#RPGaDay Day 01: What published RPG do you wish you were playing right now?

It’s August and that means that the annual #RPGaDAY celebration kicks off for its fourth year of a ‘question a day’ to celebrate “everything cool, memorable and amazing about our hobby.” Originally created by Dave Chapman (Doctor Who: Adventures in Time & Space; Conspiracy X) it’s now being caretakered by the crew over at RPGBrigade. This year we’ve decided to join in the fun and will be canvassing answers from the ENWorld crew, columnists and friends in the industry to bring you some of our answers. We hope you’ll join in, in the comments section, and share your thoughts with us too… So, without further ado, here’s Day 1 of #RPGaDAY 2017!

Day 01: What published RPG do you wish you were playing right now?

Angus Abranson: I'm really keen on giving Tales From The Loop by Free League Publishing a go. I haven't really got any excuse not to as I backed the Kickstarter so have a copy. A friend is running the game for his group and there is talk about a game starting at the local RPG club. So hopefully I'll be able to immerse myself in a 1980's that never was sooner rather than later...

Christopher Helton: I want the complete Delta Green RPG to come out so that I can run it. I've been a fan of the setting since it first appeared as an adventure in an issue of The Unspeakable Oath and I've been waiting on an update of the setting since 2001. The Agent's Handbook was great, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with the full game.

Darryl Mott: I've been dying to kick the tires on the new edition of Paranoia. The game has always been one that I've been fond of due to its setting, but the rules on previous editions felt clunky. Not that a game like this was ever about the rules. However, the new edition managed not only to update the rules, but even come up with new systems that perfectly reflect the absurdity of the setting. I'm also slightly curious how long I could manage to keep a campaign going in that setting.

Morrus: I really like the idea of Tales From The Loop, too. I’m a sucker for the 80s, and the game looks gorgeous. Plus I love the idea of setting it in my home town. The setting development is all done for you!

Alan Bahr (Gallant Knight Games; Nocturnal Media): Mage: The Ascension - I've never had a chance to play it, and I've always wanted to. Moreso now since Stewart Wiecks passing

Stephanie Bryant (Threadbare RPG): Hmmm. TimeWatch, the adventure where we race to stop 2016 from happening.... But seriously, TimeWatch is hands down one of my favorite games,and I wish I could be playing it right now.

Cam Banks (Atlas Games; Magic Vacuum Design Studio): Mutant Year Zero! I love all of the games produced by Fria Ligan out of Sweden. They're gorgeous and flavorful and seem ready to go. Perfect.

Sean Tait Bircher (Savage Rifts freelancer): 7th Sea Second Edition. I'm trying to learn new systems and work through my Kickstarter backlog and I have yet to play Wick's new version of his classic world.

Lynne Hardy (Cogs, Cakes & Swordsticks; Achtung! Cthulhu):Tough one, when there are so many good games out there. I think I'd probably have to go with Monster Hearts. Even though I'm not normally into angsty, deeply emotional games, I've heard such good things about it, I'm intrigued to see what it's all about.

What game would you like to be playing right now? Let us know below!

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For me it would be Amber Diceless Roleplaying. Or in a pinch, Lords of Gossamer and Shadow. I played ADRPG for the first time almost 2 decades ago and it was the most cerebral experience I'd ever had. It felt like writing a novel with people I liked and in a setting I loved. It felt real. Since then I've not had the opportunity to get back into it and restrictions on time have seen a few attempts end in failure.

Dresden Files.

Our group is a Hero only group, and I've never played nor run any form of Fate, and neither has the wife (we do RPGs just between us, in addition to group). I'm fuzzy on the whole aspects system, I would need to be in a game to understand it - and I think it would be much more fun in a group setting than 1 on 1.

I always GM, never play, so this is definitely a wish list. Any one of them would be awesome.

Empire of the Petal Throne
Star Wars EotE/AoR
Dungeon World
HeroQuest (Glorantha)

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