the street was a pattern of round objects in a trench, and at various points, ramps and bridges crossed over the trench at three times the needed height I though.

This was a place carved, hewn and shaped from stone. It stood in contrast of the elven places I had been, where everything was grown into shapes. Here it was like the shapes were always here, hidden by the rock. While chiseled and carved, it was done in a way that looked and felt right. That the stone was meant for this path. Its beauty in its order, even among the chaotic striations of the rock itself. It was a wonder. As I looked upwards to the firmament above, I was amazed to see a sky with four moons peeking through the clouds.

“Wow,” I said mostly to myself as I sat on the edge of the desk drinking in the beauty, taking in a moment to eat the cheese I brought.

--Yes, yes, very nice. Where to now?


--You lost me.

We need to talk to the man who works in this office.

--Huh the guards aren’t that smart it looked. We could get outside easily..

If I run off, they will hunt me down and throw me in that cell again. Look, I’m a stranger in a city I don’t know, with no one to call a friend. Where could I go? My things are somewhere I am sure but finding them would be dangerous. No, I need a fair chance to be heard.

--So how do you do that?

I straightened my tunic, and I started to use the strands to clean off the filth and blood from me and my ‘garment.’ I rushed the strands through my hair, cleaning it, I then focused on removing the stink from my skin and replaced it with something a little more earthy with a hint of spice.

Simple. I’m going to make an offer he can’t refuse.

Session notes:

Good, smart familars are hard to find, which is why pushed for and got the Tressym. Owls make better combat scouts, but that was never what Gossamer was intended for.

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Lizard folk in disguise

The Bargain - 11/12/2020​

Urkiel Mroranon growled with frustration. There was always more to be done, and it would be early mornings and long days for a while. Normally filling a garrison with Mror was never a problem; the Realm Below had much to reward the intrepid and the brave.

Until Skollhanker started luring strong Mrors of all types, warriors, smiths, masons with the tales of gold from the Sieve. Gold fever had the Mrors aflame with greed and sloth. Hard honorable work below didn’t appeal as much as a swift march above for easy coin. Easy to lure battle hardened Mror with a share of a mine. A mine not touched since the early days of the Last War. You would think that nuggets were just waiting there, in easy reach in the tunnels. Nevermind that the Jhorash’tar infested the mine with their filth. But once done, the Mror would come back. All Urkiel could do was wait for the madness to pass.

But the work still needed doing, and so Urkiel had arrived early yet, before the sound of First Bell. The spring chill gripped the stone in its cold embrace. Few of the garrison staff were present, only the thin number of guards on the Fourth Watch. He supposed that his aide-de-camp Barnas wasn’t even in yet. But truth be told, Urkiel got more done the hours before First Bell, than he would with the constant interruptions of complaints. The Soldorak guards were never going to get along with the few Mroranon men still here on the surface. And while Urkiel was nominally in charge; the Soldorak were hired to do a job for Mroranon. And as long as it was adequate, he could ignore the complaints.

Urkiel entered the antechamber of his office he passed the still armor stands, and the empty desk of Barnas. And without pausing he opened the door to his own office. He stepped inside and sighed happily. The morning light from the east painted the stone walls, and slate roofs of Krona, in a dim orange glow. While the sun was still below the Iron Roots for now, by the tolling of the bell, the rays of the sun, would light up the stone and the gold leaf that adorned many of the buildings. Urkiel wasn’t really much for sentiment; but the morning glow of the gold made a Mror’s chest swell in pride.

But the view was far from Urkiel’s mind, as he felt warmth of the fire gently soak into his bones. The fireplace was ablaze with flame, its heat already spread throughout the room, and dulling the chill from the glass. The weather was always cool but for a spring, it was unseasonably cold. Urkiel unstrapped his hammer from his belt and placed it on the desk and was about to sit, when he realized something was amiss.

If Barnas wasn’t at his desk, how was it that the fireplace was already lit? Urkiel barely had a moment to think about it when he heard a stirring. There seated in a stuffed leather chair was the figure of a person curled up upon it. Staring a moment, he saw that they had hair like gold, drifting to below the shoulders, and lightly browned skin, a human female. In her hand was a book from his shelf, one that talked about the key battles of the Last War, and how the Karrns had overplayed their hand in fighting against Thrane. As he looked at her, he realized that she wore a threadbare tunic of a prisoner, Then she looked up and smiled at him, and as her gaze met his, he was suddenly certain of one thing.

She was no human. He saw himself in her eyes, which were like polished mirrors.

“I take it, that it is near…First Bell, correct?” she said softly in the trade language, unconcerned as Urkiel gripped his hammer with his right hand. “And I assume you must be Urkiel of Clan Mroranon…or did I have that reversed?”

Urkiel blinked puzzled, and replied with his own question, “You…you must be the one that we caught spying down below. How did you get in here…no how did you get out of your cell?” he growled, suddenly concerned.

The woman didn’t react to the question, and instead set his book on a table next to her. She looked at the Mror calmly before speaking again. “If spying includes falling and crushing a table, certainly. Otherwise not really. You are…Urkiel correct?”

Confused he stammered, “You are correct, Mroranon is the Clan name, and I am Urkiel,”

The woman nodded and smiled, “Good, I am pleased to meet you.” She looked around and straightened herself up in the chair. “I’ve been looking forward to—”

“—To what? Using me in your escape? You have severely—”

“—No.” she interrupted shaking her head. “No, I am not escaping. I am here to…make a deal…a bargain with you.”

“You are unarmed, and you are not in a position to make any demands.” Urkiel growled, narrowing his eyes at the strange woman who casually and calmly sat in his office. To his surprised, she nodded.

“You are right. I am not in position to make demands. Which is why here to make an offer,” she said simply, her hands folded in front of her. “I have no intent to run and hide.”

Urkiel’s anger settled and he looked at the woman with curiosity. “Alright what do you want then?”

“A fair chance.”

“What do you mean?”

The woman took a deep breath. “I have been a guest for some time, and yet none seem to believe a word I say. So, I want you to question me.”

“I have heard that you are concealing the truth of things.”

“No, I have not. And that’s why I want you to question me on the…Eye of Aureon. You, and the others, Paron and Vernan. They can confirm that I have not changed a word.”

“So, you said you wanted to bargain? What are you offering?”

“I will tell you on that same Eye, how I escaped your prison, and found my way to see you.”

Urkiel smirked at the strange woman, when the door burst open and a blonde haired, bearded dwarf ran inside.

“Sir! The prisoners! The Soldoraks tell me that the spy escaped! And—”

“—And the other one is dead,” the woman said startling the aide, who twisted around, and grabbed for an axe at his side. Urkiel then lifted his hand and shook his head.

“Suppose you know something about that?” he said evenly.

The woman sighed, looking down, softly nodding. “I would, and you can ask me on the eye if you like.” She then looked at the aide and then lifted up her arms and put her wrists together.

Urkiel shook his head, “If you were going to run, you wouldn’t be here. And I am curious…on what exactly you are going to say.”

Paron d’Sivis picked up his satchel and downed another cup of coffee, grimacing.

“Who overheated the kettle? Tastes like it came out of a—”

“—Paron! This is a catastrophe!” Benfiq said rushing into the room with a bundle. “Our own procedures made us blind to all of this! I suspect we are going to be buried in audits for years! YEARS!!

Paron sighed “Sadly yes. I guess we can take some solace that we found it now. Later it would be been much worse. Anyway, I need to get ready for that interrogation. Should be the last day of it and then I can help—”

“—Paron, sir!” a younger gnome; a new clerk Paron remembered named Ulden came rushing up with a slip of paper.

“What is it today…yes?” Paron replied annoyed.

“You’ve been summoned to the Circle of Adamant at once!” the excited clerk said.

“What? Now? Who sent the summons?” and Paron ripped away the slip from the clerk, and his expression became more puzzled as he read who issued the demand, just as Ulden voiced it.

“Urkiel Mroranon. It’s about that int—”

“What just happened?!? Urkiel wants to go back to war, not deal with common crimes…unless…Flinders! Benfiq, I am going to need those files now,” and Paron snatched the large bundle from his cousin. “And count on me missing my shift. This is getting serious.” And Paron started to rush to the back entrance to avoid the throng gathering for message services at the front.

“Wait!” Benfiq called, causing Paron to stop short. “You have a message that came in last night!”

“I will look at it later! I’m going to—”

“Its from Korranberg!” and Benfiq ran over to a bin holding received documents. He grabbed a thick stack of papers and ran it to Paron.

Paron put down the bundle and he started to flip through the pages, his eyes growing wider with each turn.

“By the Sovereign!”

Vernan jogged along the cobblestones toward the Old Keep. Naturally it took its name from the fact it was one of oldest part of the Peak. Back when it perched over the mines and overlooked the passes for marauding Clansmen looking to take the hard work of the Mroranon’s. Back before the Clansmen were subdued, and the Clans became princes of industry. Now the bailey stood wide open, and the hearthwardens kept the business of the city running. Vernan hurried himself inside and ran towards a wide tunnel leading under the keep. it was here that once the Mroranons settled matters of honor with blood in the arena. But now, the Mrors lived in a civilized time, and so the circle was now one of duels of words and codices and contracts. Here the laws were unbreakable, and they only sided with those who adhered to its letter. Vernan had only been here once, and then only to observe to understand how Mror justice worked.

Today, he had no idea what to expect.

The tunnel opened up into a domed chamber, at the top tier of a ring of seats, broken by a set of stone stairs descending down the arena floor. It wasn’t terribly large, perhaps twenty paces wide. And its shape and form heralded to days of grudges drenched in blood. The floor of the former arena was circular, with high stone walls, where spectators could watch the display But instead of sand and blood, there was now a disc inset into the stone with a stylized image of stone tablets, arranged like an open book. It was decorated with colored tiles and gilt in gold; a disc that charlatans and thieves alike dreaded; an Eye of Aureon. A disc where falsehoods were exposed, and only truth would carry the day. Around the edge of the ring were seats and a pair of tables opposed on opposite sides of the disc. On one side of the chamber, opposite the entrance on the first tier was the Throne of Judgement, before barristers argued and a Mror Adjucate decided the outcome. This was the Circle of Adamant, the court of law of the Mror.

The room already was occupied with onlookers, interested in the day’s proceedings. The crowd was sparse; it would take a murder or something sordid to fill the seats. Vernan made his way down the steps to the first tier, reserved for people involved in cases. As he did so, he was waved over to an open seat by a familiar face. Vernan quickly descended and sat next to Paron.

“This is your fault isn’t it?” Paron whispered. “I couldn’t even finish my coffee this morning.”

“My fault? I had a dwarf banging on my door just after First Bell, waking me straight to a hangover,” Vernan whispered back.

Paron regarded the dwarf with a confused look. “Wait, I thought you…then who convinced Urkiel to start up an inquiry? It would not have been Rior.”

“I have no idea,” Vernan said equally mystified. “Did you happen to find the—”

Paron waved his hand to shush the inquisitive, “Its all here,” and he pointed at the seat on his other side, with a stack of binders and papers. “And more, but I don’t see how that helps anyone right now. What on Eberron are we doing here?”

“I’m sure it will…become…clear,” Vernan said as he looked into the stands across from him. There seated in the fifth tier sat a woman, thoughtfully looking at the Circle’s floor. Her raven tresses loose around her bare shoulders. Her cloak was unfastened and laid on the back of the seat, exposing her blue dress. Her legs were crossed and her right leg was kicking back and forth. She then turned her head, and her piercing blue eyes locked with Vernan’s and she gave him a secretive smile.

“Vernan what are…what is she doing here?” Paron whispered. Vernan said nothing, shaking his head, when a booming voice sounded from behind the Throne.

“All rise, for Urkiel Mroranon, Adjucate of the proceedings!”

The crowd rose, and Paron looked around at the floor puzzled. “Where are the barristers? This is an odd—”

“—Its an inquiry, not a criminal proceeding,” Vernan said quietly. “The Adjucate is the one asking questions today.”

Urkiel Mroranon, emerged from a door behind the Throne. In his hand he carried a large maul, with the broad flat head resting on the ground. Sitting down, he raised up the maul, and let the mallet head strike a bell, embedded in the floor next to him, causing it to peal with a rich deep tone that resonated in the Circle.

“Bring her.”

The dwarf Barnas opened the door in front of me, and gently nudged me to move. I took a deep breath and strode forward into the room. I was on edge; the room reminded me of several dueling pits in Sigil, but instead of spikes on the tops of the walls, or racks of weapons to be used, there were a pair of tables and chairs, surrounded by grey stone walls. Looking up I saw that the chamber was richly adorned with red tapestries that hung behind the small crowd looking down at me.

I swallowed, and continued forward, barefoot and still in the same tunic I was first imprisoned in. I had cleaned it and myself as best I could, but I somehow felt dirty, and exposed here. I was nervous; this was what I wanted. And yet I wasn’t sure how my gambit was going to play. It was a risk, as I knew nothing about the people or the rules. All I knew that this Eye of Aureon forced the truth to be told. And I hoped truth would be enough.

I entered the arena and Barnas stood by the door, while I proceeded onto the disc in the center. As I did, I could feel a shift in the magical fabric around me. I felt a little light headed, and as I turned, I realized that even thinking about lying was very hard. The compulsion to be honest was almost overpowering and almost unnatural. Like a part of me that I could use was suddenly taken away. I faced at Urkiel, now seated above and looking down at me. I wasn’t afraid of him, but his position above me did nothing to calm me. I took a deep breath and looked up at him and waited.

“This is an inquiry, to answer a number of questions relevant to the safety and security of Krona Peak. You will answer my questions. Any evasion will be known. And avoiding questions will force me to assume the worst possible outcome. Do you understand?”

I nodded silently and waited.

“What is your given name?”

I furrowed my brow for a moment before answering. But I raised my voice so the observers in the gallery heard me. “I do not know what name I was given. I have called myself ‘Myrai’ for over twenty years.”

Urkiel cocked his head as he heard my answer, and then continued. “You do not know your own given name?”

“No, I was given to an orphanage, and if I had one, I was never told.”

The dwarf nodded, “And where was this orphanage?”

“It was the Gatehouse, located in the Hive district, in the city of Sigil,” I said. The crowd muttered in confusion.

“Sigil…and where is that exactly?”

“Exactly?...um…it can be seen floating over the Spire, in the Outlands, sometimes called the ‘Plane of Concordant Opposition.’” All to more murmurs and whispers.

“What is she talking about?

“She must be lying…”

“…the Eye?...”

Urkiel lifted and dropped the head of the maul again, sounding the bell causing the crowd to quiet down. “So, you came from Sigil to here?”

This was going to be complicated. “No,” I said. “I left Sigil months ago and was on…on a world called Toril. There I was pushed into a well and fell…and landed on a table here.”

Urkiel leaned forward looking me with doubt, “A…well?”

I sighed, “In the well, was a portal. A portal that drew me to here…Eberron. I didn’t call it; I didn’t even know it was in the well as I fell. But it is how I arrived here.”

“And you said this to the team interrogating you. Are they here now?”

I looked around, and there in the first tier, I saw the Dwarf and the Gnome sitting together and watching. As my eyes locked onto them, they looked at each other.

