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Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08


Gildrim extends a hand, notices the state of it, and reconsiders. He sizes up Weel and Richard for a moment longer.

"Och, weel, Ah mean, well, thaur is somethin' that's bin worryin' in th' back ay my mind. Ye see, Ah went wi' three ithers intae th' fenlands ay-"

He stops.

"Nae, niver mind that juist noo. Mebbe ye'll listen tae th' sorry tale efter. Dae ye ken th' local merchand Maister Alvar Thorne? He wis our employer. We haed an agreement that if we cam back empty-haundit, we wad still be paid, but he'd uise truith-tellin' magic tae be shuir we'd tried our best, an' werenae juist sayin' we haed tae cheat him. An' haur Ah am, empty-haundit, an' th' lest ay th' three. Noo, Ah'm nae sayin' Ah dinnae trust th' man. But Ah've haed a spat ay ill luck, an' Ah cannae help but think that Grendath's mebbe nae yet finisht wi' me. It gaes conter tae everythin' it is tae be a dwairrrrrf tae lat a streenger gae castin' spells oan yer heid. But Ah wisnae expectin' it tae be me wha'd hae tae dae it, but young Cyian-"

Again he breaks off, and rubs a hand under his nose.

"Sae, dae ye think ye coud see yer way tae comin' tae Thorne's wi' me, an' standin' by tae lend a haund if he's up tae nae guid? Ah'd put mair faith in ony ay th' Red Dragon's customers than in Thorne himsel."

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First Post
Weel Naxel, human cleric

Weel's eyes light up.

"By Phyrah, of course I'd love to help you!" he says jovially. "I've actually studied some magic, so I might be able to tell for sure if he's casting a Division on you...er, Diffusion ... no... Oh! Divination!"

Weel bites his lip a moment, then sheepishly adds. "I'm not an expert, obviously. A little new to this sort of thing."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"I am an explorer, see, sort of an archologist if you will. I fear I may be of no use to you to deal with an underhanded merchant. I am sorry I can't help you sir dwarf.


Weel bites his lip a moment, then sheepishly adds. "I'm not an expert, obviously. A little new to this sort of thing."
Gildrim leans in close, bringing the smell of old goatskin and fetid mud with him. "Ah'm nae such an auld haund mahself. Ah'm a schuilmaister an' goathirder wha's foond himsel in... an interestin' seetiation. Throu nae blame ay mah ain! Thaur wis unacceptable provocation."

"Ahem! Onyway, ye remind me a wee bit ay young Cyian, an' ye hae an honest face. If ye think ye can leuk stern an' nae tae be triffled wi', than Ah'd be glad tae hae ye standin' ahint me."

"An ye tay," he says to Richard.

"I am an explorer, see, sort of an archaeologist if you will. I fear I may be of no use to you to deal with an underhanded merchant. I am sorry I can't help you sir dwarf.
"Noo, noo, Ah didnae say he wis unnerhaundit. Ah'd say he's verra fond ay walth an' riches, an' mebbe forgits aw ither thing. It juist disnae sit sae weel tae hae onybody gae castin' spells oan mah heid."

"An archaeologist? Ye mean auld ruins an' unearthin' relicks, an' sae oan? Weel, Ah dinnae think we shoud bather Thorne wi' tay mony streengers, but mebbe we can talk again later."

Gildrim turns to the other two.

"Woud ye hae a spare maument? Ah'd like tae gae see Thorne noo, get it ower wi', nae least sae as Ah can clean up some ay this bog muck."


First Post
Weel Naxel, human cleric

"Ahem! Onyway, ye remind me a wee bit ay young Cyian, an' ye hae an honest face. If ye think ye can leuk stern an' nae tae be triffled wi', than Ah'd be glad tae hae ye standin' ahint me."

Weel thinks a minute, then puts on his best mean face, which is passable at best, but at least not laughable. He grimaces.

"I'm not the meanest bloke out there," he admits. "But I'm pretty big. If I don't talk, I find that often keeps unsavories away. If you're happy with that, I can trot on out whenever you like."


LEW Judge
Sir Nurlan has been watching the incomprehensible dwarf as he tells (summarily) his tragic story and recruits new friends. Realizing this is not an easy time for Gildrim, he approaches. "Good sir, it sounds like you have much to grieve. May I offer my condolences? I once had to bring a friend to the priests of Sela to return to life; is there perhaps still a chance for that?"

OOC: Level 6, too high; he's not offering to help, just contributing to the scene.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Noo, noo, Ah didnae say he wis unnerhaundit. Ah'd say he's verra fond ay walth an' riches, an' mebbe forgits aw ither thing. It juist disnae sit sae weel tae hae onybody gae castin' spells oan mah heid."

"An archaeologist? Ye mean auld ruins an' unearthin' relicks, an' sae oan? Weel, Ah dinnae think we shoud bather Thorne wi' tay mony streengers, but mebbe we can talk again later."

"Well it is good to hear that he is not underhanded, and yes that is what i look for: artfacts, relics," Karl lowers his voice for these worlds, " and treasure maps."

"If you would like to speak further as to an idea, I will be right here. if I leave, you can inquire from joe there as to where I went, I will let him Know."

Karl then leands back, and slightly away from the pungent dwarf and orders and strong smelling brew, one for him and one for the dwarf.


Sir Nurlan has been watching the incomprehensible dwarf as he tells (summarily) his tragic story and recruits new friends. Realizing this is not an easy time for Gildrim, he approaches. "Good sir, it sounds like you have much to grieve. May I offer my condolences? I once had to bring a friend to the priests of Sela to return to life; is there perhaps still a chance for that?"
"Aye, ye can. An' ye're ceevil tae offer thaim." Gildrim colours slightly. "He wis juist an orc, an' he didnae say much, but he focht wi' us, an' Ah knaw he didnae like th' auld hoose at aw. An' th' druid, weel, Ah didnae knaw him lang, but he'd nae hiv cam in tae find his end if we hadnae askit."

Gildrim plainly hasn't considered the possibility of clerical intervention until now. "But thay've been deid for days, an' Ah haed - Ah haed! - tae leave th' corpse lyin' whaur they war. By th' time Ah coud git thaim tae a priest, it woud be tay late, woud it nae? An' Ah dinnae hae th' gold. Ah've naethin' much tae mah nam but a bluidy magic stick that Ah cannae uise."

Karl then leans back, and slightly away from the pungent dwarf and orders a strong smelling brew, one for him and one for the dwarf.
"Nah, laddie, Ah'm nae a big drinker, for a dwairf, for aw that Ah coud dae wi' ane, an' Ah dinnae think Ah shoud be quaffin' afair talkin' tae Thorne. Mebbe efter."


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=ooc] Seems hellrazor may have RL creeping in on his EnWorld time as he is missing in othr games and has not sent in his character. I think I can start anyway and add anyone who decides to show up to the meeting "late" can then join up. If that doesn't happen maybe DTC will send an employee to insure DTC's interests are protected


anyone wnt to end this evening and start another morning soon thanks in advance. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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