The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being

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Wait what's Aravoth and why 12? IIRC Muzaloth is 8th Dimension, Kuvachim is 9th, and Akashic Library is 10th...

The name of the Akashic Library is Aravoth. Look at Epic Bestiary page 9 or 10. Muzaloth is just The Pleroma, the Multiverse as a whole, Kuvachim, the diamond wall is the next dimension up, the realm of Infinity, literally you need infinite con/Str to exist there coporeally, and finally you have Aravoth, the Akashic Library, that's it's proper name.

And why twelve is because I'm the DM and that's how we did it. There are also other omniverses and other Akashic Libraries. A reality of infinite possibilities.


First Post
Brilliant work Beefermatic , Thychen must be the most powerful entity I have ever seen stats for.

So who would be able to compete with him?
Possibly Muhlatimic Dragons and Eschatologic Dragons , or the Omega or the leader of the Hyperboreans?

Brilliant work Beefermatic , Thychen must be the most powerful entity I have ever seen stats for.

So who would be able to compete with him?
Possibly Muhlatimic Dragons and Eschatologic Dragons , or the Omega or the leader of the Hyperboreans?

The Ultimate's goal is to depose Thychen, though at equivalent stage 10 even to Pleromic Thychen's stage 36 he's quite outclassed.

The Mulhatimic are able to depose him, I leave them with no stats on purpose and no limits to the powers they are given so they can veto Thychen and there isn't much he can do. One on one he could maybe beat one, but not a hundred.

The personification of the Akashic, an astronomically powerful being called Gamma, is more than a match for Thychen, who's power is the equivalent of a Time Lord to The Supreme Being by comparison.

The Eschatols wouldn't dare to face Thychen, they're very powerful, they bring about the end of the Existence, but they can't compete with the unbridled wrath of the Words of the Akashic Library turned against them.

The Omega is interesting in my Omniverse, The Fractal God is the previous Supreme Being, he is the technical Omega and isn't insanely powerful, I think I have him set as a stage 7 Highlord + some extra powers based on his concept and previous position.

That said however, there is a being who has no name, my PCs dubbed him "Antithychen" , or "Dennis" , he's the real Supreme Being, he gave his Omniverse up to push others and himself to new heights. Vacating the Throne and allowing a Supreme Being to rule only to introduce anomalies into the mix creating uncertainty, forcing the Supreme Being to act and learn how to overcome. He's the true Omega of my Omniverse, but even Thychen can't truly affect him and each time Antithychen appears, some major calamity takes place.
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Under Omnific Traits it says the following:

The 12 fundamental forces of the Kosmos He is associated with apply to AC, Attack rolls, All Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and Spell resistance

I have two questions about this. What are the 12 fundamental forces? Are the forces applied to his stats as indicated, since I can't really see it listed, or since these stats are all infinite anyway you just didn't indicate it.

Under Omnific Traits it says the following:

The 12 fundamental forces of the Kosmos He is associated with apply to AC, Attack rolls, All Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and Spell resistance

I have two questions about this. What are the 12 fundamental forces? Are the forces applied to his stats as indicated, since I can't really see it listed, or since these stats are all infinite anyway you just didn't indicate it.

Indeed, I didn't list it due to redundancy, thought this might be somewhat confusing. So on my "Insanely High Powered Entities" thread, I outline the fundamental forces of my Omniverse. I'll repost here: Second to last post,

Thychen has 12 whole Omniverses that he created and destroyed, each a true infinity unto itself, thusly for each existence created, Thychen has another 'layer' so to speak. 12 layers, so 12 forces. Each of the Akashic Aspects represent one 'Existence' or whole Omniverse, layer if you will, that was created, destroyed and recreated.

His 12 Forces are:

There are however, more than 12 Aspects, 14 I think, so far, there can and likely will be more as time goes on in my campaigns, but two of them are 'woven into the fabric of existence' which is Actoshen and Solarius, Quintessence and Courage, thusly they are able to exist without the Kosmos coming to an end.

There are also 'The 6 Guardians', which are beings from Kuvatchim, similar in function to the Aspects. Mind, Dreams, The Physical, Beauty, Fundamental Evil, Fundamental Good.

Essentially in each existence, Thychen creates it, a new idea is presented, that new idea shifts the balance and thusly ends the existence. the First Existence was made of Earth, as Fire was introduced the Universe came to an end, this manifested as Thychen creating a perfect world, Gamma curiously exploring it, and Thychen attacking Gamma, the resulting battle creating 'Fire' burning the Existence to ash and creating Sercasembra who would go on to lose to Gamma pretty spectacularly. (Think Boros fighting Saitama from One Punch Man, but disintegrating whole Dimensional and Temporal layers instead of just giant explosions)
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I chose fundamental evil and good because the concepts of light/dark or more generalized Forces of Opposition exist in every aspect of life from the idea of doing better at one's own job and the unforseen circumstances that may block you from doing so such as a boss's ego, to the very idea of entropy dissolving everything to a neutral state, that's what I mean by good and evil.

Not the trivial ways of simply doing the right thing or doing the wrong thing, morals have a place in this, sure, but they deal with deeper more permanent forces that don't need life or even consiousness involved to be valid.

The Guardians do have stats, at least they are supposed to have stats. Much like Thychen or the Annorrath, they've been concepts for a long long time and have had plenty of time in campaign but it's only been the last couple years that I've been really trying to define them statistically.

They too are incredibly powerful, much like the Aspects but of the Infinite Realm of Kuvatchim, imagine how a King of Gods, like a Greater Diety is kind of like a Time Lord, but vastly weaker, that's sort of the difference between a Guardian and an Aspect. The Aspect may be a defined single 'Word' but the Guardians are whole Paragraphs.

These unbelievably powerful beings work as safeguards to prevent the laws of the Omniverse from being tampered with, an Existence can be destroyed, sure, by Thychen's hands or another's, but Thychen can recreate a new Reality. The Guardians make sure that reality can still be created, in essence even if a being was powerful enough to ruin Existence, the Guardians make sure that it's simply contained to that Reality, that it doesn't bleed into previous and future Existences etc.

I said Six but there is a seventh Guardian. The Guardian of the Elements
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