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The hidden

Popping into an Aberrational settlement..... unannounced....
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“What caused the destruction of Cyre? I think it was the country of-“

“Enough with your theories of the dragonkind and their war with fiends. If they were warring don’t you think we would see it?” Declares the second Emerald Claw guard.

“Feh. I just know what I over heard.”

“BOTH of you need to shut up and do what you were told to do- GUARD!” Demands a new comer- their boss, Agent Lt. Matture.

The two fall silent and begin to guard again. Suddenly there is a sound at the water’s edge. A glow and suddenly a dozen short multi-limbed humanoids come out yipping and yapping in something similar to goblin but not. “Intruders!” calls the first guard.

The Dolgrims attack and overwhelm the two guards. Matture smashes a few over their heads with his flail. Then the greater danger rises. Hidden by the darkness, the aberrational leader attacks. Matture begins to mumble out a moan of fear as he is struck by a beam of light and turned to stone. The large round creature floats over the dock towards the warehouse.

On the far side a second Beholder rises from under the dock with another squadron of Dolgrims. Magic suddenly erupts from the warehouse doors. Out steps a mage known as Taylor Downings. A gnome dressed in green with green colored hair is also casting magic but her magic is divine power.

Unknown to them, a third squad is tearing through the floor into the warehouse. An Aberrational ogre leads them by force. His Dolgrims spread out and search through the crates and barrels here. Three squeal in triumph as they find prizes within the collected goods.

Gussa turns and sees the distraction for what it is. “Too many. We leave now and take it back later.” She declares. Laughing, the mage goes to her and they teleport away. The Ogre thinks he has won then spots glowing energy balls nearby (delayed fireball…. Several). The explosion is seen and heard through most of Yrlag.



There are few orcs or aberrations running around to battle now. Gern refuses to enter other portals. He wants a guarantee of an aberration to kill…. Not possible traps. They do encounter a few Sin Spawn that are easily defeated. On them are blue and yellow crystal rods which Gern takes.

They go further into the settlement looking for hostages, foes and anything of interest. So intent they miss that Gern has disappeared. “Damn that elf!” curses Azzime under his breath. They continue on still hoping to find hostages and stolen (retrieved) goods.

Shortly they come across something built of stone that is not a cube. It is a pyramid about twenty feet tall with stairs on all four sides. Azzime recognizes it. It is an entrance to underground catacombs. He is uncertain whether to enter but before he can say anything Payback has already hurried up the stairs. The female ranger follows him up. Azzime feels being alone is more dangerous than going into the heart of the underground aberrational tunnels.

The three go down the opening into the darkness. There are no lit stones and pebbles here. It is pitch black. Almost unnaturally so. Azzime strikes up a torch and notes the lighting is less than expected. There is either magic at work here or some sort of supernatural effect. Either way, its not a good thing.

They wonder down the hallway for several hundred feet without any threats or challenges. This worries the spy. The orc is bored. Catherina is merely going with the flow. They begin to feel even more uneasy. The hairs on their arms and neck rise, even Paypack’s thick bristles rise. They “feel” like they hear something ahead but are uncertain. Moving closer, they reach a corner where the sound can now be heard, though not clearly. Reflections of dim colored lights can be seen on the walls. The lights are moving or something moves between the source and the wall? Azzime is uncertain.
The orc ranger smiles and moves ahead of the group. He goes around a corner. The human ranger goes next. Azzime finds himself wanting to go around the corner also.

What is found directly around the corner scares the spy to no end. A room of swirling colors that more ooze than move around the light. Mages and aberrations stand within this large room having casual conversations.

Three mages, one dressed in Emerald Claw armor, talk and laugh in their discussion. Behind them are two Mind Flayers. Again, they are having a conversation (though with no sound due to telepathy). One is snacking on a simple treat of a Grey Dusk orc. Near the back are two Dolgaunts. They are staring at the crystal wall there. One the wall are moving images. It is like a Crystal Ball but angular and flat. Images include Mothmen, a Shifter (Geth), a strange looking woman (Mistress Muy Monstrous) and an Airship.

Also on the floor are glowing shards of crystal (Xoriat Shards) and several out of place potted plants. The very plants Zig had created his Hidden Butter drug from. Several glowing balls float about also.

