Price a +4 con, +2 str, +2 dex belt


I have a belt that's +4 enhancement to con, +2 enhance to str and dex.

Is it: 16,000 x 1.5 + 4000 + 4000
Or 16000 + 4000 x1.5 + 4000 x1.5?

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The belt of magnificence is a special case since it adds to every stat, which is something that most PCs normally wouldn't find worth the money. So it costs less than the DMG pricing formula would otherwise state.

So it costs less than the DMG pricing formula would otherwise state.

So shouldn't a belt that raised all mental stats be similarly reduced (I realize that isnt the OP's item)? If it is, then what about the belt? I mean, 12,000 gp to get a gloves of dexterity and belt of giant's strength on an item seems a bit high (especially since they are the lowest denominators).

Technik4 said:
...12,000 gp to get a gloves of dexterity and belt of giant's strength on an item seems a bit high (especially since they are the lowest denominators).

Stat boost items are already too cheap.

Stalker0 said:
I have a belt that's +4 enhancement to con, +2 enhance to str and dex

4 (con bonus), squared
plus 50% for wrong body slot


2 (str bonus) squared
plus 50% for secondary ability


2 (dex bonus) squared
plus 50% for secondary ability
plus 50% for wrong body slot


39. Times one thousand.

The question here is whether the dex bonus's modifiers are additive or multiplicative. Is it 4*1.5*1.5 or 4+((4/2)*2)? It is only a difference of a thousand gp, and I opt for the first, more expensive, one.

You do not consider constitution boosting to be physical improvement? Constitution is one of the physical statistics!

I would say that hong is correct in his calculation.

To Nail, do you feel that most or all items are undercosted?

Given how important stat bonuses are, I think they are too low. Resistance bonuses are also too low, IME. Both should be bonus squared x 2000 gp.

(I've also found that several spells have their market price come out too low, as some of the limitations found when a caster casts it goes away when put into a magic item. But that's a topic for another thread.)

But are most underpriced? I doubt least IME.

Much depends on how much "custom-made" magic is available. If the DM's stingy, then the issue isn't market price at all..... :)

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