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"Revenge, Renewal and the Promise of a New Year" (Boot Hill/D&D)

Silver Moon

Chapter 155, “Going Home” , Saturday, January 21st, 1882, 10:00 A.M.

Once the visitors and earth sprit have departed Chester, Katherine, Nanuet, Sonoma and Ruby get their horses ready and plan to depart the mountain, situated three miles northwest of the town of Dos Cabezas. Kate checked one last time to make sure the magical disks were packed away as well, then pulled herself onto Meribel's back.

"I am definitely ready to get back," Ruby quickly replies. She takes one last look around to make sure she didn't forget anything then follows Kate down the rope. She gets onto her horse and waits for everyone else. When they are all down and ready she asks "Everyone all set?" and she starts off. Chester checks his gear for the third time. "I'm ready when you are. Be on the lookout for the Cowboy gang. If Gamble was right, they're in the area." "I had forgotten about them," Kate said, and shifted Tom's pistol in her pocket for easier drawing.

As they prepare to ride off there is a sudden twenty degree drop in the temperature and a wind picks up. Kate looked around the mountain, thinking a sudden storm was blowing up. "What's going on?" "Um, is it me, or does anyone else feel a chill?" Ruby looks around quickly to check the area. "Maybe we should hurry and get into the trees..."

"Um, is it me, or does anyone else feel a chill?" Ruby looks around quickly to check the area. "Maybe we should hurry and get into the trees..." "Snow? Does it snow in Arizona? This mountain isn't that high...." Kate looked around her. "We should move quickly. If this gets bad we might wish we'd never left the cave." Ruby replies, "No, it doesn't snow in Arizona. This must be because of the passing of the spirit. Oh I hope it doesn't get much worse." Ruby pulls up the collar on her jacket and continues to ride on.

Chester comments, “I think we should try to get to Dos Cabezas. We're not ready for snow.” They ride on for another half hour in the snow. Once they get below the highest elevations the temperature is slightly warmer, with the precipitation changing to freezing rain, which they conclude is worse.

Kate looked back at Chester through the freezing rain that was quickly soaking her. "We have to get down the mountain no matter what. It may be better when we get to the bottom. We can always turn for Dos Cabezas when we get to the bottom if we have to." "Good point,” adds Chester. "Let's try to hurry, ok?" Ruby says through chattering teeth. She picks up her pace and continues to ride on. She starts singing a song about the warm summer winds as she tries to get herself warmer.

They ride on for another half hour. Once at the base of the mountain the precipitation ends as does the wind. The temperature is back to the mid-sixties and the sun is now shining down. They estimate that they could either travel a miles south from here to the town or continue to the southeast for around two miles to reach the road that goes back to Promise City.

Ruby exclaims, "Oh I am so glad that crazy weather stopped. Let's get back home so we can get into our own beds and get some rest." Chester asks, “So, ladies. Should we visit the town or head back to home? Kate states, "Well, what do you think? Do we need to go to Dos Cabezos for anything? I'd like to get back to Promise City myself." Chester comments, "I think we can dry off in the town. I don't fancy riding back to Promise City in wet clothes." Kate stopped Meribel for a moment and said a short incantation. Chester's clothes dried. "There, all dry," she said, before repeating the process for herself.

"Home it is!" Ruby said with a smile and guided her horse towards Promise City. Chester is a bit surprised by the magic, "Oh. OK, then. That's a handy spell, Katherine. Thanks. Let's go home." Ruby nods her head to Chester and they all continue to Promise City.

After a short while they reach the road. They continue on for several more miles until they come upon a three way intersection, the other two directions being the road that the Wells Fargo Stage travels on between Promise City and Tombstone. On the east side of the road is a sign that all except Chester have seen before. It has an arrow pointing northwest that reads “Dos Cabezas 6 Miles” and another arrow pointing southeast that reads “Promise City 14 Miles” and below that “Galeyville 26 Miles”.

As they turned down the road toward Promise City, Kate looked back down the road that she knew went toward Tombstone. She sighed and looked forward again. Promise City first. The ride for the next fourteen miles goes by peacefully, which for this group is a welcomed change. The only people that they encountered along the way are a patrol of six human soldiers who they have not seen before. They eye both Sonoma and Nanuet with suspicion but do not prevent them from passing.

It is shortly before noon when the five ride back into town, the road coming in from the northeast side of town near the east side of Sierra Street and not far from the Gila Belle Mine. Ruby finds it far more preferable to come into town on this road this way rather than on a runaway horseless stagecoach as she and Jake had eleven days earlier.

Riding back into Promise City was strange. Kate breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that she was home. She clucked Meribel into a trot forward toward the El Parador. Chester comments, "Ah, home sweet home. I'm hungry. Who's ready for lunch?" Ruby states, "Let's drop of our horses. I'm starving and tired, so lunch and then a nap sound great. But oh, I want to drop off my stuff at the Lone Star first and check on things..." "What I'm ready for is a bath," Kate said. She added, "Sometimes I think you're a walking stomach, Chester." He shrugs. "I need to keep my energy up. Protecting spirits is hard work."

Ruby exclaims, "A bath sounds nice too. Ok then, lunch then a bath then a nap.. but first.. I will get to the Lone Star. Sonoma, you'd better get inside." Ruby nods her head towards the door. At this point everyone can tell Ruby is impatient to get back to the Lone Star. Ruby is convinced to put the horses away first. Grant Keebler is pleased to see them, as they have now been gone for nearly three days. He offers to help with the horses, telling Sonoma "Better hurry inside little lady, your mother has been worried about you." "I'll meet you all back here for lunch," Ruby says and she starts walking away.

"It's nice to see you, Mr. Keebler," Kate said as she made Meribel comfortable. "You rest a few days girl," she said softly to the mare. "You've earned it." She picked up her belongings and went into the Cantina. Dorita welcomes them back. She says “Things in town have been relatively quiet for the past three days.” Chester winks at her. "I bet. Most of the troublemakers were out of town. It's good to be back."

Dorita adds, “The only excitement at all was earlier that morning, when Army Lieutenant Gamble rode into town with three wounded soldiers after a clash with the Apache up in the mountains.”
Kate exclaims, "The fool. Isn't there an agreement with the Apache to stay out of their mountains? And if I know about it he certainly should." Chester states, “We saw him while we were away. I hope he doesn't convince the brass to go looking for them."

Chester takes the case containing the hand cannon up to his room. I'll have to take that to the gunsmith later. He washes his hands and face, then walks back down the stairs. Kate asks, "Dorita, is your grandfather back?" She replies "No, not yet. I was hoping that he had joined up with you. So should I start worrying about him now." "I'm sure he's just helping Maggie get settled," she said quietly and she hoped convincingly. "No need to worry, I'm sure."

Kate took her bags up to her room and tucked her things away. She put a clean dress in a travel bag to take with her to the bathouse. Instead of going straight over, she went into Mr. Gonzales' rooms and then into his mansion. "Mr. Gonzales?" she called out, not really hoping for an answer. She moved through the rooms, hoping for a note perhaps.

After a few moments she wandered into the Library and stood staring at the spellbooks. It was tempting to try the location spell he had used to find President de Sucre, but Mr. Gonzales had warned against trying what was beyond her. But her fingers still itched.

Ruby takes her stuff and hurries back to the Lone Star. She gets inside and sees Niles behind the bar. "Hello Mr. Hoover, how are things?" She doesn't let him answer before continuing quickly, "Is Jake back?" Hoover replies "No Ma'am, I assumed that you had joined him where ever he went off to. Place has been running pretty well the last three nights. I must say, that new singer you found is working out pretty well."

Ruby face drops and she looks away. "Why isn't he back yet?" she says no to one in particular. She is noticeably upset. She furrows her brow and looks back to Hoover. "What new singer?" Hoover replies, "Why Clarisse Townsend of course. We went without any singer Thursday night, then the Tombstone Epitaph came out on Friday with an ad for this place. Your friend Madge Duprey brought Clarisse over here on Friday to sing until you got back. She did a fine job last night. You mean you didn't hire her?"

"Oh right, it had slipped my mind. Of course. I'm glad she worked out and you approve." Ruby sighs. "I'm going to drop off my stuff, have lunch and a bath, then I'll be back, if you need me."
Ruby heads back up to her room, and it was just the way she left it. She takes the letter she had written to Jake and throws it on the table with a huff. She sits on the bed for a few moments looking around at the mess before slowly getting up. She takes a few gulps of a bottle of bourbon they had left before placing it back on the table. She gathers some clean clothes together and heads back to the El Parador, looking to join the others for lunch.

Chester waves to Ruby from the table where he is sitting with Sonoma and Nanuet. "Want to join us?" "Sure Chester, thanks." Ruby takes a seat and quietly eats her lunch. After a while, Chester asks, "I take it Jake isn't back yet?“ She just nods.

Kate turned herself around and got herself out of Mr. Gonzales' rooms before the temptation became overwhelming. When she arrived downstairs the others were nearly finished eating. She took a seat between Ruby and Chester. Kate states, "I'm ready to soak. Anyone else?" Chester says, "Sure. I'm pretty dirty now after three days in the mountains." "Sure, I'm ready. Let's go." Without saying anything else Ruby gets up, grabs her bag and heads for the door.

Sonoma says "Not now, mother needs to see. It does sound like a tempting idea though. I'll probably get one later." She heads off into the kitchen. Kate comments, "All right, Sonoma. We'll see you later." Kate and Chester then quickly followed Ruby out the door. They walked quietly for a bit before Kate said, "Mr. Gonzales isn't back yet. Dorita said she'd hoped he'd joined us. He must be helping Maggie. I don't know what else could be holding him up. Perhaps he didn't mean to travel with her the way he usually travels."

"Jake's not back either," Ruby replied flatly. Kate comments, "Well, they did leave together. I would imagine they'd come back together as well. I hope they haven't run in to any problems." Chester comments, You shouldn't worry. He's a grown man. He can take care of himself." Ruby answers, "I know he can take care of himself, but if he was coming back he should have been back by now. But let's not talk about it, ok?" Ruby walks a little faster and makes her way into Gilsons.

Laurie Gilson has no problem getting Ruby and Kate into a room but Chester is told that he'll have to wait as all of the rooms are currently occupied. Apparently Saturday afternoon is her busiest time of the week. He eventually get in, having to share a room with the other tub occupied by a human prospector named Drew Gallagher. The girls take much longer baths than he does, so they all finish up at around the same time.

Ruby takes her bath in silence. She examines the huge yellow and green bruise the covers her right thigh front to back with disgust. She finishes and gets dressed quietly before meeting up with Chester and Kate. "I’m heading back to the Lone Star to take a nap. I'll see you two later?" She doesn't wait for the answer before walking away.

Kate felt better after bath and watched Ruby walk away sadly. They were no longer in the same place. The El Parador would be lonely without Ruby and Jake there. She was certain the same worry that was gnawing the back of her mind was bothering Ruby as well. She walked back to the El Parador with Chester. "It seems strange to have nothing to do until it's time to go to the Lone Star for the night. I think I might follow Ruby's example and sleep. What will you do?"

Chester replies, "Not much, I'll brush own my horse then go to the gunsmith. That hand cannon took a bad fall. It's a shame about Riley that he didn't see the results of his dreams." Kate replies, "Yes, it was a shame. And worse that there was no way we could do anything for him, even a proper burial." Kate sighed. Chester says, "I guess we'll need to tell his friend, the shaman. Nanuet probably knows how to get in touch with him."

He pauses, then continues, "Ruby's really worried about Jake, isn't she? Do you know what he left for?" Kate answers, "Ruby is worried, and so am I. I don't know where he went, or what for. Ruby didn't tell me, and I wasn't really... well, let's just say I don't remember Jake telling me." He asks, "Couldn't your magic find him?"

She replies, "I'm not that advanced. I just started learning, and spells to locate people are more complex than I know how to perform right now. I wish I could. There are several people I would look for." They arrived back at the El Parador. "I think I'll go lie down, I'll see you this evening." "Have a good rest. I'll see you later."

Chester sticks his head into the kitchen. "Dorita, can I have a carrot, please? I want to give my horse a treat." Dorita says, "You can have carrot, if you help me clean the kitchen. I'm not a grocer." "OK, OK. I'll do it. Now can I have the carrot?" She hands him the vegetable and shoos him out.

Chester goes back out to the stable to check on his horse. He feeds it the carrot. The horse eats the offered treat eagerly. As Chester brushes the animal, he says, "Bet you weren't expecting to see a dragon and the Chimera in the same day, huh. Me, neither." Once he's done, Chester goes back to the kitchen, where he sweeps and scrubs for an hour or so.

Chester walks back up to his room and picks up the hand cannon case. "Now to take care of you." He goes to the gunsmith only to find out it's closed. "Drat, I forgot it's Saturday. I'll have to find some time later." He spends the rest of the day cleaning his rifle and pistol and sharpening his sword. If it had come to it, could I have fought the beast with this? I'd probably end up like poor Riley. He shakes his head. "Ow. That lump still hurts. I'd better take it easy."

Kate spent most of the afternoon in a fitful sleep. Her worry about Mr. Gonzales and Jake disturbed her rest, as well as the nightmares that had plagued her for the last week.

Ruby gets back to the Lone Star and walks up the stairs without saying a word to Hoover. She gets to her room, drops her dress and climbs into bed. It takes her a while to fall asleep but when she does she sleeps deeply.

It is late afternoon before she wakes. She lays in bed staring at the ceiling for a while before getting up. She takes her time getting dressed and slowly brushes she still wet hair, almost mindlessly. She finally snaps out of it, finishes up and make her way downstairs, looking for Job and Niles.

Ruby sees that Job and Niles are not currently busy. “You two have a moment? I want to make some business decisions.” She sees both of their reactions on their faces, nearly identical. “Yes, I know you have been speaking with Jake, but he is not here right now and I will speak for him. Let’s go sit.” She heads over to the corner and takes a seat waiting for them to follow.

Ruby begins “I will start by saying the easiest and most profitable for everyone would be if we split the profits evenly, 25% each after expenses are taken out.” She turns and looks at Job. “If you continue to put in your 20%, we would be splitting it and you would get 5% of that back, so in actuality you would only be putting in 15%. Imagine, on nights you do poorly you will still be taking some money home with you. Jake will also put in 20% of his winnings when he plays. What do you think of that idea?”

Job replies "Let's hold off on finalizing that until Jake comes back. I have a hunch that he might not agree to that. That deal works best unless you happen to be the best dealer in the place. If you can make more than the other two combined then you're better off keeping your own winnings instead of just getting a share."

The words "What if Jake doesn't come back" start coming out of her mouth but she holds it in. She didn't think she was going to get much respect being just a singer and a female one at that. "Ok, Job, I'll let you work that out with Jake, although he has already agreed that was the easiest plan."

She quickly turns to Hoover and says, "Niles, you have the liquor. I know you are willing to sell to us at cost. We are open all day now for you to sell. What kind of agreement do you expect in regards to the liquor? We store them here and you get the space to sell it for nothing. Are you happy with adding in those profits and splitting them 25%? And are you comfortable being the manager here on a daily basis? Would you like to add your assistant to the payroll and what can he do?”

He says "I'm pretty open to whatever you think is fair. I appreciate having a place to work out of after loosing my other shop. And the folks who come here seem to be pretty nice. I also appreciate that we've managed to keep my assistant employed too."

Ruby smiles at him and continues, “Here are some ideas that we have been kicking around. First, the third floor. I think all the employees should move up to the third floor when it is finished. That would be Jake and I, you two and Jeff Mills. That leaves the second floor rooms open. I am thinking we can use them for private card games, parties, and business transactions that our customers might want to conduct after hours. We can cater them food and offer liquor and if they pay enough even some personal singing lessons,” she winks. “We can maybe also set them up in case some of our more important and trustworthy customers need a place to sleep. I’m not suggesting we become a hotel, but it might be nice to have a room or two available.”

Job says "Actually, I've been thinking of getting my own place in town. I've been living out of a saloon for almost a year now and would actually like some privacy. I don't have the money at the moment to buy something but I figure I will in a few weeks."

"Whatever you like, Job. But I'm guessing then that neither of you mind our second floor plans?"
Job says "Sounds like a good idea to me. I also like your plans of checking weapons at the door, it will let me concentrate more on my card games without having to worry as much about what everyone else is doing at the time."

Ruby says “We will need to hire a new cook, and someone to clean. I would like to have our food be a good choice for lunch and dinner, and not just something people get because they are here and hungry. I have asked Dorita from the El Parador to find someone for us. I know she will find someone to fill our needs. I will go speak to her later and find out if she has found anyone she recommends yet."

“Niles, Jake and I have been discussing some options. You currently own a prime empty lot on Main Street. Maybe we could offer it to Mr. Lacey next door? If he agrees to move and you own the land we could plan on expanding the Lone Star. We would, of course, work out some kind of deal to compensate you for the purchase made in our behalf. We could build a secure shed to store the liquor in out back. I think us considering expanding is in all of our interests. The bigger the place is the more customers we can fit in here. We can add some faro tables, maybe craps tables too. I want to have real space for dancing and I plan to make sure my singing is something people just can’t miss.” She stops to look at both men, giving them each a smile.

Hoover says "Mills suggested that to me a few days back. Nobody's made any inquiries about my lot yet. Lacey's current store is actually bigger than the lot I own but we might be able to also get the lot that the Feed and Grain store was on, which would actually give Lacey more space. Mills says that the way Lacey's store is build it could be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere, so he wouldn't even need a new building, and it would be a better location for his store."

