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Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


Written by shilsen - 10/9/05

Session 9 - Even More Meetings

Back at the inn, the Misfits have dinner and head for bed. A couple hours before dawn, Gareth awakes from a strange dream involving Nameless. Not completely sure how to interpret it, he decides to head to the Cathedral for guidance. The sounds of his departure wake Corven (coincidentally also in the middle of a strange dream) and Nameless. When they ask where he is going, Gareth doesn't respond but hurries out. Though curious, the pair go back to sleep.

Gareth makes his way through the mostly deserted skybridges and towers to the Cathedral, surprising the two drowsy guards outside. He is allowed in and speaks to the acolyte on duty, who absolutely refuses to wake the Archierophant that early, but promises to give her the news that he wishes to speak to her when she awakes. Gareth spends the next couple of hours in prayer, until those living in the Cathedral gradually awake and begin to fill the place. He attends the morning service and is then told that the Archierophant will see him an hour and a half later.

Finally, around 10:30 in the morning, Gareth is brought to the same office where he spoke to her before, to find Ythana Morr awaiting him. As before, she is dressed in full priestly vestments and her full-plate armor. After exchanging greetings, Gareth describes his dream to her in detail and then asks for her opinion about it. Ythana tells him that it does seem like the Flame is speaking directly to him, which is a very rare occurrence, and one that should make him feel blessed. She asks for more information about Nameless, which he provides. After some thought, she says that such dreams and visions are difficult to decipher, and at this point Gareth should simply keep a careful eye on his companion and see what develops. Ythana also asks him to keep her informed of any discoveries, and he promises to do so.

Before Gareth leaves, Ythana also talks to him about his interest in exorcism and promises to give him access to the limited materials that the Cathedral has on the subject. Then she blesses him and he leaves, after obtaining some holy water from the Cathedral.

The others, meanwhile, arise from their sleep, and let Luna and Six know about Gareth's departure. While they are at breakfast, Corven receives a messenger from the Cyran embassy with a pair of sealed envelopes for him. The large one has papers with details about the investiture and copies of the oaths that will be made there. Apparently the investiture will take place at noon on the 27th, two days later. The small envelope has a letter from Tyrala and a note. The letter asks Corven to meet her at the embassy on the 26th at 10 am. It also suggests that if he has the time, he should meet with Cala Narain (at the tavern The Bitter Draft) in the High Walls area of Tavick's landing, regarding the disappearances. If he is unable to do so, Cala will be present at the embassy on the 26th, so he can speak to her there.

After breakfast, Six departs to do some shopping, while Nameless heads to his mage guild and Luna says she will visit and speak to the druids in Carosten Park. Corven remains at the inn and is eventually met by the returning Gareth, who says that he has been at the Cathedral. The pair of them travels up to Clifftop and visit the Esoteric Order of Aureon, where Corven becomes a member. In the process of dealing with all the paperwork (which involves a little background, information about where he stays, finding out how skilled an artificer Corven is, etc), they discover that Nameless is not a member of the Esoteric Order. Both Corven and Gareth are a little surprised and wonder if he is a member of the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. They ask the secretary dealing with Corven's paperwork about the other guild and he speaks fairly disparagingly of it, claiming that it is somewhat lax in allowing in members of loose morals and proudly claiming that the Esoteric Order is much more highly regarded by law enforcement in the city, with its members sometimes helping the city watch.

Once the paperwork is all taken care of, Corven obtains access to one of the laboratories at the guild and spends the next eight hours working on enchanting Gareth's armor. He is aided by Gareth some of the time, who also spends time bathing the armor in holy water and blessing it, in the hope that this will aid in the enhancement process. Gareth also takes time off to visit the Deneith enclave in Dragon Towers and leave a message there asking Lalia to join him for Corven's investiture and the dinner afterwards.

Returning to the inn for dinner, they are met by the others, with Six now sporting two spiked chains again, since he has bought a new masterwork one. He says that he found it at a shop called the Mithral Blade, located in the host of small magic businesses known as the Mystic Market, which surrounds the tower of the Esoteric Order. He mentions that they have some magical weapons there too, which might be worth checking out in the future. Six has also obtained a scroll of make whole, which Gareth uses on the spiked chain broken by Desro, giving Six three weapons.

This night passes peacefully for all, with no untoward dreams.

The next day is the festival of Aureon's Crown, dedicated to the Sovereign Host's god of knowledge. Having heard, the previous day, that priests of Aureon and professors from Morgrave University gather at the Great Hall of Aureon in the university to give sermons and lectures on a host of topics, Six makes his way to the University District in Upper Menthis. Once he reaches Upper Menthis, a pair of passing guards caution him to not move about with his chains wrapped around him, as he tends to do, but otherwise he is not bothered. Over the course of the morning, he wanders around, sitting in on a number of different lectures and hearing interesting tidbits about Xen'drik, the origins of the warforged, the Mournland, constructs and intelligence, and other topics that interest him. Six also makes sure to note down names of people who might be useful sources for information on such subjects.

Gareth visits the Guild of Starlight and Shadows, finding it to be the tallest tower (though smaller than the Esoteric Order) in the Deathsgate district, one which is enchanted to perpetually display a night sky set with a myriad stars. Inside, he asks about Nameless and discovers that he is a member of the guild. When the secretary he speaks to asks for his name and if he wishes to leave a message, he simply says that he is "Gareth" and will speak to his companion later. From there he goes to the Esoteric Order, to await Corven.

Corven, meanwhile, has his meeting with Tyrala at the embassy. In her office, he is introduced to Cala Narain, the ranking Cyran ex-military officer in Sharn. Cala is a tall, athletic woman, with brown hair tied back in a ponytail, carrying some small facial scars as part of her military heritage. She has a fair amount of information for Corven, saying that three Cyrans (two men - Drass, Vendig - and one woman - Hestia) have disappeared over the last ten days or so from the High Walls area. Drass was a laborer, Vendig a blacksmith, and Hestia a maid. All were single and young, but don't seem to have anything else in common, though someone told her that he saw Drass and Hestia speaking together at a tavern. She also tells Corven about the poor situation of the Cyrans in High Walls, and mentions that with regard to law and order, unfortunately it is the Guardians of the Gate (the watch branch dedicated to dealing with foreign nationals) who have jurisdiction in High Walls, and their commander Baja Drel has shown little signs that she cares about the Cyrans. Cala has already spoken to Lady Iyanna ir'Talan, head of the Black Arch watch garrison in Lower Tavick's landing. Iyanna is a good, reliable commander, but with her watchmen not having jurisdiction in the area, she cannot do much. Corven sets up a meeting with Cala at The Bitter Draft for the 28th, and learns that he can also contact her at the New Cyre inn, where she lives.

Once their discussion is done, Tyrala (who left to give them time to discuss matters) returns and, after Cala leaves, discusses the investiture procedure with Corven. She also gives him more information about the dinner at the Karrnathi embassy, which will be on the 1st of Sul, three days later. She has arranged an invitation for them, since the Cyran embassy technically gets an invite to such occasions and Corven, once invested, will go as their representative, and can take his companions as an entourage. The individual she is interested in is retired general Dals Nelmo, also known as the Butcher of Eston. Corven recognizes the name from an infamous incident when Dals had three hundred unarmed Cyran troops executed so that there was no possibility that they could threaten his flank. Tyrala says that Dals claims to be stopping to meet the Karrnathi ambassador Syra ir'Tarrn before moving on to Korranberg in Zilargo, where he plans to study at the famous Library. She is frankly skeptical of this claim, especially since Dals was well-known for making heavy use of arcane support in the War and was (she believes) investigating arcane methods of mass destruction during the War. She believes that he is going to the Library to further that research. Whether he directly had something to do with the Day of Mourning or not, he possibly has information about it.

After providing this information, she asks if it would be possible for any of Corven's companions to break into the general's room during the dinner and check on his belongings, warning that the Karrnathi embassy is known to be well-protected. Corven says that it might be possible, but says that he needs to discuss it with his companions. They decide that naturally it will draw attention if Corven were to do this himself and it should be left to someone else. Corven also suggests that it would help if Tyrala could find the group access to stealth-related and also mind-reading magic. Tyrala says she will do what she can, and also mentions that besides everything else, she would simply be interested in learning Corven's opinion about Dals after he interacts with the Karrnathi. Tyrala ends by saying that just in case someone gets caught in a compromising situation, she should be able to smooth it over, but suggests that Corven and his allies do not rely upon this.

Leaving the embassy, Corven goes to the Esoteric Order, where he meets Gareth and then spends some time working on Gareth's armor. Gareth mentions to Corven that he has confirmed that Nameless is a member of the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. While Corven is working on the armor, Gareth travels down to the Grayflood dock area. Catching one of the urchins moving around and offering their skills as a city guide, he asks about Bodo. The boy he speaks to says that he knows who Bodo is but hasn't seen him in a long time. Gareth promises him five gold pieces if he finds information that leads him to Bodo, and the excited boy promises to do whatever he can and to spread the word to all his friends. Begging a copper piece for the time being, he runs off.

When the group reconvenes at the inn, Gareth confronts Nameless about "sneaking off to join the shady guild". Nameless argues that he was not sneaking around and simply didn't think it was worth mentioning. When Gareth argues that he has heard that those of Starlight and Shadows are more prone to evil, Nameless asks if he has any actual proof and says that it is just hearsay. Gareth finally settles for warning Nameless that he should watch where he steps, since it is easy to be seduced through the desire for knowledge and power into doing things one should not. Nameless responds that he'll let Gareth know if someone at the Guild starts killing random innocents, and the argument ends there.

Corven lets the group know about the proposal by Tyrala regarding dinner at the Karrnathi embassy. Gareth immediately refuses to be party to breaking into someone’s room under the guise of a friendly meeting, but when Corven points out that the Butcher of Eston (whom Gareth recognizes by reputation) could have had a hand in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, he grudgingly agrees to let them do whatever they want, as long as he does not have to help. He heads to bed while the others discuss various methods of obtaining the information. The possibility of Luna using her wildshape is mooted, but no final decisions are made.

Early the next morning, the Misfits are disturbed at breakfast by a frantic-looking person who rushes into the inn asking for "Gareth Deneith". Once Gareth speaks to him, he tries to drag the paladin out the door, babbling something about his friend being possessed at the Cathedral and needing help before the templars kill him. The group quickly agrees to accompany him, and he hurries them to a waiting skycoach, which heads in the direction of the temple district.

On the way, the man introduces himself as Deemin, a member of the Clifftop Adventurers Guild. He and two friends had been working for the Archierophant and investigating something in the Depths, the parts of Sharn between the area above ground and the Cogs. They had found some items and returned to the Cathedral, where they were waiting for the absent Archierophant to return, when his friend Finch began to speak in a strange tongue (which someone identified as demonic) and violently attacked the people with him, almost killing one. They managed to run out of the room and lock him in. Some of the templars present suggested they kill him, since the Archierophant wasn't there to deal with the problem. When Deemin begged them not to, someone suggested that they find Gareth, since he'd been talking about exorcism and his abilities there.

When they reach Sovereign Towers, the group quickly leaves the coach and hurries to the Cathedral. While everything looks normal on the outside, once they enter and follow Deemin down a side corridor, they soon find themselves at a barred door being guarded by two armed and armored templars, with Golar and another acolyte present. Golar quickly explains that he's the one who suggested that Deemin find Gareth. He also says that Finch was heard screaming and destroying things within the room for a while, but has been silent for a few minutes.

Some of the Misfits cast protective spells, while Six listens at the door but can hear nothing. As one of the templars pulls away the bar, Nameless casts a spell into the room, hoping to slow its inhabitant. The open door reveals a meeting room, now with the table and chairs overturns, all of them broken and showing signs of being hacked with some implement or weapon, with some signs of being burned too. There is nobody visible at the moment. Gareth attempts to detect evil, and very quickly does so, as there is a scream of rage and Finch comes rushing through the door from the side where he was hiding.

Finch turns out to be a well-built half-elf, dressed in plate armor and wielding a greatsword with flames running up and down the blade. His face is distorted with fury, and black blotches cover his face and the other exposed parts of his body. He is now screaming constantly, in what Nameless recognizes as Fiendish, saying, "Kill! Kill you all!"

As he rushes forward, he swings his sword in a powerful arc, slashing Gareth deeply across the torso. Blood flies across the room and the paladin almost collapses*. Corven quickly produces a wand and heals him slightly. Still barely conscious, Gareth calls on one of the recently awoken powers of Kizmet to heal himself, and feels the majority of his wounds close. Meanwhile, the others respond quickly to the threat. Nameless and Luna hammer the possessed figure with a combination of magic missiles and a produce flame, and Six spins his spiked chain around an ankle and brings him down to the ground. Despite having Finch on the ground, the templars both fail to hit him. From the back of the group, Deemin screams, "Please! Don't kill him!"

Rising to his feet and taking more wounds in the process, Finch again wounds Gareth**. By this time, however, Corven has infused Gareth's sword with the merciful quality, which lets it cause nonlethal damage, and Gareth responds to Finch's attack by smiting him. As Finch wobbles, Six bashes him in the head and knocks him unconscious. He is quickly bound and manacled, and then Gareth tries to exorcise him. Using his sword to augment his power, Gareth blasts him with divine energy, causing the unconscious body to convulse as the entity within is burned with sacred power. Another blast leads to weaker convulsions, and the sight of the black splotches fading to gray, and a third one does the trick, as the body collapses.

When Gareth detects evil in the area to check if the entity is gone, he finds a lingering aura (which fades away), but also finds that one of the templars has a faint evil aura. Corven heals the unconscious Finch back to consciousness and then has to explain, with the help of Deemin, to him what has just happened. They are interrupted by the return of the Archierophant. Quickly ascertaining what has happened, she has Finch freed and brought into the room with Deemin, Golar and the Misfits, where she proceeds to find out the details, after healing Finch.

It turns out that the Archierophant had learned of a possible abandoned temple of some deity in the Depths and had hired the three adventurers from the Clifftop guild to investigate. Finding their way to the place after fighting some strange creatures, they discovered it to be an old crypt rather than a temple, and one that had been ransacked by grave robbers. While examining it, part of the ground collapsed, revealing an older Dhakaani crypt below. This one a contained the intact sepulchre of a warlord, along with a number of magical items. The group recovered the items and donned them, with Finch taking the armor and sword.

Ythana tells Finch and Deemin to deposit the items with her, so that she can have them examined, and then turn them over to the appropriate authorities (it being illegal to plunder and sell artifacts belonging to past civilizations, under the Code of Galifar). She also thanks the Blades for their aid. Once Deemin and Finch leave, Gareth tells Ythana that one of the templars is evil. She seems slightly surprised, commenting that most of them are people who have served the Flame and the Cathedral for a long time, but she promises to check on it.

Taking their leave, the Misfits return to the inn and get some rest before Corven's investiture, with Corven and Gareth stopping on the way to pick up some appropriately formal attire from the Bazaar. A few hours later, they travel to the Cyran embassy, stopping to pick up Lalia (who had responded to accept Gareth's invitation) along the way. At the embassy, they are taken to a large room, the walls of which are decorated with the Cyran flag and other pennants, including military banners and those belonging to individual noble houses.

Lord Jairan, Tyrala, the warforged bodyguard Holt, Cala Narain and half a dozen others are present for the ceremony. All except Tyrala, Holt and Cala (who is in military uniform) are in traditional Cyran clothing, with its emphasis on flowing curves and jewelry. Lord Jairan administers the oath as the primary witness, while Tyrala, Cala and an embassy functionary are the other witnesses. At the end of the fifteen minutes that it takes for the ceremony, consisting mainly of the witnesses repeating what Corven and Lord Jairan say, Corven is invested as Lord ir'Lanya and given a broad neckband bearing the symbol of his household. The investiture ends with some toasting and general congratulations.

The group spends the next hour relaxing in a large sitting room, until the non-Cyrans attending the dinner begin to arrive. This consists of only four minor members of the Brelish political corps and an unexpected visitor from the Aundairan embassy. This turns out to be a tall half-elf, who introduces himself as Helais ir'Lantar. He seems quite pleasant, talking to Corven about his investiture and the general situation of Cyrans in the city, to Gareth about Karrnath, and to all the Misfits about their activities in the city. He admits quite frankly that he usually does not attend such minor functions, but was significantly bored with paperwork this evening and with the invitation still being present, decided that he could use the break.

Tyrala confirms, while speaking only to Corven, that Helais does not attend such functions, and seems quite suspicious of his presence. She tells Corven that though Helais is an effective diplomat and a strong supporter of improved relations between the nations after the War, there is just something about him which does not sit right with her. She says that the feeling is always heightened when she sees him with his identical twin Alais. Helais apparently served in the Aundairan diplomatic corps during the War and often visited Breland whenever the two countries were at peace, and when the former ambassador to Sharn died, he was appointed instead.

Over dinner, Lalia asks Gareth what the group has been up to, and what their plans for the immediate future are. He responds with a detailed coverage of their activities, omitting any details about Gurr'khan and the dimensional seal. He also tells her that the group is planning to attack the Daask drug den in a few days. She warns him to be careful in dealing with Daask and asks if they are working for someone, and Gareth tells her that they are, for someone called Killian. Lalia doesn't know him and they move on to other subjects. As usual, she flirts with him lightly, but he remains oblivious.

