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The Continuing Adventures of the Knights of the Silver Quill

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Dr Midnight

The eagle landed safely outside Verbobonc, some four hours later. The group entered the city's well-guarded gates and stood in the bustling street. Decorations and banners hung between the buildings, and everywhere people were toasting each other and making merry. "What's going on?" Dartan asked.

"You really have been campaigning for too long, sir Dartan... it's New Year's Eve. All of Greyhawk is celebrating tonight," Elmo said.

Vek smiled his wan smile and asked "Why do you call him 'sir' Dartan?"

"I was a 'sir', once..." Dartan looked drawn as his memories haunted him.

Katya seemed impressed. "You were once a paladin, Dartan?" He nodded. "What happened?"

The distressed fallen paladin obviously found the subject uncomfortable. Elmo quickly deflected the question by changing the topic. "At any rate," he said, "I use 'sir' as a show of respect- and Dartan has certainly earned mine." He told the newcomers of how he'd unjustly imprisoned the paladin for the murder of Telna. "...at any rate, his valor shone true as he won his freedom in trial by combat." He cleared his throat and changed the subject again. "Now, I assume you all have things to do here- so meet us at the Spell and Sword Inn in two hours."

The Knights walked together towards Ohanna Steelworks, except for Dartan, who headed for the Inn early. Kyla and Katya were hugged by their delighted father, who hadn't expected to see them again so soon. "How are you? Tell me everything!"

Katya broke off for the stairs. "Kyla will tell you, Dad- I've got first dibs on a nice hot bath!" She ran upstairs before Kyla could argue the point.

The older Ohanna sister cursed and related to her father the recent goings-on in the Temple. She left out certain parts that might worry him, such as the fact that both sisters had died before time was repealed for Sir Vek. She didn't want him worrying needlessly. When she told her father that the group had acquired a Deck of Many Things, his eyebrows clenched and he exclaimed "Are you serious, Kyl?? A Deck? Those are dangerous, honey... Only one of those exists in this section of the Flanaess!"

"Two, actually," came a voice from the back room. Mr. Ohanna rolled his eyes and ignored it.

"That reminds me, Kyla..." he took her aside and put on his best "daddy loves you" voice. Kyla knew what was coming. He was going to ask her for something. It was the same voice he always used when he asked her to take little Kat to the faire with her, or to make sure she picked up some groceries at the market. "I've been thinking. You know Rafflorn, my apprentice? Well, he's been practicing long and hard at his spells. He's really come a long way! It occurred to me the other day- 'hey', I said, 'why not let Rafflorn join Kat and Kyl's group?' He's bright, dedicated, and a great kid."

Kyla's face grew delicately uncertain with her nose scrunched up. Rafflorn was an okay person, but it wasn't her place to just allow people into the group. Besides, Raff was dreadfully inexperienced with real-life situations... and he had a crush on Katya that Kyla did not approve of. "I don't know, Dad..."

"Kyl, look." His face became grave. "The truth is, Rafflorn would give his life to defend Katya. He's devoted and capable. If you girls are conducting the most dangerous dungeon delve in this section of the Flanaess, I want you surrounded by as many friends as possible. One more traveling companion means one more person who might save you in a tough situation."

He was right, she thought. They had all been saved by one person, recently. There wasn't any arguing with her father when he was being overprotective. She nodded and said "I'll bring it up with the group."

Her father grinned, whirled her around and faced the others. He beckoned to the boy in the next room. Rafflorn stepped out, looking puzzled. The youth had stern, handsome features. He was tall, thin, and black-haired. "Good news, everyone! This is Rafflorn. He's going to become your new partymate!" Kyla winced and tried to dodge the glares of the others.

Rafflorn himself looked surprised. Before he could ask Mr. Ohanna to repeat that last sentence, Katya came down the stairs, toweling her beautiful wavy auburn hair dry. "What was that, Daddy?" she asked. "It sounded like you were announcing something."

"Uh… Katya! Come, honey, there's wonderful news. Ahem."

Kyla walked by Katya on her way upstairs to the bath. "You're going to LOVE this," she snickered as she passed. Kyla stopped at the top of the stairs to eavesdrop on what might become a very interesting conversation.

Katya's father looked nervous as he angled for the best way to tell his youngest daughter what he'd done. "Well, Kat… um… Hey!" he grabbed Rafflorn about the shoulders and pushed him forward. "Raff's going to be traveling with the group. Isn't that great? You'll have a friend in the party, as well as a sister!"

