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RPG Evolution: D&D's Missing Archetypes

Dungeons & Dragons' classes have expanded to include popular tropes from fantasy fiction. Now D&D itself is influencing what archetypes appear in fiction. There's still a few missing.

Dungeons & Dragons' classes have expanded to include popular tropes from fantasy fiction. Now D&D itself is influencing what archetypes appear in fiction. There's still a few missing.


Picture courtesy of Pixabay

This thought experiment is rooted in the idea that classes need to be in the Players Handbook to be deemed official. This article specifically addresses popular fantasy characters that don't seem to easily fit into one of the existing classes.

Of the original classes, the fighter and wizard find their inspiration in literature and history. Of those with historical roots, bards and druids were inspired by Celtic history (the bard was originally much less a musician and much more a multi-class fighter/thief/druid) and paladins from chansons de geste (and specifically the fantasy fiction, Three Hearts and Three Lions). Speaking of fiction, many of the classes were inspired by the popular fiction at the time: the wizard and rogue were patterned after Jack Vance's Dying Earth series, clerics were inspired by Dracula's vampire-hunting Van Helsing (more likely the Hammer films than the original novel), rangers after Aragorn from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series, barbarians after R.E. Howard's Conan series, and monks from the Destroyer series featuring Remo Williams.

After their debut, many classes were largely refined. Bards became a full class, clerics became more religious, and monks diversified to represent more martial arts. But the sorcerer and warlock are more recent, filling niches that better represented other spellcasting sources. Wizards were very much a Vancian-inspiration, so sorcerers filled the many other spellcasting archetypes in literature in video games. Warlocks were the second antihero after rogues with some dubious magical origins that made them different from sorcerers and wizards, a caster more inspired by cultists and witches than magical formulae and raw willpower.

The archetypes below are the next evolution of these ideas, inspired by new media that has debuted since and roles that aren't quite being filled by existing classes. That said, variants of all these exist in some form, but not as a core class. Almost every character archetype can be recreated by tinkering with the rules, be it via third party supplements or homebrew. But at some point an invisible line is crossed where players expect to be able to play the character they see in other media. If fantasy games, movies, and books are any indication, here's three archetypes that might be on the path to becoming core classes in D&D's future.


The rise of steampunk-style characters has been propagated by video games that regularly included magical tech in their settings. That in turn has created its own media offshoots, like Wakfu (based on the titular Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) and Arcane (based on the online battle arena game League of Legends). And of course, anime is a major influence, which was regularly mixing fantasy and technology going as far back as the works of Studio Ghibli with Castle in the Sky.

The artificer originally appeared as a specialist wizard in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Player's Option: Spells & Magic, only to reach prominence in Third Edition with the Eberron Campaign Setting. It was an official base class in Fourth Edition's Eberron's Player's Guide. The artificer has since shown up Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, but it's not part of the core classes in the Player's Handbook.

The reason for that may be that artificers have built-in assumptions about the campaign universe that requires some "magitech" inclusion by the dungeon master, and not everyone may be comfortable with that default assumption. That said, clerics assume a divine connection to deities, barbarians assume a culture of raging primal warriors, and warlocks assume a (somewhat sinister) connection to other beings willing to exchange magic for power. It's not that big of a stretch to include artificer in the core rules and it may well be included in future editions.


The Witcher was originally a book series, which in turn inspired a video game franchise, which in turn created a Netflix series. Watching The Witcher series feels a lot like watching someone's Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and that's no accident. Witchers have a lot in common with rangers and in the original setting where they originated, may well have been inspired by them. But origins aside, the ranger has always been something of an uneasy fit for a witcher.

That's at least due in part to the revisions to the core ranger class itself. Xanathar's Guide introduced a proper monster slayer archetype that fits the witcher mold. And of course there's the Bloodhunter class created by Critical Role's Matt Mercer in The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount.


Critical Role is so popular that it's begun to influence the game that inspired it, so it's perhaps not a surprise that another of Mercer's creations, the gunslinger, fills a missing archetype. Like the artificer, the gunslinger presupposes a level of technology that is not currently the default in D&D. But also like artificers, gunslingers are everywhere, including in Vox Machina.