While the others head back to the inn after the dinner, Corven only joins them long enough to switch to less formal clothes and then leaves for High Walls. Reaching it, he finds that the area is quite decrepit, being full of ramshackle buildings in a state of disrepair. The people on the streets reflect the surroundings, many of them looking haggard and worn, suspicion evident in their eyes. Corven visits a few inns and taverns, trying to get a sense of the area and its inhabitants. He hears a fair amount of complaining about the situation of the Cyrans in Sharn and elsewhere in Breland, learns that there are some problems with crime in the area and that there have been cases of Cyran street gangs beating up non-Cyran visitors, and is told three stories by three drunks which explain what "really" happened on the Day of Mourning.

Late at night, he returns to Underlook and the Happy Harvest inn.

The next day, all of the Misfits travel to High Walls, to meet with Cala. They find her at the Bitter Draft, as promised. The tavern is full of Cyrans and Cala introduces the group to one or two, before leading them back into the streets. In turn, they visit the boarding houses where the three missing people had stayed. Cala had arranged for their rooms not to be let out again, so they are in the same state as when it was discovered that they were missing. All the rooms look as one would if the occupant left for work and never returned, with no obvious signs of mischief. Corven, aided by Six, thoroughly searches them.

The search turns up an interesting item in two of the rooms. A hidden panel under a table in Drass' room reveals a folded parchment, bearing simply a date (the 21st), a stylized drawing of a flame, and the word "Zokar". A similar parchment is found concealed at the back of a drawer in Hestia's room, this one differing only in the date (the 19th). Both of the notes have the same handwriting, and when Corven compares them to samples found at the various rooms, he finds that it does not match that of any of the three people.

Gareth and Corven both agree that the flame is not a representation of the Silver Flame. None of them can identify it, but Cala says she thinks she saw it as a tattoo on someone at the tavern sometime ago, but cannot remember anything more specific. When they are discussing the name Zokar, which is not a common Cyran name (nor in any of the others among the Five Nations), Nameless recalls that he has read it before. According to him, he was once reading an old tome, which contained the names of some angels from Syrania, and one such name was Zokar. In keeping with his long-term amnesia, he cannot remember where he saw the book except to say that it was when he was an apprentice mage. Corven and he make plans to research the name at the Guild and the Order.

Seeing that this investigation will take a while, Gareth leaves the group and heads back to Grayflood, to see if any information has been found about Bodo. The others accompany Corven as he speaks to the landlords and landlady of the three people and some of the neighbors. They discover that Hestia was seen about two weeks speaking on the street to Vendig, whose boarding house was next to hers. They also learn that she was a quiet and very devout person, praying to the Sovereign Host and having their icons and symbols hanging on her wall, but apparently took them down some time ago. Corven tries to ascertain if she used to visit any local shrines or temples, but finds that the landlady cannot really say, nor can Cala.

Gareth, meanwhile...

* Took a critical for 42 pts of damage, which took him to exactly 0.
** Random roll to pick a target, between Gareth and the 2 templars. Lands on Gareth again!

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Written by AviLazar

After dinner, and a recap of the day I head back to my room to work write in my journal; I then proceed to sleep, listening to Six’s rhythmic hammer taps as he works on my armor. During the sleep I find myself awake in a dream, like none I have experienced before. I am naked, but I still have Kizmet in my hands. In this dream I see Nameless, though he does not seem himself. His appendages are tentacles, his eye’s black as coal; writhing in flames I sense great evil emanating from him. I suddenly awake, in a cold sweat. I quickly done some clothes and make my way out of the inn, oblivious to anything and everything.

Walking to the Cathedral, I consider my thoughts and what has surpassed in this dream, trying to think of it’s meaning. I see the two guards at the entrance, sleeping, I want to yell at them for not performing this simple task – as it should be performed – but I do not have time. Reluctantly they let me in, and I am greeted by the steward of the watch. The acolyte, while barely recognizing me, refuses to wake up the arc-hierophant. In frustration, I tell him I will wait – he is surprised considering it is 4AM. I head to the chapel and begin to pray, not moving, not responding to anyone, and continuing to do this through morning prayer until the acolyte comes and summons me to the arc-hierophants study. Arc-hierophant Ythana Morr and I speak for a while, in depth, upon the dream and I inform her about everything I know of Nameless. She tells me that I had a vision from the Silver Flame, and while it’s meaning are not made aware to us, it is a blessing. She informs me, as I have already determined, to keep quiet about the dream and do nothing until I know more. I think she fears I might outright slay Nameless.

Before I leave the Arc-hierophant speaks with me about exorcism’s and promises to get me some reading material on the subject. I proceed to acquire some holy water, which I will utilize when Corven enchants my armor.

I head back towards the inn, where I meet up Corven. The rest of the group headed out to run some errands. I quickly eat brunch and travel with Corven to the Esoteric Order of Aureon. I give Corven the money I promised him and he joins the guild; after some red tape Corven becomes a member. Corven then asks about Nameless and we find out that he is not a member of this guild. This worries both me and Corven, since his other option would be to have joined the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. The clerk at the Esoteric’s guild informs us that the Starlight and Shadows guild is not very reputable for allowing members of good moral standing – this worries me even more, and may be linked to my dream somehow. Corven and myself decide not to say anything until we have hard evidence.

Once we are finished, Corven and I head into the laboratories and I am greeted with sights that are strange to me. While I have seen some wizards laboratories, this one is very elaborate and seems to have unlimited resources. We begin to work on the armor, and I cast some blessings on the armor while dousing it with Holy Water. The armor, which was given to me by my grandmother, is very old, passed down to her through family member after family member. I am surprised it was not enchanted in the past – only a testament to the strength of those who wore it before me.

After working with Corven for about four hours I realize I can do nothing else and he seems to be getting agitated with me looming over his shoulder. I leave to house Deneith where I give a message to the clerk to pass to Lalia. I hope she will accept my invitation to the investiture of Corven; after all, he is a member of House Deneith. From there I head back to the inn where I see Six has returned with a new spiked chain. He also purchased a magical scroll which he would use to repair his spiked chain. I read the scroll and invoke it’s powers, repairing the damage done by Desro. Six mentions the place where he purchased his sword, Mithral Blade, and informs me that I could find magical weapons there. I touch Kizmet and say nothing more, as Six realizes this is not likely to happen – I do not think I could ever put Kizmet down, not for another sword. After some dinner, I go back to my room and sleep for the night; this time without any unusual dreams.

In the morning everyone separates to head off to do their own business. I start by heading to the Guild of Starlight and Shadows where I end up speaking the secretary there. The secretary informs me that he hasn’t seen Nameless today, but would pass the message. He asks for my name and I tell it to him. After this, I head over to the Esoteric Order and wait for Corven. The clerk at the Esoteric Order recognizes me and allows me to wait for Corven. When Corven arrives, he tells me about his meeting at the embassy, and I inform him about what I learn of Nameless. We agree that I should speak to Nameless about it. We then proceed to work on the armor. Once I have completed my portion I head down to the dock’s to see if I can find Bodo. Not seeing him there I grab one of the other boys and ask him for his help. His eye’s light up at the sound of five gold, but I will be careful that he does not get a Changeling to impersonate Bodo. I then give a copper piece to the boy who run’s off.

I head back to the inn, and we are all there – something that has not been common in the past day or so. I discuss, with Nameless, the information I have found and as expected he shrugs it off as nothing. I do inform him that it must be something as he snuck off in the middle of the night, and did not tell us about his membership. He, again, says that it was not a big deal but I know he knows it is a big deal – otherwise he would not have been so secretive about it. I tell Nameless that he needs to be careful about the company that he keeps, and that the people in the Starlight and Shadow order may be willing to use him to their advantage. I think, also, I am not so comfortable considering the vision I had – but Nameless does not know about this.

Corven begins speaking with us about the dinner at the Karrnathi embassy. He speaks about committing some crimes to find out some information about someone called the “Butcher of Eston”, which I recall hearing stories from my father. I refuse to do so and inform Corven that I will have to tell the “Butcher” of this if he decides to pursue a criminal transaction. Corven then informs me that the “Butcher” was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people, and that he is not a good person. I tell Corven, that while I will not hinder his investigation, I will not be a part of it either. We break dinner and head to bed. The nights are quiet now, and I think Six misses working on my armor – and I think in the future he will miss it more, since it will not be prone to damage…but it could always use a good polishing.

The next day, at breakfast, a man, named Deemin, comes – frantically- into room jabbering that he needs my help with regards to his friend, Finch, who is fiend-possessed. I tell him that I will go and help him out. Everyone in the group comes along, and as we go there he tells us the story. After getting there I realize that I do not have my armor, so I done the magical bracers we have, and then cast some spells to protect me from evil. Nameless readies a Slow spell and as the door slams open he launches the spell into the empty room. Fearing our target may be invisible I start to detect evil and am assailed by an elf in full plate and a flaming great sword. This possessed person is screaming in Fiendish, which Nameless later tells us he was ranting about killing us all. He launches into me with a fierce blow and almost kills me. Corven comes up from behind me and utilizes his wand to heal me of some minor wounds. I then invoke the powers of Kizmet and heal myself, curing most of the damage I took. Nameless and Luna proceed to add their take by casting some damaging spells, while Six deftly utilizes his chains to trip him. Both templars who were with us try and take down the Finch, and Deemin begs us not to kill him. Finch then starts to get up, which gives many of us a chance to strike him. Finch, a bit more injured, gets up and strikes at me again – hitting but not doing as much damage as before. Corven casts a spell on my weapon to make it’s damage non-lethal. I smite Finch, and with this enchantment knock him unconscious as opposed to killing him.

We tie Finch up, using my manacles, and then place him on the table. Summoning my powers of exorcism, I utilize Kizmet to channel my powers. After three tries, and many violent convulses from Finch’s body, the demon is destroyed. I check for evil and find only a lingering aura that dissipates. One of the templars, however, does radiate evil and this knowledge takes replaces the satisfaction of the good I have just done. As we start to talk to Finch and his friends the Arc-hierophant comes into the room and we inform her about what happened. The Arc-hierophant hired this group to investigate an ancient temple to some evil god. Apparently this group found some powerful magical items and utilized them. Finch was probably possessed by a fiend who resided in the equipment. The group took the items off and gave them to the Arc-hierophant. Apparently, the laws state a person cannot keep such items without a proper writ. The items must be studied.

I inform the Arc-hierophant that one of her templars was radiating evil, and she seems concerned about this. She informs me that she will find out what is going on. We then head back to the inn, to get cleaned up. On the way there Corven and myself stop by the market and pick up some appropriate clothing. We get ready, and then head to the Cyran embassy, stopping by the Deneith house to pick up Lalia. We get to the embassy and I enjoy the investiture, though it seemed a bit short, nothing like the rituals I went through upon being anointed a paladin of the Silver Flame., which served a week of fasting and praying in solitude, culminating with a full day’s ceremony. After the investiture, there is a dinner which, while modest, was enjoyable. Lalia and me speak about the things I have done in the recent past, and I have asked her if anything new happened. We then speak to a person, Helais ir’Lantar – a member of the Aundairan embassy. He is a bit haughty, and rude, stating that he only came because he was bored, and normally this would not befit his stature.

After dinner Lalia invites me to her place for drinks, and it sounded like a fabulous idea. I then turned to my companions and asked them if they would join us. A moment later Lalia told me that something came up and she would not be able to have that drink, but would try for another time. I wonder what could have come up that she did not know about before… After the ceremony and dinner we head back to the inn, while Corven heads out to do some late errands.

We wake up in the morning and head out to the High Walls and we meet up with Cala at a bar frequented by Cyrans. I get many stares from the members there, who I am sure are not happy about my nationality. We proceed, and inspect the rooms where some Cyran’s were last seen, after they went missing. I look around, but realize I am not qualified in this kind of research, so I stay out of Corven and Six’s way. Corven then show’s me a parchment, with a picture of a stylized flame. I realize, as well as Corven, this flame has nothing to do with the Silver Flame. I suddenly realized that not only could I not contribute anything, but I am getting in the way.

I head out and go towards Grayflood docks, looking for information about Bodo.


Written by shilsen - 10/16/05

Session 10: A Paladin in a Sack is Worth...

When Gareth goes to Grayflood, he sees the kid he spoke to, playing ball with some others. He sees Gareth and comes over to say that he was coming to Gareth that evening. He hasn't found Bodo, but has found somebody who knows about him. A local gambler named Philo said he thinks he knows where Bodo is and that "the kid is in big trouble," but wants 25 gold for the info. When Gareth asks, he says that Philo must be playing cards at a nearby tavern - which he points out - called The Spilt Ale. Gareth thanks him and heads for the tavern, only to be asked for a reward and then handing the kid two silvers.

Once he reaches the tavern and goes in, he finds it to be quite dirty and seedy. Despite it being the morning, it contains a fair number of customers, most of them sailors. The bugbear bouncer ignores Gareth and so does the fat, sweaty bartender, till Gareth asks for Philo. He is told that Philo is playing cards in a side room, the bartender indicating a small corridor, which ends in two doors (the left of which is occupied by Philo's card game).

Gareth knocks on the door, which is opened by a surly-looking half-orc with a hook where his left hand used to be. Behind him is a small room with a table and some cards and money on it, around which two humans and a shifter are sitting. One, a slim man with a thin moustache and wavy hair, introduces himself as Philo when asked and says that he did tell the boy he had information. When he asks Gareth, "I believe you're looking for Bodo. What's your interest in him?", Gareth says that it is personal.

When Gareth goes to sit down, as Philo asks him to, the shifter grabs at him, while the other pull out daggers and saps. Gareth pulls away and responds with a deep slash to the shifter's arm, but the four attackers surround and pound on or stab at him. His lack of armor proves to be the crucial factor, and the last thing he feels is the half-orc's sap slamming into his skull. Before consciousness totally fades, he hears the shifter growl, "Let's just kill him," and Philo retort, "He could be valuable. Damn fine sword for sure."

The others, meanwhile, wrap up their investigation by visiting the only temple of the Sovereign Host in High Walls. The small temple is obviously a modified dwelling and has only a priestess and a young acolyte in attendance. The priestess, Lanora, recognizes Hestia's name and description, identifying her as a regular, quite devout, member, who stopped attending about two weeks ago. She also mentions that Hestia had seemed unhappy with the worship of the Sovereign Host and had been asking questions about why the gods would allow such events as the War and the Day of Mourning. Lanora's answers had not seemed to satisfy her.

Nameless asks her if she knows anything of a Zokar, but she does not, the closest equivalent that she knows of being Zorka, a blacksmith in her congregation. Nameless suggests that they speak to him at the next congregation and is told that they are welcome to attend the next day's service. With that, the Misfits wrap up their investigation for the time being and leaves High Walls, with Corven promising Cala to speak to her soon.

Nameless and Corven head to their respective mage guilds, while Luna and Six head back to the inn. There, they find Bodo waiting for them. He says that he has been staying in Callestan for the last few days, and when he learns that Gareth has gone to Grayflood to find him, the trio head down there in search of the paladin. A few quick questions lead them to learn than Gareth entered the Spilt Ale tavern and then left a few minutes later. Checking with the bartender of the tavern, they are told that he spoke with somebody called Philo in a back room and then left.

As they leave the tavern in search of Gareth, an old drunk accosts them. After vomiting all over Six's feet, he tells them that he saw Gareth leave and followed him to ask for a handout. But according to him, Gareth entered a nearby alley and disappeared down an abandoned sewer access tunnel. After thanking him and paying a few silvers for the information, Six checks out the tunnel with Luna hanging on his ankles and ascertains that it definitely leads to the sewers, the stench from below being unmistakable. Both Luna and he also note marks in the dry muck encrusting the hole that indicate that someone passed through it quite recently. After some discussion, they decide that they need the others before they can safely investigate this, and head back to the towers of Sharn.

They stop at first the Esoteric Order and then at the Guild and pick up Corven and Nameless. The former has, in the meantime, researched the name Zokar and found it to be listed among a small list of angels from Syrania in a book about the outer planes. Nameless finds the same book at his guild, this one with a footnote referring to something called Tears of the Fallen. After some searching, he finds this to be not a book but a pamphlet about how angels come to the material plane, some through a fall from grace and a rare few choosing to leave the celestial planes. The pamphlet lists a couple of different variations, including Radiant Idols, which are fallen angels from Syrania. It says that they are those that fall because they gain the desire for power and to be worshipped by their inferiors. The pamphlet claims that they tend to congregate in manifest zones to Syrania, especially large ones like Sharn. On the way back to Grayflood, Nameless tells the others about this discovery and opines that perhaps Hestia - in view of her recent problems with more conventional religion - got involved with such a fallen angel in some way.

Once back at Grayflood, the Misfits investigate the tunnel. Six is lowered (despite his claim that there must be "sewer monsters") via rope, to find that the tunnel leads down some eight feet at an angle, ending in a sheer drop of ten feet to the sewers. Once lowered, he finds himself standing thigh deep in filth, with a sluggish stream of liquid running through it. At this point, everyone else rethinks going down to join him and decides to go check the tavern again. Six is pulled back up to the tunnel.

