D&D General Matt Colville on adventure length

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Another thought: they could do both. Maybe if print cost is an issue, you could do the hardback APs in print and the shorter modules could be DnD Beyond and DMs Guild (print on demand) only.
We are on the same page, but missing something I just realized. The individual are digital only. Need something to sale in stores as a physical product. Like Dungeon Magazine. Buy it for a bunch of little ones like that Shonen magazine for all the anime comics.

Then the $20 softcover gives a few adventure choices, and can be dismantled, unlike a hardcover.

So you have 3 ways:
Single digital
Mixed physical (can also sold as digital)
Grouped compulation (can also sold as digital)



We are on the same page, but missing something I just realized. The individual are digital only. Need something to sale in stores as a physical product. Like Dungeon Magazine. Buy it for a bunch of little ones like that Shonen magazine for all the anime comics.

Then the $20 softcover gives a few adventure choices, and can be dismantled, unlike a hardcover.

So you have 3 ways:
Single digital
Mixed physical (can also sold as digital)
Grouped compulation (can also sold as digital)

I would actually include one more: full on AP. It is not a grouped compilation, but a stand alone multi-level campaign.


I would actually include one more: full on AP. It is not a grouped compilation, but a stand alone multi-level campaign.
I am confused how it differs, but interested in details...

Unless the AP is written last, and merges all little ones with corrections and other errata?


I am confused how it differs, but interested in details...

Unless the AP is written last, and merges all little ones with corrections and other errata?
No the AP would have not module option, it is just a traditional AP. So:

  1. Modules (digital only)
  2. Grouped Modules (digital and print): modules could be unrelated even
  3. Compilation of modules into one campaign book (digital and print)
  4. AP: campaign length adventure with no modules (digital and print)


It's not the same as getting a single 32 page book that interests you. You're still buying a 200+ page book that you likely won't finish.
I think that it's more than that. Take this example from rhime. Kelven's kairn should be a dirt simple adventure that is practically a five room dungeon with only one path through it.

The hook is about a page spread across pg87 & pg 88split by a map of the city you will be leaving. Then on pg 89 there's an entire page for the journey to & climb of the mountain, but that climb is a literal mountain shaped hallway with two or three items on the single route that you could take. From there the climb continues for about 3/4 of pg 90 for three more items in the hallway climb. That last 1/4 of pg90. On pg91 you have a half page picture & three rooms in the cave part of the hallway where the players have their first & only route choice with the option of going left or right around the loop. Pg92 is another half page image and the fifth room in the trek .

It's literally a dirt five page 5 room dungeon on rails & it balloons out so much because a lot of it is written for someone reading the adventure as a story where drips & drabs of info work ok rather than being written for the GM who needed something more concise. Expand that out to a ~192 page adventure and even basic questions become a significant mid session hurdle


No the AP would have not module option, it is just a traditional AP. So:

  1. Modules (digital only)
  2. Grouped Modules (digital and print): modules could be unrelated even
  3. Compilation of modules into one campaign book (digital and print)
  4. AP: campaign length adventure with no modules (digital and print)
I am still confused how 3 and 4 are different. :(

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