“In the seats, Vernan and Paron were two of them. The third I don’t—”

STOP THIS!” a voice thundered and rushing down the stairs into the pit was the very dwarf who was responsible for my imprisonment. The dwarf pushed himself down past the guards, until he was standing, in full arms and armaments next to my barely covered self.

“This criminal has no right to be here! I demand she be remanded to me and punished!” he yelled at the top of his lungs in the arena.

“What, there’s something worse than the prison you were going to ship me to?” I spat facing Rior. “All for your—”

The dwarf turned towards me his face red with anger, “I do not have to…wait. You are speaking the trade tongue now. How—?"

“Unlike some others here, I listen and learn,” I said taking a step forward towards him glaring. As my words echoed in the arena, I heard chuckles in the stands surrounding it.

“I don’t have to answer to you, criminal!”

“You do have to answer to me!” Urkiel growled. “Was she to be sent there and why?”

Rior’s eyes narrowed into slits of hate, before turning to the Adjucate. “Simple. She was a spy in an area for only Mror citizens—” As he spoke I could hear more muttering from the crowd.

“—I was not spying—” I said my hands clenched in anger, glaring at him.

“—She was indigent, unable to pay House Jorasco.” Rior continued.

“—I haven’t been asked to even pay a—” I interjected.

“—And she’s a murderer.” He said with grim finality.

The crowd was suddenly silent, and I could feel their eyes upon me as I stood there, my confidence fading.

“She had enough blood on her armor that someone didn’t survive. And that isn’t all. You killed a fellow prisoner, Iryn Boromar for his pipeweed. Your hair was found on the dead halfling this morning, and the weed was burned in your cell, all a part your escape plane, to avoid Mror justice.” The crowd again whispered at the revelation that I had escaped; that I might be dangerous.

“Your fanciful delusions are just dressing for a broken mind; a dangerous, deadly one. That’s why I decided to send her to Dreadhold.” He said smirking.

I was speechless. Trapped by my actions on one death, and on circumstance on the second. And he found a flaw in my plan. While I supposedly couldn’t lie, I realized now that it wasn’t total absolution. If I was seen as someone that was barmy, it wouldn’t matter what I said.

Or did it?

“Yes. I killed Eridan bin Ahoone,” I said slowly, and the crowd’s murmuring rose again. “He was in ill health, and the crossbow quarrel in him was…” I trailed off a second and I felt the emotions surrounding his death wash over me, and my eyes started to water. “He…asked me in the name of our god to…send him to his final reward. As a priestess of Kelemvor I had to honor his request.” I turned to look at Rior again. “As for Iryn, he chose his own fate, and all I did was let him go. I could have saved him, but he stayed my hand and—”

“—So, you killed him in the name of a false god.” Rior sneered.

I gritted my teeth and my anger rose. Without a thought I pulled on a light strand, “How…DARE…you!” my voice boomed in the hall, far beyond my lung’s capacity. Rior took a step backwards in surprise. “I am a loyal servant of my god, and you will NOT mock him,” and I then pulled a dark strand, and the chamber shook with tremors. Everyone looked around in alarm, wondering if the quake was serious enough to warrant escaping to the surface.

“I don’t care if you think,” I spat my voice booming through the hall, “that I am out of my mind. That you think I’m a threat. But I am devout to his tenets, and to call my ministrations to the dying, murder…is BLASPHEMY!” I stood up straight, shivering in my anger and passion. My heart was pumping, as my blood coursed through me.

Rior was surprised but he swiftly recovered, “Simple tricks for a charlatan. It changes…nothing about your…fantasies, nor my assessment of you being a threat. Your stories’ entertainment does nothing to mitigate your danger.”

“Pardon…my Lord Urkiel,” said a voice in the stands. I turned in surprise and saw the gnome who had attended my interrogation had stood and was waving a hand towards Urkiel trying to grab his attention. “If I may enter the fray on the floor, I have…relevant information on this matter.”

Urkiel was about to respond, when Rior turned and yelled at the gnome, “Your responsibility is to document, not provide evidence—”

That would be true if this was about a crime,” Urkiel raised his voice only slightly, silencing Rior. “But this is an inquiry, and where I want information, I get it. Please, Paron d’Sivis.” And Urkiel gestured to the floor.

The gnome made his way to the bottom of the chamber, standing tall and proud. He stepped in from of Rior and I and then spoke,”

“When the woman known here as Myrai kept talking about a strange city called Sigil, it seemed like a fantastical place, borne from the tongue of a bard telling a children’s tale and nothing more. But she was insistent on its existence, and so I decided if this was a tale, then someone else must have recorded it. I contacted a colleague at the Library of Korranberg and made an inquiry.”

The gnome turned to look at me, “Imagine to my surprise, to find out that her tale is true,” and the observers gasped.

My heart skipped a beat. Planewalkers had been here before. I felt a smile creep on my face as he continued talking to the crowd, as much as Urkiel, playing up the drama now on display.

“During the Last War, around 956 there was a visitor to the city of Sharn, a rare species from Kythri known as a Githzerai. While I am not clear on the circumstances of his visit, he did stop at Morgrave University and had told a small gathering of professors of planes beyond our Orery, and he did talk about a ‘City of Doors,’” and he turned to look at me, with the barest nodding of his head. “Sigil.”

“Preposterous!” Rior growled. “Tale fit for a low bar and nothing more,”

“I would not call into question the learned members of that institution. Nor House Orien who I understood spent coin investigating the tales. And the information he left was verified by that House with magical aid. But while interesting, Orien could do nothing with what they learned. And with the War on, the Brelish, focused on matters at hand and the tale was forgotten by most. Except to a visiting scholar from Zilargo, who recorded it in his journal, which was donated to the Library in 973. But those are unimportant details.”

The gnome spun and looked up at me with a smile.

“Who is the central leader of Sigil?” he demanded.

I was somewhere between relief and tears of joy and I was never happier to utter her name.

“The Lady of Pain. She sets the ground rules and keeps the powers out.”

“Who is that person’s servants?”

“Her servants are called Dabus, they repair and fix the city,” my smile widening.

“What language do they speak?”

I laughed and a tear poured down my cheek, “While they can understand anyone, they don’t speak. They communicate in rebuses like this,” and I held out my hand and thought, and in golden shining lines I used a light strand to create a series of symbols. There on my hand I created three objects; a target with an arrow lodged in its frame, a piece of meat and a crowned male head. “That’s how they would say ‘mistaking’”

Paron turned to Uriel, “There are more examples, but I assert this is a real place, based on the evidence from the Library of Korranberg,” and he placed a binder on a table to the side.

Rior’s mouth was clenched, and then he gave a wide grin, “You understand my…reluctance to believe her. It changes nothing; she still was not where she was supposed to be, and your attempted escape is further proof of your guilt! It is fortunate that we caught you before you could disappear and cause more mischief.”

“Really?” my tone incredulous. “I escaped your cell because you never intended me to stand on this Eye of Aureon. You said, ‘I wasn’t a Mror and had no right to stand here!’” I gestured at the disc I stood upon. “So, I did escape and turned myself into a Mror who would at least consider listening to me. Because if I hadn’t’, you would have just sent me to rot in the Dreadhold.”

The instant that prison’s name left my lips, the chamber went silent. It was like I said something forbidden, or something so horrific that the mere mention of it was like a curse.

Rior didn’t flinch, he just stared at me with that same look of contempt, “I am charged with keeping Krona Peak secure. And what you had to say—"

“Perhaps we should discuss this further?” came a gruff voice, and I now saw that the dwarf, Vernan stood. “If I may, the House Kundarak has had an interest in the matter of security. But during my investigation of the risks the woman represents, I found something…unexpected. If I may?”

Urkiel rested his right elbow on the arm of his seat and rubbed his temple, “Why not? I cannot wait to hear this.”

Vernan walked down into the ring below and, took a spot in front of Rior and I, as Paron sat down on a chair near a table. Rior’s hate for Vernan was on full display here, but I was lost as anyone observing my fate today.

“House Kundarak was concerned very much about any breach of security here and asked me to look into the risk to their business. Listening to the woman, there was indeed a risk, portals in thin air? Vaults could be breached; defenses compromised. But what I found was far more sinister,” and Vernan walked up and he stared at me straight in the eye, with a look of distaste. I was going to interject when I saw he did something and held my tongue.

He winked at me.

“Now, there are many ways to compromise security,” he said as he turned to the crowd. Rior’s eyes were narrowed, as he listened, trying to follow the logic of the Inquisitive. “And in our experience in security, the best way to compromise the integrity of a fortress, or a bank, is best accomplished from the inside. Naturally, portals or other magical conveyances are well known types of breaches, that are looked for regularly. But imagine to my surprise that I found a very different kind of breach.”

He turned and looked at Rior dead in the face. “A breach of trust.” As those words escaped his lips, I saw Rior’s breathing quicken and his face pale. I was by comparison confused, as I listened to this tale.

“What I found was this. Certain people, criminals mostly would be sent to the Dreadhold. And of course, Mroranon would fund the expense at the…recommendations of security. They would fund the contract’s five-year term to Soldorak. Then they would ship off the criminal and send a cancellation notice to House Kundarak. Soldorak then would pay for the first year and some penalty fees. But Soldorak somehow failed to mention that cancellation to Mroranon and failed to mention that they were owed monies back, about half of the total five year sum. “

Rior’s face became as white as a sheet, and his breathing labored as he looked around like a trapped cranium rat.

Urkiel had leaned forward, fully engaged in the tale being told in the ring, his face grave as he looked at Rior. “I assume that you have more than a fancy tale here,” Urkiel said his voice seething.

Vernan nodded, “Indeed. After consulting with House Sivis, we…” his voice trailed off, and with that Paron jumped up and spoke to Urkiel and the crowd again.

“Yes…by looking at the accounts of all three we found all the connecting paperwork. By looking at only Mroranon and Kundarak accounts, nothing was amiss. Only if you look at Clan Soldorak’s documents in between can you see what really happened with the coin,” and Paron placed the second larger binder on the table.

“And who better to use, but people that otherwise would be unlooked for?” Vernan said with contempt. “Iryn Boromar was on the outs of his family and was dying. If he disappeared, his family wouldn’t look for him, and as for this woman? Insane or not, she had no friends to call to help her out. If they survived, both would have been abandoned somewhere in the Lhazaar Principalities, unlikely to return to Krona Peak counting their blessings.”

The crowd hissed in disapproval and the murmuring grew. Rior looked around for support, but even the Soldorak guards stationed there, looked at him with contempt.

“So, Rior. Is this true?” Urkiel asked the hapless dwarf. “Did you betray Mroranon’s trust?”

The sweat was now pouring from his brow. He stood looking around nervously as he tried to speak, “I…well…that is…perhaps…I should talk to—”

Urkiel lifted the maul with his left hand and let it drop again, causing the bell to peal. “This is your last chance Rior Soldorak.”

Rior’s back stiffened, and he raised his head, “I think I will wait for a…formal hearing on this before answering.”

“Such is your right, as this would be a…crime against coin and contract,” Urkiel said, his hate for the little dwarf that once stood defiantly before him. “Take him away.”

Two Soldorak guards grabbed their former boss’ arms, and led him down the tunnel, descending beneath the Throne. He never turned to look at me, and I truly hoped we would never meet again. Then Urkiel addressed me.

“It seems your visit here has…made an impact. But, by my authority as Adjucate, let me be the first to welcome you to the Mror Holds.”

And I heard applause in the rings of seats around the arena. The observers were standing and clapping…for me. I felt was overwhelmed with various emotions, relief exhaustion, joy. But as I turned around one figure caught my eye. A woman still seated in a blue dress, her long dark tresses loose around her shoulders, her skin a pale white, and she looked at me with piercing blue eyes. She was slowly clapping as she wore a crooked smile on her face, and she nodded as she realized I was staring at her.

“You…Myrai, owe us a tour of your escape. I am very eager to hear of it,” Vernan said grasping my forearm and shaking it. Paron looked at me smiling, “As am I. I think it took Vernan a month to break out of here the first time.”

I turned to look at the dwarf and he shrugged, “The best way to test it is to, get incarcerated. It is also how I got work from Kundarak; they respect thinkers.”

“Of course,” I said, and I summoned Gossamer from his hiding spot. At his appearance the pair looked at each other nodding with a smile. “But before we do so, is it possible I get dressed?” The pair started to laugh as I continued. “I feel like I ‘m going to show people more than they should see in this tunic.”

“Let’s get your things, and then some food.”

After getting dressed, I answered a lot of questions and I saw I had earned a lot of respect. Not because I escaped, but that I stayed and explained what I did and how. I apparently impressed a lot of them with my ingenuity and had them question many of their own assumptions. The familiar. The Apocrypha. The spittoon. All of it. And while some of the escape were only things I could do, they knew if I could, someone else might. But other things like where the key was kept, the guards, the patrols, the windows, and the sewer. Those were things that a dwarf called a ‘Silver Key’ was looking at and planning changes. However, his glares at me told me that not everyone appreciated my efforts.

Paron and Vernan then introduced me to the woman who healed me, Mylle d’Jorasco. I explained to her that I was an Aasimar, as that was the first question out of her mouth, just after the hug. And then I surprised them all again. While they all knew I had only a handful of coins on me, they didn’t realize I had a lot more wealth hidden, as I pulled several gemstones from…well that’s a secret. But I had enough to pay Mylle for saving my life, sight unseen. But she made an observation, and she was right, there was another person I needed to thank.

I ducked and entered the large hall of ‘The Patternwelded Blade.’. I knew I was underground somewhere, but the large open space was a surprise. Well lit, it felt bigger than the caverns underneath Lathander. It was nothing like the grim gray of the Duergar, nor the haphazard collection of bits of sea junk, like the drow there had scavenged for their casino. But what made it comfortable was the smell. I could smell the fermented grains and sharp tang of hops in the air. I shook my head and wondered, how on I never managed to go to any of the dwarfholds in Toril. I liked the beers, the ales and whiskey more than the wines and cordials of the elves. And here, I was in the heart of someone’s art and love. It was the closest thing that felt like the bars I once frequented in Sigil.

As I entered with Vernan and Goss flitting on his wings behind me, I saw the puzzlement of the regulars there, at the intruder to their retreat. I looked around, and I saw a dwarven woman approach with an angry face and a frying pan in hand.

“You there! This is a Mror establishment only! And no pets! How did you get past…the…no…it’s you!”

My hands were clutched together in front of me as I spoke smiling, “You must be Igneve.”

She looked at me in wonder her mouth still open as I continued. “I’m here to thank you for getting me to the healer, and I seem to owe you for a table.”

Igneve blinked a moment, and chuckled, “Now, we’ve lost many things, but I don’t recall losing a table in a more spectacular way. In fact, I don’t want it repaired.” And she pointed behind me.

I turned to look, and I started to laugh. There mounted on the wall, was a round table top. On it I could see the impression of a lightly armored torso, and marks of blood around it.

“See, ever since you spoke at the Circle, I had people coming in to gawk. Made sense to mount it like a trophy. Business has picked up once the guards left, so I can’t say fixing it really helps me much.”

I walked over to the round, and let my fingers run over the surface…over the dried blood that covered it. My throat tightened, as I knew that the blood wasn’t mine. I closed my eyes and whispered to myself, “Rest well Eridan.” I then turned around to look at Igneve again, “Well, I guess that is one way to say I was here. Well if I can’t pay to fix it, how about a drink? Something strong, but won’t kill a non-Mror?”