Even as he is re-entering it, he hears a sound and then the sharp pain of something piercing his rear end. Giving a yelp of pain, he climbs into the tunnel and pulls out a crossbow bolt. He yells up that the "sewer monsters are using crossbows!" Nameless calls down to the unseen attackers below, who respond to reveal that they are goblins. They threaten to attack anyone who comes into their territory, but a few questions seem to confuse them. They do reveal that they will let the group pass if they pay them, just as the last person did. Some more questioning reveals that he was a "funny-face guy ... face change lots", which Corven and Nameless decipher as "a changeling." Nameless throws them some money in thanks, starting a fight among the goblins, from the sounds of it.

The Misfits head back into the tavern to ask more questions about Philo and Gareth, and once Corven agrees to buy a round (which nobody drinks), the bartender tells them where Philo lives and suggest they speak to him. They go on to investigate the room that Philo and Gareth had met in, where Corven finds signs of a fight. Opening the back door, they find it opens onto an alley that emerges into the street behind the tavern, close to Philo's supposed residence. The alley has signs of something being dragged through it. The bugbear bouncer follows to yell at them for leaving the door open, and after being bribed, reveals that Philo and his cronies did mug their friend.

Heading to the boarding house where Philo lives, the Misfits speak to the old lady sitting on the porch. She owns it and is happy to show them around once Nameless claims that a couple of them want a room there. After checking out the two-storey building and paying in advance for a week, Nameless also ascertains that Philo does stay there, pretending that they know him. Since he is apparently in his room upstairs, the Misfits head upstairs. Luna sneaks up to the door and hears people arguing inside about what to do with "the guy," and signals to the others that it is the right place. Nameless moves to the door and casts a web into the room, trapping the four people who are inside, while Six (whose spiked chain Corven has enchanted with a merciful enchantment) throws the door open and Luna casts a produce flame and holds her fire.

While three of the people only shout in surprise and try to work out what is going on, one (a burly one-armed half-orc) throws a dagger, nicking Nameless. He is promptly battered and burned into unconsciousness by Six and Luna, making the others even more cooperative. The Misfits burn away the web and join them in the room and begin to interrogate them about Gareth. Seizing the opportunity, one of the men tries to jump out a back window. He is promptly tripped on the way, which sends him crashing out, missing the lean-to he planned to land on and instead hitting the ground and breaking his leg. His screams only intensify when Luna leans out the window and hits him with a hurled bolt of flame. Six goes downstairs, walks over to the back street where he is lying, picks him up, and comes back (discovering as he does so that this one smells as if he has been down in the sewers).

These actions and especially the screaming man have already drawn a small crowd, and the landlady comes pounding up the stairs to ask what's going on. Once she is handed ten galifars, she leaves just as quickly, only warning them, "Don't hurt the furniture." Once Six returns, he drops the man on a bed and applies a temporary splint to his leg, making him scream twice as much.

The others, meanwhile, discover after some minor effort that these are the four who mugged Gareth, and find the paladin tied up and unconscious in a sack under one of the beds, with a couple of very large lumps on his head. Luna heals him back to consciousness after they drag him out (and discover that he has been stripped down to his underclothes). Understandably, Gareth is first confused and then incensed, especially when he discovers that all his equipment, including Kyzmet, has been taken. He quickly sends the relieved Bodo off to the Deneith enclave with a message for Lalia to come to this place with twenty soldiers.

Philo reveals grudgingly that they have already sold Gareth's equipment to a fence, protesting a number of times that if he tells them where it is, then "they" will kill him and the adventurers. With Nameless pointing out that the other option is for just him to die now and Gareth glaring at him, he gives in and reveals that the fence is a goblin in Malleon's Gate and that he works for Daask. Apparently Philo and his gang have not taken any payment but were to receive small payments over the course of many weeks, including drugs and money. Checking the room, the Misfits do find little equipment or money, but Gareth does find enough to at least clothe himself.

After about half an hour of discussion and waiting, Bodo returns, but with only four soldiers. Lalia was not present but one of the people at the enclave recognized Gareth's name and sent the four. Once their leader is told that the group wants to go to Malleon's Gate and especially deal with Daask, he demurs. Eventually, he agrees to take three of the criminals back to the enclave and hold them temporarily (he points out, however, that the Watch is unlikely to care about a case like this in Grayflood), while leaving one of his men with the group to fetch help if they get in trouble. He also leaves a set of chainmail, a sword and a shield with Gareth.

Once the Deneith soldiers leave and Bodo is sent (reluctantly) back to the inn to await the group, the Misfits take Philo with them and head to Malleon's Gate. At Gareth's suggestion, they make a short detour through Callestan and the Cracked Mirror, but find neither Gorlick nor his brother. Heading on into Malleon's Gate, the northernmost district in Lower Dura, they find it to be in even more deplorable condition than Callestan. Chaos and noise fills the air, as does smoke from many small cookfires on what passes for a pavement. Rats scurry across the street. Goblins are everywhere, squabbling, haggling and shouting at each other, with larger goblinoids here and there. The group sees three very well-armed hobgoblins berating a goblin merchant while a bugbear forces his way through the crowd nearby. The Misfits draw a number of curious looks but nobody tries to stop them.

Eventually they reach a small shop set into the base of one of the large towers, with a grubby sign identifying it as Maarkra's Goods. Philo makes one last attempt to dissuade them but is ignored, and they enter. They find the shop to be one selling odds and ends. The shopkeeper, a goblin, quickly admits to having done business with Philo, but points out that he did not buy Gareth's equipment. He simply set up the transfer between Philo and Daask members, who have collected the equipment and left an hour ago. If the group has any problems with the sale of equipment, they need to take it up with Daask. Corven, who has cast a detect magic before entering the shop, ascertains that there are a couple of minor magics in there, but it does seem that Maarkra is speaking the truth. He cannot say who in Daask has the sword, but suggests the group speak to Keshta, a gnoll and Daask member, who may know. With nothing else to do, the Misfits leave.

After sending Philo off to the enclave with the last Deneith soldier, they head back to the inn, discussing what to do next. Six suggests talking to Killian, since he seems to have contacts in the underworld. The Misfits head to the Drunken Dragon tavern in Upper Dura, where they locate the changeling Flan (now in the form of a male shifter) and let him know what has happened and that they would like to speak to Killian that evening. He says that it is likely that Killian will be free at such short notice, but says he will try. The Misfits also meet Narik, the dwarf from the Clifftop Adventuring Guild that they had met before, and ask him to meet them at the inn with his companions and Deemin and Finch, if he can find them.

Returning to the inn, they grab some food before Narik and his two friends (Lothas and Valin) arrive. Narik says that he couldn't find Deemin or Finch, but left them a message, and also says that he heard about Gareth exorcising the creature possessing Finch. The Misfits tell him about what happened with Gareth's mugging and that they may have to enter Khyber's Gate and fight Daask operatives. To that end, they ask if Narik and his friends would be interested in participating. Narik admits that he'd rather not tangle with Daask, especially not down in their own territory, but says that if it is a quick venture, attack and retreat, they could be interested. Especially if there is a chance of substantial treasure. The Misfits says that they will try to find out as much as they can, and ask him to speak to them the next day.

When Narik and his friends leave, the others visit the Clifftop Adventurers Guild with them and become members, with Luna paying the dues for the group (some of whom are relatively impoverished). Gareth makes it to the Cathedral for some prayer and to meet the Archieropant. He tells Ythana Morr exactly what happened and asks if she can help in any way. She answers that since this is occurring in the Cogs and is substantially beyond Church jurisdiction, there is little she can actively do, though she can provide healing and similar aid to those involved in the operation. She does provide Gareth with a new holy symbol and wishes him luck and the blessing of the Silver Flame on his venture.

Shortly after Gareth returns to the inn, Flan arrives to say that Killian is too busy but will be happy to meet the group the next morning, down at the Lucky Nines casino, as usual. Killian also has a specific message for Gareth, saying that he is "really looking forward to seeing you again." This doesn't help the already distraught Gareth's mood at all. After Flan leaves, the Misfits head to bed and pass a peaceful night.

The next morning, Corven heads to the Cyran embassy while the others go down to Firelight and the Lucky Nines. Killian is at his regular table and greets them effusively. It is very obvious that he is incredibly amused by Gareth's misfortune and he teases the paladin constantly, asking him to repeat what has happened so that Killian "has the story just right," repeating the events in great detail - and with insulting phrasing - when Gareth chooses not to do so, etc. When the Misfits ask for information and aid in this endeavor, he points out that they are really going to owe him after this one, and asks, "If I may be crass, what's in it for me?" Nameless, who is quite amused himself and even more so at Killian's antics, suggests he ask Gareth. The latter grits out that he will be "very grateful," causing Killian to pull a list out of his pocket and start calculating how much that will net him.

Eventually, he promises to do some checking on the location of the sword and see if he can help the group in any other way. He also suggests that the group take care of the drug den the next day and then speak to him. Gareth suggests they do so the next night, and he agrees. Six asks if he has any other information he can give them, and Killian produces a rough map of the area of Tumbledown that the drug den is in and a drawing of the front area, which is set up as a tavern. The drawing indicates the door in the rear wall of the front room, which leads to the drug den proper. After handing over the map, Killian then bids them goodbye, wishing them best of luck and continuing to chuckle into his drink.

When they return to the inn, Corven meets them there. He has his own and the group's invitation, as well as some information about what will or will not be allowed during the visit (i.e. no armor, weapons larger than daggers to be left with the Karrnathi guards, etc). He also has some things that Tyrala has provided, consisting of two potions of invisibility, a scroll of detect thoughts, and two packets of powder of silent passage. After some discussion, it is agreed that Luna will be the one to do the "breaking in", and she takes the potions and the packets. Six also gives her a potion to hide from undead, in view of the Karrnathi penchant for using them. At her suggestion, they also utilize their party funds to purchase a potion of gaseous form, figuring that will be useful for entering locked rooms and that Tyrala will recompense them.

After that, Corven returns to the Esoteric Order to continue work on Gareth's armor, while the others busy themselves in various ways, some of it involving buying appropriate clothing. Meeting before the evening, they prepare themselves and then head for Ambassador Towers. Reaching the district, they head towards the Karrnathi embassy. They find it to be set in a solitary tower of its own and built to resemble a fortress, with thick, unvariegated granite walls, barred windows, and a single skybridge leading to it. A portcullised courtyard with guardrooms on either side separates the man gate from the embassy proper, and the group is stopped there and has their credentials checked. Once that is done, they are led into the actual embassy, where Six's spiked chain is taken away "for safekeeping".

Entering the embassy, they pass through a broad corridor with doors on either side, till they reach a set of double doors, which open into a large, roughly circular hall with a broad set of steps to the right heading up. Across the hall are another open set of double doors, which reveal a larger hall beyond, that one with a section separated by curtains to hold tables and chairs for dining. A small string quartet plays softly in the corner, and Karrnathi flags and military banners decorate the two halls. A number of people are already moving around in the two rooms, and some of them quickly come forward to greet the group.

In the lead is a lady with graying hair but an incongruously young face, who introduces herself as Syra ir'Tarrn, the ambassador from Karrnath. She greets the group and welcomes them, telling Corven that she has heard that he has been recently invested as head of his household and that this is his first official dinner as a representative of the embassy. While leading them into the room, she introduces the group to her aide Malen Torr, a tall and slim man, who is gaunt enough to pass for a Karrnathi undead with a little grayer coloring. They also meet Kanarr Talan, the head of the embassy guard and the only armored man in the room. The bearded, tall and muscular warrior gives them a military bow and promptly ignores them for the rest of the evening.

Syra continues around the room to introduce Corven and the others to a number of people, such as Helais ir'Lantar, the Aundairan ambassador who attended Corven's investiture, and a friendly and jolly gnome called Taho Mol Doras, the ambassador from Zilargo. The Riedran ambassador could not make it, but they meet his aide Helkashtai, a very attractive woman dressed in Riedran fashions. What is most arresting about her, however, is that she has a tattoo of a bird which travels around her bare shoulders, arms and neck, once in a while disappearing below her neckline and then reappearing later.

It doesn't take the group long to meet the Butcher of Eston either. Dals Nelmo turns out to be very different from what his reputation would lead one to expect. The retired general is short, chubby and red-cheeked, looking more like a jolly merchant or innkeeper than a military genius and supposed war criminal. Dals spends a fair amount of time talking to Corven and Gareth, expressing interest in finding a Karrnathi as a member of the Cyran delegation. Corven tells him a little about their background together. Some minutes into the conversation, Dals says, "You might as well go ahead and ask me. Everybody does." Gareth asks what he means and he says that five minutes into every conversation with him, someone wants to know about the 'Butcher of Eston' incident and name. Gareth admits that he had wondered about it but wasn't about to ask, but since Dals brought it up, he might as well mention it. Dals seems quite matter-of-fact about the incident, describing it as simply doing what he needed to do to protect the lives of the soldiers under his command, and says that he has never regretted it. Gareth suggests that he try to let more people know about his perspective, since that might lower the number of people who hate him due to the incident, but Dals says he doubts that would occur.

Corven takes the opportunity to slip into the nearby bathroom and use the scroll of detect thoughts. When he emerges, first Gareth and then Luna ask Dals about his accommodations at the embassy. When he talks about it, Corven reads his surface thoughts (luckily without him realizing it) and realizes that the room is two levels above. Corven lets Luna know about it, and they decide that this would be a good time to attempt the break-in, since the attendants have just begun to bring in the food and many people are moving in the direction of the dining area.

Luna enters the bathroom and uses a potion of invisibility, slipping out when Nameless 'conveniently' opens the door and heading for the stairs. Reaching the next floor, she finds four doors and two guards. Luckily the movement and noise below masks her movements, and she continues on to the next level. Here she finds a pair of double doors, which should lead to Dals' room, and another door. Once she reaches the door, she quietly casts a detect magic spell to note that there are some abjurations on the doors, as well as one on the floor which she fortuitously missed stepping on. Luna then uses a dose of the powder of silent passage to deactivate the abjurations on the door. At this point, she hears someone opening the door. Still invisible, she quickly swigs the potion of gaseous form. The door opens to reveal another guard, followed by two armed and armored zombies. As Luna slips between them invisibly and gaseous, she hears the guard say, "Stay here and watch the door" and sees the zombies take up position on either side of the door as it closes.

The room beyond is quite well-appointed, with a four-posted bed, a desk and chair, a small table with another two chairs, a couple of closets, and a door apparently leading to a bathroom. After a few moments of checking, Luna realizes that she cannot do a good job of searching the place in gaseous form, and returns to normal. Then she gives the room a very detailed search, going through the papers on the desk and the drawers in it, searching the closet, checking under the bed, opening a battered haversack beside the bed, and so on. Though she finds a number of different things, including Dals' old armor and weapons, some military medals, a dagger from the famed Rekkenmark Academy, letters to Zilargo, and a set of diaries (in the haversack) going back to the War, she finds no incriminating evidence. Though she cannot check all the diaries, she leafs through many and finds more poor poetry than references to the Day of Mourning. In fact, the only reference she finds is an entry where Dals conjectures to himself what its cause could have been, but that is it.

Deciding that the information was probably wrong, Luna uses another batch of powder on the door before drinking the second potion of invisibility and the one to hide from undead. Then she opens the door, causing the zombies to turn around, draw their weapons and enter the room to investigate. They do not seem to have seen her and she manages to slip out. Heading down the stairs, she passes the (now three) guards on the second level without trouble and reaches the bottom. She heads out the double doors and then dismisses the invisibility, coming back into the room as if she had wandered out. Nobody seems to have noticed her absence or return, and she joins the others and quietly tells Corven what she discovered (or failed to).

The dinner winds down over the next hour, and the adventurers take their leave after a while. Syra bids them goodbye, telling Corven that she looks forward to meeting him at future gatherings. Heading back to the inn, the Misfits head to bed, expecting a very eventful day on the following.

...and somewhere in Sharn, the watcher dismisses his spell and leans back in his comfortable chair. He chuckles inwardly to himself for a moment, and then says aloud, "Not exactly what I had planned, but these should make for an interesting twist. Very interesting."


Writen by AviLazar

I find the child I paid the last time and he sends me to a local gambler named Philo. I enter the bar where Philo is supposed to be located, and after having some curt words with the Bartender I walk to the back room. I consider casting some protection spells on myself, but think I am just being paranoid. According to the boy, Philo wants 25 gold for information about Bodo.

After entering the room, which has four people playing cards, I sit down and speak with Philo for a moment, just before I am accosted by the person to my left. He grabs my arm, which I shrug off. I then draw my sword and slash him; a battle ensued, and then I was knocked out unconscious.

After a time, which I later found out to be a number of hours, I wake up in a bag and without Kizmet. The party is here, and my assailants are on the ground – it looks like the room was webbed by Nameless. We start to question Philo and his crew, and Nameless and I (for all our differences) fall into our typical routine. Admittedly, I have been contemplating using extreme torture techniques I have read about in my books – the temptation was there, and I must atone for my thoughts of such malice – such is not the way of the Silver Flame; but I cannot let this go.

