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Orcs on the Rampage - Tales from the Broken Lands(Updated 25-May-06)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Encouragement from another lurker :)

Please find your place soon, we patient lurkers are gettin' impatient and delurk...

Great story! Keep it coming. ;)

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The Wyverns pay a House Call

Looking at the two fleeing Orcs, Gaak decides he is quite capable of running them down and proceeds to do so.

Sharraxtharkul yells after the fleeing Orcs. Come back, Come back! Margrax is hungry!

Gaak quickly overtakes the first Orc, partially trampling him. The Fat Lip scout prostrates himself in surrender.

Gaak snarls at the other. Stop, or I Will bite your arm off.

Shar has some advice for the Ogre. Bite him on the head. The brain is sweeter.

No. If I bite him he won't be able to talk!

Both are quickly put to questioning by the warband. They are obviously scared, but more scared of The Master they keep mumbling about.

With Gaak enticing answers, Gorga questions the captured Orcs.

How many warriors are back at the tribe?

None, the kobolds and giants weakened us greatly.

What is Fellixhulkil doing?

Cooking a large pot of magic.

Who rules the Fat Lips?

The master.

Gorga assumed that the two Orc princes are the leaders of the Tribe, until Gorga thinks to ask what the master is.

A Red.

A Red what?


Rhgl whispers messages to Gorga through the power of the earrings. He sends back information on what is in the palisade, some Orcs, a cave, and a huge tree, known as an Ogre Oak.

Hearing about the Red Dragon, Chupa decides that being in the open is not the best place for bite sized kobolds, and mentions to Gorga that they might take shelter at the nearby empty guard tower. There is discussion of leaving, but The Master is awaiting the return of the warband patrol of the area.

Gorga and Shar estimate that they would not make it past the next valley before the dragon could attack them from the air.

Gorga tells Rhgl Let us know when the Dragon comes out.

Rhgl stands staring into space Gorga, a what.... Gorga, a what.... Gorga, a what.... Gorga, a what.... Rhgl then begins to dig a hole.

Gorga understands the feeling the goblin has, and waits for him to quit jabbering before answering. Rhgl, I know I am asking a great deal from you, Rhgl, but can you find out how big that dragon is?

Gorga, Rhgl thinks you have a greater chance to get special favors from a dwarf

The warband hustles down to the opening in the side of the palisade, and look in.

Rhgl climbs the wall, and sneaks quietly and unseen to the rope ladder hanging from the tree and the hut built within its’ branches. From the outside, Rhgl sees that the hut is built on a small, rickety platform, held together with a few pieces of rope, and probably a prayer from the Fat Lips shaman. Climbing swiftly and quietly up the rope, Rhgl sneaks into the hut unseen. Looking around Rhgl sees that the hut is filled with skulls, scalps, dried frogs, baubles, jars full of spiders, maggots and other weird objects he would expect to see in a shamans’ hut. A moth-eaten rug in the floor has some smoke coming out from under, and Rhgl pulls it back to reveal an opening to the caves below, down through a hollow in the tree. Climbing down, he peaks out from the hole to see Fellixhulkil dancing around casting a spell on a cauldron bubbling over a hot fire. Rhgl can also see the missing orcs, and a large wolf in the room. All bound with either rope or chains. Most are unconscious.

Rhgl decides to take on the shaman himself and tells Gorga using the magic of the earrings. Gorga and the others rush to the tree to prepare to back up the goblin sneak. Rhgl sneaks down out of the chimney-passage and stabs the shaman in the kidney, narrowly missing his spine, as a sudden movement in his dance turned the killing blow into a very painful one instead. Some Orc prisoners stir at the beginnings of a fight and the hope of escaping whatever fate the shaman has bound them for.

The rest of the warband is busy climbing the rope, and beginning the climb down the tunnel to the cave.

Rhgl hits with another dagger strike, as the shaman turns to see what is happening. Fellixhulkil is sorely wounded now and recognizes his danger. The shaman steps back to throw a handful of poisonous bugs at the goblin, which Rhgl easily avoids. Running for a shelf near the door, Fellixhulkil calls out for the master. From the wall near the door, the shaman pulls down a shield, and activates a spell rendering himself invisible. With none able to see him, the shaman sneaks out the door. Rhgl rushes for the door, to find he is the target of another handful of bugs which appear seemingly out of the air, as the shaman becomes visible in the hallway. Down the hall Rhgl sees scales in a room beyond the shaman. He slams the door and returns to the room to begin freeing Orcs. Someone has to fight that dragon, and it won’t be Rhgl.