“That I can do! Give me a moment!”

“No problem,” I said. “Vernan needs to show me where I fell from.”

“It’ll be waiting when you come back down; you might have to tell us a tale or two.”

I nodded, and Vernan led me up the spiral ramp. It wasn’t a steep grade, but it did take a while to reach the top. And there as I expected was an opening, framed in stone. Sighing, I started to pull on a light strand whispering to myself. Vernan watched me, and eventually I opened my eyes and looked at the opening.

It was almost gone; the spider like cracks of a planar breach, had almost faded away. There weren’t any signs of twisting or decay, and most importantly to me, there was no knot or anchor.

There was nothing there.

I hung my head and pounded my fist on the wall. “It’s not just closed. Its moved. Gone.”

Vernan looked at me critically. “So, no one else can use it?”

“It’s not even a one-way portal, there isn’t anything to use. The other end could be fixed, but this end? It wasn’t. I passed through, broke the planar surface and fell. And then it must have moved elsewhere. "

"So, you can’t go home?”

I shook my head, “Toril wasn’t home. And not to say I wanted to go back to a den of pirates and slavers. So perhaps not being able to go back isn’t a bad thing. Still,” and I touched the stone frame of the window. “It would have been nice to have a choice. And there are…things left undone and unsaid. But, I swear the next time I get dumped on another plane, the fall is going to kill me.” And I turned and started to walk back down to the bar below.

“Well,” Vernan said. “I’m sure things will work out for you. At least that’s what my gut is telling me. You have a place to stay?”

“I nodded,” Paron gave me the name of a…Ghallanda inn, the ‘Gold Dragon’? Another House I understand, so much to learn. Anyway, he said he would get me a room there, and to expect a package in the morning.”

Vernan nodded, “Well, at least you aren’t broke. What are you planning to do?”

I grimaced, “I might stay here a bit, but I keep hearing about Sharn. I don’t know much, but Sharn seems to have a lot going for it.”

Vernan nodded, “Well, I don’t know how it compares to Sigil or Waterdunk—”


“Whatever. But you could do worse than to visit. But it’s across the continent, so you might need some coin to get there.”

I nodded, “I guess a job of some sort is in order. But I’m not a miner, and I don’t know if fighting on the lines of a battle is…what I should do.”

Vernan gave me an odd smile. “I bet something will come up. Gold Dragon inn eh? Well I wish you well Myrai. Good luck!”

We had arrived back down at the bar and Igneve waved me over. Already a small throng had gathered to meet the strange newcomer, who’s silhouette decorated a table top on the wall. “Can’t stay for a drink? It’s the least I can do to thank you” I said.

“You’re welcome, but I can’t. I have a report to finish, and I have to meet…a friend for tea.” Vernan smiled, and pulled up the lapels of his duster, and left me to my new found bar flies here in Krona Peak.

--Well, I guess this is a good a start as any.

I looked at the Tressym and shaking my head I scratched him behind the ears.

New world, new challenges. I guess this does make me a planewalker now.

--Yeah, just ease up on the drinking tonight.

Not on your life. I earned this!

--Right..sure…we’ll see about that tomorrow.

Session Notes:
In many ways this was an interlude; a session zero or 0.1 for getting Myrai established. But her's was a bit more complicated than the other characters, who were all generated and natives to Eberron.
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Lizard folk in disguise
Heh heh heh - "Waterdunk."

I'm looking forward to meeting the other PCs...and finding out the meaning of "The Thorns of Winter."


Got the first ones nearly ready. Proofreading is the BBG of any writing.

I have been running the personalities by some of the players and getting feedback from most of them. But I intend for everyone to have their intro spotlight over the next two posts, which covers...most things.

And as to the title? Soon...soon...


Lizard folk in disguise

Missives along the Rail - 11/20/2020​

The sudden light hitting my closed eyes were more than my feeble aching mind could handle. I squirmed and pulled the sheets back over my throbbing head.

--Hey look. I’m bored. Get up.

Leave me alone. I hurt…a lot.

--Well you did earn it.

Please…no…I was wrong.

--Really? I mean I understood why you sang at the top of your lungs…

…The tune was catchy.

--Right. And the dancing on the bar?

Ah…well…felt right?

--Sure, but offering to make another broken table?

I did what?!? Did I?

--Heh, sorry no…I made that up. But you did need some help getting here. Igneve thought you were funny.

I reached out a hand and pulled on a pair of strands. Without so much trying to get up, a ghostly hand flew over and pulled a pitcher over to me. Looking inside and seeing it empty, I just pulled on another light strand, and it began to fill with water, which I started to quickly drink. After filling my belly, I used the hand to replace the pitcher, and turned over, flopping on my back.

I lay on my back and exhaled in a huff. The sun streamed into the grey room, carved into the side of the mountain. Most things here were stone or rock, but the bed had thick feather mattresses and soft pillows. The one stuffed chair sat next to a small fireplace, while a bench holding my scattered things were at the base of the bed. So, while the room and furnishing were functional, the trimmings were bordering on decadent. The cushions alone made you feel like you were asleep on the clouds, and the warm colors of the tapestries on the wall, were a perfect contrast to the grey granite that the room was carved from.

I lay there nursing my headache when I heard a knock at the door. I sat up too fast and clutched my hands to my pounding head. Standing up, I gathered the sheets around me, and walked over to the door, and opened it. There standing outside was a young halfling who I remembered meeting last night. However, his name escaped me as he spoke.

“Two things for you ma’am.” And he handed me a small package and a letter. He then made as if tipping a hat, and then moved on down the hall, before I could even respond.

“Thank you!” I finally stammered and shut the door, walking over to the chair by the fireplace and sat down. I was about to look at the packages when I thought a moment.

“Ma’am? Ma’am? I’m not old enough to be a ma’am,” I said aloud.

--You sure? Might be a couple of streaks of silver in that gold mop of hair.

I pulled out from behind me a small pillow on the chair. I then handed it to my still floating hand and proceeded to chase Gossamer with it, beating walls, and furniture along the way. After a while I stopped and looked at the small package, tied shut with twine. Pulling on a strand, I used it to unwind the twine and unfolded the paper wrapping.

Inside was a flat box in the shape of a pentagon, with a small note attached to it. Both were set on a leather-bound book.
‘You might need this, as you aren’t from here. At least you are from somewhere!

‘Paron d’Sivis’

I pried open the box, and saw inside a sketch of my own face, and a description reading:


‘Traveler from the planar metropolis of Sigil.’

Notable features: Female, Aasimar. Metallic golden hair, Mirrored silver eyes.’

‘NB. Any questions about this document should be made at a Sivis message station, code 45462B.’

Putting the pentagon down, I looked at the title of the book ‘A Guide to Travelling the Five Nations.’ I opened it and thumbed through the pages and I nodded, mouthing the words, “Thanks Paron.”

Setting it aside, I then looked at the letter, which only had the words, ‘Myrai, Gold Dragon Inn,’ on the outside. I shrugged and tore it open. Inside was a piece of parchment that read:

To Myrai,

Greetings! I represent the honorable Taryn d’Kundarak. Taryn is interested in retaining your services for a mission for a partner of House Kundarak. The mission’s objective is simple; return the control of a gold mine back to its original clan owner.

While your skills are apparent, you may not be aware of the alarm you have given the Iron Door and other Hearthwardens. Working with Taryn on a House matter may prove advantageous to you, as showing hard work, commitment and honesty will go a long way in securing the Hearthwardens favor.

Of course, Taryn would love to discuss this in person. Please take the enclosed voucher to the House Orien ticket office at the Lightning Rail before Third Bell. He will fill you in on what is involved, and you can discuss arrangements and payments in exchange for your services.


Melisandre d’Medani

Research and Staffing

Inside was a sheet of thick paper with my name on it, and a embossed image of a Unicorn. I had picked up quickly that ‘d’ ‘in front of a name referred to a House. I knew Sivis involved documents and messages, Jorasco healed me, and Kundarak involved money and that Ghallanda ran inns. I heard the name of Orien at the inquiry but knew nothing else, but now here was a new House, Medani.

I shook my head and set the letter down on my lap, and muttered aloud, “This is too much, too fast.” But thinking again, I remembered where I was, and I smiled and said aloud to myself.

“A new world, and I am the only Sensate here. Why not?”

--So…we doing something?

Yep, looks like I have an offer to do…some type of work. You wanted to get out…so lets go!

--Great. Fine. Better late than never.

I stood up and dropped the sheet and moved to my clothes and started getting dressed.

One thing Goss?

--What’s that?

Any idea what a ‘Lightning Rail’ is?’

I now understood when I stood in Urkiel’s office, on why it appeared that in the giant furrow that cleaved the city in two, why there was such a wide avenue at the bottom. From the distance, it just looked like a broad causeway. But now as I walked at the bottom, and alongside the center trench it made sense when I saw it.

It was huge; larger than any wagon or coach I had ever seen. Actually, it could probably contain many wagons inside of the carriages that floated above the stones seated in the bottom of the trench. But if the size of the monstrous vehicle wasn’t enough, the front section was amazing. It was moving slowly backwards to connect to a long series of other carriages. A device of metal and wood, and around it a ring of pure elemental energy. It encircled the front carriage in a pulsing arc of white light, that caused the hairs on my body to stand on end as it crackled and shifted like lightning in the sky. I could feel the tremendous energy with in it, and I stood there slack jawed in wonder. The effort and skill needed to bind such energy. To hold it all aloft from the ground, and to have more power left over to propel it down the path of stones.

It was breath taking. I stood there on the platform watching them load things in the rear most carriages, ingots of metals, crates, and kegs. All sorts of things. Far more than any simple wagon could carry as part of its cargo. In front of those I saw Mror and other people starting to crowd onto one of the carriages, which to me looked to be full of benches, shoulder to shoulder. There were other carriages as well, of increasing quality the closer one got to the front.

I also noted I was, once again causing a stir. But it wasn’t really me; it was Gossamer. As he flew alongside of me, he was drawing stares and whispers. I could only conclude that Tressym were unheard of here. But when they saw that Goss was flying next to me, it gave them pause, like they were afraid to approach me or talk to me.

This was the opposite of how it was on Toril; Aasimar were known and sought after. The number of blessing I was asked for in Waterdeep was proof of that. Here, I was of a kind so rare that…they did nothing. That I was funny looking was enough; the why was unimportant. But I couldn’t say it wasn’t nice. Being asked to ‘bless this’ just because of your parentage, not because they had some faith in you felt…better. I wondered how Tieflings or Genasi would be treated, or even if they existed here. And what other peoples have I not seen?

I put it out of my mind for the moment, as I approached a large building next to the Lightning Rail, with a green sign depicting a unicorn, with a scroll like banner below the picture that said ‘House Orien.’ On the side of the building was a window with several cutouts, and I approached it, a little uncertain. There behind the glass was a middle-aged man, reading through some papers. As I approached it, he spoke.

“Yes, there is some room; what’s your final destination?”

“I…sorry, I have this voucher?” I said and I pushed the paper through the cutout to the man. He turned with disinterest to glance at it, but his expression quickly changed.

“Oh! I apologize! You…” and his excitement and earnest stopped a moment as he looked straight at me for the first time.

“…You were saying?”

“What…yes. I apologize again; I’m being quite rude. But this is the wrong window; First Class is handled at the red double doors to the left. Can I get you a porter for your things?”

The change of tone was remarkable, and I was taken a back for a moment. “Uh…no, I will manage thank you.” And I turned and walked down the length of the building.

Goss, what is ‘first class?’

--No clue, but I certainly noticed he pulled himself together after seeing that voucher. Sounds important.

I came to the doors that the clerk had mentioned and pulled on the handles and stepped inside. On the floor was a large mosaic of a white Unicorn, rampant on a field of green. There were divans and chairs with fine stuffed leather with small end tables. Several dwarves, humans and a half-elf were sitting each with a mug or glass in hand, while the room had a number of human sized metal statues in green tailed coats positioned nearby at attention. On one end of the room, was a bar with bottles and glasses while at the other was a desk, where a red headed young woman sat, flipping through some cards in front of her. I stepped over to her and cleared my throat to get her attention. She turned and looked at me with emerald eyes, and unlike the other clerk she didn’t falter in her words.

“Yes? Can I help you?” she said, her voice and tone well practiced and professional.

“Hi, I have a voucher for the Lightning Rail tonight?” I said, perhaps a bit tentatively, and handed her the slip of paper. She took it, without hesitation or any surprise with a simple nod.

“Ah yes, you are expected Myrai,” she said sweetly, surprising me with the use of my own name. “My name is Vanna. Your steward will come for you when it is time to board. I don’t see…do you have any luggage?”

“Uh…no, came as is.” I said feeling awkward. But my being ill at ease didn’t bother her at all. In fact, I noted she started to try to make me feel at ease.

“I understand. I will ensure that an armor stand is available for you in your stateroom, and we find something comfy for your…I’m sorry, what exactly is that?” and Vanna pointed at my familiar.

“Gossamer, he’s a Tressym, and I am guessing you have never seen one?”

The red head woman shook her head and leaned forward with interest, “No…I have never seen anything like it…can I…?” and she reached out to touch him. Gossamer alighted on the desk and allowed himself to be touched, enjoying the attention.

--She has a nice touch, smells nice, doesn’t have a pet of her own.

I smiled, “He likes how you smell,” I said, and I sat on the desk’s edge.

Vanna looked at me in surprise, but she turned those tables around quickly. “So, he’s a familiar?”

I nodded, “Yes…you know of them?”

“Of course, we have many wizards that use our services; but I had never seen a…Tressym right? He is so cute! Anyway, can we offer you something to tide you over till dinner?” she said still stroking Gossamer’s fur.

“Ah…yes uh…a liquor of some type…I don’t know what you have.”

“I recommend the Mror Rye with some water,” she said still stroking Goss’ fur much to his delight. “It won’t kill you that way. Nails! A watered Mror Rye for Myrai please!”

I was puzzled a second, but I watched that one of the statues with a green tailed coat moved forward from the wall and nodded and walked to the bar. I watched ‘Nails’ intently as this was something new. The ‘statue’ moved with deliberate grace. I had seen a number of golems in Sigil, as well as Modrons; they all moved stiffly and had a deliberate precision in their movement that I would have described as plodding. ‘Nails’ was anything but plodding; their movements smooth and sure, and he quickly poured water and a honey colored liquor into a glass. It then placed it on a tray and with poise, delivered it to me with a kind of flourish, bending at the waist. I was about to reach and take it, when ‘Nails’ did something unexpected.

“Your Mror Rye with water, Lady Myrai,” it said in a deep metallic voice that caused me to jump. After a moment I reached forward and took the glass and I looked at the ‘statue’ closely. Its mechanical eyes watched me, much as any person did, but its face had elements of stone, metal and wood through out it. Each hand had two fingers and a thumb, while each foot ended in a pair of toes. Its head had an articulated jaw, which did move when it spoke and there was a strange rune on its forehead.

I reached and took the glass, and said awkwardly, “Than…thank you, Nails?...correct?”

Nail’s face was inscrutable as it answered, “Yes, milady. I will be your porter for your trip. We will be able to board soon. If you need something just call.”