"Let's work on that then. I'm sure Mr. Lacey can be persuaded." Ruby says, “We also need to decide how much profit to put aside for regular operating expenses. This is one area I have no idea about. Niles, you would know best I think.”

Hoover says "You folks are too trusting. Didn't I mention that I'm one for wild get-rich-quick schemes?" Job laughs and says "You must be, if you decided to go into the saloon business with a pair of gamblers and a singer." Ruby forces a smile on her face. "You are too funny. Alright, gentlemen let's have a good Saturday night, shall we?"

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Silver Moon

Chapter 156, “Ruby’s Rant” , Saturday, January 21st, 1882, 8:00 P.M.

Nanuet had been his normally quiet self on the trip back to Promise City. He spent most of the trip in the lead scouting the trail. He was glad that the trip was uneventful other than the freakish weather at it's start.

Once they got back he dined with his companions then spent some time taking care of his mount. He then headed over to the grove and called for Maska. The two spent some time together and then Nanuet spent a few hours resting.

He awoke and stretched out slowly. He had been thinking about what Storm had said about his future. No revelations had come to him yet. "No rush I guess. I don't think I am going to figure it out tonight." He looked around the grove which was quiet and peaceful, but empty and lonely as well. He knew exactly where at least most of his friends would be so he cleaned himself up and headed over to the Lone Star.

Over at the Lone Star Chester has just arrived. "Chester!" Ruby had just finished her first set and was starting to feel pretty happy. "I am SO glad you made it tonight. I am doing just fine, and yourself? You want a drink?" She pours him his usual beer without waiting for his answer and offers it to him. Then she pours a whiskey for herself drinking it in one gulp. "You missed me sing, Chet. But don't worry, there is more where that came from."

He replies, "I'm sorry that I missed it. I can't wait until you and Kate perform again. Thanks for the beer." He raises the glass in salute, "Here's mud in your eye." After taking a swallow, he says, "I'm doing good. I lived through all we went through the past couple days. I hope the mother and child get where they're going safely. Kate's friends seem like they can handle anything they come across. It looks like there's a good crowd tonight." Ruby answers, "Yes, good crowd, and I'd better go and keep them happy. Back to singing!" She turns on her heel, hair flying around, and gets back on stage.

A lone woman who had entered during Ruby's set of songs took a seat near the stage. Before Ruby launches into her next set of songs she approaches the stage to approach Ruby and Kate. They assume that she is going to ask for a request for something to be sung.

The woman has a soft voice and meekly says "Excuse me, I'm Clarisse Townsend. I'm a waitress over at the Gay Lady. My friend Madge arranged for me do some singing at the Comique on Thursday night. Last night she had me sing both there as well as here since you were all away. Now that you're back it appears that you won't be needing me anymore, so I'll go back over to the Comique. It was nice meeting you."

"Miss Townsend, how nice to meet you, I'm Katherine Kale." Kate offered her hand to shake Miss Townsend's. Her eyes flicked over at the already inebriated Ruby. "I've heard good things about your singing here last night. I think, perhaps now that Ruby is a part owner in the Lone Star there will be nights when she can't sing, and having someone to fill in would allow her more than one night off a week. What do you think Ruby? You wouldn't have to worry about those nights when something comes up to keep you away."

Ruby replies, "Yes, I have been wanting another singer around here. Miss Townsend, why don't you sing the next set and we'll see how you do." She nods and heads to the stage to sing. Ruby sits next to Kate at the piano. "What do you think? Is she cute enough? I was thinking of getting someone who could open for me and waitress at the other times and fill in when I don't want to sing or can't be here.""

Clarisse, who is rather cute and appears to be in her late teens, tells Kate the three songs that she wishes to sing, namely Sweet Genevieve, Champagne Charlie and In the Evening By the Moonlight. Kate is familiar with all three but suggests that she not do the last one, as that is one that Ruby enjoys singing. Clarisse immediately says "Oh absolutely, I'm sure that I couldn't do it justice by comparison. I'll just do the two." Kate suggests that she finish with Whispering Hope, one of her own favorites, which Clarisse agrees to perform.

The girl acts shy and humbled as she first gets onto the stage, uncertain of where to stand. She begins the words of the George Cooper song,

O Genevieve, I'd give the world
To live again the lovely past!
The rose of youth is dew-impearl'd,
But now it withers in the blast.

Her singing is faint and hard to hear beyond a few feet from the stage, but as she gets to the chorus of:

O Genevieve, Sweet Genevieve,
The days may come, the days may go,
But still the hands of mem'ry weave
The blissful dreams of long ago

her confidence rises and she begins to let the words flow louder from her throat. She finishes the four verses and receives a fair amount of applause.

Job announces that his table will take a break and he makes a point of walking over and putting a $ 5 bill in the tips cup. That seems to also help the young girl's confidence as she begins the lighthearted comedic bar song. She had sung the first song in a soprano voice but during this next tune her range increases to more of an alto as she sings the popular George Leybourne and Arthur Lee standard:

I’ve seen a deal of gaiety through out my noisy life
With all my grand accomplishments I ne’er could get a wife,
The thing I most excel in is the P. R. F. G. game,
A noise all night in bed all day, and swimming in Champagne.

For Champagne Charlie is my name, Champagne Charlie is my name
Good for any game at night, my boys, good for any game at night, my boys,
Champagne Charlie is my name, Champagne Charlie is my name
Good for any game at night, boys, who’ll come and join me in a spree.

By the end of the fifth verse she gets a large round of applause.

She drops her voice to a softer level and in a voice which captures the attention of everyone in the room sings:

Soft as the voice of an angel,
Breathing a lesson unheard,
Hope with a gentle persuasion
Whispers her comforting word:
Wait till the darkness is over,
Wait till the tempest is done,
Hope for the sunshine tomorrow,
After the shower is gone.

Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice,
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.

If, in the dusk of the twilight,
Dim be the region afar,
Will not the deepening darkness
Brighten the glimmering star?
Then when the night is upon us,
Why should the heart sink away?
When the dark midnight is over,
Watch for the breaking of day.

Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice,
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.

She quickly exits the stage among more applause.

Katherine's hands stilled on the keys as the last notes died away and Miss Townsend hurried off the stage. Her vision blurred momentarily until the tears in her eyes fell with a light patter onto the keyboard. "Mrs. Kale, are you alright?" the young girl asked as she stood nervously beside the piano.

Kate lifted her head. "Yes, yes I'm sorry. You sing beautifully. Any problems you had are nothing a few nights worth of singing won't cure. Your style is quite different from Miss West's; you should compliment each other nicely. This is yours," she said, digging money out of the tip cup.

"I believe Miss West would be glad to have you here. Most nights as an opener for her and then to help with the witnessing, and as the main singer on the nights when she wants to rest her voice or has other business to attend to. Would you be amenable?"

She quickly puts the money from the cup into a pocket of her dress. replies "Well, I would be honored to sing here. I'm not sure if Mr. Lumley would allow me to waitress somewhere other than the Gay Lady. He won't allow any of his singers to sing anywhere else."

Kate replies, "That's sound business sense. I know Miss West will be glad to have you as a singer. I'm not authorized to negotiate for the Lone Star, of course, but I think if you decided you would like to change your place of employment you would be welcomed. For now, let's say that you will open for Miss West, and we will call on you for nights when she would like you to take over. You'll be entitled to whatever tips you make, of course. And you'll receive a wage. I don't know what that will be, I'm sure if you stop by tomorrow Miss West will have it settled with the other owners." "Thank you, I will" she says before hurrying out the door.

The remainder of the evening goes well, Job's game wrapping up at around 11:00 PM and Tony's a half-hour later. Collectively they made around $ 300, so $ 60 was put into the owner's share.
Chester and Kate head back to the El Parador while Ruby heads upstairs to her room.

After a half hour or so alone at the Lone Star, Ruby makes her way to the El Parador and stumbles up to Kate’s room. She not so quietly knocks on the door and waits for Kate to answer. When she does she makes her way into the room and falls onto her bed. She puts a big pout on her face before she starts rambling. Ruby is slightly slurring some words and Kate can still smell the alcohol on her.

“Can I tell you, I just HATE him right now. Look how he left me, Kate,” Ruby whines, “I bought a stupid SALOON! What the heck do I know about running SALOONS! And today I tried to get some decisions made and they still just wanted to talk to HIM and not me. I moved out of here,” she waves her arms around, “And into the Lone Star where I am ALONE, BY MYSELF. How could he just pick up and leave like that? Oh, I HATE HIM!!” She turns her head towards Kate and says quietly with a sigh. “I don’t think he is coming back. It’s been 6 days already.”

Kate held back on answering for a moment. "He isn't the only one who isn't back yet. Do you think Mr. Gonzales isn't coming back? Do you really think Jake would invest all that money here and just leave? And what's more, you really believe he would just leave you without a word? I know Jake isn't a gentleman in the way I know the word, but he has his own sense of honor. If he ever decides he wants to be free, he'll tell you.

As for the men wanting to talk to Jake, if you've been leaving all the business decisions up to him so far, then that is who they are used to dealing with. It's rather a quick change for you to speak for him all the sudden."

“I am SURE that Jake dumped Mr. Gonzales the minute they got there I have no idea how long Mr. Gonzales was supposed to be gone, but I DO know that Jake said he would be back as quickly as he could and he should be back by now. The money? He can always get more. I think he got there and maybe got himself into trouble, or someone might have convinced him not to come back or maybe he just decided I was too much trouble I don’t think I told you what happened with Adair…” Ruby continues her ramble mentioning how Adair tried to shoot Jake and that Van Horne stopped him, but does not mention anything else about Van Horne. “So maybe he decided better to leave then get shot in the back because of some stupid girl. As for the business stuff, there is no reason why they shouldn’t be able to talk with me. I own a quarter of the stupid place.”

“He’s the one who convinced me to stay HERE and now he is the one who is GONE, DAMMIT!” Ruby glanced at Kate and realized she didn’t know anything about what had happened last Friday. She decided to shut up right then.

"You don't think Jake knows how to get himself shot at without you to help him. Believe me, a few bullets aren't going to keep him away. If Jake wanted a quiet life with a perfect little wife, he's still be in Philadelphia. What he wants is a woman like Ruby West. And she is too unique to find another."

“Are you saying I wouldn’t make the perfect little wife? You sound like my mother…” Ruby says seriously. She pauses a moment then starts laughing. “I’m sorry, Kate but you do,” she says shrugging. When she finally stops laughing her face turns serious again and she looks to Kate. “You might be right Kate, but I’m afraid, what if I’m right? I just miss him and I hate him for that.”

"Being a perfect wife isn't for everybody, Ruby. I'm not suggesting you should be. And you could be right, but I doubt it. As I said, I think if Jake ever wants to be free he'll tell you, he won't just disappear. As for hating him, well, sometimes that goes along with caring about someone. It's the tradeoff for the happiness."

“Wife?” Ruby practically spit the words out. “I’m not going to let any man own me, Kate, you must be kidding about that. I mean, it would take an awful lot of convincing and some really good reasons…” Ruby just shook her head at the thought. “I admit, I’m not very good at this caring for other people stuff.” She puts her head down on the pillow. “Can I stay here? It’s lonely over there being alone.” Kate sat down on the bed and stroked Ruby's hair. "You can stay here. We can be lonely together."

Ruby was still curled up asleep when Katherine woke in the morning. She crept quietly around the room, dressing herself in the gray dress she had worn to court and packing a simple skirt and blouse in her small travel bag. After she was presentable she pulled out her journal and carefully ripped out another page. The pen made soft scratching sounds as she wrote Ruby's name across the front of the note and folded it so it would stand on the table in front of Tom's picture. It should reassure Ruby that she was indeed coming back.

Kate stopped briefly to tell Dorita she would be back tomorrow, and slipped out of the Cantina. She went to the Wells Fargo office, bought a ticket to Tombstone, and boarded the stagecoach.

Silver Moon

Chapter 157, “Red’s Magic” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882:

Jake checks his watch upon waking. It reads 11:15. He notices the side panel to Red's room is open and that Red is sitting on his bed reading a book. He glaces over and says "Jacob me boy, thought you were going to sleep the day away! Good morning to ye!"

"Top 'o the mornin' to ya." Jake replies. He gets up, smoothes his hair with his hand, decides it's hopeless without a comb and water, shrugs and goes and sits in Red's room. "You're looking well, sir."

"And to you me boy. Are you hungry? Lunch will ready in around fifteen minutes. Thought we'd do something special for our last meal together for a while."

"You are spoiling me rotten. Let me get cleaned up a bit." Jake gets up and stretches again. "Or should I have said wee bit?"

"I need to change too," Red says. His change, however, is with the Van Horne chain.

Jake cleans up and gets dressed. "Ready?" Van Horne asks.

They head out into the Water Hole Saloon's main room and Jake sees a middle-aged woman setting up a table. A nice embroidered tablecloth covers the table with matching napkins, fine china plates and bowls, fine silver and wine glasses.

A wooden crate is on the floor near her and she reaches in, taking out a platter with a roast ham. She then gets from the same crate a basket of freshly baked bread, a bowl of mashed potatoes, a bowl of mixed green vegetables, and a ceramic crock that she then ladles some soup from and into the bowls. She finishes with a candle in the center of the table which she light.

She then pinches some powder into the flame and says an incantation that Jake recognizes from when Gonzales did one similar back at the El Parador. "Have a nice meal Gentlemen" she says with a hint of a Spanish accent in her voice. She then departs. The only guard in the room is Richard who says "I'll lock the doors behind me." He departs too.

"Nice spread. Is that the dweomer that keeps others from listening in?" Jake asks O'Brien. Red is a bit surprised that Jake recognized the spell. "Indeed it is. We should have all the privacy we need but I'm not taking any chances."

Red gets a new bottle of Kentucky Bourbon and fills the wine glasses of each "Wouldn't want to ruin the mean with wine," he comments. They sit down and dine for the next hour eating the meal.

At the end of the meal Jake proposes a toast. "Perhaps a traditional Irish one.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May the gods hold you in the hollow of their hands."

Thank ye Jake. I'm going to miss you. This last week has been wonderful, but you have a wife to get back to. Now I do believe that I promised you a story?"

"Story tellin' is thirsty work my friend." Jake tops the glasses and leaves the bottle handy. He sits back and is quiet.

Red exclaims, “Jacob me boy, You’ve been patient for long enough. I suppose that it’s time I told you how my special trinkets came to be in my possession. As you recall, I was shot during the incident in Kansas City. I managed to get out of the city, holding up across the Missouri river over in Kansas City, Kansas. While I recovered is when Armour put up the reward and several bounty hunters flocked to the area to collect.

I headed a short distance west to Topeka. One particularly skillful and persistent bounty hunter by the name of Thomas Luther Price managed to get a scent of my trail. I tried to shake him by getting on the next train to Denver and then sneaking off the train in Salina, Kansas and then making my way down to Wichita. But less than a week later Price showed up in Wichita, so I was off again, this time running east to Joplin, Missouri. He kept dogging me, down into Arkansas as I went from Fayetteville to Little Rock to Texarkana. I had a close call with him there and only managed to get away because of a jurisdictional issue with the law that temporarily delayed him from crossing over the border into Texas.

By that point Price was used to my pattern of staying in places a short while and moving on so I changed my pattern, staying in the Dallas area while leaving trailers to indicate that I had moved on. I managed to trick him into several wild goose chases, with him heading off to Houston, Austin and San Antonio while I stayed in Dallas and made a living for myself at the gambling tables. He eventually caught on and decided to stay in Dallas but by then I had managed to lay enough groundwork in the area to indicate that I was hiding somewhere in the nearby towns of Plano and Irving while I then left the area for good. When I hit Abilene I figured I had at least a week’s head start on him.

That’s where the serendipity came into play and I met my only friend since we were separated. So Jacob me boy, have you ever heard of a man named John Jarrette?”

Jake replies, "The name is familar. I try to keep a name list of gents to avoid, and it rings a bell. Was he one of Quantrill's raiders?"

Red replies, "No, he was a member of the James/Younger Gang. He was the brother-in-law of the Younger brothers, married to their sister Mary Josephine. She died in a house fire and he was believed to have been killed in it too, so he laid low after that.

He was successful up until the Cajun bounty hunter Jacques Francois DuBois managed to figure out who he was at a Saloon in Idaho. A long distance chase then began, heading down through Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. He showed up in Abeline around the same time I did. Odd coincidence, but it worked out well for both of us."

Jake asks, "OK, so you Jarette, Price and DuBois all collided there?"

Red answers, "In a fashion. I always kept my eyes out and saw this guy looking for someone. I asked and heard he was a rancher named Kirkland, but he acted more like a bounty hunter. By this point I'd learned what to look for. Turns out it was DuBois, but in a magical disguise. I figured he was a bounty hunter and I assumed he was looking for me, so I found me a good hiding hole, in a shed down a nearby alleyway. Ran into Jarette hiding in the same shed. We compared notes and realized that two people in our positions working together might just be able to arrange something.

Took us several days to set it up and I had to make myself the bait a couple of times. I'd been in Abeline for nine days and was starting to think that for once I outsmarted Price, but true to form he finally arrived. The rest was surprisingly simple.

We let it get to Kirkland that I was meeting Jarette later in back of a hotel, which just happened to be where Price was staying. We then let Price get a good look at Jarette, who he immediately recognized but was momentarily surprised as he had been looking for me instead.

