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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn V

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Enter Grogg, Son of Grogg

You could feel the tremors from his steps before you heard them. Drinks on tables trembled with each plodding crash.

He came through the doorway, having to turn side ways and ducking to make it through, with much difficulty. When he had final managed the door he stretched his 7' frame, rubbing the aches of the road away, and shifted his massive 472 pound well muscled body to the left and right, stretching away the knots in his road weary body.

He moved with large plodding steps towards the bar and placed his oversized greadsword down on the counter with a loud crashing thud.

"Me Grogg," he said in a large booming voice that was anything but subtle. He pointed a meaty sausage shaped finger into Joe's shirt and smiles with a toothy grin.

"Me Grogg, Son of Grogg," he said, "me father named Grogg, me fathers father named Grogg. Me brother' named Grogg. I is Grogg.

Grogg unseathed his massive greatsword, and massive was not the best word used to describe it. The oversized greatsword stood just as tall as Grogg and the blade was a good half foot wide.

"Dis me sword, dis me friend, dis me honor. I fight with dis and I fight good. Me want to fight, me want to have fame and fortune. Any takers for me, Grogg, Son of Grogg?"

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Enter the Sparrow

"Well well, what have we here," came a sly voice from the entrance, "an Ogre in an Orc skin?

Grogg looked up from behind his massive blade and lost his toothy smile. There at the doorway stood a striking figure of a man, dressed in fine silks of outlandish colors and wearing a wide rimed hat with a dashing multi colored peacock feather sticking out of its head band, stood a lithe yet incredibly charming Elf. He had thigh high thick black leather boots that clanked loudly when he walked.

He strolled into the Red Dragon Inn with great flare and sweeping gestures. Making his way to the bar he paused at each of the serving wenches and whispered into their ears. The girls giggled and playfully accepted a slight peck at their cheeks and an occasional pinch of their rumps. The barmaids took it all in stride and blushed with embarrassment.

"Greetings one and all," said the elf as he leaped onto the bar to be on par with the great height of Grogg, Son of Grogg.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Robillard Lath’ eon, an Oratory motivator, I inspire heroism in others of Epic proportions,” he said as he stooped from the bar to almost whispering distance to the ear of Grogg, Son of Grogg. “I can make great things happen with just words, no big pig sticks or fancy spells,” he said slyly shifting his gaze towards the far corner where Calamar the Dark had faded a bit more into the shadows.

“With but words I can inspire the weak to be strong, the cowards to stand fast and the brave to flee like a cat to water. With but words I can calm the savage beast or,” he lowered his voice a bit more so that only Grogg, Son of Grogg could hear, and with out a moments hesitation the might Half-Orc stood erect and roared in rage. Grogg reached for his awesome blade, but Robillard was faster and had placed his boot upon the blade so that he could not lift it.

“Nah, ah,” said Robillard, “let’s keep it civil, shall we?”

Grogg immediately turned and waded into the common room of the bar where he picked up the nearest chair and smashed it over the head of the nearest patron.

The traditional bar fight lasted for a good ten minutes when Joe, standing at the bar trying to protect the last chair that was not broken from the rage of the giant Half-Orc noticed Robillard playfully engaged in conversation with a barmaid, as he lay on the counter drinking rum front the bottle. Robillard met his gaze and forced himself to a sitting position as Joe approached. He placed his thigh high leather boots on the broken end of a bar stool and, with flare, placed his forearm over his knee and placed his other hand on his hip, looking down at Joe from under the protective wide rimed hat.

“No harm done there mate, all in for just a bit O’ fun.” However, Joe did not seem amused, in fact he started to turn red behind the ears.

“Say there now, Joe is it,” said Robillard, “Fret not, I have it all in control, I am a master of the melody of chaos,” and as if to demonstrate he stood on the bar and pulled forth a whistle. Joe braced his ears for a loud shriek but was surprised to hear from the ordinary whistle a slight melody, smooth and calming to the ears. Grogg, Son of Grogg, released his grip on five men he had been grappling with and they fell to the floor with a thud. The room went quite with all in the room straining to hear the soft yet hypnotic melody as it hung in the air. Robillard, with a quick flick of his wrist, made the small object disappear into the loose folds of his loud clothes and took a deep bow on the bar, removing his wide rimed hat to allow his thick, golden corn silk locks fall into his face.