I nodded, and I must have had a dumbstruck look on my face as it cocked its head and returned to its position on the edge of the room and once again stood, silently and unmoving. And like that, he appeared to be another fixture in the room. It seemed surreal for some reason I couldn’t articulate to myself.

“Is there a problem?” the woman asked me as she continued working her nails through Gossamer’s coat. “If you would prefer a different Warforged, I can make arrangements.”

“A…Warforged? Er…no. No not at all…It’s just I have never. Pay me no mind,” and I took a sip of the rye, feeling the burn at the back of my throat followed by the warmth in my stomach.

“As you like,” Vanna said and rang a small bell on her desk. From a door behind her another Warforged came up to her, and she whispered into where a person’s ear would be but was only a small hole on the side of its metal head.

“Come on Gossamer, I’m going to sit down,” I said and motioned to my familiar.

--Come on…a little longer…her nails feel SO GOOD. You should grow nails like this.

“Alright you little traitor,” I said shaking my head, and took off my pack and set it on the floor as I plopped myself on a divan. Thinking for a moment, I pulled out the Apocrypha and quietly worked a ritual so I could see dweomers around me. Once I pulled some small dark and light strands together, I then looked around the room and was surprised on what I saw.

The first thing was the mosaic on the ground had a strong locus of energy that's aura told me it was conjuration. The lanterns in the room, had small flares of evocation enchantments. Finally, several of the others in the room had various items on them or each with different auras. All of this didn’t surprise me. But what did was the Warforged had nothing magical about them. They appeared as non-magical as much as the windows or the divans.

No…not the furniture; they were as non-magical as the guests, or as non-magical as I. Gossamer doesn’t have an aura either, but these Warforged weren’t normal constructs. I found myself staring at Nails in confusion. It was not a flesh and blood creature, but it had all the signs of being alive. Was it? And Nails wasn’t unique, there were a number in this room. But if they were built or forged like armor, who did it? How did they do it?

I was sipping on my rye mulling it over unsure on what my Lord Kelemvor would think about this. Did they die? Did they have souls to pass beyond? Did death have any meaning for them?

The halfling stood there at the week-old grave, her head bowed and tears flowing freely. Her tired face was contorted into a mixture of hatred and sorrow as she looked at the grave she made for her friend. She spoke aloud, trying to ease the pain that she felt in her soul.

“This isn’t right. This isn’t fair,” the halfling said in a lilting drawl, choking on the words. “Who would want to… and I’m sorry I wasn’t here. Perhaps if I were, I could have stopped them from…Well I guess wishin won’t solve anything. Goodbye Rosa; I learned a lot from you, and I hope that I can make you proud. May the Warden’s spirits of the past, guide you in the beyond.”

With that, the halfling walked back down the path towards the home she shared with Rosa, on the far outskirts of Havenglen. She remembered coming here years ago, tired of the blood spilled by Aundarian troops trying to reclaim the Eldeen back for the queen. It was brutal, with long days and longer nights of fighting. The families and clans of the Eldeen gave no quarter to the savage soldiers that came to pull the Reaches back into the fold. And for months it was the same; Aurala’s armies would push during the day, taking towns and villages. But at night, the shifters would come and hound the Aundair’s troops throughout the night, letting them have no respite, giving as good as the solders gave.

She met Rosa on the Day of Mourning; when as word of that terrible event spread, the bleeding on both sides stopped. And she helped her heal the wounded and treat the sick. The folks loved Rosa, one of the few Jorasco’s that didn’t abandon the villages. She was ever practical and pointed out the medicines needed by all were here. There was no reason to leave. And so, she stayed, cultivating the herbs, and sending them off, and treating all those she could.

It was hard to imagine that someone would kill her for that kindness.

The halfling finally arrived at the hillside, where a red door was set. Above it, a small flag embroidered with the house crest of the griffon, fluttered in the breeze. She looked at it sadly and opened the door. Stepping inside on the brick lined floor, she saw a number of letters and missives had been delivered and shoved through the slot on the door. Sighing, she picked them up and sorted through them. Most were from the enclave in Varna; House business she supposed, and not her own. But as she sorted through them, one stood out as different, with a return stamp of the Mror Holds. It wasn’t from the House, and she never recalled Rosa ever discussing anything about the Mror. As she looked at it, she was surprised to see it wasn’t addressed to Rosa; at least not precisely.

‘To Rosa d’Jorasco’s Friend.’​

Puzzled, she tore open the letter and started to read. As she did her hands began to shake.

To Rosa d’Jorasco’s friend Rys,

Greetings! I represent the honorable Taryn d’Kundarak. Taryn is interested in retaining your services for a mission for a partner of House Kundarak. The mission’s objective is simple; return the control of a gold mine back to its original clan owner.

While I feel that the skills that you possess is vital to the mission, I admit that there are other forces at work here. Forces that placed a blade in Rosa’s back. It may be an opportune time to take a journey, as you are very much at risk. These forces if allowed would delay the use of your services for us, and yourself. Perhaps permanently.

You are invited to discuss terms with Taryn and myself in person. We have arranged First Class transport, and a small stipend for your valuable time as well. Simply present the enclosed voucher at the House Orien Caravan station in Havenglen, and their staff will guide you to your final destination.


Melisandre d’Medani

Research and Staffing

“This isn’t possible…” Rys said aloud. She had only buried her friend seven days ago. And she hadn’t even been into town to tell anyone about her murder. How could anyone know about it in Mror? How in fact did anyone in Mror even know about herself? Granted, Rys had been hiding for a long time; long before she met Rosa. She looked at the mirror in the hall, and she saw the long tussled red hair and the green eyes, now lined in eyes from tears in her reflection.

This Melisandre…she knows something. Worse, she knows me; the real me. I need to know what’s going on. Why am I at risk? What does she know?

Nodding to herself, she walked over to a small desk, and opened it. She pulled open a drawer and found Rosa’s identification papers. Opening it she looked at the picture within at the long brown haired halfling with the brown eyes. Taking it, into her hands she looked into the mirror. Nodding she knew what she needed to do.

The halfling stepped outside and ran her hands through her now short chestnut brown hair. Nodding approvingly, she tightened her belt, where her curved sword hung, and then pocketed the identification papers. She then left the small enclave, and with a key locked the door behind her.

Well, what are the chances someone is going to be looking for someone already dead? I hope I can wear your face with justice Rosa.

And with that, she concentrated a moment and then began to run, and then lope as she pulled on natures power and became a graceful red elk. With a huff, her hooves pounded at the earth as she ran towards the town, nearly ten leagues distant.

As she galloped down the trail towards Hearthglen, she wondered where the Orien trail would take her, and how many secrets were already laid bare.

I sat there enjoying the Rye, when finally, a whistle blew. Turning I saw that Nails quickly approached me, saying, “That is the signal for First Class to board. If you would please follow me.” And he motioned with his steely hand toward the door. I rose from my seat, and I proceeded through it. Gossamer, for once, quickly followed without needing a word, and we were escorted towards an ornate carriage near the front. Following Nails, they quickly opened the door to the carriage, and stepped up a few steps, and then turned, held open the door, and offered me a metal hand to ease climbing inside.

I was walking on one side of the carriage and was already amazed at the craftsmanship and care used in its creation. Everything was paneled in warm auburn wood, with curtains and sashes in shades of green. The fixtures holding everbright lanterns were a shiny gold, as were the knobs, and other fittings. The floor was like a soft rug that stretched the length and the width of the car, leaving no visible hard surface of any kind visible.

Nails was ahead of me, and stopped by a door, and with a practiced flair opened it. Inside was a private cabin, with a large bed, a leather chair, small table and a stand to hold armor and weapons. The paneling here was even more ornate, with the wood wrapping around in smooth curves along the ceiling. I took off my pack, and set it down on the bed, as I looked admiring the quality of the materials and how luxurious it felt.

“Do you require assistance with your armor, Myrai?” Nails said expectantly, standing in the doorway.

“I…sure,” I said as I started to unbuckle my belts holding my pouches and my rapier while Nails, closed the door to my private cabin. He took the rapier and placed it upon the stand, and after I placed my belt and pouches on the the bed, they then quickly and dexterously started to unbuckle the breastplate I wore.

“Nails,” I said with a little awkwardness in my voice, “Please forgive me if this sounds strange or rude. But I have never heard of or met a Warforged. Where do you come from?”

Nails stopped a second to look at me, “This is not a jest?”

“No. I am from…a place very far from here. And you are the first one I have ever met.”

Nails shrugged and continued with the buckles. “We were created for the Last War by House Cannith. I personally was sold to Cyre and was a part of an infantry battalion. We were originally deployed to Karnnath and were engaged in combat when the hostilities ended. Since then, I managed to secure this job with House Orien.”

“Created for the war…created to fight. To kill?” I asked trying to think thought the implications.

“It happened; we didn’t question our owners. And now, we have no owners. It has been a difficult transition from the certainty of war, to…everything else,” Nails said, freeing the last buckle and they lifted the armor away from me, and then placed it on the stand.

“How many Warforged are there?”

“I do not know. Many thousands I am sure,” he said before his tone shifted the topic. “Dinner will be in several hours. Formal attire is required.”

“Formal? I do not —”

“—One of your hosts, has made arrangements for something suitable to wear. You will find it hanging in the side closet there.” As they spoke, I heard a loud whistling, and felt a lurch as the massive vehicle started to move, pulling the weight of carriages down the line. I looked out the window and saw the buildings of Krona Peak slide away slowly, as the Rail took me on my journey.

“I will return several hours from now. If you need me pull on the bell rope and I will come, Lady Myrai—”

“—Just Myrai please.” I said, and Nails nodded and withdrew, closing the door behind them.

I stood there staring at the door. A race of living construct-like beings? All slaves to another nations’ war. Like many in Sigil, I had talked to several modrons, and like many regretted it. But it was easy to make that mistake. Modrons were single minded and had more in common with a fancy water clock than a person. Yet while being alive, they had nothing in common with others in Sigil. And Sigil had slaves of a sort; indentured servants paying of a crime, a common pushiment where debts were due, as opposed to real crime. But you weren’t born…or made into it, and it always had an end. But indentured or not, they were still people.

And so did this warforged. Perhaps the only reason it felt strange was they looked very much not alive, and more like a golem or statue. Yet, the way that Nails acted made them as real as any other servant that served in King Melandrach’s realm, or in House Ustina, Arnara’s home. And how normal it was, for someone fighting war as all they knew, now finding their way as something else. Although it made me wonder, if war was indeed the only thing they ever knew.

Sage Redoubt walked through the dimly lit passage on their patrol. As they passed by doors to chambers holding incalculable wealth Sage’s only would be concerned if the door was unsecured. As a guard in the vaults beneath Korunda Gate, it was Sage’s job to walk these halls, and ensure all the vaults remained closed. Only a Kundarak with a mark and a key were allowed to open them and remove their contents. But in the six years of patrolling the dozen or so floors of the vault, he had never seen one opened, and in six years, Sage had never seen a breech in a door.

In fact, Sage almost never saw anyone in the Cyre vaults themselves. While for many of the Five nations, Cyre was a ghost: a simple darkened shadow on the map. Here the last bones of its wealth lay. Wealth that could not be claimed by anyone, not even the scattered number of ir’Wynarns that were of blood to Queen Dannel. For this was the last wealth of a nation; not a person, and the Treaty of Thronehold excluded any closure to Cyre, for it was as Queen Aurelia said, ‘Cyre is no more,’

So as a nation it was dead, the last of its wealth lay in Kundarak’s vaults, safe from everyone. The Treaty didn’t decide anything really about Cyre, other than the obvious. But it locked away the wealth from those Cyre owed, and from some that sorely could have used it. Orien could not ask for its wealth to repair lines around Metrol and the Mournland. Denieth could not ask to be paid for the Valenar or Darguun mercenaries. Widows could not claim a stipend for dead husbands on the battlefield, nor paid Jorasco to heal wounded sons. Issues that were ignored in the rush to peace, and only after all was written and done, was the error recognized.

Without someone to administer Cyre’s gold and to sort out who should be paid first, it would be locked away from all. Granted this was not the main hold of Cyre wealth; this was a reserve. But the main vault was in Metrol, far behind the mists of the Mournland, was even less accessible than the Cyre Reserve in Korunda Gate. But to Kundarak, it was an honor to hold it in trust, till a day came that the Four Nations recognized a claim, and that day was a day far in the future.

When Sage first came to the Cyre vault, he was one of a pair purchased for that function. It was always a puzzle to Sage on how that happened; his skills were far more suited for anything but guard duty. Horsemanship and combat magic were of little use here beneath the mountains, but sudden reallocations did happen. His peer was only around for about a month before he was informed, he would be the only guard on duty for the foreseeable future. As to why, Sage was told that the other Warforged had ‘an accident’ and was told nothing more.

That was over five years ago, and little had changed Sage noted, as he returned to the barracks. The barracks was a large room, near the vault entrance where guards, clerks and trusted laborers would move gold from one vault to another. But little of that happened in reserved vaults; only occasional large deposits or withdrawals, and none of them happened in Sage’s time. Sage entered the barracks, which was meant to hold twenty or so Mror, was now a library of Sage’s thoughts and musings. Six years of writings were carefully organized by topic and arranged neatly on the shelves. An open doorway lead to another small chamber which contained Sage’s only opponent, and yet was Sage’s fiercest ally against boredom; a pell.

Sage stepped in front of the pell and ignited green flames down his armblade. Quickly the Warforged struck the pell, practicing movements he was trained for years ago. Sage slashed, parried, blocked imaginary thrusts. Over and over he would do this, until it was time to write on one of the various magical theorems that came to mind.

Patrol, Practice, Write. That was the sum of Sage’s activities for the last six years, broken by the conversations he would have with Fanor d’Kundarak. Fanor would tell him the goings on outside world, supply him with books, replace the pell and add a shelf if Sage had almost filled it. It was nice not to be forgotten, and the conversation allowed Sage’s mind to wander and create essays on history and conjecture if battles had only turned a different direction. Sage in fact was considering writing on the topic of the Battle of Thaliost, when he heard the dwarf call his name.

“Sage? You back in the barracks?” he heard Fanor call.

“Indeed. Do you have more blanks for me?” Sage replied as he turned and hit the pell with a blast of fire.

“Ah no…I have a pair of letters for you though.”

Sage stopped in mid-swing. “Letters?” he voiced, as the old dwarf entered the room. Fanor was one of the last dwarves that helped to build and maintain the Cyre vault. Others had moved on to other projects, and still others had been buried. But Fanor was the one who stayed behind as the one who laid the first stone. There was always one like him in every vault; someone who knew every stone, any breech, and any major moves. And while Reserve Vaults were quiet, they were the bedrock of the faith that every common person put into the safety of their money.

“Yes, and…well we should sit down a moment.” The old dwarf huffed.

“I’m fine.”

“Humor me…please sit down.”

Sage looked around and pulled a dusty chair from the side of the wall and waited for Fanor to sit across from him. The dwarf looked at Sage with fondness and then looked down as he spoke.

“Well, there isn’t any use to dwell on this; but the bad news is that you are…out of a job.”

Sage’s metal lids blinked slowly, before speaking, “I’m fired?”