Rafflorn did his best to avoid staring at her… but she was so beautiful. Her hair hung like pretty curtains around her face. Her freckled cheeks warmly glowed with rosy, ambient light. Her green eyes were bright and clever, catching light on little dagger-tips at their corners. Her lips curled upwards at the edges, always. Dimly Rafflorn became aware that he was once again staring at her, and she knew it. He hung his head, embarrassed.

Katya showed neither approval nor scorn for the decision. She looked at her father, looked at Rafflorn, and nodded curtly.

"Ahem." Jettok was standing behind the counter. Mr. Ohanna turned and could see only the dwarf from the beard up. "I would like some service," Jettok said politely.

"Certainly, friend," Ohanna said. He walked over. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, I believe Kyla neglected to mention a brief episode in the Temple, wherein I restored Katya's sanity with a wish." He related that bit of the story, to Katya's chagrin. "A wish is no small thing, as you surely know. The point I'm getting to is that I would like to make a deal with you. I saved your daughter's mind from ruin… could you repay the favor and find me these items?" He held up a short list. Ohanna took the list and looked through it.

Belt of Giant Strength
Boots of Levitation

"I can pay for them on my own," Jettok said, hefting the bag of gems he'd won drawing from the Deck and dropping it on the counter. "I would just like to make use of your connections in Verbobonc. You could find them faster than I could on my own."

Ohanna folded the paper and put it in his pocket. "Sir, if what you say is true, it will be my pleasure. I shall have these before the night is through."

"Excellent," Jettok grinned. "Now let's go drink!"
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First Post

That's cool, Doc!

Hm... if I hadn't woken up so early this morning, I'd probably say more, but...


Dr Midnight

The party gathered their things when Kyla came down from her bath. In the back room, Ohanna said goodbye to Rafflorn. “Keep an eye on my girls,” he said. “They’re so precious to me.”

“You know I will, Mr. Ohanna.”

Ohanna smiled fondly. “You’re like the son I never had. Hey, with some good luck, you may yet become my son after all, eh?” He winked, and Raff’s ears turned red. “Don’t worry kiddo. She’ll come around… you’ll see.” Apprentice and master farewell and parted.

Walking outside, an odd metallic contraption fluttered out of the weapons shop and followed close to Rafflorn. “What in the world is that?” Vek asked.

“That’s Surge, my familiar.”

“How can it be a familiar? It looks like some kind of clockwork machine.”

“Yes, it’s a clockwork machine familiar.”


Surge was a small dragon-shaped construct, made of plate iron, rivets, crystal, and hundreds of hours of work. Its faceted gem eyes glowed orange. Hello, it spoke inside Vek’s head. The word was politely spoken and almost monotone. Vek gave an uneasy greeting back to it and walked on.

Rafflorn fed Surge a piece of charcoal. “My previous master, a gnome, taught me how to construct things like this. Surge can fly, speak, and even stun people like a real pseudodragon.”

Katya asked “How?” Raff pointed to the construct’s tail. It crackled with electricity. “I see. That’s very clever!” She petted Surge.

They arrived at the Spell and Sword Inn. On opening the door, they saw Dartan, leaning on a circular table to the rear of the tavern. He was surrounded by six or seven good-sized steins, all emptied. He reeled in his seat. “Damn!” Jettok said. “The human’s gotten a head start. I can’t let this go on!” He hustled off to the bar and paid for drinks for the entire tavern. All the drunks saluted him as he walked by.

The Knights sat at Dartan’s table and looked at him. Jettok came by and slammed an armload full of steins down. “Drink up!” He tilted the first stein to his lips and didn’t put it down until it was empty. “Ahhh.”

“Katya! Good to see you!” A tall, slim, blond-haired man in light armor stood before them. He had an easy, handsome smile and attractive eyes. Rafflorn disliked him immediately.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?” Katya asked.

The man sat down. “Yes, we’ve met a time or two. I’d imagine you wouldn’t remember, you meet a lot of people in taverns, yes? Ha ha. You’re beautiful, as ever. Mmm, I believe you and I would be quite happy together, if only I could tame that firecat attitude of yours. With hair like that, you just scream to be taken. May I sit down?” Kat’s jaw hung open, shocked. Kyla couldn’t believe what she’d heard.

Dartan, who was quite drunk, disliked the man immediately. “What do you want?” he asked.