So we get the two of them into the back alleyway but at opposite ends. Jarrette is hiding at one end of the alley behind a pile of garbage. I'm inside a building opposite him with the window open. Price and Kirkland see each other but don't think anything of it until I rotated the barrel of my gun, ah, what a distinct sound that makes, caught both their attention. Jarette then yells out "Look out, he's going to shoot." Kirkland attempts to draw on Price, which is the last thing he ever did. I disappeared into the building when the shot rang out.

We had also made sure that Abeline’s Marshall was also nearby, on Price's end of the alleyway. While he's busy with Price and a crowd is just starting to show up at the Marshall's end of the alley Jarette managed to get away, picking up Kirkland's gun in the process. The magical disguise remains in place on DuBois and people vouch to him being Kirkland. So Price gets locked up for shooting an unknown rancher who was visiting town. His claim of self-defense doesn't hold up since his opponent appears to have been unarmed. So Jarette and I solved both of our problems in the short term."

"Short term? Is there more or does that bring us to today? I assume the dead man looked like Mr Allister at the time of his demise?" Jake asks.

"No, he looked like Kirkland. Other than grabbing the gun we didn't dare even attempt to get anywhere near the body. I'm sure it was loaded with magic but that would have been pushing our luck.

No, what the two of us did was get on the first train out of town, before Price could get the law after us to give himself an alibi. Turns out it was an eastbound train. So John and I get to thinking about DuBois, and how we're the only ones who knew that he was dead. John had been doing some checking up on the man hunting him and we knew that he was from near Baton Rouge and was unmarried.

So a little over a day later we're at this house, tossing the place for whatever we can find that might be magical. We ask around and find out who both his friends and enemies are. Turns out he once killed a close relative of a French wizardess in New Orleans. We visit the wizardess, who is thrilled to hear that Jarrett is dead. For the next few days she takes a look at everything we lifted and figures out how to use it. She kept half of the stuff and we each took a quarter. But Jacob me boy, these trinkets that I got to keep have been more than enough.

So John and I stuck together for the next six months. Price never caught up with either one of us, although we did have a close call near Austin with a bounty hunter named Irby Cole. That was when Mr. Allison made his first appearance."

"Cole?" Jake interrupts " Wasn't there a bounty hunter by the name of Cole in Promise City recently?"

Red replies, "Yes, that was him. Came looking for Arcade's Gang. But he had seen Mr. Allison before, not Mr. Van Horne. I was careful around him. But the one in town who I've really been trying to avoid is that Scarface Jones. Oh, and you of course, but you still managed to figure it out."

"Scarface? That weasel is tied into this story too?", Jake asks.

Red says, ""No, just wound up in the same place. I'm surprised you didn't see him in town. Lives at one of the boarding houses and works at the corral. I was just afraid that he would figure out who I was and blow my cover. Jacob me boy, you have to be careful around very intelligent people but you have to be even more careful around the mentally inept."

"You sure got him pegged. Oh, I know he's in town. Keeps trying to get me to help him rob the bank." Jake rolls his eyes. "I'm tempted to set him up and put him away. But as you said, he would probably weasel out in some unimaginable way."

Red states, "Better watch out Jacob me boy, Isby already considers gamblers to be thieves. All it would take is one word from Scarface naming you as his partner and you'll be seeing the business end of a noose."

Jake answers, "I'll be careful. I guess it is time to do something about Danby Scarface Jones. I did give some information to the bank guard to be watching him but nothing has come of that. I won't let that fester." Apparently lost in thought, Jake swirls his bourbon around in the glass a moment before having another drink.

They finish up the drinks and check the time. It is 1:30 PM. "Jacob me boy, ye had best thing about heading over to the train station. Your train leaves at 2:00”

Jake bids him farewell. "I'm sure I'll understand any private messages you send, I always do. Take care, and I'll see you soon I hope." Red gives Jake the Allister chain and says "Try not to use it unless you absolutely have to. Mr. Allister has not been seen yet in Promise City." They clasp hands and then give each other a warm hug before Jakes heads to the station and boards the train that will take him back to Tombstone.

Jake reaches the train station and hands the ticket to the conductor. He climbs on board and takes a window seat in the passenger car, from which he will get a good view of the town an hour later when it arrives in Tombstone.

Silver Moon

Chapter 158, “Return to Tombstone” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882, 9:00 A.M.

Kate was the last to board the stagecoach when Chuck Nevers shuts the door to the stage. There were four other people on board, three of whom Kate recognized. The one that she doesn't recognize is dressed as a prospector, with dusty and patched cloth clothes and a scraggly beard. Another one who she recognizes by face but not by name is a tall handsome young man in rancher's clothes who played at Tony Lucky's table the previous night. The woman on the stage is Vera Blake, owner of the Drover's Hotel, the restaurant where the group got their first meal in town three weeks ago this day.

But it is the fourth and final occupant of the stage is the one who causes the blood to drain from her face. The humanoid looks in her direction. Kate is attired very differently now than she had been two days ago, and she had never gotten that close to this man, so it is not surprising that he fails to recognize her. But she clearly recognizes this half-ogre as the survivor of the hunter Dodge's party.

He is also attired differently than he had been two days ago. He is now wearing a Confederate Army uniform, one clearly made for a humanoid of his size. Pinned to the front of his military hat is the Southern Cross of Honor, one of the highest honors that the Confederacy had awarded to its troops. Looking at the creature she can now see that this half-ogre is far too old to have been on of Dodge's sons and concludes that the uniform was the one that this man had worn in the war.

Katherine pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at her forehead, hoping to cover her lapse in composure as a passing faintness. Four hours on the stage with Dodge's companion did not promise to be pleasant. What shocked her as much as his presence was the uniform.

Grey uniforms were the stuff of her nightmares as a child. Her family were abolitionists, and her Father had fought in the war between the states. That Dodge's companion would fight for the Confederacy, against those trying to free his countrymen turned her stomach. She moved her eyes away from him as casually as she could manage. "Good morning," she said politely. "Lovely day for a ride, isn't it?"

Vera Blake replies "Why yes. You look familiar." The young man says "Indeed, you're the piano player at the Lone Star aren't you?" She replies, "Yes, I saw you at one of the tables last night. And we met when I first arrived in Promise City, Mrs. Blake, I had my first meal here in your establishment. I'm Mrs. Katherine Kale. I'm sorry, sir, I didn't learn your name last night."

"Norman Kelley" he replies. "Nice little town you have there. Made for a nice break." The prospector speaks next and Kate recognizes his accent as being from either Alabama or Mississippi. He says his name is Lawrence O'Hara, but to call him Larry. Larry and Norman continue to converse with each other for the next few minutes. Larry works a claim west of Tombstone while Norman works for the Western Union Telegraph Company.

Kate kept one ear on the men's conversation even as she sank back into herself. The mention of the telegraph reminded her that she should check at the office and at the post office to make sure there was nothing for her. Any letters or messages her family might have sent before the moved might not have been forwarded. Her eye met Mrs. Blake’s and she smiled slightly, unsure what to say. "You have business in Tombstone?"

Vera replies "Yes, shopping. I usually go there every other Sunday to purchase food, beverages and other supplies for the restaurant. I saw you didn't load up any luggage. Why are you going to Tombstone?" "I... My husband is buried there." Kate paused for a moment. "I'm going to visit, and to arrange for the monument." Vera places her hand on Kate's and says "I'm sorry." Kate replies, "Thank you."

The carriage is silent for a while. Then the prospector Larry turns towards the half-ogre and says "I served with Stevenson's Division under General Stephen D. Lee with the Thirtieth Alabama. Saw some pretty tough combat at the Siege of Vicksburg. What about you?"

The half-ogre replies in a surprising articulate South Carolina accent "Thirtieth Alabama? I knew a officer from that group, a Colonel Charles M. Shelley." "He was Brigadier General Shelley when I served with him" Larry exclaims. "And you Sir, where did you serve?" The half-ogre replies, "I served along my master who was also my brother. He began as a Major with the First South Carolina Cavalry. We served in a variety of units following that, eventually becoming an independent artillery and scouting unit."

Kate kept her face away from them, looking out the window. She wished suddenly she had just saddled the stallion and rode to Tombstone herself. She wasn't sure she could take hours of war stories. She settled back and tried to avoid thinking about what they were saying, and what she was doing. Their conversation continues but Kate somehow manages to fall asleep.

When the carriage hits a rocky patch and she awakens she recognizes her surroundings as an area less than a mile east of Tombstone and they will be at their destination within minutes. Kate roused herself and looked out the windows. Three weeks ago she had traveled away from this place. She hadn't expected to be back so soon. Inside the folds of her skirt she felt the comforting weight of Tom's pistol. "Mrs. Blake, do you know who might be in the Marshall's office this afternoon? Would it be Virgil Earp, or his brother?"

She replies "One or the other I imagine." The carriage rides into town and comes to a stop on Allen Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets in front of Big Nose Kate's Saloon and Grand Hotel. It takes a few minutes for Mr. Nevers to come down and open up the door, as the other driver begins to unload the luggage for the other passengers.

Kate is relieved to finally be out of the stage. A shiver then runs up her spine when the half-ogre says to her in a deep voice "Ma'am, there is no reason for you to go alert the Marshall. I won't be doing you or your friends any harm. One thing that you should know though is that Master Beau was only trying to protect his family."

She replies, "I have business with the Marshall, Sir, it has nothing to do with your presence here. But it is comforting to know that we need have no fear of you. If I may ask a question, though, why would Mr. Dodge point that cannon at us? We had no interest in the creature as a prize. He could have taken it and made all the claims he wanted, we would not have interfered."

He lowers his voice and moves closer so that he is out of earshot of the others and answers "Ma'am, it had nothing to do with the critter. From your accent I gather you're a Yankee. I know that they don't approve of magic up yonder. Well, down south is the same with humans. With any of ogre blood who use magic it's a capital offense. And Dodge would have been executed for allowing it.

We hadn't seen y'all hunkered down by the cave when we first came over the ridge. Jabby saw the critter and started using his magic before we saw ya. If you had told the authorities what you'd seen it would have been the end for all of us. Master Beau only saw one way out of it. Can't really tell you anything more since I was down with the critter instead of up with the others when the shooting started.

Know this though, I'm a sharpshooter. I don't miss. My shots up at y'all were meant to drive you back into the cave, not kill ya. I especially don't take to killin' of women. That bright red hair of your friend makes for a perfect target, but I shot her leg instead, to keep her from coming after me. My compassion is what got my brothers and nephews killed. I shoulda stopped the one with the big gun before he got to use it. That's something I'll have to live with. But it was a fair fight, everyone was just defending themselves, and that's what I'll be tellin' the folks back home."

She replies, "I appreciate that, and I'm sorry it ended that way. Especially now that you've told me the reasons. We had no intention of making any reports to the authorities. The death of the creature was our concern, not how it was achieved. You shouldn't blame yourself, if we had all just talked, it could have been avoided. Have an easy journey home, Sir,"

Kate said as she picked up her travel bag and went into Big Nose Kate's to arrange for a room. Thirty-two-year-old restaurateur Mary Katherine Haroney also-known-as Big Nose Kate had a reputation for being one of the most interesting, best educated and toughest women in the west. She was very surprised to see Katherine Kale at her doorstep. "Why Mrs. Kale, I thought that you had returned to Boston. Whatever brings you back this way?"

She replies, "No, I went to Promise City. I'm not sure I could go back to Boston yet. I want to get a nice monument for Tom. But of course, it's a pleasure to stay in your establishment as well." Big Nose Kate gets her a room key and says that she will have a houseboy bring up a bucket of water for her to clean up before supper. Katherine considers asking her something about the Marshall but then reconsiders, remembering that the woman was close friends with the Earps.

"Miss Haroney, might you know where I could find Mr. Colby Tucker? I left what few effects of Tom's that I didn't send to his parents with him, and I'd like to reclaim them. It's still early, and there should be plenty of time before supper to take care of it. Oh, and would you happen to know if the stone mason his open on Sundays? That is who I would see about a grave marker, isn't it?"

She says that Tucker works over at the O.K. Corral. She is uncertain about the stone mason's hours and suggests that Kate check at the man's house, over on 2nd Street.

Kate heads outside. The most prominent building that she saw was the new county courthouse, still under construction. It was funny, she has spent nearly three months here in this town and only three weeks in Promise City, but her newly adopted town felt like a home to her while this town was nothing more than a bad memory. Not only was the name of this town depressing, there was the sights and sounds from all of the different buildings of the Grand Central Mine up upon the hill overlooking the town which added to the gloom.

Promise City had only the one noisy smelter and it was only in operation three to five hours a day to accommodate the needs of the town's mines. Tombstone had two, and they smelted not only the ore from the Tombstone area but also that from the towns of Bisbee and Benson. At least one of smelters and usually both were in continuous operation. There was also the loud noises coming from the various pump houses working round-the-clock ever since the Grand Centrals main shaft had first become flooded the previous year. This town was loud, ugly and seemed to have a perpetual shroud hanging over it. Yes, the name Tombstone was certainly appropriate.

Katherine deduced to head over to the stone mason's first. It would be better to do her business before she saw Tucker, while her state of mind was still collected. She made her way to Second Street and looked for the house Big Nose Kate had described. Promise City was smaller than Tombstone, so it seemed to take a long time to find it, but eventually she did and knocked on the door.

A man of perhaps twenty-five years answers the door. Based upon the name by the door she assumes that he is the stonemason Earl Stack. He is dressed in a long-sleeved tan work shirt and blue jeans, with various tolls hanging from a work belt. "Yes, may I help you?" he asks. She took a deep breath in. Her hands twisted on her small purse as she spoke. "Good afternoon, Mr. Stack. I'm Mrs. Kale. I wondered if you were the right person to see about having a gravestone made?"

He replies "Oh yes, please come in. I had been expecting you for quite some time now. Would you like some coffee or tea?" He shows her into a parlor, where two steaming posts are sitting atop a wood stove. While the other room of the house was sparsely furnished the parlor is well decorated with tasteful furnishings and a light wallpaper. The room conveys a subdued and respectful tone to it.

"Tea please, thank you." Katherine had a seat in the parlor and spent a moment admiring it. She loved the El Parador for it's people, but she missed rooms like this, and fine places like Big Nose Kate's Saloon. Mr. Stack handed her a cup and she sipped the hot liquid carefully. "You've been expecting me?"

Stack replies to Kate "Well yes. My condolences for your loss Mrs. Kale. While I didn't get to knew Thomas very well I could tell that he was a good man. After you came and decided to stay on in town I had anticipated your visiting me about a marker for his grave. Can I assume that is why you have now returned?"
She says, "Yes. Earlier I wasn't sure what I was going to do, or where the money for the marker would come from. That's a terrible thing isn't it, to have to worry about money at such a time? I didn't know you'd met my husband. But then, I suppose I don't know much about his life here at all. It took so long for letters to travel so far that I only got a few."

He replies "I only met Thomas a few times. Once at a store in town and once at the restaurant attached to the Grand Hotel. He seemed to like it here." After a short pause he says "Please tell me what you have in mind for a marker and epitaph."

She says, I hadn't thought of anything very fancy. Tom didn't care for that kind of thing. His name and the dates of his life, of course. Underneath perhaps Beloved Husband and Son? I hadn't thought of a verse or anything like that. Nothing seems to say enough."

Stack tells Kate. "That sounds fine." He hands her a pad of paper and ink pen and asks her to write out exactly what she wants. He urges her to take her time and give it some thought. He says "I have a number of monuments out back that you could choose from. We could do that now or you could come back later if you would prefer."

"I'll look today, thank you. I must return to Promise City tomorrow, and I'd like to make sure everything is taken care of." Kate took the paper and pen and wrote neatly,

Thomas Kieran Kale
Born March 17, 1854-Died October 3, 1881
Beloved Husband and Son

"Perhaps if I think of a verse I could return? I seem to be blank at the moment. Why don't we go look at the stones."

Stack takes her outside through a back door from his kitchen. His back yard is apparently his work area, with rocks and tools throughout the half-acre plot. While most of it is in a state of disarray, he has one roped off section with a dozen finished but other unmarked tombstones. The ropes and poles around it almost gives the impression of a cemetery, probably the what he wishes to convey so that the customer can picture what it will look like when done.

Most of the stones are granite, but there are a few made of other less durable stones and one of finely polished marble that he probably had imported to this area. The granite stones are all around three-feet, square at the bottom with a curved top and vary from one to five inches in thickness. Two have pictures carved into the lower sections of the stones of several Greek and Roman deities.

"The marble is beautiful, but I'm afraid it would be beyond my means. I'd like one of the heavier granite, I think." She stopped for a moment and thought of Tom's devotion to his faith. "One with the carved figures, I think. How much would that be?"

He smiles and says "Working on those is my favorite pastime. I always wanted to be a sculptor, but there is little work available in that field." The one on the right he says was his first attempt and he will sell that one with her requested words carved in for a sum of $ 45. The other he says is his third and most recent attempt at artistry, the one featuring the Goddess Diana, has better detail. He offers that one for a sum of $ 60.

"Thank you, $60 sounds quite reasonable. You seem to have some talent. I would not let lack of a patron stop you from pursing your dream. You need to work, of course, but I for one would be pleased to see what you might bring out from the stone." Kate stopped, embraced by her sudden speech. He thanks her and says that with her purchase of his most recent work he now has two patrons, commenting that his second stone had been purchased the prior year by Rebecca King, wife of the Bar-W ranch owner after one of their hired hands had died.

She asks, "Does this include the stone's placement, or do I arrange for that elsewhere? And how long would it be until it's ready?" He says that he will arrange for the stone to be placed. He says that it will take him a week or so to carve the words that she wants. He asks if she would like him to place it on Thomas's grave when it is ready or to wait until she can return for formal services.