“What? Oh no…no…no not fired. More…laid off.”

“I’m the only guard here though. If I am laid off, then who—?”

“—Well that’s just it. The Hearthwardens have decided that it would be cheaper to just seal the vault, rather than the House to fund services to a nation not paying bills. And right now, the other vaults are busy and fully staffed…so there isn’t a place for you here if you get my meaning?” Fanor said looking at the Warforged sympathetically.

“I see,” Sage said simply, trying to envision what he would do next; this had been his only function for six years. The idea of doing something different was both terrifying, and exhilarating. Perhaps he could discuss his theories on alternate history or discuss the failings of various military stratagems. But before he could go deeply into this line of thought, Fanor continued.

“Well when I heard about it, I was looking to find you something to do, and well…it seems that someone else had heard of you in the House.”

Sage looked at the Dwarf intently, “Knows me…who?”

“A cousin…and yes I know…we all look a like to you…but all I can say is I have a letter here from him. And of course, a reference letter from me, which you probably won’t need.” And Fanor handed Sage two envelopes. The first was clearly in Fanor’s hand, and was simply labled “To prospective employer, official Letter of Recommendation of the Warforged Sage Redoubt.” But it was the second one that had Sage’s focus as he opened it and read:

To Warforged Sage Redoubt,

Greetings! I represent the honorable Taryn d’Kundarak. Taryn is interested in retaining your services for a mission for a partner of House Kundarak. The mission’s objective is simple; return the control of a gold mine back to its original clan owner.

Your discretion and skill as a member of the Iron Gate for House Kundarak is well known. However, I know that you were originally meant to serve the Knights Arcane in Aundair before your redirection of service to the Iron Door. What you do not realize is that the story is more complicated than that. It may be an opportune time to take a journey, as you may now be at risk. A Certain party if allowed would delay the use of your services for us, and yourself. Perhaps permanently.

You are invited to discuss terms with Taryn and myself in person. We have arranged First Class transport, from Korunda Gate and a small stipend for your valuable time as well. Simply present the attached voucher nearest House Orien station and their staff will guide you to your final destination.


Melisandre d’Medani

Research and Staffing

Sage looked at the letter a while silently. They then stood up, and moved towards a bookcase only a third full, and took two volumes off the shelf.

“Is it a good offer?” Fanor asked.

“It is a gambit, by a player who knows more about me than I do. But it is a job.”

Fanor nodded slowly trying to read the tone of the conversation, “I’m glad to hear that. Beats being sealed in the vault.” And then Fanor spread his hands out apologetically. “They joked about it; I thought it was a bit rude myself.”

Sage nodded silently and continued to look at the letter.

“So, Sage…what did you want me to have done with the rest of the books here?”

Sage looked up and then around at the hundreds of tomes that he had authored. After a long moment he spoke.”

“I have what I want. Seal the rest here. I won’t be needing them anymore.”

I sat looking through the windows smiling. I had been on carriages before, bouncing along ruts in the road in sweltering heat, with nothing more to do than read and watch the countryside slip away at a slow leisurely pace.

This was not that.

The speed I watched the Lightning Rail pass through the mountains was astonishing. It didn’t even feel like we really were moving as we never hit a rut, or a divot as the Rail floated above them all. As we travelled, I could see the flicker of light flash from beneath me at regular intervals along the ground. The countryside didn’t creep…it flowed like a river and ran as fast or faster than a horse at full gallop. And unlike many carriage rides, I didn’t want to read, I wanted to watch.

They kept mentioning it was spring in Krona Peak, but if this was spring, I was a tiefling. The mountains and valley were covered in a blanket of white, obscuring the earth. Trees were also covered in the stuff, and I could see ice hanging of branches. I had heard of winter and of snow in Waterdeep, but it was only Autumn when I left for the balmy Nethlander islands. Sigil would get deathly cold and ice would appear there on ocassion. But snow? It happened, but it was always a dirty grey with odor of brimstone in most places. It wasn’t white, and pure and beautiful as this.

I sighed, and turned to look at Gossamer. He was fast asleep on a chair, near a small stove that warmed the cabin, and kept the cold from the windows from seeping inside. I let him be and stood and made my way over to the small closet that Nails had pointed out and opened it.

It was a dress to be certain, similar in styles I had seen in Sigil. There the current trend tended to fitted sheaths down to the ankles. I saw many of them in the Civic Festhall, as the wealthy came for entertainment. This was similar, yet unlike Sigil’s which bare arms, and cut out panels along the sides were common. This one had sleeves and several cut outs around the arms, but the body line was left covered. But it was the color that stood out. I first thought it was a white with a sheen, but then I realized that the fabric itself was shimmering. Pulling it closer to my eyes, I saw it was changing color, creating a layer above the cloth. It reminded of some of the glamours the elves in the Misty Wood used during their dances. But this was more extensive, throughout all the fabric. And if this wasn’t enough, there was a pair of sandals that matched the color and shared the same glimmer of color.

“Someone wants me to be dressed for an occasion,” I said to myself. “All for a job involving a mine…a gold mine?”

I walked over to the bed and from the side of my pouch I pulled out a slim wooden wand, inlaid with silver and hanging on the very end was a small bell. I caressed the wood and looked at it with fond memories. It was a small creation of mine, something that I enchanted to simply to make more time for myself and Arnara when we spoke and traded our native tongues. I flicked it in the air twice ringing the bell on the end, and the wand let off a blue spark. I set it down and turned.

It was odd summoning it; you couldn’t see it. It would never speak and rarely made noise. But you new it was there, present and waiting. A servant of magical force.

“Help me change into that dress in the closet,” I said. I almost felt guilty summoning it. It wasn’t real, but somehow it bothered me more that a very real Nails was a servant. I supposed I could have asked him…it…them to help me dress and prepare. But perhaps it was I just wasn’t comfortable with the idea of a…person at my beck and call. Arnara was different; we would help each other; it was mutual and one with a friendship at the root of it all. In Sigil, the rich had servants, and that was expected. Expected to for your employer to pay you enough that a garnish was never needed. And in return the servants to never turn their back on them. And while I was sure Orien was paying Nails, somehow, I had the suspicion that, unlike a Sigil house servant, that it wasn’t enough.

The shapeless force helped remove my garments, while I focused solely on cleaning myself. I would probably kill for a real tub of hot water, but if I were going to that, I would probably skip dinner altogether. It was strange; here I used the strands to create an object to help assist me with things; things I didn’t want to do or were inconvenient.

Wasn’t Nails then the next logical step. I’ve been in a war; death and life were on the line. What if the Sinkers had Warforged. What if the Hardheads did? They would have used them without a thought. But unlike golems or the shapeless force I created Warforged were were alive. I didn’t even know if death meant the same thing to them. Kelemvor said nothing about this, them, about any construct. But I did know that life must have meaning to them. Meaning enough to find work as a servant; to have a purpose.

As the force slipped the dress over my head, I wondered if Nails and what he was doing was the best situation. What was the worst?

The rain was pouring down, on the cold grey day in Aruldusk. The light was dimming as night was starting to creep across the sky as the sun was concealed by the clouds. The Lightning Rail to Sharn had just left, as the populace was hunkering down to wait out the stormy weather. The rain itself was a good omen for spring, but most hoped that the clouds would break so that planting could begin. Any inn you passed you could hear the same story from the crowd. The mood was merry despite the rain, as the fires were warm, and ale was flowing.

But not for everyone.

Wrapped in a leather cloak, a figure slowly moved through the outskirts of town. Here the shifters had created a city of their own, of tents, and lean-tos. Normally a bonfire would be in the middle, warming up the clannish nomads, but today a clustered set of awnings were set up, and many small cooking fires took the place of tradition. Food and song were in the air here too, as many looked forward to the trek to the Thornwood to hunt.

But the drenched figure, tread his way through the camp. They didn’t look at the tents or the fire, much less the inns they passed beforehand. Even the path they took was one of simple purpose, a means to an end.

The shifters saw the figure and were wary. It wasn’t that it was a stranger, but nor were they a friend. When they first came to the camp, it was a surprise to the elders, who didn’t know what to make of them or their request.

“I wish to stay here at the edge of your tents. I will not be a cause for trouble. I want nothing and need nothing more than a spot.”

“You are not of our people? Why should we let you?” the elders said.

“Because. I need…time.”

The elders shrugged; they had no prejudice against Warforged. And this one was dressed in the livery of a Orien Courier. Many Shifters had done similar work, carrying messages across the field; sometimes to friends and sometimes to foes. Sometimes they were caught sneaking around places they shouldn’t. But many had seen things that haunted them, and even this was evident in the Warforged cold eyes.

And this one had seen far too much.

So, they let them stay at the edge of the camp. They provided a small tent to keep the rain away and left him alone. They let it stay to sort out things out, and in return the Warforged left them alone.

The Warforged sat down, in the lone lean-to, as far from the city as one could get. The deluge had found a moment to pause, and the Warforged opened a panel in their chest and took out a book, and then pulled out from a pouch a driftglobe. They set it in the air, and they started to read the complex sigils within. It could hear the songs of the shifters nearby, and it did find them…comforting. But he didn’t want to approach or get close. Getting close was bad. Dangerous.

As they read, it heard a voice in the background and then footsteps in the mud approaching. They were slow, and uncertain…no hesitant…like someone approaching a wild animal, unsure if it would strike.

The Warforged placed the book back in their chest, and closed it quietly, but didn’t move. Their eyes looked to the right where the sound behind them was coming, and waited as they concentrated on their finger, letting it grow cold. Then it heard a voice followed by a peal of thunder, and the rain starting again.


The Warforged sprang up and pointed its finger at the heart of a young human in Orien livery, in their late teens.

“I don’t work for him anym—”the Warforged thundered. And while it could barely hear anything in the downpour, it could smell the result of the kid’s bladder emptying on the mud.

“I—I—I just have a delivery for you…Captain.” The kid gulped and held out a letter, his hands shaking. “Please…don’t…kill me.”

“How did you…no…how did the House find me?”

“I—I—was given a letter that said you would…be here.”

“In the city?”

“N-n-o…in this camp.”

Bookshelf said nothing, but let the magic from his finger fade, and he gently took the letter from the boy. He tore it open and read the words within:

To Captain Bookshelf,

Greetings! I represent the honorable Taryn d’Kundarak. Taryn is interested in retaining your services for a mission for a partner of House Kundarak. The mission’s objective is simple; return the control of a gold mine back to its original clan owner.

Your discretion and skill as a House Orien Courier I feel to be a perfect fit for the mission at hand. And while House Orien considers you to be damaged goods, I know potential. However, I do understand that a powerful party wishes to hold you accountable for some good people dying at another’s behest. It may be an opportune time to take a journey, as you may now be at risk. This party if allowed would delay the use of your services for us, and yourself. Perhaps permanently.

You are invited to discuss terms with Taryn and myself in person. We have arranged First Class transport, and a small stipend for your valuable time as well. Simply present the attached voucher to any House Orien Caravan or Lightning Rail station, and their staff will guide you to your final destination. An arrangement has been made with the House, and they will not stand in the way.


Mellisandre d’Medani

Research and Staffing

Bookshelf looked at the letter silently for a long moment before looking up.

“Is this true? The House will let me…travel?”

The kid nodded and sputtered, “They just asked…for you to use a different name when you…travel.” The kid gulped as Bookshelf looked at the letter again.

“And you were told exactly where I was?”

The kid nodded. “Basically…And the station master said to tell you the offer of transport…is good.

Bookshelf nodded. “Orien doesn’t lie on matters like this. But others do. So, if I encounter problems—”

“—He knows—”

Bookshelf raised his hand and pointed at the kid hissing, “--Don’t interrupt. Because if there are, every Rail and every station will burn. Every. Last. One.”

Three letters delivered...and some more to go.

So as I convert adventure to story I wanted to convey exactly what Myrai's experience about the lightning rail would be like. This is one of the signature items, and it just wouldn't do to say "Myrai caught the 3rd bell train." And of course I found a rabbit hole deeper than the one about tailoring that I covered in the "Souls of Legend"

When I sat down to write it, and I found maps of the trains, and the stations I needed to find something to visualize it, so I started looking at trains from the late 1800's. And when I did, I found myself reading a bit of history on the Pullman trains. I then realized that the story of the Warforged, had a lot of parallels. It was easy to see House Orien hiring Warforged for many of the menial jobs of porters on the train, not House members and certainly not scions. And with the prejudice against the Warforged, it just clicked on how to not just portray the experience of the Lightning Rail, but an introduction to the Warforged, their plight, and a bit on how they fit into an outsiders worldview.
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Interesting...so, I'm guessing the "thorns of winter" are icicles, something Myrai's never seen before? Even if I'm right, I guess I'll have to be patient to see how that's a big enough thing for the whole campaign to be named after it. Some interesting new PCs...and two of them warforged! It'll be fun to see them interact; I rather like warforged. Rys is intriguing; I don't know enough about Eberron yet to know if she's a shifter or a changeling, as I was under the impression both are Medium size and "Rosa's friend" seems to be the size of a halfling. Some sort of variant, or something altogether different? I guess I'll just have to sit back and let the story unfold.



Lizard folk in disguise
Interesting...so, I'm guessing the "thorns of winter" are icicles, something Myrai's never seen before? Even if I'm right, I guess I'll have to be patient to see how that's a big enough thing for the whole campaign to be named after it. Some interesting new PCs...and two of them warforged! It'll be fun to see them interact; I rather like warforged. Rys is intriguing; I don't know enough about Eberron yet to know if she's a shifter or a changeling, as I was under the impression both are Medium size and "Rosa's friend" seems to be the size of a halfling. Some sort of variant, or something altogether different? I guess I'll just have to sit back and let the story unfold.


Myrai has seen ice and snow; its just VERY dirty in Sigil. I imagine it to be like if it snowed in industrial London, and all the smoke was from Coal mined in hell...yeah...don't eat yellow snow takes a whole new meaning. Clean crystal clear icicles and pure white snow? Nope. I will have to ask some patience on the title's meaning though. :)

All of the characters...or rather players are very much into the role play aspect to a fault. This does lead to some...hilarity. Its a mixed group of friends and multiple families in IRL. So the game had a different feel.

Anyway...more introductions coming soon.


Lizard folk in disguise
Dinner and a Show - 11/27/2020

I pulled up my hair and pulled it into a low messy bun, leaving my face framed with long hair from my bangs on both sides. I kept turning my head as I looked in the mirror critically. The last time I did anything like this was in Sigil for a gathering, but I had nothing even close to what I was wearing. I realized I was fussing and not making any improvements.

So, Goss how do I…Goss?

Turning, I saw the Tressym was now beyond simple sleep, and was in that deeper hedonistic realm of slumber that only a cat can make look dignified. Or cute. I shook my head in mock disapproval, when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw the face of Nails.

“Your party is assembling for dinner. Shall I escort you to the dining carriage?”

“Please Nails,” and motioning with my right hand, my rod floated behind me.

Nails I think reacted with a small tilt of their head. “You may wish to wear your cloak, however. It is cold.”

