• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

New Special Materials Beyond Neutronium. Quark, Strange, and Black Hole Matter

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Also maybe an odd question, but why is strange matter green?
Just artistic decision. There isn't any green stars in nature, and I didn't just want it to look like even brighter neutronium so I made it green. Also because the kurzgesat video I watched on the subject depicted it as green so... and besides, they're strange stars. Gotta be green. Lol

I know you guys are mostly interested in 3.5E versions. I have been outlining a few super-golems (for 5E) and I am thinking that a Kuvachim Golem might be constructed from Planck matter and just to clarify I don't mean the mass of a universe shrank to the size of a golem (although there is that as well) - instead I mean where a universe is shrank down to a 10 to -35 metres Exponential bit of quantum foam and then we build a 12 foot tall golem made from approx. 10 E64 collapsed universes.
I'm interested in 5th edition stuff. I'm in a 5th edition campaign right now so I'm stoked. That sounds bad ass btw

I see. What color are weak and strong symmetric golems? I assume black hole golems are black.
While symmetric matter I can only speculate on it's stats, the way I see it looking is kind of like not the night sky but if you look up images of the Laniakaea Super Cluster or the cosmic Great Wall, kind of like that, or kind of like the way the Elden Beast from Elden Ring looks. A sort of mix of everything, not solid, not liquid or gas, both light and dark, and sort of gem like in appearance and probably plasma, gel or flesh like in consistency but so incredibly dense it's virtually indestructible.

Black hole golems will be black but only if you are outside their event horizon, past that in their core, the singularity, they're impossibly bright.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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