Mythological Figures: Conan the Barbarian (5E)

WHAT IS BEST IN LIFE? Click here to find out! This week's Mythological Figure is one sure to generate a lot of discussion, as we delve into Conan the Barbabarian!

WHAT IS BEST IN LIFE? Click here to find out! This week's Mythological Figure is one sure to generate a lot of discussion, as we delve into Conan the Barbabarian!


If by some strange chance you are not already familiar with this wildly popular character my first recommendation is to check out any of the Conan the Barbarian films (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger), but there’s also a Conan RPG from Modiphius and a relatively recent Conan video game. I’m not going to summarize his history -- as far as I’m able to tell there are at least 13 different public domain works featuring Conan.

If you read this column for the context this just isn’t your week but for the stat junkies, behold!

Design Notes: Conan here is one of the most hotly contested character builds for fantasy RPGs. It’s opinions, @$$#%^&$, and Conan builds out here: everybody has one. At one point or another I ran across a rationale I thought was pretty good and made a comment in my working document about it. If you are the person who posted this on Facebook or elsewhere on EN World or wherever it is I saw it, thank you:

“First thing - no more than 1 level of Barbarian class. Barbarians from Hyboria aren't D&D Barbarians. You just need it to reflect that he was formidabble even without any armour. So Barbarian 1 and no more. Second thing - Ranger 1. Conan was good tracker and knew how to take care of himself in the wilderness, his favoured enemies should be humans and human-abomination hybrids. Third - Rouge 3 with Thief Roguish Archetype. He spent a lot of time as ordinary thief. Rest should go to Fighter with Champion as Martial Archetype as Conan was more interested in crushing his enemies (and seeing them driven before him) as quickly and effectively as possible.”

For his Challenge Rating I erred on the side of caution and rounded up to 9 because he’s got a ton of features, can leap like a monster, and has incredible mobility (and if you are going to cry fowl about needing a higher Strength or Constitution, drop Mobility and increase one or the other by +2).

Conan the Barbarian
Medium humanoid (human), neutral barbarian 1/ranger 1/rogue (thief) 3/fighter 11 (champion)

Armor Class
14 (hide)
Hit Points 118 (1d12+12d10+3d8+32)
Speed 40 ft.

18 (+4)​
14 (+2)​
14 (+2)​
12 (+1)​
13 (+1)​
10 (+0)​

Saving Throws
Str +9, Con +7
Skills Athletics +14, Intimidation +5, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +12, Survival +6; disguise kit +5, thieves’ tools +5
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Background: Guttersnipe - Urban Knowledge. Conan and his allies (while outside of combat) move at double their normal speed when traveling between two locations in the same city.

Action Surge (1/Short Rest). Once on his turn, Conan can take an additional action on top of his regular action and a possible bonus action.

Cunning Action (1/Turn). Conan can take a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, Hide or Use Object action, Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or to use thieves’ tools to disarm a trap or open a lock.

Favored Enemy. Conan has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track humans and human-abomination hybrids, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them.

Feat: Mobile. Conan can Dash through difficult terrain without requiring additional movement. Whenever he makes an attack against a creature, he doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature until the end of his turn.

Feat: Power Attack. When Conan makes his first melee weapon attack in a turn, he can choose to take a -5 penalty to his melee weapon attack rolls in exchange for a +10 bonus to melee weapon damage. In addition, Conan can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack after he uses a melee weapon to reduce a creature to 0 hit points or scores a critical hit with it. Conan can only use this feature on his turn.

Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting. When Conan rolls a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack he makes with a melee weapon that he is wielding with two hands, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for Conan to gain this benefit.

Indomitable (1/Long Rest). Conan can reroll a saving throw that he fails but must use the new roll.

Natural Explorer: Mountains. When Conan makes an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to the forest, his proficiency bonus (+5) is doubled if he is using a skill that he’s proficient in. While traveling for an hour or more in his favored terrain, Conan gains the following benefits:

  • Difficult terrain doesn’t slow his group’s travel.
  • Conan’s group can’t become lost except by magical means.
  • Even when he is engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), Conan remains alert to danger.
  • If Conan is traveling alone, he can move stealthily at a normal pace.
  • When he forages, Conan finds twice as much food as he normally would.
  • While tracking other creatures, Conan also learns their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.

Rage (2/Long Rest). On his turn, Conan can enter a rage as a bonus action. His rage lasts for 1 minute, ending early if he is knocked unconscious or if his turn ends and he hasn’t either attacked a hostile creature since his last turn or taken damage since then. Conan can also end his rage on his turn as a bonus action. While raging, he gains the following benefits.