I nodded and pulled out my travel cloak from where I hung it in the small closet, and then took Nail’s offered hand. He led me down the narrow passage along the side of the carriage, and my rod drifted behind us. We came to a door which Nails opened, and to my surprise, the freezing chill of the night air hit me. A series of steel plates with hand rails, bridged the gap between the two carriages, with a door on the far side. And while there was an awning to prevent snow or rain from coming down, it did nothing about the cold. Nails stepped outside holding the door open and motioned for me to follow. I quickly rushed across the steel platform to the other door and didn’t even wait for Nails to open it. I rushed inside shivering, my rod darting behind me to keep up.

“Sp…sp…spring huh? S..s..ure this isn’t w…w…winter?” I said my teeth chattering.

“There have been strange weather reports. Here it is freezing, yet I have heard that north it is warm. But I apologize, I do not know if this is typical or not, beyond the locals complaints,” Nails responded. I noticed with envy, that the cold didn’t seem to bother them at all.

I was standing in a vestibule of sorts, with a heavy curtain blocking my view inside the carriage. Nails stepped in front of me, and with two arms, swept the curtain away with a flourish, and then stepped back, and with a small bow gestured for me to enter. The carriage was arranged like an inn, with a column of five tables that could seat four on the left, and five tables that could seat two on the right. The entire car was inlaid in wood with a deep cherry wood finish and ornate carvings, while from above hung chandeliers with cut glass, reflecting the light from more of those strange crystals…dragonshards. The tables were set in clean white linens, and were set with not clay plates, or metal ones, but fine tableware, gilt with gold, and utensils in shining silver. Each table had wooden chairs with arms each the same cherry wood color as the paneling in the car. Most of the tables had various occupants eating, drinking or both, while conversations and light laughter echoed through the car.

“I take it that not everyone eats here,” I whispered to Nails.

“Hmm? No, only First Class,” came the puzzled surprise. “The second table on the left.”

I glanced at the table, and saw it had a sole occupant. A woman, with dark raven tresses, which cascaded loosely behind her shoulders. From beneath I could see the small points of her ears. It was fixed into place with a silvery headband with delicate chains wrapping behind her hair, and an aquamarine gemstone set into the center. It was a perfect match for her piercing blue eyes, and it stood in contrast to the deep blue velvet dress she wore. She was taking a sip of red wine as she turned her head and smiled at my entrance. As I approached the woman stood, with her hands crossed in front of her. She then moved to take both of mine in hand and spoke.

“At last we meet,” she said smiling and looking me over. “You may call me Melisandre. I am glad it fits; I only had the barest glance at you in that…well…sack?”

Nodding, “This is your doing not…Taryn’s?” I asked trying to gauge the situation. The half-elf…no Khorvar was looking me over with interest. Not just my eyes or hair, but all of me as she responded. “No Taryn is a good business minded Mror but he does lack…a woman’s finesse. Your hands are freezing though! I should have provided gloves. Please get Myrai a hot buttered brandy,” she ordered Nails, who was pulling out a chair for me to be seated, who responded with a silent nod. “Please! Sit!” she admonished me. Nails removed my cloak, and then pushed in my chair as I sat, before moving farther down the car to fetch Melisandre’s order.

“So, it was you I saw during the inquiry,” I stated looking at the woman, slightly uncomfortable with the unequal familiarity we had with each other. “I’m guessing that wasn’t random chance.”

Melisandre gave a knowing grin and tilted her head as my rod floated next to me on my left. “And you do know a bit of Arcana as well…Anyway no it wasn’t. Vernan told me about you, and I…just had to see the person myself. And after what happened…I knew you were the right person for what I needed.”

I guffawed and looked at her in the eye, “I’m not sure how breaking out of jail qualifies me in mining gold.”

Melisandre gave me a smile, “I don’t need you to mine. What I am recruiting for is for talent that can handle…unexpected things. But we should wait for Taryn before we discuss business.”

“If you can indulge me then, what is Medani business exactly?”

Melisandre looked at me her eyes narrowing slightly, “That’s a pointed question.”

I shrugged, “I apologize if that is a rude question. But I am new here, and all I know is that you are a member of a Dragonmarked house, but I have no idea what yours is about.”

“The house is involved in…protection of people or nations,” she said deliberately. “Think of it in the sense of being one step ahead of your opponents but without knowing who they might be. But…I’m not a scion of the house, and I…well…found that I enjoy helping find the right people for others. So, I am on my own. Does that satisfy you?”

Her tone gave me the impression of someone who was rarely challenged. It was more than simple self-confidence. It reminded me of a jaded Sensate.

“It does,” I smiled. Nails returned with a tall glass with a handle, the steam pouring off the top of it. I grabbed the handle and then gingerly wrapped my hands around them, letting them soak the warmth. “I may not drink this…the heat is more intoxicating this way.”

She was about to respond when from behind me I heard a Mror voice, “Ah! So this is the seventh one! Please don’t get up.”

I turned my head and saw a pair of Mror. One was dressed in a long coat and carried a cane with another of those dragonshards on top. His brown hair was slicked back, and his beard was small and neatly trimmed. His dress gave off the impression of success and sophistication. Beside him was a female Mror. She had brown hair, with streaks of silver hair throughout and was done up in a tight wound braid. She wore what appeared to be an ornamental breastplate that sat on her shoulders but didn’t extend past the sternum. But it was covered in gold inlay all surrounding a symbol I didn’t recognize, a nine sided coin. Her hazel eyes however regarded me with suspicion.

“I am Taryn d’Kundarak and this is Debrika,” the male Mror said gesturing to his companion. Another Warforged pulled out chairs from the table, and Debrika sat first followed by Taryn. “I must apologize in advance, but I will not be staying for dinner, as Debrika has pointed out there are some last moment affairs to take care of this evening.”

“So…you’re the mastermind behind recovering a gold mine?” I asked just as Taryn seated himself.

Debrika glared at me, and Taryn gave me a pained smile, “Ah no. That would be my uncle actually, Kaelin. But you are straight to the point I see. I like that.”

“You did say you had last minute affairs to take care of didn’t you?” I replied. Debrika arched an eyebrow a moment, and Melisandre leaned back in her chair with her wine.

“And so I did,” Taryn said still smiling. “Well, I understand from Melisandre that you are…new here. But let me tell you a quick story first, and then we can get to the matter at hand.” Another Warforged came up and gave the pair of Mrors large mugs full of an earthy smelling ale, and I took a small sip of my brandy and waited patiently.

“Now then, over a hundred years ago the entirety of the nation of Galifar was engulfed in a war of succession, what we now call ‘The Last War..’ A war that only ended about three years ago. About ten years after the start, a Mror made a finding, after a quake sheared off rock on a cliff face of a canyon called ‘the Sieve’; a pure gold seam. Deep and vast. That Mror, quickly gathered his clan, and they built bridges across to the cliff face and started to mine it. The purity of the seam was high, but even the tailings contained valuable ore, so they build smelting facilities. So very quickly, Kaelin Skolhanker’s clan began to rise in prominence and wealth. So much that his sister Lina married into House Kundarak, joining our Clan’s interests…indirectly.”

Taryn took a large sip and continued. “Now, the Sieve is in the southern part of the Ironroots, so a small garrison was built to protect the Clan, and the mine. But as the Last War dragged on year after year, more and more Mrors were called up to fight for the nation of Karnnath by King Kaius I. But as more and more were called, the garrison became vulnerable. And so, it was that the Jhorash’tar, a tribe of Orcs noticed. They stormed the garrison and took it, the mine, the smelter. Everything. Kaelin and two of his sons were lucky to escape with a number of civilians…but not many. This wasn’t the only event like this, and Mrors decided that we didn’t need to fight Karnnath's wars; we needed to defend ourselves and our interests first. And the Mror Holds declared itself…free of Karrn rule in 914. We did keep up trade with them though and they didn’t retaliate. But we couldn’t take the risk, so Krona Peak was heavily fortified. But no one could be spared to go recover the Sieve.

“Until now?” I guessed.

“Correct. With the Last War three years in the past, Kaelin is mustering a dwarf army to retake the garrison and the mine,” Taryn smiled with a dreamy look in his eyes. Debrika kept looking at me intently, while Melisandre continued to sip her wine with an amused look.

I nodded and took a sip of my brandy again, feeling the warmth seep into my bones and blood. “But what does that have to do with me?”

Taryn nodded approvingly, “Well there is little that a column of Mror can’t do once they set their minds and axes to it. But for everything an army can do, there is a need for…talented troubleshooters for things it can’t. Troubleshooters with skills like yours.”

“Like mine? Why not another Mror?”

“Well…to be honest I didn’t think I would need any. But as I was working with Melisandre to get command staff for the army over to Kaelin to review, she told me that a group would be necessary. I didn’t believe her then. But now…well she seems to have a knack to knowing what’s needed when,” Taryn looked at Melisandre with a small smile. Debrika looked at the Khorvar with the same disapproving look. Melisandre made the appearance of modesty, bowing her head. But I saw she was only playing a part here.

“I am more a student of history,” Melisandre replied. “There have always been a need for such people. I didn’t think that current events would force it so soon; otherwise I would have pushed for recruiting earlier.”

“So, I’m not the only one you have approached?” I asked.

“No, there were I think six others that had offers made to them.”

“And how many accepted?”

Melisandre smiled, “I sent messages to them all a week ago, all but one of them will come, I am sure.”

“Wait…all but one?” Taryn asked surprised.

“Yes, well it appears that one recently had a…bad end. But I used some influence to get a message to a different, equally qualified person. I will explain that in detail later; let’s focus on Myrai’s questions first.”

“Of course,” Taryn acknowledged nodding. “So, what can I answer for you?”

“So, who did you recruit?”

“Well, the first three are skilled in areas of…magical arts. One is a well-known healer from the Eldeen Reaches, and then I found a couple of wizards. One in the Mrors, and the other was in Thrane,” Melisandre replied, counting off her fingers. “The other three are more physically inclined. And they were all in Sharn, including the replacement."

The skies were grey and pouring rain as night fell in the City of Towers. In Middle Dura, traffic on the bridges was high as the citizens scrambled to their tenements to find shelter from the weather. In the Callestan district, the coming of night meant that work of the seedier trades would start. The bordellos, the dreamlily dens, the gambling halls; all the vices would throw open their doors to welcome all with coin.

Through the narrow alleys, a large hulking Orc, hooded and cloaked, threaded its way among the refuse and the derelict squatters, hiding in the boxes and makeshift shelters. Finally, he came to a nearly empty alley, with only a single occupant. A sleeping old woman covered in wet and torn copies of the ‘Sharn Inquisitive’, coughing fitfully in her sleep. The hulking Orc stepped around the supine woman and stopped at a weathered door and thumped on it twice quickly. After a moment, the door opened, admitting the figure inside.

“Took yer time Mobad,” a gruff Orc voice said in the shadows of the room. Inside a half dozen leather cloaked brutes were busy stuffing items into sacks and packs on a large trestle table.

“The shifter wouldn’t pay, Markan. I had to break things first. Then I broke him a bit,” Mobad said, pulling down his hood. His long, dank hair was wet, despite the coverings, and water dripped from his grey skin. His small black eyes looked tired and frustrated. “But Boromars showed up before I could finish. I ran.” Mobad finished with distaste.

Markan moved out of the shadows with a coffer and stuffed it into a nearby pack on the table. “We’ve lost then. The Boromars sense our weakness; we have lost territory. And now…now we lost four more to—”

“To Boromars or Daask?” Mobad asked almost unconcerned with the answer.

“Neither. To him.” Markan spat.

“’The Blade?’” Mobad said dispassionately.

“Yes, ‘The Blade’! We’re done here.”

Mobad nodded. Then he looked around at the activity in packing. “Why are we packing up?”

“That’s a good question,” Markan said with a hostile tone. “It’s bad enough that the Boromars want to finish us off. And Daask…well we keep targeting the same places and they are much stronger than we. Add this ‘Blade’ into the mix…Its hopeless. I’d be content to wait it out, but we can’t. Perhaps you can explain?” Markan said stepping next to the Orc.

“Me? What are you talking about?”

“You dumb brute; you had two jobs. Beat up who I say for money, and not be followed. And now you show up here with no money, and you were followed.”

“Was not!”

“Really? Then how did a gargoyle know to find you here?”

Mobad blinked in puzzlement. “Gargoyle?”

“A House Vadalis gargoyle, banged on the door howling your name! I took the letter from it so it would leave.” And Markan thrust an opened envelope at the baffled orc. “This is supposed to be a secret hideout! And you are taking mail here?”

Mobad stood there with a blank look and looked at the letter. On the outside the letter simply had his name ‘Mobad’ on the front. Frowning he took the opened letter and read:

To the Wanted Criminal known as “Mobad,”

Greetings! I represent the honorable Taryn d’Kundarak. Taryn is interested in retaining your services for a mission for a partner of House Kundarak. The mission’s objective is simple; return the control of a gold mine back to its original clan owner.

Your skills and anger issues are seen as an asset in the reclamation of the mine. It is also known to me that a both the Dark Lanterns of Breland and a particular vigilante are looking for your clan members in general, and you specifically. It may be an opportune time to take a journey, as you may now be at risk. These parties if allowed would delay the use of your services for us, and yourself. Perhaps permanently.

You are invited to discuss terms with Taryn and myself in person. We have arranged First Class transport, and a small stipend for your valuable time as well. Simply present the attached voucher at the House Orien Lightning Rail station in Lower Tavick’s Landing, and their staff will guide you to your destination.


Melisandre d’Medani

Research and Staffing

“To ‘Wanted Criminal Mobad’? And now it says Dark Lanterns are looking into our gang? We’re leaving,” Markan said angrily.

“I will get my things,” Mobad said simply.

“Yes. But you are not coming with us. You are going to talk to this Melisandre and squeeze out of her what she knows.”

“How will I find you later?” Mobad asked.

“We’ll find you. Now go before you bring down more trouble on our heads.”

Mobad sighed, and pulled up the hood to his cloak, and without another word left the gang’s former safehouse, walking back into the pouring rain. He started to thread his way back to the main bridge way and work his way upwards to find a skycoach to take him to Tavick’s landing.

Above him, another figure stayed pressed to the shadows of his perch in on a balcony. The figure was dressed in a black cloak, with a cowl covering most of his head. A ridged mask of leather on his forehead kept water clear from his eyes. Eyes focused on the doorway that one of the Orc gang members just departed. The cowled figure considered losing an arrow at the departing Orc, but decided against it. That one wasn’t the important one. The leader, Markan was. Letting an arrow fly and warning Markan wasn’t the plan. He relaxed the tension on the bowstring and waited.

He knew that the gang was on the losing end of a turf war and were being pushing out from the small amount of territory it controlled. The Boromars were once seen as unassailable and ruthless and none dared challenged them for territory. But that was before Daask started to make a mess of things. The big criminal operations, like the Tyrants, and House Tarkhanan had nothing to fear. Daask seemed to have it out only for the Boromar clan. But now the clan had to deal with the middle-sized upstarts looking to move up. And while the Boromars seemed unable to deal with Daask, it could deal with the smaller gangs, and did harshly. But sometimes they moved, a bit slower than justice’s patience had.

Or at least, The Blade’s. He watched and waited, and he started to become concerned. The pattern was off; normally the other orcs would have left to press their luck on evening shakedowns, after a pair of them did their sunset shakes. But only one had returned this evening, and the same one left again. Beyond that one, none of the others left the little dingy hovel in the back alley. Then a motion caught his eye.

