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pneumatik's WotBS 3: Shelter from the Storm


The 8th Evil Sage
When you leave Innenotdar and enter Dassen proper Torrent pulls out another map. "There aren't a lot of people who go from Innenotdar to Seaquen, so if we stay on roads we're stuck going almost to Gallo's Fend, then swinging out west around the Toreast Steppes when we head south. It'll be a lot faster if we go directly to Dene around the bottom of the Steppes, even though we'll be walking cross-country a good part of the way. It shouldn't be bad. Most of Dassen is supposed to be farmland."

There isn't much civilization near Innedotdar, but you manage to make it to a nameless village shortly after nightfall. Importantly, it has an inn. You may have expected to enjoy the winter cold after spending several days surrounded by a forest fire, but you find the warmth of the inn unexpectedly welcome.

Arshen is up and about the village before dawn the next day. He meets you back at the inn for breakfast. "There's a tiny chapterhouse of the Knights of the Aquiline Cross here. I talked to Staret Timson, Brave Vigil there this morning. He says we should come by after breakfast, Liiros." He has nothing else to say until breakfast is finished. Shortly after that, Arshen, Liiros, and whomever else wishes to join them is standing in front of Staret Timson in the narthex of the small chapterhouse.

"Squire Arshen was telling me a little about your recent adventures, Squire Liiros," Staret Timson says. "Can you fill me in on the details?"


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Thy wounds are healed!
Spending the night indoors was a new experience for Shaylir. And not at all what she thought it would be.

She tossed and turned most of the night int he big bed until Fritz finally joined her from his spot on the floor. Then the little priestess of The Green Man slept comfortably.

In the morning she decided to go into the nearby forest to gather Goodberries and meet everyone else back at the inn later tonight. It seems to much civilization all at once was getting to the girl and she needed time in the forest.

HP: 31/31
AC: 19
Init: +3
Fort: +8
Reflex: +5
Will: +9(+10 vs fear)

Dagger = +4 to hit, (+2 BAB, +1 size) - 1d3/19-20x2

0- Create Water (2/2), Guidance, Detect Magic
1- Calm Animals, Goodberries, Cure Light Wounds - 1d8+4
2- Hold Animal, Bull's Strength, Cure Light Wounds - 1d8+4

0- Mending, Resistance, Read Magic, Light
1- Shield of Faith, Bless, Protection from Evil, Cure Light Wounds(d)- 1d8+3

Pearl of power (1st lvl): unused
Turn undead: 4/4
Speak with Animals: 1/1
Vow of Healing: 4/4 [/sblock]



First Post

Unlike Shaylir, Lytha could enjoy both, the beauty of nature and the luxury of civilization, and so an actual bed was quite welcome after the long and exhausting journey of the past days for the elf.

Since she doesn't see why she should accompany Arshen and Liiros, Lytha rather spends the time in the village and the surrounding area, wandering around and enjoying the sights.


First Post
Hollister also expresses no interest in accompanying Liiros and Arshen, and instead sets out to determine if there is a library, sage or wizard nearby, who he might barter with for spells or scrolls.


The 8th Evil Sage
There isn't much to see around the village. Before Innenotdar started burning it was the first village people reached after travelling through the forest. Since then half of an entire generation moved away in search of something resembling excitement. Some of the older villagers who remember from before Innenotdar burning are very excited to see newcomers. They pepper Lytha, Hollister, and Shaylir with questions about where they came from.

The town itself is a couple dozen timber-and-fieldstone buildings. The public buildings are a temple to Pelor, the Aquiline Cross chapterhouse, and the inn you spent the night in.

The wilderness that Shaylir explores is definitely a change from what she's used to. The air is cold, the sky is clear, and the plants are green. Most of the land around the village is cultivated, so she has to walk several hours to find any actual wilderness.

