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SORA AI Technology Preview: We are Entering a Golden Age of Chaos


We already live in a world in which lies outnumber and out perform truths ever second of every day. It is a shift in scale, but not kind.

Do you know what is a change in kind? The speed and efficiency that LLMs and other models can bring to science, medicine and engineering. These things are prediction machines, extremely efficient at finding patterns and filtering them for the best options.

This fear that there will be no truth has already been realized. We already live in a post truth society. We can't undo that by throwing the AI baby out with the AI bathwater.

And finally: if things turn out that the Pornomatic3000 app is so ubiquitous that your waiter can whip up a hoax video that quickly, no one will care because everyone will have access to the same tools.
I think, that in the long term it will shake out similarly to the emergence of publishing houses in the late 17th to 18th centuries. Some publishers gained a reputation for publishing true stuff as distinct from the other that would print any old rubbish for whoever was willing to pay.

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B/X Known World
I think, that in the long term it will shake out similarly to the emergence of publishing houses in the late 17th to 18th centuries. Some publishers gained a reputation for publishing true stuff as distinct from the other that would print any old rubbish for whoever was willing to pay.
It would be a miracle if things were going to be that simple. Things will easily be several orders of magnitude worse. We already have roughly half the US and UK populations that can’t tell basic reality from conspiracy theory or propaganda. Add to that mix text, image, audio, and video that indistinguishable from real and a news industry primed to publish first and maybe never ask questions.


It would be a miracle if things were going to be that simple. Things will easily be several orders of magnitude worse. We already have roughly half the US and UK populations that can’t tell basic reality from conspiracy theory or propaganda. Add to that mix text, image, audio, and video that indistinguishable from real and a news industry primed to publish first and maybe never ask questions.
I never said that the bits in the middle would not be bad.


No. You completely ignored talking about the bits in the middle. And tried to downplay them by saying it would, overall, be no worse than printers of the 17th and 18th century. Again, this will be orders of magnitude worse and people will die as a result.
I assumed you would know the details. Printing lead to printing of bibles in the vernacular languages of Europe, which lead to the lay people starting to have their own opinions on the meaning of the word of God, which meant that when a certain M. Luthor objected to some religious practices of his time that got popular support, which lead to war.
That war, lead to the employment of printing as a propaganda tool. People tended to believe printed stuff as true, often accepted these propaganda pamphlets which fuelled the religious wars of the 16th and early 17th centuries.
The Malleus Maleficaurum, a book written by a pair of ex Dominicans, (whom, if memory serves, were thrown out of the Inquisition for bad behaviour) was widely believed by secular authorities as the correct way to find out witches and is probably directly responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands.


B/X Known World
I assumed you would know the details. Printing lead to printing of bibles in the vernacular languages of Europe, which lead to the lay people starting to have their own opinions on the meaning of the word of God, which meant that when a certain M. Luthor objected to some religious practices of his time that got popular support, which lead to war.
That war, lead to the employment of printing as a propaganda tool. People tended to believe printed stuff as true, often accepted these propaganda pamphlets which fuelled the religious wars of the 16th and early 17th centuries.
The Malleus Maleficaurum, a book written by a pair of ex Dominicans, (whom, if memory serves, were thrown out of the Inquisition for bad behaviour) was widely believed by secular authorities as the correct way to find out witches and is probably directly responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands.
Yes. And this will be orders of magnitude worse than that. This will start modern wars with modern technology.

If you hadn’t noticed, most people still have the same relationship with the printed word. Whatever they see in actual print in meat-space or printed on the internet, they assume to be true. And act accordingly.

Which is why text, image, audio, and video created by “AI” will be such a big problem in future.

Voidrunner's Codex

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