D&D 5E One Shot - JustinCase's Within The Circle (OOC)

So before I get the IC thread up, I justed want to check with you if this is correct:

@TallIan plays Gorir Orebelt, a dwarven cleric (soldier). Connection to Baron Wildhurst: Feels a need to help the baron after working as a mercenary for a (rival?) duke.

I'd left it open, so Gorir either:
Worked for the a rival and realised that the rival was bad and now is seeking out anyone who opposes him (mutual assisting relationship)

Worked for the Baron and realsed that the Baron was under duress and wants to help.

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Yes, I will be playing the paladin Magdalena. She is a Paladin of Helm and known as a mage slayer. Perhaps the Baron has a relationship with her superior and requested aid, so she was sent. Possibly she'd dealt with a problem of his before when he requested help from his friend in the church, so they know each other that way.

Plus, if we're talking secret society, there's gonna be magic involved LOL She likes nothing better than to take down evil spellcasters.

The IC thread it up! Find it here.

You'll have some time to roleplay before the baron gets down to business.
[MENTION=6853819]TallIan[/MENTION] [MENTION=6808932]eayres33[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] [MENTION=6798581]Azurewraith[/MENTION] [MENTION=6899077]EarlyBird[/MENTION]

Just a note on Gorir's guidance spell (and to some extent asking DM's permission). Feel free to use it on skill checks that seem reasonably important to the mission. PbP makes it hard to co-ordinate that kind of fine co-operation between players. I see Gorir as somewhat self centered when it comes to his divine abilities (ie he'd cast it on himself before combat), he is still a team player and will happily call a blessing on the party scout, face or whatever to aid in an endeavor.

I won't leave it always on though, so unless we get a lot of warning it probably won't be available for the first round of combat.

It appears that [MENTION=6808932]eayres33[/MENTION] is dropping out of all his games. [MENTION=6853819]TallIan[/MENTION] is here infrequently.

Do you think it best that I, as the DM, play their characters as NPCs if needed, or rather the old “we forget they were ever there” strategy? Or any other suggestions?

TallIan said he was starting anew job, and needed a few to get into the groove of things.

I would NPC his character and have poor eayres33's character get spooked and take off.

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