I have let down my father and my grandfather, and more then that – I feel hollow. Not a sadness that someone experiences at the loss of a valuable item, or even family – not even like the feeling I had when my father died at the Battle of Grace. This was more, as if a part of me was missing - if my arm would have been cut off, the loss would not be as great as this.

I send Bodo with a note to Lalia asking her to send me guards, and a half hour later 5 guards appear. We interrogate Philo and find out he pawned my sword, like a common trinket, to a pawn shop. We explain to the guards the situation, and they are not willing to take on Daask. I ask one of them to provide me with his armor and weapon which he reluctantly does. We head down, with one of the guards, to Malleon’s Gate, and then to the store, Maakra’s Goods, (Note: Once I resolve my issue, I will have this place shut down, if I have to raze it myself). We find out from the store keeper, after some convincing, that the equipment was given to Daask…my heart sinks even more. We are informed that we could speak to a person named Keshta, a gnoll and a Daask member.

We head back to the inn, sending Philo to the inn with the Deneith soldier. We tell the soldier we will grab Philo on the morrow. We discuss various options. After listening to various plans, there is one which I feared I would hear, one that I was hoping that would not be mentioned – Six recommended that we speak with Killian. I groan. I loathe Killian and his scheming, and he knows it. Nameless smiles broadly, knowing I must do this – I want to remove the smile from his face!

We encounter Flan and tell him of our need to see Killian. Flan is surprised, to say the least. Although we are told that Killian may not be able to meet us for a day or so.

After getting back to the inn, we encounter Narik and his friends from the Adventurers guild. We saw them earlier and asked them to join us. At first, when we mention our plans, they scoff – but after some negotiations they are persuaded – like all adventurers – the notion of fame, glory and treasure is a great lure. We also leave a message for Finch and his group, which I exorcised. They, at least, owe me their lives and more importantly their souls. They will come, I hope.

At this point I head to the Cathedral, and I ask to speak to the Arc-hierophant. The acolyte wants to make me wait, but he notices that I am not in the mood, and about to explode – he summons the arc-hierophant. I explain the situation to her, and find there is very little she can provide me in help – being that she cannot send people to Daask. She does provide me with a new holy symbol, and sends me with the blessings of the Silver Flame. I am distraught.

When I return to the inn, Flan is waiting for us. He tells us that Killian will be able to see us in the morning – this is unusual and I think prompted by Killian’s eagerness to see my plight, which I am sure he knows about.

We go to sleep, and I find that I cannot sleep. I pray the rest of the night, trying to ease my soul and hope the Silver Flame will give me insight. In the morning I am ready and Corven heads out to the embassy while the rest of us head to see Killian.

We arrive at the Lucky Nines in Firelight and see Killian. We tell him the story, which I am sure he is aware of already, and he asks what is in it for him. Nameless smiles, and chimes in by pointing to me. I inform Killian that I would be grateful; and Killian looks ever more childlike then gnomes normally do. Killian also asks how grateful I would be if he recovers Kizmet. I tell him that I would be very grateful, and then Killian starts to jot some notes looking at a list of things he needs us to do. Killian suggests that we head to the drug den, and then Nameless and he start giggling how ironic it is that the group did not take the drug den out days ago, probably saving me this pain. Killian says he will check up on things for us.

We get back to the inn and Corven meets us there. He gives us our invitations, and he gives Six and Luna some equipment so they can perform their subterfuge.

That night we head to the embassy, and I muster every ounce of diplomacy I have. I mingle with the delegation and then see Dals Nelmo, the “Butcher of Eston” coming my way. We speak for a while, and he grins asking why I do not inquire about his tactics that earned him the name “Butcher of Eston”; I tell him that I was not there, and I understand difficult times call for difficult decisions. Dals tells me about the situation and I agree that his decisions, while not ideal, were in accordance with what a General needs to do. At this point Luna nudges me to ask him the question about accommodations and I do ask him this. At this point Corven does his thing and goes to read a scroll of detect thoughts. Luna and Corven then go on their escapade and I continue to talk with Dals. Eventually they return, and we head back to the inn. Luna and Corven find no evidence to implicate Dals in the destruction of Cyre; I also do not think Dals did such an act of madness.

We arrive at the inn, and I collapse on my bed – the stress of the loss of Kizmet, the anticipation of the next days events, and the lack of sleep bear it’s toll on my body, mind and soul.

Note: I consider if this is a test of the Silver Flame; is Tira Miron seeing how I would react in times of great difficulty? I do not know for sure, but it feel’s like it. I will not cease this course of action until this quest is complete – I must do this for my father and my father’s father. I must do this for honor, and valor – I must do this for my soul which seems to have been split in two.


Written by shilsen - 10/24/05

Session 11: Daask, Drugs and Being Rolled (again!)

While the Misfits are at breakfast, they are met by a messenger wearing the symbol of the Silver Flame. He is from the Cathedral and delivers a message and a large package from the Archierophant. The note says, "Dear Gareth - Here is a gift to tide you over temporarily while you quest to find your father's sword. This sword has a lesser lineage than yours, but it is still a worthy weapon and has served the cause of the Flame before. Use it well. The potions will hopefully aid you and your companions too. Regards, Ythana Morr." Inside the package is a well-made greatsword inscribed with symbols of the Silver Flame and a set of four potions, each labeled Cure Moderate. Gareth sends a message back to the Archierophant thanking her.

While they finish dinner, Bodo tries to persuade Gareth to let him join them in the attack on the drug den and is refused. Gareth asks him what he was doing over the last few days. Bodo says that the Cathedral was really boring and he didn't want to stay at the inn, so he stayed in Callestan for the last week. When pushed by Corven about why he did so, he admits that it is because he met a nice girl there. He says that after some time he found out that she was a changeling, or as he puts it, "Eww!" Gareth tells Bodo that he will have to get some discipline and undergo schooling of some sort, which Bodo seems singularly unexcited about. He tries to distract the group by arguing about helping with the drug den again, and Gareth refuses again. When Bodo suggests instead that he try to find out about Kizmet, Gareth agrees and Bodo leaves shortly thereafter.

After breakfast, Corven and Luna head off to the Cyran embassy to report about the previous night's work. They find Tyrala seeming a little agitated about it, and proceed to give her a complete coverage of the events. Corven and Luna both tell her that they believe that Dals did not have anything to do with the Day of Mourning. Tyrala says that perhaps her information was incorrect, but says that she will let them know if anything else about it comes up. She also reveals why she is a little upset, revealing that someone left a note for her that morning, stuck to the door of her office. The note reads, "You should tell your associate Corven and his shifter friend that invisibility doesn't always work." Corven checks the note and finds that there are a few places where there is a set of four pointed indentations in a slightly curved line. He opines that it could be the fingers of someone with an unusual hand (perhaps skeletal, he surmises), but cannot be sure.

Tyrala also checks about the investigation of the missing Cyrans, saying that Cala Narain has told her about what they discovered. Corven tells her about what Nameless and he discovered about the name Zokar in their research. Tyrala asks if Corven will be following up on it that day, but he says that he is busy with some personal work. Tyrala asks about the job but Corven only reveals that it is not something related to the embassy, and promises to pursue the investigation very shortly. Leaving the embassy, Luna returns to the inn to join Nameless there, while Corven heads to the Esoteric Order to continue work on Gareth's armor.

Gareth and Six, meanwhile, visit the Deneith enclave, where they learn that Lalia and Tasra are outside Sharn on a case and should return in two days. Gareth returns the armor and sword he had borrowed and then asks to speak with Philo. Six and he are taken to a cell block, where Philo and his companions are in one cell. At their request, Philo is taken out and placed in a small room with them. He seems quite eager to talk to them as long as they do not hurt him. He reveals that he spent most of the money taken off Gareth on paying off some debts. When Six asks about the Daask drug den, he says that he visited it once, and gives them some information about the area beyond the entry room leading to the actual drug den. He also says that when he visited it, there were four gnolls guarding it, along with a gnoll leader called Caasht. He begs the pair to let him go in exchange for digging up more information, and Gareth says that they may do so in a few days, in which case he can expect to be working as an informant for them permanently. He also suggests that Six beat Philo up a bit so that he can tell his cell-mates that they beat the information out of him, but Philo says that he'll take the risk.

After returning Philo to his cell, Gareth asks the Deneith guard captain he has spoken to if they can hold Philo for two more days. Though a little reluctant, the latter agrees and says that they will hold him till Lalia returns. When Gareth asks to speak to whomever Lalia left in charge, the guard captain points out that while Lalia and Tasra are the senior most Sentinel Marshals, they do not actually run the enclave, and takes Gareth and Six to meet Sadral d'Deneith, son of the enclave head, Lord Sadran. Sadral, a tall and lean man with brown hair, greets the two and asks how he can help. Gareth explains about their planned attack on the drug den and asks for some Deneith soldiers. Sadral considers for a few moments and replies that he cannot let either the Blademark (the mercenary arm of the House) or the Defenders Guild (the protection arm) get involved with an issue such as Daask, especially on a private matter. As he points out to Gareth, it would be different if Gareth were actually a member of the House, but he is not so. Gareth asks if Sadral can let Deneith soldiers help with this on a volunteer basis, without using Deneith insignia, but Sadral says that this too could lead to the loss of valuable Deneith personnel, and he cannot allow it. Seeing that there will be no help here, Gareth and Six take their leave.

Some time after everyone is back at the inn, they are joined by Narik and his companions Lothas and Valin, along with Deemin and Finch. Moving to the Misfits' rooms, they all discuss the attack on the drug den. Though Narik wants to go along, Lothas points out to him - and the others - that the three of them are busy on a personal job and will be so for the next two days. They are, however, willing to accompany the group into the Cogs as long as it's a quick operation and they know exactly where they are going. Deemin and Finch are not keen on entering the Cogs, but agree to help with the attack on the drug den. Deemin says that they will require no payment, since this will be considered as the repayment of their debt to Gareth and the others.

Although Narik and the other two will not come along, Six asks them to check on ways to leave town quickly, in case the group has to do so. Narik seems amused but promises to do so, and he leaves with Lothas and Valin. The remaining seven make plans for the attack. Corven and Gareth leave for a couple of hours to finish work on the latter's armor, and return with Gareth wearing it.

Around three in the afternoon, the group heads to Tumbledown, walking north and then gradually east from the Underlook district where their inn is. As they near Tumbledown, they find that the buildings and towers fall into more and more disrepair, with chunks of stone missing here and there, and mold and mildew growing in the cracks. The people on the streets also become gradually - and evidently - poorer, with worn or torn clothing. The well-armed adventurers stick out and draw expressions of suspicion from the people as they move away from their path. Once they locate the building containing the drug den and stop a little distance away to cast preparatory spells, those nearby scurry away even faster.

The building is set into the inner wall of one of the larger towers, and has a crudely drawn picture of an overflowing tankard outside, advertising it as an inn. A dirty window looks out from either side of the door. Striding in, the adventurers find the entry room to contain a bar, with stools in front and a few tables. A door in the back wall to each side leads inside, with the group's information indicating that the one to the left leads to the drug den.

As one of the two bartenders begins to ask what is going on, Gareth says only, "Get out - now!" and heads for the left door. The two bartenders and four patrons decide not to argue and head for the door as the others in the group move in. Nameless opens the door to the right to reveal an antechamber with three more doors, while Luna tries to boot down the one to the left. She only bruises her foot and causes the hatch in it to open, revealing two eyes. Their owner begins a "What the ..." but is interrupted by an onrushing Gareth, who smashes the door open and sends him (a human) smashing into the wall. The area revealed is another antechamber, like the one Nameless revealed, with three doors.

Moving past the feebly protesting man, Gareth and Six move up to the far door, which Gareth kicks open like the first one. This reveals the actual drug den, consisting of a large room divided between a large table in the back (in front of a large, closed cabinet) and three low couches in the front. A scared-looking human is backed up in the corner, while four people sit in the couches with vacant expressions, showing no reaction to the commotion (a sure sign of dreamlily intoxication).

A gnoll with a drawn longbow stands in the corner across from the door, and he releases an arrow that gashes Gareth's shoulder. His resistance is short-lived, however. Corven, having enchanted his crossbow and Six's and Gareth's weapons with a gnoll-bane enchantment to do increased damage, promptly shoots the gnoll in his shoulder, and Luna casts a warp wood spell that turns his bow unusable. As he tries to draw an axe, he is cut down by a charging Gareth. Luna, following Gareth into the room, is set upon and wounded by a battleaxe-wielding gnoll who stood hidden against the near wall. Six, following close behind, trips the gnoll and bashes him in the head as he lies on the floor, and as it groggily gets to his feet, sends it down and out.

Six is wounded, however, by an unexpected assailant. As Gareth looks around and asks, "Which is Caasht?", a voice answers, "I am!" and a gnoll appears behind the table as it hurls a flask at Six's unprotected back. The flask hits and releases a shocking sensation. Luna tries to hit Caasht with a flaming sphere, which he dodges, but wounds and Six trips him, sending him tumbling behind the table. After throwing another flask to hit Gareth, Caasht quickly drinks another potion to turn invisible, but Gareth manages to smack him with the flat of his sword and knock him out, sprinkling some flour on him to render his position obvious.

Things are not going as well for the rest, however. Deemin, Finch, Nameless and Corven are all crowded into the antechamber, trying to make their way into the main room too, when they hear a commotion behind the door to the left. Corven opens the door to reveal two more gnolls with battleaxes, behind whom stand two more with longbows. The archers fire a pair of arrows into Corven's chest from close range and he collapses. For the next few moments, the four gnolls engage Deemin and Finch. Nameless uses first a slow spell and then a glitterdust on them, both of which affect only the axe-wielders, but they manage to cut down Deemin* and badly wound Finch. Finch wounds one in turn, and Six manages to make his way back into the crowded antechamber to help.

With the two axe-wielding gnolls now blinded by Nameless' spell, Luna and Gareth move back towards the area to help, but are stopped in their tracks as a hidden door in the wall of the main room flies open to reveal an armored ogre. The creature shouts a challenge in giantish and slashes Luna with his ogre-sized greatsword, almost taking her off her feet. Seeing the creature looming over them, Gareth calls upon the power granted him by the Silver Flame and swings with all his strength. His blade crashes into the ogre's side**, drawing a pained grunt from it, but it remains on its feet.

Nameless, who is also close to it, risks an attack and attempts to back away beyond its reach before casting a spell, but a vicious backhand sends him flying across the room*** to collapse in a heap, next to one of the drug-addled customers, who looks down at the bleeding mage with faint interest. Though wounded, Luna dodges away from a swing and tries to hit the ogre with her flaming sphere, but fails. The momentary distraction is enough for the gnoll archers, and one sends a pair of arrows into her back, dropping her into unconsciousness.

The other archer sends an arrow into Finch, who also collapses. His fall leaves only Six and Gareth up, facing the ogre, two archers and the two axe-wielders. Luckily, the latter pair are blind due to Nameless' spell, and Six quickly dispatches one. The other one stumbles around, swinging wildly and hitting only air.

The ogre, however, is more effective, its sword cleaving into Gareth's midsection. Luckily for him, his newly-enchanted armor stops the blade from cutting him in half, but he distinctly feels a pair of ribs snap****. Somehow, the paladin stays on his feet and slashes back in response. His sword bites into the ogre's neck, sending blood flying. The ogre totters but manages to stay on its feet, rage and adrenalin keeping it going. The wounds do cause its last blow to miss the staggering Gareth by a whisker*****, and the paladin buries his sword in its head.

With the axe-wielders out of the way (the blind one having stumbled into the other room), Six quickly trips and slays one of the archers, but not before he has been wounded again. The remaining archer steps back to get a clear shot at the warforged, and then Six hears a voice behind him say, "Fire!" A volley of crossbow bolts shoot by his head, narrowly missing him, and transfix the archer, who drops immediately.

Six spins around to see six armored humans standing in the tavern room with crossbows out, with another human and a pair of halflings standing in advance of them. The latter three quickly move up to Six and one of the halflings says, "Excuse me," as they move by him. A confused Six asks, "Who are you?", to which the halfling replies, "Oh, we are the collectors." More questions from Six and Gareth (who sees the three enter the room and quickly dispatch the blinded gnoll) reveal that these 'collectors' are from the Boromar clan. They politely, but firmly, ask the two conscious adventurers to lower their weapons and to refrain from attempting to heal themselves. The halflings open up the cabinet in the drug den and begin removing cases holding flasks of iridescent liquid from within, placing them in some bags of holding that they carry.

Gareth and Six are escorted into the tavern room, where the six humans keep an eye on them with weapons drawn. Questioning their guards reveals that they have been "hired for a job here today," but they do not say from where. After some minutes of waiting, the trio return and thank Gareth and Six for their help and cooperation. The nine depart, only minutes after they arrived, leaving Six to ask Gareth, "Did we just get mugged? Again?"