The man looked hurt. “Just to talk. You’re Dartan, right? You’re famous, at least in some regions. I heard a few days ago you’d been through Verbobonc and since then I’ve just been DYING to talk to you.” He spoke with a smooth, manipulative tone that put everyone on guard. “Sir Dartan, whatever happened to the group you used to travel with? Knights of the something something?”

Katya said “We are the Knights of the Silver Quill.”

“Really? Dartan, whatever happened to Dekker?”

Dartan blinked. This man would have to be a follower from some time back to have known of Dekker’s exploits… the halfling buzzsaw had been dead since the 1st of Suns’ebb. The 1st of Suns’ebb? Had it really only been a month? The man continued. “Perhaps the name I’m thinking of was Melipp. Melipp, yes?” Melipp had been Dekker’s brother, but had never even traveled with the Knights. What was this man’s angle? Dartan couldn’t imagine.

Dartan opened his mouth to say “I beg your pardon, but we would appreciate a bit of privacy.” What came out was “Go away before I punch you in the face.”

The man laughed and pleaded “At LEAST tell me what happened to the elf, Tenchi. I knew him. Owe him an old debt, I do.”

Jettok opened his mouth. “Who are you, and why are you asking us these questions?” Every Knight glared at the man, untrusting.

The man stood up, sighing. “I don’t understand what’s causing this hostility. I can take a hint, and I’ll leave you alone. Good day.” He walked away as Elmo and company entered the tavern.

“Friend of yours?” Elmo asked as he pulled out a chair to sit in. He noticed Rafflorn and asked “Who is this?”

“This is Rafflorn, new member.” Katya saw the look on Elmo’s face. “I’ve known him for years. He can be trusted.”

“If you say so, milady. Let’s get down to business, shall we?”

Canoness Y’dey spoke. “We have information and ideas we’d like to share with you, but first, we’d appreciate us if you would bring us up-to-date on everything you know at this point.”

Dartan, being the only member of the group who’d been a member for any substantial amount of time, began to run down the facts. The alcohol had made his speech slurry, but eventually, all was conveyed.

Elmo, Burne, Rufus, and Canoness all exchanged concerned glances. “Well,” Canoness Y’dey said. This doesn’t make things easier, but it certainly does explain a lot. The Eye of Heironeous- a radical offshoot faction worshiping an evil deity, unbeknownst to the worshipers. How vile.”

She paused, and continued. “Here’s what we know. Remember when you came to us and told us that you went through the Temple, and it was abandoned? Merely a base for hobgoblins?” Dartan nodded. “Well, it was absolutely true. However, we recently found out that a large amount of foot traffic is moving through the forest to the north- miles from Kella’s patrol route. An old, condemned farmhouse has seemingly been the goal of a great number of ‘tourists’. On closer examination, we saw that the tracks led up to the lip of a dry well. There’s a ladder on the inside, leading down… to a door. We believe this is an underground passage to the lower levels of the Temple, which is being slowly excavated.”

“Kella is already inside, and will meet you. She will shapeshift into some monstrous form and join the creatures, to keep an eye on them. Should you meet her group, she’ll likely help you in combat and tell you any new information she’s found. We need you to go back as soon as possible.”

“When?” Rafflorn asked, awestruck by the magnitude of his first adventure with this party.

“Tomorrow. For tonight, enjoy New Year’s Eve. Make Merry. Try to forget what’s happening in the world.”

The group looked around themselves and thought about it. The tavern was packed, and people were drinking, laughing, loving, and living. None of them knew what horrible fate awaited the entire world… and that they were in the presence of the only adventuring party that stood in the way of absolute destruction. It was depressing, so Jettok followed Canoness Y’dey’s advice. “Round o’ drinks over here,” he yelled. “…and a round for the entire house, on me!” The crowd cheered and toasted the generous dwarf.

The drinks came to the table. Everyone grabbed a mug. Elmo lifted his and said “Here’s to saving the world, eh? Cheers!”


They knocked their steins together and drank. Katya lowered her drink to see the blond man standing at the bar, watching their table with great interest. She looked away, annoyed- and her head swam. “Phew! That went right to my head…” She saw the others, leaning over their mugs with their eyes closed, swaying.

“Powerful stuff,” Dartan said. He then pitched forward onto the table, unconscious. He slithered to the floor in an armored heap. Each of Elmo’s company, except for Elmo, fell quietly face-down on the table.