Gorga is the first to join Rhgl in the small cave, and immediately helps the goblin to free the captive orcs. One Orc in particular immediately asks for a weapon, so that he may fight alongside the warband.

Guru fights with you. Who are you?

Gorga looks at the Orc and decides that he might be worth having in a fight.

I am Gorga; we are The Wyverns warband of the Vile Runes.

Gorga what should we do?
We wait for re-enforcements. At these words, Chupa leaps down out of the chimney-tunnel with a yip.

Guru looks at Gorga with doubt on his face.

Gorga shakes his head and explains to the Orc No, he is not the re-enforcements!

The rest of the warband piles out of the tunnel, with Gaak still following behind. He was the slowest, due to having to squeeze down through the tunnel.

Gorga’s attention is soon drawn to the most magnificent creature he has ever seen. A Worg is lying here to be ensorcelled by this shaman. There hasn’t been one in Blood Orc lands, since King Thar came to power, and forced out the goblin horde. Gorga releases the chains on this great beast, while whispering to her.
A warrior should not die in chains.

Hearing Gaak grunt and squeeze his way down the tunnel, Gorga calls for some preliminary action against the dragon. Gorga, Hobna, and Guru prepare arrows, while Rhgl flings open the door. They are met with the head of a dragon, breathing fire down the hallway at them. Rhgl and Gorga are badly injured by the flames. Gaak finally makes it down out of the chimney and activates a magic tattoo on his arm for resistance to fire.

Guru decides to charge down the hall to attack the dragon Orc to Dragon, and gets bit for his trouble. Making an about face the Orc runs back to the warband with a huge bite wound for his trouble.

Gorga says to him with sarcasm dripping from the words So, is it dead yet?

Fellixhulkil can be heard casting some spells in the room beyond the dragon. The dragon moves away from the door to await the Orcs next move.

Sharraxtharkul pulls something from his sack and throws it into the room beyond. A sound of crushing stone is the result deafening the dragon. The Master moves around after the debilitating attack, blocking entrance to the hall again, and breaths fire in return. Sharraxtharkul is the only one singed, managing to just clear the fringes of the blast.

Gorga calls upon Guru and Gaak to bull rush the dragon. We must bring the fight to him or we will be cooked in here. Guru and Gaak charge down the hallway, and against all odds, manage to push the young dragon back enough to allow the warband to rush into the room swarming around the dragon. The Master gives ground, but not without biting Gaak, and raking Guru with his claws. Frustrated with the lack of hearing, the dragon roars at the indignity of fighting personally with Orcs and goblins.

Fellixhulkil casts a spell, directing the affect at the warband leader. Gorga can feel a presence attempt to take control of his mind, and the oily feel of the Fat Lips shaman is left in his head as he shakes off the affects. Gorga shouts out to him, Betrayer, I will have your head!

Sharraxtharkul summons a black bear. The creature goes against all instinct and submits to the will of his summoner and attacks the dragon’s flank. Gaak brings his shiny new Greataxe to the battle opening a large gash in the dragon’s hide. Hobna is ineffectual with arrows from his short bow but keeps trying to hit from the opening to the hall.

The Fat Lips shaman is not without tricks and shakes his gri-gri in Gaak’s direction commanding him to Drop his weapon. Unable to resist the compelling spell, Gaak looks in horror as his own hands release his newfound weapon.

He yells out in anger I will kill you twice!

The dragon lashed out, injuring the bear, Gaak, and Guru, but he is unable to kill anything. Seeing the folly of staying to fight these powerful Orcs who have injured him near to death, The Master turns to flee the battle through the main doors to his chamber.

Sharraxtharkul commands his summoned bear to attack Fellixhulkil, and is rewarded with the sight of a vicious mauling. When the goblin hits the floor, Shar begins to cackle and dance with glee. Most of the Orcs are able to hit the dragon as he flees, injuring him further. Gaak and Gorga chase off after the dragon, and Chupa runs down the hall, intending to climb back up the tree to see if he can get a last shot at the dragon before he flies away. Rhgl skulks into the room, and spies a treasure trove.