She says, "There was already a small service when he was laid to rest. There isn't really anyone but me to hold any kind of formal service for, but I'd like to be here when you put the stone in place. I'll return in two weeks and we can place it then. Thank you."

He thanks her and reluctantly asks her for $ 30 as a down payment for the work. She replies, “I'm sorry, I should have thought of it." Kate reached into her purse and carefully counted out the full $60 and handed it to the young man. "I'm sure the work will be beautiful."

Mr. Stack escorted Katherine back through the parlor and to the front door. "Thank you, I appreciate your help," Kate said as he opened the door for her. "It's my pleasure, Mrs. Kale. I'll see you in two weeks."

Kate started down the street with a sigh. Despite the other things she still had to do in Tombstone, that was the hardest. She headed for the corral, hoping Mr. Tucker would be working on a Sunday.

Silver Moon

Chapter 159, “Traveling in Style” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882, 10:00 A.M.

Chester wakes up and heads downstairs for breakfast. Dorita cooks up a nice breakfast for Chester. He then heads outside to a nice sunny day. A quick walk around town shows that the gunsmith's shop is closed this day. He continues to walk around town, recognizing several of the mounts in the corral at Drover's Livery as those belonging to Billy Comstock and his friends. He finds the group of six eating at a table in Drover's Hotel.

"Hi Bill. I heard Bill Cody found the beast. That's a shame." Chester adds in a low voice. "A little bird told me that he wasn't the one who killed it." Comstock says "Well, he had the body. Looks like he beat me again. Just as well I guess, I wanted the buffalo hunter title, the name 'Dragonstalker Bill' strikes me as a bit too fantastic." The other soldiers laugh at that comment.

Comstock tells Chester "This will be our last night in town. We'll head out back to our Fort in New Mexico tomorrow. You're welcome to join us tonight if you'd like."

Chester replies, "That'd be nice, Bill. I'd be glad to see you off. When and where should we meet?" Comstock says, “Doesn't matter to me, we've checked out several saloons. The Palace, Gay Lady and Lone Star all seem to have pretty good entertainment. The Comique did too but I've heard that singer left town."

Chester replies, "Well I recommend the Lone Star, of course. They have a new singer there, a Miss Townsend, who is quite nice. Plus I might be able to pull some strings and get our drinks cheaper. How's that sound?" Comstock says, "A capital idea, Chet. We'll see you around 8 o'clock." Chester replies, "I'll be there. Gentlemen, have a good lunch."

Across town, Ruby moaned as she slowly sat up in bed, rubbing her head. She was a stupid girl, thinking Jake wasn’t coming back and letting it upset her to the point of drinking a bottle of whiskey. Maybe he would come back, maybe he wouldn’t. Either way she would be fine, like she always was. She sighed and dragged her butt out of bed. She gathered all her stuff together and started getting dressed. As she did she noticed a note from Kate. She was probably off reading in Mr. Gonzales room.

She left the note unopened, finished getting dressed and made her way back to the Lone Star. She got there and walked in, still hoping Jake would just be there, but Mr. Hoover just shook his head at her as she looked at him eagerly. She shrugged and went upstairs to her room. She plopped down on the bed, prayed to any god that would listen to take away her headache, and opened Kate’s note.

Dearest Ruby,

I am sorry to leave you alone today, but I didn't want to wake you. I have gone to Tombstone to see about a proper monument for Tom's grave. It has long weighed on my mind, and I have been thinking about him a great deal over the last week.

I doubt my business can be concluded in time to return today, so I plan to stay overnight in Tombstone and return tomorrow morning. Feel free to say in my room tonight if you want to be in the El Parador. Tell the others not to worry and I'll see all of you tomorrow evening.


“Are you kidding me?” Ruby said out loud. Ruby rubbed her aching head and closed her eyes. Kate going off to Tombstone alone. Sure she had lived there alone for months, but then she hadn’t known who murdered her husband and had the Cowboy Gang to worry about. What Ruby really wanted to do was curl up in bed and hide under the blankets. Instead she got up again and changed into a dress she could ride in. She grabbed a hat, her water and made sure she had some extra bullets for her pistol. She made her way to her horse at the El Parador and took off to Tombstone, hoping to get there before Kate got into any real trouble.

The first part of Ruby's ride is uneventful. It is a sunny January day and the temperature soon rises to the mid-seventies. By noon she has reached the intersection in the road where it forks off to both Dos Cabezas and Tombstone. Little more than a day had passed since they had been at this very spot. She continues westward to Tombstone, riding for four more miles until she reaches the next fork in the road.

As she nears the next fork, the south branch running to the Lazy S Ranch she is reminded of two weeks earlier when the stage was forced to take a detour to that ranch. She notices a pair of horsemen on that road around a half-file south riding on the road in her direction, and believes that she recognizes them as the rancher Emery Shaw and one of his hired hands whose name escapes her. Ruby holds up her horse and waits for the men to get closer to her.

Shaw and the hand ride up. Emery tips his hat and says "Miss West, what on earth are you doing out here alone? It isn't safe for a woman to be riding by herself what with both the Cowboy Gang still causing trouble and now the new problem with the Apache." Ruby smiles at him. "Well, I have some very important business in Tombstone that just can't wait for the stage tomorrow. The ride has been uneventful so far, I'm sure I can manage the rest."

Emery says "Well, the stretch you've taken so far is the easiest. You still have another twenty-five or so miles to Tombstone, including the stretch through the south Dragoon Mountains. If you'd like we can ride back to my ranch, hook up a coach, and we'll take you there. I don't feel safe letting you head off alone." She replies, “Oh, Mr. Emery, you certainly are a gentleman, but I just can't let you go through all that trouble for me. I'm sure I'll be alright. But aren't you sweet?"

Shaw says "Well, will you at least let Abner here ride along with you? We were heading in Promise City for some errands just now, but he could just as easily take care of those in Tombstone for me. He could ride back here tomorrow alongside the stage. I'll feel much safer letting you go with an experienced gunman along."

Ruby smiles again at Shaw. Why was he so concerned about her? "Mr. Shaw, since you were going to take a trip today anyway, why don't you accompany me? I'll take you up on your offer for the coach, I'm not dressed for riding anyway. And then you and I can talk..."

He thanks her and they make a quick ride the three miles down the road to the Shaw ranch. Both of Emery's daughters, Tricia and Ellen also want to go to town on the shopping trip be he adamantly refuses, telling them that it is far too dangerous with the Apache all riled up and possibly on the warpath again. They protest that if it is safe for Ruby then it is safe enough for them, commenting that they are probably much better with using firearms than she is.

In addition to his driver Paul Towle, Shaw also brings along hired hands Donald Colburn, Tim Kilpin and Raphael Garcia. All four men take up positions on the buckboard and top of the stage, leaving Ruby and Emery to ride alone inside. Emery asks if she wants her horse to be hitched to the coach to ride with them or if she wants to leave it here to pick up when they return.

She says, “Please hitch the horse, I'm not sure how long I have to be in town." Ruby takes Emery's offered hand to get into the coach. She tries to fix her hair and wipe the dust off her. "You'll have to excuse me, Mr. Shaw, riding can leave one's appearance less than desirable."

Shaw gives instruction to his son Humphrey and top hand Abner Mingle on keeping the ranch safe until their return on Monday. The carriage departs. Two other ranch hands ride alongside for the first three miles until they reach the main road, and then turn back as the carriage turns west towards Tombstone.

Ruby admires the interior of the coach are realizes that Emery's late wife probably had something to do with it. The seats are well cushioned and covered with red velvet that matches the interior side of the window curtains, the outside of the curtains being a charcoal gray. The inside of the coach is paneled with mahogany wood. The interior is illuminated by a gas lantern suspended from the center of the ceiling. The coach also has a small liquor cabinet that is presently stocked with Scotch Whiskey, Gin and a bottle of Tequila. The label on the last bottle is in Spanish and the only word she recognizes is the brewery's location of Guadalajara, Mexico. Four glasses made of fine-cut crystal are attached to the cabinet.

Ruby let her hand caress the rich velvet seats. It had been a long time since she was surrounded by such luxury. "This coach is beyond beautiful and I am lucky to be able to spend my trip in here instead of out there. Mr. Shaw, how will I be able to thank you for your kindness in escorting me to Tombstone?”

He replies "Miss West, I assure you, had you ridden off alone I would have been fraught with worry until I knew that you were safe again. As you saw two weeks ago, I am concerned about people's safety in these parts. I have had my ranch here for over a decade and consider this to be the finest place in the United States. People feared this area when Cochise was on the warpath, killing humans indiscriminately. I have no intentions of seeing this land return to that type of fear and paranoia."

His face then turns slightly red when he adds "And it has been years since I've had the opportunity to spend some time alone with a beautiful young woman such as yourself." She answers, “You flatter me," Ruby blushed, "Especially being all disheveled like this. I truly appreciate you helping a girl in need, even when she doesn't think she needs it.”

She comments, “And did I hear you say you weren't returning until Monday?" He replies, "It will be close to 3:00 PM by the time reach Tombstone, and then I have my purchases to make. We would not be able to return to the ranch until after nightfall, and with Geronimo's elves about I'd rather not risk it. Far better to return in the morning. Plus Tombstone has a very fine Grand Hotel and restaurant that I never seem to find the time to visit."

Ruby laughs. "And I can say that you DO have the finest ranch I have ever been to. Although I suppose I should be upset with you, I have been in Promise City for three weeks and you still haven't come and heard me sing.” He apologizes for the oversight of not making it into Promise City during the prior two weeks but adds "I was heading there when we met up on the road a short while ago but wouldn't have been able to hear you today either since you were going away."

She comments, So, why don't you tell me about your ranch, I am curious of how you were able to become so successful." He tells her of his history, coming to this land not long after the Gadsten Purchase. He speaks lovingly of his wife, son and daughters. He tells of his ranch being the 2nd largest in the county and 4th largest in the entire Arizona Territory, with an average of 300 head of cattle.

Ruby nods her head and acts very interested in his story. She comments on how lucky he is to have such a loving family and successful business and that everyone associated with him are also very lucky to have his generosity. He asks if she would like a drink as he reaches for the liquor cabinet and pours himself a glass of the Scotch.

He sips the drink and then speaks briefly of his wife's passing and how difficult it has been to raise two active and intelligent daughters without her. He says that he has put down strict rules so that none of the ranch hands will dare to get romantically involved with either, and that he has chased off a number of courters from Promise City, Dos Cabezas and Tombstone who he suspects were just after his money and ranch. He concludes by saying "They took quite a shine to that Heath Barkley boy, and he comes from money so wouldn't be seeking that from them. Maybe I should let them visit him in California some time. Well chaperoned of course."

Ruby continues to flirt with and charm Mr. Shaw, not really on purpose, more out of habit, although she does admit to herself that it can't hurt to have a rich rancher friend, especially one who is a lonely and handsome widower. He is on his third glass of Scotch before she takes her first, which she only drinks a small portion of.

The next twenty miles of the journey are uneventful. That changes however when they are going through the lower Dragoon mountains. Emery and Ruby hear movement on the roof above the. Shaw stands and opens up a small trapdoor in the roof, asking what is going on. Ranch hand Kiplin says "Apache, at least ten of them, the hill to the right."

Shaw lifts up the cushion of the coach seat that he had been sitting on, revealing a large cache of weapons beneath. He takes out a rifle of a model she has not seen before and loads it. Ruby tells his she is proficient in using weapons and he reaches in and hands her one identical to his.

The weapon is a bolt action repeater rifle with a twelve-cartridge magazine. It has a long barrel, the total length of the weapon exceeding four-feet, the barrel alone being nearly a yard long. It also weighs slightly over ten pounds.

He tells her "These are the best long-range rifles to ever come from Europe, the Swiss Vetterli 1881 Model. It's made by the Eidgenossische Waffenfabrik Company in Bern. Has an improved Schmidt set trigger. The Swiss Army uses them to protect their borders. You can accurately shoot nearly a mile with it."

He heads to the side of carriage and pulls out a number of wooden plugs, revealing slots to both shoot and sight through. He extends the far end of the barrel through the hole, having Ruby do the same. A deep rubbery substance coats the outer edge of the hole, allowing the shooter to rest the gun barrel against the carriage wall without it jumping and bouncing excessively with each shake of the vehicle. It also elevates much of the weapon's weight.

They ride past the hills and Ruby counts a total of fifteen mounted Apache warriors, all with full body paint and carrying Henry model repeating rifles. They make no attempt to hide but they also don't come any closer as the carriage continues westward.

Once they have gone by Emery and Ruby retake their seats, but still keep the rifles at the ready. He tells her "That dear lady is why I didn't want you traveling by yourself. Do you really think they would have let you ride by alone? There was a skirmish between the Army and the Apache up in the mountains a few days ago. I don't know if anyone was killed, but there were wounded on both sides. And now the Apache are making their presence known."

Ruby realizes that Shaw had been right, she probably would not have been let go by a bunch of Apache. She puts hand on his arm and squeezes gently. "I guess I really owe you now. I don't know what I would have done. It was very foolish of me to think I could make the trip alone safely." She smiled genuinely at the man, for once again, she felt someone was looking out for her best interests, asking nothing in return.

They continue westward. When they are still ten miles east of Tombstone they see the Wells Fargo Stage heading towards them on its way back towards Promise City. The two vehicles stop for the drivers to talk to one another, with Shaw's men telling them of the Apache. Ruby notices that her friend Chuck Nevers is driving the stage today.

Ruby sticks her head out the window, "Chuck! I am so glad to see you! Was my friend Kate on the coach this morning? Did you see where she went when she got off?" Chuck yells back "Why hello Miss West. Yes, Mrs. Kale was on the stage. I dropped her off the same place as usual, right in front of the grand hotel. She had a round trip ticket but said that she wasn't planning to come back until tomorrow."

The two vehicles then drive off, each heading towards their own destination. The remainder of the trip to Tombstone is uneventful. His earlier estimate is correct in that it is around 3:00 PM when they arrive. Emery Shaw says he will drop off his bags at the Grand hotel and have his driver head over to the O.K. Corral to make arrangements to board his horses and stow his coach overnight. He asks Ruby where she would like to be dropped off.

She replies, "I will go with your driver to the OK Corral to stable my horse. I also have a feeling there is someone there I need to talk with. Again, I thank you for your kindness. Unless there is anything further I can do for you, I am not sure I'll see you again this trip."

Shaw says "Just getting you here safely is enough for me. Now I expect you to get back safely as well. Please ride back either with us in the morning or with the Wells Fargo Stage in the afternoon and not attempt it by yourself." She replies, "If my business is done I just might take you up on your offer for tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will be, I enjoyed talking with you. Thank you again," she says with a smile. Ruby gives Shaw a kiss on the cheek and turns on her heel to walk away.

One of his men helps him unload the bags at the grand hotel and the two go inside. The others ride on down the street to the O.K. Corral. They park the carriage out front and Chuck heads into the main barn and stable to talk to whoever is there about boarding the mounts. Ruby She makes her way inside the OK Corral, looking for whomever is available, but specifically Colby Tucker.

Silver Moon

Chapter 160, “Trouble at the O.K. Corral” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882, 2:15 P.M.

Kate remembers where the O.K. Corral is from her time in this town. Even though it was the main place in town where horses were kept she couldn't bring herself to visit it before, as it would have been too great a reminder of why she and Tom were coming out here to begin with. She doesn't remember much about the place, other that there was some type of confrontation there around three or four weeks after her arrival that Arcade's Gang and the Earps were involved with.

She heads down Allen Street and stops at the O.K. Corral at the north side of the street between Third and Fourth Streets. The Corral itself runs way back to the next block. The main barn area is along the street. She enters the building and sees one man grooming a horse who she does not recognize. She also hears some noises coming from one of the horse stalls that sounds like shoveling.

Kate lifted up her skirts to keep them out of the hay and anything else the might be on the floor. She walked past the stranger and toward the stall where she heard the shoveling. "Mr. Tucker? Is that you?" she asked as she approached the stall.

The shoveling comes to an abrupt stop. She doesn't get a reply. He looks inside the stall and sees Colby Tucker standing there next to a wheelbarrow full of manure, shovel in hand. He has a shocked look upon his face upon seeing her.

"You know, I'm rather tired of getting that reaction," she said dryly. "You must have realized I'd return here at some point. I'd like to collect the few things of Tom's I left with you." Kate waited a moment as relief began to dawn on his face. "And while we're at it, I'd like to hear the truth."

He stammers "Mrs. Kale, I didn't expect to be seeing you. I'm no longer living at the boarding house. I've been living here, up in the loft. I'll get that box of Tom's things for you." He rushes by here and heads towards the ladder leading to the loft.

Kate allowed him to pass and get most of the way up the ladder before she moved. Despite her skirts she was quick and able to climb up the ladder behind him. She was just at the top when he came back with the box. Katherine reached her hand up to him and smiled coldly. "This should be a nice, quiet place to talk. Why don't you be a gentleman and help me up?" He replies, "There's not much more for us to talk about. Let me help you get this box down."

Kate got herself up on her own and stood in front of the ladder. "We have a great deal to talk about. I've heard some very disturbing things, and I think you can help me sort them out." She dropped her voice to keep the man below from hearing her. "I heard you lied to me. That Tom didn't die lying in his bed with a fever. I have a right to know the truth, and I have a right to hear it firsthand. You are not getting out of this loft until you tell me the truth."

He softly and very pointed replies "Are you trying to get me killed?" She answers, "It's alright. You just confirmed everything I need to know." She turned her back on him and got herself back onto the ladder. "I thought you were his friend, but you lied about that too. Bring that box down and I'll let you get back to your cowering."

