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Marvel could publish DC.


Marvel Rumored to Take Over DC Comics

There’s a Rumor that Marvel is Taking Over DC Comics



Of course I doubt AT&T to sell Superman & cia when they are a very brand, even one of the main icones of the American culture. But something is happening. We, the Spanish people loves sayings and one is "to troubled river, fisherman's profit". This could be a great opportunity for Marvel/Disney, not to get the rights, but at least some licence agremeent, something like Hasbro with Disney, or IDW comics with Hasbro. Marvel could be allowed to publish their own version of DC superheroes or even theses as "guest artists" in the cinematic marvel universe.

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A suffusion of yellow
Disney is getting to the point of owning all our childhood anyway, so a permanent Marvel DC crossover event was kinda inevitable , especailly with WB botching the DC Movie Universe

btw does Disney own Capcom?

Disney could buy some videogame studio, but my opinion is they would rather licencing with different companies. There is a Marvel vs Capcom, but also Kingdom Hearts saga by Square Enix.

I wonder about some new lincecing agreement between Hasbro and Capcom, but that is other matter.

In the past DC and Marvel could be together.


I am afair now it is a good age for superheroe franchises and for comics, but not for superheroes comics.

Other matter is a thorn for the superheroes too invulnerable and these aren't so easy to be adapted into videogames. I don't refer to Batman or Spiderman, but those "bulletproof skinned" superheroes, as Superman.

My suggestion to test the reaction by the public is a Lego: Mavel vs DC videogame, and some toys (by Hasbro?). And a horror crossovers about black laterns vs marvel zombies. Those can feel their rage and their hunger as variant of greed, but they don't tear out the hearts... but the brains to "gather".

The public, the fandom, has changed, but this doesn't mean the end of the superheroe franchises. The teleseries with DC superheroes still can work. Thanks theses Green Arrow, Flash or Batwoman may be known by no-American + no-Fandom.

Maybe we can agree "bulletproof" superheroes aren't very popular now because they are too perfect, and boring like the Mary Sue characters. Where is the challenge? If you know Superman is going to save the day only with the superpowers then the story is boring. Supergirl not only is on air yet but also Superman & Lois is going to be its spin-off.

The videogames "Injustice" teach us DC Universe can be used to create really good stories in the right writter's hands.

And the superheroes are a great potential gold mine among the roleplayers because a great section of the fandom would like to play stories with characters created by them.


Time Warner May Sell Warner Bros & DC if AT&T Merger Fails


Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I think the time for superhero movies is over and DC missed the boat. Maybe in another 20 years. Time for something new.

You know that the last Avengers movie is the highest grossing movie of all time? And it came out last year?

More on topic, I'm hoping this is untrue. The consolidation of film and media under Disney is deeply troubling, especially if you look at how Disney has been scrubbing anything remotely controversial from its newest releases.


You know that the last Avengers movie is the highest grossing movie of all time? And it came out last year?

More on topic, I'm hoping this is untrue. The consolidation of film and media under Disney is deeply troubling, especially if you look at how Disney has been scrubbing anything remotely controversial from its newest releases.
Yes I am aware of that. Loved the movies. I think they have peaked.

Maybe a licencing for the paper printed editions to other publisher, for example IDW comics or Dynamite Enternaiment. Any future crossover? They should agreee about profits with merchandicing, like toys or videogames, or a cartoon adaptation.

Or if the future are the streaming service media... why not interactive comics to be readen on screen?


Maybe a licencing for the paper printed editions to other publisher, for example IDW comics or Dynamite Enternaiment. Any future crossover? They should agreee about profits with merchandicing, like toys or videogames, or a cartoon adaptation.

Or if the future are the streaming service media... why not interactive comics to be readen on screen?

There wouldn't be any discussion about merchandising or cartoons. Much like the movies, that's entirely separate world they aren't giving up.

Yes I am aware of that. Loved the movies. I think they have peaked.

I get that, but that a different matter from them missing the boat if they each keep making a billion dollars each.

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