From both ends of the alley, a dozen men, split evenly into two groups approached the door quietly. The Blade pulled his bow beside him and flattened himself into the shadows and watched. As the dozen men approached the door, he saw that there were two contingents of the Sharn Watch had gathered at each of the alley’s exits. This was a pleasant surprise to see them actively engaged. But the dozen below weren’t dressed as members of the Watch. They were dressed in mostly black cloth and stained leathers.

Suddenly, the dozen men flooded through the door like it wasn’t even there. Two remained outside while there was a sound of a scuffle. There were sounds of steel on flesh, and a struggle. Finally, two men emerged dragging an orc sized figure out with them, in chains. The others exited the hovel, swords sheathed. The Blade frowned, this wasn’t normal either and he listened, as the men conversed below.

“You find them?”

“No…but the boss here might know.”

“Let’s ask him.”

He squinted to get a better view of the Orc prisoner and was surprised to see that around the Orc’s head was a black leather bag. As they approached the end of the alley, an unremarkable skycoach dropped from above, and the two men threw the unconscious orc onboard. They then boarded the coach, and it sped away in the rain. The others in the alley departed one at a time from each end, leaving the hovel and its door wide open.

The Blade stepped out of the shadows and climbed down a drain pipe that clung on the tower wall, till he reached the alley floor, not a foot away from the old sleeping woman, who coughed for a brief moment. He pulled out his coiled leather whip and then quickly and silently he moved to the hovel and darted inside.

The interior was dark, but The Blades vision was unimpacted by the lack of light. Around the floor were bodies still warm, blood pooling beneath them. They seemed to be packing goods and wealth, ready to bolt. The Blade, moved to the table in the center of the room, and opened one of the packs still sitting there. Inside were bags of coin, copper and silver mostly. Untouched, and unsearched. The Blade’s heart quickened a step, and he hurried to the door exiting the hovel. Looking around and above, he quickly hung his bow over his shoulder, and then hung the whip at his belt. Keeping his head down he exited the alley and merged into the now busy crowd on the main causeway, the Sharn Watch mysteriously missing.

It took some time to get back to his apartment in Lower Dura. Of course, The Blade took a meandering path through crowds before he arrived in Oldkeep. Here the poor paid little attention to the goings on of neighbors. Staring at them was as likely to cause a fight, and no one’s life was worth an indiscriminate stare. Still he was cautious, and he travelled in the darkened alleys cautiously. Finally, he darted into an alley, and made his way to a heavy oak door. He quickly produced a key, popped open the lock, and swiftly entered the apartment and secured the door behind him.

He leaned his back on the closed door and he breathed a sigh of relief. But he was concerned; the Dark Lanterns rarely involved themselves in low crimes of Dura. And they didn’t find who they were looking for. He took of his cloak and peeled the wet mask away from his face. Moving to the rough paneled wall, he pushed on a board and opened a concealed cupboard, with a drain at the bottom and hooks for clothing, some already holding fine outer wear.

It was several hours later when the finely dressed elf arrived by skycoach at the Seinessa tower in Oak Towers, in Upper Northedge. His face was deep in thought however, as he walked towards the double doors on the balcony landing. He produced a key, and unlocked the doors, and entered. The upper foyer was reserved for close company and family, and the hour was late. So, the tower floor being empty wasn’t a terrible surprise. The elf took off the light leather cloak and hung it on a nearby hook to dry. He then made his way upstairs to his room, a floor up.

He threw open the door, and flopped down on a divan, tired and sore. This evening had not been what he had expected to say the least.

“You’re early sir. The sun hasn’t even made her presence known in the east, and yet here you are,” a Warforged intoned, carrying a silver platter. “If you had notified me of your change of schedule…no correction, told me your schedule to start with I might have—”

“—Told me to fix it myself. Thanks Reeve.”

“Of course. A letter arrived for you shortly after you left this evening,” and he offered the silver platter with a white missive on it.

“A letter? Probably Delling wanting me to talk to my mother again,” he said dismissively not reaching for it.

“I don’t think so. I have been using those letters for the cooking fire; this one is different.”

The elf frowned and took the offered letter and glanced at it briefly before tearing it open. As he read it, his heart quickened its pace:

To Adrian Seinessa, vigilante extraordinaire,

Greetings! I represent the honorable Taryn d’Kundarak. Taryn is interested in retaining your services for a mission for a partner of House Kundarak. The mission’s objective is simple; return the control of a gold mine back to its original clan owner.

I feel that the skills that you hone nightly as ‘The Blade’ in Sharn would be a strong addition to the company being gathered. It may be opportune as well, as there is a rumor that the Dark Lanterns of Breland are taking interest in your handiwork. Such an interest would delay the use of your services for us, and yourself. Perhaps permanently.

You are invited to discuss terms with Taryn and myself in person. We have arranged First Class transport, and a small stipend for your valuable time as well. Simply present the attached voucher at the House Orien Lightning Rail station in Lower Tavick’s Landing, and their staff will guide you to your final destination.


Mellisandre d’Medani

Research and Staffing

“This is not good,” Adrian muttered to himself. “And I guess this Medani has answers to questions I didn’t know I had. Until now. Reeves?” he addressed the Warforged standing silently nearby expectantly. “Tell my parents I am going out of town for a while.”

The rain didn’t let up, and the old woman stirred in her nest of Inquisitives. She slowly stood and picked up the wooden staff she was laying on, and made her way down the alley, only taking a cursory glance at the hovel. She saw bodies, and a table of packed goods and little else. She continued into the main causeway and followed the crowd quietly to the adjacent tower. Unhurried, she slowly made her way towards a boarding house, with its windows covered with boards to keep the meager possessions inside safe. She moved into the alley next to it, where the stench of rotten meat and slop hung in the air. She moved towards a stone stair that led into the side of the boarding house and bent down. Tracing her finger around the bricks, she grasped the edge of a loose one, and pulled it away from the stair. Inside was a folded slip of parchment. Nodding to herself, she pulled it out. Like most messages it was encoded. Unlike most, it was somewhat verbose.

To Agent “Doxx,”

You are hereby recalled from your current mission in Sharn. Our agents have uncovered communications about Emerald Claw activity involving members of several Dragonmarked houses. While it is not clear on the nature or intent of the activity, you are required to get to the bottom of the matter without hesitation or delay.

Our only lead involves a meeting between members of House Kundarak and House Medani in a town called “Denning.” While we do not believe the houses are directly involved in Emerald Claw activity, it is likely they may be manipulated by the Order. We must be careful before launching accusations or direct action against the Dragonmarked Houses if they are indeed directly involved.

Your orders are to infiltrate that meeting and offer your skills to assist in whatever endeavor they are planning. Gather as much information as you can and relay any information you receive to an agent arriving from Atur. The Agent will be part of a military patrol and will respond to the passphrase “Thank Kaius for your fortitude.” The proper response is “It is Moranna’s will.”

Remember; you should not be expected at this meeting, so it will be up to you to come up with a story on why you are there and how you know about it.

Travel by Orien coach and Lightning Rail will be provided from Sharn to Denning using our normal process.

Best Fortune!

Moranna ir’Wynarn

“What in the?” the woman muttered. “I just started getting a handle following these Lanterns, and that odd pretender. Now…this?” Doxx frowned. “And Denning? There isn’t anything out there but ranches!” She snapped her fingers and a quick gout of flame incinerated the letter. She replaced the brick and moved back into the thoroughfare muttering to herself.

“I can only hope that I got better than steerage on the Rail out.”

“I notice that we are travelling west, and not south. So, where am I going and why?” I asked.

“For the moment, it’s for a simple reason but a thorny problem that must be solved,” Taryn started. “But first, here’s a quandary for you. Do you know how many tons of meat that a three thousand Mror army needs for a week?” I shook my head and he continued. “About two tons. Now once we start marching, and we overwhelm the enemy we need about eight times that, plus a constant supply line. Now of course, once we take the mine, we need less, but you get the idea; without food an army goes nowhere. So, two years ago, I made contracts with every ranch in Karrnath for their cattle in preparation. And therein lies the problem.”

“What problem?” I said unclear on the issue.

“The main ranches I contracted with haven’t delivered, and messages haven’t been getting through either. The most likely explanation is—”

“—Orcs? Jhorash’tar right?”

“Good guess, but no. Melisandre believes it is Ogres.”

“Ogres?” I said dubiously.

“Yes…the western side of the Ironroots have quite a number of them, and they are cunning and eager to eat horseflesh, and cattle alike.”

“I am not a rancher you realize.”

“No of course not. What I need you to do is to scout ahead and find out exactly what’s been going on. Then you will meet back with your other members of your group and take action.”

“Wait…alone? I don’t even—” I protested.

“I have arranged for a number of Blademarks to accompany you and guide you to the ranches north of Denning,” Melisandre said.

“And time is somewhat pressing,” Taryn continued. “We can’t wait for the others arrive, as they are probably two weeks behind us. So, you will go with the Blademarks, find out what is going on, and then return to Denning where the group of you will address it, however you feel best.”

I set down the brandy and massaged my temple with my right hand. “You have made the assumption that I agreed to do this you realize? What exactly are you offering here?”

“Well, Kaelin Skolhanker is…generous. For skilled personnel such as you, percentage of profits from the mine for five years. With a guaranteed floor of a thousand gold coin a year. However, the payout is expected to be far higher. More like ten times that.”

I leaned forward in disbelief, “That…that is impressive. All for finding…cows.”

“Well, there will be other expected work of course, but…in essence yes,” Taryn said smiling, leaning back. “All you need to do is sign.”

Debrika’s silence was broken by her reaching into a small bag at her side, and from its interior withdrew a large book. A book that I was certain could not have fit into that bag, and she laid it none to gently on the table, causing the glasses and flatwear to jump on the table along with me in my seat. I squinted at it the large tome in confusion and pointed at it. “And that is?”

“The contract.” Taryn said mildly.

“The whole book?” I said looking at it with trepidation.

“Well…there are room for addendums, but it is really a standard Mror business contract.” Taryn said taking another gulp of his drink.

I opened the book and looked at the text inside. I could tell it was in a dwarvish script, which didn’t concern me. But Taryn reached over, and turned the pages to near the end saying, “And you sign here.”

I took his hand from the page and moved it aside and turned the pages back to the beginning. “I don’t sign contracts without reading them.”

Taryn blinked in surprise, and I noticed that Debrika raised an eyebrow and I think gave me a slight smile, while Melisandre chuckled. “I don’t think I have seen some one insistent on reading a standard contract before,” Taryn said.

I looked at him in the eyes, “Where I come from contracts…have a high price if you don’t read them. Usually a cost most people really can’t afford. So, while I don’t exactly see you as a soulmonger, a habit is a habit.”

“Take your time, you can agree in the morning if you like. Anyway, Debrika and I have some work to finish this evening. And we can discuss any questions you might have, after you’ve had an evening to think on it. Good night then, Myrai. I do hope we will be doing business together.” And he smiled and took my hand gently and squeezed it, while Debrika gave me a curt nod. And then both returned to the First Class cars, leaving Melisandre and I alone.

Melisandre smiled and chuckled, “You are a pleasure. So surprising, and so much potential. I have no doubts you’re are the right person for this. Please accept.”

I motioned, and the large book closed and then floated off the table, to hang in the air with my rod. “I was serious on what I said with contracts.” I replied.

The Khorvar nodded, “Yes I know that…but please do. But think of it as a…favor to me. I did tell Vernan to assist you after all.”

I looked at Melisandre, my eyes narrowing. “So, you did have a hand in my…freedom. Why do I warrant that much attention? Seems…I don’t know, a bit much for dealing with cows.”

The woman shrugged, “Remember what I said that my House does? We anticipate threats, even if we don’t always know where they might come from. And while I don’t know everything that might happen; I am certain that you, and the others, are the right people to deal with the challenges ahead. No matter the cause or the source.” And she smiled again and stood up to my surprise. “I too must apologize, but I also have some preparations before we get off at Cattbron tomorrow afternoon. We can talk more then.” And she straightened out the front of her dress and passed by me, heading where Taryn went. But she paused as she stood next to me.

“And you do look quite fetching in that dress. Keep it,” she said smiling.

“Even if I say no?”

“Sure. But call it intuition; you won’t.” And she made her way to the curtains, which were held out of her way by a Warforged attendant.

I sat there looking out the panes of glass at the now darkened landscape, reflecting. I didn’t know Melisandre, but she reminded me of old planewalkers in the Society of Sensation. Some would call them ‘jaded’ but the truth was more complex. The older one got in the Society, the more one tended to close themselves off to new ideas, experiences or concepts. After all, they had seen so much, that it colored everything they saw in the present.

Melisandre gave me that same impression; very experienced, very certain. Almost too much so. I didn’t know her, and perhaps her experience was dead on. But something nagged at me that she knew more than she was telling, and the only thing I was certain of was this:

I didn’t know the right questions to ask.

Session Notes:
And that makes seven. The players wanted a lot of background impacting the adventure. And so there was a lot of story and some untended consequences. Well at least for the players that is. But it worked.

As a side note; the town Denning noted in Doxx's note. was named in honor of Troy Denning. The reason for that, was this adventure was originally planned to be run in the Forgotten Realms, in the area of Hartsvale and some of the information from from the novels in the "Twilight's Giants" was used to start the background, and a new central town was needed. But the players decided that Eberron would be more interesting. So the town was kept, and everything was moved.


Lizard folk in disguise
A Party of Characters - 12/6/2020

Two Weeks later, Denning, Karrnath

Sage looked out the window of the private Orien carriage. It was only the second time he had travelled, with the first being when he left Cyre for his assignment for House Kundarak. Over the course of the day, the conditions outside changed dramatically. The early morning in Cattbron was freezing as a blizzard dumped snow thick on the ground as icy winds blew through the Railtown. But as they travelled north, the temperature grew warmer and the air became more humid. Frozen ground gave quickly away to sludge and mud. Mud so thick in places, that many of the coaches were separated as they found themselves stuck or needed to assist unsticking others.

But it seemed to Sage a waste to dedicate an entire carriage to just himself. It was also strange not to be asked to assist or help in any way. In fact, when Sage offered, it was turned down, apologetically, as if he shouldn’t be concerned with trivial matters. This deference wasn’t something he was used to and he found it discomforting. Sage felt like he should always be doing something. Idle hands were a wasted opportunity. So, the idea of not being allowed to help was strange. Was this normal? The Mror he was sold to, and then worked for valued work and work ethic. And while they did enjoy time to do nothing productive, like drink and eat, But, it wasn’t nothing. They always did something they valued. Siting alone in a carriage not allowed to help because he was using a highly paid ticket was absurd. But the effort to make a fuss about such things wasn’t worth it.

So, it appeared that all Sage could do was review the spells in his spellshard, as the countryside slid by. The frozen plains and low hills near Cattbron, gave way to a forest of oak and beech, and the occasional pine. The scent of the wet leaves hung in the damp air as it warmed. The train of carriages and wagons stopped only once during the two-day journey, circling up into five different clusters to ‘keep wolves at bay’ said the Orien teamsters.

The evening was uneventful and boring. Only some merchants, and drovers of Cannith supplies were in the circle, which meant that cattle and gambling were the only topics of discussion, neither which interested the Warforged. And the others were content to leave the massive hulking juggernaut alone.