He looks down from the loft and sees that they are now alone in the barn. "He's gone. Damn It! I'm a dead man! You've killed me," he exclaims. He turns his back on her and begins to pile his few possessions into a rumpled shirt which he then ties together in a bundle. He climbs down from the loft and demands from her "Give me $ 20. I might be get onto the four o'clock train to Tucson. They know I don't have any money for train fare so might not look for me there."

She replies, "Unless he's got ears like a bat he didn't hear a word I said, but I'm certain he heard you panic. Don't blame me because you can't keep your composure." Kate dug into her purse and pulled out the money. "If you're so afraid, I'll walk with you. I don't think even the Earps would have the audacity to shoot down an unarmed woman in broad daylight. I'll give you the money when we get there."

He says "Fine, out the back. If we're seen on Allen Street that'll be it for both of us." They head out the door and up the back alleyway behind third street. Colby looks both ways down Fremont Street and then hurries across and up to Stafford Street. There are only a handful of buildings on this side of town and he stops crouching down and starts walking normally again, heading west to the train station at the far end of Safford street, two blocks west of 1st Street.

He asks "So that redhead. She said she was a friend of yours. I gather she spoke to you?" Kate answers, "Yes, she did." She stopped. Everything that came to mind to say was something that didn't need to be said. Losing her temper wasn't going to help anything. "A certain person had been acting very curiously around me, and she and another friend decided to find out why. She told me a week ago. In fact, it was about this time of day last Sunday. Listen, I'm sorry to have caused you trouble, although I'm still certain the other man didn't hear anything.”

Tucker replies, "He didn't have to hear anything. He didn't hear what your friend and I talked about two weeks ago, but he still told the Marshall about her visit. Virgil Earp brought me in questioning. He and his brother Warren kept me locked up overnight and took turns interrogating me all night long, didn't allow me to get a wink of sleep. When they finally let me go the next morning they told me that I'd better not talk to either her, you or some guy named Cook ever again or I'd regret it."

Kate answers, “Anyway, since then I've been....I don't know, rather more dead than alive I think. I don't intend to take anything to a judge. How could I make anything stand? I just need the truth so I can let him go." Tucker answers, “They won't be letting you take anything to any judge. And as for feeling more dead than alive, if they catch us you'll really find out what that feels like."

They reach the train station and he gestures for her to join him inside a shed building not far from the water tank. He says "I figure it's somewhere between two-thirty and three right now. It'll be another half-hour to forty-five minutes before the train comes in from Tucson. This is the end of the line for the railroad, they never got very far on the line continuing to Promise City. It only takes them a few minutes to turn the thing around on the loop track and then head back promptly at four. Best for us to hide out until just before it's about to leave and then go purchase the ticket. You might want to buy one for yourself while you are at it."

Kate answers, "I'm not going anywhere. Tom and I intended to build a life here and that's what I'm going to do. I had still hoped to find out it wasn't true, but it all is, isn't it? He killed my husband. He killed him and I saved his life." Kate pulled a few more bills about of her purse. "When you get to Tucson, buy another ticket and go to Boston. I'll wire my family and someone will meet you there. They'll make sure you get some work, alright?"

He gives her a shocked look at her unexpected generosity. "Thank you" is all he can say. After a short while he then says "I hope you're still alive to do that. Don't send that wire from here though, the Earps own this town and most of the people in it."

Another ten minutes pass before Tucker speaks again. He says "I can understand your curiosity but you shouldn't have come. This isn't how Tom would have wanted it. He would have wanted you to move on with your life, not going and getting yourself killed on his account."

"No, it's not what he would have wanted." Kate was quiet, watching the other man for a few minutes. "So far all they know is that we talked. I have the reason we talked right here," she said, patting the box. "I don't think I'm in any danger, but I'll keep my eyes open. I'll be going back to Promise City tomorrow and I'll only be coming back to visit Tom. It should be alright."

She handed him the money. "Best I'm not seen with you when you buy that ticket." He says "Better if I'm not seen at all. You should probably buy it. Don't go up to the ticket window until the train arrives. I don't want to have to run if the Earps show up."

Kate begins to feel pity for this man. She is also bored with sitting around a maintenance shed. Near the door a large number of wood handled tools, shovels, rakes, various other things that she has no specific knowledge of but assumes they are needed to operate a railroad station. Various wrenches, hammers and saws are hanging on hooks along the wall near the door.

The other side of the room has some lanterns and a few barrels, at least one of which is filled with water. She then sees something through a short space between and behind two barrels. She goes over and finds that one barrel is empty and easily moved to the side and from the lack of dust on that section of the floor concludes that this end of the room has been cleaned recently. She moves the barrel and finds a pile of objects consisting of a folded up blanket, a folded up dress and petticoat the size that a child would wear, a slate, a clean bowl, a clean cup, a silver spoon, two pieces of chalk and a book. She checks the cover of the book, seeing that it is an English Primer.

Kate gently replaced the cover of the book. "Someone lives here," she said quietly. His face shows panic. Kate says, "Don't worry, whoever it is isn't here now." She touched some of the other items, but didn't move them. "A child, I think. Don't they do anything for children on their own here?" she said more to herself than Tucker. "We should keep our eyes open in case she comes back."

Another twenty minutes pass. A horse ride up to the train station. Kate peeks through the crack in the door and sees that it is the town Marshall Virgil Walter Earp. During her time in Tombstone she had had a minimum of interaction with him, although several times she had met his wife Alvira, who was known as Allie. He had attended Tom's funeral and she saw him a few times after that. She had heard that he was the oldest of the Earp brothers and that he was a Union Army veteran of the Civil War. He had been a lawman for years, serving as the Deputy Sheriff at the Arizona Territorial Capital of Prescott prior to becoming Tombstone's Marshall.

She had also heard that he was shot and seriously wounded in the arm in an attempted assassination just a few days prior to her departure to Promise City. From the way he was moving now she concludes that the arm is permanently crippled. Virgil Earp heads up to the ticket office and goes inside.

"Keep calm now," she said quietly as she turned back to Tucker. "Virgil Earp just went into the ticket office. You might have to miss that train if he doesn't leave before it comes in. Can you think of any other way to get out of town?" She went back to watching, hoping he would come back out and leave. What they really needed was a third person to help them. Well, if wishes were horses....

Across town, Ruby West is at the O.K. Corral. She waits a few moments patiently, while the men finish their business. Before the man with the wide eyes can run off Ruby makes her way over to him. "May I have a minute of your time? I need to find Colby Tucker." The man acts surprised and pauses. Then he says "Not sure. I'm the only one working right now. He may be by later. Let me know where you're staying and I'll get a message to you if I see him."

Ruby moves a little closer to him. "I don't believe that you don't know where he is. You see, I'm trying to HELP Mr. Tucker. It would be in his best interest for me to know where he is, if you are friends are with him, you'd better tell me before it's too late." The man says, "I don't know where he is. He was talking to your friend Mrs. Kale. I haven't seen either one of them since."

"Talking to Mrs. Kale..." Ruby sighs. "Any idea at least which way they went? It's important." He replies "No idea. Look lady, I've got horses to take care of here. I don't have all day to stand around talking." He begins to walk over towards the Shaw carriage.

"Alright. Thank you for your help." She believes he really does not know where they went. "Where would they go?" she thinks. Ruby has no idea where to go from here. Her only thought is that Kate might go after Morgan Earp so she decides to check out the Marshall's Office. She quickly checks on her horse and then heads out on her way.

The Marshall's office is on the second floor of the Crystal Palace Saloon. Ruby heads down there, through the saloon and up the stairs but finds the door to Virgil Earp's office locked and a "Be back later" sign on the door. She heads downstairs and inquires to the bartender at the saloon but he doesn't know where Virgil is saying "A guy came in around half an hour ago and they both left." She asks who the guy was and the bartender says "I've seen him around but don't know his name." Then five seconds later the bartender stops, points and says "Him, he's the one."

Ruby turns to see the groomer from the O.K. Corral who she had just been talking to rushing through the door of the saloon and heading towards the stairs to the second floor. Ruby quickly follows him up the stairs, but does so quietly. She gets to the top of the stairs and crosses her arms, blocking the stairs down. When he turns back towards her, "What are you doing here?"

He replies "I was coming to see the Marshall. What are you doing here?" While she is confronting him she sees two men ride by outside who turn north off of Allen Street and onto Fifth Street. Both have badges pinned to their shirts. Ruby doesn't recognize one but the other is Morgan Earp. Ruby thinks to herself, “Well, Kate hasn't gotten to him yet” as she sees Morgan ride by downstairs.

She tells the man, "I was coming to see if the Marshall was in too. But I, unlike you, am not here to rat anyone out. I hope Colby Tucker doesn't consider you a friend. Get out of here before I make up some stories and get you involved in this too." Ruby points down the stairs, hoping the guy will hurry up and get going so she can also get out of there before the Marshall’s return. The horse groomer doesn't have to be told twice as he hurries out the front door.

Ruby walks down the stairs calmly and also walks out the door. Looking up the street she sees Morgan and the other lawman two blocks away. They have reached the intersection of Fifth and Safford Streets and then turn their horses left (west) onto Safford. They are out of sight a moment later. Ruby follows them and casually peeks around the corner to see if they stop nearby or continue going.

She wracks her brain to guess where Kate might be. She doesn't remember the name of the boarding house she stayed at while in Tombstone. She hasn't gone after Earp yet. She is with Colby Tucker. Maybe she was trying to kill him? Who knew. Ruby had nothing else to really go on. Kate did mention going to get a headstone for Tom, but what would that guy know?

She waits to see where Earp went, hoping to get some clue on what to do next from him. The thought occurs to her to just face him now, but she knows that would mean big trouble for her. Then again, she thinks, trouble is something I am used to. A smirk comes to her face and she continues to wait.

Back at the train station, Virgil heads out of the ticket office but doesn't leave the area. Two more horses soon ride up and talk to him although the riders do not dismount. Both men are wearing badges. She does not recognize one of them but the other is Morgan Earp. Kate's breath hissed as she pulled it in. Her hand went to the folds of her dress where Tom's pistol was hidden. "Two more, one is Morgan Earp."

Her hand shook as it squeezed the firearm. "Virgil has come out of the ticket office. They're talking." Kate shook her head. "I can't believe they're doing this. All this to protect a murderer. I thought they were supposed to enforce the law. Apparently all they do is use it as an excuse to do whatever they want."

Kate forced herself to let go of the pistol. Now was not the time or the place for that. "So why did you leave the boarding house?" she asked Tucker as she continued watching the Earps. Tucker replies to Kate "Couldn't afford it anymore. I lost my other job and the O.K. Corral job didn't pay enough for me to stay there. I appreciate your trying to help me get on my feet again. I won't disappoint you." She sees Morgan and the other man turn and start to ride off to the east. Virgil however stays on the porch to the ticket office instead of getting onto his horse.

"This has turned your life upside down. It's the least I can do to help set it right again. Boston is a good place, you'll like it there. If you don't mind my asking, how did you lose your old job?" He replies, "I got fired for sleeping on the job. I couldn't sleep at night anymore, and it caught up with me during the day. I kept having nightmares about Tom. Another thing I didn't tell you earlier, I was the one who found him in the alley. I've been blaming myself. I had headed back to the boarding house earlier than him instead of waiting. If only I'd waited for him he'd probably still be alive."

Kate replies, "When I thought he'd died of his illness I was blaming myself for letting him come here so soon. I thought if only I'd come out with him I could have taken care of him and he'd still be alive today. Even now, since I learned he was out celebrating the fact that I was arriving the next day, I want to blame myself. And I know about nightmares. After Ruby told me I just kind of stopped for a while, and even when I began to function again, my sleep is all nightmares. We can blame ourselves all we want, but there's no way you could have known Earp would go after him. The only person at fault here is the man who pushed a knife into Tom's back."

Kate almost sighed in relief as Morgan and the unknown man left, but Virgil Earp sat down on the porch to wait. "Damn, it looks like Virgil is going to wait."

By the time Ruby reaches the corner of Fifth and Safford a few minutes have passed. She sees that both Morgan Earp and the other lawman are now seven blocks to the west, down by the train station. They are talking to somebody standing on the porch to the station. The two then ride off to the south and out of Ruby's sight.

The train station? Was Kate trying to run away too? Maybe she decided she had enough. Kate wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye… All the thoughts that ran through Ruby’s head led to the train station so off she went. Morgan stopping there probably had nothing to do with Kate. Kate was probably buying her husband a stone like she said and having a nice bath and book afterwards to comfort herself. Too bad Ruby never trusted anyone and she was suspicious of this whole trip. Ruby heads off in that direction.

Silver Moon

Chapter 161, “Impeccable Timing” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882, 3:30 P.M.

Kate thought that there must be some way to get them out of here. Kate reached into her purse and felt the hair clip Mr. Gonzales had given her. She knew it was capable of more than the hairstyle that was stored within it. Sonoma had used one to create an entirely new persona. She pulled it out and clipped it into her hair.

"Mr. Tucker, I think at this point you can agree we are in this together. We have enough secrets between us to fill this building. I have an idea, but I need you to promise me that you won't breathe a word of this to anyone."

At his nod, Kate closed her eyes and focused. She concentrated on making her hair blonde and her eyes blue. Her dress would also be blue instead of gray, and she would appear to be about three inches taller than she really was. Her nose would change and her lips would be fuller. And just for fun she thought of a bit fuller bust. "Did it work? Do I look different?" Tucker says "Well, your hair is different. It's up and has more of a red color to it."

“Oh damn. Well, I have another idea, but I want to try something else first." Kate searched her memory for the words Mr. Gonzales had used when he first set the hairstyle and repeated them while again concentrating on how she wanted to look. Tucker just looks at her strangely as she says the Hawaiian incantation. He says "I don't know what you were doing there but you still look the same."

“Alright, that's out. Let's try this." Kate then rapidly cast three Prestidigitation spells. One changed the color of her hair to blonde, the next her eyes to blue, and the last the color and style of her dress. "It's not as complete, but it should fool Virgil. He hasn't seen me for about three months, he shouldn't remember me that well. But it will only last an hour. Did that work at least?" He replies "Yes, you look like a totally different person. Nobody will recognize you now, especially since you only wore black when you lived here."

Kate says, "Alright, I'm going to get your ticket. When the train comes in, hopefully you can blend with the crowd and jump on with no one the wiser." Kate watched through the crack to make sure no one was looking toward the maintenance shed. When she was sure she wouldn't be seen she slipped quickly out. She walked confidently over to the ticket window. "One to Tucson please," she said, pitching her voice a bit lower than normal and trying to soften her Bostonian accent.

Ruby quickly walks towards the train station. At the corner of Safford and First she looks south onto First to see where Morgan and the other lawman might have ridden to, but does not see them. Along the way she had been glancing south between buildings but did not get a glimpse of them. She is still a block-and-a-half away from the train station when a blonde haired woman in a robin's egg blue dress walks into over towards and enters the train station. The woman's walk is familiar but Ruby cannot initially place where she knows her from.

As Ruby approaches she sees the man that the Deputy Marshals had spoken to. He is also wearing a badge and the man clearly resembles the other four Earp brothers who she has met so she assumes that he is Tombstone's Marshall Virgil Earp. He appears to be looking for somebody specific.

Ruby walks right up onto the platform and looks around for Kate or Colby Tucker. The train has not arrived yet and there are six people waiting on benches by the station. Four have luggage and she assumes they are planning to board the train when it arrives. The other two appear to be waiting for people coming in on the train.

Inside, Kate has encountered no difficulty in purchasing the ticket. The clock on the wall now reads 3:30 P.M. She turns and heads towards the ticket office door, propped open with a brick, and glances outside before exiting. Virgil Earp is still sitting on the steps and looking around. But what surprises her is Ruby West is also there now, a mere ten feet to the left of the Marshall, also looking around. "She must have arrived on the One O'clock stage" Kate thinks to herself. Ruby clearly has not seen Kate yet. A train whistle sounds in the distance.

Kate stepped back out onto the platform and looked around for a moment until she caught Ruby's glance. When she was sure Ruby would see, she turned her back and began to walk away toward the maintenance shed. As she did so, she reached back and adjusted the clip in her hair with her left hand which would also give Ruby a glance at her wedding ring. She didn't dare do more, so she kept walking back toward the shed.

Ruby immediately recognized the magical auras surrounding the blond haired woman, and knew it was Kate. Why she was walking towards a shed was beyond her but whatever was going on she didn't want to give it away. She acted like she hadn't seen her friend, instead turning away from the direction she was walking, and asks out loud to the nearest person, "So, where is this train coming from?"

A person on the tracks replies to Ruby "Train only comes in from one place, Tucson. Anywhere else you have to go through there to get to and from." "Then I am in the right place," is all Ruby replies. Ruby hears the sound of horses approaches and in her peripheral vision sees Morgan Earp riding down the street and back to the train station. The other deputy is not with him.

Meanwhile, Kate is approached by a small girl she would place her age at around 9 or ten but the gray eyes show an old soul with an intensity that drills right through her. "Ma'am that's a beautiful hair clip you have it has almost a magic to it in the way it gleams in the sun."

Ruby stands on the platform, pretending to wait for the train, trying to keep an eye on both Morgan Earp and Kate, and most especially the kid who just approached her, the exact same kid who stole Chuck Never’s wallet a little over a week ago.

The train whistle blows again and a cloud of steam can be seen coming around the nearest hill. The tracks start to vibrate and then the engine of the locomotive emerges, followed by a coal car, two freight cars, two passenger cars and a caboose.