After asking around Hollister is directed to the "town clerk". He finds him in a field managing a flock of shep. He's perhaps the only person in their thirties you've seen in the village. "I studied a little magic with the intention of leaving for adventure, but being a shepherd turned out to be too easy," he says. "I haven't talked magic in years. I hope I'm not too rusty."

[sblock=ooc]The village is south of the Hettkomn mountains, very close to the source of the Churnett river.[/sblock]


First Post
Squire Liiros Tivaniel of the Aquilline Cross

In the village, Liiros enjoys the comforts of the inn and rests his weary muscles, removing his armor and leaving it in his room until the group is ready to leave. He does keep the tabard on, bearing the emblem of the Aquilline Cross, and his forehead still sports the silvery tattoo of Corellon's symbol. He also continues to carry the weapons on his belt and bandolier, though his shield is left in his room at the inn. He can be seen to smile now and then, even whistling a bit, glad to be away from the bitter cold of the mountains and the hellish heat of the Fire Forest, even if it's still chilly in these parts.

He follows Arshen to the local chapterhouse of their order, saluting the resident chapter-leader. "Indeed, Staret Timson, Brave Vigil. We have ventured forth from Gate Pass on a mission for Staret Vilina Lea, Stalwart Wolverine, some days ago, seeking aid for the city so they may expel the Ragesian invaders. Unfortunately, the civilian council of Gate Pass surrendered quickly and allowed Ragesia to march in after only brief resistance, so the city is already compromised." His expression sours a moment at the thought, then returns to a stoic visage.

The elf pauses a moment to let that news sink in, then continues "If we can return with sufficient allies, we may be able to force the Ragesians out of Gate Pass with the aid of local resistance fighters, before Ragesian Inquisitors can impose their tyranny on the region or destroy too many lives. We saw the fighting in Gate Pass, and the Ragesians are ruthless. Innocent families were slain, and traitors to Gate Pass tried to sabotage any resistance efforts from within." He frowns and looks down for a moment, remembering what he saw in the wake of the invasion's first strike into the city.

After a brief pause and muttering some quiet Elven words of prayer, he warns "You should be wary of any possible Ragesian agents in Dassen, as the Scourge is likely to plow onward into neighboring territories in their bloody crusade. But we must continue traveling in our given quest."

Finally, he adds "We have already battled several mercenaries, bandits, and Ragesian soldiers to make it out of Gate Pass and away from its patrols of Ragesian cronies. As well as battling fire-monsters, demons, and crazed, winged spearmen in the Fire Forest to make our way here. Oh, and the Fire Forest may need to be renamed, as it is no longer on fire, thanks to our efforts. Unfortunately, that may mean Ragesians taking notice at some point and crossing the once-burning forest with their armies."


First Post
After asking around Hollister is directed to the "town clerk". He finds him in a field managing a flock of shep. He's perhaps the only person in their thirties you've seen in the village. "I studied a little magic with the intention of leaving for adventure, but being a shepherd turned out to be too easy," he says. "I haven't talked magic in years. I hope I'm not too rusty."

Hollister smiles at the clerk. "No worries, my friend. I'm simply looking to add some spells to my repertoire." The fire mage pats the heavy pouch at his belt. "Recent endeavors have been successful, and I find myself with some coin to spend. If you are willing, and have any magics that I have not yet studied, perhaps we could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement?"


The 8th Evil Sage
At the chapterhouse, Staret Timson listens to Liiros' tale. He asks him and Arshen follow-up questions, including a few about their individual skills. Then he says, "Its clear to me that you two have more than earned elevation to full knight. I realize you're in a hurry to reach Seaquen, but if you can spare a day I will induct you both of you as full members of our order. I cannot say much, but hopefully what you gain from the elevation will help you on the rest of your efforts."

"I will no longer be travelling with my current companions," Arshen says. "The Scourge is coming. I will help you prepare, Staret."

In a field surrounded by sheep, the town clerk says to Hollister, "I suspect we can work something out now, though any actual exchange will have to wait until this evening when I bring the sheep in. What type of spells would you be interested in?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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