My Paladin killed a.. 2nd thread (The Verdict is IN - p4)

Are we going to get to this tonight (EST)? I want to get to bed by 2:00AM...

/totally OOC; my paladin went a week without rest/sustenance for attonement =/

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Torm said:
Okay. I've read all of the other thread this one is based on, and there seems to be a wide variety of opinions - entirely too much information, it seems to me, for what that thread was started for. What he and his DM seemed to be looking for was a trial, of sorts, so I propose we give it to them:

First, go read the initial post in the other thread. Think it over well. Then come back in here in the character of one of your Paladin characters. State your character's name, alignment, and God of allegiance.

The first twelve LG Paladins (I am aware of variant rules and others who call themselves that - only LGs, please.) that come in and sign in will act as a jury. I will be #1:

Sandelphon, Paladin of Torm the True, LG

Herremann Mallaefor, Paladin of Fiarle (An obscure but righteous God whose portfolio includes justice, valour, war, honour, bravery) LG.

I humbly submit myself to this worthy panel.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Kantos, lawful good servant of Wee Jas, at your service.

(and let me tell you, it's EVER so funny to see the look on other players' faces when their trusted paladin friend REBUKES the zombies)



It is with sad tidings that I have made this journey from the Seventh Realms to make sage counsel regarding the actions in question.

I Gomez de Kollego, Sentinel of Timandra do hereby swear to honor all of my esteemed colleagues with an impartial judgement. I have been a paladin of the Faith (paladin LG 12th) of Timandra and hold the rank of Sentinel.

So Sayeth the Bone Daddy!

Those signed in so far: Barconius, Edmund Edwinson, Gomez de Kollego, Herremann Mallaefor, Kantos, Loric Vilesilencer, Sandelphon, Titian Kerrick, Valentine, & Valna.

Room for two more, everyone. Still waiting on a sign in from Hypersmurf, but he'd better hurry or it looks like it will be gone.

Those who have been confirmed to the list may go ahead and state Guilty or Innocent to the charge of Conduct Unbecoming a Paladin.


I will take this back up at approx 10 AM EST, and I hope for a verdict (and sentencing, if necessary) to be reached by tommorrow night. Thanks.

P.S. Even if you are planning on voting Innocent, DO be thinking about what penalty you might want to suggest should it go to that phase.... G'night.

Sir Abraxas of Mishtan, Inquisitor of Osiris. (Paladin, 13th, LG)

I humbly submit myself to bring the impartiality of Osiris to the panel.



The man acted with valour and righteousness. The evil scumbag was caught in the middle of an evil act. I wouldn't care if the girl were his slave and he had the legal right to rape her, the Paladin acted Justly.

If, for whatever reason, a guilty verdict is rendered, I move that he be censured and forced to serve penance by aiding the penitent in their road to Righteousness. He should be forced to serve as guard to one who has renounced his evil ways and is on a quest of atonement. This would allow the Paladin in question to observe and aid one who is seeking to reject Darkness and turn to the Light.

I look forward to everyone's response.

Torm said:
Those who have been confirmed to the list may go ahead and state Guilty or Innocent to the charge of Conduct Unbecoming a Paladin.

Guilty, however understandably so. He did not need to kill, and did so without considering his actions beyond their immediate consequences. As it was his choice to cut down a man who may have had accomplices, what those accomplices do next is on the paladin's head.

Most Powerful Lord Trom,

I submit that the paladin in question is, in fact, guilty of not living up to the standard required of him, for the reasons which I briefly discussed earlier.

A paladin is a warrior, true--the strong arm of righteousness. But in our essence, we are protectors. We stand in front of the Light and protect it from the Darkness. We do not "walk the line"--we are the line. The paladin in question acted as a warrior first and a protector second.

Titian Kerrick, paladin, son of Lord Thaddeus Kerrick

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