Kyla shook her head, fighting the chemicals attacking her body. She looked up to see the blond man smiling triumphantly, drawing a rapier. “KILL THE ONE THEY CALL DARTAN!” he yelled. All around him, men wearing cowls and leather stood from their tables, raising crossbows and swords.

The blond man grinned and hissed “And then… kill them all.”

More to come...
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Dr Midnight

Elmo, Rafflorn, Kyla, Katya, Jettok, and Vek stood from the table, drawing their weapons and readying to fight for their lives. “Defend the poisoned!” Elmo yelled, feeling rather poisoned himself.

The assassins began firing upon the Knights. Tavern patrons screamed and fled. Vek spoke to Katya, who was closest to the bar. “Kat, on my action, take the high ground!” She nodded.

Jettok roared like a lion and flung himself into the crowd of would-be killers. His greataxe moved in vast arcs. He half slashed, half rammed his way through the first wave of assassins to stand in their very midst. He swung the axe over his head. The killers’ rapiers weren’t strong enough to stand against it… and not even quick enough to meet it. Jettok killed and cut with every stroke.

Vek cast his hand towards the blond man and uttered a one-syllable word. The blond man recoiled as if slapped, then turned his head left and right, clawing at his face. The illusion covering his features melted away and he became a smaller man with a balding head an d large facial scar. His eyes were milky-white and wide. “MY EYES! I’M BLIND! BLIIIND!” The last thing he’d seen was Jettok charging towards him, so he slashed his rapier in front of him in a random pattern, then jumped backwards. His body pitched drunkenly over the bar, slamming to the floor behind. He gibbered nervously. He never saw Kat jump up and run along the bar towards him. She jumped down, speared him with her own rapier, then kicked his out of his hand. He squealed and bled.

She twisted the blade. “That’s for all your tawdry talk!”

Several assassins fired their crossbows at Dartan’s unconscious form. Suddenly, a flash of blue light blazed through them as Rafflorn’s lightning spell went off. They whirled on him to attack, but were met with Surge. Their rapiers deflected harmlessly off of the metallic pseudodragon’s exterior. It stabbed them with its flashing tail-point and the assassins shrieked, then fell down.

Elmo blocked a man from moving in to kill Dartan. He caught the man’s blade with his axe and struck him with the axe’s wooden haft. Kyla finished the man off.

Jettok was facing the last standing assassin. “Let me go…” the man stammered. He dropped his weapons. “I’ll just leave, okay?”

“Drop to the ground and surrender,” Jettok growled. The man continued to inch backwards to the door. Jett’s right fist blurred out and cracked the man’s jaw. He fell.

Dartan began to come around. Whatever had put him out hadn’t been intended to last long… he was supposed to be dead by now. He stood up. The tavern was in chaos. He staggered over to Katya, where she was tying up a whimpering prisoner. He looked at the man and gasped. “Chatrilon.”

Katya finished tying the knot and said “You know this man?”

“He tried to kill us all some time ago. Double-crossed us, ambushed us, then ran away.” Chatrilon Unosh sat on the floor, cursing his own foul luck for failing to kill them yet again. “Now we’ve got the bastard.”

The patrons of the bar were all outside, now, shouting about a deadly fight at the Spell and Sword Inn. Elmo ran over to Burne’s body and rummaged through his robes. He found what he was looking for, then ran back to Dartan, who was pulling a crossbow bolt from his chest with disinterest. “You have to leave! If you’re caught, you’ll be found innocent, but it’ll take maybe a week to clear up this situation. We don’t have that kind of time! You must go to the Temple and defeat Tharizdun’s minions as all cost! Take Take this and go!” He put the object into Dartan’s hand- it was Burne’s eagle token.

Dartan nodded. “We’re leaving!” He picked Chatrilon up and carried him outside, where he was followed by the others. Jettok stopped, turned back, and ran up to the bar. He dropped a fistful of gold coins onto the bar’s surface, then took out a piece of chalk and wrote with a scrawling, clumsy hand.

Sorry about the mess -J.

He then walked back to the table and picked up his stein. Not wanting to leave an unfinished mug of ale- even poisoned ale- the dwarf drained the drink and slammed the stein down defiantly. He walked over and picked up the assassin he'd knocked out and walked outside to find the others atop the giant eagle. Civilians in the street kept a wide berth, pointing and wondering aloud. As the eagle began to fly upwards, the town bell began to ring. Rafflorn said "Happy New Year, Kat."

Jettok waved an arm and shouted “HAP-PY NEW YEAR!!” to the people of Greyhawk below them.

More to come...
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