The true source of Azzime’s fear is in the far left corner. There is an elf here dressed in strange exotic blue and purple armor. He is on his knees blowing with his forehead touching the floor. He bows to a “man” covered in shifting organic looking armor with a long whip on his one arm. Azzime hopes this is not a Daelkyr but knows better. They are dead. Two twisted mutated “women” kneel and touch the apparent ruler in a sexual and worshipping way. The have claws for hands and stranger yet- the right breast is full and exposed. The left breast is smaller to the point of being none existent. They have tails and long forked tongues.

= Welcome. These are my friends and loving wives. Do not worry. We will not kill you now. What fun is it to break your toys before we play with them some?=

“Time to leave- NOW!” declares Azzime.

Payback moves away slowly but watches the Daelkyr. The other two move away quickly understanding this creature, this outsider, is incredibly evil and powerful.

As they flee, creatures appear and watch them as they leave. None attack but that doesn’t lesson the fear. They run all the way back to the original block. The bodies are gone but the signs of their battle remain.

“Thank Boldrei” declares the spy.

And they climb up the block and step into midair and step down underground.



Gern holds the keys in his hands and weighs them. Not by how heavy they are but whether to use them now. The knowledge that an aberration attacked them and lives aggravates him. It doesn’t matter that the stupid wild orc lost an eye. It taunted him.

The orc is hurrying ahead after the other two scouted ahead from up on the twenty foot blocks. Let them. What he needs to do is clear now. The elf (Githerzai) wearing a mask heads back quietly. He steps around the dead “goblins” and others before climbing the block and reentering the long hallway back to Yrlag.

Now possessing both a yellow and blue key, he seeks out the aberration that hid on the opposite side. On the way he encounters an orc whom doesn’t last long. In time he comes to an exit leading away from the main passage.

Moving into the area he encounters a guardian- an ogre with tentacles and strange ill-colored patches of skin. They go at it. The mutated giant-kin should easily win but can not hit the ever dodging foe. The same foe rarely strikes hard enough to cause any real harm.

The dance of death continues for over a minute as they dodge and trade swings vs mental energy and a short spear. Bloodied and possibly dying, the mutant gathers his strength for one last swing. It connects.

Gern is dead.

The adventurers never search for him. They are rattled by their minds being touched by a Xoriat Lord. Instead they return , empty handed, to Yrlag. Some hostages have been found and returned by other adventurers. Few artifacts are found.



Dan the barbarian remains so quiet he seems to not be there as the group leaves the aberrational village…. Empty handed but with memories and knowledge they wish they did not gain. They find a key rod left at the doorway they could not use before.

“Gern I presume.” Suggests Azzime.

“No matter. If I get my hands on that eye stealing tentacle……” begins the Orc ranger.

“Then we go…? Questions Catherina.

They go that way though Azzime makes a point of taking the crystal rod key thus closing the door behind them.

They keep going straight whenever they see a passage leading away. They discover one dead dolgrim and a dead orc with bruised and burned markings on them. Gern was here.

In time they find him. The two pieces of him anyways. Azzime gives a moment of respectful pause before looting his body. Dan and Payback look for encounters. The woman stands over the dead body of the elf. When removing the tight sleek gloves with runes sewed into them, the spy is surprised. Elven skin is forever youthful looking. Even at elder stages their skin remains tight and smooth. The skin of Gern is yellow with brown blotches. Pausing and worrying that he misread the individual, he moves to the head. He turns the head looking about. By pulling the scarf down, the neck is also yellow. He pulls off the crystal-like mask and discovers that indeed, Gern was not an elf. His body and face is gaunt and tall like an elf but he has virtually no nose. His mouth is small with very small teeth. His eyes are light grey with slightly darker grey pupils. The hair is dark brown and thin and wispy.

“What is he?” asks Catherina in wary awe.

“I don’t know for sure. Not an elf anyway.” Answers Azzime.

“I know who he is. A warrior. A great warrior. A Yaz’ Feek.” Answers the Orc.

[ DM NOTE: According to the player of this Githyanki, it means ‘Wild One’ ]

In silence they choose to agree.

They eventually make it back to Yrlag…. Though empty handed. They are not received well. They did save one little girl however. Several other tunnels were used that went to other settlements. Many of these had adventurer groups enter them. Some had success…. Others never returned.

Catherina leaves the group. It is not clear where she is going or if she will be back.