Next Up: Wyverns 1: Dragon 0


Gorga's player called into suspect, my parentage upon finding out that the Master was a Dragon.

If you go back and read, The Master has been in at least 2 if not 3 updates.

A conversation or two with FelixHulkil early on.
An update on various results of the warbands' work.
and this one.

I came to regret the way the dragon fought in this encounter. Not because none of the warband died, but rather because the Dragon should have been better prepared. I did not do him the justice a dragon deserves combat-wise. Oh he used his breath weapon pretty well, and his natural attacks were pretty good.

But these Orcs, while quick to take damage in some cases, can really deal out the hurt on something. The Ogre with a great axe does 3d6 plus of damage. when he crits like he did last session, that is 9d6 of damage plus damage bonus from strength etc. He attacks 2x per round now with a hight probability of hitting with both attacks, so 6d6 plus 2x strength of damage per round now. One of the big reasons Felix commanded him to drop his weapon. Gorga does decent damage with his bow, and now his sword. Hobna can't keep up, which we find out later on for sure. Rhgl doesn't do much combat, the fight with Felix was stealthy and dastardly. I found myself rooting for him. I didn't mention him really in this update, but the bard was inspiring courage the whole time.

Anyway, thank you, those of you who stuck around. I hope to get back on a semi-regular posting schedule again.



Ok, gonna catch this back up, so I can start posting again.

Anyone know where, or what tags to use, for those handy little spoiler buttons? It isn't showing up on the edit window here. And I wanted to give a sneak peak without spoiling anything for readers that are still interested in the story line.




Wyverns 1: Dragon 0

Wheezing breaths are all he can manage. The indignity of running for his life is beyond reason and this deafening is unacceptable. That orc shaman should have lived and cured him of it. If only the wing was not damaged, a flight to the secondary cave would find enough healing magic and enhancement magic to retaliate while the orcs are injured. In the back of his mind the self-styled “Master” is fearful for his life.

“If I must die this day, perhaps a sending to look out for my revenge.”


Drigka sees Gaak and Gorga take off out of the room, and realizing that there was no leadership near, calls out to the other Orcs. “Follow the warband, we must kill the Dragon.” With that he turns and runs from the room, following sounds of Gorga and Gaak running further down the tunnel.

Quickly Rhgl makes his way over to the treasure pile, and makes a few select choices for his personal finances. Oblivious to Rhgl’s quick-handedness with a few gems, Sharraxtharkul continues to dance around the body of the Fat Lips shaman. "My foe has been defeated. Ha Ha Ha" In fact, none see the sneaky goblin’s quick work.

The rest of the warband, except for Rhgl, decide that maybe they better follow the kobold’s direction, and together, climb back up the hollowed-out tree.

Chasing after the dragon, Gorga has reservations about leaving the goblin back with the treasure. While running heavily after the dragon, he manages to blurt out, to the magic of Rhgl’s earring. "Rhgl, what are you doing?"

"Gorga, Rhgl is watching the treasure. The treasure is fine. Rhgl has not touched the treasure since you left."

Gaak and Gorga have chased “The Master” out into the open and continue to chase him back up the vale, heading towards a pass between a pair of low mountain peaks.

With the rest of the warband gone, Rhgl moves to hide behind a pedestal. The pedestal is in a small alcove in the room; lighting from the torches is seemingly directed causing it to shine and glint in the light. The goblin is intrigued and lets his curiosity get the better of him. On the pedestal is a carved bone statuette of a regal looking duck. He takes the statue and feels the odd desire to quack come over him.

Drigka sees an orc in the tunnel, leaning against the wall ahead. Thinking nothing of it, he continues to run down the passage. The floor opens underneath him, and he falls into the darkness, 12 shins* below. The orc walks over and looks in. “The Master commands we stop you.”

Sharraxtharkul climbs up out of the tree into the shaman’s hut. Quickly looking around, he sees Chupa looking out through cracks in the walls to the entrance of the caves below hoping for the chance to cast a spell at the retreating dragon.

“Hurry Chupa we must help Gorga and Gaak.”