"It's a gift from a friend," Kate said quietly as she continued to walk. But she shortened her steps so the child could keep up with her. "Where are your parents? You shouldn't be alone here. Come with me," she said suddenly suspecting who this child was. Kate noticed both Virgil and Morgan approach Ruby and hoped she wouldn't get into any trouble. She took the opportunity to slip back into the shed. "Please wait while I take care of some business dear, and then we can talk," Kate said to the girl. "I might have a job for you."

Morgan Earp rides up and Ruby overhears him say to his brother "That's Kale's friend." Morgan dismounts and Virgil stands up, both looking in Ruby's direction. This provides enough of a distraction, with both lawmen facing away from the shed, for Kate and the child to slip inside unobserved by all except for Ruby.

Ruby makes a slight sigh of relief as Kate makes her way into the shed. Still having no clue what was going on, she pretended to continue to wait for the train. She wondered if Kate had threatened Morgan and that was what this was all about. She knew that both men were watching her so she stuck out her hip like she was waiting impatiently and twirled her hair around her finger.

As the train pulls into the station and comes to a stop both of the Earps walk up to Ruby and stop on either side of her. Virgil is the Marshall but has not met her before so Morgan does the talking. "Miss West. Would you mind telling us where your friend Mrs. Kale is? She seems to have gotten herself into some trouble." Ruby turns to Morgan, "And what kind of trouble would that be? I can't imagine Mrs. Kale getting into any kid of trouble, she isn't that sort of girl."

The train comes to a complete halt and the conductor walks onto the track and heads over to the passenger door. A few more people with luggage have arrived and are waiting to board. The other two people waiting have stood up in anticipation of people departing. All are keeping a distance from Ruby and the lawmen.

Morgan replies to Ruby's question, "No Ma'am, I didn't mean to imply that she was the cause of the trouble. But she seems to have heard some false rumors about her husband's death, spread by some who are part of the Cowboy Gang. We fear she may be with them right now. We are trying to rescue her from possible danger." His brother says "Ma'am, you say that you are not with her. If that is the case then may I ask why you are here?"

"Such gentleman, trying to rescue the woman from danger," Ruby says incredulously. "I never said I wasn't with her, but I will say it now. I don't know where she is, but I am sure she is smart enough to stay away from the Cowboy Gang or any other trouble of the sort. Of course, you never really know how close you are to danger until it comes to you, right Mr. Earp?" Ruby looks Morgan right in the eyes.

"As for me, I'm not sure why you would be interested in my business, but I am here waiting for someone who should be on this train." And with his usual impeccable timing, Jacob Alistair Cook steps off of the train.

"Jake!" Ruby yells out as she starts running over to him. She stops short, hair flying forward when she does, right in front him. Words want to come out of her mouth but they don't. Jake can see a mixture of relief and confusion in her eyes. She just stares at him for a few moments and finally she moves in close to him, grabbing his jacket and pulling him the rest of the way.

"I thought you weren't coming back, you were gone for so long," she whispers, looking up at him with big eyes. "We can't talk about it right now," as she nods her head very slightly towards the marshals. "I really missed you... And I didn't forget to save this for you..." With that she kisses him passionately, letting Jake lift her feet off the ground and spin her around.

Inside the shed, Kate hands the piece of paper to Tucker. "Here's your ticket. The train is pulling in, so you'll have to hurry." Kate lifted up the hem of her dress and ripped a few strips off the petticoat underneath. "Open Tom's box, there's a jacket inside you can wear." She finished ripping as Tucker did that. Then she wrapped the strips of white fabric over his hair and under his chin like a bandage.

"The Marshals are distracted right now, so this should get you past them. Be careful." Tucker pulled on the duster that was the only piece of Tom's clothes she had kept. "All right. If you're willing dear, I'd like you to walk out with us. I'm going to see this gentleman on to the train. We should look just like a little family saying goodbye, hmm? Will you help us? I'll explain it all to you afterward, I promise."

As the child replies Kate notices one thing about the girl that is unusual for a child living on her own. She is clean. Her face and hair appear recently washed, her hands and fingernails are clean and even the dress she is wearing is free of stains and looks to have been pressed.

The child says "I have been watching the two of you. I think we can both be of help to one another. You are hiding from the Marshals and need to get him onto that train. We were lucky to have gotten in here unseen. They would surely see three people heading out of the door of the shed. But I know of another way out of this building."

Kate replies, "I'll be glad to help you however I can after we get him on the train. Show us the way. And quickly, time is running out." Kate closed up the box and brought it along, unsure of whether she would be able to return here to fetch it. The girl says "We have time. The train won't leave for at least twenty more minutes. I don't trust you to keep your word. And if the Marshal catches you then you will not be in a position to help me. You'll pay me now if you want any of my help."

Kate sighed. She was more worried about the magic wearing off then when the train was leaving. But she had only done this perhaps ten minutes ago. She would need to keep it up until she could get away from the train station, but there should be time enough. "Alright," she said, pulling two dollars from her purse. "I'll give you this now, and two more after my friend is on the train and we are out of the train station. Agreed?"

"Twenty" the girl exclaims, "and all of it now." "Highway robbery!" Kate said. "How much are you going to pay me for my help after this, hmm? I'll give you ten, with six now and four later. All you have to do is lead us out, stand on the platform with me until the train leaves, and walk out of the station with me. It's not as if I'm asking you to work in a mine."

The girl replies "That isn't entirely true. You're also asking me to keep my mouth shut about what I saw you do to your dress, hair and eyes. Twenty, right now." The girl had her there. If the Earps caught her it was likely she'd spend an uncomfortable night, but she'd be fine the next day. An accusation of practicing magic would be far worse. She replies, "And how am I to know you won't turn me over as soon as we get out there? Twenty five. Fifteen now, ten after."

The girl answers "I said twenty. I didn't say more than that. I keep away from the Marshall. I don't want to talk to him. I will only go to him if I have to. And you were the one who was trying to cheat me. My help is worth a lot more to you than the four dollars you first offered me. You proved that when you suggested more."

Kate replies, "I have a few tricks left up my sleeve, and I could get us out of here if I had to. Four dollars was plenty for the work. I had no idea you had seen what I'd done. Being quiet about that is worth far more. Now, you can have twenty now, and that will be all you'll get, or you can have fifteen now with ten after. And I would never cheat anyone!"

"I'll take the twenty now" she states. After Kate gives her the money the girl takes them both to the back of the shed and manipulates the nails on a wall panel, the back then opening up and creating an exit. The girl says "We should come out from the far side, make it look like we've walked from that way. Head towards the train instead of the station."

"Let's go then," Kate said offering her hand to the girl. "Considering how young the girls out here to seem to be having babies, you should be able to pass for my daughter." The box was lighter with the jacket removed, and Kate was able to manage it with only the one arm. The three started walking confidently toward the train. The are able to make their way free of he shed. Kate glances towards the platform and sees that the two Marshals are still distracted by Ruby, who is engaged with a passionate embrace with Jake! The two lawmen act like they are getting impatient for this reunion to end.

Up on the platform Ruby sees Kate emerge with the other two, uncertain of who the man huddled up in the coat is, but notes that he has the same height and build of Colby Tucker. They appear to be heading towards the train. The Earps are still looking at her and Jake, although Kate will soon be within Virgil's peripheral vision. The three appear to be moving towards the door to the first passenger car of the train.

Once they reach the platform, Kate stopped walking and handed the box to Tucker. She then pulled a handkerchief from her purse, which she was keeping well away from the girl. "I'll miss you," Kate said, dabbing at her eyes. "Tell that doctor he's to take good care of you and send you back to us soon." She got up on her toes and kissed Tucker's cheek. "Be so very careful." She took the box back and they headed for the train.

Ruby grabs Jake by the belt and starts pulling him away from the train, to distract Earp from looking towards Kate. "Come on Sweetie, let go greet each other the right way... maybe we'll even get a room..." Ruby gives Jake his "go with it look" that he should know well by now. The girl plays along and gives Tucker a big hug saying "Goodbye Daddy, we'll miss you." Kate is pleased with the girl's acting talents.

Ruby already knows about some of the little girls 'other talents' so is not surprised when she sees the little urchin's hug end with her quick fingers removing several bills from the man's pocket, a fact that neither Kate or the man notice. The man boards the train. Kate and the girl turn away, their backs now to the two lawmen.

Katherine continued to sniffle into her handkerchief as the walked away. "Come along now sweetheart, let's go back to the hotel," she said to the girl as they walked away. "I'll buy you a treat, hmm?"

"Where's a damn porter when you need one?" Jake says as he puts his bag over his left should and spins Ruby half around. He follows quickly by putting his left arm behind her back, leans her off balance and sweeps up her legs with his right hand. Once he has her up, he spins around nearly crashing into the Earps. "Oh, sorry, I guess I just got carried away."

Jake says coming to an abrupt stop on the side opposite where Katherine is headed. "I've been away a bit, you know..." Jake says to Morgan with a sly grin. He starts to walk away and stops and says quietly to Morgan. "Did Warren talk to you about the serial numbers on the $20 bills?"

Morgan replies "We can talk later about that. In the meanwhile, let us know if you see Mrs. Kale. We think that she might have fallen under the influence of some people she shouldn't be with. My brother's office is on the second floor of the Crystal Palace Saloon."

Jake looks at Ruby, "Did Katherine come here to welcome me back too?" he laughs "Didn't you tell her that you and I would be busy?" "I don't think she did, Jake. I'm sure she knows I want you all to myself." Ruby leans closer and whispers something in Jake's ear.

The grin returns to Jake's face as his red headed bundle whispers in his ear. His eyebrows raise rather dramatically. He listens and the smile widens while he surreptitiously watches to make sure the blonde haired women is completely turned away from the Earps and well on her way. "Gentlemen, I'll be sure to let you know if I come across Mrs. Kale, however I think that I may not see her for a little while." He winks. "Ruby my hands are quite full, please tip my hat. Good day to you two." Jake pops Ruby up a little in his arms and heads off in the direction of the center of town. In a whisper to Ruby, "Alright beautiful, where in Hades am I going now?"

Silver Moon

Chapter 162, “Ginnie” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882, 4:30 P.M.

Ruby does lift Jake's hat with a giggle before tapping it down on his head. "Good day," she nods to the Marshals as they walk away. "First, I want another kiss. Then we decide if we want to follow a newly blond haired Kate into whatever trouble she is getting herself into or try to find her later. I'm not sure if the Marshals are going to keep following us."

Jake keeps moving them away from the Earps and gives Ruby the kiss she asked for quite happily. "I recognized Katherine from the train. I won't even pretend to know what is happening, but I'll be that we'd be hard pressed to go anywhere right now without word getting back to one of the Earps. Which" Jake gives her a look, "is the point I was making last time." He quickly gives her another kiss before she can respond.

"The stage has already left, so we are all staying the night in Tombstone. Can I assume Katherine knows you are here?" Ruby nods yes. "Well then, let's get a room. You can welcome me back properly and we won't raise any suspicions. At least none we don't normally raise. If Katherine needs us urgently, she can find us. If we don't hear from her by tonight, we'll go looking for her. Let's go find a nice place that isn't the Crystal Palace, Big Nose Kate's or right next door to either."

Ruby and Jake find a room at the Cosmopolitan Hotel on Allen Street where they rent a room from the hotel's owner Albert C. Billicke. They get up to the room and Ruby looks around while Jake drops his bag. “Hold on a second,” Jake says while walking out of the room. Ruby tries to fix herself smoothing down her dress then sitting on the bed, fluffing her hair. Jake returns with a bottle of whiskey, two glasses and a smile. He sits next to her on the bed and they quietly share a drink, knowing there is a lot to say but not wanting to get into it.

Finally Ruby breaks the silence. “So… what happened in Tucson? What took you so long to get back?” Ruby asks hesitantly. “Later,” Jake replies, moving closer to Ruby, stroking her hair. “What about Kate? And don’t you want to hear…” Jake quickly stops her talking with his fingers, then a kiss. “Later,” he says again as he pushes her on the bed.

They kiss for a while and as Jake slides his hand to Ruby’s thigh she jumps, “Oowww!” Jake looks at her curiously, then to her leg, which has added the colors black and blue to the yellow and green bruise that wraps around her right upper thigh. “What in Hades happened to you?” Jake inquires looking it over. Ruby sighs, “I forgot about that. I got shot, on Friday.” Jake starts to sit up with a concerned look on his face. Ruby grabs his shirt before he can get away. “You said later!” she laughs and pulls him to her.

As Jake kisses her neck he says quietly "I've been thinking about you night and day and the best you can whisper to me is 'I wouldn't mind getting you to myself'." As he starts to adroitly loosen her dress he continues, "Perhaps I was gone too long, let's see if I can generate a little more interest."

Ruby closes her eyes and enjoys the kissing and dress loosening for a few moments with a smile on her face. But the smile slowly drops off and she opens her eyes and looks at Jake. She puts a hand on either side of his face and gently turns him to face her. “Damn it, why can’t I lie to you?” Ruby pauses to bite her lip before continuing, “Yes, you were gone too long. I missed you, every minute of every damn day. So much that I drank myself stupid last night and told Kate that I hated you. I don’t hate you, not even a little. But I was very scared that you weren’t going to come back to me.”

"Fear not fair maiden, I have returned." he replies in mock formal tones. "Right now I can't imagine being anywhere else. You're here, I'm here, and life is very, very good." He puts a finger to her lips and pulls away for a moment to hang his gun belt on the far side of the bed from the door with the grip accessible, and then puts his derringer under the pillow. She raises an eyebrow at him and he says, "I'm never far from my guns in Tombstone. Now, let's get back to us before Katherine or someone else decides to disturb us." And they do.

Kate and her young friend find a table at Gregory's Restaurant on Fremont Street where the owner, an Englishman named Thomas C. Gregory, shows them to a table. Kate made sure to step out of sight before they went into the restaurant and let the spells drop so she was back to her own appearance. It wouldn't do to be sitting in a restaurant and have the spells drop. "Now, what is it that I can do for you?" Kate said to the girl after they were seated. She kept the box of Tom's close to hand and in her sight.

The girl states, "You were honest with me so I will be honest with you. I have about run out of time in this town without being caught. I need to travel to someplace where they won't know me and I can get more of an education. I can't ride a horse very well or even explain why I would need to buy one. I can't be on a stagecoach alone either without drawing attention or ride the train for that matter. It's time for me to move on as the school master is due to spend time at my home as part of tuition. He will find out that the farm outside of town, with the father that never deals with people, doesn't exist.

I'm not looking for a mother, a savior, or even someone to travel with me. I need what you just did for Colby Tucker, write me a letter and put me on a train to somewhere that I can learn more, a bigger city maybe." The girl frowns with thought, then her eyes twinkle and an impish grin comes to her face.

"I now can pay for my ticket if I need to and should be able to slip into the crowd on the other end of however far my money will get me. Then you will never have to worry about me again and I will keep your secret." A far away, wanting look crosses the to thin face and she almost seems to speak to herself "After all, someday maybe I'll have that secret too." The serious look drops from her face. The speech has obviously been well thought out and there is relief as she relaxes a bit. "Oh, and you may call me Ginnie Ma'am."

Katherine sat quietly for a few minutes after Ginnie stopped speaking. She and this girl had certainly gotten off on the wrong foot, and her mood was such that it was difficult to feel very sympathetic. But she had given her word. Kate says, "Well, I can't put you on a train, as it would be a very bad idea for me to go anywhere near the train station in the next few days. I won't send you to my family, I just sent my friend there and I can't be sending every person I meet with problem for them to take care of. That leaves the stage, and it goes to Promise City.

Wherever you do go, you'll have to pay for your own ticket. My purse has gotten very thin today. I have enough to pay for this meal and my room with a bit left, but not much. I spent more than I expected. Tell me about how you live here, and how you came to be on your own. Perhaps then I can think of something better."

Ginnie looks at Kate obviously sizing her up. Kate can see her trying to decide how much to trust the woman sitting across the table from her. Ginnie had just finished the best meal she has had since her mother died three years earlier so decides to go for broke and tell the whole truth. She sits up ramrod straight in her chair and starts to speak in a clear clipped voice.

“You asked so I'll tell you. I spend most of my time trying to stay fed and clean. I steal only what I need to keep myself in school. I've slept in alleys and shacks and where ever I can keep myself safe and out of the bordellos. I had a family but they all got sick and died except my baby sister Ella, after we came over on the boat. That made us orphans. Ella was really little, not even a year so she got adopted really quick, but I don't know where she is now; they wouldn't tell me. I was too old so they sent me on the orphan train to a "nice family" that would take me in. Well the ‘nice man‘ was looking for young stock for his whorehouse, not a family, so I ran the first chance I could get.

Ginnie's eyes turn to steel "No one can make me go back! I won't!" I ran and hid and got here but that was almost a year ago and I can't keep up the lie much longer. If the Marshal found out the truth he'd send me back to the man that I was ‘placed‘ with and no one is going to believe a twelve-year-old Irish peasant girl over a landholder, I learned that long ago. That's it,... that's all of it,... there isn't any more." With that said, it is like the air has been let out of a balloon as Ginnie slumps in the chair exhausted, looking very young and frail.

Katherine sipped her tea as the girl ate a large dinner. She obviously wasn't used to eating well. The owner of the restaurant seemed disappointed that she only ordered one dinner, but he would get over it.

