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WotBS [Spoilers] New WotBS campaign - The adventure begins (Players please don't read)


Hey folks,

I started a new WotBS campaign (4e edition) last week (Actually re-started, but that's beside the point) with a fresh and new group, we play over Fantasy grounds using the modules created by EugeneZ (Thanks a lot for those! Saved me a lot of time). But the group I have is just too awesome not to share with you all, so I shall be sharing their adventures, and hopefully through thick and thin (and possibly a few deaths a long the way) we can have a full campaign from beginning (Level 1) to end (Level 30). I shall post a summery here but also give link to our Obsidian portal page where you can find the chat log from FG.

First off, the party - We have:

Beryl - Fun talking, quick witted human thief and con-artist, gaining a quick bit of gold conning people by using fortune telling. Claims that she had a vision to come to the pub at new years, and followed it.
Breora Lif'illan - Eladrin swordmade/Psion - Typical Eladrin who prefers the company of her own kind, she quite often speaks in Elven.
Laurya - Elven Cleric who follows the every whim of the Raven Queen, whom she calls "Mistress"
Oberon - Werewolf Battlemind/Fighter who belongs to a lost race called the "Canim" however after dying and being brought back, he's now a Revenant.
Rhakesh - Dragonborn barbarian, used to be in the Ragesian army, but after a good friend of his was sent on a mission and came back wounded, then abandoned by the commander due to his injuries, decided to stage a coup and left the army, he was later found and arrested, but somehow found his way to Gate Pass (Apparently waking up in the ground).
Shava - Elven wizard, Shava was born in Shahalesti not far from Innenotdar forest before the fire, and several of her family lived in the forest and she regularly visited them. However after one lengthy visit, she was returning home to Shahalesti when the fire started, killing her family, including her father who went back to help. Now seeks to know the reason why it caught on fire, and has stayed on fire since then.

Quite the colourful group, with some nice backgrounds, I gave some creative license particularly to Oberon on the whole werewolf thing as I thought it was interesting. There are quite a few things I'm looking forward to with regards to these characters, particularly Shavas reaction when she finds out who set the forest on fire.

Now for the summery :)

Session 1 - The meeting at the pub

The heroes arrived shotly before midnight, and after spending a few moments they wasted no time in knocking on the side door. I made them wait a bit before Torrent opened the door, but once she did they entered quickly, Oberon unfortunately was not with them as he couldn't make the first session (Although the first "Session" was only an hour or so long because the first few hours was spent on character development). After entering they wasted very little time looking around the pub, before settling down and listening to Torrents rather long speech. They then proceeded to begin planning, and after a few recommendations from torrent (Although she let the heroes do most of the planning) they decided on one of two things - Go to Gabels school to get help, or get help from Erdan Menash.

After the planning they started to hear footsteps, signifying they were not alone, and swiftly took up battle positions, although not long after they began hearing the sound of fruits hitting the rooftops, with Torrent alarmingly saying "It seems the Ragesian assault, may have begun"

That's where the first session left off, as I said it was only an hour or so long, the second session is where we really get into the meat and potatoes.

Session 2 - The amazing adventures of Kiki the dire weasel (heh)

The heroes were surprised by this, but due to the sound jokingly said that the ragesians were attacking gate pass with fruit, although their jokes were quickly stopped by the sound of Kathor shouting "Front door, go!" and the door being bashed in, on which they succeeded first time (My dice rolls were rather good this session). The battle went smoothly, with the thug being killed rather quickly, the bounty hunters, quite fearful with the bombs raining on their heads and the thug being killed rather effortlessly, surrendered quickly. The scouts chose this moment to come down the stairs to try and tip the scales, but the ragesians were like "Lol nope!" and a bomb hit the building causing it to begin collapsing. Most of the heroes and hunters escaped, but not before part of the building collapsed ontop of poor Shava, although she dusted off the debris and also escaped.

After Shava attempted to get Kathor to tell them why they were there, and how he knew where they were (To which he said nothing, although I did try to play out the fact that he obviously didn't want to be there) the bounty hunters left, with a few of the party quite curious as to why Kathor did not participate in the fight. After that Oberon finally made his way to the Pub and they confronted him, believing that he might be an enemy, but he convinced them otherwise and they (After a quick rest) began making their way to the depository. The heroes stopped off to help Ransar, but decided not to help him get to shelter, although they did point out the way to a nearby temple, after that they carried on and saw the women about to jump from the burning house, they stopped to try and help, but after Breora with her ability to speak through minds startled the poor women, she slipped and fell, but they were waiting for her to jump already holding a blanket so she was............

Unfortunately, not that safe, she tragically fell to her death, as the strength of the group failed them (The strongest guy rolled a 1) and the blanket did not halt her fall. However I felt that this outcome had a good impact on the group and they spent some time mourning her passing, although they quickly moved on, knowing they did not have much time. Shortly after this they had the encounter with the Ragesian Wyvern, and all of them except Rhakesh succomed to the fear (Rhakesh only avoiding it due to his Dragonborn nature) most of them recovered quickly, however Breora and Oberon did not recover from the fear quickly, and were hurt quite a bit from the mob, taking a few rounds to recover. Everybody except Rhakesh noticed the Wyvern.

Then, it's the fun part, the heroes headed onwards, and encountered poor Corian, looking for his Kiki. The heroes, assuming Kiki was a child, stopped off to help, but once they found out she was a dire weasel, they were split on how to handle it (With Torrent claiming it was a waste of time) however some of the party decided to look for Kiki, with Beryl in particular quite eager. They found Kiki easily, tracking her to the temple, but after fleeing through a hole in the wall Shava got stuck going after it and beryl was left on her own to follow after it (Having gone through the hole first) she followed her to the drain, and after calming the weasel down with food, she managed to capture it (As well as finding the box of goodies). Beryl liked the Dire weasel quite a bit, and called it "Mittens" however Corian ran up to them and took Kiki back from them. Beryl was not too happy with this, shouting at Shava to get her a dire weasel of her own. After opening the box to discover what was inside, they proceeded to continue to the depository.

End of session 2.

So, now Beryl wants a dire weasel (Her player has even put it on her wish list xD) considering that once they get to Erden menash I might have him give her something dire weasel related xD. Looking forward to next session, which is tomorrow night (Saturday).

If any of you wish to read the full chat log (Quite long, particularly session 2, but very entertaining) then the link is here:
Link removed, apparently I can't post the link until I've posted a few more times.

On session 2 I put a language extention on FG so if you see something like "Breora Lif’illian is speaking : (Elven)" then it means that they spoke that language, to which FG translates. I haven't decided to put the translations on the chat log yet or not and will do so once I've spoken to the players about this (As some of them cant speak elven, for example).

So yeah, this is a good group and if you guys seem interested I'll definitely try and continue popping session summeries up on here :).

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Glad you guys are having fun. How often are you playing?

If you have any questions about the adventures, please just ask. I worked on the 3rd ed version, though, so some of the new stuff in 4e I won't know about.

Keep it up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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