The kobold runs for the rope and begins climbing down. Not waiting for him to get down, Shar starts down after him, as Hobna, Guru, and Snig come climbing out of the tree.

Unable to retain his grip on the rope, the kobold falls to the ground. Shar curses after him "Oh Drake dung! You clumsy kobold."

The strain of the extra talking while climbing must have been too much for the goblin druid, as his hands slip from the rope as well. He falls three shins to land on the kobold below the rope, and begins muttering various curses about worg dung and goblin balls after falling on top of Chupa.

The kobold can hardly contain himself. "Get off of me stinky goblin. Uh sorry Sharrax, don't curse me."

Drigka calls up to the orc with his most persuasive tone "Hey! You. Let me out of here. We will make it worth your while." His answer is the sound of the top to the pit being cranked inexorably shut.

Outside, shar makes his way over to the opening in the palisade where they entered, and climbs on Margrax. “Run Margrax, we must be there for the kill.” Pointing up the valley Shar guides the wolf. “That way after the dragon.”

The orc and ogre slowly gain on the dragon, as he nears exhaustion. Both stop short, as the dragon turns to make a final stand, weariness and blood loss plain to see. Sharraxtharkul comes storming up mounted on Margrax, and the three spread out to surround the hunted beast. Circling to the left, Margrax and Sharraxtharkul circle to close to the enraged and humbled dragon, who rushes up to badly maul the goblin. With a great force of will the goblin manages to hold onto the wolf as Margrax runs quickly in the opposite direction.

From a safe distance, Gorga calls out to the deafened dragon. “Your reign ends here.” Using the power granted by his bow, Gorga fires two final arrows into the dragon. With the magic enhancement and Gorga’s great strength, they penetrate deeply into the chest piercing his heart.

Shar manages to call upon nature to heal himself somewhat, and turns to survey the dead dragon. He guides Margrax back to make sure the dragon is dead.

With the battle done, Gorga’s mind turns to the dragon’s hoard and the whereabouts of his warband.

"Rhgl, Is the treasure safe?"
"Gorga, the treasure is fine."
“Rhgl, where is the rest of the warband?”

“Gorga, some went up the tree, Drigka out the tunnel.”

“Rhgl, I see the rest now. Find Drigka”

Rhgl sneaks slowly down the hall, and sees the orc standing against the wall. Ignoring him, he continues down the hall, and promptly falls into the pit Drigka found. Rhgl does not fare well from the fall, and is badly injured.

"Drigka, why didn't you tell Rhgl there was a trap there?"
"You weren't supposed to find the trap like that!"

The trapdoor does not close this time. Drigka looks on in surprise, as the goblin waddles over to the wall, and begins jumping and flapping his arms, in some strange manner, as if the goblin thinks he can fly out of the pit.

Shar begins stabbing the slowly cooling body and squeals out “I hate Dragons! You are very mighty with the bow, mighty Gorga. I hate Dragons, I hate Dragons!"

Pointing to the dragon, Gorga tells Gaak, “Bring it back to the camp; we will keep the useful parts of 'the Master.'" He begins to laugh at this his own joke, leaving the others staring at him. “Let’s go.”

The warband returns to the Dragon's lair, having met up with the rest on the way back to the palisade. They find many dazed and disoriented Orcs in the huts and tunnel on the way back. The Master is dead, and they seem to be affected beyond normal loyalty.

After a plaintive call from Rhgl, Gorga sends Guru and Hobna to get him and Drigka out of the pit.

With quick directions from Gorga, Sharraxtharkul and Gaak begin the grisly job of cleaning and saving bits and parts of the dragon carcass. The core of the creature is still quite hot, despite the recent death.

After grabbing some dragon meat Gorga heads straight for the room with the unconscious Worg, and begins to minister to the starved and weakened creature. Even weakened, he notices the powerful potential of the creature, and knows that this could be the companion he has been waiting for. “Is .... She, okay a she, is she worthy?”

Gorga slowly and carefully ministers his one remaining healing slime, from his personal stash. He also uses his skill in healing that he has learned in his training as well as what he has learned from Sharraxtharkul recently to bind and clean wounds.

While Gorga is starting to trust the shaman, he wants to do this himself. He does not want the Worg to have any divided loyalties, especially not now.