“My name is Robillard the mighty, Robillard the silver Tongued, Robillard the master of Lies but come now my friends, only those who wish me harm call me by that name, come my friends and drink with Sparrow, word smith to the masses, the puppet master, the tongue twister,” and with that last statement every girl in the room blushed in anticipation.

“My bar,” cried Joe.

“Bravo, bravo,” came a reply from the entrance to the inn and all turned their gaze towards the door to see a man dressed in typical Royal dress at the door. He threw out a large bag of coins and it landed on the bar, platinum and gold flew out of the sack.

“It would seem Robillard that you do have the bloody gift for gab that you boasted. He are your winning, good day sir,” and with that he turn and left in a flash of rage.

“Good sir, it seems that I have won my wager, and I have, in anticipation of this out come, made arrangements for the local wood smith to bring forth new chairs and décor to redecorate your fine establishment. Most of this bag of gold is his, the rest is yours, provided you offer drinks enough for everyone. Look there, even now new furnishing are arriving,” and the doors opened and a squad of people filled the room with new chairs and tables.

Joe look at the large heap of coins and knew in an instant that, in spite of the trouble this Sparrow had caused, that he was getting the better end of the deal, and strangely, he felt a warm spot for the mischievous man.

Well into the night Robillard the Sparrow told tales of brave knights and heroic Ladies who fought with bravery and honor. Every once and a while he would break up the stories with a bit of tumbling and Sleight of Hand.


First Post


Though I understand that it is not explicitly stated in any on the 'new player guides' or FAQs about Living Enworld, it is generally considered bad form and taboo, if you have multiple characters, to have them in the same place at the same time interacting with each other.

For a host of reasons, it is potentially unfair to the other players.




Pbartender, didn't know that, good to know. You seem to be in the know on a few things so please allow me to ask a few questions if you don't mind.

So, am I to assume that it is okay to have more than one Living ENworld character, just keep them out of the same room? I was not sure about whether I could or not, I never saw rules saying you can't. In fact, I only made the other two because I was bored waiting for someone to check my math on my first character to make sure he was okay. Well, that and the fact that I have yet to see anyone propose an adventure in this forum yet. I am not complaining, just excited to try it out.

I am assuming that it is okay to hire henchmen or hirlings to do the dirty work for us, as stated on page 129 in the PHB 3.5, under spellcasting and services, hirlings. That is kind of the premise for Robillard, who has an eighteen CHR and tons of points in Diplomacy, 13 at first level, 20 if he makes it to level two and takes a level of bard. He has skill focus Diplomacy, and eventually Leadership. I thought it would be fun to play a master of Puppets style character.

While the DMG has rules for hiring basic henchmen, it doesn't say anything about PHB style NPCs. For purposes of this world, I would assume you could hire them, with guide lines simular to the NPCs in the DMG 3.5, page 110-128, say at double the normal rate.

Okay, I can't remember the rest, but I will have two of the characters leave until one is picked up for an adventure. Personally I don't understand how it is unfair to have more than one character in a bar, where people are just conversing, but that is just me. I could see how it would be unfair in a dungeon, but I get the message.

No problems mate.


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Rillian Trilnason enters

A well muscled young man, with raven hair and striking green eyes enters the Inn. He is dressed in simple leathers, with a short sword smacking one thigh, and a bulging backpack across his shoulders. He takes an immediate step to the side of the door as his eyes adjust to the new light, and then strides up to the bar with casual grace.

"Um, ah, um are you Joe?"

Joe nods encouragingly.

The young man heaves a great sigh of relief, and lowers his pack onto a neaby stool, which groans under the unexpected weight.

"Um, my pa told me that I should come here and ask about finding a job. You know my pa right, Tril Merilson, the merchant?"

Joe cautiously nods again, then waving his hand around the Inn, says "Well, introduce yourself, and maybe something will turn up."

