[Proposal] Dragon 371


First Post
I would like to propose Dragon 371. The articles that have stuff that needs voting on are below, but there is also an article on how genasi might fit into Eberron.

Legacy of Acererak: This article contains backgrounds and feats. The backgrounds are mostly in the PHB2 format, except they include a fourth choice of benefit which we should ignore. Then there are two types of feats. The first type is your normal feats, most of which just give minor benefits when fighting the undead. It also contains one of the better “Astral Fire”-esque feats, in the sense that the stat requirements weren’t chosen to make sure nobody who would want the feat could qualify for it.

The second type of feat is the Heritage feats. If you aren’t familiar with these, they basically work like Divine Power’s Domain feats. +2 to a skill, some bonus to one of your at-wills. They differ from the Domain feats in that they have stat requirements rather than power source ones (so there are some bonuses for Wizards and Warlords, for example), and the bonuses mostly only help against the undead.

Hestavar: The Bright City: This article contains three high-level magic items and an ED. We should probably take the L4W policy of not bothering to vote on such things until people start gaining several levels.

Playing Dhampir: This article has a number of feats, including some power swap ones, and two paragon paths for those who want their characters to be half-vampires. Are such things even feasible in Eberron lore? I’m pretty sure Eberron has vampires, so I don’t think this will be a problem.

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First Post
The articles that have stuff that needs voting on are below, but there is also an article on how genasi might fit into Eberron.
Even though there isn't any crunch in this article, I think it was my favorite of this dragon. Lots of good ideas for Eberron Genasi [And forgotten realms warforged].

Legacy of Acererak: This article contains backgrounds and feats.
Nothing jumps out at me that I didn't like.

Hestavar: The Bright City: This article contains three high-level magic items and an ED.
I didn't even look since I don't have any characters anywhere this close in power. I agree we should pass on these kind of things until we get close to the level we can use them.

Playing Dhampir:Are such things even feasible in Eberron lore? I’m pretty sure Eberron has vampires, so I don’t think this will be a problem.
I don't think lore wise it's a problem. After all, they say in the start that eberron has a place for everything.

That said, I wasn't thrilled with the whole thing. Everything hinges on grabbing for your 'racial' encounter power. Without taking feats like improved grab or picking up garrote training, this becomes increasingly hard to do as you level since it doesn't use normal weapon bonuses to hit.

Now if you completely ignore your encounter power it DOES open access to some pretty sweet feats like low light vision and +1 speed. I just don't like having a power I'm most likely not going to use.


First Post
The Genasi article I agree is good stuff. Lots of flavorful goodness in it!

The backgrounds and feats in Legacy don't seem like a problem and provide some nice options for players who want to focus on slaughtering the undead.

I didn't bother looking at the epic stuff, as we are a long way from there.

The Dhampir stuff is cool, but you're right at higher levels the encounter power does kind of suck. I think the feats are not too powerful, especially considering the feats you could be taking instead. All in all good stuff, if a little bit homeless in Eberron. I mean they caaan exist, they just don't have a cononized spot.

I'm feeling a subterranean vampire enclave in Sharn (seems like a fun fit), and lots of love in Karnath. But lots of room for creativity too.


First Post
Thank you for you supportive words. However, I must confess, the pigmentation of those words leaves a little to be desired. I know it's not right to judge words by the color of their pixels, but in this case it can't be helped.

In all seriousness, this is one of those "make or break" issues for my character concept, so it would be wonderful if we could expediently come to a positive conclusion.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Dhampir's aren't my thing, but I'm not set against them. Will need a decent back-story for any proposed characters.

This is passing, so no vote needed from me.

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