She comes around and he can tell that she's had a hard time of it. Weight loss, fur is looking a little sickly, and her ribs are visible.

Speaking in Goblin "Who rescues Darkhunt? I was to be slave to a dragon."

"I, Gorga Manhunter of the Vile Runes, leader of the Wyverns rescue you. The dragon of which you speak is now dead. Slain by my bow."

"You will not kill or enslave me?" Darkhunt turns to a sitting position and sets the gaze of her intelligent eyes upon Gorga.

"I have known little more than that since I was a pup."

"I have little desire to kill you and I have found a free-willed ally is more useful than a slave.

I believe we can become great allies. What is your goal? If you wish to leave, I will not stop you. However, there is safety and greater success when hunting in a pack. And my pack has been quite successful," Gorga grins widely and offers a hunk of dragon meat to Darkhunt.

Darkhunt’s head lurches forward, almost faster than Gorga can react. The Worg has taken the Dragon meat and gobbled it down, without taking fingers with it.

She peers carefully at Gorga.

"You have some power and are the pack leader. I would run with you Gorga. I feel strength, confidence and purpose from you. I have been the slave of giants since I was a pup. Can I join your pack?"

"You are welcome in my pack, Darkhunt. In fact, since I saw this place and you in particular, I somehow felt our destinies connected and I have need of a strong and loyal ally. Can I depend on you?"

"You may perform the bonding ritual, if you wish. But I would be your packmate. To fight for and defend you."

She nips at Gorga's hand, and licks his face, and begins sniffing around.

"Is there more dragon meat? I find my hunger returning. I need to regain my strength. I smell a little brother on you. Is he part of your pack?"

"It was a large dragon." Gorga grins again.

"There is plenty. Come with me." Gorga leads Darkhunt to the dragon remains.

"Yes, there is a wolf in this pack. He is a companion to Sharraxtharkul, the shaman of this warband. We may perform the ritual later, when you are stronger and we have more time."

Next Up: Umm, I thought Iirkh was dead


Ummm, I thought Iirkh was dead

Gaak drags the body of the dragon into the open area of the palisade. The orcs that were busy cutting up the remains of the giants are put to work cutting up the dragon remains, after the important parts are picked out by Sharraxtharkul. The orcs left over from the Fat Lips tribe pack up the meat and bones, to be transported as tribute to the Vile Runes tribe Chief Garnash.

Gorga takes the time to give out some treasure to his warband and take count of what is here, unknowing of what Rhgl has taken for himself already.
Among the treasure, is found:
Bastard Sword – 2 – Magical
Bag - Magical
Boots – Magical
Half-Plate – Magical
Crossbow – 2 – Magical
Wand – Magical
Potions – 5 – Magical
Masterpiece painting
Fire Opal Pendant
Red Garnet – 5
Longsword – Magical
Dwarven Waraxe – Magical
Light Mace – Magical
1325 gp, 2207 sp, 3392, cp

From FellixHulkil:
Leather Armor – Magical
Shield – Magical
Gri-Gri – Magical
Dagger – Magical
Darts – Magical
Numerous Components
Potions – 4 – Magical

The bag is quickly discovered to be one that holds more on the inside, than would normally fit in a bag. Gorga shouts in triumph, and begins shoving treasure in the bag, after distributing a few items around the warband. Each warband member is also allowed to grab a fist full of coins to take as their own. Rhgl sees Gaak take his fistful and then looks at his own hand.
“Gaak, grab a handful for me.” Gaak smiles and obliges, and there is soon a line behind the Ogre, of those that were paying attention to the exchange.

The rest of the treasure is bound for the treasure coffers of the Vile Runes. Gorga isn’t willing to risk holding back too much of the treasure, and the hide and parts of a Red Dragon should make the tribal shaman happy.

The warband tracks back west, with Orc pariah from the former Fat Lips tribe, carrying anything that the warband couldn’t fit in the bag of holding. They would be brought into the Vile Runes tribe as less than full members to begin, swelling the size of the tribe. A few of the patrolling warbands from the Fat Lips, come out of the broken lands and join up with the triumphant warband, and the

Vile Runes warbands spot the incoming train of the Wyverns and the Orc petitioners following behind. They pace the group, until they reach the Home Tribe area, and only send a minimum crew back out for guard duty. With this group coming back, they all know a party is coming.