She listened as Ginnie's story came out, at first clear and finally at the end quiet, as if she had run out of energy. "My husband was Irish," Kate said quietly. "He was sick for nearly a year. He was getting better, but he died a few months after moving here. There are a lot of people who would take advantage of people like you and I, Ginnie. You were right to run, and from what I saw you've been taking care of yourself. I'm not going to send you to the Marshal. But living on your own, you're always going to be at risk. And as I said, I don't have enough money left here to send you anywhere and I can't be seen near the train station.

Promise City doesn't have a school, but I have many books and a good education under my belt. If you want to take the stage there, I could tutor you. But you'll need to pull your weight too. I have a new ranch that could use a helper, and we might be able to dig up some other work for you. You do the work, and I'll provide tutoring as well as a place to stay and food to eat. We can talk about money later, but I would expect the stealing to stop. You'd always be free to move on if you want."

Kate sees Ginnie perk up but then pull herself right back in as the walls slam down between the two of them and her eyes go hard. What little trust this child has had in the world has been smashed down far to many times "Why would you do something like that? Something so good for someone you don't even know? Someone like me? What do you really want?"

Kate replies, "What do I really want? I want my husband back. I want to feel happiness again. I want to raise my horses and study, and build a new life. In regards to you, I want you to earn your keep and be in a safe place while you learn what you need to improve your life. And I don't want to feel guilty in sending you off somewhere when I know I could have done more.

Why would I do something like this? Without people who helped me when I came here I would have been lost. I gave my word, I would help you and when I give my word I keep it. To send you out into the world to live the way you have been isn't helping. I hate how ugly the world can be, but I can take some of that ugliness away by helping you. Oh, and why someone like you? Mostly because you are someone who needs helping."

Kate looks over to see Ginnie's eyes fill with tears. Ginnie has lost of the faked bravado that she was fronting before and the edge is gone. She is a little girl sitting at a very empty plate. She reaches into a hidden pocket in her skirt and pulls out the $20 that Kate had given her earlier, sliding it across the table. "So when do we leave?" she says in a small voice.

"On the stage tomorrow afternoon. I have some business left here in town but it should be finished by then. Some friends on mine should be on the stage as well. Tonight you can stay with me in my hotel. We'll have to share when we get back to Promise City as well, I'm afraid, but we can worry about those arrangements later." Kate put the bill back in her pocketbook and counted out the money to pay for the meal. "We'll have to get you some clothes when we get back to Promise City. Do you need to go back and get your things?"

Ginnie replies, “I have two sets and that is more than enough for right now. I would need to get my things. If I need more clothing I can make it, I made this after all.” She pauses and says, “You’re not just teasing me? I really will have a place to stay? I can stay in the shed tonight if you want or just go get my things and sleep on the floor in the hotel room.." She seems to be speaking almost to herself, "That would be better warmer at least and I wouldn't have to watch out for the drunks."

Kate responds, "I'm not teasing you, and I'm sure they can set up a cot of some kind in the hotel room for you. And perhaps we'll just get you one or two dresses, just to save us the trouble of doing laundry nearly every day," Kate smiled as she stood up. "I'll walk with you part of the way to the station, I can't go all the way you understand. After that we'll go over to Big Nose Kate's and I'll get you settled before I go to finish my business." Kate picked up the box of Tom's things and followed Ginnie to the door.

Ginnie Stands up and heads for the door she keeps looking behind her at Kate as if she doesn't really believe that this is happening to her.

Kate laid her hand very lightly on the girls shoulder as they passed through the door. They walked through the twilight street toward the shed Ginnie had been calling home. Once it was in sight Kate stopped. "You run over and get your things. I'll be waiting right here," Kate said, pointing to a shadowy alcove. "Be quick though, I don't want to stand here too long in the open when the Marshal might come by. I'm staying at Big Nose Kate's, just in case he does come by and I have to hide. Go on now, quickly."

Ginnie slips into the shed and gathers her things, folding them tightly into a package that looks very much like a school bag bundle. She then scrapes away a patch of dirt from the floor and scoops up a pouch containing her money and a small piece of hand tatted lace. She straps it to a piece of string tied around her waist under her clothing. Ginnie checks carefully to make sure no one is watching then scoots out the back door, stopping quickly to wash the dirt from her hands in a nearby horse troth before she meets Kate in the shadows.

Kate waited nervously as Ginnie ran to get her things. It had been quite a while now since she'd snuck Colby Tucker on to the train, but she couldn't be sure that the Earps weren't still nosing around. And although she wanted to find Morgan, she didn't want to find him before she had Ginnie safely tucked away at Big Nose Kate's.

The girl came back faster than Kate had expected. She offered Ginnie her hand and they walked rapidly through town and back to the Hotel. Kate went up to the bar where Kate was. "Miss Haroney, would it be possible to have a cot set up in my room? I'd like to make my guest here comfortable," she said, smiling down at Ginnie. The restaurant and hotel owner looks at the girl and says "Yes, that can be arranged. I recognize her from around town but do not know the child's name or her parents. How is it that she is now with you?"

Kate replies, "She's been looking for me. I met her several times before I left for Promise City. She lost her parents a while back, and the people who were taking care of her left on the train today. They're going to send for her, until them I'm going to help out for a little while." Miss. Haroney replies, "A shame to lose one's parents so young. Well, Mrs. Kale, you and I have both known far many tragedies in our lifetimes. It is good that you are willing to help this young lady through hers."

"It's my pleasure. After so many people have helped me, it's nice to be able to help someone else. Come along dear, let's go get you settled."

Kate walked behind Ginnie to the stairs and up to her room. Inside she locked the door and breathed a long sigh. "I have to go back out. I'm afraid you're going to be bored here by yourself." She dug into Tom's box and pulled out one of the books he had on horses. "You can read this if you like. I might be gone for quite a while."

Kate sat down and wrote out a note, folded some cash in it, and put it in the other book in Tom's box. If she didn't come back, Ginnie would still be able to take that train. After the cot was brought up Kate made sure Ginnie was settled and then went back downstairs. When Kate begins to head down the stairs she sees Marshall Virgil Earp sitting alone on a leather loveseat in the lobby. He glances up, sees her, and stands.

Katherine forced herself to stay calm. Did it really matter if she walked alone to the Marshall's office, or if she had an escort? She was keenly aware of the weight of the pistol in her skirts, and of the derringer in her bodice. "Good evening Marshall, can I help you with something?"

"Ma'am, I'd like a few minutes of your time please" he states. He then gestures towards a small private dining room off from the main room. Kate glances across the room and sees the other Kate standing over near the piano with a neutral expression on her face. "Of course." Kate took the lead and walked over to the private room, waiting for the Marshall to open the door for her before stepping inside.

They enter the room and Virgil shuts the door. The table has a fancy tablecloth and place settings put out for six people. The curtains over the windows are drawn but the gas lantern in the room provides sufficient light. Earp gestures for Kate to have a seat while he remains standing. She took the offered seat and folded her hands neatly in her lap. She looked back at Virgil expectantly.

Silver Moon

Chapter 163, “The First Real Date” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882, 5:00 P.M.

Some time later since their arrival in the room Jake and Ruby lay in each others arms. Ruby can’t get the smile off her face as she strokes Jake’s beard. “So,” she looks up to him, “What were you thinking about me, night and day?” Ruby kisses Jake’s chest, “How much you missed me?” she kisses his neck, “And how much you wanted me there? Or…” she moves up higher and kisses his lips, “How much you know you need me?”

He comments, "Yes.".... "Yes.".... "Yesmmm.".... "On the other hand it is real nice being welcomed back." She answers, “No ideas, you’re not leaving me again anytime soon.” Ruby lifts her head up suddenly and a grin starts to form on her face. “Hold on a second, are you admitting that you need me? I think you just did!” Ruby jumps up on the bed, the sheet wrapped loosely around her, standing one foot on either side of Jake. “Stop the presses!” she yells out. She puts her hand up like she is reading a headline. “Mr. Jacob Cook finally admits he needs Miss Ruby West. Get out your winter coat, Hades must be freezing over!”

"That and you make me laugh." Jake grabs a corner of the sheet and lifts it up enough to get a view. He cocks his head to one side, "Very lovely. Keep yelling like that and Chumbly will be up here with his notepad." He pulls more firmly on both sides of the sheet pulling her back down to the bed. Ruby squeals and laughs as she is pulled back to the bed, landing on Jake with a thump. She finally stops laughing and calms down.

Jake strokes her long red hair and says, "Katherine's here and Morgan isn't dead. I suppose that is promising. Why were the Earps at the train station? Looking for Katherine? If you didn't come with Katherine why were you at the train station? Can you tell me what is going on?"

The smile immediately drops off Ruby’s face. “I didn’t come with Kate but I was looking for her. She left me a note this morning and I followed her. I’m sure she is here to confront Morgan. The Earps are making up some story about wanting to protect her from danger from the Cowboy Gang, how they started the “rumors” about Tom’s death. I went to find Colby Tucker but Kate was already with him. I followed the Earps to the train station thinking they were looking for her and they started to question me. I think Tucker ran out of town and that is why Kate was at the station but that is just a guess. I lied and told them I was waiting for someone on the train. Then you got off the train to save me. Your new profession,” she laughs, pushing some hair off his face, “Saving me.”

Ruby spends a good amount of time catching Jake up on what happened with the Lone Star, the whole Earth Spirit adventure and now following Kate to Tombstone. She knows Jake will be mad about her coming alone but sees no other way to get around telling him. She carefully leaves out the Apache Indians they ran across on the coach ride over.

Jake laughs. "That whole spirit dragon thing story is better than anything I could ever make up. Are you sure Nanuet didn't gather up some special mushrooms and have Dorita put them in the stew?" Ruby laughs too. "No I'm not sure. But I did actually touch the dragon and got this," she points to the bruise on her leg, "So that would be some pretty strong mushrooms. I guess that’s about everything. We’ve been busy in Promise City. And I want to know ALL about what happened in Tucson, but right now I am STARVING! Time for you to take me to dinner, Mr. Cook. I wish I had a nice dress so I could dress up for you and we could go out for a romantic dinner in a fancy restaurant. Of course, that would also assume we weren’t here to keep one of our friends from killing a Marshall.” Ruby shrugs.

"Ruby West, I'm proud just to be able to escort you to dinner. Don't you be worrying about whether or not you have your best dress. Let's find a fine restaurant and be nice and obvious getting there. The best way to stay out of trouble with the Earps here is to let them know where we are. That way Katherine can find us too if she wants to. We can go skulking later." "Obvious, that shouldn't be too hard." She winks at him and gets out of bed to get dressed for dinner.

Ruby and Jake have a few more drinks while trying to help each other get dressed. When they finally manage to finish they make their way downstairs and tell Mr. Billicke they are going out to dinner if anyone needs them. They walk towards the middle of town holding hands and find a classy restaurant.

The fanciest restaurant in town is the one attached to the Grand Hotel owned by Big Nose Kate, but Jake has suggested that they avoid it. So they head to Gregory's Restaurant on Fremont Street where the owner, an Englishman named Thomas C. Gregory, shows them to a table. It is ironically the exact same table that Kate and Ginnie had dined at little more than an hour earlier.

As they are seated Ruby smiles at Jake. "Do you realize that this is our first real date? Well, ok maybe second if you count the night we went out celebrating." The hostess hands them menus, as Ruby leans slightly across the table, "Course, we kinda skipped the courting part by sleeping together." The hostess looks at Ruby and hurries off as Ruby laughs.

Jake puts his hat on an empty chair and tsks after the hostess. "She should at least pretend she wasn't listening. Hard to get good help." he says with a faint smile. "Courting, huh. They were big on that back in Philadelphia. Wearing stiff clothes, sitting painfully upright with a bunch of people you didn't really like just so you could smile at the woman someone fixed you up with." Silver Jake Cook makes an unconscious grimace. "Society and I never quite saw eye to eye. Much better our way." he ends with his smile returning.

“I agree with you Jake, our way is better AND more fun. I happen to know all about society, even if it doesn’t show.” Ruby sees a shimmer of disbelief cross Jake’s eyes and she smiles. She grabs her hair, twists it around and holds it on top of her head with one hand. She sits up very straight, shoulders back, neck elongated and her free hand tucked neatly in her lap. She has practically transformed in front of Jake.

Ruby continues softly, in a different tone than her normal speech, “Mr. Cook, while I do believe you know much about Miss West will you concede that it is possible that you do not know everything? A woman must carry some secrets, do you not agree?” Ruby extends out the back of her hand to Jake. “And what a gentleman you are to be concerned.”

Ruby lets her hair drop and changes back to her normal posture. “How about, Miss West, if you do not get serious about your studies you will continue to be an embarrassment to your father and your family. Or Constance, if you persist acting like a spoiled brat you will never find a decent husband in society. Miss West, proper ladies don’t consort with those types or engage in those types of activities. Or my personal favorite, Constance Grace, I will make you into a good wife and mother if it kills me… or you.”

Ruby stops to run her hand through her hair. “That last one was my mother, the last words I ever heard from her. Said right after I was told I was getting sent away to Miss Gilroy’s School for the Privileged, in other words troubled youth. To prepare me for my journey to marry Mr. Eastman of Rochester upon return. Agreed to because my beautiful face should overcome any lack of social abilities.” Ruby pauses and looks away before looking back to Jake. With a raised eyebrow, “Is that enough society for you? That world is just as vicious as this one, only there it is under the veil of being proper, injury done with words instead of weapons.” Ruby pauses again, then proceeds with blushing cheeks. “Oh, I think my mouth has run off on me again. I’m a bit embarrassed. I’ve never told anyone all that.”

He replies, "You and I seem to be made from the same cloth. My folks thought they were part of Philadelphia society, but weren't really. It just turned my stomach every time they swallowed their pride and did whatever was necessary to fit in. I wasn't going to, and I think they knew that and gave up on me. Even to the point of keeping my punishments quiet so the neighbors wouldn't know what a hellion I was."

Jake laughs. "That was the best part, I could get out of the worst of them that way. I feel sorry for you, I didn't suffer half as bad. I could have stuck it out until I was older if they hadn't tried to use my sister... well you know the story." He reaches across and squeezes her hand a moment and lets go. "Jake's just been a free spirit, for the most part causing my own trouble and getting myself out."

She answers, “Don’t feel sorry for me Jake. My parents never really loved me, they only wanted a child so my father could have the perfect picture for the papers, a perfect family… I think they were biased as soon as I was born with red hair, like my grandmother. Anyway, they made it easy to leave. I’ll admit it was hard learning to take care of myself after living like that, and I also admit that I do miss certain things about living with money. Like my dresses fitting,” she laughs.

“I get by just like you, and I don’t have to be fake and pretend, if I don’t want to, and I don’t have to be married to some man from Rochester who thinks he can change me and control me. I don’t know why anyone would ever want or need to get married,” she looks serious then laughs again before looking at the menu. “What should I order?” She looks back up at Jake with a smile. “A hellion, huh? I just wonder, which one of us will get the other into more trouble?”

"This is Arizona, I'd skip the fresh fish." Jake says without looking up. "Let's ask the chef, shall we? You get the best that way." “Why don’t you order for us then?” Ruby peeks over the top of her menu, “I like surprises, especially chocolate ones.” Jake looks up to see Ruby looking back at her menu with a big grin on her face. Then she puts her menu back down on the table, gets up and moves her chair around the table next to Jake’s. “We’ve been apart too long, I don’t want to sit all the way over there.”

Jake is quiet for a moment before continuing. "I like you in, and out of everything. We'll get your dresses tailored. Don't worry about the money, it will come. I don't try to get in trouble, but that doesn't seem to keep me out of it." He smiles gently and he seems to be looking through Ruby a bit before he focuses again. "Red hair like your grandmother, eh. Did you know her? Was she like anyone we know?"

Ruby answers, “About my grandmother, I didn’t know her. From what I hear she was exactly like someone we know, which is why I didn’t know her. I wish I did. My family turned their back on her. She wrote to me sometimes, told me not to change for them. She had adventures all over the world, had a very exciting life, even being a woman alone. She never regretted anything she did.” Ruby shrugs.

“I’m not worried about my dresses or my money. I can always get more. I just want you to be happy, for us to be happy, at least for a little while. I told you, I’m tired of being alone all the time and that was only proven by you being gone so long. I know you are happy and I am happy so we’re good, at least for a little while.” Ruby smiles softly at Jake and leans over and kisses him. “So keep me happy and make a good choice for dinner.” She winks at him and then pretends to take a look around the room. When he looks back at the menu she looks at him and smiles.

Jake flags down Mr. Gregory at the next opportunity and asks about the best of his menu, or to send the chef out. Ruby and Jake will leisurely chat while waiting for their dinner, and dine in much the same way.

Ruby and Jake are almost done their meal when a man who had entered the restaurant a few minutes earlier is directed over to their table. Neither Ruby or Jake know the man but see that he is wearing a badge. "Excuse me, but may I have a word with the two of you?" he asks. He introduces himself as Marshall Williams and says that he is investigating the recent string of stagecoach robberies in the county. He asks them what they know about these incidents.

Ruby rises and extends her hand. "Marshall Williams, a pleasure to meet you." After he takes her hand she sits. "I'm not sure what you mean. We were on a coach a couple of weeks ago that was chased by the Cowboy Gang and we've already been questioned about that. Other than that I'm not sure how we can be of help to you."

"A pleasure Marshall." Jake replies after Ruby speaks. "We were on a stagecoach a little while back that was attacked by five men but the stage was able to outrun them. An Army Lieutenant questioned us about that one. The men were too far away for us to see their faces, and they were covered in bandanas." Jake scratches his head a moment before continuing.

