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WotBS Shouting "fire" in a burning theater

Bill T.

Hi, everyone,

I'm DMing our group through the 3.5-edition version of the War of the Burning Sky. They've just made it (back) to Seaquen after taking Nathan Lowduke back to Naizelasa but otherwise missing the point of the side quest, and I'm about to inflict the council meeting on them.

I really should reprise the entire adventure path here, but that's a thread for another day. In short, the party has three members: Ari, a monk/rogue/swordsage hodgepodge; Erina, a barely-recognizable druid/evoker; and Fitz, headed for Ruby Knight Vindicator. All the friendly NPCs from the prior sessions made it to Seaquen with them with the exception of Haddin. (This all is in large part a hint to any player who might happen across this page that they should STOP READING NOW, since I'm consulting the Intarwebs for tactical advice).

Anyhow, to get to my point: I'm looking ahead to the battle of the Wayfarer Theater and thinking it doesn't make a lot of sense for Giorgio devolve to beating people with a stick should get cornered trying to complete his dastardly plan -- which seems like the most likely outcome, since the module says the party will just barely catch a glimpse of him entering the captain's chamber. The guy's a stage performer, after all, not an adventurer.

So, my thinking is to instead have them further embrace the "The Shahalesti Did It!" ruse: Brutus can create an illusion of an elven wizard on the poop deck to divert the party away from Giorgio and himself, which is a much better use of his talents than trying to use Burning Hands on people. Giorgio then can focus his attention on the captain's desk. If someone should confront him, he can claim to have killed an elf who had activated the ship and that he is trying to shut it off -- having him shout, "I need a wizard in here!" comes to mind.

I figure I would replace his Weapon Focus feat with Skill Focus (bluff). Likewise, Brutus's spells might need a little tweaking, although a scroll or two would likely be adequate for him to carry off his side of the bluff (he has the ranks, after all!). I haven't quite decided what to do with the rest of Giorgio's allies, although the rogue's role probably doesn't need to change at all. I was considering having Giorgio fascinate anyone that might try to help him with the controls. It'd be a good idea on his part, but he's far too likely to succeed and the player gets stuck sitting on their hands listening to his explanation while the battle rages on outside. It's sort of a stretch to allow him to fascinate in that situation anyhow. On the other hand, a suggestion that we all need to get off this ship would probably warrant granting him a bonus on the basis that it's a highly reasonable suggestion.

Anyone have any comments, yay or nay, on this approach? I'd love to hear any additional ideas other people have on running this encounter.


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I did it more or less as per the adventure path What I did was letting the show run a Little further than in the adventure path. The reason I did this was that I had Crystal seated with the players and the final part of the show was one of her premonitions. The magic of the Theater made the party live the vision as she saw it, and it ended with the Theater blowing up and killing them all. Then they regained awareness just as act 3 was starting and Crystal gasping and pointing at Giorgio "stop... him".

I have a thread a bit further Down this page, where I have been telling the story of my campaign. You might find more usefull bits in that thread, if you haven't read it.

Bill T.


I've enjoyed reading your groups exploits and have been intending to do likewise with my group's. I re-read your description of the battle of the theatre, and didn't see much detail in Giorgio's role, but it sounds like you basically had him cast spells from the rigging until he decided to flee, like the module says.

We played the council meeting last weekend. I borrowed your approach of having the players take turns acting as the various council members, and everyone seemed to have a great time. On the other hand, our low-charisma party snoop got an astonishing 28 on her Tumble-dex+cha check when auditioning to join the Wayfarers -- better than Tiljann! Now she's going to want to snoop around the theatre. That's going to be rather challenging to run (to put it mildly).


your post reminds me that I am still behind in putting the last updates up on the exploits... I will get around to it :)

Anyway, I am glad that you could use my input, it makes posting those long posts worth it. I did make two versions of the story for the party (in Danish as I wrote in the other post), where one is the long story and the other is the different acts in minor details. I think I would make sure to give the party a lot of objectives, so the player that is snooping around will be left out (and nobody really wants that) if she stays behind. And alternatively stress that the rehearsals are very demanding and that they go over the same scene relentlesly for hours, giving her less time to snoop around. Besides, what is there to find onboard the ship, I am pretty sure that any incriminating evidence is elsewhere :)

Bill T.

your post reminds me that I am still behind in putting the last updates up on the exploits... I will get around to it :)

Well, well? ;)

I think I would make sure to give the party a lot of objectives, so the player that is snooping around will be left out (and nobody really wants that) if she stays behind. And alternatively stress that the rehearsals are very demanding and that they go over the same scene relentlesly for hours, giving her less time to snoop around. Besides, what is there to find onboard the ship, I am pretty sure that any incriminating evidence is elsewhere :)

What, the Wayfarers have a secret home? Vaguely possible, I suppose.

Anyhow, part of the trouble is that there is some amount of down time already baked-in because the party's wizard is going to hit the books. I like your idea of simply keeping her busy and fast-forwarding to the next scene with the whole party. Just don't give her the opportunity and no one will be the wiser. :devil:

Bill T.

I played it like I described at it went pretty well. Ari and the Erina fell for the ruse, and then Erina asked "so what do I do?" -- of me! -- so I suggested there be some sort of control item, which eventually lead to the ring on Giorgio's finger. His suggestion to Erina to get off the ship failed, unsurprsingly. Fitz's player figured it out immediately (typical!) but never got into the captain's quarters.

However, now I have a bigger question: Why did Giorgio betray the Wayfarers and try to destroy their ship? What's in it for him? For that matter, it's not clear to me what's in it for Lee, either.

Lee's an elementalist, aligned with Pilus. It never quite made it to the forefront, but I had an idea that there was a group of elementalist mages trying to get power for themselves amidst the chaos (Pilus - air, Lee - water, Onamdammin - earth, and maybe Katrina - fire?).

Giorgio is mostly just looking out for himself.

Bill T.

Lee's an elementalist, aligned with Pilus. It never quite made it to the forefront, but I had an idea that there was a group of elementalist mages trying to get power for themselves amidst the chaos (Pilus - air, Lee - water, Onamdammin - earth, and maybe Katrina - fire?).

"There is a two-minute musical intermission, during which Katrina, who is herself not the greatest fan of theater, scoffs at the heavy-handed allusions...." ;)

Well, OK, maybe the allusions weren't heavy-handed enough. Anyhow, the link with Pilus is there, I just needed someone to spell it out for me. Thanks.

Giorgio is mostly just looking out for himself.

Cool, I can work with that -- Lee must have explained his plan to Giorgio weeks ago and demonstrated he was able tocarry it out. Giorgio now sees that Seaquen has no chance, so he quickly joins the winning side. He was probably also annoyed that the ageless beauty that is Guildmistress Larkins was willing to violate the Wayfarers' long-standing neutrality.

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