The warband is met with cheering and shouting, as has become the custom on the return trip for the group. There is some dissension and perhaps jealousy from some in the tribe, as the warband is again soon to find out. Garnash calls for a celebration, and the warband is treated to dragon meat for the feast. Provisions from the Fat Lips tribe are also used, and the former Fat Lips tribe members are allowed to participate in the celebration. Garnash as the conquering chief is looking to endear them to his leadership as quickly as possible. With this success, the Wyverns have doubled the lands, and tripled the number of Orcs under Garnash’s leadership.

During the celebration Miggle Dry-Mouth, leader of the Weasels warband, approaches Snig, and attempts to shove him. “What is so tough about you?” Having just returned from a fight with the remnants of an entire tribe, and a Dragon and his shaman, Snig is not in the mood. With a quick grab of his axe, he knocks the goblin senseless with a backhanded swing using the flat of the blade. With Miggle on his knees begging for mercy, Snig says to him “I am now the leader of the Weasels.” The Weasels let out a wild cheer, and with a nod, Gorga gave his approval for the goblin to leave the Wyverns.

The Wyverns make a special presentation of the magical tribute, and treasure from the Fat Lips tribe. Garnash is well pleased and calls for a great reward for the Wyverns. He takes on the mien of a benevolent benefactor.

“Gorga, your Wyverns please me. Accept these rewards.”
Herlk Wolf-paw brings forward 7 clay pots with healing slime in them, one of moderate power, 3 tribal tokens, and enough gold and silver to split 100, and 500 respectively for each of the Wyverns Warband.

“Take these tokens to the Sacred Caverns. There seek out one of the shamans who can tattoo runes of power. They will be enough for three of you. The triumph over the Fat Lips on behalf of the Vile Runes is the next step in the eventual rise of our tribe in the Blood Orc Horde.”

Gorga begins cheering Garnash’s name, and the rest of the tribe takes up the call. An enmity with the tribe leader would not be good at this stage in the young Orcs’ career.

Sharraxtharkul takes the Gri-Gri left behind by FellixHulkil and goes to Hargul Wolf-tongue to bargain. In exchange for it, Sharrax requests that the armor and shield be identified. The Gri-Gri is accepted as payment, and Sharrax is told to come back by the next mid-day for an answer. Sharrax also extracts a commitment form the tribal shaman to seek quests for the goblin to obtain objects that he might need to grow in power.

Garnash One-Tusk calls for a meeting with Gorga after the celebration has died down some, and fealty is sworn by all of the Fat Lips Orcs. Any who would not have sworn, have already run off to the Sacred Caverns, or other parts of the Blood Orc lands and beyond. There is shocking news for Gorga.

“Gorga, Iirkh has been reincarnated by Hargul. Some portents divined by Hargul Wolf-Tongue, told of the powerful Ogre being of service to the tribe. I could not allow such a valuable warrior to rest in the afterlife. There is a problem. Will you and the Wyverns be willing to take on the burden?”

“What is it Garnash?”

With a look on his face of having eaten the dung of a Stink-wiggle(4), Garnash continued. “Iirkh has returned to us, in the form of a Halfling.”

Gorga is dumbstruck by the statement, and develops the same look on his face.

“There are witches who can perform a ritual to change him into an Ogre. There is a covey of Hags at Wogar’s Breath (5) who can perform the ritual. Head east and North past the Sacred Caverns (6), across Natoka’s Grave (7), and through the lands of the Black Thug tribe to the River, Across in Gnoll lands the covey resides in a cave near the base of the volcano.”

Gorga thinks for a moment, and decides that they may take the quest, there are other thoughts to consider though, the Ogrebreaker in troll lands, the kobold threat, human lands, undisturbed for all this time.

“I will consult with my warband; it is likely that we will take this challenge.”

Garnash evaluates Gorga for a moment. He is already developing elders for a tribe of his own, and must be watched. He tells Gorga of the tribe to the north and east.

