WotBS Pre-order your WotBS hardcover now and save $25 on the full price!


You don't need an account.

Yes, but they still block me, saying that this card is registered in an account ... that no longer exists.

And their customer service does not answer queries ...

Ah, i'll have to see my bank and change number. Or find a friend willing to order for me.

Thanks all anyways.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Figures...now I have the money...I don't guess you would bump the super-secret special deal for the first ten to the first...15 or so would you?

Sorry, spent all the money put aside for the free gifts - and I don't think my girlfriend would forgive me if I dipped into her Christmas present fund! :)


Yup, we said that from the start (although it is a much, much larger book than SCAP).

SCAP checks in at just over 400 pages. You said between 650 and 800 for WotBS. Even if it doubles the page count of SCAP, I can't personally justify triple the cost. You are right about possibly generating more interest for a B&W version if the price is more reasonable.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Even if it doubles the page count of SCAP, I can't personally justify triple the cost.

That's totally OK. I'm not trying to sell you something you don't want to buy. It's a niche product for a small segment of a small segment of a niche customer base who specifically asked for it. :)


Did they make sure your name and address were on the order?

Yes, they did. Or at least, they told me so.

You should find my name in the order list, ordered by my friend M. B. with delivery at my name (F. M.)

Thanks for the great job.

Voidrunner's Codex

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