"The other coach attack was made by around 20 men, some of them were killed. That's when Morgan Earp got hurt. The Indian guide Nanuet and I were coming back from Fisk mine not long after that and were attacked again. He was able to track them back to a cave and find some of the folks that did that. We turned the live one into Marshall Earp in Promise City. One of the badly wounded ones told us before he died that Pinto Joe Weems hired him that day. Pinto Joe is in Wyatt Earps jail or at least was last time I was in Promise City."

He pauses a second and snaps his fingers. "I don't remember who said it but someone in our carriage thought they saw Billy Claibourne that day with the outlaws. That's all I can recall. I was certainly no friend of the cowboy gang, even less after Deadeye Douglas shot me. Anything else I could tell you would be pure speculation."

The man writes all of the information down in his notebook. "Thank you. Appreciate it. I'd already read the reports, the newspapers and interviewed both town Marshals, the Sheriff, and Kris Wagner in Promise City but since the two of you were both here in town now I wanted to get it directly from you. This potential cowboy gang is growing to quite the list, even subtracting the ones who have been killed. Damn, I can't afford to lose much more money on these bastards! And feel free to speculate away, I'll take any lead I can get on these guys."

Ruby asks, "Who else have you added to the list as of late? And are you are Marshall here in Tombstone?" He answers, "Oh, I'm sorry for the confusion. Marshall is actually my first name, although I was deputized by Tombstone's Marshal a few days ago so I guess I can use it as a title now too.” Jake laughs a hearty laugh. "Damn, wish my parents had named me president or king or something."

Williams continues, “ I'm the Regional Investigator with the Wells Fargo Company. After two holdups and two more attempted holdups of our stagecoaches they decided to send me out here to find out what I could and to assist local law enforcement. Marshall Earp thought I could probably get to the bottom of things faster if I had a badge. And I'm afraid I really can't be sharing my list, especially those I'm not totally sure of, but you seem to already know quite a few of them."

Jake gives Ruby a wink before continuing. "Look Marshall, even talking to you about the cowboy gang brings some risk around these parts. Before I share speculation, you need to share too. Only seems fair. We can do it off the record." Jake smiles knowingly at him before continuing quietly. "And then you can tell me how one might make a profit helping Wells Fargo protect it's assets."

He folds up his notebook and puts it away. "Sorry, it's an active investigation. Can't share anything until I'm ready to bring it to either a lawman or a judge. I'm sure you must understand. My gut feeling tells me you're on the level but I've heard some speculation otherwise so I can't be taking any chances. If I think of anything further I need from you I'll stop by again. Can I safely assume that you're staying with your friend Mrs. Kale over at the Grand Hotel?"

"No, we didn't know where Mrs. Kale was staying." Jake says with feigned surprise. "How did you find us?" He smiles and replies "I'm an investigator!" He then laughs and says "Didn't take much investigating actually. I heard you were both in town and had been apart for a while. You're both from out of town, it's dinner time, and getting back together you probably would have gone somewhere nice to dine. Since this town only has three nice restaurants in it, it didn't take me that long to find you. And yes, your friend is staying at the Grand Hotel. She's over there right now."

Silver Moon

FYI Readers, we're now down to the final play-by-post threads from this module. I figure maybe ten to twelve more chapters of the story.

Chapter 164, “Interrogation” , Sunday, January 22nd, 1882, 6:00 P.M.

Virgil Earp states, "Mrs. Kale, I'm going to need to ask you for the present whereabouts of a Mr. Colby Tucker. He's wanted for questioning regarding his possible involvement in a recent stagecoach robbery. I know that he was a friend of your late husband and I'm not sure exactly what lies he may have told you, but it is very important that we find him as quickly as possible. You would be doing him as well as yourself a favor by telling me where I can find him."

She answers, "I'm sorry Marshall, but I don't know his present whereabouts. I did see him this afternoon over at the Corral. He had a box of my husbands things that I went to reclaim. That would have been sometime about, oh, three o'clock perhaps? I'm not quite sure, as I went to the stone mason first to arrange for Tom's headstone. He was still at the corral when I left. After that I can't help you. What lies do you mean? He would hardly speak to me at all, almost as if he was afraid of me for some reason. He just got me Tom's box and shooed me out."

Virgil says "Please think about anything that he might have said. Mrs. Kale, his life depends on our finding him. We think he and Johnny Ringo were both in on the robbery together. Johnny Ringo is currently behind bars and in the County Jail as a robbery suspect, but his lawyer will probably get him released on bail tomorrow. If Ringo gets to Tucker before we do he's probably a dead man. Look, we were told that he ran right after you arrived to see him. Do you know where he might have gone to?"

Katherine hesitated. They were obviously going to dance around each other if one or the other didn't start telling the truth. Ruby had said both Johnny Ringo and Morgan Earp has been angry about what happened at the card game. Was it possible they really did want to find Tucker to protect him? Could the interrogation have been about that as well?

She says, "There are some things I don't understand here, Marshall. If they were in it together, why would Johnny Ringo want to hunt Mr. Tucker down? It seems to me that silence would be in both their interests. And earlier, you said that I would be doing Mr. Tucker and myself a favor. Am I in some kind of danger?"

He replies, “Well Ma'am, I'm afraid you could be. I'm not sure exactly what you heard about Ringo, but he's not a man to be trifled with. Why Tucker is in danger is simple, he could testify against Ringo in court. Without Tucker's testimony the evidence against Ringo is superficial at best. I doubt the Judge would convict. There's no way any judge will offer an immunity deal to Ringo, nor would he take it, but if Tucker gets such an offer I'm sure he'll jump at it. Ringo knows that too."

Earp then leans against the table, placing his hands on the table top palms down and fingers extended. He leans towards Kate and says "Mrs. Kale. You were seen talking with Colby Tucker just a few hours ago. In fact, you appear to have been the last one to see him. Everyone knows that Tucker and your husband were friends, Ringo knows that. And it won't take him or his Cowboy Gang buddies long to find that out either. The safest thing for you to do right now is tell me where Tucker is hiding."

"I can't tell you what I don't know," Kate said truthfully. At this point she didn't know where Tucker was. He could be in Tucson, or on his way to Boston, or hiding anywhere in between. "For what it's worth, I believe that both Mr. Tucker and myself are in danger. I even believe Ringo could be that danger. But don't you think this will go better if we are both completely honest Marshall? Why don't we talk about what we both really want to talk about?" Kate stood up slowly.

"I have heard stories, or lies as you've been calling them. And I've met your brother Morgan, I've saved his life. I liked him. And I could believe that it is all lies except for one fact. He's always been nervous around me, always almost afraid. And that day after I saved his life, he apologized to me before he passed out. And now he's left Promise City. I have no interest in taking anything to a judge, no interest in charges or trials. I just want to know the truth. I think I deserve that. And just to show you that I mean it.”

She states, “You can point your sidearm at me while I do this if you like," Kate said as she slowly removed Tom's pistol from her skirts, keeping her fingers far from the trigger, and laid it on the table in Virgil's reach. Then she pulled the Derringer as well and laid it down too.

Virgil stops her and says "Ma'am, it appears that Mr. Tucker filled your head with lots of lies. I believe my brother Wyatt explained to you why Morgan is not comfortable around you. If that is insufficient, and you want to let your imagination run wild, well, there's nothing I can do about that. But I'd advise you for your own safety to not leave this hotel tonight, and to be gone in the morning before Johnny Ringo makes bail." And with that he turns and walks out of the room.

Kate watched Virgil leave and slowly sat down, her weapons still laid out on the table. She propped her elbows up on the table and rested her head in her hands. Why was it so hard to get to the truth? Wasn't she the only danger to them now? With Tucker gone, and her willing to forego any formal proceedings, and still no truth? Tears began to run down the insides of her sleeves.

"Stupid, stupid girl," she muttered to herself. She would have to go through Morgan. He was the only one who knew the full truth, and might be willing to tell it. She dried her eyes and put her weapons back in their places, and tried to think of how to find Morgan Earp. As Kate is returning her weapons to their various hiding spots Ginnie slips into the room and sits fully clothed across the table from her

The girl states, "Ma'am I'm not really sure what the Earps want with you, or why you seem so determined to stay away from them and get yourself in trouble with them at the same time. It seems to me that your Tom was a good man to have someone like you care for him. He would want you to be safe and get on with your life. He's dead and that can't be fixed, but anyone who makes those Earps angry gets dead too. The way that Marshal left this room showed me that he wasn't any too happy with you. Isn't it better to be alive and not buried in a plot next to your husband?"

Kate sat down helplessly. "I don't know. Honestly, I don't know what they want with me. I don't want to be in trouble with them, and I don't want to cause them any trouble either." She sighed. "I know nothing can bring him back. But it's hard to start again when the past is still tied around your ankles." Kate stood up and went over to Ginnie. "Come, we should get out of here before the owner Kate gets angry."

Katherine walked her new charge out of the dining room and back toward the stairs. She remembered what Ruby had told her about James Earp. Morgan could be over at the Oriental Saloon, but going there could be the most foolish thing she could do, aside from going to the Marshall's office. Virgil Earp had warned her not to leave the hotel, and Kate couldn't help but wonder if that was a warning or a threat.

Big nose Kate approaches Katherine and Ginnie. In a soft voice she says "Virgil said that you might be in danger, that the members of the Cowboy Gang could be after you. He said that you were on the stage when his brother got shot and might be able to identify some of the robbers if you saw them again. He asked me to make sure that you stayed in the building."

After a short pause she says "I hear that you play the piano. I have a recently tuned instrument over here and my regular pianist has Sunday night's off. Perhaps you would be willing to play something for us?"

Warning or threat, Virgil Earp intended to make sure she stayed in this hotel tonight. Well, she still had tomorrow morning to find Morgan, and making an enemy of Big Nose Kate was a poor idea. "Yes, the Marshall is very concerned," she said, keeping her voice even. "How kind of you all to look after my safety."

Kate lightly squeezed Ginnie's shoulder and gave her a poor imitation of Ruby's "go with it" look, then pulled out a dollar and gave it to her. "I'm sure you have something sweet for her while I play," she asked Kate before walking over to the piano. Tomorrow would have to be soon enough, or perhaps late tonight when everyone was asleep. Morgan had worked the night shift in Promise City, perhaps he did here as well.

Katherine sate down at the instrument and started with the Strauss waltz she knew so well. She had played it so often that even in her distracted state she could play it well. As always, playing brought calmness to her and she was able to play some more difficult pieces.

Kate kept an eye on Ginnie as she was seated at a table and given a piece of yellow cake. She would be alright for now. Katherine kept playing, unsure of what would happen if she tried to stop and go up to her room. Most likely nothing. It would be trying to leave the hotel that would be the problem.

Over at Gregory’s Restaurant, Ruby and Jake have finished their meal and are currently talking to Tombstone’s Deputy Marshal Williams. "Excuse me for a moment, Mr. Williams." Ruby leans close to Jake. "Maybe mention those $20 dollar bills?"

"Marshall, you give up too easy." Jake gives him a easy smile. "Ruby has reminded me of some other information, still a bit speculative. I'm worried about the risk to Ruby, and I could use some information to help keep her safe." Jake gives her tender squeeze. "You are a clever man, why don't you ask me some questions about specific people, perhaps some you suspect. Are you sure you don't want to quietly trade a little information? I could save Wells Fargo a lot of money, make you a hero and keep this beautiful woman safe. Of course I never heard anything." Jake looks at him expectantly.

He tells Jake "Perhaps we can talk later. How long do you anticipate staying in town and where are you staying?" Jake replies, “We are at the Cosmopolitan and probably leaving on the stage to Promise City tomorrow." Ruby interjects, "Probably? No we ARE leaving on the stage tomorrow, we're going home." Jake says, "Like I said, we are going home tomorrow," as he smiles at both of them. The Deputy Marshal leaves.

Katherine played piano for about forty-five minutes before getting up. She nodded to Big Nose Kate as she went over to Ginnie. "Let's go on upstairs, I'm tired." She and the young girl go back up to the room. She says, "I still have that bit of business to take care of dear. I'll be back in a little while. You should get some sleep. It's been a long day, and tomorrow there'll be a long stage ride."

Katherine then went back out and peeked down the stairs. She watched until Big Nose Kate went into the kitchen, then made her move down the stairs and out the door. It had just gotten dark out when Kate exits the saloon and grand hotel and walks out onto the street. It was amazing how quickly she had come to detest this town. Town, more of a small city at this point. She had heard that the population was now nearing 6,000. Most of them lived in the workers' barracks up the hill near the mines and smelters rather than in the town. But it still wasn't the small town that she had grown accustomed to in the short three weeks since she left this place. "Why did I come back?" she initially thought to herself. But she knew the reasons why, and one of them still remained.

After this long, long day, Kate felt a bit as if she were drowning. There was too much going on to keep track of. There was only one thing left clear in her mind, the need to find Morgan Earp. With no idea where else to look, Kate went to the Marshall's office, located above the Crystal Palace. She walked up to the first employee she could find. "Is there anyone upstairs in the Marshall's office right now?" No, office hours are over" the waitress stated.

Kate asks, "Could you tell me where I might find Morgan Earp then?" She tells Kate, "Sorry, no idea. You might try the town jail." "Thank you, I'll do that." Kate left the Crystal Palace and made her way over to the town jail. She reaches the town jail and finds the main door locked. She notices that the whole side stone wall on the eastern end, connected to the jail cells, is still lying in rubble on the ground. She recalls the story of Dudley Yeat's escape ten days earlier and guesses they've been too busy dealing with stagecoach robberies to be concerned about rebuilding it.

Kate stepped over a bit of the rubble, considering. Johnny Ringo was in the county jail. At least then she would have everyone she needed in one place. She didn't seem to see anything as she walked away from the town jail and headed for the county jail instead.

Jake and Ruby enjoy dinner and some chocolate dessert without rush. He then say, "So, Miss West, how would you like to take a walk? Perhaps we'll go visit the Earps at their office. I believe they asked us to come see them when we were at the train station." Jake raises an eyebrow and gives her a little grin. "I'd love to Mr. Cook." She stands up and takes his arm and they head to the Crystal Palace, where they find the office empty. "Should we go looking for them? We could ask Big Nose Kate..." He states, "Why not? Let's go talk to her."

Ruby takes Jake's hand and they head to the Grand Hotel. Once inside they look around and until they see Big Nose Kate and they approach her. Kate welcomes the two of them and asks if they would like a room. Ruby sighs. " I wish we were here for a room," as she gives Jake a glance. "We're looking for you, actually." She says, "We've met before, around two weeks back. A table at the restaurant perhaps? I'm afraid that our pianist has Sunday nights off, but even without the entertainment you'll find no better restaurant in town."

Ruby replies, "Yes we have met before, about two weeks ago. You have a good memory. To be totally honest with you, we are looking for Morgan Earp. We have some business with him and he asked us to stop by today, but we were, uh, busy." She smiles at Jake. "I know he might be at the Oriental Saloon and that will be our next stop, but since we know you know everything that goes on around here we were hoping you could save us from running around town searching."

She says "No, I haven't seen him since around lunch time. His brother Virgil was in here a while back. I'm not sure where they are at the moment. The Oriental Saloon is as good a place as any to start." "Thank you, Kate. You've been very helpful, yet again." Ruby turns to Jake. "Let's go to the Oriental. Maybe we can even play some cards and have some drinks while we're there." She smiles and without waiting for an answer grabs Jake's hand and pulls him out, heading to the Oriental Saloon.

Kate arrives at the County Jail. The Cochice County Sheriff, Johnny Behan, is the only one there at the moment other than the prisoner in one of the cells who she assumes to be Johnny Ringo. She took a deep breath and stepped inside. She walked over to she Sheriff and said quietly so the prisoner wouldn't hear, "Pardon me for intruding, but I'm looking for Deputy Marshall Earp. Could you tell me where I might find him?" Behan replies "No idea. They don't work for me, they just dump their prisoners in my lap," and gestures to Ringo. She says, “I'm sorry. He's not at the office, and the town jail is obviously not fit. I hesitate to ask, but might you know where he lives?"

Ringo yells out from the cell "The Earps have a house in the center of town, a few doors back from the Oriental Saloon. Hey pretty lady, could you do me a favor?" Kate turned toward the cell as she moved back closer to the Sheriff. "I'm not in the habit of doing favors for men in jail, and I doubt the Sheriff would allow it."

Behan replies "Lady, I don't give a damn. Ringo's okay in my book, Earps hate him, that's why they keep arresting him. Never have anything to make it stick. He's only here because there's a great big hole in the town jail. Crazy thing was, he was in there when the hole got blown in it and stayed behind instead of escaping. Seems to me they could have just kept him back there this time too instead of dumping him on me."

Kate tilted her head and took a step forward. "What do you want?" He says "I was wondering if you might loan me a book. I'm getting frightfully bored in here and would really like something to read." Kate took a couple steps closer, but still out of Ringo's reach. "Why would you think to ask me for a book?" She dropped her voice and whispered, "Do you know who I am?"

He says "Why yes Mrs. Kale, I happen to know a lot about you. What I'd really like from you right now would be a book. I'm a college educated man and an fluent in reading several different languages. If you could locate for me a book in either English, Spanish, Latin, French or Greek that would be just fine. I had a hunch that you of all people might know where to find one for me."

"I didn't bring anything to Tombstone with me," she said slowly. "I only have a couple books that belonged to my late husband. How did you know me, or know anything about me? We've never met." He replies "Oh, I think we've crossed paths before. Only a couple of books you say? That's odd, I thought you might have more than that....five-hundred-and-eighty-two to be exact."

Voidrunner's Codex

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