  • Conan has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When Conan makes a melee weapon attack using Strength, he deals 2 extra damage.
  • Conan has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Remarkable Athlete. Conan adds +2 to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check he makes that doesn’t already use his proficiency bonus. In addition, when he makes a running long jump, the distance he can cover increases by 4 feet.

Second-Story Work. Climbing does not cost Conan extra movement. When he makes a running jump, the distance he covers increases by 2 feet (with Remarkable Athlete, 6 feet).

Second Wind (1/Short Rest). On his turn, Conan can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+11 hit points.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Conan deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Conan that isn’t incapacitated and Conan doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.


Multiattack. Conan attacks three times.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage.

Dagger (4). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler


I have never thought of Conan as a rogue/Thief even though he stole things. I always figured he was a strong-arm thief, he was not a sleight of hand, lock picking, skulking in shadows, second story type. He had companions handle that stuff.

You can give him the skills he needs with reference to in story downtime but the question is more whether cunning action is something he might use. The Assassin subclass might suit him for a few levels.

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Guest 6801328

I have never thought of Conan as a rogue/Thief even though he stole things. I always figured he was a strong-arm thief, he was not a sleight of hand, lock picking, skulking in shadows, second story type. He had companions handle that stuff.

Did you mean that his Rogue subclass wasn't Thief, or that he wasn't a Rogue at all, just a warrior who stole stuff?

I would very much argue that he was a highly skilled thief; he spent a long time as a professional thief and his skills (moving silently, climbing) pop up in the stories.

So, in 5e terms maybe he just has proficiency in athletics and stealth.

Whether or not that actually means some Rogue levels is another question. The main benefit to being a Rogue, and especially an Assassin, would be that he frequently surprises enemies, and in game terms that would mean critting on sneak attacks. Combined with Action Surge, that would mean doing stupid amounts of damage on a single target, or killing lots of mooks. Which Conan often does before enemies can even react.

The problem is that he often does this with axes, broadswords, etc. Not finesse weapons.

(Really, there should be some ability somewhere in the game...whether it's a subclass or a Feat or something...that allows Sneak Attack with non-finesse weapons.)


I am more of the opinion he was a warrior who has athletics as a skill and is good at climbing and had stealth as a skill and was good at it.

Having athletics and stealth as skills doesn’t make mean you have rogue as a class. In earlier editions when move silently was a skill specific to certain classes, you would have to put some rogue in, but this edition changes that.

If anything I would use his human variant feat to take more skills to reflect his abilities.

I would think Barbarian (bear) totem to reflect his toughness but using Crom instead of Bear as motivating Spirit and then Fighter (Champion) rest of way is sufficient with human variant feat for more skills.

I have never thought of Conan as a rogue/Thief even though he stole things. I always figured he was a strong-arm thief, he was not a sleight of hand, lock picking, skulking in shadows, second story type. He had companions handle that stuff.
Read "The Tower of the Elephant". He doesn't pick locks as I recall, but he is pretty good at skulking and second-story work. His plan is to get into the tower from the top and get out again without detection. (Naturally, things don't go according to plan.)

A lot of the discussion of Conan's abilities and level here confuses me. Why would you say that Conan's level is capped at 5 or 10 when one of his most distinctive features as a fantasy hero is that he's been on a lot of adventures and seen and done a lot of different things? If that doesn't say "high-level hero" to you, then what does? They are, after all, called experience points. Sure, Conan may not jump over mountains or shatter buildings with a stomp or do any of those overtly high-powered, mythic/wuxia-style feats, but maybe, rather than indicating that he's not high level, it's instead an indication that high-level characters don't have to be like that. Conan can beat almost anything and survive the rest not because he has superpowers, but because he's got loads and loads of experience beating and surviving things.

As for his abilities... yeah, Conan obviously rolled very well for a D&D character. I won't dispute that at all. His Strength is at the peak of human possibility and he doesn't display any obvious weak score. But I will dispute the claim that he has to have multiple 18s or some otherwise truly absurd array of scores. That seems like an power-creepy attitude towards the abilities, a notion that only the absolute maximum counts as "good", which is both a poor idea in its own right and unsupported by the game itself. He is described as being agile as as a tiger or panther... well, the Monster Manual tells us outright that tigers and panthers have a Dex of 15, not 18+. His Constitution is obviously exemplary as well, so let's make it another 15. (If, as noted above, we make him very high level and thus give him a boatload of hit dice, this goes a long way to explaining his incredible durability too.) His Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are all positive, but less exceptional than his physical abilities, so somewhere in the 11-14 range.


