As a hater, I disagree.
I think the serial over episodic had something to do with it. But as a hater, the problem was that DS9 was ultimimatly about everyone’s character development and relationships. That’s why people like it, I think, because the characters I find super irritating were there every episode and the relationships with them developed. You discover they’re not as one dimensional as they seem. If you have the patience, and care about these people. Not much in this thread about weird things in the universe, lots about the characters on the show.
If you liked the TNG episodes about the crew, about Troi, or the Crushers, probably DS9 also for you. But I had no interest in those, I wanted them to find weird new things, the episodes about themselves were blah. The problem with DS9 for the haters is that the show did much more navel gazing and character development and much less strange new worlds. My dorm floor in college was dork loaded and we disliked DS9 because it was more about people, and less about the strange universe. Who cares about these people, let’s here some weird stuff about a new planet.
I will give it another try someday, thanks for hints for where to start. I am understanding why people like this show I don’t. Maybe I can find a way in.