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D&D 2E Map of the AD&D 2e Cosmology

Well met!

A while ago I created this map of the AD&D 2e multiverse that attempts to combine both the stuff from Planescape and Spelljammer into the same picture. It's a relationship diagram rather than physical map, intended more to show how everything connects than where exactly everything is.

I thought of sharing it in case someone else could find it of use.

You can find the full-sized version by clicking on the image.

Map of the Multiverse.jpg

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Nice work.
The one thing that confused me initially was the worlds within each space being separated from the space itself; ie the Greyspace sphere ought to contain the worlds within Greyspace. That would better indicate the relationships.

Nice work.
The one thing that confused me initially was the worlds within each space being separated from the space itself; ie the Greyspace sphere ought to contain the worlds within Greyspace. That would better indicate the relationships.


Yes, I agree with you. I was planning on a second version (mostly since I want to also include the Demiplanes inside the Ethereal), and that's one of the things currently bothering me. I opted for the "orbiting" style due to space constrains, but maybe painting underneath the worlds would make it easier to tell which one belongs to which sphere.

This would help many players.

Thank you.


Yes, I agree with you. I was planning on a second version (mostly since I want to also include the Demiplanes inside the Ethereal), and that's one of the things currently bothering me. I opted for the "orbiting" style due to space constrains, but maybe painting underneath the worlds would make it easier to tell which one belongs to which sphere.

In most cases it seems like a big sphere wouldn't take up any more room than the current orbiting style, since the individual planets would be inside the larger sphere. If you made the crystal sphere shell a little larger, though, you might be able to place the planets in order. ;)

Still looks great, though!


Chaotic Looseleaf
This is really cool, Cristian. Great job.

Am I just not seeing it, or are you missing Ortho, homeworld of the Harmonium?

This map made me realize how many official worlds I know nothing about.

Ohh, yes. One of the things that I love the most about Planescape/Spelljammer is the huge amount of stuff hinted at but never fully explained. There's just so much stuff to explore out there!

This is really cool, Cristian. Great job.

Am I just not seeing it, or are you missing Ortho, homeworld of the Harmonium?

Thanks, man. Much appreciated.

And yes! After I finished the map, I realised I got so focused on listing all the Prime Worlds from Spelljammer that I forgot to add those from Planescape, such as Orthos or Terras (the one from where the Bonecloud came). I also forgot the Demiplanes.

Working on a v2.0 to fix those and other problems. Thanks for pointing that out, I had forgotten about the Hardheads' home turf.


Voice Over Artist & Author
This is awesome. I'm already thinking of places to slot in Calidar (Bruce Heard's spiritual successor to Mystara/Voyages of the Princess Ark) and Midgard (from Kobold Press).

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