But the next day travelled quickly, as the air continued to grow warmer, with the occasional light shower and no sun. But as much as the drovers complained, it mattered little to Sage. Weather were not counted on the list of foes; just a condition to endure or use to your advantage. And so, he endured it, until finally just as the sun was setting in the west, the carriage reached Denning.

Sage took an interest in the frontier town, as they approached. A low wall, a man and a half high surrounded the main part of it, with some farms nested along the outer walls. As they approached Sage noticed that the town and its walls straddled a fast-moving river. As the carriage bounced onwards, Sage could see arches connecting the walls over the rivers. But as they entered the main gate he noticed that the walls on a single section was much higher; around thirty feet or so around a large building with a pair of slender steeples, shaped like needles.

Sage regarded the fortifications with confusion. The walls seemed impractical; too low to keep any assault from coming inside. And as they entered the town gate of Denning, he realized that the walls were as equally thick as tall. This would make them impractical to breach, but why bother? It would be just as easy to scale with ladders or hook and rope. As the carriage transitioned from the mud to hard cobble, he saw something else odd. There were palisades flanking each side of the interior of the gate, each one half the height of the wall. But their orientation made sage think they were designed to prevent someone from leaving the town, as opposed to protecting the gate.

Past the gate doors, the road was very wide. Six carriages could have easily shared the width of the street and was lined with shops. Many focused-on feed and tack for horse, and other necessities related to ranching. A pair of smithies for working iron, but little in the way of weapons, or at least none were visible. The town showed no signs of damage or reconstruction; like The Last War had somehow spared it. But as he looked closely at the the building passing by, he noted that there were signs of work deferred. Most windows had lights within shining, but a handful of structures had been boarded up, their occupants long gone. Sage reassessed and realized that if the war had not come here, it had taken its fair share of people away to die on a distant battlefield. Korunda’s Gate had that aspect to it too; no battle ever occurred there, but there were numbers of homes shut and sealed as Mror left and consolidated their holdings..

The carriage crossed a bridge spanning the swift river and entered a spacious town square. From here, Sage could see signs marking the location of a Sivis message station, Valadis stable, and a small building with the Jorasco sigil hanging from an iron bracket. From behind the buildings another steeple with a solitary bell, rose into the sky. And of course, there were more outfitters of equipment and supplies for ranchers. Finally, the carriage came to a stop in front of a two storied stone building. After a moment, the Orient drover, jumped down from his seat, and pulled open the door on the coach saying, “We’re here.”

Sage grabbed his steel shield and shifted carefully his large metallic frame, causing the carriage to sway as he exited. He saw that darkness was now settling into the town, and with it the air cooling. But fortunately, the rain had decided to stay away. Looking up, he saw that he was being dropped off at a Ghallanda licensed inn called ‘The Drover’s Rest.’ But he had barely started to lumber forward, when bounding out of the front of the Inn, came a halfling shouting eagerly.

“Welcome! Welcome! You are all…wait…only one?!?” the halfling asked puzzled.

Sage looked around, as the drovers pulled the carriage away leaving him alone with the halfling. “The wagon train was separated by weather and mud. But I did not know others wer—”

“I understand…not a concern at all…hm…which one are you?” he said looking the Juggernaut up and down. “Well…you do look like a Redoubt I suppose?”

“Sage Redoubt.”

The halfling smiled, pleased with himself. “A good guess then on my part. Anyway, my name is Findo…Findo Gask,” and he held out a hand, which Sage shook awkwardly. “No luggage I see,” he said looking around at the ground. “Well come with me; a room has been provided for you of course, and Taryn has a private dinning room for all of you to meet and eat as it were,” and Findo led Sage inside.

“’All of you’? How many are expected?” Sage asked.

“Oh, he said to expect ten in total, but you are the first guest to arrive,” Findo said as they entered the inn. It was warm with two fireplaces lit, and oak tables scattered around the room. The center was dominated by a bar of wood surrounding a pair of large barrels, each the size of a carriage in itself. A female halfling was running on a ledge inside the bar, getting drinks, while a pair of human girls were doing the same to the tables on the outside. On the far wall was a door leading out, and a staircase leading up.

“This way,” and Findo gestured and led Sage to a passage to the left, which had a pair of double doors set into the left wall. The passage also continued to the kitchen, where he saw a pair of halfling’s scamper and preparing for their guests. As Sage reached the doors, he saw that there was a Warforged inside the kitchen hauling a box and they had stopped to look at Sage. The Warforged, stiffened as it regarded him, for a moment, and then continued its work, disinterested. Findo then opened the doors to the room, and ushered Sage inside.

The room must have been tailored to the local hunters. Animal heads were mouned on the wall, and the chandelier was made of racks of deer horns. A long table was set out with chairs pressed against the walls. On it, a spread of food was set upon it, various game meats, fish, breads and the like. In the middle of the table, various bottles of liquor, wine and a small keg of beer were set , with mugs and glasses placed within easy reach around it.

“Help yourself, to…well…anyway, Taryn will be down once the rest have arrived,” Findo said a little awkwardly, but with a smile, and he closed the door behind him.

Sage stared at the food and drink on the table, and then looked at the flimsy looking chairs set around. Shaking his head, he moved over to the window, set his shield down and waited for the others to arrive.

Trudging through the mud on that same night another coach made its way to the town of Denning. Inside, the coach a solitary figure brooded and spoke to themselves aloud.

"I know we're a long way from Sharn. But a hero doesn't choose the source of the call for help. He just answers."

Sitting alone inside the coach watching the road roll by, with the hood of his cloak obscuring all but his mouth, the elf spoke loudly enough to be heard outside the cabin. The driver on the other side of the window called back hesitantly. "Beg your pardon? We don't normally talk through the glass, I usually just drive and—"

"Don't worry, citizen, I'll overlook it. Your curiosity is understandable. It's a common reaction to meeting me in person."
With a brief, awkward glance over his shoulder, the driver said "Sir?"

"That's right. The Savior of Sharn. The Cloaked Crusader. The thin black line between order and anarchy. The one they call… The Blade."
"The what?"

"But there's no need to be intimidated, citizen. I'm just a man… a heroic man with the weight of an entire city on his noble, powerful shoulders."

The driver's head suddenly twisted much too far in the direction of his passenger, and an absent-minded tug on the reins sent the coach veering wide. Immediately he snapped them back, abruptly pulling the coach back on course.

As if unaware of the swerve, the cloaked figure continued. "But there's more to fighting crime than simply being amazing. The weak and the innocent are plagued every day by deadly threats. So they need a hero who's also a deadly threat. And I threaten those deadly threats deadly…ly."

The driver's head remains stiffly facing forward. For only a second, his mouth opens silently before closing again.

"I know what you're thinking, citizen. I can see it in your eyes," he says to the back of the driver's head. "What makes a man choose heroism? What makes him strive every day to crush the slimy worms of crime under the righteous boot of justice?"

"I didn't—"

"Well forget it, friend. My story is too long and… storied for one coach ride."

"Oh thank—"

"Suffice it to say: A new enemy of justice has emerged to threaten The Blade. But little do they know, they've made a powerful enemy today. And the enemy of my enemy is… me."

“And of course, thank you serrah, for your hospitality,” came a voice with a distinct drawl, as the doors opened.

“Of course, Rosa d’Jorasco,” said Findo. “Please help yourself, and Taryn will be down in a while.”

A brown haired halfling, walked into the room nodding. She looked at the heads and chandelier with distaste and moved to the table, stepping on a long step stool set in front of it. She reached forward, toward one of the bottles, and poured out a honey colored liquid into a glass.

“Are you just goin to stare out that winda, or are you going to be polite company and say ‘Hello?’” she asked without turning.
Sage’s head turned slightly from the window. “Hello. Rosa correct? And a Reacher from the sound of it?”

“Did the drawl give it away my dear?”

“Accent is common among population on the eastern edge of the Eldeen. I was given training to recognize it years ago. I am Sage Redoubt”
Rosa chuckled, “I guess guilty as charged. So, what brings a big fella like you here?”

“A letter, and questions. And I assume him as well,” Sage said.

“Him?” and Rosa turned, and there in the corner near the door stood a shadow of a figure. A glass of wine in hand. His cowled face exposing the fine features of elven cheeks and chin. A long bow was leaning against the wall in easy reach, while the leather cloak was pulled back, revealing a coiled whip and a pouch at his sides.

“I do have questions,” the elf said simply with a gravelly whisper. “Melisandre knows things, and I would like to understand how.”

“And what is your name then?” Rosa asked smiling.

“You may call me… ‘The Blade.’”

Rosa tilted her head and looked at the elf with disbelief. “The…Blade?”

Sage took a step forward toward the hooded figure and looked him up and down.

“But you aren’t carrying one,” Sage pointed out.

“I don’t understand your point,” came the figure’s reply.

Sage was about to respond when the door opened again, the voice of a nervous Findo saying, “Ah…yes…food is in there Mobad…and drink I suppose.” Inside strode a grey skinned true blooded Orc. He moved directly to the table, drawing a short sword and sliced off a hunk of ham. He then stabbed it and brought it to his jaw where he tore off a chuck with his canines. He stood there chewing, and glared at the others before saying “Whut?”

“Ah..well…help yourself Mobad,” Rosa said as the shock wore off.

“I am.” And he shoved a chunk of ham into his mouth.

The carriage pulled in next to the ‘The Drover’s Rest’ a human male with blonde hair stepped out and thanked the driver. and watched as the carraige pulled away. Taking his stick in hand, he looked at the coach as it pulled away. The man then looked around, and then quickly moved to the right side of the inn, and circled around it in the darkness. Finally, they found what they was looking for. There in the light of the windows, were a line of privies, and a brick lined path leading to the side entrance of the inn. The man made his way quietly over to the entrance and took a deep breath, before quietly opening it.

The door, opened, admitting the grey and silver haired old woman. Doxx quickly shut the door, and then slowly made their way around the bar. They saw two distinct groupings of people. The first were ranchers and hunters, locally dressed in working clothing. The others were merchants on the road, looking to make business. Each sat apart from the other. As Doxx made their way around the bar, they noted the conversation were the same from both groups; the weather, and how the cattle drive was late.

Neither was of interest. Doxx then spied a pair of doors, not far from the front entrance and close to the kitchen doors. They moved over and sat at the bar and was watching, when a halfling came out of the kitchen and spied them.

“Ah yes, another guest. You are expect—” Findo started to say.

The old woman turned their head and smiled. “—I doubt that sonny.”

Findo frowned and his brows furrowed, “I was told that to expect an old woman, are you sure—”

“—I am certainly not expected by anyone. But you do have another guest.”

In the Inn’s doorway stood looking around uncertainly was a Warforged in a battered brown cloak. The halfling quickly made his way to him saying, “Ah, you are the other one, Captain—”

“—Just…Bookshelf. Where am I…?” and looked and stared with curiosity at the old woman seated at the bar, when Findo waved at the Warforged to follow him.

“This way, everyone is in the private dining room. Follow me please. Flinsa can you send a girl to tell Taryn that all but one of his new guests have arrived!” Findo said and he led Bookshelf to the dining room doors. All the while Doxx nodded to themselves.

“Did that woman come back?” Flinsa asked.

“Not that I’ve seen!” and Findo yelled before heading off to the kitchen.

“Yeah one moment dear…whatcha want sweetie,” Flinsa waved at a one of the barmaids, who ran up the stairs and then she ran over to Doxx’s seat behind the bar.

“Just some water…my stomach can’t handle the brew anymore,” Doxx said almost absently, as they watched the warforged entering the dinning room.

“Sorry about that…we do have some milk that might settle your stom—”

“—No…water. Milk gives me gas.”

“Oh dear…did you need any thing then easy on the constitution…broth or boiled foul?”

“No…but what’s with the side room over there?” Doxx asked.

“Oh that? Private party for a Kundarak. All of them from out of town.”

From Doxx’s left they heard a loud clambering down the stairs. Glancing over they saw a pair of dwarves dressed in Mrorian styled clothing and armor, and two Denieth Blademarks moving down the stairs.

“—First the cows, now Melisandra, then Myrai, and now our missing guest. What else is going missing Debrika…don’t answer that! I don’t want to know.” Said the male Mror with short hair and cropped beard, followed by an armored dwarf female with a maul shaking her head. They both stood in front of the doors, and the Blademarks took position flanking the entrance. And with a deep breath, the male opened the door shouting with a smile.

“Yes, yes good evening gentlefolk! I am Taryn d’Kundarak and I am—" when the door shut cutting his speech off.
Doxx frowned. Perhaps they should have said they were expected, but that wouldn’t do if the real person arrived. They’d would have to bide their time and wait.

“Here’s your water hon,” Flinsa said. And Doxx took an absent sip, when the doors to the dining room suddenly were flung open. The female dwarf had emerged, with her maul resting on her shoulder, and in her other hand she held a letter. She glanced around for a moment and locked her eyes on Doxx. She stomped over next to the old woman and looked at her scowling.

“You are late,” she growled.

“I’m sorry I don’t know—ACK!”

Debrika had with a single arm swung her maul, shattering the stool the old woman was seated on, landing her flat on her back. The entire Inn grew quiet at the exchange. Debrika leaned down in a hush growl almost repeated herself.

“You are late…Doxx,” and to the old woman’s surprise, Debrika dropped a letter on her chest. Doxx blinked and coughed, sitting up. And looked at the letter which said to their surprise ‘To Doxx.’ They ripped open the letter and read the contents in confusion:

To the Changeling agent by the name “Doxx”

Greetings! I represent the honorable Taryn d’Kundarak. Taryn is interested in retaining your services for a mission for a partner of House Kundarak. The mission’s objective is simple; return the control of a gold mine back to its original clan owner.

I am sure that this letter may come as quite a shock to you, as this makes your other missive from Moranna somewhat superfluous. I can explain more when we meet. But keep in mind that, your discretion, skill and value come as no surprise to us. What might be a surprise is that your original mission was compromised by another party. That party if allowed would delay the use of your services for us, yourself and your King. Perhaps permanently.

You are invited to discuss terms with Taryn and myself in person. We had originally arranged First Class transport, but I doubt that is necessary by the time you read this. Please ask Debrika for your stipend when you get a moment.

Mellisandre d’Medani
Research and Staffing
Doxx blinked in the silence of the Inn. They then coughed and stood, looking Debrika in the eye.

“I think I know the way.”

Session Notes:

First, this campaign was notable for having a number of people interest in writing stories about it. This first one contains one of and about the more than famous 'The Blade' by his player Ryan, who was kind enough to give me permission to repost.

Second you wont find either Cattbron or Denning on the map of Eberron. But you will see some pictures on them in the next post.

Third, Findo Gask the innkeeper. Findo Gask in reality is the name of a village in Scotland, which I have personally been through. However, the name has been appropriated multiple times, including by Terry Brooks (which no one realized when the name was used for that innkeeper.)

Last, Doxx's introduction was convoluted. mostly because he was given the wrong draft of the intro letter which you all read now. So, an equally convoluted and ridiculous method of getting things on track was used.
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Lizard folk in disguise
On Cattbron and Denning:

Karrnath_denningv3 - players.png

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