North Carolina Game Day -- THE AWESOME AFTERMATH!!!!


Ah, well - there will be other days to bring down the Emperor...

Sounds great! Quick Questions to Mulkhoran or Rel...

Anyone prepared name badges? If not, I can pick up some write-ins.

Could either of you please e-mail me a cell phone contact number to so I can find one of you in an emergency?

Is there anything needed for me to bring other than my awesome self and my 733t skillz?

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Liquid Awesome
Henry, Mulkhoran and I are hopefully going to get together for a while this afternoon to run through any last minute concerns. I was going to mention the "Name Tag" thing then. If you have some or could easily lay your hands on some, that would be great. If I haven't heard from you about this by this afternoon, I'll go ahead and pick some up.

I'll e-mail you my phone number. Anybody else who wants to be able to contact me via phone can e-mail me as well.


I just got your e-mail and I don't think there will be any major problems with the time change from either my or DMsGirl. And of course, Talley doesn't care either as long as we leave by 9.

Just another bump in disguise. ;)


First Post

A turribul thing, I have done! Only 4 hours for the morning games, there were! So unfair! So insane!

I've adjusted the schedule, thanks to Rel/Scott for pointing this out to me today. I'll also be pushing an email out to Henry's folks, unless he wants to do that. Also, Henry, if you wanna grab some stuff we can use for nametags, that would be great.


Liquid Awesome
Well, as best I can tell, all the details are ironed out. That means of course that it is the things as yet unnoticed that will really spell trouble.

I just hope I don't do something really stupid like forget the adventure I'm running or something like that.

I'll see everybody there bright and early!


First Post
The laziness finally caught up with me.

Jeph told me about this about a month ago, I said "I'll check it out"

And I'm finally checking it out 11:30 Friday before the big day.

Well, anyone who'll let me in their game (pregenerated characters of course) I'll gladly play, or just watch.

As for the gladiator game, I'm definitelly in.

Anyone have open slots they'd let me join in?

Looks like you have one slot open gargoyle, can I join in your game?
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