The young man takes a quick look around and then quickly spurts out "Ah, um ,I am Rillian Trilnason, son of Tril Merilson the merchant, and we're halflings. No wait, I mean ma and pa are halflings, I just sorta grew big. Anyway, pa and uncle Caem and uncle Needle helped me pack and I think I have everything I'll need." At this Rillian takes a breath, and hefts the pack a little, causing the stool to squeal in momentary relief. "Of course uncle Caem and uncle Needle aren't halflings, uncle Caem is a half elf, and well uncle Needle, he's a whole elf." The young man nods. "Anyway, they've all been training me, and they say I'm ready for a little 'real life experience', and that this here Inn is the place to start, and so I'm here. Anyone have any jobs?"
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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
The door behind Rillian is opened with some measure of force, and is entered by what is, by appearances, an irate noblewoman. The fact that she is a noblewoman is conveyed by her clothing, which is of fine make, and her signet ring, which is alone on her left hand, but mostly by her sword, which is prominent on her hip. It is of the finest quality and quite possibly magical, although if asked the noblewoman would have to admit that it was not.

The fact that she is irate is conveyed by all the usual signs- the furrowed brow, the clenching and unclenching fists, the otherwise tense body language, and the way she opened the door. In a manner similar to the way that the sword most of all proclaimed her status, however, the requisite entrance speech most shows her irritation.

She strides directly towards the bar before a nod from Joe towards the sign asking for self-introductions checks her. She gives a curt but apologetic nod back, makes a military turn on one heel towards the larger tavern, and says in a brisk, clipped manner who she is. "Fant of Lionel. I am a warrior and commander of some skill. I seek..." and here she stops for a moment, closing her mouth and, close observers, grinding her teeth together before she composes herself and continues. "reliable employment. I would not be averse to leading a number less expierienced then I. Good day."

And with that, she continues her walk towards the bar and sits down next to the halfling who appeared so dramatically not so long ago. "Jack," she acknolwdges him, while waving at Joe. "Wine." She looks down at halfling. "You made it back. When your ill-advised polemic caused our... former employer to hasten your return, I was worried that he had done something less than benign." She sips from the glass of wine she has been served. "We were assured that he had tired of you, and that he had merely sent you home before the rest of us, but I was not inclined to trust him."


First Post
Picking up his bag, Rillian makes his way over to Fant and Jack.

"Ah, um, Hi, I'm Rillian. You've been..., well...out?" He vaguely points with one hand.

"Can you tell me about it? Where did ya go? What did you see? Was it fun, dangerous, scary?"

Da Stick

First Post
Thomas Hobbes said:
"Fant of Lionel. I am a warrior and commander of some skill. I seek..." and here she stops for a moment, closing her mouth and, close observers, grinding her teeth together before she composes herself and continues. "reliable employment. I would not be averse to leading a number less expierienced then I. Good day."

Kataki walks to Fant and says: "Hi, my name is Kataki, you said you're seeking reliable employment. I was wondering what they had to do?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Fant gives the two newcomers a polite nod while sizing them up, and decides that they might be worse conversing with. "A wizard," she begins, frowning with controlled distaste "had killed another wizard. And a third contacted us to mete out justice. Or so the third wizard told us." She takes another drink from her wine. "Janos- that was our employer's name- was powerful, but his rival had engineered some means to hold him at bay as long as in his house. In the course of our duties, his rival left the house and Janos took matters into his own hands."

"Our problems began in earnest when Janos refused us any sort of payment, saying that he had taken care of the problem himself. We... disagreed. Our problems ended when Janos decided to send us away- he lives in a land far from here, and had magically transported us both ways. We are without recourse, and with no reward save what we took by right of salvage from the dead wizard's house." She falls silent, her tale done and told without embellishment and in an efficient manner as possible.


First Post
"Wow, a Welchin' Wizard. Bet you dont see one of those everyday. Course my pa says there's only one way to deal with a welcher...embarrass 'em. Make 'em feel so bad and guilty, and let their friends and coworkers know what a scoundrel they've been, and they'll end up payin. Works everytime. Did I say my pa's a merchant?"

Rillian finally slows down long enough to take a breath, and orders drinks for all 4 of the group. "Pa says stories and trading always go better with an ale...so drink up!"

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