The pair quickly revive their companions, starting with Luna and Corven, who then revive and heal the others. Gareth and Six explain what just happened with the Boromars. They discover that all unconscious gnolls have had their throats slit, except for Caasht, who Gareth asked the halflings to leave alive. After reviving Caasht, they ask him about Gareth's sword and about which Daask members deal with the fence Maarkra, but when it becomes evident that he knows nothing about it, Nameless shoots him in the head with a crossbow and disposes of him.

Searching the building, the Misfits find that the Boromars have taken every sample of drugs in the area, but have left behind most of the equipment that the gnolls had. Corven also discovers a secret crawlspace in a bedroom that probably belonged to Caasht, and finds some hidden money and potions within. After collecting whatever they can use, the group leaves and heads back to the inn. Deemin and Finch take their leave, both looking somewhat the worse for wear.

With some hours to kill before they have to meet Killian, the group takes time to rest and identify some of what they have recovered. They visit the Clifftop Adventurers Guild, where they dispose of most of the weapons and armor they found, and then head down to Fireside for their meeting with Killian.

The Misfits find Killian at his usual seat. He greets them jovially, as usual, and asks them how things went. Nameless and Six simultaneously comment, "You know better than us," causing him to laugh out loud, before he says that he has heard a little bit about their success but would still like to get the details.

Killian sounds genuinely surprised to hear about the Boromars' interference, though that does nothing to make any of the others believe him. Nameless hazards the guess that he might be just as interested in the Boromars suffering as Daask, since that would help other powers gain a hold in the criminal area, but Killian does not respond to the comment in any way. Instead, he asks more questions about what happened, taking quite obvious pleasure in the partial discomfiture of the adventurers.

Corven, who has been growing steadily more irritated with Killian's antics, then asks about the remaining payment for the attack on the drug den, which momentarily interrupts Killian's joviality. The gnome quickly responds, however, that in view of the request for information about Gareth's sword, he thought that their original agreement had been renegotiated. Corven hastens to assure him that this is not the case, and when Killian argues that they probably recovered much more treasure than the amount he was supposed to be paying them, he ripostes that the treasure would have been recovered even under the original agreement. Finally, Killian says that he will be happy to pay them as agreed, as long as they no longer need the information about the sword. The group grudgingly agrees to settle for the information, with Luna grumbling to Gareth that his sword is really causing trouble for them.

Killian tells them that his sources have not yet ascertained the location of the sword, but it seems very likely that the sword is in the hands of Bhorak, a minotaur warrior (a statement which draws groans, rolling eyes, and muttered comments of "of course!") from Droaam, who trains and is in charge of some of the more recent reinforcements for Daask. Luckily, Bhorak often deals with such new arrivals at a separate location and the group may be able to attack it relatively safely if they move in and out fast. Killian thinks that he should have the precise location in a couple of days, and suggests that they meet again on the night of the 4th.

With that agreement being made, Killian settles down to needle the adventurers, joking constantly and finding more than a few areas to add to their irritation and paranoia. He implies that he could spread information about them, dropping very obvious hints that he has been keeping a close eye on them. He asks Nameless about his girlfriend Trillia, drawing only a reply that Nameless has "a mentor called Trillia, not a girlfriend." The response is less calm when he comments on the help Gareth has been getting from the Cathedral and says that faith is easy to buy there, drawing the grim question, "Are you impugning my faith and that of the Silver Flame?" Killian quickly says that he would "never even dream of saying something mean about the Flame" and changes the subject. He tells the group that if they are concerned about keeping their activities under wraps, they might want to talk to Bodo, since he believes "at least one Daask member and two of the Boromar clan" know that Bodo was asking about a certain sword.

That comment gives the group one more thing to worry about, and Corven suggests they leave and discuss their plans back at the inn. Killian bids them a supposedly sorrowful goodbye, wishing them good luck and suggesting that they not do anything that he would. With a few tired, irritated and disgusted looks at the beaming gnome, the adventurers leave. On the way back to the inn, they discuss what to do next. Six suggests that they might try to obtain some sponsorship for an expedition to Xen'drik, perhaps from one of the scholars at Morgrave University. After all, he suggests, they are quite likely to piss off Daask enough to be unable to stay in Sharn, an opinion which at least a couple of the others gloomily agree with.

* First time action pts were spent to keep an NPC alive.
** Natural 20 and confirmed crit on a smite with full power attack. Ow!
*** 26 hp to -4 in one hit. Also known as "All Power Attack All the Time"
**** Took Gareth to 1 hp.
***** Rolled a 5


Written by AviLazar:

While eating breakfast this morning a messenger from the Cathedral arrives and hands me a large package. From its weight and size I quickly realize what it is. The Archierophant has sent me a great sword of fine quality, one that has been etched with runes of the flame. She has also provided the group with some healing potions.

I start to question Bodo with regards to his recent activities and am not happy with what I hear. I give him options other then church study, but tell him he must either do these or he is finished with me. Bodo tries to get us to let him go to the drug den but I refuse this adamantly. Bodo suggests that he could find out about Kizmet. Thinking this would be harmless I send him out, hopefully he will stay out of trouble. Unfortunately, his inquiries will end up causing me trouble.

After breakfast Six and I walked to the Deneith stronghold where I find out that Lalia and her sister Tasra have gone away on some business for their house. We are treated extremely kindly, for outsiders, upon the request of Lalia. I return the equipment I borrowed from house Deneith. We went down to the holding area and we got Philo out of his cell and into an interrogation room. He seems very scared at the sight of Six. We question him and he gives us some information; he also tells us that he will be a dead man. I tell him that he will have a chance to gain freedom by serving us in my search for my sword. At the end of the meeting I offer to let Six work on him a bit so his friends think he was being beaten. Philo is such a coward that he would rather not be beaten and take a chance that Daask will kill him. Philo is worthless in many ways, and one of them – apparently he had many debts and used the money he stole from to pay them off. I promised him that we would use him until he breaks. Before leaving we speak with the guard captain and asked him if they could hold the prisoners for a few more days. He agrees, probably due to my relationship with Lalia. We then ask to speak to the person in charge, Lord Sadral d’Deneith. We inform him of our mission to the drug den and while he seems like he would like to help, he says he cannot since it would endanger the enclave. I accept this answer, and understand the burden of leadership.

We head back to the inn where we meet up with some of the adventurers from the guild. The first group, Narik, Lothas and Valin say they cannot come with us due to the risks. The second group, Deemin and Finch agree to come with us – mainly because they owe their lives and soul to my exorcism. Deemin and Finch are also willing to join us at the cogs. After the meeting Corven and myself head to the mages guild to finish working on my armor. I anoint it with the rest of the holy water and Corven places the final enchantments. I try the armor on and it fit’s perfectly, it looks pristine as if it just came out of the forge. I thank Corven for this and then we head out to meet with the group.

The group heads down to Tumbledown and before entering the drug den we prep up our spells. A crowd gathers, staying a distance from us, but realizing some trouble is about to happen. We enter the den and the two bartenders ask us what we want. I tell them to leave or to die and they run out. Luna tries to kick in the door but hurts herself in the process. The peep hole to the door opens and the person behind the door starts to swear as I charge the door and slam it open – in the process knocking the person out. We are in a tight corridor where Six and I move up. I ask Six if he can open the door but he says that is not his skill set. I then kick the door in to reveal a number of gnolls, one of which who shoots me with an enchanted arrow that causes an excruciating amount of pain. Corven then shoots the gnoll with a gnoll bane arrow, and Luna destroys the bow with a warp wood spell. The battle ensues, and feels like it lasts for hours. Six enters the room and immediately takes control with his spiked chain – tripping up any opponents within ten feet of him. While in the room I ask who Caasht is – and I get a response “I am” while a gnoll turns visible as he throws a bottle of alchemists shock at Six.

Luna, seeing this hurls a flaming sphere at Caasht, who dodges out of the way. Six then trips Caasht and follows up with an attack. Caasht drinks a potion to turn invisible, but his ploy will not work on me. I swing mightily with my sword, hitting Caasht with the flat of my blade. Caasht is knocked out, but just to be sure I drop some flour on him to outline his position.

At this point the battle seems to be going great, but I noticed Corven opened up a door to another room which had four gnolls…I wish Corven did not open up another door at this point, and maybe the group should have a chat about tactics – first finish the current group of enemies, and then look for another. I would have preferred if Corven sealed that door shut. The gnolls were arranged with two in the front with axes and two in the back with bows. They shoot at Corven first, and he falls to the ground in a heap. Nameless then casts a slow spell, followed by a glitterdust spell. It seems to have affected the two gnolls with the axes, but not those with the bows. I see one of them taking a dead-aim shot at Deemin’s head and I scream “NO” praying for his safety, and with the help of the Silver Flame, Deemin is saved from a mortal blow.

Confident that we can still beat this fight I turn to head on over to dispatch the four gnolls and then, ever so slowly, in what seemed to be an eternity, the door to the room I was in opened up. A sight I have not seen in a long time, and one I did not think I would see stepped forward. A large Ogre walked into the room, wielding a large greatsword. He stepped in grinning and I knew the fight just went bad. The Ogre first slams into Luna, as she was kneeling over Corven and knocks her out. Seeing their peril, and knowing that Six is far out of range to help, I take a quick step towards the Ogre – shouting in the name of the Silver Flame I smite, using every ounce of strength I could muster. I dealt a severe gash to the Ogre, who turned towards me in pain and contorted anger. I knew I would not survive his next attack as I was already suffering from damage due to the gnolls. Nameless, at this point, decided to remove himself from the Ogre’s reach but in the process the Ogre took a free swing at him and knocked him down to the ground like a rag-doll. The ogre then hit me, and the damage I took made me stagger. I was swaying from side to side, seeing blood rush down my face and realizing I was about to fall. I knew I could not escape the Ogre, and my next attack may not be enough. I then swung at the Ogre and connected another hit, but not enough to take him down. The Ogre smiled, knowing that he was about to slay me – he muttered something in his guttural language. He took another swing at me, confident he would take me out, but with some luck – the Silver Flame no doubt – I manage to dodge out of harms way and the Ogre is surprised as I perform a 360 turn, and come crashing up with my sword, taking it from his lower right midsection, cleaving up until the blade comes out of his chin. The Ogre collapses in a heap – a battle to be remembered for sure.

I then look towards the rest of the group, everyone but Six and myself are knocked out. I am in no position to fight, but the three gnolls are left. The one with an axe is blinded and Six manages to trip and take down the other gnoll. Still, one left and one shot is all he needs. Out of nowhere crossbow bolts went flying and hit the gnolls, killing them. Six humans enter the room and tell us not to move. They take us to another room as they collect the drugs in this den. After a number of questions, they do reveal they are working for clan Boromar…the criminal organization who is in power – as far as the criminal underworld goes – on the top side of Sharn.

After they leave we heal the entire group, including Deemin and Finch. We start to question Caasht and he does not give us the answers we need so Nameless blasts him in the face with a crossbow bolt. We collect the weapons, armor and magical equipment and leave. I tell Deemin and Finch we will get them as soon as we know some more information.

We then head down to meet with Killian, who again taunts me – at this point impugning on my honor I almost lose my temper and cut him where he sits. Killian seemed upset about the Boromars taking the drugs and I feel that it is more because he would like to have the drugs then anything else. Corven and Killian start arguing with the remaining payment, but I ask Corven to let it go since the remaining payment is not worth the price of the information for my sword. Corven agrees but informs Killian that Killian still needs to ensure people do not find out about the group and their role with the drug den. Luna complains about the trouble the sword is causing the group and I gave her a look that would turn a ghost. She has no understanding of what this sword is – to her it is just a sword – but she would not feel the same if someone removed her limbs from her body as that is what this sword is to me.

Killian tells us the sword is probably in the hands of a minotaur warrior named Bhorak. When I hear this I cannot tell if I am happy or sad. To fight a minotaur – and survive – is no short task. This even assumes the minotaur is alone – which he probably isn’t. But that is our task. Killian asks us to wait two more days where he will have more information. He also tells us that if we head down quickly and quietly into the Cogs to get to Bhorak we will probably be able to do the mission without attracting attention. This I know Deemin and Finch want to hear. After this information is given, Killian continues to poke fun at us – and then starts on Nameless. Apparantlely, Nameless has a mentor by the name of Trillia, which Killian hints might be a girlfriend to Nameless. Nameless becomes a bit offended at Killian’s remarks to Trillia saying it is unwise to annoy the powerful. I think he left out the statement “and evil” as I am sure someone in that organization could easily be.

I also find out that Bodo, asking questions, is causing more harm then good. I will have to speak with Bodo and make sure that he is occupied doing other things. We head back to the inn and discuss some plans. Six mentions he would like to arrange a trip to Xen’drik, implying that we need to run away from this area once we retrieve my sword. I think, once we retrieve Kizmet we should stay in this area and let people know that we will not tolerate the evil and corrupt of the underworld and we will and can stop it. I also think that Daask will not want to publicize the group because they will be very embarrassed if a group of seven destroyed their drug den, and then made it into the heart of Daask to kill one of their more powerful warriors and retrieve an item. They will be so embarrassed by this because it will make them look extremely weak and they will then worry that clan Boromar will see them as weak and then take the opportunity to attack. Politically, this might turn out well.


Written by shilsen 10/30/05

Session 12 - The Guardian Angels Take Flight

Corven ir’Lanya Deneith - Human Art6
Gareth Byron Deneith - Human Pal3/Clr2/Exorcist of the Silver Flame1
Luna - Shifter Drd6
Mithral 6 of 6 - Warforged Ftr2/Scout4
Nameless - Human Wiz5/Alienist1

After returning to the inn, the adventurers find Bodo waiting for them. He says that he asked around Callestan and Oldkeep about Daask and also a little about anything to do with a sword, but reports no success. Gareth thanks him for his efforts but also tells him to hold off on asking people about the subject for now. After a quick dinner, they all head for bed, other than Six, who returns to crafting his sculptures.

Some time before dawn, both Gareth and Nameless have unusual dreams. Gareth has a dream during which he feels his powers as an exorcist and as a worshipper of the Flame expand. Nameless too comes to a realization in his sleep, cracking the formula for summoning pseudonatural creatures that he has been studying since he was able to do is in the complex where they fought Desro. He also dreams of the same kalashtar woman that he had dreamed of nearly a month ago, right after their arrival in Sharn. In this dream, she warns him of danger and tells him to seek out "the enlightened Havakhad" in the Overlook district.

Nameless rises early, shakes Gareth awake, says, "I am sneaking out, probably for some nefarious purpose," and departs, leaving an irritated paladin and a chortling druid, Luna having awoken to hear the exchange. The mage heads for the Overlook district, directly above the Underlook area where their inn is, and finds it to be a residential area full of apartment townhomes. Though most are made of plain gray granite, some of them show signs of Riedran architecture. A number of kalashtar move around the area, and though they are still a minority, there are more of them than he has seen anywhere else in Sharn.

After asking someone on the street about Havakhad, Nameless is directed to a large hall called the Gathering Light, which is apparently a communal meeting place for the local kalashtar. There, he meets a woman called Selkatari, who turns out to be the exact image of the woman who has appeared in his dreams. She is surprised and confused at being informed about this, and calls a scholar called Hanamelk. After hearing about the dreams, Hanamelk suggests she take Nameless to Havakhad.

Accompanied by four guards (she explains that there has been some trouble for Havakhad but does not explain what), she leads him to a small but beautiful shrine at the top of a nearby tower, which is dedicated to Il-Yannah, the force that the kalashtar revere. Nameless meets Havakhad, the ancient kalashtar who tends the shrine. After being told of the dreams, Havakhad asks a little about Nameless. He confesses that he has no idea what the dreams may mean, adding that since the kalashtar are incapable of dreaming, they have limited understanding of other races' experience of dreams. Nameless assures Havakhad that his dreams usually involve more tentacles than the ones with Selkatari. Havakhad seems to find that amusing and opines that, tentacles or no, these are visions of some kind and are too specific to be coincidental. He promises to meditate on it and speak to Nameless again. Havakhad seems pleased to meet Nameless, especially when the latter displays some knowledge of Dal Quor (the plane of dreams), the plane the spirits that make up the kalashtar came from. However, Nameless' suggestion that Edgar (his rock) help with the question of the dreams doesn't seem to raise his stature in Havakhad's eyes.

Before Nameless leaves, Havakhad asks if he has had many dealings with the Riedrans (whom Nameless knows the kalashtar are apparently strongly opposed to). Nameless tells him of the solitary meeting with them at the Karrnathi embassy and gives some details of those he met. Havakhad suggests that Nameless be a little wary of them and then bids him goodbye. Nameless heads back down to Underlook to join the others for a late breakfast.

