Sailors on the Starless Sea

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
what is wrong with the roller?

franko needs to be elevated to cast charm, so are there beastmen down slope from him? If not he will cast enlarge to make himself taller to cast it
charm works on beastment[?]
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Deuce Traveler

Tender says, "We've got the beastmen just about covered over here on this end, so one of you lads go on and help out Narancasta!" After this declaration, he proceeds to take down another of the disfigured creatures.

1d3=2, 1d20+2=16, 1d8+1=2, 1d14+2=6, 1d3+1=2
With a deed roll of 2, that makes for a 18 hit and 4 damage on the sword attack, but a miss with the shield with an 8 hit and 4 damage.

Boral has enough of Kurl's embarrassing misses. "We're actually going to need you to finish that acolyte off, so that we can have you move onto better things, like healing our comrades." He says this as he touches Kurl, but the spell falters and seems to fail.

Looks like Boral just lost another spell with a 7.

Kurl sneers and says, "Maybe we should let the archer lead this dance instead." He casts blessings upon Siva.

A natural 20 results in a total of 22! I do not have my DCC book in front of me, but I think that is a pretty darn good result!


There are beastmen surrounding the group on all sides. Yes, there are some lower on the ramp than Franko that will fulfill the requirements of his spell. As for Charm working on the beastmen: Franko hasn't cast the spell before so he can't be positive but he thinks it will work.

[sblock=OOC]Still need action for Hank.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Franko looks down and sees beastmen and start acting like a buffoon, prancing about, all the while csting charm on the one nearest him.

at the end of his casting a moonbeam shines down on him like a spot light, but he does something wrong and the spell fails
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Hank casts anti-mending again on the flail in hopes of it breaking
[roll0] (burn 4 luck)

things are not looking good ad his spell fails as well.

Player's comment:
GAHH ! ! !


Homer's attack is ill-timed and misses his beastman opponent. Franko's charm fails and he knows he will be unable to cast it again today. The gods of chance turn their backs on Hank as knowledge of his spell drains away into the ether. Luckily for Hank his wolf is still fighting amongst the beastmen and tears out the throat of another.

Tender's sword ends yet another beastman and they are beginning to falter; almost half lie on the steps of the ziggurat. If it weren't for the Chaos Lord it would almost be certain that they would have broken ranks and fled by now. Boral's spell may have failed but Kurl's did not. Again he feels the force of the divine bolstering his spell as he blesses Siva.

Combat is an ever-continuing swirl of Chaos. Spears flash in the red firelight. Most are unblooded in the fray but a few find their mark. One of Hank's replica's vanish in an attack. Kurl is struck a glancing blow that nevertheless sends him spinning out of balance and drops him to his knees. Two lunge at Narancasta but both miss his magically enhanced self. One trips and falls at Siva's feet. Hank's last replica goes up in a puff of smoke. The wolf takes another injury but still fights on. And Scylla Sar-Rat, Krivstad's rat-catcher, is shoved off the side of the ziggurat and tumbles to the water below with a shriek.

The Chaos Lord laughs and strikes his flail against the floor of the ziggurat. Sparks fly and the spiked head of the weapon bursts into flame. His attack passes under Narancasta's arm harmlessly but leaves a streak of soot on his armor.

Narancasta strikes back: his longsword cuts deep into the body of the Chaos Lord and when pulled back glows with the heat of magma. Even with Kurl's blessing Siva's arrow misses.

GM: You all are up.

[sblock=OOC]Deuce, Kurl is beginning to suspect that the silver torc is somehow strengthening his connection to the divine...

Tender: Bless (+1 to all attack rolls) 7/10 rounds
Tender: Enlarge (+1 to attack, damage, AC) 8/10 rounds
Narančasta: Enlarge (+4 to attack, damage, AC; +4 hp) 7/10 rounds
Homer: Enlarge (+1 attack, damage, AC) 9/10 rounds
Siva: Bless (+2 atk, dmg, skill, save, spell rolls) 10/10 rounds
Total Damages: Homer (-7); Hank (-3); Franko (-3); Kurl (-1)

Chaos Lord (dmg=18), Shaman, 3 1 (wounded) Acolytes, 22 12 Beastmen (wounded 1), 6 0 villagers, 3 0 Hanklica's remaining.

Wolf: 4hp, 9 3hp[/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

As he is down on spells, Boral says, "Kurl go ahead and do your magic. I'll take the acolyte." True to his word, the young mage stabs out with his pitchfork with a strong thrust.

Nice roll this time. 16 hit, 8 damage.
1d20=16, 1d8=8

Freed from having to watch his back, Kurl leans over to Bless Narcanasta. "Master, I know he is not one of your flock, but I beseech you to empower this man so he may lay waste to those blocking your rise to power."

Kurl attempts to Bless our guy going head to head versus Mr Chaos Lord. The dice must be hot... another 22! Plus whatever bonus the tonc is giving. 1d20+2=22

Tender shouts, "The bastards killed all the prisoners. Time to make them pay!" He goes into a swirling rage.

1d3=3, 1d20+2=18, 1d8+1=9, 1d14+2=16, 1d3+1=2
With the deed dice this seems to translate to a 21 to hit with the sword, 12 damage, 19 to hit with the shield; and 5 damage.

OOC: Overall, an incredibly good round for my team. Maybe the best I've had this adventure. Is Narcanasta hurt or not hurt? I was thinking about healing him or Homer this round, but went for the bless instead. Also, is Lay on Hands considered part of the divine magic category of powers Kurl wields? I'm asking due to his tonc.


[sblock=OOC]Deuce, Narancasta was injured but the damage is all on his temporary hit points so far, i.e. no real damage yet. Yes, the torc should provide its bonus to Kurl's Lay on Hands as well. That bonus is a +2 to the roll, in case I haven't told you before.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
**Sigh** "I thought that was a good performance." Wines Franko. His voice suddenly changes and his head spins pseudonatrally suddenly a rope appears from thin air.
A rope drops down from above out of thin air. it lands on a beastman and attempts to entangle it then lifts him at an angle as high as it can, dangling it over the edge then drops it down to the deep water. Franko claps his hands at the rope's performance.

Homer growls as menacingly as possible as he attacks again
[a 10 is a miss]

Hank stomps a foot in frustration. He . . . . . [player is not sure of what to do yet]
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Deuce Traveler

OOC: Homer is still enlarged by Boral's spell, so he should have an attack of 11 and not 10 and perhaps a 2 damage and not a 1, unless I am missing something.

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