“Mogar Dreadblade is the chieftain of the Black Thugs tribe. Living in the Northeast of Blood Orc Horde Territory, he keeps the goblins to the North, Gnolls to the Northeast, and Kobolds to the East, in check. Mogor came to power during a challenge to the previous tribal chieftain. There are rumors that he has some Demonic heritage.”

He digs in a chest nearby. “Take this token of safe passage, it must be returned when you are done. Mogar does not bargain for them lightly as is his right. You will be able to pass through their lands without a fight, but your time will be limited. Remember the lands are Black thug lands, and Mogar expects deference when you walk them. Do not be too proud Gorga, or shout the Vile Runes name while you are there.”

The next morning Gorga tells Gaak, and the rest of the warband.

“We have been asked to take on an assignment. What do you all say?” He seems to be attempting to clear the distaste from his mouth, and tells what he has learned from Garnash. Upon hearing Iirkh was reincarnated as a Halfling; Gaak exclaims in near fury "This is an abomination!” The others echo his sentiment, with a little less feeling.
“This must be done!" Gaak shouts again.

Rhgl comments to Drigka and Sharraxtharkul on the sly. “Look at our great leader crumbling before Gaak's demands"

"Very well." Gorga reluctantly realizes the difficulty in convincing the Ogre *not* to take the mission in favor of others. “We will leave after mid-day, and head to the Sacred Caverns on the way.”

Sharraxtharkul returns to Hargul Wolf-Tongue to retrieve the armor, wand and shield. Hargul does not want to give up the shield, and reluctantly says that it is a casters shield, and the magic on the armor allows for minor additional armor protection, the wand is able to detect secret doors and traps. Sharrax attempts to haggle with the shaman, but Hargul is not willing to part with much for it, and eventually tells Sharrax to leave.

Sharraxtharkul gives the wand to Chupa, at Gorga’s direction, and Gaak retrieves the Halfling Iirkh for the trip. Gaak is obviously shamed, and even though the Halfling is in goblin clothes, it is still obvious that the Half-Ogre in Halfling form is traumatized.
“I knew you would bring disgrace to the family.”

The warband heads North towards the Sacred Cavern, and reaches the city with no trouble. The Orcs in this area of the Blood Orcs lands all seem to recognize the Wyverns from reputation, description, tavern song, or near battle. After a few inquiries the warband finds itself in front of a tattoo parlor owned by a Troll hag named Slisa.

After greetings at the shop entrance, and a quick discussion of the tattoos the Troll can create, a few are decided upon that are above the basic ones available. Gaak and Sharraxtharkul will get tattoos that confer the ability to Blur their appearance, and Rhgl will get one that will allow him the grace of a cat. Drigka negotiates with the Hag for a reduced price on the upgraded. During the discussion, Chupa makes a side comment about the sleeping habits of troll hags, thinking he is outside of her hearing.
"Who would sleep with a troll?"

Slisa yells at the kobold. [color=Dark Red]“Get out of my shop. Now! Or there will be no tattoos for your warband today.”[/color] Chupa slinks outside, and haggling continues between Drigka and Slisa. After a price is reached, Rhgl attempts an even greater price reduction. Slisa mentions a liking for the looks of the Goblin, and he parleys it into a discount over and above what the Bard picked up. The goblin goes into the back room with the Troll and much time passes, with the screams of a goblin occasionally escaping from the back room. Rhgl returns with his new tattoo, a few bite marks and abrasions, and a look of horror to round it all off. As Rhgl steps from the storefront, Chupa sidles up to him "I guess you would." Sharraxtharkul and Gaak get their tattoos, and the warband continues on its’ way, with not a small amount of teasing going towards the goblin.

Travel to the Northeast takes the warband into Black Thug territory. They are met at the borders by a tough looking battle hardened warband of Blood Orcs. Each with Black coloration painted on their faces and palms of their hands. Gorga is holding aloft the token entrusted to him by Garnash. The Thumpers warband leader Grubba Spear-heart gives Gorga a challenging glare, but Gorga does not back down. Grubba seems satisfied, and waves the Wyverns to follow him.
“Mogar would meet the much-vaunted Wyverns of the Vile Runes.”

The Wyverns are led into the heart of Black Thug territory to the tribe home. The Black Thugs are a major tribe in the horde, and with enemies on all sides, their defenses are significant. There are sturdy Hobgoblin-built stone walls here, with ballistae and guard towers placed to cover the approaches to the encampment.