During breakfast, Gareth tells Bodo that he has to undergo schooling. After some arguing, Bodo manages to persuade Gareth that he should be allowed to find information on available schools in Sharn and eventually leaves to do so, looking fairly depressed. After Bodo is gone, Six tells Gareth that he has something to say to Gareth. He then proceeds to lecture Gareth about how the loss of his sword was due to his own pride and overconfidence, and predicts that Gareth will suffer more if he is not less humble about his abilities and more careful in his actions. Gareth does not react positively to the criticism and the two are soon engaged in a freewheeling and long argument about what they have been doing, their current plans and the future. Much of the disagreement is about Killian and how much the group should trust him or his information. Ironically, the argument ends up with Gareth defending Killian and arguing that the information he has given them has been correct so far and that he has no real proof that Killian is a villain, though he suspects it. Nameless and Luna spend most of their time rolling their eyes or laughing at the argument, though they do tend to side with Six regarding the need to be very skeptical about Killian and whether the information he gives them is a trap. Corven joins in, though not as stridently as Six and Gareth. He also takes a more moderate position than either of the two, agreeing with each to some degree, though he too supports Six in the belief that Killian sold them out to the Boromars during the attack on the drug den. Gareth says that Killian seemed surprised and a little irritated at the news that the Boromars got the drugs and argues that since Killian had wanted them to destroy the drug den and said nothing about recovering the drugs, that was probably not the gnome's intent. Corven replies that he doesn't trust any of Killian's reactions at all, and feels that the reaction time from the Boromars was too quick unless they had a troop waiting there every day. Six adds to that by saying that the Boromars never showed the least curiosity about the identities or aims of the group, which leads him to believe that they knew who the adventurers were. Gareth responds that if he finds out that Killian is working for the Boromars he will go down to the casino and kill him personally, even if he has to die in the process. A couple of the others comment that they'd put money on the dying, which doesn't improve matters.

The argument, which does not seem to be going anywhere, is thankfully interrupted by the arrival of Narik and his companion priest Lothas. Narik greets the group and, after they retire to their rooms, asks about the attack on the drug den. The adventurers tell him about it, without too much information about the Boromars, though Gareth takes time to tell him about the ogre thrice. Narik mentions that he saw Deemin and Finch looking the worse for wear at the Clifftop Adventurers Guild and says that he thinks they might not be keen on accompanying them into the Cogs. Gareth tells him that they will have more information but should be able to make a quick in-&-out attack, which Narik agrees is the best kind. Narik also asks the group about issues of treasure and they eventually decide that everyone participating will get an equal share of any coinage recovered, and any equipment and magical items will be randomly chosen, with Gareth's sword and amulet going directly to him. After the agreement is reached, Gareth asks Narik about the presence of bards in the Adventurers Guild, but is told that they are rare. Narik says that if he wants to find bards, he should check the Golden Horn, an inn located in the University district, where the local chapter of some bard organization is located.

Narik also has some information about transportation for leaving Sharn, which Six had asked for. He tells them about the lightning rail leaving Sharn twice a day from Terminus, while Orien caravans and coaches leave regularly from Wroann's Gate (both districts in Lower Tavick's). There are also ships leaving from the Grayflood and Ship's Towers areas regularly, some heading south and west to Xen'drik, with the trip varying from a month to a dozen days depending on whether one travels by a regular sailing ship or one run by House Lyrandar. The rare Lyrandar elemental galleon takes only three or four days, but is very costly. Regarding Xen'drik, Narik also says that there are a couple of expeditions being planned over the next month, adding that Clifftop Adventurers Guild members are popular for such expeditions since many are experienced with Xen'drik.

After deciding that he will stop by again two days later to find out about the trip into the Cogs, Narik leaves with Lothas. Once he is gone, the adventurers head in various directions. Despite the argument with Six, Gareth decides to follow a suggestion the warforged warrior made, namely to contact someone from the Finders Guild regarding his sword. He heads for Deathsgate, where he visits Karr'Aashta's Investigations and talks to Karr'Aashta. The latter is interested to hear about the loss and claims to have certain expertise regarding the Cogs. Gareth gives him detailed information about the loss of the sword and his discoveries thus far, only not mentioning Killian as a source. Karr'Aashta promises to do some investigating and speak to Gareth in a couple of days, as well as quoting him a base price for the information of 50 galifars, which may be higher depending on how difficult he finds it to be (along with payment for any spellcasting involved). Gareth promises to pay whatever is needed.

Corven, meanwhile, heads to the Esoteric Order to begin work on crafting a wand of scorching ray, having been studying the art of wand creation for the last few weeks. Since he is a little short on the money needed, he borrows 700 galifars from Luna, who has not spent as much as most of the others.

Luna and Six visit the University, where Luna spends a little time in the library checking information on Xen'drik, while Six locates and speaks to Larkin Habershar, a research scholar he heard during the Aureon's Crown festival. He learns a little about Desro and Dals Nelmo, but not much more than he already knew. Afterwards, both Six and Luna speak to Dala Arand, a young scholar who had mentioned to Six that she is involved with planning a trip to Xen'drik. She confirms that she is planning an expedition primarily financed by Kidro Osanak, the owner of one of the nearby antiquities stores that specialize in Xen'drik artifacts.

Dala takes the pair to meet Kidro, whose shop is located in the Seven Towers district in the area colloquially called Little Xen'drik. At the store, Window on Yesterday, Luna and Six meet Kidro, who is a wizened old gnome. He is happy to meet them and gives them some information about the way expeditions to Xen'drik are often financed. He says that the current one is in the beginning stages of planning, so it may actually take place anywhere from a couple of weeks to over a month later. When Six asks about the specific aim for this expedition, Kidro says that he has information about a ruin belonging to the ancient giant civilization that has not been explored fully, and he wishes to finance the recovery of anything found there. Dala adds that she will probably accompany this expedition. Kidro asks some questions about the group and is pleased to learn that they are members of the Clifftop Guild. He makes plans to speak to them in a few days, after checking on their references at the Guild. Six also lets him know that he can speak to House Deneith and the Cyran Embassy about them, which seems to impress him.

Leaving Dala with Kidro, the pair head back to the University, since Six wants to speak to Flamewind, the resident gynosphinx with oracular powers that he has heard of. A student directs them to the library, where they find Flamewind walking among the back shelves. The strange-looking creature has a giant lion's body, but with orange stripes on black, and a folded pair of black wings like that of a great falcon. Her head and face is that of a beautiful elf woman, but with a distinctly feline cast, and she wears a silver diadem on her brow. She greets Luna and Six politely when they speak to her. Six says that they are planning to travel to Xen'drik and would like any guidance that she could give them, mentioning that he has heard of her oracular powers. Flamewind smiles and says that she has many people, especially scholars and adventurers, speak to her in hopes of some information. Unfortunately, her oracular powers are not at her control and they activate without any warning. Even as she is saying this to them, she stops, growls softly and then shakes her head from side to side. Then her eyes begin to glow softly and she looks at the pair and intones softly, her voice growing deep as she does so:

Prophecy dances around you. Some fulfill, some are fulfilled, and some flee - the choice is yours. Where present and future spark, where light is turned to dark, to the ghost of the city where the past await. The chamber may hold you, make you or break you. Beyond sky and sea you go, but only to your roots return. Face dream and madness, dust and death; use them against each other, as they use you. You already carry destruction within you, but without it you may fail. The sword is the key, but the key is not the sword. Dragon's wings. The prophecy...

She falls silent and the glow fades from her eyes as she growls quietly one more time as if in emphasis. Looking at Luna and Six, she comments, "Interesting. That's the first time in over a year that I had a response exactly when someone asked me. I think I will watch your future career intently." Flamewind explains that she cannot provide an explanation of the vision, but spends a little time speaking to the pair. Then she takes her leave, saying that she may contact them later.

Luna and Six return to the inn, to rejoin Nameless and Gareth. Corven joins the others in the evening after having completed his crafting work for the day. The group exchanges information about what they have learned. Corven grabs an early dinner and heads to High Walls to follow up on the investigation. There, he meets Cala at the Bitter Draft. She tells him that she has been doing a little checking and has found a worker named Rolan who thinks he saw Hestia and Drass in the Blackbones area of the Cogs, which is below High Walls. Rolan is present in the tavern and speaks to Corven. He says he remembered it because he bumped into them by mistake and the guy swore at him. Though he does not know Drass or Hestia personally, the people he saw fit the description Cala gave. Corven asks whether Rolan could say where the pair was going or had come from, but Rolan says that with the size of the Cogs, it's impossible to say.

Corven thanks him and when he leaves, discusses with Cala what options there are for the investigation. While they are conversing, Corven catches a glimpse of a flame-shaped tattoo on the arm of a man heading for the exit*. The man's jerkin had moved for a moment, revealing the tattoo. Corven quietly points it out to Cala and the pair leave the tavern and follow the man, who is dressed like a laborer. From the marks on his clothing, Corven guesses that he is a bricklayer. The pair successfully follow him down the street and down a couple more, before he ends up at what looks like a boardinghouse. Corven quickly infuses an invisibility spell, uses it on himself and follows the man in. He heads up to a room on the next floor and enters, closing and locking the door behind him. After listening at the door and hearing nothing to indicate that there is anyone else in there, Corven returns to Cala. He suggests that she get someone to keep an eye on the house and the man, and that they can enter the room the next morning when the occupant is at work. Cala agrees and takes Corven to the nearby home of Toras, a former member of her company, and arranges for it.

Corven and Cala return to the tavern, where Corven spends some time having a few drinks, talking with her and getting to know some people. Eventually, he makes it back to Underlook and the Happy Harvest, and packs up for the night.

The next morning, while they are wrapping up breakfast and planning to all accompany Corven to High Walls, the innkeeper Palk comes to the group and tells them that there is someone asking for them. This turns out to be a well-dressed young gnome, who introduces himself as Flim Turen, a correspondent from the Korranberg Chronicle. After the momentary thought of "Oh Gods! It's the Press!", which is shared by many of the Misfits, they ask how they can help him. Flim says that he believes the group was involved in an attack on a tavern at Tumbledown. There is a universal denial of his statement, to which he then asks, "How about an attack on a drug den in Tumbledown?"

To the horror or amusement of the others, Luna says, "Oh, that's different - we did that." Flim quickly flips open a pad and begins to ask questions about it. Gareth persists in saying, "No comment," to most of his questions, but that doesn't help much since most of the others, especially Luna, provide Flim with varying degrees of information. Gareth gets especially agitated when Nameless smiles and says, "My friend here is looking for his sword," but luckily for him, Flim doesn’t seem to spend too much time on the subject.

During the discussion, Six asks Flim exactly how they knew they were involved. Flim says that since it was mid-afternoon, there were dozens of witnesses, and the attack involved a human wearing full plate armor covered with symbols of the Silver Flame accompanied by a warforged with a spiked chain, it was not difficult to find them (the shifter, half-elf and three other humans helped narrow it down). He says that he checked at the Cathedral and at the Clifftop Adventurers Guild and obtained their names and location accordingly.

When Flim asks what the group is called, Luna laughingly says that they are "the Guardian Angels", a name that Flim says will definitely help make the story a little memorable. He also asks about their goals and aims, and Luna mentions something about cleaning up the place. Flim seems highly amused at the notion and asks whether he can quote her, since "Guardian Angels Vow to Clean Up Sharn!" would make a great byline. This leads to a combination of hilarity, face-palming and comments of "Oh, we're so dead" from the newly renamed group.

Deciding that he might as well join in, Gareth asks Flim when the article would appear and learns that it would be out on the 6th, two days later. He tries to persuade Flim to delay the article, promising that he will then get a better story. Flim asks why he should believe that, to which Gareth replies, "Because you have my word and I am a paladin." Flim waits for a couple of seconds, as if expecting more, and then says, "Should I repeat my question?", leading to even more hilarity at the table. Still, after some of the others join in and the Guardian Angels promise to speak with him on the 6th and give him more information if he manages to delay the story, he says that he will do what he can.

After he leaves, Gareth tells Nameless that he should not reveal things about the sword's loss, which leads to a short argument about trust and backing up one's allies, with Gareth arguing that Nameless is hurting Gareth's attempt to recover a treasured family heirloom and Nameless arguing that they have all almost got themselves killed trying to help find Gareth's sword and are continuing to do so. This argument is interrupted before it really takes off, by a Sivis messenger with a letter for Gareth from his family, and the Guardian Angels make their preparation and leave.

As they are about to catch a skycoach, they spot Killian a skybridge away, also hailing a skycoach. He does not seem to have seen them. Quickly deciding that some should follow him, Six and Luna take a skycoach and do so, while the others continue to High Walls. Luna wildshapes into a dog before doing so, hoping that this will let her get close to Killian, if need be, without getting spotted.

Their skycoach follows Killian's till it reaches the Dragon Towers area of Middle Central, where he disembarks. They do so too and follow him at a distance until he enters the House Sivis enclave. Seeing that he is not accosted by either the guards to the extended enclave area or those guarding the inner enclave proper (which is what he enters), they presume he is known here. Six waits for a few minutes to draw a rough sketch resembling Killian, and then heads for the guards with Luna in tow. When they stop him, he shows the picture and says that he is looking for this person. One of the guards looks at the picture and asks, "Kylyman?" Not particularly surprised at the variant name, Six says, "Yes" and the pair are let through to the inner enclave. One of the guards who leads them in says that their timing is good since Kylyman just returned.

Inside the enclave, Six speaks to a receptionist in the foyer and says that Kylyman is expecting him. She leaves and returns shortly with Killian in tow. He seems confused at seeing Six, though he shows no signs of recognition, and says that he does not know who Six is. While Luna and he note that Killian/Kylyman's voice is a little different to Killian's, Six says that he knows the gnome as Killian and has met him a number of times. After a minute of trying to work out what is going on, the gnome's expression clears and he says, "Yes, yes, now I remember. Please follow me," and leads the pair to a private room.

There, he explains that he still has no idea what Six is speaking of, but wanted to discuss this elsewhere than the foyer, where they were drawing attention. While Six speaks to him, Luna in canine form makes sure to sniff around the gnome in the hopes that she will be able to identify him by smell if she has to later. Six tells the gnome about their meetings with Killian and he reiterates that he has never seen them before and is called Kylyman. He also says that evidently someone is impersonating him, and asks for as much information as possible. Six tells him everything about Killian, the meetings in the Lucky Nines casino, the loss of Gareth's sword (he also asks Kylyman if he can help and provides a sketch of it), where the group can be found, and about their planned meeting that evening. Kylyman notes down everything he says and thanks him for it, saying that he will investigate this immediately.

Once this information has been exchanged, the gnome tells Six that if the warforged needs to contact him, he should simply visit the enclave and ask for Kylyman Dorian d'Sivis. Six asks what he does there, and Kylyman says that he is a member of the Speakers Guild, but gives no other details. He bids Six goodbye and the latter leaves, with Luna in tow.

The other three, meanwhile, reach High Walls, meet Cala at her lodgings in the New Cyre inn, and accompany her to the suspect's home. On the way she says that she has discovered that he is a bricklayer named Neb, who was in Breland when the Day of Mourning occurred, and has been here ever since. Other than that she knows nothing about him. Reaching the boardinghouse, they speak to a couple of the people who have been watching it, who say that Neb left for work nearly an hour ago and that he is part of a crew repairing an old building two streets away.

Cala says that she will speak to the landlady about them searching the room and goes to do so, while the three Guardian Angels head upstairs. Corven picks the lock to reveal a simple and small room, and then searches it thoroughly with Nameless' help, while Gareth stands guard. He eventually finds another of the parchments with the flame-shaped symbol and the name Zokar, but this one without a date on it. When Cala joins them, Corven shows her the parchment and they decide to bring the man back to the house and question him.

The four of them head downstairs and Cala sends a boy to Neb with a message regarding trouble with his room. A few minutes later, they see Neb approach with the boy, at which point Corven uses a detect thoughts spell that he has infused. As soon as he enters the sitting room they are in, Cala shuts the door behind him. Surprised at seeing the armed and armored group, Neb begins to stammer, seem worried and asks what they want. Corven begins to read his mind and discovers that he is worried that "they know".

Neb makes a break for the window, which Nameless promptly shuts, and Cala knocks him out. After they tie him up, he is revived and questioned again. This time he blusters and threatens them that if they do not free him, Zokar will burn them. When he is asked about Zokar, Corven picks up images of flame in his mind. Neb says only that Zokar will burn them as he will burn the enemies of Cyre. When they ask about the three missing people, Neb claims not to know them, but Corven picks up images of a burning figure laid out on a stone slab (though the image shows no fuel for the fire). While the questioning continues, Corven picks up a steadily increasing degree of fear and eventually Neb begins to beg the group to free him, because otherwise Zokar will punish him.

Moments after saying this, Neb goes rigid for a moment and then begins to scream and writhe around as if in considerable pain. Gareth attempts to exorcise him, just in case he is possessed, which has no effect. With Neb screaming in pain and shouting, "No, Zokar! I did not tell them anything! Please spare me!", Corven asks what is happening and where Zokar is. He picks up feelings of great pain and the name "Kielsten" in Neb's mind. A moment later, Neb's body explodes into a burst of flame, scorching Gareth and badly burning the other three**, especially Cala, who was trying to restrain Neb. The flames continue to burn around and all over Neb's body, but the others notice that he does not seem to be badly burnt. Even so, he screams in agony and arches his back, and then is literally split in half from the groin to the chin. As he is, streaks of black shoot up his body and all three of the Angels recognize it as a manifestation of a necromantic death effect, though they do not recognize the specific effect. Whatever it is, it is extremely effective, since it kills Neb instantly. The flames disappear too, leaving a slightly scorched corpse. Corven notices that the tattoo on his arm, which had begun to pulse and glow as the flames appeared (and more brightly than the flames), fades back into being a normal tattoo - or at least looking like one.