A lot of the discussion of Conan's abilities and level here confuses me. Why would you say that Conan's level is capped at 5 or 10 when one of his most distinctive features as a fantasy hero is that he's been on a lot of adventures and seen and done a lot of different things? If that doesn't say "high-level hero" to you, then what does? They are, after all, called experience points. Sure, Conan may not jump over mountains or shatter buildings with a stomp or do any of those overtly high-powered, mythic/wuxia-style feats, but maybe, rather than indicating that he's not high level, it's instead an indication that high-level characters don't have to be like that. Conan can beat almost anything and survive the rest not because he has superpowers, but because he's got loads and loads of experience beating and surviving things.

As for his abilities... yeah, Conan obviously rolled very well for a D&D character. I won't dispute that at all. His Strength is at the peak of human possibility and he doesn't display any obvious weak score. But I will dispute the claim that he has to have multiple 18s or some otherwise truly absurd array of scores. That seems like an power-creepy attitude towards the abilities, a notion that only the absolute maximum counts as "good", which is both a poor idea in its own right and unsupported by the game itself. He is described as being agile as as a tiger or panther... well, the Monster Manual tells us outright that tigers and panthers have a Dex of 15, not 18+. His Constitution is obviously exemplary as well, so let's make it another 15. (If, as noted above, we make him very high level and thus give him a boatload of hit dice, this goes a long way to explaining his incredible durability too.) His Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are all positive, but less exceptional than his physical abilities, so somewhere in the 11-14 range.

Level - well obviously Conan is not playing 5e with the standard XP/advancement rules. :D He could certainly be playing a pre-3e edition of D&D though! His world does not seem to be one with anything like level 15+ D&D characters in it.

Stats - I agree; I'd probably give him 18 in STR & CON (possibly STR 20 in 5e at higher level) but DEX in the 14-16 range is fine for 'Pantherish', especially if he gets the various 5e Barbarian abilities like advantage on DEX saves, act when surprised, advantage on Init rolls etc. His Charisma seems to go up a bit over time; from around 12 in Tower of the Elephant to 14 in Queen of the Black Coast to 16 in Dragon on the Sword. He's never an 18 CHA, which would be more a Joan of Arc (or movie Thulsa Doom) type who can inspire fanatical devotion from nowhere. Conan generally has to attract followers by first putting in the effort to demonstrate competence and effective leadership.


Expert Long Rester
Read "The Tower of the Elephant". He doesn't pick locks as I recall, but he is pretty good at skulking and second-story work. His plan is to get into the tower from the top and get out again without detection. (Naturally, things don't go according to plan.)

With my build posted earlier, Mariner Fighting Style gets you a Climb speed, Proficiency in Stealth, 14+ Dex, plus half a Superiority dice roll would make him pretty dang stealthy.

So while that kind of thing can be achieved with rogue levels, I think it can be achieved other ways too, without getting the baggage of Thieves' Tools proficiency which Conan never uses, and sneak attack dice, which don't apply to the kind of weapons he favors.


With my build posted earlier, Mariner Fighting Style gets you a Climb speed, Proficiency in Stealth, 14+ Dex, plus half a Superiority dice roll would make him pretty dang stealthy.

So while that kind of thing can be achieved with rogue levels, I think it can be achieved other ways too, without getting the baggage of Thieves' Tools proficiency which Conan never uses, and sneak attack dice, which don't apply to the kind of weapons he favors.

I think the beauty of 5e is that there are multiple ways to achieve similar goals. Tika Waylan was a dual classed fighter thief in 1e but in 5e, she can be a fighter with a suitable background. I like both versions of Conan but (playtest only notwithstanding) I think I'd go for the Barbarian /Fighter (Scout) version because sneak attack is wasted on Conan's heavy weapons.

I would probably use the standard human array to build him at level 14 (same level as the 1e module) and then tweak his stats to end up at Str 20 and Con 16 as necessary.

The thread has inspired me to look again at the movie characters. I remember considering that Akiro the Wizard is almost certainly not a wizard. Since he casts Raise Dead in the first movie he has to be a level 10 Cleric or Bard. I'd probably go Level 10 Lore Bard with Ritual Caster for Cleric spells. It's a fun exercise.

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