As the walk up, Chupa can barely contain what his thoughts have been churning over. "What do you think your children will look like?"

He dodges a cuff from the goblin, and snickers to himself as only a kobold can.

The Wyverns are brought to a lodge style building where Mogar is in the middle of a small feast. He offers none to the warband, and looks them over with a discerning eye for detail. He checks the token for authenticity, and quickly dismisses the Wyverns with little more than a curt wave. Mogar is sleek-featured, with red eyes, and reddish-black hair, and the Wyverns can see why he is rumored to have some demonic heritage.

The Thumpers escort the Wyverns to the Eastern edge of their lands, and are directed to a ford in the river. Rhgl begins flapping his arms, and runs out into the water to frolic and swim across. Drigka and Gorga have to reign in the goblin to stay on course.

A few hours later the warband comes to "Wogar's breath" and they search for less than an hour before finding the cave they seek. There are 2 orcs and an Ogre guarding the place. Gorga announces his reason for being here and the warband is led in to see the Hags. Darkhunt whispers to Gorga “I smell Giant and not just the Ogre.”

There are three Witches of the Under Mountain Covey; Gwinney, an Annis Hag, and two Green Hags who do not share their names. Gwinney is 8 feet tall, and quite ugly. After a short discussion of the ritual needed, The Hags agree on a price. They tell the Wyverns that the price for performing the ritual will be the hide of two land sharks from the Black Hills. They live to the South in kobold lands, in a grassy hills region of the Broken Lands. The price is agreed to by the Wyverns, and the warband heads south leaving Iirkh to prepare for the ritual.

The warband hunts, for a while, and sees kobold scouts in the distance, but no attack from the kobolds is forthcoming. Within a couple of days of hunting, with Gorga, Darkhunt and Sharraxtharkul working together, a rumbling from below ground. A land shark crests, and attacks. No one is really surprised. In less than a minute, the creature is nearly killed. Rhgl struck the first damaging blow, putting his dagger into a nerve ganglion behind the land sharks’ eye. Gaak is severely hurt by a death bite from the creature, as he strikes the killing blow. Magic is used to heal up Gaak and Guru, and the warband gets to work skinning the creature. Sharraxtharkul directs the task. The warband makes camp to finish skinning the creature, and to save any edible meat.

Next Up: Spirit-Tainted What?


(4) Stink-wiggle – If you’ve read Sagiro’s story hour on Enworld, you know what this is. I stole it, common name for a D&D creature.
(5) Wogar’s Breath – Volcano on the south side of the Streel river, East of the Blood Orc lands. Named for the God Wogar
(6) Sacred Caverns – Home Horde location for the Blood Orc Horde, also the primary passage for Blood Orc Holdings above and Below ground. A large city for Orcs.
(7) Natoka’s Grave – Area of Badlands near the center of the Blood Orc Lands, burial grounds and horde meeting area with large pillars of stone, with enormous flat stones on top, often large enough for full tribes to camp on for Horde meetings.

This sounds "promising"*:

(5) Wogar’s Breath – Volcano on the south side of the Streel river, East of the Blood Orc lands. Named for the God Wogar

Any plans to take the PCs there?

*Promising as in Fire! :] :lol: (Best maniacal laugh I could get)


Hairy Minotaur said:
This sounds "promising"*:

(5) Wogar’s Breath – Volcano on the south side of the Streel river, East of the Blood Orc lands. Named for the God Wogar

Any plans to take the PCs there?

*Promising as in Fire! :] :lol: (Best maniacal laugh I could get)

A few hours later the warband comes to "Wogar's breath" and they search for less than an hour before finding the cave they seek. There are 2 orcs and an Ogre guarding the place. Gorga announces his reason for being here and the warband is led in to see the Hags. Darkhunt whispers to Gorga “I smell Giant and not just the Ogre.”

So far there are no adventures *in* Wogar's Breath, but they did make it there and meet up with a Covey of Hags. They perform a ritual to change the race of a petitioner. In this case, it costs the carcass of 2 Bullette. One will be slightly more than the warband bargained for. Sorry, :( Nothing so exciting.


Voidrunner's Codex

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