In the cartoon, Percival de Rolo is infernally-inspired by the demon Orthax to create firearms, justifying their inclusion in a fantasy setting that didn't initially have firearms at all. Since his debut, Percival is now considered the inventor of these kinds of weapons, which just goes to show how a determined DM can make the archetype's inclusion work in their campaign.

Will They Ever Become Official?​

Pathfinder, with its massive array of character options, is a good guidepost for the future of D&D. All of the above archetypes are covered as base classes, although they're not (currently) part of Pathfinder's core rules either.

Of the three classes, the artificer has steadfastly appeared in each edition, and with each debut a little less attached to the campaign roots of Eberron. Its inclusion in Tasha's completed that journey, so it seems likely that the next logical step is to include artificers in the core rules. If that happens, it's not hard to see a gunslinger being an option, either as a fighter or ranger archetype. And the Witcher-inspired class is likely not far behind, benefiting from a subclass in Xanathar's Guide (the Monster Slayer) and Mercer's own Bloodhunter class.

Your Turn: There are surely archetypes that are popular in fantasy-related media that don't fit any of the current classes. What did I miss?

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Adventurer, Conqueror, King (an OSR game) actually had a 'white mage' class in the Players' Companion. The Priestess had clerical spells but poor combat ability--they made up for it by having more clerical spells than a cleric.

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Arcadian Knight
The third is a warrior that utilities knowledge, intuition, and personality to bolster allies and manipulate enemies through trickery, tactics, and example. They alter statistics, unlock unseen elements, and open and close opportunities.
Odysseus also had the portent of Divine Strength (and superhuman Intellect)-- and used a bow only he (and maybe his son) could string.


A scholar tosses a specially distilled vial of a alchemical fire from his specialty crafted crossbow that shoots vials after bombarding you in psychological insults in your mother tongue while slipping in True Speak to lower your Dex saves all while his trained falcon harassed you from above.

Alchemical, Beast training, Weapon and Armor modification, Fear and Charm, True Naming, Battlefield Tactics, and maybe a pinch of magic.
So, an Artificer?


So, an Artificer?
The Artificer is a specialized version of it.

The Scholar class if it existed earlier would include the Beastmaster, the Alchemist, the Plague Doctor, the Warlord, the Artificer, and the Truenamer.

Basically, if 5 abiliy scores have skills, why does only Dex skills get a skills class?

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
How about a non-Cleric Priest class? Be it the Cloistered Cleric or Healer?


I mean, you can achieve it by multiclassing, or through Divine Soul Sorcerer, or playing a cleric and simply refusing to use some class features.

But I'm not sure that "Wizard with Cleric spells" or "Cleric without armor" sufficiently justifies a new class or even sub-class. I'd like to see some sort of nifty core mechanic that makes it different in play.

Also Witch. Yeah, I know you can already make a perfectly good Witch several different ways (Warlock is my favorite.). But it's such a strong archetype that I'd love to see something official, simply to add even more flavor.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Adventurer, Conqueror, King (an OSR game) actually had a 'white mage' class in the Players' Companion. The Priestess had clerical spells but poor combat ability--they made up for it by having more clerical spells than a cleric.
The 3.5 Miniatures handbook had the Healer class that was very similar. At some point in writing it, they realized that the class was woefully underpowered, so they gave it the option to attract a unicorn follower, which is simply amazing, but alas, I never saw anyone attempt to play one.


Really the Cleric should have come down to 2 choices.

  1. Level of Heavyness
    1. No Armor Spells Cleric
    2. Light Armor Skills Cleric
    3. Medium Armor Support Cleric
    4. Heavy Armor Smasher Cleric
  2. Choice of Domain
    1. Arcane
    2. Chaos
    3. Civilization*
    4. Darkness*
    5. Death
    6. Earth*
    7. Fire"
    8. Forge
    9. Frost*
    10. Grave
    11. Hunt*
    12. Knowledge
    13. Life
    14. Light
    15. Love*
    16. Nature
    17. Order
    18. Peace
    19. Sky*
    20. Strength*
    21. Trickery
    22. Tempest
    23. Twilight
    24. War
    25. Wealth*
5e combined the two

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