The Outrider (Approved) Addendum (Approved)

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First Post
In my experience, mounts don't get used much. Focusing on mounted combat makes for a good PC concept, and is quite flavorful. It would be nice to see some additional benefits such as a prestige class. This one seems well done. Thank you Bront.

I vote Yes.

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The man with the probe
Manzanita said:
In my experience, mounts don't get used much. Focusing on mounted combat makes for a good PC concept, and is quite flavorful. It would be nice to see some additional benefits such as a prestige class. This one seems well done. Thank you Bront.

I vote Yes.
Glad to help.

I agree, it's a missing class, and this works well for a lot of classes.


The man with the probe
Well, mechanicly, none directly. But, it means you can jump higher (because you start higher), allows for strange mounts (Because you can land standing on the mount), you gain some hight advantages (I believe there are some in the book) vs cover as well as in melee, and it's kind of a cool thing :) You also don't take any penalties when using mounted archery if your mount is using a double move or running, since you can stabilize the bow better. I can spell that out in the ability a bit, assuming that doesn't change anything.

BTW, I do have a mounted cleave feat that is submitted that I believe has 2 yes votes as well.


First Post
You would need to spell those out in the class and make sure that the judges agree with them, none of the benefits you mentioned (except jumping and looking cool) are spelled out, and IMO the benefit to mounted archery in particular doesn't follow.


The man with the probe
I put everything but the mounted archery thing (in italics and noted it). I added that as a seperate issue.

It follows with mounted archery that your legs work well as shock absorbers, but work better when standing than when sitting in the saddle. Perhaps it could only halve the penalties cumulitive with Mounted Archery.

SRD said:
Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat.
Benefit: The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved: –2 instead of –4 if your mount is taking a double move, and –4 instead of –8 if your mount is running.
Special: A fighter may select Mounted Archery as one of his fighter bonus feats.


First Post
So does standing in the saddle double the benefets of Mounted combat, or just stack with it.
If I don't have mounted archery, can I still take less of a minus when standing?


The man with the probe
That's what we're looking to find out. If it halves the modifiers, then it works like normal mounted archery, and if you have mounted archery, it halves it again. (I think that is a better mechanic that simply eliminating them)

Other bonuses may stack, like height (you're still taller than simply riding the horse) and such, or just be modified by the net issue.

Well, technically, you already have the high ground advantage (no limb-cutting involved) when mounted, though standing may grant it against more opponents. As for the archery - I don't see it, really. I'll grant that my only experience with "real" archery was on a medieval market, but I imagine it is rather hard to aim from horseback - more so if standing up. If there is shock absorption at work, I'd suspect that the movements needed to stay mounted would nullify that advantage. But I'm no rider - I've only ridden as a young boy, and didn't think about experimenting standing in the saddle back then. :p

- KO


First Post
I must admit, I don't really see the mounted archery bit. In the gengis khan movies, the mongols shoot sitting in their saddles.

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