Kickstarter RelicDice Kickstarter for Prism Dice, Handmade Bullet-Resistant Glass!

Troy Benton

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Relic Dice

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Prism Dice handmade out of Bullet-Resistant Glass! RelicDice Kickstarter

Hey guys!
Just wanted to let friends and others at EN World know our Prism Dice
kickstarter has launched! Presenting: Handmade Bullet-Resistant Glass Dice!
View attachment Mega Group Shot.3.jpg

Very excited to be moving forward! With all the support from Facebook
and Twitter, I can't thank everyone enough! The encouragement has been
awesome so far. We've waited a long time to show these to gamers.
Finally, Prism Dice are here!

Any questions or comments on our dice or kickstarter can be sent over to
Troy Benton - RelicDice (Facebook) or [MENTION=6830494]RelicDice[/MENTION] (Twitter).

Kickstarter Link:

- Holly

Relic Dice

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We've breached outr 30k Stretch goal for our *Secret* color for Prism Dice!


Emerald Group.jpeg

Emerald is now available for purchase along with our other sets. This also means you can buy individual Emerald Dice, a complete set, or a mix of colors including Emerald (as we have unlocked the Rainbow sets stretch goal).

The Emerald set cost no more then our other sets. However, due to the difficulty to create a pure Emerald color, Emerald will ONLY be available to #Kickstarter backers, and will not be sold after the campaign has ended.

Black inking on our dice has also been unlocked!

Black Ink Emerald D6.jpg

With the announcement of Piped D6's for our next stretch goal, I think I know a few gamers that are excited. ;)
Thanks Everyone!
- Holly

Relic Dice

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Relic Dice's Prism Dice has reached 45k on Prism Dice! Which means that Matt Flemmings Idea of DoubleSixes AND TripleFours will become an available, made from our Prism Materials and colors!

View attachment Rainbow Row.2.jpg

For Anyone not familiar with Matt's Kickstarter, you can find it here:

More on his website:

Double Six Image.jpg
These are his DoubleSixes. We will be using his style, with our materials.

Returning from Emerald City Comicon, there were many great people we met there. Thanks for the comments!

Classic Set.jpg

Look what I found at Emerald City! ... If you said, "White Box!" that would be correct! Yes, any particular die can be any particular color. D12 that's blue? D20 that's Crystal? Whatever is your choice... If that choice happens to be "Classic", well then! Be prepared for the nostalgia...

There are 4 days left on the Kickstarter. The next few days will be fast and furious. More updates and new stretch goals will be on the Kickstarter, and we might just have a final trick or two up our sleeve. You can count on it!

Thanks all!
- Troy

Relic Dice

First Post
44 Hours left! And we've just unlocked two of our newest *secret color* stretch goals, Smoke & Green Apple!

Here are all of our announced colors, including secret colors and Kickstarter Exclusives!

All Prisms Pyramid.JPG
All Prisms Line.JPG

Time to smash through to Cobalt!

Cobalt Group.JPG

Like Emerald, Green Apple and Watermelon are difficult to recreate, being a mix of Emerald and Tourmaline, and Ruby and Rose. Emerald, Green Apple, & Watermelon are all #Kickstarter Exclusives!

It will be an exciting final 2 days everyone!


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