Hi all,
I get the basic idea of telegraphing things to the players, but when it comes to specifics, sometimes I'm stumped. Right now, I'm running The Forge of Fury, and there are a couple of things in here that I feel like the players would never think of on their own, so how do I let them know that those things are even options?
*Spoilers follow for The Forge of Fury obviously*
For instance, in the Foundry area, there are some duergar hanging around. They are hostile but are willing to talk if the PCs don't attack first. The text states that the PCs have to make a hard Persuasion roll to find out any useful info, but if they offer a bribe of at least 100 gp, the check becomes much easier.
Is there a way I can let the PCs know that bribery is on the table without just coming out and saying it?
Another example is the animated objects in the Foundry. There's a sidebar that talks about them. They won't attack dwarves. In fact, dwarves can command them to stand down.
There's a dwarf in the party. Is there some way I can give him a clue that commanding the objects is an option, or do I have to just hope that, like in the original 3.5 adventure text, the player just happens to have his character say something like "Hold still, darn it!" and be surprised when the object does just that?
These are specific examples, but general advice on effectively telegraphing things to your players is welcome as well.
Thanks in advance!