With all the commotion now ended, the landlady (who had abandoned her sitting room to the group) sticks her head in, takes one look at the corpse, screams and passes out.

* 29 Spot check!
** Natural 1s for Corven and Nameless, who now have no eyebrows


Written by AviLazar:

We return to the inn and see Bodo is waiting for us. He informs us of his day’s events and I tell him that while I appreciate his hard work he needs to stop. During that night I have a strange dream, a premonition from the Silver Flame no doubt, and I awake realizing that I have progressed in a way that is rare. I feel a new power emanating from my being. In the middle of the night Nameless shakes me awake, for the sole purpose of being annoying. I wonder how he will take it if I shake him awake, while he is resting for new spells. During breakfast, I have a conversation with Bodo and I tell him that he needs to start going to school. Bodo looks mortified, and starts to put up an argument. I tell him that he can either 1) go to school or 2) go back to the streets. Six tries to convince me that Bodo would do better by continuing along his path, and I tell him flatly no.

Six then starts lecturing me about pride and confidence and that is the reason I lost my sword. He gets unbearably close to insulting my belief in my faith. As if a machine, one that’s been around for about a 1/4th of my life knows what it means to have faith. He still has problems understanding why we eat. We then start to break out into a full blown argument as Six starts to condemn Killian. While I have no love for Killian we have zero evidence showing that he has committed any crime. Six tries to explain that in the underworld evidence is not needed and by the time there is evidence it is too late. I explain to him that he has nothing at all, not a rumor, not an informant, not even evil radiating from him. Six’s only counter was that detect evil does not work. Apparently, being naïve made it so he missed the point. I left it at if we have proof that Killian has done anything wrong I will be the first to condemn him. Hopefully the group will not try anything vile against him before we have that proof.

After the argument Narik and his partner Lothas come into the inn to have our meeting. We inform them about the information we have gathered, and that we will have final specifics before we leave. We are asked for as much information as possible but I tell them we need to wait until the last possible moment. I would prefer to keep the “in-the-know club” to a minimum. They mention Deemin and Finch are getting a bit sword-shy, due to their drug den encounter. I hope they are not backing out, but I think those two will join us anyhow. Narik also gives Six some information with leaving Sharn to Xen’drik. First, I do not think we will need to flee Sharn. No matter where we go, what we do, we will always make enemies and fleeing will not help. Second, I still do not understand why we are going to Xen’drik, and I believe I heard something with regards to archeology. I know Six has a taste for artistic endeavors, but he will have to explain to me why I want to go on an archeological expedition, which has no impact on the battle vs evil.

After we complete the meeting the group parts ways to run some errands. I take a suggestion that Six gives, the only good one that came from our argument, and go speak with the Finders Guild. Karr’Aashta, who hired us in the past, is a detective of sorts and will find out as much information as possible with regards to Kizmet. I pay him 50 galifars and inform him that I can pay much more if need be.

I return to the inn and see Nameless there. We do not speak much, especially after our previous arguments, I am having a bitter taste in my mouth with being in his presence. Luna and Six return and that bitter taste strengthens at the sight of the robot. When Corven returns he tells us about his day and then he takes off. I turn in early this night, which is something I have not done in a while.

In the morning I come down to see the group speaking to someone. I find Luna spilling information at incredible rates, and just as I realize what is going on I stop the conversation. Good God, speaking to a reporter and not being judicious about our wording will not only give our enemies more information about your plans – and possibly spoil them – but it will give our enemies more information about us. I then start in on the reporter with many “No Comments”. Nameless decides to be a complete jackass, for what reason I do not know, and divulge the information with regards to my sword. Why he is attempting to sabotage me getting my sword is beyond me. Luna then names the group “Guardian Angels of Sharn”. Not exactly the best name in the world, but much better then “Legion of Cyre”.

I finally am able to take control of the conversation and Six, surprisingly, tells the reporter –Flim- that I am the leader of the group. I use my social skills to keep the information stem from flowing, but much damage has been done. I have seen my father and grandmother deal with many reporters in the past and know that once they have been given something they are like bloodhounds. Reporters should NEVER be leaked any information unless it completely, 100%, without any shroud of doubt and only after careful planning will help our cause. A reporter who comes to us looking for information better have all the information and is just looking for a confirmation. He only gets the confirmation if, as before, it helps us. This I have training in. After some time I am able to convince Flim to hold the story for a couple of days for the benefit of getting a better story. He asks why he should trust me and I tell him because I am a paladin. He looks dubious, and I give him a cold blank stare that this is a matter of fact.

Once Flim leaves Nameless and I start to argue. I tell him that informing people about my sword is not his business to divulge and does nothing but hampers my chances of finding it. Just as the argument starts, I receive a letter from Sivis. I know what this letter is about, but do not have time to read it right now.

We make our way through town and spot Killian. Luna and Six go after Killian while the rest of us make our way to our destination – all of us going will do nothing but get us spotted by Killian. We get to High Walls where we meet a person named Cala in the New Cyre Inn. We proceed to someone who she is investigating, with Corven. Some bricklayer, called Neb, enters his home as we are waiting for him. He tries to make a hasty retreat but we are all able to react before he can even move and prevent this from happening.

Neb then starts ranting about his dark god’s control. He worships Zokar and fears Zokar will punish him….apparantly Zokar does so as Neb starts to scream and then bursts into flame burning most of the group. After the fire stops we notice that Neb does not show any signs of burning, but there is some necromantic residual effect.


Writen by shilsen - 11/8/05

Session 13 - Back to the Cogs

Corven quickly checks the body to confirm that Neb is dead, while Cala revives the landlady and easily persuades her to leave the room and not return. Six and Luna arrive at this point and are quickly filled in on what has occurred. Corven also mentions to everyone that when he asked where Zokar was, he picked up the name Kielsten from Neb's thoughts. Cala says that she knows of one Kielsten (surname Marquan) in High Walls, a locksmith. After some discussion, the Angels decide that it would be better for Cala to put this Kielsten's home under surveillance for a while, to see if anything suspicious emerges. Cala agrees and has a couple of people take care of Neb's body, as well as telling the landlady to not inform anyone what happened here.

When they are about to leave, Nameless suggests that they visit the priestess they had met before at the small temple of the Sovereign Host in the area. The priestess, Lanora, is pleased to see the group and then quickly surprised and shocked when they tell her what they have discovered, especially when Nameless says that it's quite possible Hestia has been sacrificed. She says that she does not know Kielsten and that he does not attend services at the temple. When asked about the tattoos, she says she has not seen anyone with one, but promises to let Cala know if she does find one.

Once they take their leave from Cala and High Walls, Six and Luna let the others know what they discovered with Kylyman. Gareth promptly flips out about the fact that they let Kylyman know about their affairs, to which Luna protests, "Hey, I didn't say anything - I was just smelling him at the time." Six and Gareth embark on another short argument, with Corven and Nameless joining in mostly on Six's side. The upshot is that Six agrees to tell Kylyman to not act against Killian in any way over the next couple of days, so that they have a chance to recover Gareth's sword before that.

The group then splits up, with Luna being the only one returning directly to the inn. Corven heads for the Esoteric Order, where he works on the wand he is crafting until the evening. Six drops off at Dragon Towers and heads back to the Sivis enclave, where he speaks to Kylyman. The gnome says that he was actually planning to show up at the group's meeting with Killian that evening ("so I can see who the bastard wearing my face is") and agrees to do so some fifteen minutes after the Angels get there, so that they can conclude their business first. He also promises to not reveal anything about having received the information from Six. Before leaving, Six also checks with him about the options for legal representation in Sharn, and learns that the Sivis enclave in Clifftop (which is apparently where Kylyman was returning from when the group saw him) provides such services specifically geared to adventurers. Kylyman mentions someone called Josilian Kand d'Tarlian, who is one of the best barristers in Sharn, and also says that if Six goes to that enclave he can either ask for Kylyman or use him as a reference.

Nameless, meanwhile, heads up to Middle Tavick's and the Deathsgate district, where he drops in on Trillia. She is pleased to meet him, and even more so when she learns that he has made the breakthrough to becoming an alienist. She tells him that now that he has made the breakthrough, which is something that cannot really be taught, she will be able to exchange more esoteric information with him and show him some ways to manipulate the magic he now has access to. She asks Nameless to join her for a celebratory dinner. Though he has to decline, since they have the meeting with Killian, he agrees to join her the next day. Nameless also tells her about the issue with Zokar and asks if she has any information about the subject. Trillia and Nameless spend some time in her private library and find some documents on the subject, which indicate that radiant idols use a special ceremony to create magical links with those who worship them. These links allow them to spy on, hurt or kill the worshippers, as Nameless has already noted. The documents have no mention of the tattoos, but Trillia theorizes that they might be a focus for the link and that physically removing them or perhaps using dispel magic could block the connection. After leaving Trillia, Nameless spends some time at the Guild scribing a new spell into his spellbook and then heads to Upper Dura and Overlook, where he finds Havakhad at the Shrine of Il'Yannah. The old kalashtar seems a little surprised to see him and is unable to help with the question of Zokar, saying that radiant idols are not an area of expertise for him. Havakhad does, however, mention that he has been trying to detect exactly where Nameless' dreams came from and something has been blocking his divinations. He says that he will keep trying, and that he will let Nameless know what he learns.

Gareth visits the Broken Mirror in Callestan and gets an unfriendly reception from the shifter Arian there, though he manages to get Arian to send a friend to fetch his brother Gorlick/Redtooth. Gorlick doesn't seem much friendlier, though he agrees to speak privately after Gareth buys him a drink. Gareth asks him if he's interested in a job, but does not divulge anything other than that it will involve fighting a minotaur. Gorlick promptly asks if Gareth's messing with Daask. Gareth asks why he thinks so, drawing a growled, "Do I look stupid? Unless someone in the upper wards is hiring minotaurs, Daask is likely to be the only source for them." Gareth asks whether that's a problem and is informed that since Gorlick and his friends live in the lower wards just above the underground areas, they're a lot more at risk if they piss off Daask than people like Gareth. Gareth offers a payment of 100 galifars, only for Gorlick to ask for 500. Gareth agrees but says that he will not be able to pay at once, which gets a "Do I look like I work on installment?" and an abrupt end to the discussion. When Gareth asks whether Gorlick is sure, the shifter flashes him some very large claws and asks if he seems sure, and Gareth leaves. During the discussion, he does detect that Gorlick is mildly evil. Leaving Callestan, Gareth goes to Clifftop and the Drunken Dragon, where he finds Flan. He tells Flan that Killian must meet him right then. The changeling points out that Killian is busy and is meeting them in the evening anyway, but Gareth insists. So Flan leaves and returns an hour later to confirm that Killian is too busy, and can only push the meeting forward a little if needed. Gareth declines and heads back to the inn.

Over dinner, Bodo lets Gareth know about having found two possible schools, and then asks if he can accompany the group to meet Killian. This starts a discussion about whether Bodo should travel with the group, with Luna arguing that he will be safe and that she will protect him if needed, and Gareth refusing to put him in danger. When Luna points out that Gareth does not own Bodo, the boy does seem to be considering arguing with the paladin but finally doesn't do so.

After dinner, the Angels head down to Lower Menthis and the Lucky Nines Casino, where Killian is waiting for them as usual. He says that he has done some checking and thinks he knows where Bhorak might be located. There is a location near the western end of Khyber's Gate where some of the new reinforcements to Daask stay temporarily before being relocated to other parts of Khyber's Gate. This location is run by Bhorak. Killian has located a guide who can show the group to the area. When Gareth asks about the guide, he mentions that she's a dwarf and a member of one of the sewer gangs, who tend to know the area under Sharn very well. From what he has been told, they will probably have to travel through the sewers and UnderSharn to the Cogs, which should be much faster. It will possibly be dangerous, but he says, "You're adventurers. You laugh in the face of danger - right?", which does draw a scoffing laugh from Luna. Killian also says that the group will have to negotiate their own payment with the guide. When he asks when he should send the guide, Gareth suggests the morning of the 6th, which will give them a little time to prepare and for Nameless to finish scribing his spell. Killian, as usual, spends a little time needling Gareth and the group, but not as much as before. He also discusses the question of what they will owe him after the sword is found, and is told that it is only Gareth who will owe him. When he asks if their sole interest in the sword is due to Gareth's interest in it, the others say that is so, with Luna adding that as far as she's concerned "there are lots of old swords available here, but Gareth wants this one," which draws a dirty look from Gareth. No real payment is agreed upon for the information Killian has provided, though he is clearly told that he is not getting a share of anything the group finds in their attack on Bhorak's lair.

Killian is about to say goodbye to the group when some of them see Kylyman walk in. The second gnome looks around, sees them, and quickly heads over to their table. Killian looks surprised to see him, as Kylyman walks up and says, "Okay, who the bloody hell are you?" Killian ignores him momentarily, turning to the Angels to ask if they are they ones who told Kylyman about him, which all of them deny. He then turns back to the other gnome, says, "Ah, busted!" and changes form, turning into another gnome, who looks a little slimmer and younger than before. Kylyman evidently recognizes him, since he says, "Son of a bitch! Thur..." before 'Killian' cuts him off and says, "Easy now - names are personal!" Then he looks at the PCs in a mock-aggrieved fashion and says, "I'm not sure I believe you about not telling him. You jerks just lost me some good money. I had a bet going with Chance that I'd go a month before you found out it was a disguise. Dammit!"

Kylyman now seems less angry than exasperated, and explains (after introducing himself to the group and keeping up the pretence that he knows nothing about them) that 'Killian' and he do know each other. Not sure if it is just another disguise, Nameless casts a detect magic, startling the two gnomes and drawing a "You know - that's a little rude!" from Killian. The spell reveals that Killian's hat detects of illusion magic (which Nameless presumes is a hat of disguise) and that he has a number of other magical items, including a pair of rings, his vest and his belt. He no longer has any illusions affecting him, but Nameless does detect two faint transmutation auras on him. Kylyman too has a couple of magic items on him, but no currently functioning magic. Gareth tries to detect evil on Kylyman, which the gnome apparently detects and scoffingly tells Gareth that he isn't in the middle of a village and that he should be a little more careful about what he does since others might take offense.

The Angels spend a little time trying to learn more about Killian from Kylyman, but he is interrupted by the former. He does say, however, that he knows Killian professionally and that they should be a little careful dealing with him, since Kylyman wouldn't trust him further than he can throw him. Killian, who has clearly regained his composure, jokingly pretends to take offense. When Gareth asks about his real name and occupation, he says that they might as well call him "Killian", since one name is as good as another, and claims to only be an information-broker.

With nothing more to be done, the Angels take their leave. On the way out, they see the two gnomes talking and laughing together. Outside the casino, Gareth asks Six if this is the help he expected from Kylyman, but Six doesn't rise to the bait, saying only that at least they have a little more information and Kylyman might be a useful contact. The group heads back to the inn.

After the others turn in, Six decides to visit Karr'Aashta and talk to him about their current situation, and he leaves for the Deathsgate district. When he arrives there, Karr'Aashta's Investigations is closed and locked. Rather than returning to the inn, he decides to simply wait there, wandering around the district to stave off boredom.

The night passes peacefully for the others, with Gareth having one of the vivid dreams that he has been having recently. When they arise, they find Six gone and are momentarily alarmed, but the innkeeper Palk soon lets them know that Six left a message saying that he is off investigating something. Luna comments that the group should come up with a couple of passwords or phrases that they can use to identify each other, since it would be quite easy for someone to impersonate them. She also suggests that nobody go wandering alone without informing the others about what area of Sharn they will be in. The others agree and they spend some time coming up with a set of phrases.

Shortly after breakfast, Lalia and Tasra stop by the inn. Lalia says that they returned the previous night and that she has arranged for Philo and his cronies to be handed over to the Watch. Gareth says that he was told that the Watch wouldn't be interested, and she says they normally wouldn't, but she has used a little influence with them. She says that they will be heavily fined, and since they are unlikely to be able to afford it, will probably end up doing hard labor in a city-owned workhouse. Tasra and she ask what the group has been up to and Gareth gives them a detailed coverage of their activities, especially with regard to him and the sword. When they hear about the planned expedition into the Cogs, Lalia says she will be happy to come along, since their latest job was boring and she could use the fun. Tasra declines, even though Lalia says that she actually has more experience working in urban surroundings than her (Lalia apparently does better in the wilderness), and adds that Lalia's an idiot to get mixed up in this. The pair then take their leave, after Lalia sets up a dinner plan with Gareth.

When they are leaving, Lalia asks Luna if she can speak to her. Once Luna steps into the corridor with them, she asks Luna "what's up with Gareth" and whether he "likes boys". Amused, Luna says that isn't the case, but he's just a little uptight. Lalia says, "So he's just a little slow?", to which Luna agrees. Lalia comments that must be the case, since he's horrible at picking up a hint, and Tasra laughs at her and says that she always has one thing on her mind. Lalia grins and responds, "It's not my mind I'm interested in having him on," before thanking Luna and asking her to drop in a good word for her if possible. Tasra laughs and says, "You're asking the druid to be pimping for you?!" to which Lalia responds with a dirty look and a comment to Luna that she will have to excuse her while she throws her sister off one of the towers. The two Sentinel Marshals leave and the last Luna sees of them is Lalia smacking Tasra's head as they head out of the inn.