[ DM NOTE: Cathy played for a night but her work schedule doesn’t work well with everyone else’s ]

When asked, Payback, the orc ranger is planning to return to the alley he has been sleeping in.

“Is that safe?” asks Dan.

“First few nights I had to convince the goblins here to stay away. Rats had better sense than them.”

Dan feels bad. No one should live like that. Not even this orc. “You could come to Grotto’s Place. It is where I have been staying. There were still a room or two remaining when I left last night.”

“I am fine. I sleep well outdoors.”

“I’ll…. Pay for a room for you.”

Payback thinks this over and finally agrees.



Azzime has never much cared for his assignment. He has not cared for much since his country was destroyed. Born and raised Cyre, he was well known for his drawing talent. He liked drawing trees and buildings the most. People talked too much. But the plants…. They spoke quietly to him. It calmed him and relaxed him.

He rarely did commissions, especially out of country. He traveled to Passage, Aundair to do a series of drawings of a wine company. That was in Orulune…. 994. He could never return home to his home outside of Metrol.

The winery was actually a cover for a training facility of military spies. In time Azzime was trusted enough to work for them. But of course this was first to Eldeen to spy on the farmers and druids here whom demanded separation from Aundair and got it. Finding little except for individuals planning and generally failing to raise any forces, Azzime had little to report.

Some of his spy masters thought he was still holding back. Wishing for him to less importance, they had him move onward to Shadow Marches. He went to Yrlag to watch the water way to the Demon Wastes and western Eldeen. Though it was more of Breland’s concern, he could also listen for rumors involving Droaam.

It could have been worse, he mainly drew maps and landscapes whil e on the docks. Simple cover that drew little attention but placed him in the center of the action. Then Rhaan 9th came. Another unexpected massive area of land changed over night. The Hidden came with no warning except for a few scholars suggesting something called the Draconic Prophecy predicted it.

Truth, a warforged artificer and scholar was one of these. Lady Silvermane also was here looking for something to “happen”. Taking his skills in mapping, he grew in attention by drawing and supplying maps to the hundreds of adventurers that came. They gossiped and marveled at first New Water then the few that made it there- The Hidden.

He was among the last to last see Truth and RAF in New Water. Gnolls with Ogres for muscle and acting as Beasts of Burden came apon them. They were captured or forced to flee. He escaped but never saw the two famous (infamous?) warforged again. Whether they are in New Water, The Hidden or Droaam is uncertain. They may not even be active at this point. He had hoped to see them again. He really did.

That was months ago. Since he has acted as a guide to several groups of adventurers. They seem more unstable as time goes. Desperate people come here to hide. Hide in plain sight. It is a wonder that House Deneith has not come here in larger groups. House Tharashk had a few come when the adventurers first began to come in large groups. They left with a promise of more agents. That was months ago also.

This was the second aberration incursion set on Yrlag. The first involved sheer destruction. Like it was a test of our defenses. If so, we failed. The raid last night was about plundering our resources. They took things adventurers stole which he could understand. But they also took women and children. Why? What terrible things could be happening to them?

Though it is not the normal day to send a message, he decides this must be done. He goes to House Sivis to use a Speaking Stone to get word back to Aundair. In the beginning, he had to hand write messages to send there. It took weeks to reach the spy masters. When it mattered, it often came late. But with the events of the past year, Sivis found it profitable enough to set up a Speaking Stone. Aundair, using a random name of another agent in the city, set up an open account.

Azzime enters the office of the House of Sending. He nods to the smiling gnome behind the counter. “good day sir. Wishing to write home once more?”

“Yes- thankyou. My family may hear of the activities last night and worry about me.”

“Families usually do.” Suggests the curious but professional worker.

Azzime writes out the message on their unique paper. He hands it over to the clerk whom takes it to the magical stone and sends the message. Once confirmed he takes the message places it into a small minute flame that hungerly consumes it.

“Place it on the family’s tab Tabbit.”


Azzime takes a break from collecting rumors on the Hidden. No one else seems to have seen a “Master”. That is what the scholars refer to the Xoriat creatures as. Others call them Daelkyr.

Returning to the Sivis building, he finds he has a message from his family.

= Monitor for further theft. Find what was taken and why. Take it back if possible. Use adventurers if need be. Report back finding=


“Bad news Map Maker?” asks the gnome.

“They are worried for my safety and others.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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