Ruvalra, Goddess of Harvest and Hunt

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Thank you. I would love to help fleshing out the setting. In fact I was thinking yesterday on two additional minor gods to complement Ruvalra if possible (LG and CG).

In any case, should I make an entry for her in the wiki or a judge would do it instead?

EDIT: Ah, I almost forgot. I can make one map if you want for the game. Something like this.
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That's four approvals so I went ahead and added it to the wiki. You are, however, free to add approved material to the wiki (we don't have a judges only policy) or contribute in any way you want.

If you want to continue to discuss additional gods we can do that here. Based on her recent elevation Ruvalra strikes me as nature spirit risen to status of god and likely to be a solitary goddess but, of course, this is all open to discussion.


Alright then. I'll try to polish what I have right now on the other two and then I'll come back to post them. Thank you a lot!


Alright, I haven't had much time yet, but I think I got something here. I found some pictures I could use as art for these lesser goddesses but I really wanted to illustrate them myself. Sadly, I don't have access to a scanner so the following pics will have to do in the mean time. Please tell me what you think.

Both of them are supposed to originate from the Tritower. They could be regarded as "sisters".


Titles: The Golden Feather, The Healing Hand
Alingment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Sick, Healers, Herbalists, Doctors.
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Healing, Protection, Good, Law, Community
Weapon: Quarterstaff
Holy Symbol: A Golden Feather


It is said that Amenthia is related to the Goddess Ruvalra. Unlike the Harvest Goddess, The Grand Healer interest lies on the well being of townsfolk and to uphold the laws of civilization.

She appeared a little after Ruvalra in a small village east of Tritower. The place had been struck by a mysterious sickness and chaoes had started among the villagers. Amenthia gave detailed instructions on how to stop the plague to the local healer, who later became her first cleric.

The chapel in that town also doubles as an infirmary. She asks her clerics to look for the sick and serve communities in need. Amenthia was described as an adult woman with bright wings and long flowing hair.



Titles: The Cheerful Breeze, The Voice in the Wind
Alingment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Bards, Rogues, Children
Cleric Alingments: NG, CG, CN
Domains: Chaos, Good, Luck, Weather, Air
Weapon: Longbow
Holy Symbol: A winged white cat

It had been difficult to pin point the origin of Thalina as many thought she was just the overreacting imagination of children. For a long time there had been stories of kids getting lost in the fields or woods and then lead back to town by a cheerful voice in the wind or a beautiful winged girl followed by a small cat. People caught in storms or snow also assured the harsh weather had suddenly stopped while a young voice hurried them to their destination.

At best, she was regarded as a friendly spirit by the locals. It took a very curious bard and an cleric (who claimed dreaming of her) to gather all information there was about Thalina along the border towns and villages. With this, the bard made a small anthology of songs and poems and eventually the cleric built a small shrine in her honor.

The most detailed description they found said she looked like a young teenager with wings, dressed in a white dress and sandals. She announces her pressence first with a giggle or a chuckle in the air followed by a sudden gust of wind. She may or may not be carrying or being followed by a white cat.


(Much more cheerful, and most likely with short hair :p)
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First Post
Looks good to me, soulnova!

I don't know much around the fluff surrounding Tritower (I believe that's mostly sunshadow's doing), but I do like the idea of fleshing out deities for areas other than Venza, and I like that you're building on an existing place, rather than inventing your own.

I'd personally like to hold my vote until I hear from those with better knowledge of the fluff surrounding Tritower, but as long as there are no objections on that front, these two would get my vote. :)


I just introduced it, leaving it as blank as possible for others to fill in. The whole idea was that it would be an anchor for future development, not a fully developed place from the start. Both of these seem to fit well with my image of the moderately populated, but very spread out population, of the area I had tried to establish, so no qualms from me.


I like the healing goddess but I'm not so keen on the tricksy, air goddess. We seem to have a proliferation of airy goddesses. Not that that is a bad thing, just mentioning it as an aside. I do think the pair match up well with Ruvalra and also with the Lady of Lake Laguna, the (deceased?) quasi-goddess/nature spirit from the adventure of the same name and I think it would be nice to link them up into a local collection of gods for that area.


I like the healing goddess but I'm not so keen on the tricksy, air goddess. We seem to have a proliferation of airy goddesses. Not that that is a bad thing, just mentioning it as an aside. I do think the pair match up well with Ruvalra and also with the Lady of Lake Laguna, the (deceased?) quasi-goddess/nature spirit from the adventure of the same name and I think it would be nice to link them up into a local collection of gods for that area.

Is there an entry on said Lady? I would like to read more about her.


Is there an entry on said Lady? I would like to read more about her.

No actual entry except the adventure. Here's a bit from that adventure:
"The Lady of Lake Laguna is thought to be a petty goddess or some sort of nature spirit. She is thought to bring happiness and health to children and is worshipped as a goddess of Children's Laughter. Tourists and worshippers bring their families to Boredton during the Festival, leave a token to the Lady in the form of plants or children's toys at her shrine, and on the final day celebrate by going across the lagoon in front of the shrine via boat to a small island where sits an ancient tree. This last day is finished with dancing and singing around the Lady's Tree. It is believed that the Lady's spirit rests inside the tree, though it is said that no one living has seen proof of her existence."​

The Lady's immortal child-priest, Pan, in an attempt to end his immortality tried to kill the goddess by burning the tree. The Lady was probably killed, and the local fey retrieved something called the Heart of the Lady from the burnt tree.

I always thought an adventure to heal the goddess or find one of her sisters to take her place would be pretty interesting.

The similarities between the Lady and Thalina would make Thalina a good replacement for the Lady.

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