Later, Narik and his friends stop by for more information about the Cogs job. Gareth asks them to stop by the next day, saying that they will be leaving in the evening. Narik also brings a short letter from Deemin and Finch, which explains that they have paid their debt by helping (and almost dying) in the attack on the drug den, and they are thankful to Gareth and the others but will not be accompanying them into the Cogs. Narik also says that Dala Arand (who he knows vaguely) was asking about the group at the Guild, and Luna recognizes her as the scholar they had spoken to regarding the expedition to Xen'drik.

Six, meanwhile, has a meeting with Karr'Aashta when he and some of his employees show up to open up the agency. He tells Karr'Aashta that they have information that indicates that the sword is with a minotaur named Bhorak and asks him to confirm it. Karr'Aashta says that the information will help narrow down his search and says he should have more information in two or three days. Six says that they need the information the next day, since they will be heading for the Cogs, and Karr'Aashta says he will do what he can. Six also tells him about Killian and asks for any information that he can find about him. The inquisitive says that will probably be easier than finding things in the Cogs and quotes Six a base price of 25 galifars, which Six pays on the spot. After leaving Karr'Aashta, Six visits the Sivis enclave in Clifftop. There he learns that there are a few available lawyers and also learns about the basic retainer fees and services.

After he rejoins the others, the group splits up as usual, with Corven and Nameless working respectively on the wand and the spell. In the evening, Gareth goes to the Deneith enclave to join Lalia for dinner, while Nameless goes to Trillia's from the Guild.

The next morning, Flim Turen returns to speak to the group. He says that he has held up the article from the edition of the Korranberg Chronicle that appeared this morning, and asks about the story that the Angels promised him. With some difficulty, Gareth persuades him to return the next morning, saying that they are embarking on something that will provide a much better story. Nameless also begins to give him the story about the Zokar situation, but Corven interrupts and (after asking Flim to give them a few minutes in private) opines that they shouldn't share the information. Nameless suggests that perhaps having that information in the paper will flush out those who are involved, but Corven prefers not to risk it and suggests that they wait until they can get more information from Cala before deciding to take this route. After calling Flim back in, they say that they will probably have a number of stories for him over the next few days. He grudgingly agrees to return the next morning, saying that either which way, the drug den story will be out in the Chronicle on the 9th, three days later.

Shortly after he leaves, Flan arrives with the guide, an incredibly dirty and smelly dwarf called Menna. At first sight of her, Palk throws a fit and refuses to let her discuss things with the Angels in their room (or anywhere in the inn for that matter), but Gareth dropping 5 galifars in his hand has him quickly change his mind. After a quick discussion and the agreement to a fee of 25 galifars for Menna's services, the Angels ask Flan and her to return in an hour, so that they can prepare themselves as needed. Flan agrees and leaves with the dwarf, who has spent most of her time speaking to the group in poor Common and digging lice out of her matted beard and eating them with substantial relish.

After they leave, the party meets with Karr’Aashta. His investigations confirm that there is a minotaur member of Daask who runs an emplacement where Killian said he does, but he has not been able to find the location of Gareth’s sword yet. He asks for some more time and Gareth asks him to continue investigating, though the planned expedition to the Cogs will continue. They return to the inn and are soon joined by Narik, Lothas and Valin. Once Menna returns, they follow her out. She flatly refuses to get on a skycoach and leads them to the Bazaar district and across the long bridge that connects it to Dava Gate in Middle Central. A quick stop at the Deneith enclave adds Lalia, this time wearing traveling gear with a bright mithral chain shirt above it and two shortswords at her back, increasing their number to ten.

Menna leads them down to Myshan Gardens in Lower Central, a quiet residential district, and then through and around tower bases and apartment complexes till they reach a less populated area. Leading them into a complex that seems to have been abandoned a while ago, she comes to a room that has a large hole in the wall. Pointing down, she says, "Sewers this way. You come!" and climbs in. Beyond is a gradually sloping tunnel heading into the darkness, a faint stench coming from it. As the others follow her, the stench gradually increases, till they emerge some fifty feet below street level into the sewers.

This section seems to be mostly unused, as evidenced by the low level of garbage, but as Menna leads them deeper (both horizontally and vertically) through the tunnels that open up around them, the stench increases and the garbage seems much newer. Soon the tunnels all possess a shallow trench that allows a stream of dirty water to flow sluggishly through it. Once in a while, the group passes grates that block off certain tunnels and valves that evidently release garbage and sewage from the towers far above. Menna evidently thinks she should act as a tour guide, pausing once in a while to point out tunnels that lead to "cleaning chambers", "watch people" and "other gangs".

After nearly half an hour of travel, a pair of crossbow bolts shoot out of the darkness ahead and bounce off the wall near Gareth and Luna, who are in the lead behind Menna. The guide quickly shouts to them to stop and begins jabbering something at unseen people in the darkness. Narik, from the rear, translates, "Sounds like she knows them. She's identifying herself and telling them to let us pass." Moments later, three figures appear at the very edge of the adventurers' torchlight, all of them evidently dwarven. The one in the lead exchanges a few words with Menna and then all three fade back into the darkness. Menna turns to the group with a relieved grin and says, "My people. Grave Diggers. Very brave. Very strong. They let you go but you come quiet and quick." She leads them quickly down the passage and as the others follow, they see movement in the shadows around them and in the tunnels on either side. There is no sign of hostility, however, and the signs of their presence soon disappears.

About ten minutes later, Menna leads the group down a short tunnel to another hole in the wall, this one leading to a somewhat narrower and steeper tunnel than the first one. With the aid of ropes and each other's help, the adventurers negotiate it without too much difficulty and eventually emerge into a huge cavern. The ceiling towers above beyond the reach of their light and the walls stretch away into darkness. The floor is too smooth to be wholly natural and as Menna leads them forward, parts of the walls show evidence of craftsmanship by human or other hands. Menna says quietly, "This UnderSharn. Come quiet now, or the hungry ones come. Many strange things her - always hungry, always waiting!"

As the group proceeds after her, more and more evidence of the historical nature of their surroundings is evident. Even though the area is badly damaged by time, smooth walls and floors show up at times, as do stairways leading up and (usually) down. Some pillars and the remnants of statues remain here and there, the latter usually goblinoid in nature. Rubble lies all around the place, with a number of cracks and crevasses making travel complicated. Some of the deepest crevasses reveal the flaming glow of lava at their bottom. Despite Menna's warning, the group travels peacefully for nearly half an hour. Six does, at one point, notice the track of what he surmises to be a giant snake crossing their path. After he points it out to her, Luna examines it and says that it was more like a huge worm, pointing out the segmented nature of the track, causing Valin to say that he really doesn't want to meet any worm that big.

A few minutes past the worm-track, while passing along one wall of a rubble-strewn cavern, the adventurers hear the sound of shuffling footsteps in the darkness to their left. Narik, able to see in the dark beyond the torchlight, yells a warning that two human-sized creatures are advancing upon them. As the more martial adventurers quickly move to put themselves between the creatures and the spellcasters, their torches reveal the creatures to be zombies, as evidenced by their slack-jawed, eyeless visages and their shambling movement, though their speed is greater than that of the more common version. Nameless suggests moving on quickly rather than bothering to fight, but nobody seems to pay much attention (other than Menna, who has backed up against the wall and drawn a battered shortsword) and the surrounding rubble makes the possibility unlikely.

Battle is quickly joined, as the creatures simply walk up to the adventurers and strike out with heavy punches. Gareth, Luna, Lalia, Narik and Valin form a line of defenders, while Six moves around to attack from behind the zombies. Corven and Nameless fire crossbows from behind the front line, while Lothas calls upon Dol Dorn and unleashes blasts of positive energy to wound the zombies.

With the zombies now right in front of them, the adventurers see that they have hardened, almost chitinous skin, which undulates constantly as if something were moving beneath it. A beetle or two falls out of their open mouths. As they strike and are struck in turn, their skin splits in places to reveal movement beneath and a rancid stench fills the air around them. Nameless and Gareth soon recognize them to be a rare breed of undead animated by a controlling swarm of beetles, and shout warnings to the others that their blows can cause disease.

Narik, Luna and Gareth quickly encounter this theory in practice, as the blows of the zombies hammer into them, leaving painful bruises. Gareth's divinely granted immunity to disease protects him, while the fortitude of the other two shrugs off the effects. Though the zombies turn out to be very tough, the adventurers gradually hack them down. A further danger is quickly revealed, however, as the first zombie collapses. As it hits the ground it literally falls apart, exploding into a swarm of glistening brown insects, which climb onto those in the area, assailing them with a number of tiny bites.

Trying not to use up their spells, the adventurers take recourse to flasks of acid and alchemist's fire, but the combination of darkness, the movement of their allies and over-hastiness makes these have little effect*. Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, the group quickly beats a retreat. They are pursued for some distance by the insects, but these eventually fall behind. Once they are some distance away, both Nameless and Valin find themselves suffering nausea and weakness from the effect of the bites. Lothas produces a scroll and Corven infuses a lesser restoration spell to remove their weakness, but it is clear that they are still diseased. Lothas uses another scroll on Valin to remove disease but says that he has none to spare for Nameless, so Luna promises to heal him when she is next able to prepare spells. After healing their wounds, the group continues on, Lalia chuckling as they go at the idea that they ran from some beetles but will soon be fighting a minotaur.

* I think something like 5 flasks were hurled and only one hit, with Nameless having two natural 1s.


Written by AviLazar:

Corven inspects the body of Neband I try to remember any information about Zokar, which brings up very little of importance. Six and Luna then return telling us about what happened, and at this point I start to flip out. They found out the person who looked like Killian was actually a person of house Sivis named Kylyman. They told him pretty much everything about us. By the Silver Flame, what possessed them to do such a thing I do not know. I am sure they are not stupid and know that burning Killian would burn my chances of getting anymore information or help from him. Not to mention, that Killian has not even broken any laws. Changelings, while I do not approve, roam around looking like other people all day long. Also, until the day we saw Killimon, we had no clue who he was. Killian never claimed to be of house Sivis, in fact he didn’t even use the same name. Six agrees to go to Killimon and tell him to hold off on targeting Killion until fifteen minutes after the meeting starts.

We split apart and I head down to try and recruit Gorlick, who does not seem to take to my suggestion to get his help. In fact, he pretty much threatened me and then told me to scamper off. I left, but not before I found out that Gorlick radiates some evil, not much, but any amount is too much.

I then head off to see Flan to get Killian, but Flan says he is not able to get Killian in the time frame that I want…which is immediate. I guess saying my need to meet with someone is urgent does not count for much. I leave and return to the inn.

At the inn, Bodo provides me with a number of documents for possible schools. I will review them later to make sure they are appropriate. The group speaks up and says that Bodo should just join us, and I argue the point. They do not understand, and I am adamant, I will not allow this boy to enter a dangerous situation at such a young age. He will need to get an education, a trade and if he desires to then adventure he is welcome, but this will take time – years in fact. Luna tries to assert that I think I own Bodo, but her naïve ways apparently does not permit her to see what is going on – she can’t, as much as she claims she can, fully protect Bodo and I will not put a child at risk. Bodo has the option, he can stay go back to the streets or he can stay with me. Staying with me requires that he follows my rules. If he does not like this, he always has the first option.

We finish dinner, and the argument about Bodo, and head down to the Casino. Killian is waiting for us. He gives us more information about Bhorak, and even says he has a guide for us. Killian then goes on to his terms of payment and what the group will owe him. I quickly, and sharply, remind him that the group will owe him nothing – that I, and I alone will owe him, as long as his information produces results. Killian then asks why the other group is helping me. I hoped their answer would have been “because we are a team” but really there is answer is half-hearted, and Nameless, which I should not be surprised, answers because of potential profits. Luna’s naïve answer, and she apparently cannot get it through her head, is that I can get any old sword and this should not be a big deal. What is so hard to understand that I am bonded to this sword, and it is bonded to me? Its soul is a part of my soul. Killian then suggests that we pay him a percentage of the exploits from this trip, and I inform him that his only payment is what I will owe him and if he wants more he will have to join the group. Besides, we already have four extra members who will get a portion of the trip.

As Killian is about to leave, I honestly try and break the meeting off quickly, Kylyman walks in and what happens is not what I expect. Apparently the two know each other and Killian changes back into his, presumed, original form – although we do not find out his real name we get a part of it “Thur…” Killian questions us about this and I answer that I did not inform Kylyman about him, nor have I even met Kylyman until now. Killian does not believe us, and in my honest opinion I don’t doubt his reasonable suspicions. We are probably the only people he uses this disguise on. To be on the safe side, I detect evil on both of them and get some offending words. Neither detects as evil, and to be honest, I am tired of these games of illusion and lies. If they will play these games, then they will know that I have resources to draw upon. Although these two are offended by my detect evil, they are not offended by Nameless’ detect evil – I find this strange.

We take our leave, and I am all too-happy to go. We arrive at the inn, and I turn in. I have another one of my dreams, and wake up in the middle of the night – I think these reoccurring dreams will prevent me from getting a good nights rest. I stay up the rest of the night, praying, and when the group wakes up we realize Six is gone. We find out that he left to look for some information. Luna, at this point, suggests that we all leave notes where we plan to go to, before we leave, and I add that we should check in every six or so hours. This way, if someone does get hurt, we will know to look for them.

We sit down and have breakfast, quietly, and then Lalia and Tasra stop by. Lalia managed to have my former kidnappers sent to jail, which makes me happy, though I wish the legal system would work better. I may have to study law, and then work to change the laws. We talk about the mission, and Tasra says she will not go down, but Lalia says she would like to. Lalia then asks me if I would like to have dinner with her, and I tell her I would be delighted. On the way out Lalia comes up to ask to see Luna in private. I am a bit surprised; I did not know they were friends. Luna leaves for a few minutes and then comes back in.

Waiting at the inn, Narik and his crew stop by. We give them some more information, vague but more, and tell them they will get all of the information right before we leave. Deemin and Finch, apparently, are a bit shaken from the last expedition and politely decline, but say they will come on the next adventure if they can.

The day passes by, very slowly, and I prepare and leave for dinner with Lalia (note: handled over email with DM).

The next morning, Flim Turen, from the newspaper comes back and wants to get our information. I try and delay him again, but he begins to argue back. Nameless then tells Flim about this Zokar issue. I am not closely attached to this mission and am not familiar with the nuances. I leave the decision to Corven, who gives some objections. Nameless convinces Corven that Flim can turn around and get us some information. This is a good point. We have absolutely no reason to help the local media out. Giving them information does nothing positive for us, except *potentially* a better reputation, though it could be a worse reputation. As such, I think we should only give information to the press if they 1) can provide us with information, 2) it does not harm a quest or 3) it will not harm innocents.

Flim leaves and Flan arrives with the dwarf guide. Our host, Palk, refuses to let this dwarf – who is extremely dirty – inside, but I give him five gold pieces and he quells his argument. Luna thinks we overpaid, but I explain that keeping Palk happy makes our lives easier and also ensures that Palk will help protect us if we need it.

I head off to Karr’Aashta, with Six and Luna. Karr’Aashta tells us that there is a minotaur who runs some of Daask’s operations, but he has no details of my sword. I find out that Six has been here earlier and told Karr’Aashta of the news I was going to tell him. While there is no harm in this case, why is it so hard for this group to understand – if you plan on talking about someone else’s business, talk to them first and make sure it is OK. People need to learn to respect other’s privacy.

Nameless and Corven return from their respective guilds, and Nameless has finished scribing the scroll of Haste the group purchased for him. This spell will be much more useful for us then a spell of slow, which may not always work. Everyone meets up and we head to the Deneith barracks where I pick up Lalia. She is wearing a mithral chain shirt and two short swords. I think the ten of us should be successful.

We begin our decent to the Cogs, and find ourselves jumping into the sewers. As we go down, we eventually get accosted by a group of dwarves, who our guide calms down. Apparently these are her clan mates and they let us pass.

After this, we went on for a bit further, and encountered a pair of zombies. I yell to the group, against Luna’s protests, to not expend our powerful resources since we will need them later. Given that we handicapped ourselves, and these were no ordinary zombies, they were some kind of bug zombies and their bite can cause a disease in a person. It did, in fact, affect Nameless and Valin. After destroying one of the zombies, Lalia suggested we retreat from these slow moving creatures – which we do. The zombies, at one point did slash at me, but I am fortunate enough to be graced with the protection of the Silver Flame, and shrug the disease off.

Lothas was able to heal Valin, but he was not able to heal Nameless. Corven then infused a spell to restore the damage to Nameless’ health, but this is a temporary fix – enough to keep us going until the next day. Luna started to yell at me again, for the plan of not using our resources, but I still stand by my plan. We will need these resources if we are to beat a minotaur and his pals.

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